The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, June 14, 1867, Image 1

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kpfWjmfimw §aulfrr. W LOCAL COLUMN- Wf IQUITMAX, GEORGIA, JUNE 14, ISC,7. FIIOF. KiTTOX'g GuKAT Kk.\IKIIIKB.'SS l.ttu Notice.—Sec notice sale of land ' • asm Miller county. See of Messrs. Smith & Walker. They are conducting quite an extensivebusness,and winning golden opinions as merchants. It As owing to the fact that they are clever gentlemen and liberal advertises. Mn. C. Cevob, of Valdosta, announces that he is prepared to repair machinery of every description, and will promptly attend to any call made upon him throngb th<> mail. Mr. (J is an experienced ma chinist, and will Jive satisfaction in eve ry case. See advertisement. That Concert. —On last Saturday cv we received a brief note from Ma dame Adai.i N-r Tacan'i, to the effect, that tfltr Concert that was to eome off that ev ening, was unavoidably postponed until i the present Friday evening, owing to an ’ unexpected business call on her husband, demanding his presence elsewhere. Mn. J. B. Stripling, it will be seen by advertiseihWt in to-day’s paper, is about )ta ine itute a very important suit in the United States Snprene Court : it being no less than the validity of promissory notes and obligations, given for negro slaves, fiecd by Act of Congress. It is an important question, and will in volve millions of dollars, and therefore » decision will lie looked for with groat interest. Mr. Stripling invites others, similarly situated, to join him in thccuit. Dr. U. Van 11. This efficient and popular Dentist, whose work is a model of artistic skill, and applauded by all, is in town, and will wait upon all desiring work. Do not longer suffer with tooth-ache- it is painful, disagreeable iu the extreme, and ruinous to health—as Dr. Van Giesen can remedy the evil. Orders left atDrs. Briggs’ & Jelks’ or at this office will re ceive proiiifft attention. ’The Superior Court adjourned on Fri day evening last. An immense amount of business was transacted. Wo refer our readers to the ‘General Prceent ments” of the Grand ffury, to be found among our advertiScincnts. It will bt seta that some repairs on the Court house recommended, but at the same time the guardians of the County funds are cautioned to use the greatest econ omy. We arc pleased with the tone o this document. The Quitman Hotel. We direct the attention of friends at a distance to the advertisement of the a- Love house of entertainment, kept open byUhat kind-hearted and cheerful lady, MraftMclntosh* It is located on the west side of rhe Public Square ; and we as sure the public, that once within its por tals, they-will receive a courteous arid motherljA-elcome. School Examination. A press of business prevented us from responding to an invitation, on Friday riast.,»to attend the examination exercises at Mrs. Smith's primary school, in our town. We understand, however, the little children had made good progress iu their studies, and that parents and guardians were well pleased with Mrs. Smith’s fitness to impart instruction and maintain discipline. Mrs. Smith’s pupils arc now enjoying the Summer vacation ; and from what we can leafn wlien school again opens, they will all (with numerous additions) boon hand : for the noble lady has won the hearts of parents and pupils. The minds of our people are so much engrossed with the crops and the political state of the conn, try, that they arc losing sight of some very Im portant matters, among which we wish to cal! their attention to l’rofessor Kayton's remedies. %These medicines were thoroughly tested during ;he last court week, and the most skeptic must have been convinced that they accomplished all •hat was claimed for them. Tlie agent applied them to all sufferers alike, and we have to hear the first say that the remedies did not give in stant relief. We therefore cheerfully reccommend ■fiem to J! of our readers. ■-They comM of Kayton’s Ouhm Vitae, for Neuralgia, Fains in the Back, joints, ■Breast or Sides, I ahaclie Earache, Nervous ■Headache, Sprains, Briii .BifriuLs£{e Guts Ac. f Kaytox’s Magic (Vue. for I Harr leva Dyson t ary. ■lrumps and Cholic pains in the Stomach and ■towels. Cholera. Cong!..