The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, November 16, 1866, Supplement., Image 2

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feg;tl iloticcs. 1 Iroolis. Gnvqln. Ilrnnkx tVnivly. | •XTOTICK is hereby p.iven that •-ixl y day- attn <lal«' I will apply I" lln- Hon Court oMlnli narv of said county l"’r leave t<> wll the real fatale i ol A. J. Kiigli»U, ’deceased. . \VM. li. JOINER, Ailru r. Oct. lat, 1886. 2m STATE OF GEORGIA. Brookh County. -vroTICK in hereliv given, that sixty (luy* idler date, 1 will apply to the Court of Ordinary of haul Comity, for leave to hell the It'-al Knlute of U. Bentley, deccan,u. ; i i)K>jT( i:v j W. fl, ISLXTLKV, ( *'* j Octobers, 1888. 2m ST A 7 E OS’ GEORGIA. Ilrooku ftonnty. NOTICE i* hereby given, that sixty (lavs after (late. I will apply to the < umrt of Ordinary ol •aid County, for leave to sell the Real K-tate ot JoHhua Lovett, del ■eased. . DKXM.s DAS I.AS , Adm r. , October sth, 1888. Hut GEORGIA, Brooks County. "XTOTICE is hereby given to ail persons holding IN claim' lignin*! the .-title of James llumho, to present them in legal form, and all pcr.soitH in debted to said estate, are required to come for ward and make settlement. 11. ts. Tl UN Kit, Adui r. October 12. I*o#. !H»-6t STATE Os GEORGIA, Brooks County. \ Id, peraona having claiinn ugalnst tin' dilate j of 11. lII.NTI.I'-V, late of Brooks county, deceased. are lieiehy notllled In present them, duly attested, within the time prescribed hy law; and all peafcnn indebted l<> said e talc are re el ue* ted to make Immediate paymenl. * M. .1. BLNTLKY, I .. . W. C. IIKNTLKY, \ r ' X October 12, 1888. 3t»-0t Gmr't'a Brtoks remit J. VT<l'lTOi: in Hereby given, I hat sixty davn idler date I will apply lo tin- lion. Court of Ordi nary of said County. to sell the real enl.ile be longing to the estate offWjAlbrWtm, .l™'!- Sep. 10th, 18(1# Ihi-liOd KOIHSIA lirooknCountv. To all concerned: x Whereas. John MeMiilbtn. ndinini I ralor ol Thomas McMullen, applli to thin eniirt lor Lct terc of Dismission a- such ndminlntrutor. linn in therefore to cite nrul adinonlnh llm parin 'ni Interehl to file their objection* within the tune preneribed hy law. otherwise mud leltci'H will be I untied and granted to the said npp.ieard. In tenlimony, Witness. Ac., thin Sept. Ist, 1808. acpt7-6m J, 0, McLALIn o. b. c, Georgia, Urool rs County. AGIULKAHLK to an order of the Honorabh Court of Ordinary ofsuM comity. will lie *old before the Com i 1 louse door, in the town ol Quitman. between the legal bourn of mile, on the first Tuesday in December next, the real estale of Elijah I hikes, dereused. Sob lor lie- benefit of the heir* and cioditoi ■ ofnaid deceaM'd. MAILS DI lvl:-y, Adm r. Octobi 11 Administrator's Hale. W ILL beiold on the Find Tuesday in De cember nt*x*, before fin* Court houHedoor in Valdosta, one lad of I.aod. N-. i yr . in the District of Lowndes county. containing LH) acres more or less. Sold us the properly of Jacob Wat non, doceaßcd, lute of Brook; county. I <*rins, rush WILLIAM HUDSON, Adm'r. Sol* 15 i tdn __ Administrators Sale. 'lmril.l, lie sold oil the lir I Tues. lay ill Do-' TY eember next, belore the Court h nine dnnr in Na-hville. Iho-rien Counlv belween the legal hour* of sale, led of I.mul No. : HI. cimlitiliiii f 400 acre*.and N ‘HIM, e.onlaiuillg 4!ld acre . nil ill the Dili Dintrii-t of said county. Hold an the properly of the l-Nistc ol fo-orge M. I htylon. de- ; ceased, lute of Brook* county. Terms, cash. j Oct. 15, 1388. W.M. IIIDSON. Adm’r. Pusf|M>iietl AtliMliiiHfralor’n : tile. State of Geon/ia. liroohs County. 