Newspaper Page Text
Leave Vtlanta ^ ^
Arrive at Newnan -f ^ ^
Arrive at West l’o;nt 1- "d 1
Arrive at Newnan >
Arrive at Atlanta 03 1 1
GEORGE <;. in LL,
Superi ntendant.
Formerly of St. Louis, Mo., &xid luto of tlio a
ecMi? to ffclitka, pcirs, S\pifuttuw, Commerce, $r.
VOL. I j
C. S. Army,
iPFHRS Iii-t profession ll services to the
O FF Efts his profession i! services to me
clt'zcn* of Newnan and vicinity, and
r'esp -ctfullv solicits a share »f thrir patronage.
<--#» ),ficin North-east'eorner of Coweta
[Nov. 1S— 11 -*jm. | to the citizens of Newnan and surrounding
—=- . country that they will open a
r pflE undersigned, having rented the Phi-
I lomathie Institute." respectfully announce
The Snenanuoan.
By the arrival id the China, iron) Liv
erpool, we learn Chut the privateer Shen
andoah has been handed over to the
j American Consul, and a captain and crew
have been engaged to take her to New
1 York. Her captain and crew are said to
have been nnconditiona-ily discharged,
the British government being of opinion
that there are no legal grounds upon
which they could he detained.
Capt. Waddell, in a letter to Earl Rus
sell. which is pub!i>hed, says: “ In obe
dience to orders. I found myself in tiie
————■**>**—*^* c —Arctic and Ochotsh seas, far removed
TITF, TJT1WNATJ TTF/R AT,T> ; Female Society. | General Cleburne. An Extraordinary Domestic Tradition, from the ordinary channels of commerce;
Published Weekly in Newman, at S3 per an-i We endorse every word of John Ran j A member of the staff of the lamented The following extraordinary domestic ; and,"in consequence ot this awkward cir-
num—six months C2, in advance. j dolph about ladies' society. Bead what Gea. Tat. Cleburne, writing from Coluni- tradition is extracted form a new haffk cumstanco, I was engaged in acts of war
1 mm , he says, young men, and act accordingly: bia, Term., (a a friend in Mobile, Ala , wliieh is much talked of in Europe : until the 28th of June.' I was ignorant
J. C. WOOTTEK and JA.S. A. WELCH, You know my opinion about female j gives tbe following account of bis burial: The Duke of Alla, the brothcr-in-1 id - the reverse suffered by the Confede-
[NO. 13.
H”01* 11 *aou] -joa-ns roil-gi uo
• l.IfSlfU0 (J
‘ S a a ‘A31IAV AV f
* v *. Y xv
a<1 A aa Hi
Rates of Advertising
Xdvenii'-iiivnts inserted at £1
jo aopo j<I
tfqi JUIRS9J 0| uutl.lioiy or pOUJ!l)9i
Wednesday, Jan. 3d, T86G. |
ten lines, (or space equiv
The rooms are commodious and well ar- tiox>, and 75 cents for
ranged for the comfort of students. i sertiou.
Spelling, Reading, Arithmetic, Algebra. Oe- ! jg®*Liheral deductions
ometry, 1 rigonometry and the higher Matho- vertisers by tlie month or vear.
