The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, June 03, 1875, Image 3

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fltfos aa& -fanner. ■ nLOQ-ATIT JUNE 3. 1875. CHURCH DIRECTORY, Rev. A L. Pattetßoit, the Bap itist Church in this place on the first Sabbath In each month. Rev. E- J. Burch will preach in the Methodist Church on the second Sabbath of itch .month. Rev. Raul C- Morton (Presbyterian) will preach in the Methodist Church on the third Sabbath of each month. Kev. E. J. Faunal will preach in the Baptist Church in this place, on the fourth Sab ib&ai ot each month. LAWS RELATING TO NEWSPAPER Subscriptions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who do Hot give express no tlce lo the contrary, are considered wishing to continue their subscription, r 2. Ii subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. U. If .subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they Sh» directed, they are held responsible until they have settled their bills, and o rife red them -discontinued. \ move to other places with •i and the papers tonuer director they are held responsible. , t>. The Courts have declared that “refusing to take periodicals from the office, or removing an-1 leaving them uncalled for, is pripia facia evidence of intend 1141 fraud.” 0. Auy person who receives a mwspaper and makes use of it whether he has ordered it or not, is held in rtobe a subscriber. * 7, Ii subscribers ~ay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, it they du not wish to con tinue taking it; otherwise the publisher is au l thorized to send it on, and the subscribers will be responsible until an express no ice, with ' payment of all arrears, is sent to the publisher. The American Sardine Co’s Boueless Sar dines are much belter, and less then half the post ofimported Sardines. Attention. Riflemen, You are hereby requested to be and app. ar at your Drill Ground on Friday the 4th day of June, armed and equiped for drill and Inspection. By order ol J. H. PoLiiti.t, Captain. Jordan Lyons, Ordl'y Sg'l, The Clerk of the Superior Court Can be seen during business hour-? in the -old “lintel” building, fi st floor, or if oliically engaged, in Lis office in the Couit House, first door HP stairs. Change of Sciieilu'c. A change of the schedule on the Centra! Railroad took place on the Ist hist. Trains now arrive at Bar tow as fo'l »«s : Day train from Macon at 10:35. From Savannah ami Augusta at 3:44 p. m. Night train from Macon at 1:07. From > S .vatu, ah 2:31, Law Card. E? pedal attention is directed to , the Law Car l of Thou. S. Boihw. |i, ,in this i-sue. lie was, admit ted to tlie bar in Augu-ta. some ivvo |years ago and his be-n practicing Law in the city ever sine”. Having moved 10 our county, we trust fi nny receive a libe al share of the legal patronage of the County. Bad L ck. Mr, John VV. Chaney, the propri (fetor of the Lo<ijsville Livery Staid-, ttem over to Augusta lasi week and "ught a buggy and pair of fin horses on Friday. He dtove the 11 home on Saturday, got into Louis ville about two oh lock that evening and ihe best horse of the two died about dark ihai night. This is what \ve call real first class bad luck. Telegraph Office at Bartow. • We are pleased to learn I hat s >me of the enterpUing citizens of Bar tow, No. 11, C. R. R., hive at la?t in getting ihe proper au thorities to establish a Telegiaph of fice at that place. This is so nettling that has long been needed in ihe couniy a-nd we trust it way receive patronage enough 10 sustain and - keep it permanently located here. * It will be a great help to our cotton and wool buyers. The office in in It the store of Messrs. Warren, Evans & Cos., and messiges are sent ai regular rales. Many Thanks. Mr. G. H. Harrell has placed us under many obligations to himse f by presenting us with a basket of fine vegetables. The onions espe cially were the finest we have seen this season, and tiiey were perfectly delicious. If there is any particu lar weak point about an editor, ii is his appetite, and if any of our reads ers should ever wish to get the ups per hand of us, just let ttiern do