-, Colds. S .i.Jjarwrt &e. ■vavton's Dvsi’eitkj I’u.i.s, for Dyspepsia, Cos ■iveness. Liver Complaint and all Fevers arising ■rora a billions aw’disordered sta*e cf tho Liver, Bttnmach and Borffi ■ 'fWow* rrrmedies are for S'de liy dealers in mi'd ■cmes generally, and m large or small quantities ■j, the agents. A. A. S<>L( DIONS A Cos, wholesale Savannah. Geo. sab in a: Dr. J. ii Special Koticfs. f QUARTRLY APPOINTMENTS. I fecOX’D llocxl OF QUARTERLY JfEETIX'GS FOR r ii ... 7 v «nixsmcK distkict Homesvii.i.e s:\ j) (1 kh.towx. Ist and 2nd ot June, at Ku\ iU q t !mt ”Tlncxwit>,4ith,ak 9th j une , at St. Pauls Church- \ ST - xfunty a?,St. f \|^t v;, , ' E ’ 15th and 10tli ° f ‘ at Q nil '* in - OoKML'LGL'E. OtL aiid 7th of .511'! ' March, 29th. 1887. JOHX 'K ■- ~ THIS! li you supply yo’ ;r«elf with a good moi'-otivß of remedies to keep in the, go to yonr druggist and ark for Professor Kayton’s remedies, and our word sos it voiivnll not regret it. These remedies consist if Kavtox's Oleum Vitae, a German liniment for Rhenmatisrc. Ne;i ralgia, Toothache, Headachy, Sprains &c. Kay to.v’s Magic Ccee for Diarrhoea, Dysolitary, Cramps aiel Cholic pains in the and bowels, and Kayton's Dyspeptic Fills for Lvs p«p&ia, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache and all Bilious Complaints. TW reined! s are entirely vegetable, aai wi)l not harm Me in..-: delicate j persons. ThevaroVor mile by dealers in modi- J elnes, and by A. A. ‘Joaomons A Cos, wholesale .Savannah. (Veo. For sale iu Quitman, at Ur. J. 11. McCall's drug store. FURRY DAVIS’ PAD KILLER. Travellers are always liable to sudden attacks of dysentery mid cholera morbus, and these oc curring when absent from home are very un pleasant. Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Hiller may always he n-lied.npon in such cases. As soon as you feel the symptoms take one toaspoon ' full in a gill of new milk and molasses, and a gill of hot water. and drink hot. Repeal the dose until relieved. 11 tile pains be severe Wiw tlte bowels’Mnd back with the nftdicine. clear. Fishermen, so often exposed to hurts by hav ing tTieirtikin pierced with hooks nnd tins of fish, can he much relieved by bathing with a little Pain Killer ns soon ns the accident occurs; iu this way the anguish is soon abated ; bathe as often as once in five minutes, say three 01 four times ami you will seldom have any trouble. Mvcvfemcntiu General Presentments. GEORGIA, Brook* Coi ntt. The Grand Jury, sworn, chosen and. selected for the county aforesaid, tor its present June Term, 1807. in bringing their labors to a close, beg leave to make the lollowing general present ment*; We have examined the books of the Clerk's and Ordinary’s office, and find them kept in a neat and business like manner. Wo have also examinee the Jail, and find it a substantial building, and well adapted to the pur pose for which it was built. We have examined the Com ! House, and find it needs some repairs and finishing up: especially the outer steps need repair, more seats are re quired; and while we call the attention of the Inferior Court to these things, and recommend such repairs and work as above allmled to, yet, we at the same time recommend the Inferior Court so incur no expense not actually necessary, until the