The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, August 15, 1873, Image 2

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PALMETTO SHIELD. OSCAK A. C.INTUELL, t; pit on axu riiOruiLTon. I’AI.ME'iTO, UA„ AUGUST 15, IH'3 Is ci.hsi fjui nee* ol having to atlcnd flii- Siipi i ii.r Oi ui t which hug been mi *< usii n tl.ig week, we me kneed to igMtc i 'idy half t-liert. Mr#. Jufi’.iks, wile (.1 Mr. Tommie .1 < iTi i k, < f Fail burn, is lying setiuurly ill. TIIEKK is a pifdi aeled nu l ling g ing on at Antiich Chinch. Il coniiiieneed last Sui daV and will piobubly end m xt Sunday niglit. There is a great deal ol iliteiebt manifest! and in the meeting, and the 1 I some ten or fifteen new members have been plaetil in the el.ineli Inn I-. Ci i.. Kiciiakd Mnni.K has j'ist n turned fnm the White Path gold mines i'i G.liner counnly, where lie Inis been spend rig the s-ummer. lie says that theie is but little doing in the way ol mining. Grips are good and that coin will be worth about twenty-five cents per bin hel this fall. Dirty Cotton a boss to Ilv;ry One. The follow ing from the cotton ciicn lar of Messis. Inman, Swann &Cm It is well w'olthy a perusal by our plant ing fi iemis : One singular feature in Ibis scaseies trade demands the attention of our cotton producers. Tue nominal (jno tation of tiie price of Ameiiean Colton at Liverpool is bust and upon tin; 1 grade middling. That li-.s fallen slowly for some mouths, and is now S’pl. for up lands, f)t | (or Oi leans. \\ e may call the average price of middling uplands for the last lime months 91. It is questionable if ilie average culti.e spurn ning of England would have been without profit, or at an aetu and 100-, en tlie prices attainable for their mill pro-, oncts, if all grades of Ameiiean cot- j ton had this season been priced in tlieii j liS.iul relation to middling, and that at 9d, lint in the en op of IbVI 3 was an immense dispiopoi 'i‘ n of low grade | and dirty cotton, the greater part of w; ieh found its way to E glad. In- j trin-ically wotlh to a spinner, who! Could use it all, nearly as 'much as mid tiling, except the toss l>v g-eater waste jii use (probably nyt nine than |I. pci pound in average of all tliat portion not very dusty,) it has Leon freely so ling at 0 1 to 7*, 1., while very dusty hales sold down to 41. to oj, I. ; the Letter sort 1-J to 3i, aid lae veiy dusty 3J,d. to sd. In low the pi ice i I middling. At least onc-h.i If (an avi r ogc ol ] J and. ) of this unusual difference has hoi'ii a clear profit to the spinnoi, iTi>d as clearly a loss to the planlois, except in those c isos where tin: plant ers’ loss was divided v. ith unfortunate exporters. In every crop there is swue loss hy hud handling of the cotton, in picking, ginning, and especially ia Hacking it lor inaikt t When the poi tiou of such cotton in u crop is small it will sell for nearly i's tine relative v due. But when that p union is large, as ill the crop of 1872 3, and the crop otherwise Inch) v the usual average grade, the excessive snpi ly of low Cotton, liowivcr good its staple, is foiced down to competition with tin p o est and cheapest cottons in mar ket, such as those of Madras, B'-ng.i! and Bombay. Thu depreciation