j society. \\ ithout it we should degener-j “ J had the remains brought to this
■ate into brutes. This observation applies j place and buried at Ashwood, six miles
( with ten-fold force to young men and distant, the private graveyard of the Polk
law of Napoleon III is a short, little man. j rates, and the total obliteration of the
who lias something icy about his whole government under which I acted, lie-
manner. Small and weak, his face dis ceived the first intelligence ot the riowu-
atent.)^for'first'Riser- t,losc who are in tlle P rime of manhood. ■ family. I met with great kindness from ph'J 9 an alabaster hue, which gives him a fail ot tbe Confederate cause on the 2d
each subsequent in- For after a certain time in life, the liter- j the people here in the performancejpf my I ghost like aspect. In Spain the story is of August, from the British bark Barra,
s will be made'o ad ar N may mak« a shift (a poor one, I grant) : sad duty. Ills coffin was strewn with | current that the Duke was buried before Coota, and desisted Irom turtlu r acts ot
1 • ’ *•’ • ‘ ■ m — - — ! * - — 1 — Mri * ' 1 war until I could communicate with a
to do without the society. To a young | flowers by the ladies, and the - followin ' j he was born. When his mother was cn-
rnatic' taught. Abo tiie Latin and Greek : js^rA ! transient advertisements must be Inan nolhing is so important as a sprit of! beautiful lines, written by Miss II ! eienfe with him she was taken so despei ^ European port, and learn it the intelii-
Languages. Boys prepared for a College paid tor when banded m». ° f • ’ J f ; i ii i . i
course. j t t ! devotion (next to his Creator) to some : was sealed upon it: ately ii! that all the attcrups ton-store Per i gence was true. 1 could not. tvavc been
^ n UVKILlsemeuLS j amiable woman, whose image may occupy „ , . , j remained fruitless. The Duchess died | sensible that the tales told by American
DUS. C. D. & I. E. SMITH,
H AVING associated in the practice of
Medicine, respectfully tender their servi
ces to the citizens of Newnan and country.—
Particular attention given to Surgery and
Ce-jyMuy lie found at al! hours, when not
professionally' engaged, at their office on Brick
Front, South side of Public Square, third
door from Dodd's-corner. [Oct. 21-7-tf.
Alnlanmn Stroct,
Atlanta, Gfeoi-gia.
Sept, it—1—3tn.
Legal Advertisements.
c, ... r> i- /> i Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors i bis heart and guard it against pollution, j
and Arithmetic. "... ..$4 00 per month. ° r t"T “‘V 7 u iJ’" 1 which besets it on all std.s, A man •
n , . . r , ! Ihc first Tuesday in each month. betwci-nWIie .
! JV r - ••• 0 ^ l( ’ . hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the ; ought to choose a wife as Mrs. I rtmrose .
-rT*' 'I*"* ,' r . ?t ‘° ‘- 11 i month. afternoon, at the Cour. House in tiie countv Hid her weddiii"- "own lor Dualities that
Those desirang to send their bovs or wards - , ■ , 1, , • . i ' u,u ,u - r wcuuin omi, ioi ijuanucs mai
i in winch tiie property is situated. * j „ . , • .
Noti, e= of these sales must be given in a !" wear well. One thing at least, is true ;
would do well to see
Nov. -l-D-tf.
Mrs. M. J. Nimmons
Will opin a
' ‘ ! public gazette 40 days previous.
Notices of sale of personal property must
j be given in like manner, through a public
| gazette, 10 days previous to sale-day..
Notice to Debtor? and Creditors of an estate
must be published 40 days.
Notice that application will be made to the
I Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land must
! ho published for two months. .
Citations for Letters of Administration,
j Guardianship, »Vc., must be published 30 days
i for Dismission from Administration, month-
, lv six months—for Dismsssion trom Guardian-
; Hie 1st iVcJnesdiiy in January next,; ship. 40 days.
' Rules for the foreclosure of Mortgages must
j in the building fronting Hon. II. Buchanan s I he pnbli.-hed monthly for four months—for
1 residence. A liberal patronage respectfully ' establishing lost papers, ter the full space of
Rates cf Tuition.
lit Class $10 2d Class
Oil Class S32.
-‘Rest thee, Cleburne! tears of sadness
wear well.
! that if matrimony has it cares, celibacy
has no pleasures. A Newton, or a more 1
eminent scholar, may find enjoyment in
their studv, a man of literary taste can
- rlo»v from hearts ttiou st nobly won
receive it. books a powerful auxilary, but | Memory ne - er will cf ., jc t „ clieiish
a man must have a bosom friend, and
children around him, to cherish and sup
port the dreariness of age.
to he paid ninthly or quarterly.
November 11-lo-tf.