finances of the Countyjwill justify the same. The bridges of the comity wo find in a good condition, with a few exceptions, now under re pair. The public roads of the county, except in the Groorerville District, we find in bad order and need work, and we would recommend the Inferior Court to call the attention of the Road Commissioners to the condition of the roads, and ask that the roads bo put in good order at an early day. Upon the subject of educat ion, we beg leave to say, that we have lmd the same under considera tion, and after looking to the condition of the country- its unsettled state tho many demands made upon the people of the county in the shape of State nnd Federal taxes, the scarcity of money, the scarcity of supplies, requiring all the means of the people to acquire so much only as is nec essary for their support. We cannot recommend any heavier or additional burden upon the peo ple in the shape of additional taxation for educa tional purposes under the present system, al though we feel deeply impressed w ith the im portance and necessity ot educating the masses of th< i people. in taking leave of his Honor, Judge Ilausell, we tender him our thanks for his kindness to this body, and trust his health may be restored at an early day. To the Solicitor General, Samuel Spence** lisq.. # we also tender our thanks for his attention to our body. Reepecttully submitted, with request that the Quitman Banner publish. CHARLES E. GROOVER, Foreman. Thomas A Groover, Nathaniel Lovett, Thomas Folsom, Cullen Hesters, Thomas N Arrington, CA C I'ortcr, George W Bike, A M Sims, Alex. Me Rea, Wm II Rogers, Murdock McLeod, Randolph Avera, Wm II Sharp©, I 1* Dugger, | E II Pike, Wm Jones, MaUelii JdCfes* R T Denmark, Wm A Bowen, Joel B Wooton, A J Rountree, Samuel A Graves. Upon motion of .Solicitor General Spencer, it is ordered by the Court that the foregoing gene ral presentments be published as requested. A true extract from the minutes of Brooks Su perior Court, Juno Term, 1867. WILLIAM HUDSON, Clerk. a. iRTKxnoPKit, oa. j. rr. w. mix, fla. A. DUTENKQFER & CO^ COTTON FACTORH —AND «2 W3Z m jkc ■ K ,m ■ . No. 74 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CEORCIA. June 7th, 1867. Cm NOTICE. I THE UNDERSIGNED, having notes out m me, the considerations for which wcio negro slaves, now freed. I am determined to resist the payment of the said notes, and have employed able counsel to test the legality of the question before the Supreme Court of the United States. All persons similarly situated, are re quested to unite with me and make a common defence in resisting the payment of these unjust debts. Address, J. B. STRIPLING, je 14-1 in No. 5. P. & G. R. R., Fla. Machinery. TITHE undersigned is prepared to do every kind i of Repairing (either iron or wood) of Kn ' trines and Mills, in a workmanlike manner. Any I co.nintinleatiun addressed to me, at this place, will receive pi umpt attention, i Valdosta, Geo. C. CEVOB. : June 14. 1887. 20 (U STFYINS 1101 SF,~ 21, 28, 25 ck 27 Broadway, IST. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. TIIE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known to the traveling public; The loca tion is especially suitable to merchant* and busi ness men : it is in close proximity to the busi ness part of the city—is on the highway of South ern and Western travel -and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Stevens House has liberal accommodation . for over 300gtp*stH -it is well furnished, and pos sesses every modern improvement for the corr.