Newspaper Page Text
the newhah herald,
PnblUhtd Wackly at «»>* aa-
aare-~*i* moat** #*, in advance.
Rates of Advertisiw*.
Ailrertireroent* inrerted »* */£■' r ?* f
ten line-. (or Space equivalent.; tor rs
ffon, n"'i t^rta f rtr each subsequent in-
' fccrnl deductions will fe« made to ad- : . .: —-
vettUeri bv the montli or year.
transient advertisements must be
paid for when handed in.
flarnsl; - - - get’olttl to §olitiro, .§lt\\% Agnrultwre, Cmmncrrc,
Legal Advertisements
gSales of Land by Administrators, Execufore] |
VOL. I.]
[NO. 11.
7? Guardian q.are required by law to he held on
rW first Tuesday in each month, between the
hours of ten in the forenoon .and three in the
Afternoon, at the Court House *n the county
nr which the property is situated.
Notices of these sales must he given
public gazette 4«* days previous.
Notices of sale of personal property m
fee (riven in like manner, through a pnhlic
$it*['ttt<, 10 days previous to sale day.
Jr? Debtors and Creditors of an estate j
finist be published 40 days.
Notice that application will be made to. the
f’onrt 6f Ordinary for leave to sell land must
be published for two months'- .
Citations for Letters of Administration,
Lriardintwdiip, Ac., must be published 30 days
- for Dismission from Admipis^ration, month'
lv six months—for Dismsssion liUard^Xh-
ship, 40 day
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
Know all Men by these Presents:
T n.vr we, WM. McXAUGHT, of Atlanta.
Cifl.. JESSE A. AXSLF.V. of Aiirrn<st:i
Preamble to the Constitution- ' cure in their persons, houses, papers and j The Third, of Wayne, Pierce and Ap- counties having the largest Rcprescnta-
We the people of the State of Georgia, effects, against unreasonable searches and
in order to form _a permanent Govern- seizures, shall not be violated; and no
ment, establish justice, insure domestic warrant shall issne but npon probable
tive population, shall have two Itepre-
ln?fe^r^ C0rp0ra,C ’ U, V ! ; r l hC 'T* i of Almighty God, the author of all good things to be seized.
’ n Y ‘ ‘ l et role- it * t..: j ,k;= 10. The person of a debtor shall not be
detained in prison; after delivery for the
T1<A I HI I*i lit-! ; <
Tim. Company. lor ,,1C purpose of Government, do ordain and establish this
mining Petroleum or dial Oil, preparing the Constitution for the State of Georgia,
same for ronruet, and vending the same at ;
points.and places most conducive to toe inter-'
points, ami pi
csts of all concerned, do hereby and b‘-retu
•iecLire and apply,
1. That your applicants be associated and
incorporated together under the corporate
i name and style of the GEORGIA 1‘ETItOLK-
Rules for the foreclosure of Mortgages must | COMPANY, with all the powers, priviie-
t » 1 .•1.1.. f/.» fius* i.iAnthc fr»r ! ' . . * 1 .
be published monthly for four i.ionths-for j - hts nnd i,nmuniric3 by i
t-stahlisliing lost papers, for the full spare of, ,. nv . of t ; ]e St . lte 0 f Georgia i
three months—for compelling titles from Lv- j nia( , e an ,j prov :j e(1
f-cutois, or Administrators, where bond has
hern given by the deceased, for the full space
of three months.
Publications will always be continued »c-
i-ordinir to these, the legal requirements, un
less otherwise ordered, at the following
by the code and
in such ca:-c-s ]
Articfs 1.—Declaration of Right*.
1. Protection to person and property is
i the duty of government.
benefit of hjs creditors of all his estate,
not expressly exempted by law from levy
and sale.
20. The Government of the United
States having, as a war mea»ure.«proclaim-
ed all slaves held or owned in this State,
! emancipated from slavery, and haviug car-
Sheriff's Sales per levy of ten lines or less,.S 2 a0
Sheriffs Mortgage fi. fa. sales, per levy,
T ii Collector's Sales per levy
Citations for letters of Administration,
Citations for letters of Guardianship...
