Newspaper Page Text
the newnan herald,
Pai’jjbed Woekly in Knraan, at S3 per an
nua—six month* S2, in advance.
- Proprietors.
Rates of Advertising.
Advertisements inserted at a square ot
trn lines, ior space equivalent.; for fir#t‘in*cT-
t-on, and 50 cents for each- subsequent in
Liberal deductions will b* made to aQ-
terlisers by the month or year.
£gyA if transient advertisements must be
paid for when "banded in.
Legal Advertisements.
Sales of Land By Administrators, Executors
r.r Guardian -.are required by law to lie held rn
the first Tuesday in each month, between the
ho,lfi of ten in the forenoon and three in the
afternoon, at the Court House in the county
hi which the property is situated.
Notices of these sales must be given in a
public gazette JO days previous.
Notices of snie of personal property must
An apparently unsophisticated youth
went into a refectory, a few days since.
From the N. V. News.
The Mysterious Prisoner.
It will be remembered
and^asked for something to appease his supposed to be John Surratt
Circular from Mr. McCulloch,.
Important Trade Circular.—The
following important circular relative to
Southern trade was issued on Monday by
the Secretary of the Treasury t
Treasury Department, Sept. IS, 18C5/
In the circular issued by the Department
on June 21, 1SG5, reference was made to
the provision contained in section dG of
the : nternal Revenue Act of June” 30,
1861, conferring upon the Secretary of
the Treasury discretionary power in re
gard to the assessment, levy, tunc and
manner of collection of taxes in the
States lately ia insurrection.
Under the authority given by that sec-
! mv dreams. I d jump up, my chains' of sword or bayonet, threat of radical "in order that there may be no necessity j turn it was then stated that fr*,c Depart-
of retracing our steps; and we agree' ment, without waiving in any degree the
rights of the Government in regard to
tr.xes heretofore accruing, would not in-
! to politico, |
Itiu'c, (Tommerfn &t.
VOL. I.]
i>TEWISrA.^s, GEORGIA. SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 1S65. [NO. 5.
. 1
tiiat a prisoner would rattle, and off the rats would scam- politicians deter you in this, a sovereign of retracing our steps; and we agree
■att, was brought per. In the expressive language of some riirht. Go into the Union and vote. 1 ou the Republicans of I ennsylvania,
from the southwest to Washington in the very literary character, it was “rats to j will come to the doors of Congress as a who, in their recent State Convention,
like in
personal sum The keeper gave him a very good din-j mon ;h of July under very mysterious | your boles ” sure enough. I soon learn- Union party, and you will be admitted as ( expressed the conviction that the people ; *‘ jt > at present upon tin a payment, so
inner, through a" public ucr, after which the youth said to bis 1 circumstances. It s ems that after endu- ed to compromise with them by placing such; or, by the grace of God, there will lately in rebellion catiDot be safely trusted j ‘ ir ,1S 1 ie - WC ‘ L ^ ri01 . ° 10
friend, 1 rin~ great sufferings there lie has been near their burrows a portion of my rations, be a schism in the ranks of your enemies, with the political rights which they for- j esta is ment o .a co ,ection istric cni-
" ° c . . ... . ... -1 c :._.l k.. ♦ »l. ... k,,..,, liri^mr» n tprrifnrv in winch the rnxnaver
utle (in v
fcr given :n
fcazclte, 10 ilnvs previous to
Nolice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate
siust published 40 days.
Notice that application will be made to the j
Court of Ordinary 'or leave to sell land must j
be published for two months.
“ If you ever come up our way, call.” sent back to Viekburg where he is now of which I had plenty. I got several that will scatter them to the four
“ T hat won’t pay. Your dinner is a
quarter "
in prison. Lie tells his own story :
From Jackson (Miss.,) D.-.iiy Newr
books and an occasional paper, and there- of heaven. We want, likewise, new men
by was enabled to cud are my situation for as well as tru
three mo;.; ! .s—for compelling titles trom r.x- ! j " ; than tne occurences ot every uuy me.
cruto.s. or Administrators, where bond has j much so that mother always makes tne
been given by the deceased, for the full space 8 t and j n the ran rv, in warm weather to
of three months.
Publications will always be continued ac- keep meat from spoiling.
cording to these, the legal requirements, un- j -- — •—
less otherwise ordered, at the following j £ Slight Mistake.