- j fort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms ! are spacious and well ventilated, provided with ! gas and water ; the attendance is prompt and re spectful : and the table is generously provided I with every delicacy of • h<- season, at moderate i rates. Tin* rooms having been refurnished and I remodeled, we are enabled to offer extra f.u ili -1 ties for the comfort and pleasure of our guests. GLO. K. CHASE & CO. j June 14. 1867. 6m Proprietors. A(tiuiiii-llafor's Sale. r {/ r />Vj be sorhVr<*fpre the Court House door \ V in th Town of COLQU ITT. Miller coun '■ ‘J . Georgia, on the First Tuesday in AUGUST ? next, between the legal hours of sale, Lot of j Land, *316, in the 12th District of Miller cmin : ty. q\ vo Hundred and Fifty acrc.» ! more or less. ! unt^i ‘ r order of the Court of Ordinary |of Bibb county, Ga.,,* Llie props . rl y of Gabiiel i Harrison, deceased. 1 r REBECCA P. IIARRIS(Iv, June 14. 1867. 20 8t Groods^ 4 NICE LOT reasonable Calicovs and Dorncs- A tics, at lowest prices. ! Give u. a call. i r f=MITII <t WALKED. Quiiaian, June 14. IBG7. 1 The Hotel. * mrs. Mclntosh NOTIFIES the public that she continues the Hotel business, at her old house, on the Public Square ; where she will endeavor to make guests feel at home. Her table is supplied with the best the market affords, and charges moderate. June 14, 1867. 20-ts To Merchants. YTJTE have on consignment from the Manutuf f f hirers, One Case SPRING AND SUMMER CASSiWIERES, which we are authorized to sell to good names at FOUR MONTHS, at pneesas low as they can be bought in New York. The goods can be our store in Quit man, or samples sent on application, SMITH it WALKER, j June 14, 1807. 20-ts On Hand and to Arrive! 150 Bushels Maryland Whity Corn *, 10 Barrels Flour, good brands j 1 Hhd Cdcon Shoulders. For sale low by SMITH & WALKER. Quitman, Juno 14, 1867. ts Coni on a Credit! Till) parties giving us a lien on their crops, we A will sell Corn on a credit until Ist October next, on favorable terms. SMITH Si WALKER. Quitman, Ga., June 11. 1867. 20-ts iPPLICTEDJEAD THIS. Kay ton’s Oleum Vita*. mills Great German Liniment is an almost I infallible cure for Rheumatism, Ncuivibjiuf Rheumatic Pains in the Back. Breast, Sides, or 'Joints, Servo us Headache, ToothdUhe, JdmicAc, Sprains. Bruises. StreiUnys, Cuts, Bites , Burns, We. This great remedy should be in every house. For Horses this remedy has no equal. Ask for Kay ton's Oleum Vita*. Take no other. Sent by express for SIOO Kay ton’s Magic Cure. An Egyptian Remedy, For the cure of sudden Coughs and Colds, Asth ma. Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Nore Throat, Sea Sickness, Cholera, Dian hiea, (’ramps and Pains in the stomach. Sent by express for sl. Kayton’s Dyspeptic Pills, Areasure and pb asant cure for DYSPEPSIA. BILLIOTS DISORV\RS. CONSTIPATION, and all disorders of the b /or, stomach and bowels, and wlien taken regularly will cleanse the blood. These are the greatest Auti-Billious Pills ever placed before the public. Sent by mail for 30 cents per box. The above Medicines are prepared and sold by H. KAYTOI, SAVANNAH GEORGIA, To whom all orders should be addressed : or to his Wholesale Agents, A. A. SOLOMONS A CO., Savannah. Ga. jfißr A liberal discount to parties selling again. For sale in Quitman, at l)r. J. 11. McCall's drug store. February 22, 1867. ly .m; ■±3 mw 7 %*«***•? i ■ £u<*<r / W . WWW. / WilWkS ■ qUITMAN, GEO. B. W. LEVERETT, Hereby takes pleasure iu notifying the public that he -^wf) will comhictstrictly a |uvt Family Grocery q Business, at the i As OLD STAND OF Mr. M IIUKINS,; Where will be kept on hand FRESH SUPPLIES \° ot every description of Groceries, consist- j ing in part of • fk* Flour, i. I Coffee, j J Sugar, j ri Butter, • Lard, Cheese, ! fl Potatoes, Onions, iA» Soap, i UJ And everything necessary lor Family Con- : sumption, which he will sell at Reason a- j ill ble prices for cash. j Liberal prices will be allowed in j ny cash or trade, for all kinds of Conntry Pro- ; ) w ducc. [ ■ His present stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ac . be sold at remarkable low figures. April 26, 1867. 