The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, September 09, 1865, Image 4

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T H E N E \V N A N HERALD. LICENSE LAW. For each of the following occupation* yptcher.-.— If Kales arc-exclusively from cart or wagon, Peddler License not required additional. Fish and shell-fish, a dd from hand cart or Wheelbarrow ex- clu-ivo’v, exempt. t'andle Makers.—See General Busi- S 5 i a License must he procured. Neglect involves the penalty of the co^t of the License, and imprisonment lor two year*, or $500 fine, or both, (one-half to the informer.) One person, or firm, engaged in two or ness, more occupations, must obtain a License (‘admen and Wagoners—Fee Gen- for each ; but Apothecaries, l onfcction- : cral l!uiinf-,-i. era, Tobacconists, Eating-houses, and Be- Circuses.—Good for a single State tail Dealfftr. whose gross tales do not ex- on ]y. cecd $1,000 per annum, are exempt —i c; v j| Engineer*, And Manufacturers, Producers, and \ int- (j,, a l Oil Distillers, whether of crude ners, taxed as such, and selling their pro- , or rt .f, no ,l duct ions where made, do not squire j Con(ractors ._ See 1]ail( ] er9 . additional License as Dealers. I Carpenters.—Sec General Business. Any number of persons may carry on Conveyances, business in (^partnership under one Li cense, at the place specified therein, except Lawyers, Conveyancers, Claim Agents, Latent Agents, Physicians, Sur geons, Dentists, Cattle Brokers, Horse Dealers, and Peddlers, who must take out individual Licenses. In cities or towns of less than G,000 population, by the last census, one License j Coopcr? ._ Scc ( ; cncral Business, may embrace the bus,ness ot Land \\ ar- j Droyers> bujing and filing Cattle, rant Broker, Claim Agent, and Real Ks- g IlCCp> or Uo „ Bf as a business, late Agent, by paying the highest fee irc CattIc I{roker - 9 License, charged for either. , » Dentists, All Licenses are to expire on the 1st Dic Sinkers.—Sec General Business, day of May, in each year. A Licensed party may remove to other premises, by obtaining the proper indorse ment on hia License. A License can also be assigned to a .successor in trade. One party doing business in several places must have a License lor each. 100 10 50 10 Claim Agent (including Conveyan ces) Concert Halls, Halls rented or used occasion ally for Concerts or Theatres, not included. Confectioners, if g.*oss annual sales exceed $1,T)00, 10 100 LICENSES. Agents—Claim Agents, (p<$mits Conveyancing.) Insurance Agents, Patent Agents, Real Estate Agent, Agents of Insurance Companies of Foreign Nation, Apothecaries, (permitting prescrip tion and the sale of alcohol,) Architects, (not applied to actual carpenters,) Auctioneers, if annual sales arc $10,000 or less, Over $10,000, License is not required by judi cial or executive ofiicers, ma king auction sales by virtue of any judgment or decree of court, nor for public sales made by Executors or Administrators. Assayers of Gold and Silver, or eith er, of $250,000 or less, per an num, Over $250,000 and irot over $500,300, Over $600,000 per annum, Bakers.—See General Business. Bankers, using a capital of $50,000 or less, For each additional $1,000 of capital, * Bankers arc not required to take License as Brokers. Savings Banks/having no Capital Stock, not subject to License. Billiard-rooms.—Public, each table, Private Billiards,each Table tax, Brewers of less than 500 bbls. per annum, Of 500 bbls. or more, But, lor sales of less than threo gallons, a Retail Liquor Dealer’s License additional is required. Bowling Alleys.