RATLS.^ j \ wag in p country bar room, where
.Sheriff's Sales per levy of ten lines or less,$ 2 ! , i .• .1 , , ,
nnrriu t j .. a cli ni;,n was relating the wonderful
Sheriff's Mortgage fi. fa. sales, per levy,
Tax Collector’s Sales per levy,
Ci'ntions for letters.of Administration,
Citations for letters of Guardianship,"
Notice of application f "' Emission from
Notice of ap ilicationfor dismission from
Application. to sell land,
Notice to Debtors and creditors
Sale of Land, persqure,
Sale# of perishable property, 10'days...
K.-tray Notices, sixty days,
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square,....
l or man advcrtising,his wife, in advance 10 00 |
Marriages and Deaths, 1 00 j
•5 Oo triok,s they had seen performed by Signor
!! HI!. Blitz ami »b« pf the conjuring family
expressed, his contempt for the wliu.c
tribe, declaring that he could perform spy
6 00
G 00
inds i feited by their treason, until they have bracing a territory in which the taxpayer
proved their acceptance of the results of. resided. Tt was iurther provided that
The issues destined to the late war by incorporating into their ! manufactured articles found in the bands
( : constitutional provisions, and securing to j of a purchases, which were satisfactorily
' ‘ ■ manufac-
thc dis-
f the
qnrre the brightest ana Dravcst intellects i q>‘>« j - . . „ . .
„ , , „ . r v . . tion that there was a contrivance to this that illuminate the South. For a wfcle community, to see first that the loyal tion was then made in favor o; articles
Captain Ryan writes us Iroin Vicks- ! neon'c both l.liek ~nd white sh ill have i which had remained m the possession ot
, t .. ; cell to pour steam iu on the unfor.unate they may be suppressed. Obstacles nwy l peop.e, Dorn outu. .tw iuh , ,
burg jail, uuderdatc o ^e P embe v. , q ^ j doH > t think they lct 5n any bc thrown in the way cf their election or* the most perfect: guaranties of their safety the manufacturers, and thus become ha-
311 i^ S t _ . . r l ou me: but it felt at times as-if there was acceptance, but let the people persevere ; before any final steps arc taken toward ble to the .ax impose } t ie exis D
1 left Jackson for Arkansas or Canada ... , , , I A , ,, , I reeMrinn- the revrlt d neorda of the South
, , .... . T . . , . ,, only a plank between me and that place Change, if absolutely necessary, the ob- i rtstonn„ the revolt d people ot tne tun
a out t it tie u\, arrive a .oil ( | ie „ 00 j 1Iien S p C n.k S0 awfullv, as men- jeet of your choice, but yield not one jot R> their torfe-ited rights,
phis on Ibc l'J.h, Ml pu. up ,t thu ^ ^ ^ - i or tit ,lo „r ,hc ri ? l,t which the la. of the j S-W, That c, Ion- us any impor-
.Joso °lu- J„ ,1,;, loathsome place I remained land confers, and before many months! lent questions -rowing otrt of the war
n t ie ie was arrc_ c an a^en j ays an j nj^hts. Then I was taken have elapsed it will he discovered that, if remain unadjusted, no part of^ the pot.eis
, before Gen. K. Burton, v ho deuian
his papers, asutu ® few questions,
and sent him to Irvi
of their tricks, especially that of beating!
vatch in pieces and restoring it w
It being doubted lie demanded a
charge of Capt. Louis B. Smiih, of the
t j ie ! United States army. On the boat be
f . n , . . , , , , where he was kept heavily ironed until
b 00 a watch in pieces and restoring it whole. „ , 1 , . . , „
3 00 j _ . . , ,, , , t r; a i ; the 26th of July, when he was placed on
„ .. i , . . , , hoard the steamer City of Alton, under
2 oo g evcra l watches were at once produced 1
4 0o ;
j lor the experiment.
said he, “ there ar&
“ There,
“ Yes,” all exclaimed, “now let’s see
the watch.”
lie used mysterious words, shook up
the frrgments, and at length put down
the pestle an mortar, observing : I P co f« «»■>—-J ^ . d of the inqu i si ti 0 u.