3m ♦25 REWARD. Stolen from tho undersigned, on the night of the 2nd of June. frc»n my plantation, about half a mile from Quitman, light sorrel mare, medium size, four years old, a».l has a scar or lump on her withers where she h q been hurt. 1 will pay tin; above reward for the delivery of iid annual at Quitm»in Gif., ot’ any will be thankfully iTCeived. The animal was stolen f iy a mulaw 0 named John Willson, and lias been traced to Edison, Fla. JAMES T. YKOMAms. June 7. 3867. 19-2 t COHN EXCHANGED FOR WOOL 1 Bacon and all kinds of Dry Goods cx cliangcd for Wool ! 100,000 pounds Wool wauled, For which the highest market prices will be j paid by J. It. SMITH & WALKER. Quitman it Ousleys, or by W. A. NMITJI & C 1., Valdosta, Ga. ! Jurif* 7th. 1867. 10- DISSOLUTION. ! min: lute firm of LEVERETT, dTANTJL & I. REN FRO W has been dissolved by the com ) pulsory withdrawal of William R. Stancil from the firm, and all accounts due tin• said firm of Leverett, Stancil it Renfrow, will be paid to the remaining members of the firm, Loverctt »t Ren frow, who, alone, are authorized *o settle the business,of the said firm. Any other settlement wjfl be held invalid and of non effect. B. W. LEVERETT. it. R. RENFROW. Quitman, May 31, iBC7. 1m THE undersigned will continue the business of the late firm of Loverctt, Staucll it Ren fro w. under the firm name of Lavcrett & Renfrow, and will i>«- happy to receive a condnaancc of the patronage btstowed on the late firm. B. W. LEVERETT. R. It. RENFROW*. Quitman. May 31,1867. 3m Administrator’s Sale. «* *> ’ ft. ' * ' * **** * I , m W W.tSt. »’S) U v+tu «lstl OTATC o:<" cnoillilA. Bkoofs Cock-. TV. Will be sold be lore the Court-licMe | 1 door in Quitman, oi. the Urst Tuesday in June | next, within usual hours of sale. Ten Shares ot ! I .Stock in t'D* Atlantic ani Gulf It&ilfoad., belong- J I ing to the E late of Robeit Peacock, late of said ! I Ll 'Kma'-CiSr l ' /* .. ""I JOHN J ELK. .I'lmiuDtj'a‘or, j May 2-ith, ISO 7, 17-fit ‘Wool! Wcolii Tfooll! ■ * V* Having Large Orders for GEORGIA WOOL, Wo are prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN For any quantity of the same. L. J. GUy*MAUTIN & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchant. May 31-lm Savannah, Geo Lovell tV Lattimore, MAXVKACTI’BKUS of PLAIN TIN WARE, AND DEALERS IX Japanned, Planished and Stamped Tin Wares. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, *tovcs, SIHTt Iron, Tin Plates. Lead, Brooms, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Tabic Cutlery. HOLLOW WAKE, &C., &C. Crockery and Glassware Also, Water Coolers and Filters, irk rrroiinijs and kefrkibrator.s. And in connection with the above, we have in Store every variety of MOilM STOTfiS AND RANGES, With all the fixtures ready for immediate use.— These Stoves are neat and simple in appearance with large flues of extra thickness and weight. Will be sold at reasonable prices. Orders sot Stoves promptly attended to. No. 155 Mini 157 Congress St., SAVANNAH, GEO. May i ih. 1867. ly MMY, BIMTTIIi & t 0.,” COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL Commission Merchants, And Hcnlris In FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, HIDES, Wines, lAquors, »Ve., JONES’ LITER BLOCK, SAVANNAH, CEORCIA. REFERENCE : Col. John I). Dklaxxoy, Quitman, (sa. pid" Cash advances made on all consignments of Southern Produce to us or to our friends, Mftttky. Beattie A Hay, Philadelphia. March' s '. 1867. 8m Jno. W. Anderson, Geo. W. Anderson, Jr. R. H. Anderson, A H. Cole. Jno.W. Aii(l<‘rsop’sSons &Cos COTTON FACTORS, or barbing anb Commission MERCHANTS. CORNER DRAFTO* AND BRYAN STS SAVANNAII, GEORGIA. November 16. 