The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, June 01, 1866, Image 4

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SAVAAII AEVERIEEMLSTS ! L. J. (it ILVUH': » ‘ V . . lii'l " ' -M*. "l. j. aJ ii .m .\&. to., vb .-iril'i'iv;, CommiMfon '/" '• -./ Merchants, Sit. lis S; ; •n\ mi. O*. T*~ I’urlieul ir tit: M'.ii.n ■ i<» |»-iv -it-iuff • Freight*. unit !■ • i • K-uxl Fine . Timber ulul l.mii*. uttoii. t. ■' 1. ilid. , Ac. February 24, ('-If S. 11. 12 All v r t;S O.\, PKAT.KK IN EXERT VARIETY OF CABINET FiT’fTURE, Cll A 11! S, I) !. SK S, MATTni-:.-.- ES, MIUIiOi.S, AC., AC. Parlor, lUising Library am". Bedroom : ejs, In a variety oi Patten. 'i FiiiNli Prices (*> uit /eu limes. I.acenml C.;i :• M ■ • Canopies, Af’.r.NTS l-oi; > IHGIA FOIf nrnnnrg? m: iffasras AND MATTRESSES, 'lilt; Ik’.-I l '■<! i'i tiv ■a 1 1 it N-'u Vork Prices. ,7S€r- Call mnl iixain: i:f jay Goods and Prices bi-tun' pUlcl a-a Doing connect til with hui.. F I,A I!CEST MAM I \< ■ OKTKS in tin' North, 1 can .- ■•!1 (A . u hut ONE I’ItOFIT. Uartroom 1?' Re Men Street, SAVANNAH. GKO. May r. l-ia;, Davant os Waples, r CTORS FIMIIIEI Httuitß Mil M c r<• 0 n ni>, COJlNIilt HAY •■111.: .1 II \ : TKFIiTS, ,V.lll W 'if, GKO. <TAy Spi'i'i 'l nttctilion i-S ito tin l sale nfCnt ton, Timlu'i, Lumber, ot Country Produce. it. .1. I>A\ ANT. 'V. it. VTAPJAk Os ((»• l.i'c Inin of Havant &. I.aivton. May i, M l'. mi PlilLii’ DZI.ILYNSKI, WIIOI.K-■■AU. AMI lIKTAIt. l.'i..M JUI IS Dry (io <1 king. Huts. Caps, fuoji ankle notions, 4C., Nn. 10 St. .Tnliuti ■ i !oi> Bryan Streets. SAVANNAH, GKO. Ixtiii-Ordora from the Country promptly iitti nili'il so. May ■) Iblili. Oil Lovell k Laltiiiiorp, MAM'F/.tTritEKS OK ►PLAIN TIN WARE, AND DEALKUB 1M JnjianiU'il I’lnni-lii'il mnl Sliiniiu'd Tin Wares, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Stnvrs, Mlirct Iron, Tilt Platt s. I.nuil. Brimms, ■V, < »]on \\ arc, Pocket: h' T.■■»!(' ( jitlery. HOLLOW WAKE, &C , S/C. Crockery cud (tktrswarc, A ho, liO’i ;• ra mul Fillers, ice pitchwn ; a'o!,uatoiin. Anil in ciUinei'Mi •' 1 .’it'.' ilnne. u. love in : ; i. ■ i-■ . • vim.'iy of coon ;a sTom AND UANGKS, With aV tin i \ nis v i Iv i-*v immediate Use. r i :y ;dvw ;tv i!<• tt :. • uiple iu appearance, tv i ill ? f . •. iiofkm'ss ft ml weight. Will !>;• • ig prices. Orders lor Stoves |trtm™\ Wo. l.V> r.rwl 4'onjfrcss St., SAVA NX VII. GKO. May, lomc. (.m s’ S. Miller, ! sa r.-t.v.v.i// ADYEirnn:?.!ESTS. John McMahon k Cos., WUOJ.F.HAI.K ItIAU,;..- IS (jirorpiii.i, 4'os‘s;., Osits, IIA V, FKK!), M’. Corner es P»oujrliton rod d< i: a streeis, SAVA.VN'AII. CA. oruarv 10, 1-l-i'm B. L. Weidlinger, DKAfxn iv SADDLES, ill 11 MS® Saddlery Ware, Leather, &c-, Wo. M Hi»rup,nl Street, ! two voflitr su.rni nr kinc 4 wntiicn'H mu -i ktub*. Ml VAXXA/J, GEORGIA. I •!■ ina i 1 : ■ . iui MARSHALL HOUSE, HHOIT.HTON KTKEET, SAVIN N UI,GE()KCIA .j I rgAHIS first class.lC i.a - ln- u r Jt ! -B. i euKHleh’il arid nevviy i y. I iiinh<’<l and i» it in pet « •* • i " s » , j throughout. The travdinjr y j may rest assured t h*■ % v, .11 t#.