—Each Alley, Brokers in Stocks, Money, Bullion, Exchange, Notes or other Secu rities, [Includes privileges of Produce Broker.] One holding a Banker’s License may act as Broker also. Insurance Broker, $10 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 20 Jf)0 200 500 100 10 10 50 10 50 20 Commercial or Shipping Broker, 20 Land-warrant Broker, Cattle Broker (includes Cattle, Sheep and llogs.) Sales $10,000 or less pr annum, Sales, each additional $1,000, [A separate License is required by a Horse Dealer.] Produce Broker (Agricultural and Farm Products,) annual sales not over $10,000, But one holding License as Broker or Wholesale or Retail Dealer does not need this. Custom-House Broker, Substitute Broker, And for each substitute muster ed in, Pawn Broker employing a capi tal not exceeding $50,000, For every additional $1,000 in excess of $50,000, Builders and Contractors, whose buil ding contracts are $2,500 or less per annum, exempt. Over $2,500 and not over $25,- 000, Over $25,000 per annum, for each additional $1,000, Butchers.—If gross annual sales ex ceed $1,000, * Not over $1,000 per annum, [Permits the sale of other Mer chandise at the same stall or store.] 25 10 1 10 10 50 20 r' 10 10 10 Distillers of Spirits.—Less than 500 bbls., per annum, 300 bbls., or more, [Druggists, Chemists, and Phar maceutists not included. Distillers of Apples, Grapes and Peaches.— Less than 150 bbls. per annum, $12 50. More than 150 bbls same as Distillers of Spirits. Dyers.—See General Business. Dealers’ License.—This includes the sellers of all Goods, Wares and Merchandise, foreign and Do mestic (except liquors), not spe cially provided ftir. Sales of 81,000 or less per an num, arc exempt Over $1,000, and not over $25,- 000, require a Retail Dealer’s License, [Retail Dealer’s License in cludes the privileges of Confec tioner, Apothecary, Tobacconist, and Produce Broker.] Wholesale Dealers are those whose sales exceed $25,000 per an nutn. Sales over $25,000 and not over $50,000, Over $50,000, every additional $1,000, Who! esale Dealer's License in cludes the Retail and its privi leges, but neither one permits the sale of Spirits, Wine, Ale, Beer, or other 3Ialt Liquors; nor to act as Commercial Broker. Eating-Houses, if gross annual sales exceed $1,000, [Includes Confectionery and Tobacco, but not Spirits, Wines or Malt Liquors.] Engravers.—See General Business. Exhibitions, not otherwise provided for, Express Companies or Express men, delivering money, valuable pa pers, or any articles for pay, where gross receipts exceed $000 per annum, Furniture Dealers. — See General Business. Foreign Insurance Agents, Gift Enterprises.—Additional to all other Licenses or Taxes, Gas Fitters and Plumbers, Geueral Business, “ A License fee of ten dollars shall be required of every per son, firm, or corporation engaged in any business, trade or profes sion whatsoever, for which no other License is herein required, whose gross annual receipts therefrom exceed the sum of one thousand dollars pr annum.” Hotels.—Rental, or estimated rental, being $200 or less per annum, Over $200, each S100 or frac tion thereof, [Hotel License includes Tobac conist’s privileges. But a sepa rate License is required for sel ling Liquor.] 100 Hackney Coachmen.—Sec General Business. 10 : Horse Dealers, [Separate License not required for Livery Stable.] Hatters.—See General Business, lee Dealers.—Dealer’s License. Insurance.—See Agents. Intelligence Office Keepers, Jacks, for paid service, J ugglers, Livery Stable Keepers, [Includes Horse Dealing.] Liquor Dealers. — See Retail and Wholesale Liquor Dealers. 10 | Land Warrant Brokers, 5 Lawyers, [Includes Conveyancing.] Lithographers.—See General Busi ness. 50 10 50 10 10 10 50 50 10 10 10 10 I f Business. Millers. — Sec General Business. ! Milliners.-—Sec General Business. ! Miners.—Any person, firm, or com pany, not Licensed as manufac turers, and whose returns exceed $1,000 per annum, Nursery Men and Tree Dealers re quire Dealer’s or Peddler’s Li cense, as the case may be. Oil Mills.—Manufacturer's License. Patent Agents, Produce Brokers—Sec Broker, Patent Right Dealers, Peddlers.