1866. 6rn IIKN’UV imVAX. A. L. 11AUTR1DOK. E. W. T. NKFK. BRIAN, lURTRIIIUi&CO., Soffiirisaon Merchants, a x n- mm Mm. m m m*. m±zmm. SAVANNAH GEORGIA. CIONSIGNMBNTS of Cotton .and other Produce ) solicited ; which we will sell in Savannah, New York or Liverpool, as desired, making lib eral advances. Special attention given to Purchasing Planters’ Supplies. Western Bacon and Whiskey for sale on con signment. my LAND FOB SALE.-G* March u 1867. Capt7.J. J. 1)1 CKISON, WITH Davant & Waples, (klLn G- 4j(uvgu|>»o.h) imjft M c r c Ii a li t s , CORNER BAY AND JIXCOLN STREETS, SA VANN AH, GKO. ppr Special attention given to tin* sale of Cot ton, Timber, Lumber, Country Produce. /. Dm.vr, W. f). WAPLES, Late Davant A: Lawton. Missouri. November 16. 1866. 6in Notice. A “S the year is drawing to a close, and the day jrlL of settlement approaches, the undersigned feels it would not be right or just to demand full amounts on obi debts ; be therefore takes this method of -informing those who owe him, that they cn’7 sett le at fifty cents on the dollar, or at Hess, 'where their taxaole property will Justify, a‘greater deduction. Widows ifc OrplnAs, and destitute soldiers who served in the late war can call and get \lieir notes and accounts receipted withcru *'• merit. K. A. HARDEE. Decern *'*r 14.1866. 48-ts MILLINERY & MANTUA-MAKIN6, Mrs. M. I*. Hla< k N”OTIFIES the ladiesof Quitman and- vicinity that she is qualified and prepared to con duct the Milinery and Alautua-Making business in all its branches, Bonnets trimmed in the latest and.uipst fash ionable styles, and dresses m ale UO ir\ u neat and tastetul manner.. . .She may be found over Mr. Finch's store. May 17. 1867 lin MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. J. m, iViADDEN, Os FLORIDA, nEREBY notifies the citizens of Brooks coun ty. Georgia, that lie h;.s iocau-d at OKA PI LUO, for the practice of Ins Medi cine and Surgery, nnd pleased to wait up;fn all roquiriu:’ iu T ti .i««is;ance. The best </ re.V.r.em.-'* tjjLWrfsbed <m »]-plication.• v Office r M .J. Motriow's stere. The Gimcrville Sieve! * > B. F. LINTON &. CO. 1 >F(S leave to cull the attention oldie J# to their large and well sclcvtoi'HHKof Spring and §p.mmer Hiii|)lo siii.l FnHoy | DRY 6 00 DS, CONSiStIMJ IN' r.VHT OF Oznaburgs, Domestics, French and American Cal icoes, Plain Swiss and Figqrvd Muslins, Bareges, Printed Jaconet and Linen. Linen and Ppper Collars and cuffs, Gloves, jp[ osiery, Balmorals., Hoop Skirts Bonnets. Hals. Ribbons, Luces, Trimmings, Embroideries, Belts, Ac. We also ofl> r an elegant assortment of CLOTIIISC, HOOTS AND SHOES; CROCKERY, QLASSWA HE; H.IItDWAHE, TINWAHE ; AURIC 1 7, TULA I, IMPLEMENTS ; CUTLERY, of approved makers ; PA TENT PREFER VE JA HS ; HR IDLES, SADDLES, <('<• We will likewise omltuvor to ulwaya keep ou Irani a complete .stuck of Grroceries, and our convivial frlemls cun be supplied wirn LIQUORS, SEGARS & TOBACCO. For the atllictcd we are likewise prepared to supply thoir demand* with rwii ■ o >4 & tr m. z m rmi ■ and those who are building can be supplied with Paints, Oils, Unis lies, &c. We will also endeavor to keep supplied with a number of the renowned Concord Buggies, and will fill all orders for Anlcii’s Latest Patent HOKSEHOE, as we are agents for the sale of the same, and which can be seen at work in the neighborhood. Our facilities for furnishing supplies to our planting friends are unsurpassed, and we offer favorable facilities where we are well secured. We cordially invite the attention of the public to our stock, satisfied that wo can suit them in any.character of article need; for we make it a nil*' t<?iJkcep everything that can be found in any stove in the Slate, and pledge ourselves to sell at as U>w prices as any house in this section. Groovcrville, May 10, 1867. 