Fare the well, departed chieftain! , ,
Erin's land sends forth a wail- i f ;,r from Madrid, at a chateau which had ships were true, but could rely upon the
And, oh, my country sad laments thee always been her favorite residence. Site statement of a British captain. IiTt.i-
Passed t*o soon through death's dark vale, was buried in tbe family vault; and, as j gent iy sought lor a precedent in law for
1 it is the custom of the Spanish nobility, j guidance in the future control, inanige-
j several valuables, among others her rings meat and final disposal of tbe vi-ssnl, but
I were put into tbe cbffi t. The treasures found none ’ binding tho authorities
i which had been left to oblivion with the questionable under which he acted, lie
I Duchess aroused the cupidity of soineruf-
; Sans; they broke into the vault on the
! night following tbe funeral, robbed the
; Blow ye breezes softly o’er bim,
Fan his brow with gentle breath :
Disturb ye not his peaceful slumber—
Cleburne sleeps the sleep of death !
immediately ceased crut.Mttg, and shaped
Deeds of glory thou hast done !’’
Washington. Clerkships.
his-vessel’s course f-r
the Atlantic.
did not feel justified
in destroying
vessel, but, on tlie con
tary, thought
A beautiful tribute to the women
of the South comes fretn the Na. ltville
Banner :
fin till they had plucked a flashing dia
mond from the finger of the corpse. The
The National Capital is a perilous| t,ian,ond Wls 011 ,ho liftle and
may ; let it be damned as a hateful rebell-1
ion, or unsuccessful revolution; let it
ATTORNEY AT LAW, jGE03.GIA, Coweta County.
acclamations of the world, or with the
| anathemas of mankind whatever it may
A \7 ILL practice regularly in Coweta and
TV the surrounding cqunties, and in the
United States Distriet Courts for the Northern
iiml Southern Districts of the State.
hf-j—Speciul attention given to th? collection
and securing of claims.
Sept. !l-1 —tf.
Bigy-Oilico over Post Office.“^33
Hi*fit. u— 1— tf.
—AND —
T TOR S King, Renting or Buying Real E-.
L tat/ in Newnan, or in Coweta and ad
joining counties. [Oct. 28-8-ly.
FOR Receiving, Put-
ting in Order and Ship-f
ping Co-ton to safe nnd_V^y *♦»
resjtonsihle lirnrs in An-'
gusta. New York or Liverpool.
gtcy'Liberal advances arranged for parties
desiring it.
Newnan,Ala., Sept. 23-o-tf.
l>epot Sti\, Newnan, Ga.,
Will repair neatly and promptly
Know nil Men by these Presents:
-|'HAT we. WM. M.--NAUGHT, of Atlanta, J Tax Collector’s Sales per levy.
| Ga.. JESSE A. ANSLEV. of Augusta, Citations for letters of Administration,
Ga., JAMES E. ROGERS, MUSES P KEL- Citations for letters of Guardianship...
LOGO, HENRY K. ALLEN, JOHN W. WILL- Notice of application for dismission from
COX ON and STEPHEN V- SMITH, of Newnan,! Administration...... '
Ga. being desirous of associating ourselves j Notice of ap dication for dismission from
together as a Body Corporate, under the name j Guardianship
and style of the (xC'Ol'JJ.'iJA PetVOlC" Application to sell land
jum Com pan v, tor tire pm pose of j
uiining lMroleii.n or* Coal Oil, preparing the (
same for market, and vending the same at
| points and places most conducive to the inter
ests? of all joi'.'.-err.eil. do hereby and herein j
declare and apply,
I. That your applicant-? be associated and I
iucorporateil together under tbe corporate ;
n '-me-and #t, of tbe GEORGIA PEIReU.E- j
U.\( COMPANY, with all the powers, privile-!
ges, ri.glits and immuuit 1 —
hi ws of tiie State of Georgia in such cases j £ er son \yith a Bible-
made and provided.
II. That tiie objects of this Incorporation or
three months—for compelling titles from Ex-
ecutuis. or Administrators, where bond has
been given by the deceased, for the full space
of three months.
Publications will alwavs he continued ac- , , .. ,• . -.i ,i i
. ... ,, , , i pass down the Corridors ot tune with the
cording to these, the legal requirements, tin- | r |
less otherwise ordered, at the following
Sheriff" s Sales per lev v often lines or less,S 2 50 , . , , c .