Notice of application for dismission from
Notice of application for dismission from
Application to sell land,
Notice to Debtors and creditors
Sale of Land, persqure,
Sales of perishable property, lu days. ..
fc.tray Notices, sixty days, .'
Foreclosure of Mortgige, per square,....
For man advertising his wife, iu advance 10 00
Marriages and Deaths, 1 00
II. That the objects of this Incorporation or j
Association will be the mining for Petroleum liberty, or property, except by due process
Oil in the coal regions of Georgia and 1 , ,
oi law.
2. No person shall be deprived of life.! ried that proclamation into full and prac-
tieal effect, there shall henceforth be,
;> 00
5 00
n oo
3 oo
r, oo
c oo
6 oo
3 oo
2 oo
4 no
Leave Atlanta
Arrive at Ncwnan ....
Arrive at West Point
Leave West Point ....
Arrive at Newtiiui ....
Arrive at Atlanta
G 00 A M
0 10 A M
...12 04 P M
1 00 P M
3 f»2 P >1
7 03 P M
DUS. C. D. & I. E. SMITH,
tt .WING associated in the practice of
\ £ Medicine, respectfully tender their servi
ces io the citizens of N« wtian and country.—
Particular attention to Surgery and
EfcyVM <y be found at all hoars, when not
protessiotniilv engaged, at ttieir otticc on brick
Front, South side of Public Square, third
door from. Dodd < corner. [Oct. 2l-i-tt.
gVlatonmn Qtroot,
Atlanta-, Georgia.
Sept. 9—L—3nn
ATT ILL practice regularly in Coweta and
vV -the surroiiiiding' counties, ami in the
United States*District Courts for the Northern
and Southern Districts of the State.
Jkjj—Spccial attention given to ths collection
and sccuring-of Maims.
Sept. 9-1—tf.
or Coal
Alabama, and at such points as the geological
feature/of ibe country may indicate as most
Conducive to success, the preparation of said
Petroleum or Coal Oil when found for market,
and the vending of the same in suitable mar
III. That the period for which these appli
cants desire the benefits of Incorporation in
the manner and for the purposes within speci
fied, is twenty years.
IV. That the capital stock of this corpora
tion shall consist of Ten Thousand Shines, of i shall not be infringed,
the par value of ten ^dollars per share: that
tlie same is or shall be represented in actual
property by Leases on Coal Lands in the Stale
of Alabams, -situate and being, and known
and designated as follows:
within the State of Georgia, neither slave-
3. The writ of Habeas corpus, shall j r ? nor involuntary servitude, save as a
punishment for crime, alter legal convic
tion thereof; Provided, this acquiescence
in the action ol the Government of the
The Fourth, of Glynn, Cauiden and sentative. The designation of the coun-
Cliarlton. ties having two Representatives shall be
The Fifth, of Coffee, Ware and Clinch, made by the General Assembly immedi-
The Sixth, of Echols, Lowndes and ately after the taking of each ccnsuft.
Berrien. , J 2. No person shall be a Representative
The Seventh, of Brooks, Thomas and ' who shall not have attained the age of
The Eighth, of Decatur, Mitchell and
M filer.
The Ninth, of Eariy, Calhoun and Ba
The Tenth, of Dougherty, Lee and
Worth. ^
The Eleventh, of Clay, Randolph and
The Twelfth, of Stewart, Webster and
! twenty one years, and be a citizen of the
Vuitcd States, and have been for three-
years an inhabitatttof the Stqte, and for
one year a resident of the county which
he represents.
3. The presiding offiscr of the House
of Representatives shall be styled the
Speaker, and shall be elected vica voce
from their own body.
4. They shall have the sole power to
impeach all persons who have been or
The Thirteenth, of Sumpter, SchleyJ may be in office.
not be suspended unless in case of rebel
lion, or invasion, the public safety may
require it.
4. A well regulated militia, being nec-.
essary to the security of a free State, the « a relinquishment, waiver, or estoppel ol
J J 1 r i * _ a* -r I ...,
United States, is not intended to* operate
right of the people to keep and bear arms,
such claim for cjinjiensation of loss sus-
; tained by reason of the emancipation of
CC -4
^2 Countv
q =■ which
u. catcd.