* u r , ', ,,.-,1,1 of John II. Surratt in the person of this, * j 1
“ Well, I thought 1 could do it, but by . . 1
“mysterious prisoner, ~
back to mv room, from which some phil- the South be true to herself, the majority : the Government can be safely cominit-
• m a ,tTT rT° US ’ anthropic individual borrowed the best 1 of the people of the North, whether | ted to any political party composed of the
rviiig^ Bloc^ . r«™. 1 artlcI<js . f scantj ward lobe. , known by one political name or another, j Southern men who were lately in rebel-
After a confinement of twenty days will be cqua’ly firm in the section and li'-* 11 ar '^ arms, cr of the Northern men
in the prison at Washington, he was again | maintenance of a free government. With «l.o, in a national convention only a year
brought back to Vicksburg, taken before this co-operation secure, the South will I ago, declared that after four years of fai
General Slocuiu, and again ordered to be once more feel throbbing within her veins
incarcerated in the jail of that city. some of her uncient giory and rising from
Captain Ryan says that during all these the dust, she will enter the race that is
strange proceedings lie has “ not had the j set before her, and win perhaps a nobler j
shadow of a trial or licarin
Verily in reading Captain Rvau’s thrill-; to dream.
was handcuffed to one of the guard, to
be conveyed to Washington. All along
the route public curiosity was excited by
the strange mystery which was thrown
around the affair; and newspapers and
people immediately announced the arrest
narrative \vc are reminded -of the
“How- and Whom to Marry.”
The Jackson (Miss.,) News is favored
wtth a fair correspondent, who begs him
“to let that horrid negro suffrage ques
tion alone ; ” and if lie really has the in- |
tcre.-t of future generations in view, to j Q cor , TC j
consider, rather, what she regards as the; _•
great question of the day : Miss ‘ Susan’ i The Decencies of Traveling.
pertinently asks. “ what’s the use to liavi ! The Loudon Times of the thirteenth • bu t neither he nor any one else in- j without a blemish upon
a Government if there’s nobody to gov-j instant gives.the details of a very inter- formed him why he was thus strangely , respected at home and honored abroad for pensable hereafter. i hey expeet to be
in ? ” and, rather inconsistently with her j rating case which has just been decided dealt with. all the manly qualities that have been de- j repudiated by tneir own raee, an r.i.hei
me to restore the Union by experiment
of war, during which, under pretense of
a military necessity, the war power had
been placed higher than the Constitution,
triumphthan any of which she now dares ^' ,c Constitution itself had been disregai-
ded in every part, public and private
rights trod down, and the material pros-
Froud. Brave and Iiofcle.
Captain Smith treated me with all kind- 1‘roud, brave, noble, says the New York of these men. The reason ot their ad-
possible under the circumstances. News, without a tarnish upon her banner, • vocacy of negro suffrage is not at all con-
icitlier he nor any one else in without a blemish upon her fair fame, coaled; the colored vote “will be indis-
Vie give below the platform of the j parity of the country essentially impaired,
Massachusetts Radicals, in order that our | and that justice, humanity, liberty and
readers may bc informed of the designs the public welfare, demanded that imme
diate efforts be made for a ccs.ation ol
And further Resolved, That no confi
dence ought to be placed in the professions
of an organization that declared the
requests to the editor to abstain from poli- in the Corylon l*o!ice Court, and from On the 2d of August he reached Wash- veloped in peace or war, the South rests than yield up the public pap they will necessary protection of the polls from
ties, wishes him to take her word for it the resuit of which young .and elderly ington, where he passed under the in- from her struggle. With the prejudices f 3 ^ ' nto l ^ e scented embrace °f the black, i the assaults of ruffians and traitors to be
l hat, “ if the holy estate of matrimony is gentlemen of an oscuh.tory disposition S p fC Iion of countless- detectives, while of fifty years, and the education of a ccn-; ^ Platform of th- Massachusetts | a shameful violation of the Constitution,
not m .re intimately cultivated in this j had better take warning. j detained at General Augur’s hcadquar- tury moving the hearts of the people, she j “ -j, ,° ^ ] which ought to be held as revolutionary,
, - 1
eiiuntry we shall lose our balance of pow-. It seems that a young gciitleman of t t . rs . % ; dared the perils of a revolution, encoun- j
—which she ought to know is a great excellent character was traveling in a After this he ‘was- remanded to the Old j tcred all the sacrifices, suffered its agony. !’ in pnlital economy “Do stir -i> railway carriage with an unprotected fe- j Capitol Prison, a solitary occupant of a cell and without stint gave men who ,
~ 1 J 1 • ° , . , • ’ . , , . „ , j at Worcester on the I4th inst.