—Traveling on foot, With one horse or mule, With two horses or mules, With more than two horses or mules, Peddlers of Jewelry, Peddlers of Original Packages —Dry Goods, Peddlers of Bibles, Newspapers and Religious Tracts exempt. [Farmers selling their own pro ducts, and Manufacturers deriv- ering their.goods at wholesale, arc not classed as Peddlers ] [1'eddler’s Incense does not authorize the sale of Liquors.] [No man not enrolled for mili tary duty, or regularly exempt, is entitled to License as a Ped dler.] Printers.—See General Business. Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Physicians, Photographers.—Receipts $500, or less, Over $500 and not over $1,000 Over $1,000, [Includes DaguerrcotypisD,Am- brotypists, etc., of every descrip tion.] Planing Mills.—See General Busi ness. Potters.—See General Business. Produce Dealers.—Sales $10,000 per annum or less, [See Broker.J Publishers.—Sec General Business. Retail Dealers.—(See Dealers,) Retail Liquor Dealers.—Sales, inclu ding other Merchandise, not over S25.000 per annum, [Sales of Spirits, Wine, Ale, Beer and other Liquors, in quan tities of three gallons or less, is 44 Retail.”] [This License does not author ize drinking on the premises.] Real Estate Agent, Rectifiers of 500 bbls or less, Each additional 500, or faction thereof, [Cordial Manufacturers in cluded.] Shows not enumerated, good for ono State only, Seal Cutters.—See General Business. Soap and Candle Makers.—Manu facturer’s License. Stallions kept for paid service, Steamboats, Ships, Vessels, for feed ing and lodging passengers, Stone Cutters.—Manufacturer’s Li cense. Surgeons, Tanners.—Manufacturer’s License. Tallow Chandlers.—Manufacturer’s License. Ten Pins.—Each Alley, Theatres, Tobacconists.—If gross annual sales exreed $1,000, Trading Boats —Dealer’s Lieense. Wholesale Dealers.—See Dealers. Wholesale Liquor Dealers.—Annual sales, including other Merchan dise, exceeding $25,000, and not exceeding $50,000, Over $50,000, each additional $1,000, [Sales of more than three gal lons at one time, to the same purchaser, are “ Wholesale.”] [Includes privilege of selling other Merchandise on the same premises.] 10 Lottery Ticket Dealers, $100 [To give bond in $1,000 pen alty not to sell unstamped Tickets ] Lumber Men.— SeeGcncral Business. Manufacturer's License. 44 A03- person, firm, or corpora tion, who shall manufacture, by hand or machinery, any goods, wares, or merchandise, exceed ing annually the sum of $1,000, shall be regarded a manufactu rer under this act.” M mourns, Marble Cutters.—Sec General Busi ness. Milkmen.—Sec General Business. Mechanics generally.—See General Gov. Johnson's Proclamation. < fficers in the service of the L. States, CHl RCH DIRECTOR!. Whereas, By the Proclamation of An- to hare the oath of amnesty administered BAPTIS T CIIl'RCH, F. M. Daniel, j * drew Johnson, President of the United under the rules and regulations prescribed IVtor. States, dated 17th June, A. D. 1865 r I by the Secretary of State of tlic United METHODIST CHI RCH, DAILY WEEKLY. Kim- 1 TTT’ITH n view to fttrnhdi the latest \ V news, arrangements have been made have been appointed Gover- States; and in this work I most earnestly • TtA j£’ _ nor of the State of Georgia, with instruc- desire and solicit the cheerful cooperation 1 J CT |> a y k , r * * ‘ ‘ ’ ,,AME ' tTons to prescribe, at the earliest prae- of the people, so that Georgia may be ‘ ’ regulations speedily delivered of military rule, that .TIIMTARV DIRECTOR!. FULL TELEGRAPHIC reports, proper for she mn; one. .gain regulate her o«ndo- j ,j. STKADMAN, Maj. Gen. command- >> <» ZrrJkrt Jill he people, meatic affairs, again enjoy the blessings ing Department of Georgia-Head- ® rf thc news in a feir tical 'period. ?ach rules and regulations as uiav be necessary and ith the Associated l’rctfs to furnish the* Intelligencer with TELEGRAPHIC reports, conremn quarters at Augusta. a convention of the composed of delegates to be chosen oy of civil government, and be heard and that portion ot the people who are loyal felt by her Senators and Representatives ,71 ,, wir ., s ; to the U ii.ted States, and no other ; and to the councils of the nation. j of A u a toona, 3d Div. Dept, of 100 : also with all the powers necessary to ena-. Done at Milledgcville. the capital of Georgia—Headquarters Marietta. Lie such loyal people of sa:d State to the State, on this the I3th day of July,. ~ restore it to its constitutional relations in tnc year of our Lord 18G5, and the THORNTON, 1st. Lieut. 