as f’ftlr. H- has done and the thing is ac complished. A hint to the wise is sufficient. * No Snakes tHis Week! There is such dirth of news and nature presents so few aura'.tiuns to lure the vipers from their burrows ings. Otur friends are on the “qui ’ vive,” and lor the benefit of some of onr exchanges we can sifely prom • ise them, a s ory in a few days. Why don’t you wnte your own stories f Equally legitimate as nov-l writing; much e.isit-r; and wiih equal s ope lo the conceptions of geniuses. By way of satisfying the demands ot the marvelous to a cer tain.extent, we will respectfully state that we saw a “Scoripinj” last week. AN AWFUL TRALEDT. An liuans Woman Kills berllusband with an Axe. Yc.-terday morning Messrs. John liusscll ad T F. Hate her brought Mrs, Mary J. Whitaker under ars r> st to Lou'Sv ID, to be lodged in jail for safe keeping, und< r a charge of killing her husband. The pir.ii culars ol which, as near as we could get them, are as follows : Ou Tuesday morning list, be tween midnight and day Mrs Ward, who is living in the yard of Mr. Joshua P. Whitaker, and is tlie mother of his wife, heard a noise as if some on'e was beating another and heard so ne one groaning, a? she thought, but the noise soon stopped and she could h-ar nothing, but she soon saw Mrs. Miry J? Whittaker puss by the house s >me three or four time?, and loaring that some* thing se-ious had happened she got up and went out 10 s-e what v»as the matter, but Mrs. Whitaker had go 1 out of sight and she could not see or hear anything Not feeling satisfied to stop heie, she wok up some ot the hands on the place 10 go with her into Mr, .Whitaker’s house to s-e what was the mutter. When tney op n-d ih • door tney could see f om the light in their hands, Mr. W. I>ing 00 his b-d and Ins la. e and hea l was v-ry blood?. Tins sight ol curse flightened them and they Would not go into the house, but s-m aft-r Mr. Hitcher, » bo lives a short distance away. He got there in a tew nurute-> and went into ihe house and foun t Mr, Joshua P. Wbnaker lying on the tied, dead. He had be-n siruek on the 1 ead six times wiih an" axe, breaking the skull ev-ry lick. Os course this was an awful sight 10 look upon. The near est neighbors were s nt i-r imme diately and an iuves'iga ion of the terrible affair be-an to take place; Mrs. W, had made her escape, car rying with her, her three children, ihe oldest ot which \va3 only six years old See was found about i.i .e -r ten o’clock ilia' day and carried b lore Justice Russell and commit' ted lo jail for luri her hearing. Mr. R al.-o field a co-oner’s inq i- s' ov< r ihe body of ih-deceased, and the verdict of tie jury was that lie c 11:1c to his dea h by blows infl cted with an axe or other sharp instrument in the hands of some unknown person. The evidence is not positive tfia Mrs W. commuted the at, but from all the circumstances no.mec ed with the aw ful alllnr, she is undo .b' edly the gui’ty party. She has beeif pretty badly if ranged lor some t me aiui Mr. W. vv .s war e.i to watch her, bat he paid he was not af.aid of her. She will not speak to any one, on any su ject since she arrived in town. Mr. W. was a peac-r ble and hard working arizen, and his umime ly death will b- regieited by mam. He live l ii the upper part of the county about twenty miles from Luii-ville. Mrs. Whit ak-r is now cuifi e ! in j iil and will have to re' main there until ihe November tern ol the Superior Court, unless there is a called term of the Conn f>r her especial case, and we trust that Judge Johnson w ill m ike this call, for ii is a great pity that she shoe and have id remain nere i ■ jail so long. Fros. Bond, the Walker. Y serdav morning, according to appointment. Prof. Bond drove into town and had his wire stretched over the tops ol two of the s ores and between three and four o’clock p. m. he aseend-d to the top of one pf ihe stores and proceeded to show to the crowd, who had assem bled to witness his Fat?, what lie knew about wireswalking. He did everything that he advertised ; walking forward and backward, balancing on one fool, sitting down, lying down, hanging by one 