13-ly JOHN M. RAYSOR, DEALIOR IN G-sr.sral Ksrehandbs, Cp irooi rrrilfe, Ora., HAS now on hand a very mvt ’.ml complete assortment of Spring and Sumiiicr (roods, which will be sold on very reasonable terms. His stock embiaces Dress Goods, Domestics, Notions Hats, Cups, Boots, Shoes Ready Made Clothing, Crockery, Hardware,, &c^ A general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, and almost everything required by thcvpeople ol this section. He most respectfully invites IndpfflPhds and the public to give him a call, and price liis goods before purchasing elsewhere, as no is determined to sell as low as anybody. Groovervillo, May 31, 1867. 18-ls Am KIKHTKIX. H. 11. F.FKMAX. EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, Importers ami Healers In jftttign .mdilomcstic DRY GOODS, White Goods, If osiery, Y ANKEE NOTIONS, HATS, CLOTHING, AND Hoots and .Shoes, 151 and 163 Congress st., SAVANNAH, GEO. April 16, 1867. 3m If. A. I’AI.MKK. .T. 11. IIKITtSII. PALMER & DEPPISII, WHOLES A I.K AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWA RE, CUTLERY, FILES, EDGE TOOLS, Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps, Agricultural Implements, US CongresH an* 1 01 St. Julian Strccta. SAVANNAH, GBOKGIA November 16, 1866. 31-6 m HENRY MEINHARD. ISAAC MEINHARD. Meinhard Bro’s & Cos. DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gentlemen’s l''nrnishing Goods, *tc. No. 100 Biyan and 72 St. Julian Sts., ,SI VANN AH, GEORGIA. August 17, lHilfi. ly J. V. I’KM.T. J. F. TICKKIt. A .11. WIUOIIT PELOT, TIMER & WRIGHT, Cotton Fa et or s'f A .4 I ) LUMBER & TIMBER MERCHANTS/ 17 7 Bay street'. SAVANNAH, GEC’IGIA. solicited, and will also sell ; Wool, Hides and rther Produce. for supplies promptly filled. March 8, Jt>67. 6m Common Sense FAMILY SEWINfi MACHINE rnJIE undersigned liet« by iufonns the people* of J.. Brooks and the adjoining counties, that, he is Agent, lor the .v.le of this vuliiabU macliine. It is adapted to the wants and ne<-cssuio» of the times, for it will save much time and labor. I will deliver them at \ our house for Twenty j Dollars, with everything complete four needles, j oil cun, screw driver, hammer and dump—uud , guarantee it ill perfect running older. . If not convenient to see me make .qqilication to Capt. J. L. Moseley, in Quitman, and 1 will deliver ti e machine ni a few days. Wi'LLIo HALL. May IJ, IciuL 2m J V W. STALNAKER & CO, ■ (,'WIMISSIfi V i iiilDl A \l\S, AND itflTAlL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries," Em owcosa S3is)@/aaaa33« GF.ORCiAi References! BiiKiiusi, IIOI.BT ACo., Savannali. D. H. Baldwin, New York. Fl'ncii, Mkinukf. & Wendt, Now York. Our stock of Dry Goods is complete in every particular, and we will endeavor to keep Keep Supplied With Every tiling Needed by the pimple of this section of country, and on the best kuw possible. 5?-*Y*We most respectfully solicit a share of the patronage -f be pelillc. May 17, 1867. 16-If STEINS STOCK, J. R. EDMONDSON llavinj; rcci'ntly returned from IN ■ liwtorn Markets, ofli-rs tlio public tin* most complete anil CHEAPEST STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER Or O ODS Ever brought lo Quitmau. It consists of a very large stock of Dfchs lioorlM. sneb tw Lawns. Organdies, Uareges, Mezeabiipies. Galicocs. etc.; and in tlio White Ooods, ““ extensive assortment of Swiss Nainsook. Mai. Muslin, Linens, ‘ls, Brilliants, and everything’ else ill Unit line, llrown and Blenched Domestics and Oznaburgs, at very low prices ; Fluids, Lin ens, Tweeds, Jeans, (’assimeres and Cloth, at greatly reilneed prises, AJ-Oill beaypv sl^lj,of imm mm>w Ladies’, Gents’ and