147th to the Federal Government, and to pre- eighty-ninth year of American Indepcn- sent such a republican form of $tate deuce. JAMES JOHNSON, government as will entitle the State to Provisional Governor of Georgia, the guarantee of the United States there- jjy the Governor, be put in possession hours after it has been flashed over the Illinois Inft., A. P. C. and A. A. A. G. 10 10 for, and its people to the protection of 1 the United States against invasion, insur rection and domestic violence: Now, therefore I, James Johnson, Pro- j visional Governor of the State of Geor gia, as aforesaid, do by virtue of the power in me vested as aforesaid, proclaim and declare— 1. That an election for delegates to a convention will be held ou the first Wcd- 10 nesday in October, A. I). 18G5, at the 10 .different precincts at which elections arc 10 directed and authorized by law to be held 15 for members of the Legislature. 25 j 2. That the thirty-seven counties in [ the State, which, by law in force prior to 50 the 1st January, 18G1, were entitled to 50 two members of the House of Keprcscn- j tatives, shall be authorized and entitled 50 ; to elect each three delegates, and that the remaining counties shall be authorized and entitled to elect two delegates to said convention. 3. That no person at such election shall be qualified as an elector, or shall be eli gible as a member of such convention, unless he shall have previously thereto taken and subscribed the Oath of Am nesty, os set forth in the President’s Proclamation of May 29th, A. D. 1865, and is a voter qualified as prescribed by the constitution of the State of Georgia, in force immediately before the 19th of January, A. D. ISO 1, the date of the so- called ordinance of secession. 4. That any two freeholders qualified to vote at such election as aforesaid, may act as managers of the election at epcli 25 of the precincts as aforesaid ; and that j in managing and superintending such | election, they shall be governed by aird I proceed under the laws of the State reg- 1 ulating and prescribing the election of j members of the legislature, prior to the list of January, 18G1; provided, that i each of said *»anagers, before entering on the duties prescribed, shall swear the other truly and faithfully to superintend and make return of said election accord ing to law as aforesaid and the require ments of this proclamation. 5. That the delegates who shall be elected as aforesaid, shall assemble fn Convention, at the city of Milledgcville, at 12 o’clock, meridian, on the fourih Wednesday of October, A. If. 18G5. Arid whereas, the rebellion, which lias been waged by a portion of the people against the Government of the United States, has, in its revolutionary progress, L. II. Briscoe, Secretary. EX ECUTIY E G O V E KN M ENT. or THE UNITED STATES. A L. SHARPE, 1st Lieut. 187th O. V. I., A. D. C. F. A. EMMONS, Major and Surgeon-in- Chicf. R. T. COVER DALE. Capt. and A. A. Q. M. of the District of the Allatoona, and in charge of the supplies in Atlanta. President. ANDREW JOHNSON, or Tenn. D. A. GOODIN, 1st Lieut, and A. C. S. President pro tempore of the Senate, and acting Vice President. SENATOR FOSTER, or Conn. Po!