Newspaper Page Text
LcSTC Atlanta 00 A M
Arrive at New nan 10 A H
Arrive at West Point 12 04 P M
Leave West Point 1 00 P M
Arrive at Newnan j :> ^ J ;
Arrire at Atlanta ^ 1
gkouge hi J'E
Formerly of £t. Loais, Mo., and late cf the
C. 3. Army,
O FFER? lii-5 professional services to the
citizen-, of Newman and vicinity, and
feqicctfiillv solicit! a share nf th«*ir patronage.
ffay* ).li :e in N orth-easPcorner of Coweta
It[Xor. l«-ll-iim.
i moii] • r^-jjis jodoQ ao
% ii o q;
jo ODtj.osjd tt
9r[i .i (u f; - j j 6i trcmcax; oi paujnjaj SVil
*'S a a ‘AHTIAV At T
‘ A H X SIX lM 3 (3
J)KS. C. I). A 1. E. SMITH,!
H AYING associated in the practice of
Medicine, respectfully tender their servi
ces to the citizens of Newnan and country.— '
Particular attention to Surgery and
Obstetrics, j
{Vjy-\( iy l>e found at all hours, when not
pr.tftoii'inall v engaged, :»t their ottice on llfick j
Front, South si<i>* of Public Square, tliird
door from Dadd’s corner. [Oct. 21-7-tf.
attorneys at law.
OFFICE IN chew's Bt;[I.DINO,
A lnlaa m a 3troct,
Atlanta, Georgia.
ftept. 9 — 1—rtin.
Iffflib Journal;to politico, pnvo, Apimlturc, iommewt, $*.
VOL. I ]
T' ~
HE nnder=igncd, haring rented the Phi-
_ lotnathic Institute, ’ respectfully announce
■to the citizens of Newnan and surrounding
ountry that they will open a
The Closing Scene.
. j It ir tnatiiiefct, from the eat nest, eio-
| quent, bold and patriotic terms in which 1
' the President bus urged the adoption* of
| this amendment, that he regards, as he
j says, “all that South Carolina has done—
and so well done—-as thrown away, unless
the amendment is accepted b,.jlie Leg is
lature.” TW Secretary, of 8tyj;e, is still
explicit in his language, lie vsSys^itHta
President considers the occciptunce of the
—' amendment by South Carolina as indis
pensable to a restoration of her relations
with the other States of the Union.” The
reason why thi* exaction is made of the
Southern States alter they have abolished
Published Weekly in Kewnnn, at $3 per an- By T B _ B1AD .
num—six months $2, in advance.
The following is pronounced by the
J. C W00TTEN and JdS. A. WELCS, Westminster Review to be unquestiona-
Pruprietors. i bly the finest American poem ever writ-
| ten:
su. , Rates of Advertising. Within the sombre realm of leafless trees,
-_ r _ _ Advertisements inserted at $1 » square of Tha russet year inhaled the dreamy air, i
Gclno^-day , 3(1, TH(>f>. j ten line-, (nr space equivalent.) for first inser- Lj^e some tanned reaper, in his hour of case, : objected to by the General Government. ^ SG.000,000 ; that this was mostly incur-
The rooms are commodious and well ar-! ° f ° F eaCb subscqueut in ' When nil the fields are lying brown and bare, j They are published in order that the red anterior to the war, in construct'tn
ranged for tiie comfort of studen ___ _ _
The gray barns looking from their hazy hills
tr X T
A-A ax *.1 XU
S SC HO 01
be gwided by love and wtscmn from on Slavery, is that they might otherwise, at
Offered in (he late Convention Ly W. W. high, and nnion and peace will ouc ■ more some future day, change iheir constitution
Copy of a Preamble and Resolution,
Thomas, of Coiceta, to explain j reigi^hrougSout the land
action of the Convention in prohWi-] “ A .VDKF. TV Johnson
tiny Slavery in the Constitution of j To these telegrapic dispatches, I re
plied that the war debt of South Carolina
was very inconsiderable ; that our whole
State debt, at this time was only about
[These resolutions were voted down by
: the Convention, for fear they would be
tion, and
„ Jt ,. ,, ... .... „ £aY“Liberal deductions will be made to ad-
Spdlhnjr, Rending, Arithmetic. Algebra. Gc- I vwtiwrs bv {he , nonlll „r vear.