•. CQiufortuhle Jiteottuiio'hiiimm to A. b. 1 A t!i rroprieior. ! February Id. ly 11. A. PALME*. J- H. URWSII. PA DIP U & DFmSH. WHOLESALE AND lIKTAIL PDA! I I ' V I CI.'TLEUY, l' lI.FS. EDGE TOOLS, : Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps. AsrrieuUr.ral Fmpletm-nts, 1 118 Congress and 07 St. Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. i Fcbrnarv 10, 180(1. Cm ! BDWABP C. AVAIIK. Bl- '. "I N H. W A!»I: K O. Wade Cos., F A V T Oils, ' ForwardingcC Cofnmission »?1 <•> r chitiiHs, SAVANMAH, GEO AC ENTS FOR THE SAKE OF | I’ortali’i' and StationarySteain Knyiiif's ; ‘'Suliilde I’acifii' Guano ; and Supor l’lioKjiliatc' of Lime. March 17. IMi. Cm IIENUV .MlilNll.llll). 1.-.140 SIKINIUHi). 11. M< inland & Brother, WIUM.rsAl.i: DKAI.MLS IN Si o« # .«< f SSto ex , 11 al s 9 Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, TRUNKS, VALISES, AG. 105 IJrvan and 7 : St. .Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GNO. January -0, 1860- 1 ( in Soiilhmi Col lon W iiitlkm 1 , COIIM.U OF DAY AM) MNCOI.X STKKCTB, PAV'ANN Ml. CEO. O’FALLON CO., Factors & Commission Merchants They solicit a portion <•! the business of the people of to ortriu and (lie adjoining rSiates. A'- t >!!!••:• Stoddard « Kange. "?? \. i ?-(r flu* firm is represented in Quitman, by .! h. I>FI.ANNOY, who will be pleased to forward ! the interest ol patrons. iau'JO-fm WE L. PEABODY, W!Ii)I,KSA! K PKAI.KU 111 BOOTS A\P S'IOKS. OF Al.l. KtljDS, 150 Confrcsi St..S. s', of tl»»* Hnrlirt, j. SAVAOTAH, 020. fitt" l'rests goods J.v every boat. ! Jf’VT'lJberal discounts made to Country deal ' ers and all who buy u> seli an.tin. All orders by mail or expre mptly d'le-.!. April 7, IX*D i ra i A. m TLXnoh’hJC J N ». M. W. IIILI ! OF S.VVAXNAII. G \. ’ 1 K- I\ CO.. FLA. A. 1 and TENTIOM'B CO., sHiEiPsam, Forwarding' k 1 'oinmissioii % xts, RA Y STUFF '!’, SA VA.XXAH, GA. ' rrompt atteiiFi n ,u : vi'n tu the pineitase, and slu, ment of Cnttiiii. -I I'l'lU.tiy i'l . ffiS’v ( :.' : u.-11! 111•: I G nn i . .. . MHKI jMCiiSm' VC A ' • ' ifteJSjk f| ii-.',- ‘‘ •• . ' '-TL TII E OUIT MA N J 5 ANX EE . BROOKS eorNTV-I.KGAL NOTIOFS. DTATKOK <.t OUCi A, ! Coin O Tr.- Itni. I. 'i. i,:,'i:,ri unit Jar.'' i ■ • i>r i! E 1 .'>■ i‘f' U II.UB Kim;, ill-.■■ .i-i il tur letters of Dismission I rum s:.i;l uiliiiiiiiUr.ifiiin. 1 lii'.<i‘ai!■ IlM'ii'foii-lo cite mnl ailmouist) all part ion at iuli'ii >t tu (tin their ■ hji'rtiun* within thi* tini«» presmluG Itv law. ntiu-rwisi* lettera ct Difini■ ion will I,l' (entitl'd the a|,p!iiant. J. C. McCAU.. O. H. C. Match Id iMlfi. Cm. C 1 HOHSOA. INnik- Gd XTY. A AVm. 11. 1 Ni.KY, .V i niiibi rator on the : Lstate of .j. B. iJo'.v'Kl.b, du- i.-i l. applies for ' Letlers- of fMsndssion. Th«f«» are therefore to cite aB persoa** intcr ! e.