Sheri!i"s Mortgage li.' fa. sales, per levy, 5 00 be declared by the verdict of history, it
r> oo | w iH pass onward-before the eyes of coming
3 oo a c es w *Bt many a glorious deed and many
! a noble martyr to illustrate its eventful
(> 00 scenes, but with nothing more glorious
0 oo and beautiful to adorn it than the holy
I! !''! ' devotion of Southern women.
place for those who arc not most strongly wuu * d not coaie I It is gave the bydy-
fortified by moral principle. A Wash- j snatchers the tr-ly canibal idea of cutting
. , ington correspondent of the Era gives ^he finger, i he pain aroused the appa-
Lct the .at* war stand in history as the fjHowl dark picturc 0 f intemper- j rpn,, J ' aca(1 ' won,an 5 s!,e C:,,,,e t0 her
the Washington clerks:
ance anion:
senses, set up in the coffin, and by Iter
unexpected wakening, put the robbers to
flight. When they departed they forgot
Notice to Debtors and creditors
Sale of Land, persqure,
Sales of perishable property, 10 days.
Estrny Notices, sixty days,
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square,. 7.7
For man advertising his wife, in advance 10 oo
Marriages and Deaths, 1 00
2 0O
4 00
“ Some stir is beittg made here in tern
perance, and there is need enough of it,
. , t to close the vault. The Duchess found
where almost every street, corner has a
, . , sufficient strength to quit her Coffin and
ruut shop, alias lager beer saloon, rcstau-
, w „„ ~ return to the chateau, where she was at
ant, or some other name. I he buns of
m - i , • first taken fora ghost, and a priest w'as
ienipcrance rave largely increased their . . ,
. , *‘ , , calle 1 in to exorcise it. but as lie was un-
numbers, now nearly live thousand mem
, , - able to ban man the spectre, the people in
bers. Many persons have relormed, but , , , 4
.. , , , . the chateau gradually bp gun to b< lieve in
many ot them ha^e tailed to keep their < ,
, . , , it,- her corporeal cx stenct:. 1 he Duchess
pledge; and who can wonder that they 1
_ I, . . . . . . recovered.and gave birth to a bov, who
., c . fall with the accursed appetite craving > ,, , . ,
worthy ot the respect has neviY lost tiie deadly pallor which i.c
dnns, drink, and every appliance thrown ‘
around them to draw them back to the
Such women are
of the world, and will receive asneeronly
from cowards and brutes!
C o m ni u n i c a t e il .
and immunities by the code and A Mother's Injunction on Presenting who said lie-bad known 'the Mississippi
paths of sin? The number of drinking
clerks in the Departments is astonishing
Those who do not drink at all form :
cate. “lNimp ’ must be the same darkey guiall exception to tbe general rule. D
Baton Rouge Anecdotes.
We take tbe following from the Advo-
Associatioii wiil be the mining for Petroleum
or Goal Oil in the coal regions of Georgia and
Alabama, and -it sm-h points as the geological
feature? of the country may indicate as most
conduce to success, the preparation of said
Petroleum or Coal Oil when found for market,
and the vending of the same in suitable mar
kets. .
HI. That the period for which these appli- |
cants desire the benefits of Incorporation in j
the manner and for tbe purposes within speci- .
tied, is twenty years.
1Y. That the capital stock of this corpora- ■
tion shall consist of Ten Thousand Shares, of j
the par value of ten dollars per share; that j
ihe same is or shall he represented in actual
properly by Leases on Coal Lands in the State
of Aiahams, situate and being, and known
and designated as follows:
Sentember 80-4-lv.
Section ...
i ^
County in
which lo
North-East \
4 eus
St. Cli ir co. ,
. 4. 1
“ U
North-West J
“ “
Soutli “ \
“ “
N W [ of S W [
4 '
5 **
S \Y J«if N \Y \
u ih
4 *
S vY > of S V.\
§ W j of § E ,
Walker voty
Souili-E tst J
G we?t
South-West ]
. ‘
| S \Y\ of N K ‘
44 44
| Sou:«-West {
44 44
s e \ of s e '
7 “
“ 1
N E \ of N W 1
.4. 4.
| \ W [of N W!
• hi
h4 44
N E [ ot N E [
44 4.