oraetry, Trigonometry and the higher Mathe- ^transient adveriiiv-roents must be
mntics taught Also the Latin and Greek -j for whei , h;vru l c d in.
Languages. ltoys prepared for a College | , . M . (
Legal Advertisements.
Ratos oT Tuition.. " f band b - v Administrators, Executors
... or Ga.-iruiant,nn* reqitired bv law to beheld on :
Spelling, Reading, Geography ! the first Tuesday it. each month, between the
" - Z°. per raont ! '! hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the !
afternoon, <t the Court House in the county !
and Arithmetic 1
Other branches.
B*U^„I)ue first day Of each month.
Those desiring to send their boys or wards
would do well to see W. S. BEADLES,
Xov. 4-9-tf. W. T. VI i K !•; M A N.
Mrs. M. J. Nimnions
Will open a
YTT'trrtxvYy Y71 nprYAAT
eX •J * >ltxt ajulXJ. oG‘JLi.vJvJiut
The 1st Wednesday in January next,
in the building frontin
Rates of Tuition.
lit Class SHJ 2d (
yd Class
to be jeiid ninthly or quarterly.
November 11-1 rt-t f.
in which the property is situated.
Notices of these sales must be given in a
public gazette 40 days previous.
Notices of sale of personal nropcrtv must ' , , ,
, ... 1 The embattled forests,erewlitlearraed withgold.
he given in ltse manner, through a public ’
gazette, 10 days previous to sale day. There banners bright with every martial hue,
Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate Now stood like some sad, beaten host of old,
| voters of Coweta may be informed of the ; railroads and building a new State house,
views and actions of their delegates in with an old debt of long standing; that
() er the dun waters widening in ttie \ales, ° j .
Sent down the air a greeting to th* mills, | the Convention.] . | we had«*»Kined no pomon of the ConfeJ-
On the dnll thunder of alternate flail#. i Whereas the people of Georgia have • eratc debt »od were responsible in no
been required by the General Government! way for it. The sxnenditures which the
to prohibit slavery in their Constitution State had incurred up to a.certain period
before the State would be. permittted to' had all been settled and refunded by the
resume its former position and enjoy its Confederate States.
civil rights- in the Union, we deem it l stated that .South Carolina had abol-
proper to make the following statement. islied slavery in good faith, and never i»-
of facts, and to pass the following reso- tended or wishtd to restore it ; that the
lution: > I Legislature was then considering a wise,
defiance of the
The hills ssemed further nw} the stream
sang low,
As in * (’ream the distant woodman hewed
His wiuter log with many a uiuflied blow.
Withdrawn afar in Time’s remotest blue.
On sombre wings the vulture tried his flight;
The dove scarce heard his sighing mate’s
complaint; -
And like a star slow drowtiing in the light,
must be published 40 days.
Noiice that application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land must
bo published for two months.
Citations for Letters of Administration,
Guardianship, &c., must be published 30 days
- for Dismission from Administration, month
ly six months—for Dismsssiou Irom Guardian
ship. 40 d.'.y3.
Rules for the foreclosure of Mortgages must
be published monthly for four months—for
lion. II. Buchanan's ! establishing lost papers, for the full space of The Sentinel cock upon the hill-sifle crew—
A liberil patronage respectfully three months—for compelling titles from Ex- : CrCw thrice—and all was stiller thaw before:
: ertitots, or Administrators, where bond has c ., , , -
,. . j r *1 1* ,1 ailent, till some replvine warden blew
: been eivcn by the deceased, for the full space j ’ . , ,
His alien horn, and then was heard no more.
and restore slavery in
Federal Government.
