The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, December 21, 1866, Image 1

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CTtie Hfidttiiut Bgafteq. BY|F. 11. FILDES.] VOL. I. ifte (Quitman gauncv. Kates of Advertising. Onvqsqnarr, first insertion, $2.00 ; each lollow leg insertion. SI.OO. When advertisements are continued for one month or longer, the charge will be as lollows : 112 Months, j <i Months.! 3 Months. | 1 Month. Number of Squares. 1 $5 00 $9 00 $ 14 00 S2O 00 2 8 00 II 00 25 00 So 00 j 12 00 18 00 S3 00 45 00 4 Hi 00 24 00 38 00 53 00 5 20 00 35 00 45 00 80 00 10-i Col. 35 00 55 00 I 80 00 120 00 201 “ 60 00 80 IIP ■ 130 00 200 00 profession! (Tarts. LAW CAM. caretTw. styles Having resumed the practice, will receive ami promptly attend to business, yrtrt ifflee at Quitman. Ga. March 24, 1860. 10-ts William L. Evans, |tttorncn anb Counselor at "Cain, WARESBOKO’, GEORGIA, ■YTTILL give prompt attention to all tnisine - W entrusted to his care in the Brun.-wick Circuit, 1el'l»-ly JOHN O. S OAIJ. JAS - H. lit N'TKIt, HUNTER & McCALL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, QCITMAX, BROOKS COUNTY, GKO., VITIM. GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION TO VV all husiness entrusted to their eare, in the Counties of Bkooks. Thomas, Col.,jut, Lowndes and Berrien, ot the Southern, stud tin* Counties of Echols and Clinch. ot the Bruns wick Circuit. Also in the Counties of Madison and Hamilton, Florida. January 20. 18t;ti. 1-ts HEN NET' & LANE, ittttoninis anb Cennselorsat Cain, QUITMAN, GEORGIA. l*riEL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION TO TT all business entrusted to them in the Counties of Brooks. Thomas. Eowndes. Berrien and Colquit, and will practice anywhere in South ern Georgia under speeial contract. January 20, 1860. 1 11 FITCH & POPE, Attorneys and Counsellors at X*aw, OFFICE l«:i BAY STREET, SAVANNAH CKO. Henry S. Fitch. J - Po™. V. s. Attorney. *»f»rclnl ntlvntSon given to Cases in Admi ralty and in Equity. July 13. iw>r». 1 y DR. .1. 11. McCALL, QUITMAN, GEO., Offers his Professional services to the citizens of Quitman and surrounding country. at his Drug Store, on the corner. ■'< . January 20. 1860. Ml Dr. E. A. JELKS, QUITMAN, GEO., Respectfully asks the patronage of the I citizens of Quitman and surrounding couii- [.j an 2 0-1 f xTij wxistry I) II . I) . L . RICKS, HAVING located at Qnilman. Geo., respect fully offers his services to the citizens of Quitman and surrounding country, in the _ prac tice of Rental Surgery. Octs-ly o. eiii.voijtt, DENTIST, mAKES this method to inform the y . 1 citizens of Quitman and vicin itv that he will visit this place once -‘■vt.U I.AJ in three months regularly, from the Ist of .March. F a bruarv 24, 1866. ly I . VAN GIESEN, iDEHSTTI S TANARUS, STOCKTON, NO. 13, A. A G. 11. R. (Formerly Drs. McDonald A Van Gieson. Macon.) RESPEUTFL'LLY offers his services to the citizens of Clinch and surrounding coun ties, in all branches of the profession. REFERENCES ■ J. I). Smith. M. I). Macon, Georgia. Capt. B. F. Moseley, Valdosta, Georgia. J. G. Moore. Valdosta. Georgia. Rev. O. L. Smith, D. 1).. Echols county. Geo. Capt. J. Wells. Valdosta. Georgia. Capt. C. C. Williams. Lowndes county, Geo. W. J. (Mabry, Valdosta, Georgia. (nov23-lm -♦ S. Cummings, licensed Auctioneer, QUITMAN, GA. Will sell /?yery de#cription of property, at a very moderate commission, and the highest jjrice always obtained. augl7 ‘iin Advantageous Offer. THE undersigned will contract-for the delive ry of from 20 to 50 tons of Peruvian Gua no at Quitman, Valdosta. Ousley's. or Thomas* ville, ai sllO per ton. The quality of the Gua no is warranted to be the best. We will take or ders from 1 ton to 20. JA.S. R. SMITH & O ). Husky Station. November lti. lfcWJ. 44-tl COTTON WANTED ! -.