4 east
St. CLir c-
9 c ;i u
4 “ “ “
4 ii .i ii
9 15 0 we-
9 “ “ ;
y. “ I*
8 14 “ “
Walker co'tv.
lv 10
NorUi-£ast ] 19 li
i i- t 30 *•
Xorth-Wesl f 11 “
South ] 31 “
N WiufSW \ 9 ;
S W J of N W {
N W 4 of S E |
S W j of S E ‘
South-E ist j
South-West 1
S W 1 of N E }
Soul It-West {
s k > of s !•: \
N E J of N W j
\ W JofNWj
N E J of N E > 7 - “
W .1 of N \V } i *• “ :l
E }' of N W > 1 i- “ -
S W \ of S \V { 28 “ “ 11
XWjvfSWJ 27 “ “ ‘
NWjofNWj “
S-iuth-Fist \ 21 14 in •
South-West j 29 " “ "
W X of N K j 33 “ “
said leases being In favor
and each for the period of twenty year
the date of these pic '
ceuled by the owners respectively of said Lots
of Land.
V. That fill' power and authority be granted
io these applicants, for vaNubie eoj.-idtration,
lo sell and assign to any third parties shares
of stock or certificates of interest in the said
Cum pa i i v.
VI. , That the place of general business. ?
the location of said Incorpor ttion shall oe at
Ncwnan, Coweta county. Ga.
5. Perfect freedom of religious senti-1 bis sl * Tes » 88 au - v citizCn of Oeor - ia
ment, be and the same is hereby secured,
and no inhabitant of this State, shall ever
be molested in person or property, nor
prohibited from holding any public office
or trust, ou account of his religious opiu-
6. Freedom of speech
of the press, are inherent elements of •
political liberty. But while every citi
zen may freely speak or write, or
hereafter make upon the justice and mag
nanimity of.that Government.
21. The enumeration of rights herein
contained is a part of this Constitution,
Jjut shall not be construed"to deny to the
people any inherent rights which’they
and freedom j have hi,her t* ™joyed.
1. The Legislative, Executive and Ju-
p r j nt | dicial Departments shall be distinct; and
i - , 1 , ,, , „ c _! each department shall be confi ed to a
on any subject, he shall be responsible tor , U.
the abuse of the liberty.
separate body of magistracy. No person,
The rijit of the People to appeal j ol ’ ll “ tio ” of P'” 0 "” b ° i, ‘ B 0f0n '’ J "
' partment, shall exercise any power prop
erly attached to cither of the others, ex-
to the courts, to petition goverenment ou
all matters of legitimate cognizance and .
ii a ne • cept in Casses herein expressly provided,
peaceably to assemble for consideration ol r 1 , f ,
2. The legislative power shall be vested
in a General Assembly, which shall con-
any matter of public concern shall never
be impaired. - ,
O ,, , „ 1 r ! sist of a Senate and House of Keprcsrn-
8. Every person charged with an or-,
r . ... .. . Lit , tatives, the members whereof shall be
fence against the law* ol the .State, shall I ’ .
! elected, and returns of the elections made
F-iv-ico’tv ! have the priviledge and benefit of eoun
j sol shall be furnished on demand with a
I copy of the accusation, and list of the
• f these i | w j ( ,. e ^ 5e3 oll w liose testimony the charge
wen! y years fror.1 ; _ '
l;:lv in. ’.:e and ex- against him is found', d ; shall have com
pulsory process to obtain the attendance
of iiis own witnesses; shall be confronted
with the witnesses testifyingagainst him,
and shall have a public and speedy trial
by an impartial jury, as heretofore prac
ticed iu Georgia.
9. No person shall tie put in jeopardy
of life or liberty, more than once for the
same offence, save on his or her own mo
tion for a new Hal after conviction, or in
case of mistrial.
10. No conviction shall work co'rup-
tion ol blood or general forfeiture of
11. Excessive bail shr.ll not be required,
nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and
unusual pun.shmcnts inflicted.
12. The powers of the courts to punish
I’ersonallv appeared before me. Win. Mark- ,
ham, a Notary Public in and for the county
and Stall- aforesaid, W in. McXaugiit, President j
of the association above named, and of the j
applicants for-Incorp.-ratioit above set forth, j
who being duly sworn deposeth and saitb— j
That the b-asej upon the Lots of Land in tha j
-- application, foregoing mentioned «nd de- : for contempts shall be hunted by legisla-
Office over Post Ofiice.“^58
Sept. 9—1—tf.