*ted to lo k a r.d appeit rat my < e. \. -hin the time j)re-< ribed by lav. and file 'heir < I* »ions ; i otherwise said Let tern will be granted to the ap ■ plica nt. J. C. McCALL. Ordinary, 1 Jnmuiry 20. 1 <'m lll.ooi ,(Ra' .V. Wheieaw.. W. \ | lb Joi.nkk. AdTiilni-.'r i mon Ihe Kvtate of A. *L OllOOVbll. deei ,i ((l applie ibr Letter* of 1 Bisiiii-sion. The-** are therefore to cite all per j suns in{«.M'i*sted to be and appear at inv office i ■ within the i km* pro- ribed by law, and file their ‘ obie'-tioijs ; ntlie: wise - tid Lellers of tiismiission i j will be granted Ihe appliranf. J. i'i. McCALL, Ordinary, j January ?0. I'-'h:. L«'m •/ i rOIUiI A 'l: ' r v ~ Fbcw V X J(;} • M I.K hT .•-!;• • *'h Mill I iimii,l, |.| the r; 1,1.1 ", IJOItEii i 1 . 'CtiCK.! and e;i <•<{. having fully iidmini ’em’.! 'he Ksbite of; lid deceased has applied tome for letters dismis j ;e - arc therefore to cite and admonish all j pe; <•!;.- iutere ted to he and appear at my off < e. j w it hin the time'prescribed, by hw :•» and file their j objections : otherwise said letters will be gran ted the soplicunt. .1. C. McCAI.L. Ordinary. January * 0 ST AT LOr (ThOldilA : • t xv. Agreeable to an eider i : ;he Ilunoi abb* Or dinary of said coif . will t e sold < n tl.e first Tuesday in June b< the < c>uri House {■door in Quitman, Lem, the ! ud belonging to the estate of John t dok. deceased. WILLIS HALL. Ad mV. , April 11. H t.l* C 1 i:OS?.<;V A, Lcooks Cocvty.- -ixtv days K afterdate. I v.ili apply to the Court of | Ordinary for leave t > sell the Idea! L b.te of '• J;«.-. VVilhar* !aie «■!'snid v. de.-e <-<). K. J. Wild JAMS, A'lm’x. | April 11. isn?. (iOd STATi Os OLGbOiA. I uinii- < ui-vi v. Agreeable to mi erder oi l.e( . ;g, <>( (;rdi ! nary of said county, will be sold at ’.he Court j House do* rin the town of (.oii iuan. •.« ■ on the | First T’uesd tv in .June next, the lands belonging i o the LVtiite of Snsana Carson. <1« "eased. \VM. 11CJW)N. AdmV. | April 11. 18C(*. ids f\ Id( UA, F.’-gg <oi : M F. Lv l-• ;N J MOHK. AdlSliili:-?; a ; t t ell 'ld-’a'e of I I M.Ciaytov. deceasfij ha ibed his petition i -r Lettei ;- of I-ismis.- an tVo:n said it?liti ;ri:-1 rati«.i». r t i ese are therefore to iv-e .•'! jiei -oiis inteie ;ed to be at. my effire wi hin the tone preser'bcd by law. to show cause if any * hey cm. wi v said Letters should not. be . . .■; <1 the adi ca 11. J.G. McCALL, Ordinary. January 50, IfMfi. l- r m C'l r . I Folsem Admiiib'!-- nn :lie estate* o! John Folsom. <h ■•".ised. afiplles Ibr Let eis *>f Lismissiou said adm'nisirn’ hi. These are ther"!me to ci <* and admonish all pariiea at interest to file *’..• ir tdije*" ions wi ' the time prescribed by law o'herwi (* letters of dismission will be gr.mfed die applicant. J. G. Me 'ALL. Ordinary. May 1 1 fm (\ BORGIA, f! HOOKS’ County . Notice is herchy ; X given that sixty days after date. 1 w ill ap ; ply to the ('ourt of Ordinary for leave to sell the i real estate of Tims. M Boston, deceased. W. H. G JLDUTRB. AdmV. ! May •!. 