You, t^ciulemen, have, at this time, the.
destiny of tlie State :n your bands, and I
feel assured that you will act calmly audi
dispassionately, with the view to the peace;
happiness and well-being of South Caro
I addressed a communication to the
^ Secretary of the Treasury at Washington,
a few days since urging that, in case the
Legislature should assume the payment of
that portion oi the direct tax for which
South Carolina is liable, that the Federal
Government, should receive her bonds for
the same, or suspend the collection of the
tax for the present year. I would advise
immediate assumption, by the iitate, or
lo-r portion of tiie direct tax which is a-
, , , bout $36,000. This will relieve the peo-
We regard the institution of Slavery just uuL lainanc system of laws for tI,c | ^,j c Irom the immediate payment of it
as consistent with the dictates of human- government and protection of the treed- j t> t » nu p edera i 'p ax Collectors, and enable
ity and the strictest principles of morality
and religion, and, in our judgment, the
negro race, under our system of slavery,
has attained to a higher condition of civiii-
The village church vane seemed to pale and i nation, morality, usefulness and happiness
meu, in all their rights of person and
property ; and that there was no objection
to the adoption of the proposed amend
ment-to the Federal Constitution, except
an apprehension that Congress might, un-
II,L practice regularly in Coweta and.
tlie surrounding counties, av-1 in the
t'n it ml States District Courts for the Northeru
end Snutlieru Districts of the State.
Et-ij"'Sjiei:i:’.l attention given to thi colleetion
aad se.-iiring of claims.
Sejit. 0-1—tf.
jfc.yOflire over l’ost OIBee."®®
Se|)\ M— 1 —til
— AM) —
I “OR Sitting. Renting or Buying Real K--
f 4 late in Newnan, or in Coweta and ad-
! of three months.
...”T'' v_ Publications will always be continued ac- j
; cording to these, the legal requirements, un- j Where erst the jay. within the elm’s tall crest,
i less otherwise ordered, at the following
RATES. j F°>mg;
1 Slier: !T.< Sales per levy often lines or less,? 2 50 _\nd where the oriole hung her swaying nest,
By every light wing like a censer swung ;
I 1111 collectors oaics per ie»j, •> |
"I Ml AT
I 6a.. JESSE A. AXSLKY. of Augu
than it has under any other circumstances, j dcr the second section of that amendment,
or in any other portion of the globe; and claim the right to legislate lor the negro
we arc convinced that the destruction of! after slavery was abolished. I likewise
slavery at the South, while it is a great! stated that no official notice had ever been
injury to the white race, will prove to be received by the Legislature of the pro-
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
Know all Men bv these Presents:
Sheriff's Mortgage (i. fa. sales, per levy,
Tax Collector’s Sales per levy,
we. MM. MeXAt GHT, ot Atlanta, -Citations 'for letters of Administration,
Citations for letters of Guardianship...
Notice of application for dismission from
5 00
5 00
3 00
3 00
G 00
joining counties.
[Oct. 28-S-ly.
COXOX and >TEPI1KX D. SMITH, of Newnan,
G.i. being desirous of associating tuirselve?
j together as a Body Corporate, under Die name
| and style of the (Jcoi’gri;\ PcM l*ole*
lllIL CompailV, '" r tlle purpose of
I iiiimug Petroleum or .‘Coal Oil, preparing the
: same tor market, nnd vending the same at
points and places most conducive to the inter
ests of all :oucenied. do hereby and herein
j declare and apply.
I. That your applicants be associated and
incorporated together under the c-u'
l trimc aval style-r»f tiie GSORGI t PKTIlOl.h-
CM COMPANY, with all the powers, privile
ges, rights and immunities by the code and
; laws of the State of Georgia in such eases
made and provided.