W \ of N W [
K ( of N W \
44 44
S\V [ofS vY [
»4 44
N W [ of S W j
44 44
N W j of X WJ
.4 ..
South-East [
10 “
Payette fifty.
South-West j
j W i of N E [
. i
Ilemcmbcr love, who gave thee this,
When other days shall come:
When she, who had iby earliest kiss,
Sleeps—in her narrow Lome, •
Remember 'twas a mother—gave
The gift to one -she’d die to save.
That mother sought a pledge of love,
The holiest, for her son ;
And, from the gifts of God above,
She chose a goodly one.
Sire chose for her beloved boy,
The source of light, and life, and joy,
And Add him keep the gifr, that, when
The parting hour would come,
They might have hope, to meet again
In an eternal home.
She said, his faith in that, would be
Sweet incense, to her memory.
And should the scoffer, in Lis pride,
Laugh that fond faith to scorn,
And hid him cast thy pleige aside,
That he from youth had born ;
She bid him pause, and ask his breast
If he, or she, had loved him best?
A parent's blessing on her son
Goes with this hoiy thing;
Tiie love that would thee one,
M st to the other cling,
Remember! 'tis na idle toy,
A mother's gift, Remember, boy!
W. P.
said leases being n favc-r of t’.icse applies- ts
; iid each for the period of twenty years from j
Ahc- date of these pre en s, duly m <de and ex- fashionable society
eeuted by the owners respect vclv of said Lo s
of Land.
Y. That full power and authority he granted
to these applicants, for valaut-le consideration,
to sell and assign to any third panic:, share?
certificates of interest in the said
If '
Shop on the North-West corner of Public °* etoi.-. o
Square, adjoining the store of A. B. Brookins. Company. . i
£a£“Repairiug neatly and promptly- done, j That the place of genera i-a- ',U| '~
Sept. 5>-l-3m? the location of said Iucorpor it:on shall beat
• Newnan. Coweta count'*. CtJ.
feBlO Reward i jesse a. ansley.
I LOST a four inch COLT S PISTOL on the 1 I'UT'Y. L-mV.'Ua-, ,v
Frankiin road, between tins p ace and the ; ^TE'MH’N D* SMITH*
residence of Mrs. Simms. On rts breech are. *• - ? - * ,
A Model Woman.
“Did you say, Ellen, that Mr. B— is
“Yes he has only his profession.”
“ "Will umr uncle favor his suit ? ”
“No; and I can't expect nothing from
“ Then. Eiren, you will have to resign
brought into the world with him.—Na
poleon the Tim'd full itt.-i tli.i rt, h'j a re
tired Diplomatist.
river ever since it was a small creek :
Our old reliable says that be supported ' t0 Washington? Have they no empby-
A Warning to Yeung Uen.
A young man in t Hi.-? city lias been in
the people of the different States thus t ,, e bal)it ot - visiting ti.e residence of a
represented send none but drinking clerks w iduw lady who
an old darkey once (it is not polite to say ■ nicn t for them at home ? And do they
owned,) who had lied about it so often
that lie actually began to believe that be
bad been a body servant ofGin’ral Wash
“ Like Jeptha, Judge in Linel,
Had a duiigter passing fair."