'll nLL be sold before the Court llnii-r door VY at Quitman. Brooks county. Leoieij .on the First Tuesday in December next, the land he longing to the llAtute of T. M. Boston, deceased : One Lot of said land lies in about one mile ol Quitman. Terms: made known on day ot Hale. Bold bv order of Court of Ordinary. J W. 11. GOLDWIUL, Adm r. j October 12. 1 S(H». (1 LOUGIA. li BOOKS COUNTS To all eon ,l corned : Whereas. W. C. McCall, teinpora l v Administrator Kstnte of .L A Moore, deeeas i>d nmkes apulicntiou to this Court lor permanent Letters Ur* adtninlHtration on the said estate. These me therefore to cite and admonish all par ties at interest to file their objection# in khe time prescribed by law. otherwise said U tters will be Issued and grunted the applicant. In testimony witness. Are., October 20, L s t>»)F 11-at ’ J. O. McCALL. O. u. e. F.OlUil A# Brooks CoorxTV. Whereas. T. S. T. Knight. Administrator of the es tate of ,1. B. Hill, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said administration. These are therefore to notify all parties at in teroftt to file their objections, within the time pres cribed bv law. otherwise said letters will he granted ami issued to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Only. Oct. 2d, 1866. On ('i EOHGI.V, Brooks (Au nty. -Whereas, F. B H* Walker, ’ xecutor of James \\ alker. de ceased. having applied for Letters of Dismission from his trust These are therefore to cite and nduiotiish all parties at interest to tile their objections within the time pre>cribod by law. otherwise letters of dismission will be granted tie Applicant. J. G. McCALL. Ordinary. October 2d. lSdd. » m j * N "jut. Jit'anl'* I' tiUjJ!: \GuILABLL to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold, before the Court’ House door, in the town of Quitman, on the first Tuesday in December, within the legal hours of sale, to tlie highest t»bi j •ler, the real estate belonging to John B. Hill. Terms made known on day ot sale. T. S.T. KNIGHT, Adm r. Gotober, Ith. ’Kd(i iirortjio. Hrooha i^iunty: VGUF.LaBLK to un order of the Honorable Gourt of Ordinary of said County, will be sold on the first Toestlay iu December next, be fore the Court House door iu said town, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, a certain lot in said town, sold as the property of Wiley Lewis, a minor. Terms made known on dav of sale. JOHN D. BOZEMAN, Guardian. October 4th. Is€ 6. JS-iH BORGIA Brooks County. Notice is hereby T given, that six tv ila\s after date we will apply to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of t*aid county* fc r b’ave to soil the real estate ot James MeSlullan, deceas'd. J. C. A W. li MeMCLLAN. Exrs. Hepu mber 3. l .-Co. ed*t HrooKs County. S State of Geonya, lirtu>ks C/ninty. >rOTK K i'l hcrch.v given that sixty (lav* after | dale 1 will apply to 100 Monoruiilv ( our* of Ordinary of aaiti vouiily. for l**avo to .' ll too real estate of K. I'. Dukes, deee.e-ed. J. \V. DI KES, A'lrar Oot. la, I*BB. 2m tie bonis non. C 1 EOIMJI A. liitmiKs Coi ntv. \\ liereas. Dicy I \ ye Kdiuond-oii, Adm'r of David Edmondson, (leeea-ed. applie, to me lor lei ler* of Dlsini*sion from heradmini-dration ol said estate. These ure therefore to eile and admonish all and singii fir the parlies at intere I lo file their objections within tlie tim'* presr-riiieil by law, otlierwiae said letters will he granted to the applicant. i J. (1. McCALL, Ordinary. I July 2, I*BB. 8m C 1 ICOIM.IA, "itfiooks t ( li'NT V. To all XT whom it may concern: Whereas, W. IV. Groover, Administrator of M. Groover, deceased, makes application for Letters of Dismission from said adiliilii.Lratloii. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties at interest to tile their objections within the time prescribed hy law.otherwise said letters will he granted the applicant. In testimony witness my hand nml Heal of of | flee, this May 2-tth, 1888. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. ! June 1. 1888. 20-8 m STATE OK GEORGIA. BROOKS GOI'NIV. Whereas. Elizabeth .1. Williams, Adminis- , ! tratrix of Estate of .fas. Williams, late ot said county, deceased, makes application to me for I,utters of dismission. 1 T lie-c are therefore to cite all parties at inter ' est to lilc their objections within the lime pre -1 scribed hy law, otherwise letters of dismission wilt in* granted and issued to - aid applicant. J. G. McCALL. Only. June 8, 1888 21-Bm-SI2 C 4 KOItGIA. BROOKS COD MTV. To all XT whom it may concern : Whereas, W. W. (iroovor, Gut L I'd inn of Mary A. Anderson, applies for Letters of Dismission. These are theiefore to cite and admonish all parties at interest to file their objection* willim the time prescribed by law, otherwise said Let ters of Dismission will he issued and granted the j applicant. j In testimony, witness nty hand and seal of of- j olllee, this May 241 h. 18(18. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. June I, I <BB. 20-ffhf ( t EdiiGlA. Drooks County.- To all eoui-erie'd: VI Whereas John F. Darracott makes appli cation to this Court for Letters <li ntissory as nd niinistralor on the estate of Langdon Turnbull, deceased, 'i'bis is therefore to cite and admonish all parties concerned, to file their objections within the time prescribed hy law, otherwise said letters will lie issued and granted the applicant. In lesliinonv, witness, Arc. fiepl. I. I*oß. (Cm) J. G. McCALL. o. n.c. G eon/in. Crook s County : To* all concerned: ’Whereas, Mary Thigpen, 1 Executrix ol the last will and testament of Sat ah i Thigpen, deceased, hits fully administered the es ; title of said deceased, and filed her petition with this court, fur dismission from such trust. These are therefore lo notify all persons at interest to tile their objections ns required by law, other wise letters of dismission will ho issued and granted to the applicant. sept. ..*. Isis,. ( J. G. McCALL, o. a. r. OTATK OF GEORGI A, lIIOOKS * '"I S n M'Juw.gih, A. M. D. Hi meson. Adminis trutor of tlx* Kst»to of 1. J. Rodgers, deceased irmlvi's application to this Court for Dismission as such administrator. Tlkvu uro tborefore to rite and admonish all parlies at interest to file their objections within the turn* prescribed by law. otherwise letters c» Di inis, ion will be gi anted the applicant. J. G. McCALL;O. B. C. Sept. i'ft. 18(5(5. 36-Cm. K Pioroc. \ ST.Cn: Oh GEORGIA. Pierce (Unity. 8I X l V DAYS from date application will be made to tho Honorable, the Court of Ordi I nary of Bierce Ununty, for leave to sell I he lands I belonging to the ICntate of .Jacob Dyers, late ol ! said Countv. deceased. GKO KG 10 MOODY, Adm’r. ! October 1, 18(50. 2m i STATE OF GEORtli I. Fierce County. SIXI'-I HA VS frem dale application will be made to the Honorable, the Court of Ordi nary of Fierce Coun'y, for leave to sell all the [ lands belonging to the Estate of Thonius Albrit ton, Kite of said Counlv. deceased. lIKNRV W*. ALBRITTON, Adm'r. j October 1. 