1-g, hanging by ihe toes, gymnastic per formance. walking withboihf-e in a bag, then with his head in the bag. The perfoimanee closed wi h the imitation of an old lady drunk, and br mghi down the house, <>r we should sav th- Professor Right in the midst cf the performance he left the wire, comedown <m ihe ground and took up a collection which neit ed him $30.29. He thanked the citizens for their kind liberality and said that Louisville contained more liberal hearted citizens according to her population than any lit le to wn he had visited since he had been in the Siaie. His fea's were all good and the cowd that saw him were all well pleased anil seemed satisfied that they had got their money’s worth. In Memoriam. The subject .of ibis nbiiu&ry met death by a severe blow from a \ oimg m,m in B-thaoy on Saturday la t What sh .1! we say of a life so sb ri save he was never known to speak ill of xny one or to take part in anv feud or quarrel In.early youth he exhibited strong musical talent, giv ing many tree concerts, but whenever he did present the bill it was very small. • in our qui-t reading? ami soft musing? we will hear his voice no more. But he leaves a large family and his loss will be our gain. One who has felt thine ardent pres sure ou hand and cheek says, bet the body of Amos Keeler rest in peace, J. F. T. Spaiiinj Bte. We »unilerstand that the lit le Cold Water Templars have sent the Good Templars a challenge lo* a spelling-ma ch. The challenge has been accepted and as soon as the time can be decided upon, the pub lic will be informed. We wi I beta whole bo t e of s>da water that the 1 ttle cold waters come out vieto rious, trass Band Concert. We understand that th; Louis ville Dramatic Club and Brass B md have formed a co-partnership and in tend giving an entertainment next Thursday night, June 10th, when the B'ass Band, under the leader ship of Professor Ileit, of Augusta, wnj astonish the audience by their performances. We hope they will have a irowile I house- See adver tisement. Cotton Makret. During the past week we have noticed very little cotton coming to market, There is a' good demand for all that is offered. The follow ing is the latest Savannah quota tions : Good Mailings... 15f Middling ... ..............15.1 Low Midd1ing............. 14j- Good Ordinary ....... .....144 Ordinary ...... 13 The Louisville market is one cent below the Sa?aunah quotations. BliltVtt rKI L . itiuiLVT. Flints, standard prands B@lo 3 brown bnjrtings 7 r a) 8 I “ “ «9®U Flour, Family per bbl 7 60@8 UO “ Extra Family. 8 00(t$8 50 “ Fancy, best made 9 Uo(a}9 50 Shot per lb \i r d l'-l Coffee, Rio per lb Salt, Liverpool, per sack 1 si i'u) Bacon, Shoulders, per lb lU.s'S>lli * Sides 14 'id 14A Canvassed Hams 16i| f d> 17 Bulk Sides 11.{4&12£ *• Shoulders, pj&lO Sugar (all grades) 10 Uv 14 Yarn, B .uch 1 .40(h) 1 50 Iron lies (whole ties 1 (>£ (s7£ Bagging (rxtra heavy; pel* yd... 14.J'«'L> Nails p«*r keg $4 50@7 Potash ['<£ l balls to case] ‘J \jQQjj,".i 50 Sweeds iron..- Wo >1 35;] (aj, :J ' Cotton will always be bought uud casii paid for it Prices will be in one cent of Savannah quotations. WAIiJtSN, EVANS & CO. er 29 I—4B7mi OLD LONDON BOOK GI7. Especially designed for the use of tl h*Medical I I ofe.xxion at»d ihe Family t possessing those tt/t. insic medical properties which belong to nn Old and (Jin. liidispens thle to females. Good for KHney Complaints.' A delicious Tonic. Put up in cases containing one dozen bottles each, and sold by all druggists, grocers, &c. A. M. l»in inger <Sr. Cos., established No. 15 8.-aver St N V jane 1 *7l a.(Sin / EO \IG I'A~TEFFEIiSOX"coU‘N f I'.' - ~ \ J Wncreas T. A. Mcllride adininisirator on the estate of Ksbt. B. Mcßride, has applied for leave to sell a portion of the land. These are therefore to cite, and admonish, nil persons concerned in said administration, to he and appear at. my office within the timepre by law, to file their objections, If any they have, why said leave should not bo grant ed iN. DIEHL, Only. May G. 1875- td. / and EO KG l A J E F PERSON COUNTY \JT Whereas, Lindsey C. Warren admini-trator on the estate of Mrs Susan bobbins deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said ad ministration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my office within the time pre>crib»d by law to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should uoi. he granted. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ord. May 6, 1875. Louisville Drug Store. E. H. W. HUNTER, M. D. Druggist & Apothecary. Suaoessor to HUNTER & CO. Keeps oulimid a lull and well assorted slock •f DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, paints, oils, varnishes, DTE STUFFS, PERFUM ERY, soaps, combs. BRUSHES, TOIL ET ARTICLES, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GARDEN SEED ol all kinds; FINE CIGARS and CHEWING TOBACCO WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY &c. Which he otters to sell FOR CASH, us che,.’ as they can be bought, at retail, in any town in the Stale. Dukes Magic Liniment and Dr. Wm. Hauser's Diarrhoea and Dysen tery Cordial, Always on hand, and for sale. Also Dr. Morris’ syrup Tar, Wild Gierry and H trehound, X now and valnable remedy in Coughs and effetions of the Langs generally Aug. JB7Z. p iOKGIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY \JT Whereas, James Atwell and John J. Pol* hill Administrator’s on the Estate of Keuheu Atwell dee’d have made application for leave to sell the Real Estate of said deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my of« fiee on or before the tmt Monday in Ju'y next, to show cause if any they can why said leave should not be granted. N. DEIIIL, Ord’y. May si7th, 1875.—40d» pEORGIA JEFFERSON COUNTY. vT Whereas, David J. Thompson, administrn* tor has applied for letters of dmmission. from the estate of Diana Thompson, dec’d These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to hie their objections, if any they can, on or before the Ist Monday in July next why said letters should not be gt anted. NICHOLAS DIEIIL April Ist, 1875. O r( Fy Georgia jeffekson couni y. ’ Whereas T H Powell has appliedtor letters of dtsmi-nsiori from the Guardianship of James D. and Lewis Cornell, minor heirs of Jane Cornell, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to I e and appear at my oflke on the first Monday in Juno uext, to show o&use if any they can why said, letters should not bo granted. April f, 18.5 N- DEI HL, Ord’y. Tax Receiver’s JSTotice^ I will be at the follo-ving p] ices at the timi specified to receive Ibe State Htid County l’ax for Jetfersou County. Parties will please come up promptly and make tlieir Upturns, as ilie books will positively c’os-; I He Ist of J uly, an-l no returns received after that date. Owners of Wild Land will return the s-ame to me Win. H. FAY, 7. R. J. C. SECOND BOUND. Bartow, Thursday, May <sih. Bediogfield’s W. A. Friday, 7th. Bethany, Siturdav, . l< b;fi. Louisville, Court Week. Stellaville, Monday, 17ih. Pope Hill, Tuesday, lS:li, Sia()le;on’s Store, Wednesday, “ 19ih. Stapleton’s Academy Thursday, 20tli, Hudson’s Store, Friday, 21st. WM. II FAY. New Firm, New Shop, GOOD WORK AY LOW PRICES* | THE undersigned having associated themselves together for the purpose of carrying on a j general WOOD WORK & BLACKSMITHING Business, infbrm the public that our Shoos are now complete, and we are prepared to and.» all work entrusted to us in a neat ami substantial manner. Having over twenty years ex perience in some of the largest carriage establinlimetits in the Eolith, we feci authorized in saying that lor NEATNESS and DURABILITY our work will defy competition North or South, and at ZLiOWEIEb PRICES Than the same class of work can be put up by any man who hires bis labor. RBPAIBIUQ Os all kind? done with neatness and dispatch. ©M> FU ItS ITU HE Overhauled, repaired and made to look like new, is a speciality with us. We invite the citizens of Jefferson and adjoining counties to give us a trial and le con* vinet-d that- we mean what we say’.