in Eng land lorees a corresponding i cprecia ti a( fI o\\ find dilly c>t toil cdsi'wiieit ;l Imim*, <,n tin* coDtihcn*, or wherever it ii ids use. Jt is n< t extnivacant to s!iiruiWi a loss of I£ 1. p r p *mid oh ] ,000,000 l>des of the cnp of 1872 by this grave misfortur e oi fault of the planters, and that iiuomits to o\ r fourteen million and dials in The < li tire loss by tin* d*pnci it ion coupe <l ueiit upon the avciagv low ibade o' t e crop, and upon bad handling and packin'?, the greater p-a; t of which have le< n prevented r.itliou! material reduction of <|>\antily f has mot' likely been equal so- twelve mil lions or more to the producets and eight millions to exporters or others to avl o ne the cotton was lirst sokl. wide the amount of reclamati m.s for m xed and dust p C red hales, an 1 the; Ir nhle i.o factors and deal as caused therchy, are together sonie'hing frightful to the Oiviternpiation or t u classes of merchants. GEORGIA, OWifUEi.t, Cvounty. v hereas l“> VV. t’oi lirun, administrator tie oonis noa nf ei VV ilium Uoiiaa, ie|iresenis t > die emu", in tiis petiii-m. I'ufv tiled an t entered recoil, tlml heh s (ally admit. - i-terul Will an tl >,mi's tiiUtj. This is, tame ore, ro cite alt persons COn linrned, kin lied an t e elder-, to silo k one, if any fh j eoi way said shniiid tr.ito shoo'd ot tie dichargcil from as a 1 niiois'ridion. a" and remivn let era o‘ illu sion e- the li s! M i dry ill ‘cl -bit iv i. iius July h.u f-• H. C. LA i i-a and, Oi ilmoy . (itsrerx. CCIAIV SIUKIFF’S SII.ES. Will be B M hefo ethi Court house doer . in ft e town nl I’iiirlaio’, Cau p ell 0 may 1 Georgia, on t'e first Tuesday in September ! next. within the Lgwl t.ouis Ol Sj.ii, .be felb wing |.rt pt" ty to wit; Lot ol l-ind No. 185. in the Ninth (list, of | originally Fayette, now Campbell oounty.Ga. ! Levied on lw a fi. fa. issin and fn m Fay.-tte i S-perior Court, in favor ig XL F. Baker, v.~. : John W. Mason and JatmsG. Mason, as the property of the ra'd John W . Mas ntosatis'y said fi. Fa. Properly painted out by Plaintiff. Also, at the same t me an i place, [illy acres of land in the S udi-east coiner of e.t ot land ; No one hundred and sixty, in t'-e Ninth if original ly Faycttr. new Caiiipbt-ll count.. tin., 1 -rie.l on viilue of it li. fa. issued ! Iron the J i.'iiciTCeii;i of Jlii^ TUlili,dlsi., G. M,, in tar or iif .1. N. Aldiidge, vs. 1. eil, Administrator ol J . 11. tSewoil, d-e’d.. as i tim propelty of said J. 11. Sewell, decM ; I’i Opel I v pointed ut by Piaintitf. Also, at tliejmii.e time un i place, the lir.di vitied halt iiffeivsl iu a ccrtaic lot in lie- town I of Palmetto, Ga., tiie same being ndj-tiuhig to j and on the wist side ot town lot No. lb. ti,st i range, the said lot being 2. (net. front on ' Tocml.ssliest ad ex ending beck (id feet the j same being the I t on which is sitaetid tile in use built by 1 lonian .V Eliingtini, and now j occupied by John F. Lidnrtoa ns tiie pn per j ty el the ih fet dam in fi -a levied on by viilue j ol a lita is.-ned limn Campbell Superior Court j iu hiv<r of G M Cranford vs. John F. F.lling | nn. Properly pointed out bv ntaiulitf's at j torney. I). P. WHITE, Sheriff. DO Y 0 U DES JK E A GOOD FAMILY YKVt>PAF! AII j Til EX SI'BSCRIIJF. FuR TI E |CALHOUN WEI KL Y TIMES. j Tim Times i? juddisU G :.