1886 2m : Oeoryla Pierce County. XTOticK Is hereby given. Dial sixty days lifter ill date. I will apply lo Hie lion., the Court ol ; Ordinary of said County, for an order for the Side of die Real Estate of W. F. Minchew, late of said county, deceased. * BENJAMIN MINCHEW. Adm'r. October Ist, 1888. nclU-2m Administrators Sale. j Geary in. Pierce County: On the first Tm-sduy in December next, will be | sold before the Court house door in the town ot Bluekslieur, Fieree county. Georgia, between the h-L’ul hours*of sale, one Lot ol L.iml. No. 18. in ihe Bth district of Pierce county, the real estate of Lazarus Tuten. late of saitl county, deceased. JOS IAII PEOPLES, Adm'r. October 10th. lSt>{>. 10-tds IjOW Grorijiti. Lowndes (Unity. I' W ILL ;ip]dy to the Honorable Court of Or diinry tor Lowndes county, on the first Mon dnv in December next, for leave to sell all the lands (lying iu this State.) belonging to the es state of J. J Underwood, deceased, late ot Ham ilton eountv, Florida. *■“ , *ll. BRIGGS. A bn r. Valdosta, Ga„ S<»p f 81 - l(<liti - 3li - <iod oeoryia. I.runul.s ('.unity. SIXTY day* after date application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of the county ot Lowndes, for leave to sell Lot of land No. 4*B, in the :trd district ol Appling county, belonging to the Estate ofi-'mneis Jones, deceased. MJTCIIELL JONES, s.q.t ■’ * I*oß. 00,1 Adm'r ilr bonis non. <'liii«*li County. Stole of Otoryia. Clinch County. S'xtv davs after date appliratbm will l>e made to the Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Clinch counlv. for leave to sell all the lands be longing to the Estate ol James Douglass, late of said count v. deceased ’FREDERICK DOCCI.ABS. Adm r. October 5, 18bt>. 2m I l<?rrlo». Georgia. Berrien CvtnJy. TWO months aitvr. dale application will b« made to the Uonrt or Ordinary for Berrien county, when selling for Ordinary purposes, for leave (o sell the land belonging to the Estate of R. . Goilwin. deceased, lau* of s;\i<l eoitntv. I . A. FOT s’Oil. Arttm BRING OUT THE BIG GUN! LET IT THUNDER FORTH THE GLORIOUS NEWS!!' ARRI V A L &*A.JLbJLm I -a n : WINTER &OQOI* J. R. EDMONDSON IS NOW RECEIVING and opening, at the Store very recently occupied by Messrs. Culpepper, Creech & Tillman, a magnificent stock of rail & Winter IMS, Embracing everything usually kept in a first class house. Ilia stock of 0018® ©ooo® Is everything that could be desired, and his Hardware, Crockery, GLASSWARE, AND Yankee Notion Department Is amply supplied. Ila has also a splendid :do?k nf Kngl’ish. French and American CASSIMEIIES. lie haa also a fine lot of Irish Linens, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED Also a Splendid assortment of « - ©- B ’ H ■- «a .-Vh. «- «t Well adapted lo Country Trade. liis Slock ol Boots and Shoes Is unsurpassed, embracing Men's. M omen sand Uhildreu’s Boots and Sloes in every variety. Al i so a tine lot of Men’s and Boys’ Hats. i Indeed we might say he has almost every tiling. GROCERIES. ! Iu lliis line lie designs keeping on Imnd a coni i plofe supply of every article necessuiy or desir i able for family consumption. His old customers and tbe public generally are ; invited to visit, him at 1 is new 'quarters, where he j hopes to -please, and receive a liberal patronage, i COUNT.IY UROBUGKof every descrip j tion taken in exchange for goods. Quitman. Sept. 2L 18(5(5. 3f*-tf WINTER GOODS! A T TII E NEW STORE JOS. S. CUMMINGS, QUITMAN, GEO. r|IHK public are respectfully invited to C ALL. Ml EXAMINE and I’RICE a General Assort tneut of FALL AND WINTER CTnOTHrjyG, O-roceries. &C., &C. f kC., Which are now being received, and will be sold at moderate prices. These are the neatest an best selected goods now offered in the Quit mar. market, and the assortment is varied and exten sive. No charge for exhibiting Goods. The highest market price, in cash or bar ter, paid for Gotten and other country r rvvi ‘ vv S-Orvi3 •..!