I II. That the objects of this Incorporation or
; Association will lie the mining for Petroleum
• or Coal till in the eoa! regions of Georgia and
j Alabama, and at such points as the geological
j features of tiie country may indicate as most |
! conducive h> success, ti e preparation of said j
Petroleum or Coal Oil when found for market,
and the vending of the same in suitable mar- :
, krt>.
lii. That the period for which these apjdi-
g 00 I Where every bird that waked the vernal feast,
7.', j Shook the sweet slumber front its wings at
2 00 j morn,
■ To warn the reaper of the rosy enst;
Notice of ap-dieation for dismission from
Guardianship, .’. G 00
! Application to sell land, 6 00
Notice to Debtors and creditors
Sale of Land, persqure,
i Sales of perishable property, 10 days.
Estray Notices, sixty days, 4 00
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square 75 , , , , ,
For mu,..advertising his wife, in advance 10 00 j AI! il0 ' r £lmless em PG and forIorn -
Marriages and Deaths, 1 00 j
| ,m - 1 — Alone, frem out the stubble, piped the quail
„ -«■- And croaked the crow through all the drearr I
Skinning' Butlers. HGtse. gloom;
j Some of the papers report the follow Alone, the pheasant, drumming in the vale,
ing amusing incident iu the life ol Gen. : Made echoiu the distance to tbe cottage loom
Butler: |
, . -i • ,1 : Thctv was no bud, no bloom upon the bowers:
Several months ago, wile in the neigh- ’
| r The spiders rnoveu their thin shrouds night
borhpod of the Dutch (Jap Canal, General ; niMit
butler received information that his fa- Xhe thistle-down, the only ghost of flowers,
a great curse to the black race. Yet
Madc garrulouJ trouble round her unfk-dg- slaver J llavin S Den destroyed by the ac
tion of the General Government of the
United States, there are only two alterna
tives presented to the people of Georgia,
to-wit: a recognition of the fact in the
Constitution of the State, and a compli
ance on our part with the requirements
of the Federal Government in demanding
Where sang the noisy martins of the eves.,
The busy swallows circling ever near—
Foreboding, as the rustic miud beiieves,
Au early harvest and a plenteous year;
posed amendment to the Constitution of
the United States.
In reply to this dispatch, I received,
yesterday, the following telegram Irom
the Secretary of State, dated
Washington, Nov. G, 1865.
To his Excellency B. F. Ferry, Fro vi
sional Governor of South Carolina:
Your dispatch to the President of No
vember 4 has been received. lie is not
Sailed slowly by -passed noiseless out of
| cants desire the benefits of Incorporation in
i the manner and for the purposes within speci-
, lied, is twenty years.
IV. That the capital stock of this corpora-
| tion shall consist of Ten Thousand Shares, of
the par value of ten dollars per share: that
the same is or shall be represented in actual
!'proper! v by Leases 011 Coal Lands in the State
j of Alabain-, situate and being, and known
S and designated as follows:
vorite horse.-‘•Almond Eye,” had been ac
cidentally killed by falling into.a ravine.
Upon the departure of the informant, he ' .... . .
* *_ j Amid all this—in this most dreary air,
ordered an Irishman to go and skill un. 1 where the woodbine si ed upon tbe porch
“ \\ hat 1 :s Almond Lye dead ? ask- | pc crimson leaves as if the year stood there.
ed Pat. | Firing the floor with its inverted torch ;
“ What's that to you ? Do as I hid you,
la formal prohibition of slavery in our _ , . .
^ entirely satisfied with the explanation it
Constitution, or perpetual military rule, J 1
with its consequent evils and burthens, contains, lie deems necessary the pas-
and perhaps total loss ot our civil and ! sa =' e bf adec l uate ordinances,
constitutional rights.