recommend them for appointment to get The voung man was assiduous in his at-
-rid of them? This is not always the; tenti ‘ ns ^ aild Was a cul , 3 , a „: visitor. This
case; for many young men have come ; not ; ce aWoke ii( the y „ U!1 . lady’s heart
Were you at the surrender of j here who for the first time tasted ardent j the tendcr Blld her dreams she
imagined she sliouid soon become the
Cornwallis?” he inquired one day.— j spirits after their arrival, seduced under
“ies, sar,” replied Pomp, “ ob course I ; t;, c assurance that a little nice lager beer
was dar. Ole Massa Georg.*, he ro le up
on top a big black boss, with de tail bub-
bed, and wid one red eye. Massa Corn
wallis, lie coin’d up, on a little buck pony,
wid a wall eye, an’ be looked mighty
sheepy when he hole out bis gole sword
to Massa-George.” “What did your
m istt-r say, Pomp ? ” “ Say ? why be curl
up bis lip and be wave his hand from
Massa Cornwallis tu’aril me, anti he say,
‘ hand it to my servant.’ ”
Old Pomp ami another old.darkey were
one day disputing over their respective
ages: “ I com’ed here when the Massas-
sippi was so narrow you could jump a-
cross it,” asserted old Dick. ‘Oh,shaw,’
replied Pomp, “ when 1 fuss com’ed from
ole Yirginny, I had to tote water fur the
hands as war digging it out! ”
was healthy and not intoxicating; but
alas, they find that lager beer strikes
them a blow from which lew recover.—
Some clerks have been dismissed for
going to their offices drunk, and others
ought to be. This is a fearful place for
wife of her Adonis. Matters ki-jo on in
the same old way. Tiie young man cmi-
titiued his marked ion, and people
began to whisper amoug themselves, “ A
match, sure !” while kt owing ones, with
a solemn toss of the head, would remark,
“ What d.d l teli \ou ? ” The young man
young men to come to, beyond the re- weD j. out - 0 Si | d charmer’s house
st faints and endearments of home; they . th(J otlMjr t . Vl the purpose of taking
seek friends at hotels and other places, tea ], ui .i,ig ti.e meal the mother ot the
and never fail to receive the invitation,! girl askecI> .. when are you and to
“Have something to drink? be married i ” The young m’in leano-t
hack in his chair and cuufiy reniirk d
that he ha i no idea of marying anybody,
arid that he and the aau_diter were noth
ing but fi tends, lie said he supposed she
understood it so ail the time. The young
War Stories-
Among the Confederate prisoners at
Point Lookout, Maryland, there was a
A Family Wedding Goat.
The Staunton Spectator, in the follow
ing, gives an account of a coat that lias
proved a veritable heir-loom :
“Many years since, an old German ! l a dy said not a word, but rose up, seized
citizen of Pendleton county, when about the tea-pot, which was filled with hot tea,
to lead his fair ‘frow’ to the hymenial took off the lid, and threw its boiling con-
altar, purchased a broadcloth coat in tent* into his face, scalding him severely, ! cjtv sure to s .. Rt j ,,p a very strong
which he was married. His wife present- alu l leaving an ugly mark. She then fu- j unless the Legislature, at the
cd him with many children, among whom riously ordered him to quit her sight
ship should revert to the American gov
ernment. He, therefore, sought Liver
pool to learn the news, and, it it was with
foundation, to surrender the ship, with
her guns, stores, and apparel complete, to
the British government, lor such disposi
tion as it. should deem proper.
The Shenandoah was surrendered to
the American Consul on the Fifth, who
took formal- possession, and placed her
under Captain Freeman, aud a crew of
"hi? own selection, to convey the ship to
New York.
Worth Knowing.
The following from the Treasury De
partment, touchitu: upon a r*-a!ly impor
tant point, should he known and ronieni-
bored among business men generally :
Treasury Department,A
Office of Internal Revenue,
Washington, Oct. 27, 1805. )
Si r • In reply to yout letter of the
18th instant, that if a note secured by
mortgage is negotiable, and the two
instruments are transferred by a mere
endorsement of the note, no stamp is
required. Sec section 160, Revenue Law.
if tbe extension of the time for the
'payment of a note is not in writing, no
additional stamp on either instrument is
necessary. If, however, a note is renew
ed, by "iviiig a new note, the renewal
must he stamped with a stamp appropriate
to the amount of the renewal, though
the mortgage is not subject to a farther
stamp doty. If the time of payment is
'extend- d by virtue of :t written agree
ment, a stamp must be affixed appropriate
to the agreement.
V ery respectfully,
it. C. Whitman,
Deputy Commissioner.
Convicis Pouring in.
We learn front Dr. Moore, the Warden
of the State Penitentiary, that since the
| oommeneenlent of the fall courts, he has
! received into that prison twenty-four cun-
■ victs, eighteen of them being negroes,
md six whites. If they continue to pour
! ,n at this rale, a Chinese wall will have to
> be built around our neighboring county
\ of Coosa, with a considerable slice off of
| that of Montgomery, in order to make
sufficient room for these pests of society !
•No matter—I sha’.i see more of Fred.’
