The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, September 05, 1873, Image 2

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PALMETTO SHIELD. filuello, (r> ,, Friday tln.'iiid;, Sep*. 5. Georgia State (•raitfp. The Executiv ■ Oonuuitaee eh the S'ate Glance haw issued the follow ing oiiouUr, which will l> cf interest to both roosvbera and those who are uat members of (he Grange: To Merchants. Manufacturers , And tu Whomsoever it Nay Conce r n: 3y authority of the Stare Grange of Georgia, the fu lowing circular is is f* Jed, and' to it your special attention is invited :• Tli re is, in the State of Georgia, an association of planters, styled ‘‘Pu irons of Husbandry.” By co-operative associations they seek, through any and all legitimate and honor-able agen eies, mutual protection and mtitnal benefit. They aim not to antagonize the lights oh any class of our fcllow uitizens nor will they permit them selves tj wage an exacting and tyran nic in their own interests Hi'lierto, however, we have committed the management of much of our busi ness intellects to--certain classes of our fbl'ow-mcn For this, we deem the commission received disproportionate to the sci vice rendered. Tin: necessi ties of the times demand rigid reform alike in the varied details of life at home and abroad. Otherwise the g inut form of bankruptcy and dissolution will slalk in every rural p -tiivvav, da guerreotyping woe upon every fir side, and lull'd od be written upon the walls of our peaceful and prosperous homes. You concede to agriculture the posh, lion of pre-eminence, the substiuelure tiodeilying every material interest. You tell us you set k and n j ice in her prosperity. We are before you to-day to most respectfully ask of you -o verify yonr assertion, and share with us your commissions, thus making the benefits resetting from the products of our daily toil and care, insunvmc sunsli tie and winter snow, mutual. For this you h ive a “quid pro quo’ in the influence and cash patron age of associated numbers. Be assured we are no mendicants at your doors, pleading, for gratuitous charities : for were it the will ot our Divine Master that we even die of poverty, we would s ill expeel to “die game.” We ask your mutual aid in redeiing prosper ous that interest upon which you say the prosperity of yours depends. Should you deem it advisable thus to deal with us, address, (granting us the right to reluct any and every offer) giving terms to either—• L. F. Livixcsrox, Covington, (!.i, J. S. Lavenpkr, B'urncsviHe, Ga , C. M. Davis, Morgan, Ga. Ex. Commits e, Or E TaTi.or, Si crclavry. Mac n Tki.kgraht'—This daily comes to us much enlaig.-d aid imeroved We are glad to see such evlc! n -ok o! prosperity, and we are glad to see the merchants filling their paper with ad vert iscrn mts, and it should he the pride ol all merchants to build up the i(e .yspnper interests of ther uvvn city, for there can Be such thing as a re spectable city without a respectable journal.— Constitution-. Does not the above paragraph refer ttv trie merchants of Palmetto and the good'people rf tin* county gctietal y ? We think s c But still wo have enough confi lence in them to believe that they "ill aid ns in out endeavors to build tip our little city. There is room for everybody who will cmaie, and we promise a hearty welcome to ail such. The •Savannah News has the follow ing which we commend to some peo ple ict know : “An old Dutchman ex presses himself thusly of a certain class- of peivua upon whom you Can lay your bond Without much scurchiugr “Yen souio men shiaps in on tier shoulder urn! say. ‘Vtj glad to hear yen vas so veil.’ utid den sticks pchind my pack his linger to his nose, j hat opinion ov and. t velh r.