{ (E 11un, ; (/nnluii ct/Uii'y, (Ei , al iLr liw piier j • f $2 00 per Muslim, and is devoted L> fjiu.-i ;D m (‘, Feicnee, At, News, 1\ li lies, Eiucali n, ilunn i and llie general deveiej mint el the interests ui' its j sect ion. Tie Times v\iii sm-n enter its f*. •n ; t !. | volume, and tin; uLli-he.N arc (Jeter* i mii.ed 11 1 : t ie, point ot ( xecdlence and | vain tv it sled! not tie smp .-sd in | tliis country ISliout! yon desiie a lii>t I class laiuiiy subscribe at ; " for the Times. Tl.e Timi:s has ;. and ra* idly increasing circulation, making it a ::: st deMii a tde ad vei t isiiiir medium. specimen copies will be fm nished on i I‘plieation to Kick A: Freeman, Pul.Ushers, C .lin - un, (J a. E. FLOVD | ] \S er*eled a number of r cw buildiiv;-- S. i. ?i itable for carrying on bis laryp sme •xt n ive bu.diifss. on die east s : tl* ol y.iinn s (*llron stieet, adjoining the rcs'dvnci >[ husstll King. FA JR!i URN, GEORG IA. A’:d he is now prepared t and > all kind of Aork*. Sti h a< rraiking and rtpiiiirg \\ agon -, (JarriaL r s; nd i uggi* s. Also P/isi’.Miof '. very rxc* ufe l in the neate-t style !(r; r.mxdvt; a s?zc:altv. And IFncksni'.thing ( xoc lied with neat* j ss aml iii'-fia kh. Hav’ng had soveral year* ex. f'rhn ce in no tnisiie ss. In* is the eforc capable to iudge ufiOii work is ex'-euie l in a woikman likti manner, lie iiapli'ys i ;no but ix e rii-ncvd \vu kiricri. Call am] s> e hitn. . N e v Wagons an I Eugg Cos s on ! hand an I I• r s;ile. yTaT* VVoik done cn 7 ime. it. 7 dm - N x / • ;♦ aS/ - * . v • . • \ *3l •?• \ 4 ,-r-f -j-y ■ y Ui ■'OLlie-.V '<4. •V V M # T '■; %> V■' \ ■ f MM ' y:U .:i U : ■>% U*'- ■ '■■■:. ■ \ ' A L-l ■■ .. , '..-•-if ' r ' T. hi vmre - -V; • s-& ... ■'■r- ■ •••. i.* ’• • it •'<• - ' I • v " 'A Ciuje.fe , i •- • a tme P .vifict o f M* B’nod. Il thor rigli'y ; i.eutrali/. > and < i dnrb sfiosn Iho uin ; flu- *p -eitie vira< whirh causes * ucli a long 1 list ot lainmn 4 uU ing. •In t vf i y ''in of .-cr fido s. mercurhil and ' ori-tilulional blob I romplaiMs if sramis j wilii- ill Com peer, rapidly curing o cers, ! |ll t lilac, ra* lon kb S. S lid hoa ).>• If. !**<•:; m. | and till* N$ ti lr- iv.nt varieties o s' in atf c tions. 11 is a |> si ive curative for crolnla, aii l : l>o de-nlly enemy < f n ur u r >. lead ami ars'nic, quick!y eliminafino ttieni haonili * svstem. The Fluid Extract of Q.n-. ns do light, j n pared iv Dr J 8. Eend). rtnn has made th * ne st w.inderttd a <! astonishing cures. Its | iii t i I Ving. vivifyinr and true pro pi 1 tbs r-xerci e the qu’cls st and most i |:o-ver!nl fi-cts in rest aing liei th. It, is harmless to Sin; in H deLcatr. and r-aa n ver 1 be used a-ress. It is the fin; beau Liter if the Cfonplexion. II you want pnrcricii I,loud ciear sk n, ad b-mirhi complexion, use, the Coiejioifnd Extract ot t? il’ingia < r Q eens Dei : g’.t * Read our rreaM-e on di>- uses ot l iu; blend. The genu ue lias E.e. signature ot the pivpriefor* upon each Inlal. J. Tk.'