—■ *♦* Planters Accommodated. MY Friends and Cotton Planters generally are informed that I am In the Market, for the purchase of Cotton and other Produce, at the highest going rates. lam also prepared to make Reasonable Advances to Planters, on their cotton, and ship it to my Factors in Savannah, for sale or further shipment, oo 15-38-ts J. R. EDMONDSON. T. 15. M APySHALL&BRO.! CE3TSKAL ■B LUMBER Mi SIIPPI Merchants. Being connected with reliable Houses in Liv erpool and Now York. are prepared to sol) in this market, or make advances, and slop to either ol those places, or wherever else a patron may de sire They respectfully solicit CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, and all kinds of Froduco, to which prompt atten tion will he given : and orders from tile country will be filled with dispatch. No. 2 Harris’ Block, HAY, FOOT OF LINCOLN STREET Savannah, Geo. REFER TO Brigham. Baldwin A Cos., Savannah, Ga. N. A. Hardee .V Cos., do. E. C. Wade A Cos., * do Erwin .V Hardee. do ('bighorn & Cunningham do July 13, 1866. 6m J. li. West. W. W. Danieif. West & Daniels, Shipping, Forwarding and CENERAL Commission JMctcliante, HAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Agents Baltimore and Savannah Line Steamers. Are prepared to Receive and Forward, with dis patch, all Freight consigned to their care to and from all points in Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, and the Principal Cities North i flrCrGivo prompt 'attention to the Purchase, ! Sale and Shipment of Cotton. Timber, Lumber | and General Merchandise. Orders and Consign ments solicited. Liberal cash advances on merchandise I consigned to us for sale, or shipment to our friends | in Baltimore, Philadelphia, or New 'i j Freights secured at the Lowest Rul ing Hat cb. . ..I. 4 To insure against detention, we should he ! promptly advised of shipments. Insurance ef fected when desired. July 13, Jshh. I'm MI MU SIMM, j A Large Lot of Common Sizes constant ly on band. BLAIR &. BICKFORD, 180 BAY STREET, S.-i■•:<>>. (iooi-Hflii. September 21, 1800. «>m tTnUgE.NT, .11!. SAXzOOW, COR. BULL AND BRYAN STREETS, (Opposite l’ulaski House,) | SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Would respectfully invite the attention of his friends and the public to his fine assortment ol Ales. Wines. Liquors, Sugars, &c. plr Free Lunch daily from II a. m. to 1 p. m July 13. 180f im ■warwr.a-v-eirw-TriYtWA.™-I ■■■Ml im ■■ John. McMahon & Cos„ Gorncr Broughton and Jefferson Streets, | Offer for sale the following stock of GROCERIES, &c. f)AA BBL.V. FLOUR, various grades, fjl U 7 1 |>l) '■ I’orio Rico and Muscovado Sugar 100 barrels Clarified Sugars. 20 barrels Crushed and Powdered Sugars. 150 sacks Rio Coffee, 50 mats Java Coffee. 100 caddies Green and Black Teas —choice. Kin boxes Soap : 50 boxes assorted Candy; 30 hhds Bacon; 5 ltbds sugar cured Hams; 25 packages Leaf bard ; 20 bbls of Syrup ; 20 bales assorted Yarns; 20 bales Gunny Cloth; 10.1100 yards Sea Island Cotton; 500 lbs Twine; 26bales Domestics; 25 boxes f hewing Tobacco —5s and 1 0s. I 20 boxes Grant.t Williams ; 20 boxes choice Chewing ; 50,000 Sugars, various brands ; Together with a Full Stock of goods in our line. We also offer 5,000 bushels White Corn, choice; j 3.000 bushels Feed Corn ; 1.500 bushels Oats ; j 200 sacks Bran ; 1,000 bales Hay. Savannah, Gu., September 21, 186 G. 3m BSSSffi. ““SKSei"’ JONES & WAY, Factor s an and Commission. Merchants, 98 Tiny street, SAVANNAH, GEO. scpt2B 3m “ HERE SHALL THE PRESS THE PEOPLE'S RI3HTS MAINTAIN, tTNAWED BY FEAR AND UNBRIBED BY SAIN.’ QUITMAN, GEO., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1866. | sam'i. p. nu.u. gki). iv. wvi.i.v, it. it. cnnisms. Bdl, Willy & Christian, m at crß'sesK, BEHEtiiaiffllllll Merchants, Ray Street, Savannah, (in. Personal attention given to ForwurJino of Merchandise and‘Cotton. Consigiinienis Solicit cel. Advances made on Consignments to our friends in Boston, New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore. angl7 31-i;m A. M. SLOAN. O. W. STEUAI.!,. SLOAN, STUBBS & STEGALL, COTTON FACTORS, | (y CAIU\YUkMtiAl) Is. <k \Ul aHelvA cNV No. 1 f. StoIMIAUd’.S Pl’l’Kll Baxhe, j Hay Street, Savannah, Geo. I 7*»S*'(’onsignrn< > uts rcspeclfully j Liberal advances to planters and country j merchants, and cotton shipped or sold, as tho J consignors may direct. {july‘27-0m ; P. S. This house will be open for business Sep j tembor I*l. Wm. H. Burroughs. Thos. H. Maxwell Win. H. Burroughs, Jr. \V. 11. Burroughs iV Cos., GENERAL No. 9 7 Bay street. Savannah, Crcorgia, For the sale of Gotten and other Pro i dnee, Timber, Lumber, Real Instate, Personal Property, &(?., &c., &c. September 28, 180(1. 