>" We have received the Prospectus of ] the Georgia Gazetteer, to be compiled by Mr. J is. P. Harrison, aad which will be published on or about the fust of January, 1871. The Gazetteer will be a complete directory and book of reference of every town and county if the State. D kitty SheriO \V. E. D. Wan n, of Spalding county, has been apui nit and Deputy United Stales Marshal kr tie Northern District of Georgia. Blotter Gross lectured in Mann on the 28(h and hid over $2,U00 sub scribed to erect a Catholic College in the State. Till.; first bah; of sea island cotton grow n this year was received in Sa vannah on the 2lst. The B i■ ii'v-vdl..- G >z-*tte reports tne boll worm as doing trtio.i liana ige to Dike county. To t lie Death ! ft become*- onr duty to ehtonicle one iof the saddest occurrences that has : taken place in Georgia for many Jays. ; It was a difficulty between a teacher j and one of his students, a young man, ! which resulted in the death of both . the parties. The horrible tragedy was j enacted in Banks count’", near JJ-onser, On the 28th of August. Thu teacher | of the school was Alfred Alexander, and the student, Mr. John 11. Moss. It | appears that once again a woman was at the bottom of the affair. Mrs. Alexander, wife of the princi- I pal, was, we learn, pr sent if her own i volition, but not in the and sc'barge of any regular duty as teacher or in any other capacity. Her custom, however, 1 has been to observe the conduct and deportnx lit of the pupils, and when : she considered teem guilty of any , breach of deem urn to reuorl them to her bus! and for reproof or other pun | ish me tit. On this occasion the subj-ct of her repot torial capacity was the I yon-g man referred to, Mr. Miss. When his attention was called to t ~* matter in question iiedenio i the charge I made by Mrs. Alexander, which led to ! an animated and angry dispute. Alex- I under became enraged at the young man for the part taken in the contro versy by him, and advancing towards Mr. Moss, diew his knife and stabbed him in the breast. Moss in tain ad vanced with a dagger and plunged it Alexand ras heart. This was a fatal vv und and the man fi 11. Ju-t then Moss tu' ncd to leave, but Mrs. Alexander, who was at the side of her husband, wrung the knife from his hand and adm.inist. red one or two se vere cuts to Moss in tire back, near the region of the spine. The ret nit was that both lay mortally wounded oil the scene of the conflict, and both expiied in a short time, the one within three minutes c f the other. --♦ -♦ -O- The Grangers in Pennsylvania. The New York World thinks the es tablishment of granges in Pennsylva nia is a most hopeful sign of the times For it is, says that paper, in Pennsyl vania that the chief i Hurts have been to delude the fanner into the belie' that protection created a “home mar ket” vv: ich would more than com pen sate him for the hesrs that it inll on him.’And it is in Pennsylvania the, the farmer reaps to the fullest extent wi atever Missings pa l et : on may hear for