Yielding, therefore, to the overruling
necessities of our condition, and acting
under the constraints which that condition
It is Resolved, That this Convention
accepts, in good faith, the former alterna
tive, as one of the unavoidable results of
the overthrow of the late revolution, and
do hereby consent that it shall he incor
porated in our Constitution that neither
slavery nor involuntary servitude shall
exist in this Stato except for the com
mission of cr;mc.
FOR Receiving, Put-
ting in Order and Ship-I ^v
pihg.Co'ton to safe and
responsible firm- in A n-A^>-fe* r ! r ' North-East ’ 19
gusts. Xi w 1’oik or Liverpool. j ‘‘1
S£a>“Liherul advances arranged for parties Xorlli-M'cst 1 lb
desiring it. j South \ :’>1
Newnan, (la., Sept. 23-3-tf. 1 N \V j of S M’ j 0
» ~ : South-East j 9
.Depot Sti*., Newnan, C>a.,;south-west 1
1 c* u* t _rvr 1
AY ill repair neatly and promptly
. 3 Co tin! y
~ which
™ catcd.
ir. 4 east
St. Cb ir ci-
and ask no questions.”
Pat went about his business, and in an
hour or two returned.
“ Well. Pat, where have you been all
this time ? ”
“Skinning the horse, ycr honor.” \ She , |;ld knovrn sorrow .
“ Does it take nearly two hours to per- i j. erj
Amid all this, the centre of the scene,
The white-haired matron with monotonous
Plied the swift wheel, and with her joyless mien
Sate like a fate, and watched the flying
He had walked with
M'alkcr co'tv.
lornt such an operation ? ”
J “ No, yer honor; but then you- see it
tuck ’bout half an hour to catch him.”
“Catch him 1 Fire and furies! Was
lie alive t ”
j “ Y’cs, ver honor; and you know I
! could not skin him alive ?”
Oft supplied, and broke with her the ashen
Message of Gov. Perry.
Executive Department, )
South Carolina, Nov. 7, ’65. \
To the Honorable the Senate and House
of Representatives : -
that all insurrectionary proceedings in the
State are unlawful and void ab initio.
Neither the Constitution nor the laws
direct official information to the States of
amendment to the Constitution submitted
to Congress. Notice of the amendment,
by Congress, abolishing slavery, was nev
ertheless scot by the Secretary of State,
at the time, to the States which were
then in communication with this Govern
ment. Formal notice will immediately
be given to these States which were then
in insurrection.
The objection which you mention to
last clause of the Constitutional amend
ment is regarded as querulous arid unrea
sonable, because that clause is really re
straining in its effects, instead of enlarging
the power of Congress.
The President considers the acceptance
of the amendment by South Carolina as
Gentlemen : I had the honor of re
ceiving front the President of the United j indispensable to a restoration of her rein
states the following telegraphic dispatch tions with the other Suites of the l nion.
on the 28tn of October last:
“ To B- F. Perra’, Prov. Governor:
“ Y’our last two dispatches have been
And in the dead leaves still she heard the atir rece j vcd) an d the pardons suggested have
Of his thick mantle trailing in the dust.
Sentetnber 30-t-lv.
8 \Y [ of X E \ 9 “ “
South-M'cst l S 14 "
1 S E \ of S E \ 29 “ 7
N E \ of X \Y l 17 “
WVJofNWJ 8 “ "
NEJofNEJ 7 - "
M' ? of N \V \ 4 v “
E .f of N \Y j 1 “ “
SM'tofSvVj 2S •• “
NM'JofSM’i ’-’7 •• “
i N \V \ of N \Y [ 33 “
. South-East \ 21 14 10
South-West J 29 •• “
\Y A of N E j 33 u “
While yet her check*was bright with summer
Her country summoned and she gave herall;
And twice war bowed to her his sable plume—
Re-gave the sword to rust upon the wall.