.!l*KK7 n & 0.. State k G ki.tcia, Camiibell County : Wheicae. M .11. Woedda!!. adinir i-trafor of bd,n l)intorth. reynsen s to Court, in his petition, duly fi id and t uft red 0:1 re cord, that lo• has fully auininistered John C. I)an ortlj’s eHate L;i ; s i . iht r. f ; ro. to cite all cm cerned. kin Red and ( rnlitors, lo show ■uusp il any tiny cm, why ?aid adn inistrator ■Toid 1 not • t.* di cl arj. ed fn m h s Mifiiiinis;- fat i 11. and iiceive Utt(r< of and : >mission en the fi St lion h" hi ' 1 if* inbpr. ’>7 . U. C, Beavkks, Ordinary. may22*Tn pniiieite lee $7. Ffi ill i\ IX G V A XO. WILCOX,. GIBBS & CO’S. MANIPULATED GUANO. frfTKE CKT.EIUIAT.ED OF A NOS !M --l polled and |> epared hv Wile x. Gibbs & Cos , > :ivanna!i Ga.. and Charleston. >. G . •are f*r saß* for cash, or 011 c'oiUt on accom modating t rms. piyable in c-ntton, by W. F. fj a x D!i! m . Ac nt, F.dtburn, Georgia, Gai:i:i:tt & Agi' I'idiiictii’, Ga. El i- <• dh-d *0 t!)p u-e i‘f tel ii> nix 1- 10IH) C( mposted vi i<li (H,t ru >ei a nd. f< *:d < : r pply s H'Lom* ioi c ri*u h*r- !! ; v r :'u estnuer ' ' to-.:* p aiders.—pi\- ; <-s t niß> j ic. j i t hi j \ LIBERAL OFFER . —On rc ' pt Aof 5U cent . li'ine Cabiuef. monHily, [ will le sent t**r one y_ar, nui 2o li .e 4 * Ti .s- I tol Bord Visirinjf Cards. V< nr own nme elegniitly printed. Sample wunbei sand cards I 5 Cl Ills. Audiess, VV . B. CUNNING, Jli ! Nyack N. Y. yy i-. c. roAi'E, Bi-iclt-Mnson, (HSi’Ll HT1.1., Doiiglaa County, Cro;gi.:. Iv prepari and to do all kinds ot work in the brick line sit short notice. suii.B ly XOTtcip TOLL ISP before me as an esiray on tiie sfh day nt August. 1 ‘7.5 ty WiliUtn Trentinni.i t I the Hal district G. M-, of bell cmiuty. Ga., one fie i-bil li n grey bi** *e. modi on size, I right hind fnut snag ;rd : no uth< r markin' t I rands on said horse : sibout twelve or !our ! teen years old. and aj jn dised bv John W. I Nelms di I \l. M Smidi, treehohleis of sad 1 di tried, to be weith SCJ). and who say it is j worth 2b cents per day for Ra ding and taking 1 care of said horse. f iheown< ris In rehy 11 hi fi il to appear h- fore me. prove pre-pert y aid pay coals and expense and lake him away, e! e he will be sold l*v the the courl-hmts. ! door in said county, on the first in November next. E. C. 15EATKIl>, auvß(* and Oulinny. BL. I IV Slilll.l S’S SiLL>, 'NY ill be sold before the Court llou c door in tin town ot Fairburn Campbell county Gcor: ii, v i h n the legal hours of sale. 0.1 ; tiie first Tue day in Sept* next, t e lul- I lev. i a g |; roper 1 y to- wii : 1 The nm ili half <( lot of land No. 7">. con ! taining lOiVy e.cues, more or less. Also, the ■ east hal. ol lot ol' laud No. Si), containing 101 J | acres, mor*. 01 less. Also. I tie mst half of lot 1 of land No 7 I ,containing lul.< acres, more cr less. Aii being in the 9.n district of original Fayette now Cai: plv 11 county. L'vied on as the properly ol T. J. Green, by virtue of sun di\ li as issued from Campbell county court in f.ivor nl (leoi ge Foters ag sinst sad T. J. Green, pr p rty po nlid out by -J-. !..■, jdaiu till ati'jniey. WN l UO.MI’^ON D.-puty Shet ff. 150 N -1 ON FUKTATiON SIGNALS, Sint on receibt of 25 rents. U’ bjue Piinta ingard Eublishiijg lioiisC, JG Ve.