«l of At In alia. FELIX PRINCE SALM, Brevet Brig, i Gen. Commanding Post, j Capt. A. Steuernagel, Post. Adjutant. Office in City Ilall. Secretary of State. Wm. II. SEWARD, or New York. X. B. BENNETT, Capt. and Provost Marshall. Office in City Hall. 10 10 10 15 10 Secretary of War. EDWIN M. STANTON, of Penn. Secretary of the Navy. GIDEON WELLES, or Conn. Secretary of the Treasury. IIUGII McCULLOGIl, of New York. Lt. OTTO BOTTICHER, A. A. Q. M., Post Quartermaster—office on Alabama street. STEPHEN JEFFERS, Capt. and C. S. Post Commissary—office on Alabama street. Attorney General. JAMES SPEED, of Kentucky Post ot Newnsin. Capt. M. B. SLOAN, Commanding Post. Office in the Court House*. Lieut. J. MILLER, Adjutant. Postmaster General. Wm. DENNISON, of Ohio. Secretary of the Interior. JAMES HARLAN, of Iowa. CITY DIRECTORY. J. T. BROWN. Mayor. COUNCIL MEN. E. Douglas, R. II. Carmichael, George Cook, J. E. Jones. G. B. McDonald, Marshal. THE NEWNAN HERALD. AxAAAXAXVjAiJ IjrUAA/jCi. G EORGIA R AILROA D. Leave Atlanta 4 20 A 31 1 Arrive at Augusta .-.G 20 P M 1 Leave Augusta G 00 A M 1 Arrive at Atlanta 8 00 P 31 ’ THE first number will be issued on Satur day, the Rth September. It will be a Political Journal—supporting the party whose principle* are calculated to advance the interests of the Nation and State in which we live. At the same time, the claims of Literature. Commerce and Agricul ture shall receive proper attention. Our earnest aim shail be to make it a sprightly sheet, and cvcrv wav worthy of a liberal support. The citizens of the section in which it will i be published, are highly enlightened, and have abundant resources for a large and lucrative trade. Merchants will find the IIkrald an excellent medium for advertising. J. f*. Woottkv, Iv-q., the Editor, will have unlimited control of its columns. TERMS.—Throe dollars per annum in ad- vanee. ATLANTA & W. P. RAILROAD. Leave Atlanta G 00 A 31 Arrive at Newnan 9 15 A 31 Arrive at West Point 1 05 1* 31 Leave West Point ..10 45 A 31 Arrive at Newnan ....2 45 P 31 Arrive at Atlanta I G 00 P 31 J. S’. RIGBY, J. C. 3YGOTTEN l\ opr a tors. 10 25 deprived the people of the State of all j MONTGOMERY & 3Y. P. R R. Leave West Point 2 10 P 31 Arrive at Columbus G 00 P 31 Arrive at Shorter’s 9 30 P 31 Leave Shorter’s 2 30 A 31 Leave Columbus -4 10 A 31 Arrive at West Point 10 00 A 31 THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN! A Political, Commercial and FA MIL Y NE I \ SPA PE It ! ! Devoted' 1o News, Politics, Commerce, Agriculture, Arts, Science and Literature. Two Editions Daily; MORNING AND AFTERNOON. J. K. If A } S, Editor and Proprietor. (civil Government; and whereas, they ' MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD.' terms ok subscription: . . . ., „. , | r , , . , „ Jen Dollars per Annum tor Each Edition. Arrive at Macon 1 45 P 31 ( Particu ] ar attention is paid to the Leave Macon 8 15 A M V ron 'F an 'l delivery of the paper to 25 must remain without civil officers and the 1 Leave Atlanta 5 20 A 31 •administration of civil law until a State Government shall have been organized by the Convention called as aforesaid; and whereas, it is necessary, in the mcan- Sperial Correspondence We hope to receive from* various portions of the country. *T K It M S: Daily—Three Months, $3 00 Six Months, 5 00 Weekly—Six 3Ionths, 2 00' tegr Persons writing on business will please direct their lotrrTto “INTELLIGENCER,” Atlanta,' G*r- TI1E SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD? (Morning and Evening.) IS PURL IS!! ED BY S. AV MANSON i CO.,- 111 Bay Street, Snvmnah, Ga. TT^ITII a large and able corps of edi- YV tors and reporters, and correspon dents at every prominent point, it is the intention of the proprietors to make it a Lire ami llcliuhlr. At'icsjxipcr, not to bo excelled in enterprise or accuracy, lt has attained a large circulation through out Georgia and also at Port Hoyal, Beau fort and Charlcaton, S. C., Jacksonville,- Fcrnandina and St. Augustine, Florida, in the South Atlantic Squadron, and at the North so that it is unexcelled a* an Adrerfisiiaf Medium. The Derail is earnestly devoted to the' support of the interests of the State of Georgia, the people of which are giving it a most gratifying support. terms: Per Hundred $ 3 5(>' Per Year 10 00 THE IW YORK NEWS. DA IL r A A7> WEEKL Y. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY KTEWSv A GREAT FAMILY NFWSPAPEH. Benjamin Wood, Proprietor. The Largest, Best and Cheapest Paper Published in New York. Wr.rxi.v—One copy, one year v $2 HO* Of* Three copies, one rear. Five copies, one venr, S T.V Tin copies,one yenr I ? oir anil an extra copy to any dub o( Ten. . Twenty copies, one year :i() 00 The Weekly New* is seent loelergv- men at J Dsii.r—To Mnil subscribers, ► 10oQ per n 11 it uni. Six Months on, Payment* Invar in. h/ in Advawe. Specimen copies of Daily and Weekly New» ■ent tree. Address ItEN'J WOOD. Daily Nrvrsjtiiibliug, No. 11*, City ll.ill Square, N. Y_ 10 Arrive at Atlanta 5 30 P M I its I )atrons in ,he cit >’ 80,1 to t,,c WESTERN & ATLANTIC R. R. time, that domestic tranquilty he ensured, ! Leave Atlanta 8 10 A 31 ityof its transmission to those abroad. MACON DAILF TELEGRAPH. and that the loyal people he protected in ! Arrive at Chattanooga 7 45 P 31 all their rights of person and of property; Leave Chattanooga 7 45 A 31 10 I do further proclaim and declare— : *^ rr ^ ve at Atlanta 7 »0 1 31 j 1st. That no individual, by virtue of LOUISYILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. j his own authority, shall inflict corporeal Leave Nashville 7 00 A M 7 45 P 31 L. Clayland, J. IL Dumble. punishment on any person for any real j Arrive at Louisville 5 00 P 31 5 00 A 31 Editors and Proprietors, or supposed injury, whether such injury Reave Louisville ( 00 A 31 / 00 P 31 ! Issued every day—3Iorningand Even- 10 i relate to persons or property; and that, j Arrive at Nashviile 5 30 P M 5 30 A M j mc . et ,hc rc S ular trains ,eadin £ in relation to all such eases, redress must XASIIYILLE& CHATTANOOGA R R ! terms of subscription : j be sou S ht frora and S ivcn h y such niiIita * j Leave Chattanooga 7 30 A M $1 ■ ry authority as may be invested with Arrive at Nashville 8 30 P M 10 jurisdiction over the cases. 1 Leave Nashville 8 30 A M 100 I 2d. That slavery is extinct, and invol- Arrirc at Chattanooga 9 31 P M antary servitude no longer exists. Hence - no person shall have control of the labor OF POSTAGE, RULES, &c. of another, other than such control as j Letters. Drop letters must be pre- !,00 per Annntn ; $."5.00 for Three Month?: IS VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Add re** CLAYLAND k DUMBLE. THE NEW YORK WORLD. “THK t.KADINi; DIMOCRATIC N K WSPA PER. *‘llie best, most enterprising Journal.’ r I Ell MS-—Invaruihhj in Ad noire : DAILY EDITION. 1 copy, 1 year, by mail $10 00. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. Published on Tuesdn y nnd Friday in each week.. 1 copy, 1 year, by mail 5 do** lyearbymni! 00 •j p»j»ies 1 year, by mail ]*; qq, WEEKLY EDITION. (Published on Wednesday of each Week.) 1 topy, ] year, by mnil £ 2 OO 4 copies 1 year, hy mail *"/ 7 0(> 10 copies one year, by mail ’* 0(> -dcopies one vaar, bv mail .* 0(; Specimen copies ®n application. An extra copy to life getter np of every club of ten. SOB SALK BV ALL NEWSDEALERS Addres* TEE WORLD. 5o Park Row New York. 10 , c ,, - . , , paid, at 2 cents each haif 1 may lawfully retail from .ndentnre, the £ to , lUe Vnited . MACON 50 ounce. Letters . . any partot the Lnited States, halT an j relation of parent and child, guardian 0U nce and under 3 cents ; each additional 1 and ward and the contract of hiring, half ounce, 3 cents. All letters must he | freely and fairly made; and that for a ' pre-paid. DAILY urnmhi fi Published in 3Iaeon, Georgia. breach of duty, on the part of any one; Transient Printed 3Iatter.—Full, H. J. NEVILLE & Co.,. PROPRIETORS. 7?.l TES OF SCBSCRIFTIOX: standing in these relations, the military pre-payment must be made in stamps, on 1 authorities will administer, in a summary a!I transient printed matter, foreign and 1 . . ' domestic, at the following rates—One manner, a cqua e an proper retie an cr pac ^ a g e one address, not exceeding 4 j One Month, $1 the laws of the land. ; oz ; n weight. 