t lie Benedicts,” she feelingly exclaims, male; that there being no oue else in the third story, and m a lew days rc great lives and in great death arc not tor-’
Eepublicans. _ j an j res ; ; .t c d ; and that now seeks to reiu-
Ti ‘ e foI,owin S is thc .P !atfonn state itself in power by the nomination id
i by the Massachusetts State Convention 1 ... , .. . , r > ,i. f, r
lived , , . , - i soldiers and provost marshals toi otnee,
and by passing resolutions of confidence
Resolved, That Massachusetts, which ; Jeuce in a Republican administration.
to a full consideration of the great mat-; the carriage, he ventured, while they moved to one still smaller. He was not j gotten. She failed, and her sorrows will >
: m o ii i a 1 *n. Not that I particular- ‘ were enveloped by the darkness ot a tun- i allowed to communicate with any one, nor bccunicas •• olu as kings of a grand and to I rc * e
. wi.-li to marrv. but I tbink that this ncl. to attempt to kiss his fair companion;! t 0 receive books papers or writing material peerless line.” Fhe stands before the &u PP ort > n Congress, exten s a cm | pro mU l«;at e in re^artl to the right of suf-
Rcsolral, That we have no theor’n s to
d herself as l>y thewi oiccof ,n i JUS S 00( l will and support in lii.s efforts pinion, the preservation of the national
] romtsi d the young lady to urge upon j pardon ; but all in vain. She turned him opened by the prison officials, however, had dissevered hersclt as by — j -
the convention of Mississippi, recently ' over to thc police at the Corydon Station; and Capt, R}an was ordered to tell by • C tie man, she finds presented to her new t0 rest “ rc or Lf JU10n ' ? 1 lc Crt, ‘ ,muni,Ka U.ith, and the extirpation of s.aeery, nr
whose aid he procured the facilities,. conditions of political existence. The old
which oil retusing to do, he was condemn- fabric of society is underminded and is in
institutions that gave her ! and ex * ct J^^e to all. The late rebel-
I contributed to the j iiun > n,,w p0 successfully put down by the
i«t 8es.sion, the necessity of passing an j he was duly arraigned and tried,
ordinance “ which will ever render single ; The facts, as we have stated them, were
proven and but for the intercession of
thc lady he would have been sentenced
to six months in the House of Cortection.
, now of California, was for a ]} u t despite her entreaties,. the Couit
blessedness unconstitutional.”
"Wouldn't Come a Second Time.
lately in revolt, and re-establish gov
ernment there on the basis of good will
ed to the “ sweat box,” which he thus <1 c- ruirs. Old
scribes : I wealth and power and
test cun be made or encouraged which
will admit to the elective franchise rebel
soldiers and traitorous politicians, and at
the same time exclude loyal men who
. , , , ' r i i loyal u asses of the country, was the most home arms and shed their blood in
I was ordered to disclose the means by prosperous greatness ol the common conn-, f . Hate D irneartns anu biieu
C , now of California, was for a ]} u t despite her entreaties,. the Court: tbc uote passe d the prison barriers,' try are gone forever. As a nation the" lc e ^cr nown in Me annas o “'-j the nations defense, and w lose votes
time Secretary of thc §tatc of Illinois — ^ was their duty to p inish him. “It | L t p re f u ^ e J to inform Mr. Wilson, who 1 south starts afresh. She commences an- u ~ n ‘ 0tlV . C tin ° ex c " ! ' lon 0 j may be indispensable herea ter. * rCa
1 1 1 the most abominable system of-Bondago,.I j^ 3at Lincoln said in his Utter to Gov.