1866. Hi-bOd CKINCII COUNTY—LEGAL NOTICE. Administrator's Sale. Ci KOfia;i A, CLINCH cot NTY. Will bei M sold before the * curt house door in lie mersvillo. a. A G. lb 11., in said county, on tin* First Tuesday iu June next, between the legal hours of sale, all the land hi-longing to the es tate of Miles G. Guest, deceased, c insisting of four Lots of Land, containing four hundred ami ninety acres each, Saw and Gri 1 Mill thereon, and a good farm. Said Lots :’! joining No-. 2 lh. 245. 2Hi. 7th district of said <v;iuty. Sold tor the benefit of the heirs and eiediti rs of said estate. .X-'T'Terms made known on the dav ofsale. OF ILFORD LASTING Fb’ AdinV. April 20, 1811(5. 40d Clinch County Sheriff’s Sule. 19 V Vlir; FF. e!‘ a li. Ra.. issuing IV Camden X Sup ■: i»r Court, to me dire,- • !. will be | sold on tile Fin t Tuesday in J.: before the , | ('ourl House door in Clinch County, during the I legal hours for sab*, three part* out of four midi vi<b and interest in tile following Lots of Land, each 1 containing l!H) acres, namely, in the 7th District, originally Appling, now Clinch e«ntntv : Lots No. I \o.‘tj;: No. .>\. No. :t;m. No. _4l No. 415. Levied on as the property of Abraham Colby | to satisfy an execution of Champion -J. Hutchin son vs. Nehemiah K. I'u’ler. Administrator on * the estate of Abu. A"-a t’o'bv. d<'« cased. Fropertv pom; dmi b\ ! ifi•«. HARDISON JUNKS. Sheriff. ; May 1. 1866. Jihl j- * . WARE COUNTY UtIL.HUE'S S VI.K. | > . \ iliTfH of a ti. hi., to av iirected i.-su J rn Camden Superior Goui't. will be ’ .-ol! on ih'* Fir>; Tuo.-dny in June, during the le uai hou.'> b.'i sale, at the (Vin t Ibui.-e do<»r in W are Comity, three parts out of bun ndivided j interest in the following Lots of La id, each Lot . containing 460 acres, in the sth Hist; v: «•;' origi nal lv Appling, now Ware county ; Lot- No. 4.6. No. 21 ». Ni». N • No. ::G, No.'ltC. N««. 385. N >. 215. No. 8.53, No. 818, No. IH6 ; in the Bth i'i-!;lef. orijliuxllv At ’*g. now War**comi ' tv. 1.0 . No. J ;.s No.*>. No. t No. 1... No. 248. No. 1 N o , i. No No. 55 N .. :,iu,. No. 4-6. ’ Lowed on ; t s tho jv . perh of Abraham Colby. ; to s.ri.dA an excenti.m of ( ho.;;; J. Hutchin so;\ vs. S'elieuiiah K. : ul r. A<lminisii a utor on the estate of Ab:\iham Co.lyv. dc owsed. l’ropevtv poimed out bv C. B. Hitt. F.DWaRD M. CiHRB, I>ep> Sheriff, i M r 4. 1 sfjii. 3Jd unty Sheriff's Sale. I>\* VIiITFF or a ti fa. to me directed, issu 1> . !r, :a (Vuvden S'ijo-.-". - C urt. will be : sold on the First Tuesday in June, during the le ! gal hours for sale, at the Court House door in I Coffee county, three par > out of four undivided : inter..'-! in the following Lots of laud in the Ist District of originally Appling, now Coffee eonn . ty. namely : Lots No. 27. No. 47. No. t»2. No 1.55. No. H 7 No. -.01 No. No. 25 1. No. 25.5. N > . 