■; A GAIA*. is^ j. s. unmiNCis. Ociobcr 12, IS'JJ. ~ ly REMO VA L. | FA T .T . A W D WINTER STOCK. Cnjipcr, CiTCcli k Tillman Fj-j'esdECTKL'LLY notify their friends and the JL\ public generally, that they have removed ■ to their New Brick Store, Adjoining the one urevlously occupied by them and that they have on hand a m i a T? a a 0 ©s <***' H-« B>« Z B 4 m Comprising everything generally kept in a Dry Goods .Store. Also a very heavy stock of FAMILY GROCERIES HARDWARE, ETC. jpgf- They tender their sincere thanks to their friends for the patronage so liberally extended, and solicit a continuance of the same. We are prepared to sell at The Very Lowest Prices. Quitman, Get. f>, ts !). 11. Carroll. A. W. Harris. S. 11. Harris. D. B. CARROLL & CO., QUITMAN HA. KX-d «kXk mm> mm mm. In Barnes’ New Building’, next door to Creocli & Wade. XI7 E have just opened a New and Splendid V y Stock of FALL AND WINTER READY JUDE ( I.OTIHYti, Boots, Shoes, Flats, Caps, Jtc. Also, Flour, Salt, Coffee, Tobacco, and Family Groceries, generally. Crockery, Glass. Tin ami Wood ware; | Domestics, Yarns, etc., etc. 15#- The public generally are respectfully in ■ vited to call and examine before purchasing clse | where. As we sell for cash, and p.t low prices. | we feel confident we can offer extraordinary in ducements. , Octl-tim Jno. D. ( harlion* W • .4. Parder I ( hiirltoii Pa nice, Valdosta, Georgia, DEALERS IN DRY SOOBS, i Hardware, «f- H 42. <X »« ' B'd ■tßf ■ M^9t6 9 Confectionaries. A I. S 0 Agents for Insurance. j August 31, 1868. 3m |L.J. Ol ILMAKTIN. J. FLANNERY. K. W. PKLACMONP L, J, CD : imartin & Cos,, GENERAL SHIPPING [ Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 1 No. 14S Ttix- Si'Rekt, Savannah, Ga. 1 Particular attention given to procuring Freights, and purchase and sal* of Hard Pine Timber and Lumber. Cotton. Wool. Uid«t». Ac | ’ Seprember T. 18 ,; u. » : m N. HESS C CVTXA.V. Hess & Gutman, WHOLESALE (svoccvics anti Xiqttov DEALERS, I3« Bryan Street, 136 SA V A S S AH, GEOK GI A . September 21, jstiii. s>in • ; HENRY MEIN HARD. ISAAC It EINHARD. 11. Meinhard A: Brother, « DEAI.RKS IN’ Boots, (Shoes, Hats, Gentlemen’sFuraisliiug Goods, kc. No, 105 Bi vuii and VI St. Jiil'tin Sts , ,S'.-1 YASKAII, GEORGIA. j August 17. 18(50. ly T. HOLCOMBK. F. M. HIXI HOLCOMBE & CO., Thos. Holcombe, Established 1*36. Wliolessilc <«poccrsi 181 BAY ST BEE I’, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ! May 11, ly [). 0. I’CRSE. U. R- TUOKAS. j Purse k Thomas. Coiiiinissiiiii Forwarding and Shipping j AI E II.CII A N T S , No. 111 limi StrM. Savannah. Georgia. Genera'. Agents for Georgia lbr the following ; well known Companies: The Wilder Patent Subnandtr Safe so. Manufacturing the oM' and best fin* proof. Saf e the world. The 4irrat Bend Sralf Cos., With n full f:i}.ply •»!