. “ " —AXO—,
I ^OR Selling, Renting or Buying Real E -
^ tatr in Newuan, or in Coweta and ad
joining cqunties. [Oct. 28-S-ly.
FOR Receiving, Put
ting in Order and Sliip-j
ping Co'ton to safe xndjyxy*.*^
responsible firms in Au-
gusta. New York or Liverpool.
fia^-Libctnl advances arranged for parties
desiring it.
Ncwnan. Ga., Sept. 23—t-tf.
sai - ,, ...
scribed, composing the capital stock and prop
erty of the association and manufacturing
corporation proved for. arc reasonably valued
at and worth the sum of one hundred thousand
WM. McNAUGIIT, President.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this
tive acts.
13. Legislative acts in violation of the
t ° ...
; constitution are void, and the judiciary
1 shall so declare them. '
14. Ex post facto laws—laws impair
ing the obligation of contracts, and rc-
_ * any
; right of the citizen, are prohibited.
sixtii day of October, A. D. 1805.
* * WM. MARKHAM, . _
Notary Public for Fulton County. ; troactive laws injurioilsly affectin.
gc>yrThc La Grange Reporter will coy y the
above two months and send account tot!: .
dfiice. [October 1 l-3-2m. 15 I^aws should have a general opera-
j iion, and no general law affecting private
; rights shall be varied in a particular ease
• hv special legislation, except with the Dee
Fres li
The undersigned is prepared to furnish
consent, in writing, of persons to be affee- |j e elected by the General Assembly, or
ill the manner now preacribed by law, (un
til changed by the General Assembly) on
the loth day of November, in the pres
ent year, and biennially thereafter, on the
first Wednesday of October, to serve un
til their successors shall be eleetjd ; but
the General Assembly may, by law,
change the day of election.
3. The first meeting of the General;
Assembly, under this Constitution, shali j
be on the first Monday in December next, 1
after which it shall meet annually on the
first Thursday in November or on such
other day as the General Assembly ir.ay
prcscribe- . A majority of each house shall
constitute a quorum to transact business,
but a smaller number may adjourn from
day to day and compel the attendance of
its absent members, as each House may
provide. No session of the General As
sembly after the first above mentioned,
shall continue longer than forty days, un
less prolonged by a vote of two-thirds of
each branch thereof.
4. No person holding any military com
mission, or other appointment, having any
emolument or compensation annexed
thereto, under this State or the United
States, or either of them, (except Justices
of the Inferior Court, Justices of the
Peace, and officers of the militia) nor any
defaulter for public money, or for any le
gal taxes required of him, shall have a
scat in either branch of the General As
sembly ; nor shall any Senator or Repre
sentative after his qualification as such, j The Senate rial districts may be changed
and Macon.
The Fourteenth, of Dooly, Wilcox and
The Fifteenth, of Montgonery, Telfair
and Irwin.
The Sixteenth, of Laurens, Johnson
and Emanuel.
The Seventeenth, of Bulloch, Scriven
and Burke.
The Eighteenth, of Richmond, Glass
cock and Jefferson.
The Nineteenth, of Taliaferro, \\ arren
and Greene.
The Twentieth, of Baldwin, Hancock
and Washington.
The Twenty-First, of Twiggs, \Y ilkin-
son and Jones.
The Twenty-Second, of Bibb, Monroe
and Pike.
The Twenty Third, of Houston, Craw
ford and Taylor.
■ The Twenty-Fourth, of Marion, Chatta-
booche and Muscogee.
The Twenty-Fifth, of Harris, Upson
and Talbot.
The Twenty-sixth, of Spalding, Butts
and Fayette.
The Twenty-Seventh, of Newton, Wal
ton anil Clark.
The Twenty-Eighth,-of Jasper, Put
nam and Morgan.
The Twenty-Ninth, of Wilkes, Lincoln
and Columbia.
The Thirtieth, of Oglethorpe, Madison
and Elbert.
The Thirty-First, of Hart, Franklin
and Habersham.
The Thirty-Second, of White Lumpkin,
and Dawson.