2.5 th No. 2.57. No. 2.5 th No, 2dt. No. 277. No. 3bl. No. 80J. No. ;>3O. No. 888, No 871. No. 411. No. ! ' 157. Also, ia the tith District, originally Anpling, i ! how C'-:ne countv. namclv : Luis No b-,>. No., i & DST GOODS! SOUTHERN PALACE Orff & Watkins, IMPORTERS, JOBBERS AND OBM3QQ DEI MV ?OQn) f Aj .Yfts. 11l .4,r» §lB i O,V<l El #•: -V ST?sb:t. 680. \V<* import cur own Goods, or buy them directly from the Manufacturers. WE KEEP AN EX FKK IBM hi) BLYIU CONih.MALLY IN TiiK Goods Received per Every Steamer. WE INVITE THE mmnm w cowfiii dsmcmm's To our Wl'.olf salc Ocparlnirut. Maicli 24. 18(56. H>-»in Stevens & Rountree, QHJITMAM, GrA,, HAVE RE( El\ ED TIIF.IR SPMFfi ;.J] 2TOhi HI 'j/i STOCK COMPLETE, Carolully Selected by one of the Finn in the •Yorihei'H oJlurlifts, Ctsd-Tli,' Citizens arc* rcsiicdfully s.>lii'it<;il 1 , xmn'np mir Stuclc, which will be sold at a stnall ;ulviiiu'i.' nn i: -M.-iEWf Qili'mnn r.'i'.iicii Y':,:-cl, 'il 18' (li Gilm OCiYI’dEA T AMONG THE 2 ill con I'qni’me of til,'Si!P|inn,ii ■ ! (! ■■ Writ of Unticn* I'ui-pus by Great Britain, which w«* lire gla.i ti>.-av lu, A HEAVY DECEINE IN DUY GOODS, Russell & Perham ARE THEREFORE >KLLINC OI'U THEIR PRESENT STOCK AT GREATLY Reduced Prices. They l.ave mi hand ami are Constantly Receiving a Large and E.vcnsive STOCK OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, mmm mb mm, CONSISTING IN PART OF Spring' and Summer Prints, Muslins and Organ.; rs, .Ja net and Swiss Muslins, Linens. Handkerchiefs, Ladies’Gi ves, 1. li. s’ Hats and Bonnets, Dress Buttmis. Parasols and Belts, C nbs atid Toilet Articles, Spring Cassitners, Jeans, MBAm MABm CiSTIGSC, .Vnd the Largest Assortment of Ladies' and Gents Shoes ever brought to this place. OYSTERS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, PICK! ED HKRMXO, COFFEE. SUGAR, ' ' ' l" ' C [ oh u, oi ItL. 'X. I'KFihG, TL;.<, CANDY. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco l Wo ; HVP .1 few POETS and - : U’N & WESSON - PEVOIAERS. T : ' ' ' ' ‘ ' •••r; . %f. MISCEi.LASKOVS NOTICES jt QUITMAN CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. 11. PADGETT, Proprietor. HE is non pre; . e 1 with the best material as<* competent workmen to put tip to order' Euggies. G■r; i ice- end U'up .ns at short notice. REPAIRING, RE-PAINTING AND TRIMKIN# i will tic done promptly. He ha- .ni lll,tel a number nf Bnegios. CarHy^ |e« and tieht Wagon*. Also has just receipt! U , lot of Northern IJnepie-, Harness and Gitßtty rmhrcllas. All of which are offered }, r small 1 profits- ft The pntdle and friends trenerally are iivitedH to call amt examine for themselves before par-I I'tmsiilC elsewhere. m Mr. 1! \V. I.' ■ :.i KT’: - !.’ will t-“ found at the I Shop readv 1 , ao . a- o e who may wish to | purchase or evaniine the work. March 31. 