Chiidren's Hals, Shoes si iid Boots, all kinds, , nnd at prices very near corresponding with those before the war. Also, a la**g.» assortment b! all 1 kinds of TNTOTIOKTi^, Siudi as Dress Truiu. in s. Buff ’s. llandkerchiefs, l’arasols, Uieiuellas, Gloves, and everything else needed. My stock ol • , f HAHHWABK, CHOCK BUY, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, YAR*S WooihVhrei etc., etc . is eoiupbde In OVery particular: I have also on hand, to be sold on accommodating terms to approved purchasers—* 15,000 FOUNDS OF BACON. - Having relco+cd these Grioda witli great care, and a desire to meet the wants of nil classes of 1 persons, 1 feel anguine that the most lipjticlious can he accommodated and pleased, anil to OOrSSJts. :OuL3re:rjs Great inditCemenfs nnd exlrnordinarv Bargains are ollered. CLAYTON GROOVER Will be pieased to sec and wait on his friends at this house. - H * - ’ . ... A*. . All persons will 1.0 ■:1 to ca-lnnd examine my slock before buying elsewhere, as it is a pleasure to show goods. J. R. EDMONDSON. Quitman, April 1!), 1867. 12 ts • 1867= " 1867. DEWITT a MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DOMISTI3 £IIS FOPJIC’I? SET MODS,- 137 Congress Street, Savannali, G-eorgia, Have Just Opened their SFIIIE & &01IIII! BTOC K. - o/Yetv (font is (>•; Every SI earner. q Ladies' Dress Goods in all the Newest Styles ; Sheetings, Shirtings, Linens and everything wanted jn Ilousp-Ueejung ; White Goody, Hosiery, and Small* Wares in endless variety. Goods! rdr Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. ALT. Of?It feUflOK fS NEW AND JUST BOUGHT AT TIIE ,• REDUCED IP RICES: DEWITT & MORCAN. , Marc h 22, 1K(17. Lai ■ COME AND SEE! STEVENS & ROUNTREE ARE NOW RECEXVfNG.A LARGE.STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which have been bought for Cash, and will he sold for a email 7refit. JnilgC Hudson will take pleasure in waiting on bis friends, . . j 1 , per- We feel thankful for the liberal patronage we have recei.ed. and ask ntinuance of i.he same. March ts, IBU7. ly T. BROWN, WHOLESALE ANT) RETAIL DEALER IN (Riitlf imii’s and Hoys’ cuvjun- Furnishing Goods. Hats, Cape, Root x, Sheen, Umbrellas, <£'f XVo. 1)H Ml , SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. May 24. 18117. «m AGENCY OFFICE. rpIlF people of Southern Georgia and Mi'MMe L Florida are hereby informed that I ran pre pared to furnish Railroad and Farm Hands Tit short qotice and "i» reasonable terms ; and also Lands and Houses to parties desiring to locate among them. Ofiicc : Or lirjaii Street, OITOSfTa TUB PLANTKBS’ bank, Savannah,' Geo. my 24-3 m H a. 11. ISH VA^sT. Estrayed! W7IR(»M the i;hunation of the undersigned, one JT mb* uorthea-l ol Lroorervole. oi. the night A the ( 111 inst. Two;, to v. it: (‘no a bl.u k ■ hor.c mule, rather small, : Lout eight years old: the 4)thef* a b'ack m ere mule, niedic:m Size, good pacer, and Srunde l with a .-single on the left shoulder. These* mules bcioag *o ir.u.e. l»ur nes and any deiivn ing H)< sum*! to n o will bo roward.ed :or any infurnDuion m ref. r enee to their whereabouts "d 1 ‘h •* kfullv re ceived JAMIj lvlML^ Haywood, Gage & Cos. WHOLESALE OKA LKIJS IN ICE l HOIS! Savannah, On. | April , JSii . a; s. hartridce, Commission an <1 Forwarding mEuo;II Ain r r , N'o. 92 HAVSTIvKET, SAVANNAH, GA February 22, 1887. If. - - "'****% W '* : ' 41. W. FOItHKSTKK. . -M. M. HCI.UVAX. Parrestcr & Sullivan. dkalkcb in f Shnrf, and a.i; lends of pts(t e In tlioir Soason, * Oysters, Game, &6.,’ ho. I lb bi!J LiUiCj SAVANNA IT, 7 EO. zCi Our M jlto i.;: JUSTICE TO ALL.-&5, <!i Ihmit-s rouutiy will be prompt ly I r ,r,!. my.' t-ly ICE! ICE! ICE! * trm Li> iLE aud retail a! the old W SC3 JKHV4 !«»- by r I '' 11 ca to an< * particMlar Ca:. i JJvGJWAN’