* different and styles of Scales ni ways on haul, from small Counter to j large Platform. Thr \onpareil Washing U tf3»ine. Beyond question the B‘>t Washing Machine now in use. giving universal satisfaction and supply ing a great necessity in us labor saving qualities. Georgia Chrmlral Works, of Savannah, Ceo. Their superior brand <>f family Soap uow offer t»d to the public ;>i a prl c below Northern Soaps ! is warranted equal to tin* best, and far superior to many. Also, sole Agents at Savannah, for THE TUBES SIPFII-PHJSPHITE OF E'JIE CO* Its application to Cotton. Corn and (F»rd«*n Vegetables has always been attended with most satisfactory and flattering results. The hi-tory f.f; its use South, for the past fifteen years, justly places it n the front rank of fertilizers. The At lantic and Gulf Kaiirout! Company, with great liberality to the planters along its line, proposes to carry this Fertilizer at the following rate : To No’s 1, H and 2. at Id cents per hundred. 3. 4"and 4|.at 18 *• 5, 15. 7 and 7 X at 20 •* 8,8 U Oamiffiat.23 ** lUA H. 12 and 13 at 25 cts, per hundred 1 -If Id. and Di. 28 - 17. 18 and* 1!• at .'»<) cents per bund red. We will cheerfully furnish pamphlet* containing full particulars of this .Super-Phosphate, to any one addressing ns. Also. Agents at Savannah, for Horace L. Em*ry & Son’s Improved Cotton Gin and Condenser tor the first tint** offered lor iu*q»ee tion of the IManters of Georgia. This (tints adapted *o both Long anl Short CoMon. The (»in may be seen in operation a \ nldosta, with our agents. Messrs IVndlfton and Rountree, or at our place in Savannah. Also snV \gents at Savannah, for James Metcalfe &. Co.'s Oils, of Louisville, Kentucky. Lubrirating Hoad I.i-1.: i:id Maj-hinetw Oils al ways on hand, at Munufac urers prices. fTYf* Along the lint* of the Atlantic A Gulf R. U., with counties adjoining, and having been appointe*! agetitsbx M«*ssrs. Fu™* Thom as: we are prepared to furnish all articles udvei - ; tised bv them at their lowest Savannah Prices, with Freight and Drayage m points of delivery along our route, without conumst in or any othv j er expense to purchaser's - ROUNTREE. | Oc f 12, 18(56.- F>l»-7t Valdosta, Geo. Oi F'SCK G t:\ERAI. Si eKRINTEXDENT J Atlantic Gi lv Rail Roao. > Savannah. Oct. loth, 18GS. ) rXN'.IE Floriilit Branch R*il iloml will he opened .E to the l’ublic on Monil.ty next, the 22nd Inst- Arrangements have been made msnrlna: direct and speedy communication ny this route between Savannah and all stations on the Pensacola and Gcortria Railroad. Florida Central Railroad, and Florida Rail Road. Thrmtjth tickets will be sold betwegj the fol lowing: places, viz. : Savannah and Quincy. Tallahassee. Monlicello Madison. Lake Civ. and Jackson vile. Thomasville and Quincy. Tallahassee. Mnhdeel lo. and Madison. Madison and Quitman and Valdosta. Freights between Savannah and all points on Pensacola A Georgia Railroad and Florida Cen tral Railroad will in' shipped on through rates and without breaking bulk. tl. S. HAINES. oclla-tf General Superintendent, Just Received, BDLS New- Flour: Howard street. 8„s- OU fltteh-inna. City Mill- «.n-l other brands. sft Kee- Nails.all s : res; hresh Butter, Cheese, Irish Potatoes an 1 various other articles for lam i!v use. Call a; the Warehouse. 'Nov. J:!; -43-ts RAM’L W. BROOKS. . New and Cjirauc! EpLeli in A ' - z> DR. MAGGILL'S PILLS and SALVE. rXJiIKSIi wonderful medicines are now so fa- X miliar lo the people, that hut littW-ndorse nient of their value as a physic need be made. — The rills of Dr. Maggiel contain no mineral. They do not gripe, and they do not enfeeble th« system by extreme purging. They are universal in creating A VIGOROUS APPFTITB I • And strengthen the digestb'- Thcy tone the liver, clear the head, and steady the nerves. To those who are not familiar with THE I SE OF DR MAGGIEI.’s PII-lAi, as an ami-billions remedy, the following extract* from variou- letter- will be, it is hoped, of suffi cient importance lo justify the quotiugof them : What the Patients say of DR MAGG I EL’S FILLS AND SALVE. “Tlie Ih.'ht Fills for headache I ever had.’ “My liver works like an engine, thank* to your Fills.” “I nin pleased to say to you, Dr. Mag , giel, that 1 would not he without a box inf yiiitf Fills for curing me of morning I nausea lor the wor d.” ‘ You will line enclosed ortc dollar.— Your Fills are only 25 cents, but I con i sider them worth to me one dollar.” “Dear Doctor—My tongue had a fur "ii it every nun 1111 ,like tho hack of a cat. Yolo Fills took it away.” “I took halt a piil and crushed it to ! powder, and gave it in jelly to my little | babe for cholera morbus The dear little pet was well in three hours after.” 'I suppose it is hardly worth while to tdl y at my b rued loot lias got well from (lie as of your Salve. Enclosed tind 25 cents lor another hox to keep ia I the house ” “Send me another box of Salve.” “Enclosed lind "5 cents for two boxe* of your Maggiel’s Fills and one of Salve.” • 1 io- most gentle yet searching medi cine I ever swallowed.” MAGGIE!.’* P11.1.S AND SAI.VE Are aim-, : uni -- -a! in tlit-ir effects, and * c»r# can be almost always gu Iran teed. for bilious diseases Nothing in be more productive of cure than these Fills. Their almust magic influence is fell ni oh-e : and the u*u.\l concomitant* of this most (lisle -ina disease are removed. These remedies are made from the purest VEGETABLE O 'MPOUNDB, They will not harm the most delicate female, and '- ii I"- ei'.-it with good effect in prescribei doses to the youngest babe. FOR cutaneous disorder* And all disorders of the skin, the salve i, most invaluable. It do, - not heal externally alone, but policlinic* with the most searching effect* le the very root of the evil. DIL MAGGIEUs FILLS INVARIABLY CURE THE FiiU.OWINO disease*: Asthin.'i, Headache, Bowel Complaints, Indigestion, Cnghs, lidliKMiza, Cold*, Inflammation, Guest Diseases, Inward Weak net*, Liver Complaint, Dysp p ia, 1.-'Wness of Spirit* Diitnliea, Ringworm, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Dehi'ity, Salt l’heam, Fever and Ague, Scald*,• Skin Diseases. Each Uox contains 12 Pilla. One PUI Is a Hose. Notick. None genuine without the e»- pTiuetl tnub* mark around each pot or box, hy D()("TOR J. MAGGIEL, New York, to counterfeit which is felony. M»ltl by all respectable ‘ *alers in naedS «• nt*s throughout the United >.% 4 ind Uanadoa, a 2-Tcents per box or tiol. NOW READY! THE subscriber has received and opened hit FALL AND WINTER Stock of Goods, AT GROQVERVILLE. ft i>» Large, and-- mprises every article of Mer clmndizi suited to the wants of the country.— Persons would do well to call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. The Ladies are invited to examine his stock of Dress Goods , consisting of tbe latent styles and various quali ties: Together with his usual assortment of Ladies’, Misses’ and Men’s Hats and Bonnets; Riisrons, F: -iwus. Wreaths, I'l.; mkn. Gi/itz*. LADIES' HISSES' HEX ASD CHILDREN'S BOOTS AXO.SHOES. Groceries, Hardware} Y CROCKERY, Saddles , Bridles , Girths, With many other articles too tedious to ;■-,?nuoofi which will be sold at the lowest market price, a JOHN M. Grooverville, Oct. 26. 1866. 13-ts II . G . R U WE , WHOLESALE DE \LF.R IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors Wine* frgars, Groceries, Ale and Ixiger, Johnson Square, cor. St. Julian and Bryan street®, OPPOSITE PULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GEO Ajeut for A. M. Binninger A Co.’s celehrwd Liquor*, and agent for Ware esters hi mod Club ! Sauce " ‘