-ev 8 red, N V Ayer’s v O T‘ r< n v> r* -ii -I |i 5 > U and 1 O di M -L L A k 7 v ' i,, V’v ]:r:ow ' A. j ->jU r.s one- ot the* mos* }’3 /¥jk <‘!hec 1 11 a i remedie / .1 (m. uvtr tliscovfiwl U A'VA ftfl'U-m k;:if':iiir llie ry 3 iferr ! tf -n a:ul jmrifviu 5;..X..V . :<tg£k? t ■ i! m : f ' MKI Hie test oi viMr-, wish a c>;a --' ■ ..v:vi:,.. :v |t . III *?ii based on its inhinsie virtues, mi l sustained bv its re tnarka!;!e euivs. So mill! :. to be safe mid henelieial to cldldren, nr.:! yet so searching as to effectually jitirgo out llie great cor rujition.- ol tlui 1 >!<'<>: 1, stall as ihe serofulous id sypliiliiie <-• :itami ...t ion. l:n(>in i:ies, c - diseases that June hirked in the system f>r years, soon yield to lids powerful suisi- Uotm ami (i.i.-jtppear. h e..,-a ils womU-riul cures-, uuiny of which me publicly known, of Scroiuia, and ; 'i .I'* diseases. 'U!cf;rs ? and cviijuive di.>- orders of the skin. Ti!;-riOl*s, 35 Djtwites, BoHs, ic i s, Sores. 81. AiitStoisybs Eire, Bose or Vh*vsn*e- Übs r i\.-fJo!% Salt BDesim, ‘sealri Head, 1 tinevvorsiß and iafermtl UT eenitsons of Abe 1: (erir-r, SfOHßch, IH)tl T'Vor. It also cere- other emu phhs.c. to which it wo:thi not -cr.". c peci ally adapted, sucdi as Dropsy, Dyspep s:a, ll.sii-l IMscasc, Female Weakness, Debility, and EjVTJCOrrLoOiI, when tin s me ms: b’esl-i --ti'-.iS'of llie scrofulous j. Imiii<. 1. i- an excellent resiorer ol health nr. . strength r> the Spring. Hv renewing the JipjM ii’.e and vigor of the di. • organs, i' di"ip i t - the dvj<r< >sian and ii-;••-.< lan guor of the season. Ed’s-n wh re no di-ordet {qip-ars. jieopie feel better, and live longer. I'm- e!e:;n-in : ‘lie Mood. -' stem moves on with renewed vigor and a. now ieuse of 1 lil’e. J ‘ /: 7 r i;? k and n v Dr. J. C. 'YER & CO., Lowell, Mass. J’rftril 'ttl tmtf .l>utl i/tlcnl Cltrntirfs. SOLD I>V ALL DHTGGISTS KYEUUA IIFItP Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Thror.-t and Lung*s> such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. tiie great discovcrie of modern • (s£&% y r Y. science, few are of mfe. more real value to mankind tlum thi> ef | 'A. textual remedy for all v % disea-cs of the Throat T a :in ’ un n'- A vast and yfU ?. Ci trial of its virtues, BA vV\ v tlirougkout this and W j of!: countries, lias shown that it does sure! • and GfeeMiahy coa'Tol them. The te-timony of our best citi zens, of a’l elas-e-, establi.-hcs the fact, that Cukkuy I’moKAL will and does relieve am J cure riu*. atliicting di-orders of the Throat at. j bungs beyon 1 any other medicine. The most dange-rou- atleeti-ms of the Pulmonary Orgm.j yield to its power: and cases of Cousump* tio i, cure- 1 i>v this preparad-.*;!, are public, ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be iievej, were they not proven beyond dispute A . remedy bis ade.pae.e, o.i which the public un\ re y for full protection, by v uriug <‘oilgliS, tue forerunners of more serious di-eas", it saves titmumbered lives, and an aimmut c * idle ring :rt t.; be compute !. It eltallenges tria., and con vinces tin* mo.-t sceptical. Kvery family should keep it on e protection against the* early an I unperceived attack of bfibii./iiary Alleclioiis, which are easily met at first, but which becomv h:eurahle. an i ton often fatal, f i oglected. Ten e’l* lung-need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it Asa safeguard,;to children, amid r '. j distressing dDen-e- wind) beset the Throat :r. Che r of childhood, ( bn.iuv l’i.