Line day during the vacation, a meek, ca- ! was a uionstrous thing (they say) that a j {0 , ( j Uie j )C wou ld find away to make me. j other lease of existence ; and under a
v.u,v..e.^ ^ ...u.., ...... m ......v ..v.v» ! young woman could not travel in a rail x remarked that he had thc power to pun- system with which she is all unacquaiut- ' ,n ” V e 1 - r,ul -^‘atc cevasion o oc oss u II :1 h n , “ to keep the jewel of liberty in
cloth, introdue, d himself to him at his way carriage without being insulted in j s li me, but that he would have to pay ed, the aggressive, impatient spirit of thc. d alr ■ ' jn ^'* ctc an constltu,lonj o ; t!:c fanrly of freedom, suen tests cannot
office, and stating, that he had been in- | that mauner,” and the guilty man must j ear p or j t solue j.,y as p W as imprisoned North demands that she shall at once and or Lrc ' L t Ct un ’ ant l . at d ° ree Ul . t " : stand the scrutiny of 'he loyal American
Thc department, preferring to test the
praciical workings of the regulation be
fore exercising its power of modification
in this important particular, representa
tions since made, relative to the hardship
of this discrimination between manufac
turer and purchaser, have been corrobo
rated by carclul inquiry, aud induce the
conviction that a further exemption is
justifiable and advisable.
It is (ound that considerable quantities
of manufactured products have been re
tained by the manufacturer in his own
hands as the safest mode of investing his
property until the return of peace; that
his retention was determined on and car
ried out without the knowledge or opor-
tunity of knowledge of the law, subject
ing tiiis property to heavy taxation on
sale, and that a large part of the rnanu-
I'.ictures so retained having been much
deterioated in value by the laps of time
and want of propter attention, would not
now sell for a sum equal to the tax.
A stale of things so destructive to the
usefulness of property and to the pros
perity of manufacturing classes is as ad
verse to the iutere-t of the Government
as to* those of ihe community. For these
rea ons it is hereby ordered that all ar-
licbs, in whasoever hands found, which
can be shown to the satisfaction of the
assessor to have been manufactured be
fore the establishment of the district, shall
be held free from the pressont assessment
or collection of tax, unless transported be
yond the limits of thc States lately in in
Manufacturers of articles liable to sei
zure for want of inspection marks wi!. pre
sent to ti e assessor evidence that such
articles were manufactured prior to the
establishmant ot the district, and the a,-
scssor if satisfied, will cause such articles
to be so niaiked as to bc inJentificd and
sold without liability to seizure.
Ail the ariicks tran-portcd beyortd the
limits of thc Stales lately ia insurrection
will be subject to the tax clue under the
law in force at the time they were manu
factured. H. McCulloch,
Secretary of the Treasury.
formed that Mr. C had.thc letting of; at’least pay a fine of twenty-five Adlars w - lt hout a cause.
was to keep n.e.
thc Chief Magistrate that treason is the pcop j e incorporated in the new constitu-1
thc hull of representatives, he wished to ; and costs, and thank the lady for his
secure it, if possible, fir a course of lcc- escape from imprisonment
tures he desired to deliver in Springfield.
“ May 1 a>k,” said the Sccretaty, what
is to he the subjects of your lectures?”
4 “ Certainly,” was thc reply, with a very-
solemn expression of countenance. “ The
course which I wish to deliver is on the
second coming of thc Lord.”
“It is of no use,” said C . u If
you take my advice, you will not waste
Mr..Wilson said lie had without restraint succumb to the new re-
to do with mv arrest; his duty lotions that have been created by the war. - ,. t a .
He'lcft and in a few We believe that she will. Before the|S ailt >’ of tll!S 5 rcat ar!n J? 0H ^ . t to su should rectify'the abuse,
rcatest cf crimes, and those who arc | t ; ons o{ - t! , e Southern States. Congress j
r:d maintain
Springfield once
second time.
The Wait-a-While Policy-
General Morgan, the able leader oi the
Ohio Democracy and candidate for the
gubernatorial chair of that State, thus
, ; minutes a sergeant a»u mu .u..... -— ■ - --j- — — - -i*i - assails in a direct, soldierly way the policy
Stamp ON the Brain.—Noodle, the ° T r , ... ^ :n - rebels we would innict no punishment,! ,-i rrov ides f,»r the peace, solvency ,
, ' . , , .. I was told to * come along, which I did, nughty future, that will give shade to . . . .. . ... ; nn ’'- 11 pwiacs n.r j 0 f of the Republicans:
facetious, savs tbat t.ic habit lie has tor . !ii , . * i> , I s.nipiy requiring tiia. riformatii.n oi iheir , T .1 c.>f»i,rltv of tbe country ., , , , . , » ...