The Thirty Third, of Hall Banks and
The Thirty-Fourth, of Gwinnett, De-
Kalb and Henry.
The Thirty-Fifth, of Clayton, Fulton
and Cobb. , .
The Thirty-Sixth, of Meriwether, Cow
eta and Campbell.
The Thirty-Seventh, Troup, Heard and
The”Thirty-Eighth, of Ilarralson, Polk
and Paulding.
The Thirty-Ninth, of Cherokee, Milton'
ai d Forsyth.
The Fortieth, of Union, Towns and
The Forty-First, of Fannin, Gilmer
and Pickens.
The Forty-Second, of Bartow, FI jd
and Chattooga.
The Forty-Third, of Murray, Whitfield
and Gordon.
The Forty-Fourth, of Walker, Dade
and Catoosa.
If a new county be established, it shall
be added to a district which it adjoins.
33 r e a, d ! ted thereby ; and no person being under
a If gal disability to contract, js capable of
such free consent-
IG. The power of taxation over the
whole State shall be exercised by tire
General Assembly only to raise revenue
for the support of the government, to
wild S' 1 ';' id™ U-h’Sv' pay the public debt, to provide for the
Out. 2S-8-3m.
\Y. D. CHAPMAN. 1 common defence, and for such other pur
poses as the General Assembly may be
LANDS FOR SALE. ;.r^ «*** - -w"- 4 "
eomplisb by this Constitution. But the
General Assembly may, by statute, graAt
the power of taxation for desigrated pur-
I OFFER for sale my. settlement cf Lands,
lving seven miles South ot Newuan, iu
<™Tod" ! poses, with such limitation* » they may
four honored in a high suite of cultivation
and under g«*od fence, the balance in the . . . tinna
woods and well timbered. Upon the premises municipal corporation,
tlicrc ;ire two siood couitcrt-iFlc uwc.iiiig ;>. together with all the neues>;.ry oat-
, . ^ houses; also a spring of excellent, and
one of the best orchards in the'eountry. em- ; bp up0 a just compensation
TAepot Sil\. Ncwnan, Ga., 'F^reat vaVietv! bearing from the fir-t of July being first paid ; and with thi* exceptmn
deem ex-pftdient, to county authorities and
to be exercised
ithin their several territorial limits.
17. In eases of necessity, private way*
appointed by the^Governcr with the
advice and consent -of two-thirds of the
Senate, to any office or appointment hav
ing" any emolument^r compensation an
nexed thereto, during the time for which
he shall liafe been elected.
5. No person convicted of any feloDy
before any Court of thi* State, « r of the
by the General Assembly, but only at the
first session after the taking of each cen
sus by the United States Government,
and their number shall never be increased.
2. No person shall be a Senator who
shall not have attained the age of twenty-
five years and be a citizen of the United
States, and have been for three years an
inhabitant of this State, and for or.e year rectly, to procure
5. All bills for raising revenue or ap
propriating, shall originate in the House
of Representatives ; but the Senate may
propose or concur in amendments, as in
other biiis.
Section 4.
1. Each House shall be the judge of
•the election returns and qualifications of
its own members; and shall have power
to punish them for disorderly behavior or
misconduct, by ceusure, fine imprison
ment or expulsion ; but no member shall
be expelled except by a vote of two-third-
of the House from which he is expelled
2. Each House may punish, by impris
onment not extending beyond the session,
any person not a u ember, who shall be
guilty of a contempt by any disorderly
behavior in its presence ; or who, during
the Session, shall threaten injury to the
person or estate of any member, lor any
thing said or done in either House ; or
who shall assault or arrest any witness
going to or returning from, or who shall
rescue, or attempt to rescue, any person
arrested by either House.
3. Tire members of both Houses shall
he free from arresst during their atten
dance ou the General Assembly, aud in
going to and returning therefrom, except
for treason, felony or breach of the peace.
And no member shall be liable to answer
in any other place, for any thing spoken
in debate in either House.
4. Each House shnll keep a journal of
its proceedings, and publish them imme
diately alter its adjournment. The yeas
and nays of their members on any ques
tion, shall, at the desire, of one-fifth of the
members present, be entered on the jour
nals. The original journals shall he pre
served (after publication,) in the office of
the Secretary of State; but there shall
be no other record thereof.