( toh.m, is i 'valuable; for, by its timely use, miti tn ie- am rescued from premature graves, and save ! t > rhe love and alle -rion centred on th^m. It a .speedily and surely against ordinary "OaU, securing sound an 1 hedtii-re ti ring sleep. No one will; r trouble son e HGhieuzi* aid pain ful when they know ho.v * l -i y they can be cured. Origimliy the product if long, laborious, and siuvessi chei.i : eal juvo rigarion, i.o cost or toil • soa-e i in m.iking every b rrle iu the utmost r. s-it>! * perfection. Ir may ho confidently re nt: upon as possessing all rii. virtues ir has ever bed, and capable of producing cures a :n; .:i. d.iie as the greatest it has ever effected, PREPARED TiY , Or. J. u 'YER &l CO,,jLovveS!, Mass.', Prn< . r.nd -Analyfrcjil Chcml^t-M. Li) CV ' RR.bMUdd /“VLiiYVfIIT.KE TIIO il PSO A. GOJ. E & C 0.,! - >' / , - MANUfACTORET.S OF AND ** '* - , ' l ' XTVJ 3J*XJ BJTI yXJ-JEi.3ll, X A> - ■ suen as S . j„ . • nEDsT EAD S , V. UREA US , CIIAI R?, MATTRE S3K$, & •. toed JJctlsfiads, With llollcrspOnly Si! META LIC I> L'iUA L f CATES AND W.OSEAYOOD CO/7-7 A,S' ALWAYS ON H. I Nl)! . . “atTENTI 0N E VEIIYBO I) Y! o r '* ; .iXToira’" GOOcilS! I*l*olsll Goods ! Clicap G oods I | 0 SMITIK& BRO'i HER (A/ their old etaiuT on 100 mb:) Tired,) PAMETTO, GEORGIA; HAVE JEST RECEIVER ONE QE TIIE Ijargost and Best Selected Stocks CF GENE RA L M EUCIIA NDI S E!! F.VI'.H IIP. VGIIT Til TIJIS MAP.KI'.T; EUBPACI.XG i BY tOf IIS, KCTSO' S, WBIIE CCCIS, 80. II RT, K.’.TF, EOOTS, Stfil-S, lUI’.BWiBr. Cut Iri y, Ri'iiii vMiiaiii; Clulliiny, ai.d, in fuel, i ri.LY'HTING L'TU.iI.LY KET'L IN A Kill. 7 C7.-I.S.V HI ORE ’ ALSO A SPLENDID STOCK OF PAM ICY GROCERIES AND PROYESIONS. ®3f* TIM cannot and will not bo undersold by any one who untie.) the lead pen Able profit ®3 All. Al. D. TLIURAIOND will be found constanl'y cn, ready and willing: to wait on all v\ ho may give us a cull. K3M. We keep a full and complete assortment on hank at all times ! a: hums, cu nbill! ynui ;i.trusts, ai;d ea’.i and examine onr g nda bifor*' buying elsewhere. HJET dJ 23110. N .W ADVERTISEMENTS. $500,000 CASH GIFTS TO KE FA ID IN' IT LI.. TH. THIRD GRA D GIFT CONCERT ! IN AID OF THE l UDI.IC LIBRARY OF KY„ will he given In tiie grrn- iinll of I.ibraiy uuililiee st Louisvlile, on Tuesday, July S IS J. at wiuch time ten th yis .iiil L'il'S a-* oiui'ins lu a grnnl tot’d ot §510.000, uH cnsSl, will lie distributed ’ y lot. :o lirkrt Indders No r“i’ueti”ii in airiii.t i I pilts at this (l'i-tiiliiitiou, bill each gilt will lie paid IN FU L i ! ffjck ok Fa kmi us' A' Droveks P.ank. i v Loctsvn.i.K, Ky.. April 7 !.V7ii. | j This is to certify that there is iu tiie j Farmers’ and Drover&’ Bank, to the e’idit ol lie Third Grand Gift m eri t for the hen- j . lit of llie Public Li' rury of K"nta eky, Flvs liundrcd 'lhiiusatid hollars, which has hr-en -il. apart b. tl eli anau* r- tn pay Ihe mil's in ini’, and wii be he’d hy die iiai U a:.d paid out for th s pnrpos". ad h : s I urpose ‘jtilv. (.Sigi.ed ) !5, S. V.iKtH, Cashlu. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift SIOO,OOO One Grand G.,sh Gilt, 5(1,000 Oik,. Grand (Lisa Gilt, 25 0' 1 0 One Grand Cash G it 20.000 One Grand Oe.-li Gift 10,001 One Grand Ca.-li t.ift, 5.000 2d Cash Gilts el si,ooo each,2l,ooo 50, Cash Gills Ilf 500 “ 25 000 SO, Gash Gifts ~f 400 “ 32,000 100 Cash Gifts ef 300 “ 30,000 150 Cash Gifts ef 200 “ 30,000 500 Cash Gilis f 100 “ 511,000 0,000 Cash Gifts tf 10 “ 90,000 Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Casa, $500,000 0?tly n feW ti km- rbmaiu un-obl, nnd they wi'l 1 u* furui-bud to‘ho fiisd Hi'plic x 'S ut the f)Hn.villi bii-'vs : ,v lnd • I’ckurs. $10; hal vrs, §3 : qmil lei s, 50; 11 wludcs (or $100; 50 f.r $500; 113 h $1,000; ,* 11 m! 575 lor $5,0U0 . For tickets and infill matiou apply to TllOi. E. BRIfII.F.TTF. m vl-I e. (.nil tviile, Ky. I.'—.. Take liu. Si.udJ. • A GREAT OFFER, coum: w teks:. s' x, l.'T IPway, ,\. V.j will disn sc ol 150 Pianos & logins of'First ('lsis* ITlaLrrs, i-idudinv M .UK Jb’, iti low pi ires for fasti* or him! b | nc* m Fnidi mDuihiy 1 ,:, y ’lents Y>w 7 Ociavt* first-clas 4 fiiinoF, all lindnn ki!uo\m td ? nr $27. -I . Organs $55, $75: Ds uhU Uecd $S 0 8-slOp SS2S, hud tipwuds. I WATERS’ CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS | are M e most beautiful in style and pt ilrt. i" (one ever made, iiit; ii ncerlo slop is the best ever pia c(3 in any Organ. |i e lirndaeid ly it h id s*. .e r...] , peeuliarly vnicitd, the i ITi Cf of wliirh i- tutir! !ii:,j !si ■nr a u sell-dil linir. \\ I il, its luitatieii of • lie liuiuan voire is mi erh. Terms i.ibera!. Jlli.islratel: 'hi/ali gitrs 'mailed fur ow dump. A liberal kiscnunt to 2li.iti -te> e, i lunches, Tumlmi Schools, itc. Aqentx Wanted. ' ' BUILDING bELT (N • 'nr i ge '). (or outside wo hand ms'ial IK I laster. Fell f n-| e'inis, Ac. '■nd two I'l'nr stamp (rr eh ulars ami j s-iinipl-g C J. Fmv. t amden N, i. NEV/ HAVEN ORGAN COMPANY. 3L;ii;ifac!ure the Cclshrated I Unl L E E AN D T E .1/ PL E <3 I’MIESE ORGANS are in qua'jtj ol' tore,* of finish simplic’ty of eonsti odion, and du *abi ify. Also, MHLODEONS in various styles, and uncqna'tei] rn tone. Send for i'lustrated Oalrdogn o . Address NKW IJ A VMS ORGAN CO., Nt*'* Uavcn, Conn. Agiints 7\ r sintf*d. Wa~g~e s~7 IPOR all who arc willing To work. Any \ i'ison. obi or \ onnir, ol either sc.v, can m ik J horn s'o lo $.70 lici’ wee-k. at home day ;or < vening. Warned hy >dl. Suiialde to either city town or country* and any s as o ' ol tiie > ear. Th's is a rare opportunity for i those who are o fof ork. and out ol monpv, i t * make an iudcpen'teut livin'/, i o capitid : te*i: g required. Our p-imph'ef. •• -’ovv to Make a I/Vm m' sent on rec** |>t jf li> A hlress A. BUIM'ON h GO., Mori is mia, f WesU'lester Cy, N. Y. a.'Jo ly. J. M. JIOLBItOOK, VW) 'I.ESAt.E AVP RETAIL DEALER IX MEN’S DA'S’ MISSES’ ■ nd....' LADIES' k<*pps cnristimtly on bund t<\oAi uf all the LATEST STYLES AND NOVELTIES known to tlk; trade, and consisting f, (jail ol the following brands : DROVDWAY’.. SILK ' - JrTRADifi ’ <.... II m * *■ , # ~ -'--A YO^NGAIaN^'.... PEARL’ and* W RE.VOiv I) * CASSIAI ERE ENGLISH CORK i AXD TllK FoI.I.OWING SIYLKB l.