. . . , and lie led the way down stair?, across those who may. reap the harvest, but 1 - , 1 ‘ ,, a.i i security ot tne c ,un ry The bloody contest whten ha3 jdat
sometime bad of putting luternal revenue d,,u c . r n m .1 i laws and customs which is indispensable, J non nun
i f „ : the yard, and halted in front ot a cell wiili . the seed mu.-t be planted now. by the . ... .- , T t Tnn # n\ -hf Vehro- closed ha3 cost the country 8-l,QU0,0JJ,-
stamps ou every thing has put into some J > . _ ! . . that the country may be speedily pacified I JHE l.ONDON lDiss o.v nit ou.kj. ... „ .... , i
1 J . U . . the donr rmen I was told to go in. I he ■ voters of their living and their dead, the, . - i „„ r-i. -rjOOO or about one-fourth ot a the real
fatal errors and ludicrous mistakes ; in : tUe dooc °P cn > 1 WJS - lu ‘ u = . , , ... . , , ! and made united for ail future time. j 1 he London Times speaks as follows oJ, uuu, or aooui one
. door closed hea-vilv. and I was ia deep! people are called uron to work now while i , . and ncrsonal property m tne Unitea
Sh \Vhen ImRavr™ in the 1C moriin S darkness, and confined in what is derig i the day lasts. Great duties are to be done;! and'I! iutpulsivc, ignorafiR with lit- | States, and the lives of 1,000 000 of our
nated the ‘ sweat box Just imagine my tremendous rcsponsiomties are at stake, ttian P° 1 c . . n . (vmcnt to expect for regular work, best and bravest citizens. 1 ms is no jc-
‘pheeliuks’ iu a filthy stinking dungeon, i The men who hereafter represent the sa.cty r. w | . ,cn , ,n ,J | > ' „ it * * nc w fou„d hbcrty^aml oppor- tion but a stern reality. For what, fel-
Srjnoak, squeak, cried thc hordes of rats | thoughts and interests of the South, must: common wit . lira Republicans , a 1 i {|j tc( them t0 vi( , lencc a!ld ! low-citizens, was all this lavish expendi-
that my entrasce had disturbed. I turn- be, and have been true to her in head and States > 5 ie c " ,r d “* * a ‘ l0D ‘ l ^ C ** | lun( j er can wc bonder if the existing ! ture of blood aud treasure ? Youanswcr,
ed around and saw a little stream of light! heart and hand. They will come to Con-j t,< ^ n | ait cr - ^ 5 , j industry of the South has very little to i for the Union. Yes, and such i3 the rc-
th rough an 'grew, (hey will he called upon to niin - Ie ! n^jIL*of repuTl the ass-stance of the black sponse of thc surviving heroes of the war.
the morning
; for his office he has actually the brutality
to rcfu?c to give the pattuer of bis joys
your time in this city. It is mv private .
. . r , ' , , , , - the usual parting kiss, unless she has a
that if the Lord lias been in u * . ° , , .
, ... a fresh stamp neatly pasted on her rosy
he will never come a ? J 1
lips, ready to be cancelled, to prevent Us .
bein" used a^ain and the Government jp 383 ” 1 ?* rather squeezm 0 t i . . . , ..... .