him. It seems that even in Penns'. Ivania he repines under tie sc blessings and prefers to stand on h's own feet and make his own bargains rather than be coddled and d.ind'cd by protective legislative, lie ‘nay not see, t.oy more than the fa, mors of the- west stem to so:', how far the necessary 'rc suits of vvliat ho intends lo be only a partial revolt agiihsi monopoly will take him. lilt ho may well be assur'd ’hot they will at. last an ay Lin, in open opposition to the system ol pro ecti'c legislation and. all its wotks, of which the special priviliges and immunities ol railways are by no means the chief. Central railroad scrip is not current in Atlanta. O* • -sat* •* a*. Salt water is the 1 .test remedy for caterpillars in Southwest Ge rgi i, MaCON lias anew lracti nu] t tr'reecv. K. C, MOtSE'CY, ATTORNEY AT LA VV Faith.siti, Gcorgiit. PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPHS^ • PHB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OK a Palmetto and vicinity are respectfully i iuvitid to call at. J. M. Smith's . -Main sired, ah re they can get p'etures te. k ai of cvc y size, style .nd order, i the very lau-si s'jlc. Old clotures copied aad euffirr'd to any sivv. L. A. GREEN. s"pt-4 If ME LEY’S PATENT GRAVE MOUND,- : Rc?iT€ 13ic;l and the Living: wit! Honor You. ILT all \slio have relatives or friend? who -A have passuV to their hemes in the land of the hey ond have M ELIO VS PAI ENT (.HAVE Ai (JUNES erected to mark their Jast resting place. They are the w.L durable, econnmi ca 1 beautiful and ornamental lootnhs ever bes lore the public previous to this time. Call j on or address, COCHRAN A YOKE-, Fail burn. ha. £ole agents for Campbell enmfy. The work c m b>. -“•rn at Fairborn. Palmetto. Campbell ton and x’rtlisahLi. jnly2s 3'in c*in to n,iv - A -° n,s warited <pXV/ ' 'ey* rywhere. Particulars in e i.tAlress A, fi % KJillr & Cos.. St, Loute S Mo J . F. GR OWEE 17. 2VTi.ll - I Is now prepared to do nil. kind of work in Iris line. Karnes wantingoM mills repaired, or , n,-w r.i cs built. Will do well to-call on him. \ He fokeits the pair -Tijc of 'hose wiintmar ; work one on -iiu running hv w aver,or j maebiuery of any kind, J. t. CROWELL. l’.at met o>’ CLt ; EDWARD J. EVANS & CO . NCR HER YMtJN AND SEEDSMEN ; YuKK., i’tCNNSYI.VANI . atalogucs mailed to applicants Refer (hy permission) to lbN. J. Ci. lit.ACS, Washing 100, D. 0. v\ FlsKti, Son ii Caul,Bankers, York, Pa imy 22 fin. Grave JUetsnds. The Mi b y Patent Grave Mound is chaste and aps iop: iate protection for I the i-i-mums < f the depaitcd, which ! Has burrowed its beauties from bn’b I ail and natuie, hum a finished little j mausoleum which the s.a-she!! is -o | ,’n lieately arranged, ns to attest an in ; mite good ta-le aid a high deureu of I artistic skid. vVe cmdialfy commend I it to {‘lose desire us of sheltei ing theii loveiij but lost ones, vi ith a .superstiup ture as durable as it is oi nain.