* ROBERTS & MCKENZIE. BEY &OOBS TRADE, FWit THE SPRING AMD SUMMER OF 1 §75, at 'run FrcdcricksSiurg Store ! Ji32*(>a<d (Corner by Planter’s Hold) AUGUsT!. Gd* E now have in store one ol the HANDSOMEST S LOCKS of Spring and Summer Dry U Goods vve have ever had the pleasure of showing our customers. Our Goods were ail BOUGfHT IPOtt CASK, Consequently we were enabled to get all the advantages to be obtained in LOW PRICES and this enables us to sell »ur goods at MUCH LESo than those who buy ou credit. Our I stock consists of UYURY L’JHNU USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE. And we cordially invite every one who may visit Augusta to call in and examine the elegan t goo Is we keep, and loam the low prices at which we sell them ; and lo those win cannot, visit us. and who would like to have an insight into our stock, if they will let us know, we will send them SMH?iLE§ ©F AMY QQOm WI OUT. Also, a PRICE LIST of all the leading articlos wo keep. This will be of great advantage to them, even if they should nolsemi us an order, as it will post them as to wh-it an tin styles and prices ; but if they see Jit to sond us ail order for goods in oar retail department, to e amount of Ten Dollars or over, we sill pay the Express freight to their nearest Express lice. This wid enable them to get the goods as low as if they were to pay us a visi.; and e are glad to say. that ibis plan, which we adopted some years ugo has proved of great a I v an ■ tago to many who live far away from a market, where they can have a good assortment to se lect from. GIVE US A TRIAL. Address, V. RICH ARKS & BRO., AUGUST A OA. April 22nd—ts. CLOSE CASH- BUYERS. BARGAINS IN Ft! P WWW fl IU aim. aM m, m, U Jim J&y AT "W- as H3„ TAYLORS CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. M A € O T V, GEO ii g I A THE OLD AND RELIABLE BOOT ami SHOE HOUSE AT AUGUSTA* GA. Heavy Stock Just Received. rpilE BF.ST being the Cheapest, l have the Cheapest Goods iu the market* They wer X turned out by the best Alatnifac.-rcrs iu the couutiy— have b«en purchased f*rr lit.Me money and. will be sold by Retail at tq&m WHOLESALE BUYERS will find it to tlieir advantage by giving me their Orders, I guarantee to sell the BEST ANI> CHEAPEST HOODS That can be put on the Market in this or any other State. I also keop in connection with the above named goods, Trunks, Valises, Ladies Satchles, and Umbrell_s My Motto is- One Price Oaly, Quick Sales and Small Profits. Don’t forget the name. PETER KEENAN, Nov ,o 30, Central Hotel RuilfKiig;, Oliver, Douglass & Cos.» 42 VrHIIPcID STREET MACON, GEORGIA., and ISctail HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOrSE-Fl UN ISIIING GOODS. ■V — Agents for Bucks BRILLIANT STOVES PO3KET AND TABLE CU'k'i'RY, AXES AND NAILS, WOOD and Wlj : • O' - WARE, GRATES, Ac-, I’eb. 25, 1875. 11 n m THE FARMERS I lilEAl, ! soijonynoisr’s (e» 111 mirimi! THE GREAT CHEMICAL FERTILIZER! inis Proven Itself llie Best anil Cheapest. M. J. 801 -OMO.VS, 1.6 IUI STREET, SAVASSAII, liA. Diss Iwd Bono, Land Planter, ami all FYiMlizing Cltem teals lutuLhed at lo.v rates and on good terms. F. A. SINCiVEFIELD, [:n 1 .4 4w AGEN TAT I.ofJISVILL, ( V. EQUaIa-JO aNY IHI M Est $E ATT U ACT *0 ft! GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHING GEMT’S GOODE. GO TO DOER 222 B):oad Street, Augusta, Ga., Mi« win a mmmn AUG UST DO H K, t Tail>r, Wa»3esale aaj Retail ILiLr ii GitjtP Fi/nkh log Goods.; 001 •«. 3'-« 2*2 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. ~S3 G O T O’ —• . THOMAS WOOD’S NEXT TO “ LANIER HOUSE,” MACOIT, &■ JL To Buy Furniture and Carpets Cheap. NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED: MDSTEBS, BBMCOV AND PiRLOS SFTJ CHAINS, TABLES, WASHSTMB S CARPETS Aftl> OIL, CLOTHS; WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, &C. GAL I. AIV I> L, O O ii; WOODCOFFINS, CASES & CASKETS 01 all kinds a..d at any piuo: sept? 3m GOOD NEWS IF 1 O IR. FAR ISA: El Ii S THE UNDERSIGNED fS AGAtN MANUFACTURING HETWOOD r S COMPOUND AT MI HVILL E, 9 1-2, C . R . R . • a* ■ • • elan ct BY ACTUAL EXPERIMENT it lias proven Itself equal, if not superior, ,0 Peruvian Guatio, or any of tlie liigli pried Fertilisers- Scn4 foV circular. Price S2O per Ton, Fash. F. A. JOXE-\ Mmuhetver. ROBERTS &■ BOYD, Agents at Louisvi !e. ' ftbio 2r» AND AT ONF,-THIRD ' P KK UOST, sept? 3in