5. Every bill, before it shall pass, shall
he read three times, and on three separate
and distinct days in each House, unless in
cases of actual invasion or insurrection.
Nor shall any law or ordinance pass,
which refers to in ora than one subject
matter or contains matter different from
what is expressed m the title thereof.
6. All acts' shall be signed by the
President of the Senate and speaker of
the House of Representatives; and no
bill, ordinance or resolution, intended to
have the effect of law, which shall have
been reject’d by either House, shall be
again j roposed under the same or any
otiier titie without the consent , of two-
thirds of the House by which the same
was rejected. *
7. Neither house ,shall adjourn for
more than three days, nor to any other
place without tha consent of the other;
and in case of disagreement between the
two houses on a question of adjournment,
the Governor may adjourn them.
be passed by at least two-thirds of tbe
members present, in each branch of th«
General Assembly.
3. The. General assembly shall have
power to appropriate money for the pro
motion of learning and science, and to
provide for the education of tbe people;
and shall provide for the early resump
tion of of the regular exercises of the
University of Georgia, by the adequate
endowment of the same.
4. The General Assembly shall have
power, by a vote of two-thirds of each
branchy togrant pardons in eases of final
conviction for treason, or commute after-
final conviction in capital cases.
5. It shall be tho duty of the General
Assembly, at its next session, and there*
after as the pubiic welfare may require,,
to provide by law for the govern mi qpt iff
free persons of color ; for the protection
and security of tfieCrpcrsons and propeity,
guarding them and the State against any
evil that may arise frem their sudden-
emancipation, and prescribing in what
cases tbeir testimony shall be admitted in
the oanrti; for »hc regulation of their
transactions with citizens; for the legal
izing of their existing,and the contrasting
and solemnization for their future marital
relations, connected therewith their rights
of inheritance and testamentary capacity;
and for the regulation or prohibition of
ttieir immigration into this State from
other States of the Union, or elsewhcre-
And further, it- shall be the duty of the
General Assembly to confer jurisdiction
upon courts now existing, or to sreute
county courts with jmisdietion in crimi
nal casts t-xccptcd from the exclusive ju
risdiction of the Superior Court, and. in.
civil cases, whereto free persons of color
may be parties.
Section G.
1. The General Assembly shall have
no power #o grant corporate powers and
privileges to private companies, except to
banking, insurance, railroad, canal, plank
road, navigation, mining, express, iumber,
manufacturing, and telegraph companies ;
nor to make or change election precincts;
nor to establish bridge* and ferrtes; nor
to change names, or legitimate children ;
but shall by law prcscribo the manner in
which such power shall be exercised by
the courts. But no Bank charter shall
be granted or extended, and ao act passed
a’utho/izing the suspension of specie pay
ment by any chartered bank, except by a
vote of two-thirds of each branch of the
General Assembly.
2. No mouey shall be drawn from the
Treasury of this State, except by appro
priation made by law; and a regular
statement and account of the receipt and
expenditure of all public money shall be
published from time to time.
3. No vote, resolution, law, or ord*r
shall pass, granting a donation or gratuity
in favor of any person, f xccpt by the con
currence of two thirds of the General
4 No law shall be passed by which a
citizen shall be compelled, directly or in
directly, to become a stockholder ir>, or
contribute to a railroad, or other work of
internal improvement without his consent,
except the inhabitants of a corporate
town or city. This provision shall not be
construed to deny the power of taxation
for the purpose, of making levees or dams
to prevent the overflow of rivers.
1. The executive power shall be vested
in a Governor, the first of whom under
this Constitution, shall hold the office
from the time of his inauguration as by
law provided, until the clectioii and quali
fication of Ids successor. Each Governor
subsequently elected shall hold the office
for two years an until his successor shall
be elected and qualified, and shall not be
eligible to election after the expiration of
a second term for the period of four years.