-nlal ~ | Many have been erected here, afford ing in every instance perfect satisfae j iion. They are true specimens of dt-1- j. teale w oi km unship p impervious to rain; | chaste as chiselled mai l>h : fit in as ad iamatit. An elegant and |eiinanent safeguard. Eeonomicul as uppropii j ate, is no flimsy oati It j em,y, bui | an intention which has been subjected I to the severest lest, and lias triumph |ed as only an unimpeachable success j can: its increasing popularity afford ! ing the sn est evidence oi real, genuine • merit. — South Alabamian. the Meh y Grave ound as put up j by Pr, Aillerine not only | reserves lire I grave, fmt ore,urn' nts it in ain inner ! that is pieasii g to the eye and eotntoi - | ing to the heart. The expense is not | great w hile the < l j ct aceom, lish. and is ol vi ill i in: Ol lance. \Ye are gtod to i see that so many graves have born p e j served by this method. They should j be placed over every grave in our eit i— Troy (Ala.; Messenger. Grrenvh.i.e, Buile. county, Ain., May 19th, 1873 We, the undersigned, citizens of bis | county, having had occasion to exam jije the Meley Patent, Grave Mound, ! take pleasure in adding (Ih-ir IcsDmb | :.ials to tli e<- so freely given by the | pres-, as to its beauty, durability and | mode:, te eosl. Many of us have hi|d | these mounds erected over t: e graves | of our kindred, and speak from actual kn >wledge anil exnorience wn -a m | state, that they ate ad that Is o aimed I lor them, and we take pi a.-lire in ice j Otnmendii g do m, to the favorable pat ronage of tlie public. Signed by about fifty of the most substantia! citizens of the place. These mounds are erci ‘c 1 by Oncli • ran &, Yoik, of Fail burn, who have the s de light of Campbell c, nnty SOU TIIE n N NUIISE 11 Y. IRWIN Sl THURMOND. Wr n'p otTeri g to the public a eelrctiou of Fruit adopted- to the a.a ba*n cliarate, coa-isti’ig of apple-.Ji caches. I cars--, plums. I italntiF, grapes. Hi glis'i walntu-, sparish chestnura, umltn ni -, peen s, op-. Oar | FI rnl Department is p t siilnl over ly a j skillful 11 ri.-.t, in whies may he halt: il or i nainei'tLil sl.iubl.cry of nil vn’ic iea.t.Ml hot j Ijou -e | ants a- prices that i\i 11 .1 >iv cW.npe ■i -n. Wo hitye i very (hir.g tint is ijjßnif ; ly found in a well o.irihel::: Narsidy. - ral |ol v.irii Lea that tve ii Vg ti&'u I ml kuo'.v :to to- Mii'id :o tlie r.oitia': n elima:o. Wo j wdl upon application furnish gratis <_u: | c tabgu-K amt pr ce I is". Add. ess : Irwin & Tnciut. nd, r. l). Box f)C>.j, Atlanta, Ga. : BQ, Mr. John F. Ediogtoii. of Pal i motto, is our agent for the <g antios ol C illipbi ll atid (,'ovveta, and all orders given by him will i,e li'h ,i w ith prompt in as ami cut e, may 20 If. LOOK BEFORE YOU ~LEAP. Ex'.mine the llu stock of THORNTON & UOLHKMAN. 1 before yov buy cTewhcre. Tlie> fiAty a lint ni'-ipction of CotfOniideS) linens, Pkjsss. Latrni, Sain ssoks, Susiius, &#. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF SSsecs. Slats, (.lothiag, Soiiojis, Hardware, t’rcckery, <iri‘rk’s, Ai !•’ AAI I D V >1 K DIG! NK S. 2hey defy compe.Uion in anything they propose, to sell . | ap2'S-iJm. f— * < L- j r- \ - F, Lnrch&Rfs Yew Turbjne \Y a T e r w Ii n ‘ i To be the Best Ever toveutcci, ***** Pumplil free. A chi res*. York, Pa. J”**** MONEY 'Jjarl.; ra } ;>i(]ly with iSt<■ nci l and I key Note 0 ill ill s. Ciitnh iltho ant! full ■ pal (if llla is fi to. S. M. TFT Hanover a!., Boy ton THOMAS VV. L VTIIAiU Fa 2 a Tj: se, G eoia. Wiii prueii p in the ( Oorts of Camnhflh CciWota. DriuoluiS, Fa-\ ettfvFuUon a J Mer riwether cotin lie?, nn' 1 in other-counties by y\)- cial coafracL; in the €ourt (■! (F. rjjia. and IT. S, (.'ourts at Atlanta. ler - sona oi deri g: uit will j.lens In'ni*h Chris tian names ot Fiair fifls and Defei dants. Frmpt attention given to ense(s in bank ruptcy, tvnd dhcharges obtained for debi ora. Special (attention giv**n to eoLeetion Dl debts an 1 pr; runt )’• turns made. Oitiee in the'hun t House. Atltnt & West Point Haliroad: M Mi.irr Passenger tbain— fOufward.) Leaves Atlanta u : ;;o r.jt. Arrives at i\ laiuflo' 12: 0 ,i >i A lives at West Poin t 1:10 A.M. mgut j’KKTGur and I'asskxukb —(Tnwarl. Leaves West Point .’