3m “sT"fisTsiAleTe a\7^ro DEALER IN U.XJ'.UV VAKIF/rr OF CABINET FURNITURE, 011 A I RS, I) F, SK S, MATTRESSES, MIRRORS, &C., &C. Farlor, Dining Room, Library mul iiudi’oom Sets, In a variety of I’attCTne and Finish. Prices to Suit die Times Lace and Gauze Monqnitoe Canopies. AGENTS FOR GEORGIA FOR simnmiTFUMfflß AND SVIATTRESSES, The Best Bed in use. Sold at New York Prices. ! f/rir- Call and Examine uiy Goods and i'riccK j before pit rebuking. | l.eing connected with some of tite LA RG I’.ST MA NU FACTOR IKS in the North, I cun sell Goods witli but ONE PROFIT. Warerooms 178 llroiigliton Street, SAVANNAH, GEO. | May 4,18 t;«. ly Forrest City Foundry, LINVILLE & GLEASON, SAVANNAH, CA. «B 2 -SX !»*>• Sts - B IW «!~i OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR Railroads, Saw Mills and Steamers, TUUXF.n OUT AT SHORT NOTICE. Machine Repairs Promptly Attended to. rang 17 31-Gm LOW PRICES, QUICK SALES We have just received and opened the largest stock of n k y m t o ands % to be found in this city, and which we offer at Lower Prices than they can be bought for at any other house, consisting in part of Every variety of Dress Goods, Housekeeping Goods, Domestics and Prints. Cloths and Cassuneres, Figured Linens and Drills, Embroideries and Laces, Hosiery and Gloves. Ribbons and Braids, Hair Rolls and Curls, Lace Points and Veils. j Bradley's Empress Trails, j Handkerchiefs, <Src. EINSTEIN & ECKMAX, 151 Congress street, Nov. 23—3 m 5A5 AXNAIL GEO. I ITiPOLITtI lE-PIIF am WAHEHOIISE. Storage at 50 Cents per Month. Cotton Insured on Arrival. Alexander Hardee, STORAGE, AXD OKXERAL COMMISSI OX, HECEIV- \ IXO AXD FOIIWAUDLXU MEIICIIAXT, i DEALER IX Pag’g'ino’, Rope, Tuino, (Rain, Hay, j Flour, Fodder, Wool, Hides, Reeswax, Tallow, Etc. COTTON NEATLY RE HAILED AND REPACKED. Storage can be procured at my Fire-Proof j Warehouses at the lowest rates. CORNER OF HAY AND JEFFERSON STS., j SAVANNAH GEO.; References. X. A. Hardee A Cos.; Erwin A Hardee; (laden A buckles, Savannah, Gu. : S. T. Knapp A Pro.; llolmes A Patterson; Miller A Cos., New York. TkT' Prompt attention given to all orders, and liberal advances made on Consignments of Cot-! ton and other Produce. July 13, 18(ili. fun HENRY BRYAN. A. L. HARTIUDGE. E. W. T. XEIT. i Bryan, 1 lari ridge & (V>., | f'oansiiisfeioiß •Wrrcfoanls -AXD | SAVANNAH CLGIiG'IA. C'IOXSKJXMENTS of Col ton and othery —j J Produce solicited ; which we will [ ! ’ j j sell in Savannah, New York or Liver-"’' : pool, as desired, making liberal advances. Special atltuition given to jmrcliasing PLANTERS’ SUPPLIES. WESTERN BACON AND WHISKEY FOB SALE OX CONSIGNMENT. mr L . I Ni) FO n f. i l /-;. - m July 13, lS(ili. (Im* j E. L. (JUKKAKI). A. It. WLSSOLOWSKY. 11. 11. KKKlill ! j UUERARD, PERRILL & CO., Cotton Factors, A N I) Central (C-oinniission Itlcrcknts, Bay Street, Savannah, Geo. YTTILL sell on commission. Cotton, Timber, VV Produce and Merchandize. Consignments solicited. When desired, we will ship cotton to our friends in New York and Liverpool, making liberal advances on the same. references: Koherts, Habersham A: Son, Savannah, Ga. Geo. W. Anderson, do. Anthony Porter, do. Hunter A (Isunmell, do. John L. V'ilhtlonga, do. Erwin A Jlurdee, do. Governor D. S. Walker, Tallahassee, Fla. J. A. Bull, do. William K. Petteu do. Ex-Gov. A. K. Allison, Quincy, Fla. Savage A Haile, Gainsville. Fla. Samucd Swan, Jacksonville, Fla. C. O. Barnard, Jacksonville, Fla. July 13, IHfdl. f y A. PPTKNJIOFEIt, JNO. M. W. HILL, OF SAVANNAII. (JA. OF JKI'FKUKON CO., FLA. A. DUTH'NIIOEEIt&CO., smrx'irja, Forwarding & Commission M Eire HANTS, BAY STREET, SA VANN AH, GA. Prompt attention given to the purchase, sale and shipment of Gotten, Lum ber and Country Produce gen erally. Consignments