. “ Skin him alive ! Did you kill him ? ”
“ To be sure I did ! Y'ou know I must
ubev orders, without asking any ques- Re-gave the sword but not the hand thatdrew
tions.’* { An<1 strut 'k for liberty the dying blow;
Gen. Butler >yed his servant with such ! Nor him who, to his sire and country true,
a malicious look that Pat thought he
been ordered.
I hope that your
The formal
notice 1
ii. Seward
if the proposed
the State to make some arrangements in
reference to it with the Treasury Departr
moJit or Congress.
In my communication ti> the Secretary
of State 1 urged tiie propriety of witli-
drawing the colored troops front the inte
rior of the State ttv the lorts or sea coasC,
and requested that wiiite troops might,
for the present, he retained in Charleston,
Georgetown and Beaufort.
1 have forwarded the resolutions you
sent me the other day, in reference to
the school houses in Charleston, to Gen.
Howard, and asked that they should be
re.-tored to the proper authorities. I made
the flame request in regard to the Military
I&t-l! in Charleston.
B. F. Perry.
The following resolutions were intro
duced iu the South Carolina Legislature
on the 4th :
Resolved, That, in the opinion of this
General Assembly, the people of South
Carolina have fully Complied wi h tho re
quirements of the amnesty proclamation
of his Excellency Andrew Johnson, Pres
ident of the United States, dated 29th
May, 1805. *
Resolved, That having given tiie strong
est practical proofs of their entire acqui-
esence in the results of the war, including
the emancipation of their slaves, the peo
ple have fairly entitled themselves to the
benefits of amnesty guarantied them by
that proclamation.
Resolved, That the continuance of
martial law, and the further suspension
of the writ of habeas corpus within the
liminits of the State, is inconsistent wiih
the restoration of civil government, and
the proper subordination of the military
to the civil power, required by the Con
stitution -.f the United States.
Re dived, Tit at the people of South
Carolina fully appreciate the difficulties
which have surrounded the President of
amendment to the Constitution ot the j t fj fi United States, and cheerfully accord
United States has not yet been received, j to },| ln Hie tribute due to clemency in the
When it is I will communicate the same J cxt . rc j S( . ,,f power That, acknowledging
Legislature will to Y ou - The amendment may be seen in ; t i ie!1 - position at the close ol the war to
have no hesitation in adopting the amend- j lhe acts of the last Congress, and is in j have been that cf a conquered people, yet
having accepted the terms which were of-
lered them, and having fully complied
Fell ’mid the ranks of the invading foe;
Favetle co’tv.
meditated skinning an Irishman in re
venue for the death of his horse.
rnent to the Constitution of the United | lh e *e words :
States abolishing slavery. It will set an j Neither slavery not involuntary servi
example, which will no doubt be followed I tuiie > except as a punishment ior crime, j w j t h all the conditions then proposed, the
by the other States, and place South Caro- whereof the party shall have been du y | public faith of a great government stands
lina in a most favorable attitude before 1 convicted, shall exist within the 1 mi s ot j sol(J! . n i^ pledged before the eyes of tbe
the nation. I trust in God that it will be ; the United States, or any place -ubject to . w „ r jd, to release them Irom military rule,
done The nation and State will then be j tIu;ir jurisdiction. atu j t0 re . tore them to all their rights in
left free and untrammeled to take that j Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to
course which sound policy, wisdom and j •_"$>«* this article by appropriate legisla-
Shop on the North-West corner of Public
Square, adjoining the store ot A. B. Brookins.
gaf-Repniriug neatly ami promptly done.
Sept. 9-l-3m.