•• You must give up expensive dress.”
“ Oh, Fred admires simplicity.”
“ You can’t keep a carriage.”
“But we can have delightful walks.”
“ You must take a small bouse, and mcnt an
furnish it plainly.” * r^ment at ,h, ;
eocoanut-headed. coal black little c mtra -j wcre ei 'J ht * ,ns * onc of whom wcr ' i
band, who had fallen into the Federal married in the same coat in which their
army’s hands at Gettysburg. Upon be- j father isarricd their mother. The ijontaj-
ing told that lie would be released if he' the tons ,iad * rcen sor,s > cyer J 0,,e
wJuid take the oath, he swore he wouldn’t j ” f w hoin Wl ' re n,arr5c ' 1 in the mnu WC ' J ’
and actually stuck it out. j di "b’ coat, and after the youngest son of
The prisoners for amusement drilled ! seven, or the youngest grandson of the
original owner of the coat had led his
the little darkey into repeating a number
of odd answer- to a number of odd ques-
i coming session, should decide to abolish •
• Heil l.atli no lury Lke a woman scorned, t Jie institution. The Doctor informs us
is an old saying, and this young man can ■ t j 1;it 0 „ e convict expressed iiimseif
attest to its truth. Jackson (fitch j • at- ■ ag „i a ,j () f Hie oportunily of k-arn-
izeu. j ing a trade there; while still another—a
A Luckless* Lord.—Earl Russ, ll's r negress—informed her husband, who ac-
fi;st accession to the office of Prime Min- ‘ cornpanre-d her to the spot, that she was
istcr, nineteen veurs ago, was after t e vveil pleased with ti.e iritc.Tiai arrangc-
dcatli of .Sir R-.bert Peel, and because ot meuts of the institution, its fare, Ac. We
it. His ejevation now is in consequence have nodnuot tnat if she c iU..l but have
blushing bride to the altar in his venera-
i tions, which brought master contraband fcle grandfathers fashionable wc ' j,Jin -| " f tlie dcath 0 f Lord Palmerston. lie j the privilege of attending one funeral on
j uut in strong relief, much to the amuse- coat, be sold it for the sum of §10. What ^ at fir . t during the famous each §abbath within its gloomy walls, she
d much t * our hero’s own aston- has become of the coat since it was sold j | f alu i ne . he takes office for a | would be perfectly delighted with her
Yes. for elegant furniture would be ! ^
licet his answers pro
! out of place in a cottage. (q,,; l : v tL? -Ihei-r of the guard, a new
“ V eu will have to cover your floors c0IJ|crj finding "contraband” among tiie
with thin cheap carpets j other prisoners, tiie only one of bis race
HUB I tifall hear hi.-, step-: the soon- t ;, ere g ; .iJ ; <• Why, \ou black little ras
We have not been advised, but suppose
that some one is keeping it lor the pur
pose of getting married in it.”
Remarkable Case of Trance—On
Tuesday night Mr. Crowder, a young gen
the letter.? J. V. D. S. and I. N. D. 8>. It is j
highly prized because ot its associations — ' GEOFGI A, FULTON COUNTY.
Ten dollars will he paid for its return to me ^ * Personally appeared befo-e nre. \Ym. M -.rk-' ^ n c'! r of a little one w1)0 was about ! should ! k : '
J. V. D. STEPHENS. and State aforesaid, VYm. McNaugat. President , ak ^i a ride in the Hartford horse cars i Cuffec-: " t -
Newnan, Ga.. Nov. 23-12-3t.
cai, —l;at the deril are you doing here, I ! rea ding on High street, died, to ^ gucb as Iuake n „ tes and comments
potato famine;
second time during the cattle plague and n- w home ! So, it cannot be very sevete
cholera. lie d!d nothing to assuage the punishment to this class, to confine them
effects of the famine, but much to aggra- j there.-- Montjornenj Mail.
vale them. \\ ill he deal a? dangerously ; Col.HlalKnp*kt, formerly of
,vi,h llie djngcrs that »-.*«.>•■»» • g h Caroli| , „ h „ roulluande J , he He,.