solic ited, on which liberal ad vances will lie made. KKFKRv. X C E 8 : Brigham. Baldwin & (Jo., Savannah, j Hiram Roberts. Esq., | J. 11. Zeilin A-Co., Macon, Geo. | Dr. X. L. Angler, Int. Rev. Col, Augusta. Ga. j ! James M. Ball, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. j Willis Chisholm, “ | C. [j. Robinson, Jacksonville, Florida. E. Dibble, “ Col. W. J. Bailey, Jefferson county, Florida. D. If. Baldwin Cos., New York. | Bearden & Cos.. i; > Warren Mitchell, Esq., Louisville, Ky. | April If, ISfiti. ly j Scranton, Smith & Cos., WHOLESALE «Hi © m Hi 3 And Commission Merchants, BAY ST., OPPOSITE JEFFERSON, I>. T. SCRANTON, 1 wm. ii. smith r Savanr.aii, Geo. J. L. LARGE J [jll-13-om* James Roach, Boot and Shoe Maker, ST. JULIAN STREET, Between Whitaker Street and Johnson’s Square, Savannah, Georgia. July 13, 1860. ly Tito Stay Law as it Passed HotJi Houses and Vetoed by Got. Jen kins. Tlie following is the Bill, as passed by both Houses of the Georgia Legislature, tor the relief of the people, and which was vetoed by his excellency, Gov. Jen kins. Gov. Jenkins belongs to the past, and wo feel perfectly sure the people of Goer i gia will remand him too virtuous repose j at the next election. He is by far too j honest, too conscientious and too conser vative for times like these. \\ r e want a bold, fearless man—one who under- 1 stands something of human nature, the! wants of the people, and the temper of the times—one who will not weigh a worthless piece of parchment., called “Constitution,” in tho scale against the highest interest of the people. We have no constitution! and it is folly to cling to tho fragments when our very exis tence is involved. Give ns a man equal the emergency—with brains and moral strength enough to cope with destiny. We want tto purile sickly sentimental, constitutional Psalm singing men in of fice,in times’like the present. A BILL TO DR ENTITLED AN" ACT FOB THE RELIEF OF THE I’EOI'I.F. OF UEOIIOIA, AM) To PRE VENT TIIE LEVY AND SALE OF PROP ERTY UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUM STANCES. Sec. 1. Bo it enacted, That there shall l>o no levy or sale of property of defen dants, in this State under any cxecuti n founded on any judgment, order or de cree, of any Court, heretofore or hereaf ter to be rendered upon any contract or liability, made or incurred prior to the j lirat of June 18G5, or in renewal thereof, though bearing a subsequent date except in the following manner : For one third of the principal and interest due ou said execution and no more which may be lev ied on or after the first of January, 18G8 ; one third of the whole on or after the first of January 2809; and the remaining one third on or after the first of January 1810 unless the defendant shall endorse on the execution a waiver of the benefits uftliis actj; Provided, when a voluntary pay ment shall be made ou any debt, judg ment or execution, tho amount so paid shall bo deducted from one-tliiid .mill a izod to be lev cd by this act. Sec. 2. That this net shall not apply to execution for cost, nor rules against officers for moneys nor to any process against persons holding money or effects as bailees ; nor to executors, administra tors or guardians, or other fiduciaries, to the extent which they may have couver j led the estate into cash and failed to pay | out the proceeds in due course of admin istration ; nor to eases where plaintiff, | his or agent or attorney shall make oath | that defendant resides beyond the limits I in due course of administration ; nor to lenses wliero plaintiff, bis or her agent, | or attorney, shall make oath that defen | dant resides beyond the lirn Is of tho j State or is about t remove from the State ! or lias absconded, is absconding, has re ] moved or is removing bis property or ■ fraudulently conveying secreting or cou ! coaling the same, to avoid the payment of his just debts. Nor to orders for ali mony and fines, for neglect of road duty or process issued by the Ord’nary for the support of widows and orphans nor to I Express Companies, nor to railroad