\ TUB FIXES* FURS: TULIP ZEPHYR ATI] LELY ..CORSAIR mansard., novelty j DEITY and SIDE NUTUA ..... of ill] gi ados. MOIHLIER.. .VANDALIER SURE THING.. SIIAKSPEARE METEOR DLACK BEAVER And veHet (inisbed g ods of all grads*. PANAMA EE URITY CANTON ST AW IIATS j of all and. ge;lptions. I,AMIES' AND MI TEES' HATS!! CROCHET RIVAL—ENPORA I.YNET REGATTA ..Mu.NTYNA ROCHELLE.. ALPENA ROSLYSA ..VENICE MISS LINTON.. TULIP svn RAMDEER | PALMETTO ; H ATS i Besides oilier names too tiumerous to menlii.n; al! if wliicli uvni sand gi:ntm:aie?, ’i - I! E I' RA. I) E A T EAR G E . Ye i< • :•; ii•!■ t fully invited to cull and ix .minl'. will find it to tin’r in ! .cost. I'uV" Country nicrch.ints will fi.i'T rv stock <■ jptal to any in the Foutii, .mil ut I'ttcos ;rs ft'nv a the h west. Ih IST AT t 0*? GICuKGIA, ( C/.MiT.LLia County. | Whm:i:.S-. nicharJ A King. AJminislrntu? of A (him IL Ki g. i f‘| res rits to Ihe Court, i u bis petition duly tiled ;tml entered on record, ! a he ho- lully ad’u.inistereii Adam 0, K leg's estate. This is then-fore, to rite all persons co**- •eriud. k r ml red and cred tors, to show e-ase, if Any they cm, r by said Adminis'rat >r •luu and not t>e diserhargrrl' from Ids adminis— .trillion, and receive letters of (Udiflissiufi, on, tiie li st Monday in May. 1- 7> Given muter my Inuid and official signaluye this Febi uuiy Ist, 1871* B. €. BEAVBIt 3 , O. dinary, fel 7- U V iM M 1 N 0 S‘ K I N (r CURE. THIS W.iXnKRKCL LOTION' CURES Fresh fills. B: n'ses and Burns, Kioftro; n, (liUhiiiius, and Sirs. It is also good far Old Sores, fleers, Sore Ii v es, Shin; s, KIIItCTIOV OF i’! Hi ID SOltE Tin oat, Sore lloutti. Fever ■ li-ters, Sores Caused Uy Vetteiabie Poison and fifes eS IPoisuiu.iis insects, Krj-s'pelv ?, I.dlauim itory T-.OTHACHK AM)' SICK HEADACHE. PRICE 25c , 50c. & §1 PER BOTTLE. {'©"■ Made and sold bv R. CUMMINGS. ma.v22 ly. Palmetto, Ga. IHiOii'iH, ffiin; bell t’o.ialj' : Ordinary's Office, May Hi, 1ST:!. Lew is U. l.ucit lias apidit'd f,.r exemption of pc s Minify aii I SCI l nur apait anil valaa tion oi' ii n. st all, .mil 1 will pass upon tiie seme a' 11 uVloek a. m, an tlie HUth day of M ty. !b7 at " j oilioe in F livhuin in saM county. It. t . BEAVERS, Ovdinary. C A N CE~RS Permanet t’v rnrud hy ai]drpsinc r I)r. \V <. ( uUD .N No. 47, vv. .Ji |fej §( nc 1 r pi* Loui>vil'e. ivy. op es of his •.j u nap’ c*an ho <* *r•*i ri and iri'O charge, giving mod •of f real incur aiv 1 a. large Jist ot eusea cired % 1 nc!ov s • inp, f X IT Uf The grPß'tpf, COIDPDUnd GG l* A wn for man or M5d)K LY S’NThurt is no pain orpan l!- ing it wiij nor. ivlievfi. s: ill arid lame joints a]’*’ m anand" supofe. < iiMir-Pui l lame* b *ck, headache, to thaoe. G r 'at and bad shrain* on man. nn 1 o-p -Fiouldi r. fi(f j dnts, paw , t-rr. on uni mats, than al! orhvr •cn.tMlicc. ! n the s: me r s mo. Whole sn'c Agents. B,)’om---n & Go., savannah. Auonl# wanted in every county. l ,%r Mn-is Sc Iv b'gl'Y '’'TP', oa) N. Front street, 1 lulu tCiptn i. I*.i. QA to P-r '• <y : Agents want.,-.f O'l All classes ol welkin* P , r> r rf e "♦ eitlirr -ex. yoaag or old. mak,; Rfire it,.,, ** .v at well,- or us in their spare mom, -nts, or all (lie time. Ilian at anythin* eise. Par l 1 i! .vs Address G. .Sliusnu it Cos., Port 1 ,iid. Maine.