2 cents; over 4 oz. and j Three 3Ionths 2 ■Six .10 00 THE CHRISTIAN INDEX. B Y The first of October, or as soon as the mails are re-established, I will re- rew the publication of the 44 Christian aides" and of tht 44 Child'* Paper" I have been publishing. °r " p X r anr5,im > S3 0O of •• Child s Paper,” &(> Price of Price (A deduction made for clubs.) .Money may he reunited at once, as *m y - determination is positive. 3Iy desire is to secure a large suhscriptiowklist witlii which to begin, and I issue this Prospec tus, that subscribers may have time^ to, forward their remittances. 3d. That all riotous and tumultuous under 8 oz., 4 cents; over 8 oz. and un-; Six Months, 5 00 to secure that end 0036 ' ! assemblages, for unlawful purposes and der 12 oz., 6 cts. over 12 oz. and under , One \ ear, unlawful objects, will he dispersed; and oz » ccnts - j 7 T , . . " 7T to this end, if necessary, the military of Bocks.—To one address, not exceed- SOUthem LuriStlcUl AuVOCBIG the United States will he invoked. * oz ' « we JS ht cents; not exceed-! THIS WEEKLY RELIGI0US AND mg 8 oz. 8 cents, not exceeding 12 oz. 12 4th. That the idea, if any such is en- cents; not exceeding 1G oz. 10 cents. j FAMILY IsEWSPAPER The Richmond Republic says that after ^ the surrender of Gen. Lee, his son 3Ym. j oq U. F. Lee, without loss of time repaired tertained, that private property will be Unsealed Circulars, not exceeding is, after a brief suspension, about to be “ < ' 1 to the White House, determined, not-; distributed or parcelled out, is not only .3 in number to one address. 2 cents: not issued in the city of 3Iacon, Ga.- 8ub- withstanding the lateness of the season, delusive but daijgerous and mischievous;, exceeding S oz. 8 cts, not exceeding 9, G seriptions solicited. Those sending Twcn- to attempt to make a crop of corn. Three and an J attempt should be made hy cents; not exceeding 12, 8 cents, young men formerly of his command, at- an J pc^on or persons to effect such an ; Weight.—No packet or package mail- tended him. A German and an Irishman ob j ect b J violence or unlawful means, it f d weighing over four pounds, except 25 and two freedmen were subsequently ad- wil1 oa, -J secure to him or them speedy l ' ilC ° r CirCU ate 7 10 ded to their force. They began plowing and merited punishment. c on the 29th of April, and have made a 5th. To the end that the people may boQa fide so b SC ribcrs, do not requre pre- splendid crop of corn, estimated at one qualify themselves as voters, it will doubt- payment, hut can be paid at office of de- thousand five hundred bushels. i less be the pleasure of the commissioned livery. act of ty Dollars for subscriptions, are entitled to one paper free. TERRS: Three Months 5 \ qq i Seven Month*. J ’ o 00 One Year. 3 00 Newspapers. Periodicals, «kc., to Two ^ ear3 - 5 00 Money cnrrtnt in Macon required, and in variably in advance. Address. Rfv. E. II. MYERS, D. D.. Mrcod. Ga. It is my intention to issue first class, pers, and no pains or expense will be- spared to secure that end. The best writers and correspondents will be secured and the highest religious and literary tal- ent will be given to the papers. The Child’s Paper will be profusely illustrated: and will in every sense, be made to con-, form to its new title, the cniLi/s delight ! Money may he sent by Express or other wise—if by express at my risk, if t j, e ' Express receint is «u»nh „„ *i_ re- on the xpress receipt is sent me. sumption of mail facilities. My connection with the firm of J. -ty Burke Co., is dissolved but r I will establi: h an office in Macon, Ga., where communications may be addresfed SAMUEL BOYKIN. Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, papers, daily and weekly,, will oopy one- month, and send hill to