Com j panics in cases where they are responsi j hie by existing laws for goods lost or ! stock destroyed by said corporate (loin -1 panics ; Provided that nothing in this | Act shall he so construed as to prohib jit persons fiom carrying property or | produc; from one county to another, for | the purpose of sale ; and provided fur ther, that citizens changing their domicil from one county to another, m this State | shall not he prohibited from carrying j their property with them when the same, 1 is not done to evade tho payment of their ! just debts. Sec. ii. That all statutes of limitation relating to liens affected by this Act, j shall be suspended din ing the contin uance of the Act. See. 4. Thai any officer or other person I violating this Act shall be guilty ol tros ' pass and liable to the defendant or person ! injured in damages not less than the : amount of the judgment order or decree, upon which he is proceeding as in other j cases of trespass. I gee. 5. That any security up- n any debt or demand for which execution may have been or may be issued during tlie continuance of this Act shall have tin* right with or without the consent of toe j | plaintiff to cause a levy and sale to be : made whenever the security shall make hath that the principal defendant, has; I brought himself within the provisions of j j the second section of this Act. ! Sec. 6. That whenever any plaintiff or. | security shall attempt to have an eXecu i (ion levied tor any ot tho causes stated ; !inth • second section, the defendant r ! other person claiming the properly about, to be levied on, may stay said execution by filing with tlie levying officer bis at | tidavit denying the existence of the said ; cause and giving security in double the 1 amount of the execution conditioned to pay the plaintiff such damages as may by a jury be assessed in case the issue here inafter provided for should be found a i gainst him, and where the defendant or. I other person claiming the property levied | on is unable to give security he maymnke his affidavit of inability as in cases of ap peals in section 11543 of the Code of Georgia. Sec. 1. That the plaintiff or defendant as the case may he may traverse the al legation)! in the affidavit of the opposite party which traverse shall he returned to the next Court from which the execution may have issued : and the truth ot the same shall be tried as in ease ol illegali ty ; and where the issue is found in fa vor of the plaintiff the, execution shall proceed for the whole amount, due there on, in the same manner as though no af fidavit, had been filed as well for the nrig bud execution as for the damages which may bo assessed in lavor of tho plaintiff'. Sec. 8. That where property subject to i an execution, may he levied on, and the property levied on is claimed by any per son other than the defendant in execution such person may pay the one-third due on said execution, a id it shall lie the duty of the levying officer to endorse on said execution the name of the person paying the same which endorsement shall operate as a transfer of the execution, to i the person whose name is so endorsed to J the extent of the sum paid by him. j See. 9. Whenever the debtor and ered ; itor shall agree to submit to arbitration for equitable adjustment the matter be | tween them and io submit to an award , and judgment as prescribed by the exis ting laws for arbitration, in this State, I and to the arbitrators and every matter, | which would render a compromise fair j and equitable ; the execution issued on j the judgment founded on any award s» ; made, shall not be subject to the provis ions oftfiis Act but may be levied for the whole amount, as though this act did not j exist.. See. 10. Repeals conflicting laws. A Bill To be cnl.itloil an act to ulb ' amt amend an act, \ approved March 17th, ISfiG, entitled an act to ; organize a County Court, detine its jurisdic- J lion, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That from, and after the passage of this Act, there shall be two terms of tho County Court, which shall