The coincidences are worth reiBen.beiin? , ’ . ...
ham. a Notary Public m and for the county -
and State aforesaid. Win. McNaught. President a
of the association above named, and of *he^ hc £crall ,bled in :
applicants for Intorpx riti.-n above set forth, --x.i
• who being duly sworn deposeth snd saiih— *• Why ain t you
That the leases i:j«-n the Lois of Land in tha .,7 ... » ”
said application, foregoing mentioned md de- motlurbi } ~
’» he little Togue was :n such a hurry
ILL be sold to the highest bidder, on ?a:d appl
H Thursday, the 14th Decenib* r next, at; scribed, composing the capital stock and prip-j
Mrs. Mary T. Herring's plantation, on the Me- erty of the association and nianut during ( couldn’t Stop, and hastily called
Iqtosh road, five miles South-east of Newnan. corporation prayed tor. are reasonably valued
-.11 of her farm property, pre lues-. Ar, to- at and worth the sum of one hundred thousand out:
wit: Horses. Mules. Cattle, Heirs, Goats. Corn, dollars.,
<yyi. MeNAUGHT. President,
sworn to la-fore me, :bt?
- iioK ? ” To which quoth
f-rs’i»er w,-,r, sail.” “Well,
• who are v< u. ai -r.w ? said the officer,
ping to kiss your | “Contraband” got up. gave him the mili
tary salute, and said : “ i’se de inuersent
cause of dis unnatural an’ iratisidal con-
contest!”—.Y. O. Picayune.
tallion of Artillery encamped at Dog Riv-
! er Factory in J861 and wno distinguish
ed liim.-elf at Santa Rosa Island and Shi-
all appearances. The corpse was laid out, gucb ,j lillgB __jy; y Jfncs
and the grief and lamentation was such t
a« is u«ual in such cases. His brother Probing FOR a Bullet.—During one [,,1,. has received the appointment of Chief
w-*s to h ive been marr ed last night, but of the late banks in Mexico a trench 0 f Artillery from the Emperor of'Mexico.
__ » officer was wounaed sever-.-ly tu the thigh
all preparations for t e ,3 PPJ eTen a nd for four or fiv days several surgeons | Tha ceUar popu l a tion of New York
. stopped by this sad an-J soleaio one. Oa were fc ngaged in trying to ili.-cover tbe ;
yesterday morning, the supposed dead bail. There soundings gave bim excru
i numbers 20,000 ; the people who occupy
not far from
FodJt-i. Osts. Peas. Cotton i?ecd. Plantation
\Yagon? and Tools generally. All to be sold
•without reserve, as the health of Mrs. Herring sixth day ot October. A. D. '■'
is such that her farming operations cannot be
continued. THOS. A. GRACE. Agent.
Nov. ! 1 -1 o-t is.
Notary Public for Ful:ou Uour.ty.
ob-r 11-*' Vm.
man got up and dressed himself, and is eiating pain. On the filth day he could tenement houses count up not ar rom
V.» IWhk. paper «v, (he CunMito- enjojiog a, much TUalitj » eoeW . tear i. no l.,»g«r, aad cried to ,he ear 5U.OOU. A great majority of (hc former
-Conductor wont yen kU. mother for tion has rears of «ar be erpected of a eorpsc. The marriage “ gent erne,, in ^eavens name 0Ie eorntja m morale, filth, in person and
traitor* \Ye are Mad'to he-r it has sur- . , . . . «.,L what are you about ? “ Ue are look mg \ - hbit f tl ^ ] attcr st least
if traitors. >ve are e iaa w ue * came off last night, an J we seppose “the *• r ,L e »• M on Dieu ! why didu t .* ’
rived. As it has not been used o. late, , , /». ; y r " ‘ B ' ; [Cl .»i 2,000 are dirtier than r-igs, and less de-
, , . , - i j;,-. .Tovin. resurrected attended.—ltterwnrg hx- you say so at first; It is m uiy w-aiaicuit > i o>
it ought to be in good condition.— ^ ^ j ^ 5 j C0r0U3 thRn ordinary trained monkeys.
The Freewill Baptist of Maine refuses
to ordain any onc who use? tobacco.
[lie .J - v r