....2:)5i1l Arrives at Palmetto T:....7:16 A.w Arrives at Attain • 0.3 ) a M NlUlff FKKIUHT AM) PASSING it—(Ouf.vai (1.) L'-avei At'anta 12:30 p p Airive at Palmetto 2:80 P M Arrives at West Fuint 8:20 r a day rASSEXGict; —(Inward.) L.’avcs Wed Point 1 1(1 r m Airive at. Falmelto ....4:31 l’. :r. Arrive.- at. Atlanta. 5 40 r M bR . S. W, PALMER TENDERS Ii is scrv‘c n * to Hi • citizen® of [ Palmetto and surrounding country, in U.e varimi* branc'u sot ni* prof biion. Office ii thn oarrobt n*i VV.-i’thnb UiUding, PuhucUo, Gu, ODK.MA'U OF Spring G-oods* | THE fittention of the citizens of Palaiett | nr.O tlie ‘Urniuniiiiii nouuf.ri a’*ts jjea ' : erally and e ; -i*cr-fully iiiviL. and U) call in and j examine our st ck < i SPRING GOODS, mw being received and o;)eucd, whicu ivn j sial iu par: if ; Ladies' l)re9s qfiojs, Wlff’c Goods, l’r'n’s. It'evched Goods an 1 Domes tics. Mlliticry Goods aad Yank‘ e Notions of every deacriptiou. Tbo largest ail bst sto’ kof Soots Shoes fiver brought t i Ibis maik :t, wliich we buy for C;sU dir ct from the Kac’ories at Lynn and Haverhill,MiSaaehiisetts. Weals ) keep ilafs, Caps Umbrellas, Parasols, Fans ami Toilet Atticlcs. Always on lr nd, a. large let of ; BACON, CORN, IIAY, FLOUR, LAUD AND MOLASSES, Which we iv-'.l let out for Crop Liens to re, 1 -pcn-ible p irtii s. We • re also A; ents for tlie sale of j CARROLL'S GOLD WATER SOAP, : Whi.h will wash your Clothes clfta anil white without, rubbing or beating. This | Soap is verily the WOMAN'S KIJIEND; GARRETT & WALTHALL. Palmetto, Ga., April 9,157\ T II E | palmetto shillr, S A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Published at PALMETTO GEORGIA in:voted !o TEMPERANCE, AGKIGUETURE, pollucs, LI I Li! A 1’ L 11 E iK e Subscription, in adyanece TWf >, IT ; j i \ bp 1 \V U i li 1.1 a: \ i\iS, PER ANNUM. oonoofy>rono niMln'iOdOOdiintHioiifiiuininniinnf.i ronoorn. Of.ofiffl- SUBSCRIBE NOW!! -”ea mu 000(11)1 OOOf Hit I-)f Id' •<•( lf)(M *l>t)(()( M M)|,( II •()’)()() ! OOOUOOOOf 0': )Ot)OC iOO(M;OOOo( 1000000000 ■ Being pr.l.w islo il in an enterj.)! ■ town on Hie Atlanta & WVst Point ! Raiironil, in a j(o< il section of country a: <1 having a cii filiation in (JanipbrJl am! stii count public will* find it a good medium for ADVERTISING! Joy to the W oiu:i! WoMOf i* Fiti k Amon the minv modern discov* p;*' loek injrH) tlie happine-s a id an o'ior,it,ion o' fin? human race, idgk* is cm.‘.if,\ I to hfffhcr con’- and rat ion th-.m the renowned r njedy--- Dr. J. BradfieidV: F-inale Vi eg u I V.'ontan’s lust Fiietid. Lv it wonra:- is e:n■’lidpaled from nuintui iesH it's peculiar t > her sex. i e iore is ma_ ic* power al. irrey ulonTics of the womb \au : sh. Il ( n cb whiu s. Ij cutes sup- of the inense?