be known as scmi-nnnnal sos ions, which shall be held as now prescribed |,y law: and two additional terms, which shall be known as quarter sessions, which | shall be held at times as near equidis ; (ant, between the semi-annual sessions as practicable —said tune to be fixed by j the County Judge, and advertised in one j of the public gazettes, or at the most j public places in the County, as soon ns J possible, after the passage of this Act Tho said Court, at is semi-annual ses , sin s, s all have the same jurisdiction j as now prescribed in criminal cases, and | in civil cases, where tho amount involv |nl is over fifty dollars. The jurisdie i t ion of the Court at tho quarter sessions j shall be confined to criminal cases, and | to civil eases without limit as to amount, j arising out of the relation of master and servant, whether suits for wages, appli cations for performance, or for other pur poses; also, applications for the eviction oftrespassers, intruders and tenants bold j ing over, for tin* partition of personal I property, for the trials of possessory, warrants, or proceedings under distress warrants, and habeam corpus cases; the proceedings in such cases to be in con fortuity to existing laws, and Section 24 ! of the A:t of which this is amendatory. The Judge of said Court shall have power at the request of die Inferior Court, for the delivery of the Jail, or for ! the trial of the eases last specified, to call extra sessions; but, at such extra sessions, there shall be Im y trial in ! civil eases, unless demanded by one of | the parties thereto, in which ease the .1 a. Igo shall cause a Jury of live to he ! immediately summoned to try the same. In all other eases the proceedings shall ] bo the same in both semi-annual and quarter sessions as now provided by law for the semi-annual sessions. S KC . 2. lie it farther enacted, that the | Judge of said Court, shall draw Juries | for both semi-annual and quarter ses sions, in the same manner as they are HOW drawn for the semi-annual sessions The Juries so brawn shall serve for the term next, after being drawn, and at any called sessions, which may be hold ; previous to the next term; but the Juries ! now-drawn, shall continue to serve, as ! now required by law, until tins law shall be carried into effect; and all civil cases, now undisposed ot, in the monthly sessions, not embraced i" tlie special ca ses referred to in the first section of this Act, shall be transferred to the semi-an nual sessions. Sec. 3. lie, it further enacted, That the defendant, m criminal cases, shall have the same right of challenge to the Jury, as practiced in the Superior Court in like cases. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, that the following shall be substituted in lieu of j section 0, of tho Act of which this is a-j mandatory: “That, the County Judge, or j his Clerk, shall keep a strict account of all fines and forfeitures; out of which, lie i shall pay himself, and the officers of said : Court, pro rata, all costs which have ac crued, in said Ceurt, known as insolvent costs; the remainder, it any, after such payments, and all other moneys, except Ids costs, which come to his hands, as County Judge, or to his * lerk in bis offi cial character, he shall pay over to tii - County Treasurer, and report receipts and dial ursemonts to the Grand Jury, of the Superior Court; piwided, that no i per Annum. NO. 49. insolvent costs shall ho allowed, for m re than two witnesses to the sntnenia t *rial point, lie shall also keep an in dex of all Court contracts, and a list of all certificates and dischargee, granted by him, which shall be subject to the inspection of any one interested therein; and he shall likewise provide a seal for the said County Court, private seal may be used when Court seal not provided,- and shall inspect, revise, and all jail fees arising undpr his jurisdictiblif before the same are paid by the Inferior Court. The Comity Judge shall receive one dollar for each cash Court contract, which he may approve. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the special bailiff of said Court shall give bond, as now provided by law, for the faithful discharge of his duties, in the same manner as tho b'heriff of the Coun ty. He shall have all the power in the execution of the duties of his office, as the Sheriff, and he subject to the same pains and penalties. All orders and pro cesses shall be directed to him as well as the .Sheriff, and la-shall have the same power to sell property under executions or orders, issuing front said Court, as the Sheriff now has. Sec. G Be it further enacted, That tho County Solicitor shall be the collecting officer for said County Court, lie Bhall collect all lines, forfeitures and bonds, and pay over the unu to the Judge, who shall disburse thorn - aording to the provisions of this Act, and Judge to pay lilies to TnuisutW of the Odin'}.. Sea. 1. Be \Tfartkn\ena~cictL J,nat the lie.itoi shall of of fice More the t&UJESiJ-widll o* the Jus- Sec. S. Be it I'urti i ofß&re/'-d, That -the County Judge, at any time, may hear and determine the eases of all persons charged with crimes upon accusat ona drawn up ! y the County Solicitor, with out a Jury: Prodded, The person or per sons so accused, shall, in open Court .de clare that he, or she, or they waive ail indictment or presentment by a Grand Jury, and arraignment and trial by a I’etit Jury, which declaration shall be entered on the accusation, and also on the minutes of said County Court. E.ther party, in a civil ease, may appeal from the judgment rendered at the quarter and special sessions in like manner as ap peals are now allowed Irom the semi-an nual sessions. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That all parts of said Act, of which this is amen datory, having relation to monthly or ; special sessions of said Court, except as ! herein provided, be, and the same ni'e hereby repealed, (semi-annual sessions to be bold at the time now proscribed by law. A Baby's Biouuai’iiy.—An editor thus does up the biography of a recent acces : sion to his household : Wo have had so many kind friends asking about that baby, tliat we thought il'ueeessarv to biography the chap h* iefiy and somewhat after the current style of the day. It’s a bov. lie’s a buster. Weighs nine pounds and a quarter, and old women toll us that no will grow heavier as bis weight increases. He’s tlie first boy of which wc’vc ever been proprietor and of course is the only bul>y in town. The old women before mentioned de clare him tlie very image of his pa. "A little copy of bis faithful sire, In face and gesture.” I But. in justice to the youth we must | say we think lui-nmn improvement on the original—a wotM es progress you know. Ties voting American is as old as ! eouid be expected considering the time it was born and will doubtless be too old : far bis father in a few years, if lie has | good luck. If - is quite reticent on politics, and j only wants to be let alone. He thinks lie favors Mrs. Winslow’s polio. . U e liavn t named him yet ; wo want to give him a distinguished cognomen, Imi the lame of our great men is at pres ent so precarious that we don’t like tho it is perhaps unnecessary to say as all biographers do of distinguished persona ges, that the subject of this sketch was horn at a very early age, of “poor, but ! respeetab e parents.” tad Richard '.awn-nee, whr made an attempt io assassinate General Jackson in Js(!.'i, Mill lives and is an inmate of the Maryland Lunatic Asylum. Tlie Tennessee Radicals have issued a call for what they style a “State Repub lican I'niim Convention.” to lie held at Nashville on the 22d of February. Aiinir il Raphael Sernmes, late of the rebel navy has acoeptod«the chair of Pro fessor of Moral Philosophy and English Literature in the Louisiana State Semin, ary. A Bankrupt Law Dssirf.d by the Socth — A memorial, it is said, will be presea led to Congress from prominent citixens of the South asking for the passage of a general bankrupt law. The devastation oi the war and the failure of the cotton and corn crops have almost hopelesely impoverished the cotton States for tho present.