“ . A confirmed bachelor uses the follow-
said leases being in favor of these applicants ^ no . ar „ uincn t against matrimony. “ Cal-
i s nd each for the period of twenty years from 1 . „ , - Tf
•:he date of these pro en’s. duly made and ex- tco is a great promoter of laziness. Li
eouted by the owners rcspect'.vjly of said Lois j voun2: nicn wish to accomplish anything
\ 0t \. ‘Satfull power and authority be granted; of moment, either with head or hand,
fo these applicants, for valuable consideration, they must keep clear of the institution
to sell and assign to any third parties shares- ; , A p air 0 { sweCt Ups, a pink,
certificates ot interest in tne s.uu * r ‘ |
waist, swelling chest, a pressure of two ... , , ,
1 r i.,Kinc« or-d , '' While death and winter closed tbe autumn
e place of general buMncss a a dc lj cate hands, will do as much to un
f said Incorporation shall ben, .
tion. Approved^Feb. 1. 1865.
the Union.
'1 lie Consiituona! Amendment abolish
ing slavery passed both Houses of the
A few days since. I addressed a com- j g ou th Carolina Legislature yesterday, with
niunication to Mr Feward, Secretary of but little rpposition. What new test of
State, by mail, in which I repeated and ** loyalty” wi il he demanded next?
Negro Rule for New England.—
of stock or 1
Yl. That the
the location of
Newnan, Coweta couutv. Ga.
Two old friends met. not long since, af
ter a separation of thirty-five years.
“ Well, Tom,” says one, “ how has the
world none with you old boy ? Married
I OFFER for sale my settlement cf Lands, j
lying seven miles South of Newnan, iu
Graiitville District. Coweta county. There are
five hundred and sixty acres in the body.
four hundred in a hi^h state of cultivation ir , ArAJ . ,\- pnrYTV
«r.a under good fence, the balance in the ULOI < J A, I I LR .N COL NTY.
woods and well timbered. Upon the premises j Personally appeared before me. Wm. -Mark-
t'lere are two rood and comfortable dwelling ham. a Notary Public in and lor the county
houses, together with all the ne.e^ary out- and State aforesaid Wm. McNangut. President yct ?
houses: also a spring of excellent water, and (of the association m.mro. and of the „ n j j’ve a family TOU can t
one of the best orchards in the country, etn- applicants tor Inc or,, rat,, n ulmve set forth. . , n<1 onP J T \»
bracing forty-five acres in young peach trees who being uuly sworn deposeth and saUImatch ; seven boys and one girl,
of great variety, bearing from the first of July rhat the lcase^upon t ie^ ots»o ^ ^n ,. j match it exactly, was the re-
until frost; twenty-five acres 4a plums of ■
excellent quality and great variety, and a large
apple ■ rebard of choice frees and all varieties.
Long, but not loud, the droming wheel went oj.
Like the low murmur of a hive »t noon ;
Long, but not loud, the memory of the gone j humanity may suggest.
Breathed through her Bps a sad and tremu- : ‘‘ANDREW JOHNSON,
,ous | President, U. S.”
At last the thread was snapped—her head was j Three days afterwards . received the
bowed ; i following telegram from the President, enlarged on the views previously expre.-s-
Life dropped the distaff through her hands dated j cd to the President, in reference to the
serene: WASHINGTON, Oct. 31, 1865. ! objections which were entertained, in j It is evident from recent advices, that the
And loving neighbors smoothed her careful ^ R y Ferry, Frovisional Governor: j South Carolina to the proposed^ Conititu- j negro troops are .no longer needed in
“There is a deep interest felt as to : i tonal amendment. 1 am happy to state j South Carolina, or any ot the other South-
I w hat course the Legislature will take in | that the Secretary of State does not re- j ern States. The work of reorganization
3rCn<> ' I regard to the adoption of the amendment gard these objections as well founded, but j under President Johnson’s policy is pro-
a large-sized whooping-cough, a pair or j A wealthy but ecceatric English noble- Constitution of the United States considers them “ queiulousand unreason- | greseuig so favorably everywhere, that