* It removes uterine obstructions. It cures constipation and stu ngt fiens the o stmn. It braces the nerves and pu ifies the hi >o.l. It ne r < r fails, as tlo usauds r,t women will testify. This valu able men cine is .prepared and si H by L. H Hru.dfi* Id, Lruggist, Atlanta, Ga, ” I r : ce 81 e() per bottle. Ail respectable drug m-.u keep ir. r l usklAla 18(58. Mi? la. IL Fradfiki i>—-Sil’icaso forward ns imnu diatolv, armther supply oi ILad- Held'- Female Ucaulator. W e find it to he all th >i i c claimed fjr it. and \vh have wit n**s ed the most decided and happy tffc ts produced by it. Vuyrc peciiulty, lIUNTKU & AI.PXA \DIiR. W r e Ihc undt rs jrned drugg\ts. fako |de s- U’“ mi commending to t!:e trade. Hr. J. 11 rad fie'd s-Fetftiiu* liejiniaior, b devi g it to hu a go-ul and rtdiah c temeJy for the diseases for wliich he recomraci ds it. VV. A. Lansdku,, At‘an fa. Ga . I’ILMBKIiTuX, VV ILSON, 'IaYLOK & Cos., At aiitU; Ga. Rfd wi x !■: & F oXs A f 1a n 1 1 , Ga. VV. . Lawsiie. Atl.ii.f i, Ga* W. Root Sun, Marietta, Ga. STATE OF GEOGlA—'TrcupGomH . This 's to cert ify' that Ihtv * xam'ned the recipe cf Dr. J. Bi adfield ot this ccunL . and as a medica mm pror.ou cu it to bea corn binali nol m -do ir>cs of yrt at. ni' rit in the treatment of uM the di eases of h males for which he recommends it. This D< o* mbc 1, 872. V m.P. Ukaflky. yl. I). L. B. LANGFO'K^; WIIOLKSAnE AND RETAIL DEALER IN’ Stoves, Hollow VV a re, Hlock Hr. Vm 3Tafc, Sheet Iron X Trimmers 1 Finding 3 , Slate as*fels ;tud Gs*aL llouse-Furuishiitg Goods of every description Georgia Marble Stones, Keystone Block Whitehall street.. AlLintiL <G?. gem f'v th • I -C ar.or Oax Htuv Oft lb J.U ! State of Gk kgia, Canu beil (’ouiity : Wherea®, M . If. Wooddati. admiri-tr-ttor of Jo?n C. represen.s to fb * o*urr, 10 his petition, duly fi ed and entered ''n ie cord. that lo- h h fu! y aduihiisiertdi John C. Danfo pULs estate - This i-. fher.-f *ro. to c’fe all p? r?ons con- c ,a rn'd. kiodred raid rrtdifors. losiiow ansc if any they c*n, why a?d administrator should not edi cl from h ; s adminia tr ! ion. and receive h'tter- of a nd: mission on the frst Honda v in rp f #*mbcr, 187 R. r*. Bf\vku9, Ordinary. mny2?-3’Ti.priij'o: \s fee $7. •: \ /rb- ■ ■ ' m P' "w :b - ' f m -■ ib r 'tj n true Parifi-Jr of Hi-** IFood, It tho: v u*;h‘;. neutralizes and eii.nin -leg from ihesypfem the specific virus which causes . uch a li-f ofhnman stiff- ii - *r. In every form of scr lulo s. mercur ; a! and constitutional blood emu plaints it sUmL without compeer. rn.p‘dsy curing e.eers pti tules, carbniikUs. s a *i head, sl. 1, rhourn, and the 88 and fF rent varieties o si in aff c tion'J. It is a positive curative for crofula ? and fl.od<id!y enemy < fur nty. bad and j arsenic, quickiv eliminating them from the system. The Fluid Extract of Q-ie.i ns t.e pn pared bv Dr J. 8. IVmberun has made the most wondvrJul a U astouibl. iug circs. It' - purif;, insr; vi\ifyinand tonic properties ( xert i-e the quick st and iiiom poAerful ( fleets in r storing bea th* It is 11 irmVss fo the nr-st del eat b aid can n< ver be used amiss It is the rue bcautifi -r t f the complexion. If you want pure 1 ich blood dear sk n, i> and b ■ nti}’]! complexi n, use, tlie Corrponml Extract ot 8 Q teens Deilgot Read oar tre.ttHe on cli - : a-es of file fd-'od. ' l' l<- tjeniFue has f. p | signature of tlie upon each label [ J. 8. Rkmukut*. x & < o. Ayer’s SarsaparilL A k „ T ' v il 'b' ; .' knov " /•i M -A *• * ooc of tjic niD.r /•V,\ K? M effectn;il reinedio- M' vi\ /| 7 'vi. ever discovered fui A'Wi 'A' ilw rj:i “ ■ pii'.'ilyir^ v: ■ '•■ t i: i.ioo.i. ii Vv v: L,.' ,' G/.W r; s (oil the t..