He shall have a competent s-lary, which
shall not be increased nor diminished du
ring the time for which he shall have
been elected; neither shall he receive
within that time any other emolument
from the United States, or either of them,
nor from aDy foreign power. -
2. The Governor shall be elected by
the persons qualified to vote for members
0 f. the General Assembly, on the fifteenth
day of November, in the year eighteen
8 Every Senator and Representative,
before tak’uig his seat, shall take an oath ^
affirmation to support the Constitution ; hundred and sixty-five, and biennially
of the United States and of this State; thereafter, on the first Wednesday of Oc-
United States, shall be eligible to any | a resident of the district from which he
office, or appointment of houor, profit or is chosen.
and also, that he hath not practiced any
unlawful means, either directly or imii-
his election. And
every person convicted of having given
or offered a bribe, shall be disqualified
from serving as a member of either
3. The presiding officer shali be styled _
the President of the Senate, aud shall be 1 House for the term for which he was
4. The Senate shall Lave the sole pow
er to try all impeachments
9. Whenever this Constitution requires
When sit- an act to be be passed by two thirds of
nod nays on the
Will repair 'neatly and promptly
r-,^1 CIiOCiiMOt
fr'»=-t: twenty-live seres
excellent quality mi l great vanett
np? :e rebar J of choice trees and ail yar-etio.
The place is in a desirable neiguborhowb
convenient lu churches ami A -yte
bull lines are in good condition and L.e n _
cabins have trood stone and brick chimneys.—
I will sell very low if applied to soon. Tue
orchard will p«v for the place m one year
For further particulars ar-ply to nH on the
premises. ^ MIC HALL lUNDi.MAN.
September 73-3-2:a. *
;n l’ ,nm5 of private property shall not be taken,
ictv,and a.large t . 2 j nr
for public use, and then only on just as hereinafter provided.
trust, within this State until be shall have
been pardoned
6. No person who is a collector or hoi- j elected vica rove from their own body,
der of public money, shall be eligible to j
any office in this State, until the same L- I . .
accounted for and paid into the treasury. | ting for that purpose, they shall be on ; both Houses, trey as
.-ECIIO.V 2.. - ' o„h t.r affirmation, and do P cn»D shall be pmssa-e thereof, shall be entered on the
There shall be forty-four Senatorial convicted without the concurrence of two journals of each.
Districts in the State of Georgia, geae’n thirds of tbe members pr. sent. Judg- Section .
composed of three eontigooos coontic, me..,, io ease, of 1"“ '' TUe C ““ , A r
H t _ , . , j. f y , „ extend further than removal irom ottKe > noW(r to make all laws sud ordinances
from each of which distnc.s one r^ di9qualificat j on to hold and enjoy any ; f . . _ ; . u „ r .t
shall b* chosen, until otherwise arranged, officc of honor> profit, or trust, within this
The said Districts shall be constituted
compensation to be first provided and paid,
unless there be a pressing, unforseen ne- of coun ties as follows :
cessity; in which event the General As-
scmbly shall make early provision for
such compensation.
I i$. The right of the people to be se-
tober until such time be altered by law,
which election shall be held at the places
tf holding general elections in the several
counties of this State, in the manner pre
scribed for the election of- members of the
General Assembly. Jhe Returns for every
election of Governor shall 'be scaled up
by the managers, sepsftatcly from other
returns, and directed to the President of
the Senate and Speaker of the House of
Representatives; and transmitted to the
Governor, or the person exercising the
duties of Governor for the time being;
who shall, without opening the said re
turns, cause the same to be laid before the
Senate on the day after the two houses
Sn r bi^ consistent with this Constitution, and not, sha j| be organized; and they shall be
nant to the Constitution qf the i transmitted by the Senate to the Uouse
The members of
The First District, of Chatham, Bryan
and Effingham.
The Secw
’ State- but the party convicted shall nerv- repng
ertlielesa be liable and subject to indict- Uiri te< ^ States, which they shall deem D f Representatives.
, ment, trial, judgment and punishment neceS fj ar y and proper fjr the welfare of each branch of the General Assembly shali
according to law. t he State. . convene in the Representative chamber,
Section 3. 2. They may alter the boundaries of; President of the Senate, and
ou n ties ; out -
ci,untv shall! (Conti,,ned on tourlh. Rage.)
im. - , | , T , »T r e R»i>rc*ent2tives shall counties, and establish new counties; bu
,J, of Liberty, TnttonU ,nd The tmrty-sevc, every bill to —Hi* * **“•> •*““