" ° , . j interstice in the door. This light lt-11 up- j their influence, social and political,jn thc
the assrstaiice of the black
t i H . freed men, and if on the other hand the
What then, will you say of the men, who,
after this sacrifice, are opposed to thc rc.s-
toration of the Union until five, ten, twen
ty, or thiity year?, or such other future
! time as it shall please the people of the
-i . .. . th „_ South to put themselves upon equality
and a flood of light and a volume of pure war in behalf uf by. cause, and conscicn- j 0,1 tl,c L drt Congress and the j w ? c ° with negroes ? The questions at issue ara
tious’y comes forward, acknowledging his j Administratmn no relaxation whatever of j C ‘ f j t | 3 ^ a v j ctor}ous Government, too grave to be controlled by mere parti-
defcat, and pledging himself to the future v, S° r or vigilance in Me gov ernmeii o few worjJs t0 stc : ke o5 the p etter3 0 f san drill. Their decission involves the
support of the Constitution and laws of t | ic revoke states, wme i pu a j h »| uve an d suddenlv dislocate and -dc- j life of the nation, and it Behooves us all
the United States, we would rather see the nguts of the peop e, to w mm ie i„dnstry of a whole community,! to act as patriots, and not as p-irtisai^.--
such an one standing upon the floor 0 f ,,atIo n a| fait p c gc , or w.uc e.\es . ;fc jg not . for j t t0 fi n j an answer | And iu the spirit I am determined to
Congress to express the will of his peo in Southern society ‘ ,e 0 * ^ to th ; s aw f a l (1 „ ? stion which it has raised ! yield to President Jonlrsonmy cordialand
! pretty good view of the prison yard. My pie, or oenpying a station of honor and j nTin a i for itself, and which every day more and hearty support in every constitutional
WASN’T Posted.-A young lady went 1 eyes became accustomed to thedarix- trust, than all the so called “ loyal ^^0^0,000,^0^7payment ««ore importunely demands an answer. measure to restore all the States to the
, into a store a few days since, selected her ness, and after a while objects became of the South, so pi,an,ly quick to do j ^ ^ ; — an ’ pn , pert y of thc A convention waslitely beU in Wil- ^ men, and to sustain him ,n all o^her
outfit and gave, orders for the articles to j more distinct, till at last I could see pretty their master s work, in whom God has , , , . t-:Iu . v - „ ,_ i: constitutional measures in administering
“ 1 am glad to see you, sir, and I hope i with the inexorable stamp,
you are getting along very well.” Mr. A. j Noodles was oufat a smaH! party the ^ . q B . ttersti n a l ar ge case
replied in the following figurative la,ig-. other night, and fouud himself deprived ; canje j ntQ notjce> and it3 ve ry'valu-
of thc pleasure of the dance. It seems j T i. .-i i i
ua s> e • ; v * , . . ab i e service, which I heartily embraced,
“ Ab, sir, quite the contrary. I find I that be had unfortunately forgotten ns; an tbedoor
• . -i nacka‘ r e ol stumps, and wouldii t ask any ana wu i
am quite a poor tenant, occupying a house , P lh » , ad ^ to joic in the mazy i and soon cut a small hole through it, and
much shattered by time. It always wa | tl , because they were not stamped.— | tbereb y got more air, more light, and a
trembles with every wind, and what is. y q Picayune.
worse, sir, the landlord, as near as I can
find out, don’t intend to make any re-;
sent to her. “ Recollect,” said she to ba< j s ; tua ticn made me lucre breathed the breath of - life. YVe say,
e accomodating clerk, “rate, mice, wa-! frJenJg w *j )en tbc prisoners who enjoyed* therefore, to the peple of the South, elect
tall, net, crimpers, etc., etc. - n un- .’p .u- vard knew for what to your public offices your best citizens—
A novel “bachelors’ association” has ;
been founded in \ mnna. 1 he object of. terfall, nei, i-i.iuipuio, w.., ...- - * — — . . . , , , _
the society is to promote matrimony by sophisticated elderly lady from the rural j the privileges o t .e jar * ^
We say country is pledged; or which has slain, m ington, N. C-, by which resolutions were
by the bullet and by starvation and cru- passed endorsing President Jobnson'sand ;
public oilices your
'f f lifted her spectacles and gazed after the was . » rt took a good deal of game during thc war and the traitor put men
dus of admirable character and free front»■ d ti|lg ^ then turning to the pro- * that ^x- at night it was scare, whom you have tried in the fire and not of the country and the restoration of
extravagant tastes. Ihe general run of prietor , Tn a tone of the sincerest pity,— , wou ; d rQn ! found wantin?j D1 en who have sealed their order is an object of the first importance,
batchelor societies proclaim celibacy »« »i.l she. “ she s craiv. anoui; wnue y . ! . , .i. i ..„—!
the means of happiness.
elty, 590,000 of the best men of the loyal • Gov. Holden’s course, recognizing the j ai? ' 1 l,J
abolition of slavery, and protecting a-
Rcsolced, That the entire pacification gainst negro suffrage and the deprivation
of the elective franchises to those who i
our an i one which requires the exercise of
ha~e taken the amnesty oith or been par-, republisl.ed
doned by the President. *•
the affairs of the government; and in so
I will but move in concert with
■ the two hundred thousand Demcruts of
! Ohio.
Thc Charleston Mercury is about to be
R. B. Rhe't i*t th* iueutaf*