-t ol ■V ' . 'T’/Vv, T’ -'V •<•. coa 'T'’-’ " ''-'vr " ° illation, hoped on it i iiia-ioD” \..1 iaDx-ii i,. i;< Vi n- lrkahli- lairi-s. So nihd a. to lxViiii. : i cncfidy t- chi', ha nnn 1 yei no .. lu* ; as to idfecUia’ly jnif-ge out the great coa*- I’llj.tioua till* !;:urjit, i. ;;s tile s;-." I'idoll j 1"I yi.leli:; ■ ,*,: ' . <-:■ ili.-i-i - t!;,.t have hn kc lin il.n m -tem for ve:ii.-. soar, yi.l ! to this [i.ain.vfni’ ;mti it ttc, ;:■1 c; ai’. I '.-in n- ivoa.i. rial ntres many o! v.hl.-h :■ j-:knorv.i ot Scroilihl, :r ll .l n.i -. i .* .■ Liners, E>m; Go.-.-, r.iei orders of the skin, Tfutors. Blotches, 21eii.- r , Ptnjiikijj, ViiatutDii Sores St. Ailthoti.y's i’ .i'e, off n "i'siiie iivs, Tetter, Saif Kheimi, Sc*i!<l Head, King\v.;v::s. and lute-nal Ll cei’iviiiisis < the Utert: *:, Steiuuch, Li.:l h l .ot*. il. ai-,, <■ ; ■ - ~■,■ ’■.■ i* com plalsts, to wliich it jypnhl pot iem ot pdel ally aiii!|>t’.,|, such J>roj.ay, Fits, Neiii’iilgiu, Gear!, ecsav.lo V.'e.-.L.-::, s Bchility, n,-i l.CtJCOi’rfiaea, v.’.un timy ni-mij: lions of tLo scv’.-fain:*-.- p*>i ,;us. Ii i- : n cxi ni:, ~t r i ef hc i'ih nod t'rength in th" Sj.:IT rci'Vi) hi,; ih;> Ga'i'thc and vi..-.r of the diVestivc organs, it tli.-: i;* it.-' the <!:yrc* ici ) Hstle.-s"lriii- K'lorof ti c sc.-san. K\a n wiicrc n ;i|)j)\ ai'a. |;c<>jilc h i In*i it*'-. ,i liu* longer, Cor elciinsin ;T, !,!oo 1. Tl. system move: oil with renewed vigor and a imr. ie.i- > o! file, pr. 5r a it e n a y Cf. J. C, AYER ot CO.j Lcvve!!, Miss. /Vs", <;l and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL IKSULGI :TS BVEHYWHEKB Q. C. G i> i C K , TIOR N E Y A T LA H l.sai L> ans, G<;<;vv i a. JR*®“ Office i;r the j luiPOn Bnikliii". Farmei’s, Look to Your Inteiest. The man fo pituoirza in the one who will do your work well and t heap, an 1 at short notice, and that m nis * K SOGII ST it 10 KLA \ 1), Who bus just established n wood shtip in con* reef son v. ith is black mi tli- .'’nop at Lost end of Railroad s'reef, FAIR BURN. GEO r[ l lie has a full com jit t. (a - txpor'ierced wejknicn and is pr.-pared to do all kinds of work in his line. lie makes new Wagons, Boggle®, at. I rep: irs fdd'onus, Ue-*{ s new Wagons and Isug gi‘*s Constantiy on baud .‘or s-. 10. jis ill (ill) THE PLACE TO HI V GOODS IS WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET Ike V. citli Of Voiti' Money AND TLIE PC HI .IC WILE FSD mT PUCE LY <A:i.O’ AY JBiaaa. PATMETTO, GA, FRONTI NG THE LIAILiiOA D. T \E A LEU IN FAMILY GROCEIUK A.NI) I / Harfivare. lie keens i*on>tai!t v on hand S.wcfd Iron, n.nvaml Cast Steal. Trace anil Hr ~-t Chains, liames, sliovils Spades ami Axes of thebisl qindity. __ Plows, and it rot hiitis for cverjlioidy from the Southern Agrieiikurnl works Oofumbns f ;l " pin 24 tf DR. A. S. VVTJH’AKER, OFFERS IIXS FItOF'SIONAL SB "-VICES in nil the branches of the practise of n;odinnii! to the- eitiiens of Palmetto and veiuity. He t' iif’rrs his thunks for r o:anf'i‘ patri.-nage and solicits and increase in ihe future, "tv iiusi ' nec at the late :,s,i;i;ce A, I! L:i'li.:tn. •lit IU ait. * * - •' t'K ft J. M. HOLBROOK WtinLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN i MEN’S . BOYS’ MISSES’ I nml ... LADIES’ jrax<ajT , s . Keeps G' listnill ly on hunt! :i larg^ I slock of nil the ! LATEST STYLES AND NOVELTIES ; Known to the trnrle, anil eonsisling ir part ol the following- brands : BROADWAY’ SILK * TRADE ’ II ....