1 ’■'•li. QTTIT&XA3M DRITi STORE. M. B. Hunter , | i ice to the l • i,n : ;m oi ..Mi lirooksceutatp, that he keep- 'I a Large Stock of ZTesh er{ Drills and lliMliciiies, 802Elp0M8* l 111 (I J „ v!i !flll( S.N{r — (L inyfH DYE STUFFS, Nfe»r7 FINE LIQUORS. FANCY Wto and TOII-irr A' ; 'H id--. A'' 'lhean-’; : ■. ■if t entry i’by- S'!' sici.iits ; I ' ill! "ti" '''■AiJ/tH/'X inv k. I : iv prepared. It. H INTER, I*n:y: -i and Apothecary. May 11. b • 17-ts SCHEBANG! BILUAP.PS, PINS, WiitfSy Ijiquors, - Ciga-rs, vrikscwf AT THE msmßAm. - tp n n an, oiauioH. j Jaunary 20. IBbn. 1 -ts H 4 KIIY STABLE! <ti mtt \. uitoituiA. GEO. 3. McCAX.Ii W - A$T r -Jp r u.:i •i■ ■.<*, 1. : * Nk-liiw always • M t ) .1 1 -i ■ v\Tirs.r-j| Bed to A ‘ravel vry ,!• -u to any part of the coun try. lb ; • .'‘ i tor by the day or mouth at moderate ra.«>>-. January 2u ! ’f>. t « Siivniiibili JNews and Herald, rFBLISHKD AT SAVANNAH, GEO., is tJ*** Ol!; It! !’ * f the 1 'v ; is assigned the I'hb!; 1 at : ■ : j l A'l !r. ; - having th# :;trg■ ■-1 < . in tt‘«* i’y aud county. anH j tibli-dies t! ■ * it i- t-ments of nearly ev#>- ry eoii.’r v v... h h:t« i.s adverti.Jiig done in Sa | Faunah. 'I: i■; i-- T ADVER'i i.SiNG MEW | FM in its - • - ;'«>n td the State. TEll M : | fhiily. . $lB per annuiß. ; Tri-VV cekl; ( ! Weekly 3 “ | T K e Editorial Staff includes Fi.W. T. Thontij*- ! son. former Editor of the Morning N» ws.and wtell known as an author and Edit ’ : Dr. J. S Jy*«*«* ; former Proprietor Floridian »"d Jmimat K. 11. Clement ; J a <*b N Cardoza. F-q . jWn j as a Southern Editor and Write; on Fiiuvve, and } others. The IbiMne - Dep t tm n« i- •** of Mr. ! Theodore Bio is •; <n r i £ New*. S. W. MAS'*N, i ( D opV. MET ID F'OUTAN ENTi -iFLHSK. GREAT GIFT SaIE. CF THR NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE ” JEWELERS’ ASSOCIATION. ; G A PIT AT >1,000,^06. Depot, IS7 Broadway. An immense > * k of Pianos. Watcbe-. Jewelry : and Eaiu-y ds. all to be sold tor ONE DOL LAR. each without regard to value and not to be paid for kill you e what you will receive. GERTIE!' ’ATE.-, .aming each and iu ! va'i ■ ! 1 : .tied envoi* ;«*' well • i, ix 1 * iveb pes will be sent by 1 mail t<* .nv uddres-s on u- "ipt of 2.5 -ents : fir® J I for SI : eleven for S2 : thirty lor $5 : sixty-fir© . ; $lO : and one Lund rod for Sls. On receipt f the < Vrtifi -atey-u will see what* you are going t ■» have and then it is at your op-^ • lion to pay the dollar and take the article or not. ■ Lurch :- t- utu\ thu- ■ ;o. in a Gold Watch. Dia mond Ring, a Piano. So wing Machine, or any act «>f Jewelry m ■ ir list. i'<r $1 : and in no can© can they g"t bs.- than One Dollars Worth as there ai e no blacks. Agents are wanted in every town in the con tv try . every per-on cun make SID a day, selling ' our Ceftiriv. *-s in the greatest sale of Jewelry ever known. Send : or a r rt iM v LLh will inform you win- ■ S). -V the sama ;in:- -"'.r c.'nr-.b:. : ng full lid and par,, j titulars : aU >. IV * #».s* *o A>ie: .?v. ; Ad i.v-T. J.VMLS UFT! HINSON A Cos. f l f j7 Proudwuv. N. Y, v*- ' it om " - ' UiiBLE, COUS-U "• MS^CHAatT, to C. b. i Fc h: r y 3.1226. Cm