locked jaws, several hydrophobias, and , man advertised for a servant in the Times abolishing- slavery, and the assumption of able.” It is true that a plain, honest negro troop-have nothing to do. nor are
the doctor's hill.” newspaper. A candidate called, and mak- the create d t0 aid in the rebellion construction of the language of the amend- ; they r. qutred there. Even South Caro-
! ing known his business, wa3 shown up to j ao . a i ns t t h c Government of *the United | ment would be, that slavery was abolished lina is becoming Dn6 of the most peaceful
hinire a man as three fevers, the measles, j
his lordship. Among the duties which g tates If the action of the Convention in the United States, and that Congress localities in the whole country. Wcad-
“ Flunky” said he could incljde as was j D o 00 d faith, vhv hesitate in making s .ould simply enforce it. Y hen this vise the President to withdraw the cof-
was that of blacking his lordship’s boots j
“ Oh, n-ver mind that,” said the*‘dry’ ,; nife( i - ,
old nobleman, “ I always black my restora tion of the Union will not be de- authority given by thi3 amendment, to latter locality, under the teachings of the
boots—always. But how much wages do | ea ^ e( j and all that has, so far, been well pass laws for the government of the Radicals, is becoming excited. The
you expect ’ ” done, thrown awayI still have faith “freeduien” in their lree States. The leaders ire threatening another revolt*-
“ ? ulDeas a J ear » lord/ re ' that all will come out right yet. Tilts Attorney General of the United States tion and need close watching. They
□ good la 1 ui, v. 11 > ncfiiiaic m ujdMiif, o -uu.u *j — ^
part of tbe Constitution of the | was done, their legislation would be cn- ored trdups from that section and send
■d States? I trust in God that the ded. They could not attempt under the them immediately to New England. The
ee frees and all varieties, eny of the association a;:d manufacturing ^ ^
The place is in a desirable neighborhood, corporation prayed for. arc reason ,biv ~ ; u a
1 - All the .-ft and worth the sum of one hundred thousand
convenient to churches and s.liools.
buildings iu good condition and the negro 1 dollars.
cabins have good stone and brick chimneys.— , . , ,
1 will sell very low if. applied to soon. The ’ Subscribed -and sworn to figure uit. tnu
orchard will pay for tbe place in one year — sixth day ot October, ^
For further particulars apply to me on the
premises. " MICHAEL 1ILND8MAN. j
September 23 5 .3.
*aiil apuiication, foregoiag mentioned >;nd de- " 1 wd uiatu ;i i FI k ’ that all will come out rigut jet. xnis atwrue. ueuuo ox emaa oiaius no., anu ueeu cio»e watuuing. 1 ney
scribed, composing the capital stock aud prop- jly, “ for I have seven girls and one plied r Inn key. ^ j opportunity ooght to be understood and and the President have both been under- claimthatthePresidcntslrooldtakecer-
ship, with consternation ; ^eixty guineas! appreoiatdd by the people of the Southern stood as concurring in this opinion. It tain steps, ou the ground that military
Make it seventy and I'll eorne and live States. If I know ray own heart and would, therefore, be well, in adopting the rule stiil prevails, aud we tru-t that Mr.
ith you.” ' * | every passion which enters it, is to restore proposed amendment to place on record Johnson will take them at their Word,
^ , *'”•’** " = ~ j the blessings of the Union and tie op and the construction which had been given to and forthwith garrison every portion of
Public opinion depen a^ in a grea raeas-j Dobbs says of all bad halwts, «wo tng bleeding wound which has it by the Executive Department of the New England with negro D\;jps.~ A r . E*
j If you want to have a man lor J°® r I
\YM. Me NAUGHT, PnsUeut. ! fH 7 er iocur t he ill will of his wife, j
i . .rnrn TUlT#- lilt* tlilS ?
Oct ob'
Notary Public for Fuhoa Comity,
r 1 l-*?-2m.
the average prejudices of woman- j j n his eyes is the worst, ile weeps for. J T „ ? 1 r> ^
the avera 0 e P r i I the men that does it- 'been caused by tha radical war. Let « Federal Government.