‘ YOUNGMAN’S’.... PEARL’ai and BLACK DRESS CASSIMERE ENGLISH CORK and the following styles in the fines FURS: TULIP ZEPHYR ATIIERLY CORSAIR MANSARD.. NOVELTY BETTY and SIDE NUTUA of all gi ados. MOBILIER.. . VANDA LIEU SURE THING.. .SIIAKSPEARE METEOR BLACK'BEAVER Am! velvet finished g ods of all grades. PANAMA IE URITY..., and CANTON STA W HATS of all and esc; iptiorjg. • LADIES’ AND MISSES’ IIA TS ! / CROCHET KIVAL-KN! ORA LYVET REGATTA .. Mo NT \N A ROCHELLE.. ALPENA ROSIANA . .VRX.IOE MISS LINTON.. PALMETTO ‘ HATS B -iih m i,Bier nuini'H tnti niiaiei mis to inn ll ll.,.■: -*i I! , f wLieii EAIiDS AND GENT I.KM EX v r l’ 1! E r K A D E A T LA II G E Alt' n spnelfully invited t'i c>|l! and ex amine. They will find it to th : r in to' est, C-iV Country merchants \v ill find my stork < -jnal to tvny in the South,, aid at prices as low an the h west. A')iil23 D. ST ATI OY GEuUGIA~ I Oami hhll County, j h' lit inns. Richard A- King, Administrator el Aiiiim il. Kii t'. rej-resents to the Com t. in u:r petition ila’y (i!e<l anil entered on record. a. he h.o tally adn in stered Adam It King’s est.-tr. 'I h's is tl** f*>rc. to eite oil persons co">— "erned, ku dr,: 1 nnd creditors, tn show cause, if tiny tl*y can. v hy said Administrator slieuid not De and scharged Irom tiis ndminis- I ration, and receive l-t'irs "f dismission, on, the Ii ret Monday in May. 1 f• i ven under my li and and etiicial signature this February Ist, lb7ff R C. BEAVER 3 , Ordinary. fid,7- CUM M I N G'S KINtI_CURE. Tins wonderful lotion cvres i'rtsii ( nts, Bruises nnd Bunts, Ringworms,, thitbiains. and Stys. it is aiso good for Lid Sores, lit ers, Sore E y ft, Rising s, lUAUtTIOY OF lE.ll tlts, rinui) SORE Throat, Sore llouth Ferer Blisters, Sores f anted !>y Vegetable Poison and lilies or Poisonous insrets, Erys peL s, Intlaniinatory T lOTHACIIE AND SICK HEADACHE. BRICE 25c., 50c. & $1 PER BOTTLE. Made and sold by R. CUMMINGS, | 'nav22 ly. Palmetto, # Ga. Lr.Ui;, t aniabeil t'otinty : Ordinary’s Oifice, May Ifi, 1873. Lewis R. Lack has applied fjr uxomptioa ol person al *y util selling apart ar:d vaiua iam of li nitstead, and 1 wiii pass upon the -■one a' t! o’clock a. m, on thn 30ill day of May. 187’, at my office in Fiirbunr in said’ e unty. It, i. . BEATEItS, Ovdi-n-a-ry. CANCERS” Perm arcr t*’y 'iu ( *d by add reding Dr. \V G. C oUG -N No, 47, \v, Jtffurson pt Bonisvilm. K/. ( pies of his ‘ J u nup’ cfm be obtain* and free of charge, giving mode of reat me nr. a?n:i a large - list ot cases- curetH ! nclb?e St;-.m;). I T I-f X-T The greatest com nound 11* is JT! .known for man or beast i MEDICINE There is no pain or swell*- j mg it wi nor: r**lic*vt\ s: iff and lame joints t are made sup-de. <'utps reo-e i lieum At’S'n, n ura!gr , lame l:nck, be idache. t'>t.haco r 'on- tl it* r and bad sbrains on man, and so-f shouM' r, tif?joints, sprains.ringbonp r pax i, etc, on arlnvds, than all other temedm*. in fhr* c. r : m e. Wholesale Agents, SoioHmu <fc i SMrannah, Agents; wanted in very oonnry, Fn*ncis & El— dridge. Bhila b-lphta, Pi, CJjHv p, (jjj OH per day .' Agents wanted , * All classes of working peo pie >f either sex r young or old. make muri> money at work or n* in th*dr spar moilients r ur ai. lun time, than at auvtking else. Par "’.'F* ' b-*\d lrcssG. Siiqboh & Cos., Poet Wnd, .iiUnc.