The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 09, 1867, Image 3
She (Quitman §anncr. LOCAL COLUMN QUITMAX, GEORGIA, AUG. 9,18 G". If you will uso Medicines, Prop. Kayton's Great Hkmemks. -‘V-- Our Club Kates. We occasionally receive inquiries as to what we will furnish the Banner to clubs; therefore we publish the following schedule for the gui dance of friends : Five copies one year sl2,. r >o Ten copies one year, 22.50 Twenty copies one year 40.00 No club received for less than a year, and in ali cases the cash will be required in advance. Legal Notice.— See the legal notices is to-day’s paper, from the Ordinary’s of lice of Brooks county. New Goods,— Messrs. Smith & Walk er give notice that they have received fresh supplies of Lard, Tobacco, Domes tics, Superphosphates, etc. Give them a cal! and they will deal fair. E. Jnflray Ac Cos. Special attention is called to .‘lie card of this firm in to-day’s paper. They are extensive dealers in dress goods, furnish ing goods, silks, Yankee notions, etc., are established at 350 Broadway, New York, and well and favorably known to the Southern people. Mr. 11. M. Davenport, connected with this house, is an intelligent, energetic, persevering gentleman, upright andhon i rable in all business transactions, uni versally known End esteemed in this section of country, and likewise connect ed with a number of the first families of Brooks. We take pleasure in recommending Mr. Davenport and the extensive house he represents, to me. chants who design visiting New York, the approaching Fall, for the purpose of laying in supplies. Homicide. Wo understand that a colored man killed another, about a mile distant from Quitman, on Monday evening last, by the accidental discharge of a pistol. The ball took effect in the head, and the un fortunate man died almost instantly. This is another warning against the careless handling of firearms. Hoes arc more appropriate, useful and profitable weapons, in the bands of freedmen, than guns; and we trust the homicide in qttes tion will have a tendency to induce our colored friends to abandon the use of guns, powder and shot. Colored Candidate for Congress. On a visit to Messrs. King & Hester’s Mill, on last Monday morning, wo learned that Patrick Ficklin (colored) had visit ed the mill on the Saturday previous, and finding a goodly number of persons present, he announced himself a Candi date for Congress at. the first election af ter a reorganization of the State Govern ment. Mr. Ficklin, we presume, desires to canvass the District, and therefore his early amioiiuceineut as a seeker aflcr; ‘Congressional glory.’ This determination of Patrick Ficklin, is rather "cool”—it has taken ns by surprise—but we will admit that he is more respectable, if not intelligent, than many members of the present Congress. It is probable that colored candidates will be plentiful—-and that many will be elected to positions they are totally unfit to fill. We don’t wish to be understood, however, as expressing doubts of the Congressional Candidate’s abilities. Not at all. A Nuisance, It is an ancient prerogative of the "Local” to demand the abatement of nui sances witlipi the corporation. What we now ask is the banishment of hogs from the public square and streets of our town. They go into all sorts of dir ty' places, and then wallow around our public wells. They thus transfer to our drinking water the vjlest filth of our town. Fine scavcngeis, truly! They break through fences, and muck our dain tiest vegetables. They have a weakness for young poultry, and woe to the juve nile shanghai that strays from his native dunghill! They propagate under our very door millions of the hungriest fleas, and then relieve themselves of the plague b/ scattering these pestiferous creatures here, there, and everywhere. Fine scav engers, truly! lias it never occurcd to the people of our village that it is unjust to raise hogs at the expense of their neighbors? In many old countries these animals arc prohibited, by a general law, from running at large; why cannot we have the same blessed relief by munici pal legislation? Let the Council enact the necessary regulations; and then let every vagrant porker be arrested, im pounded, and hold subject to a fine and the Marshal’s fees. " Videant consules nt: quid detrimenti respublica capiat.” Oivil Vacancies. Lient. Sa son, who was recently on a tour through the lower counties of our State, for the purpose of filling civil va cancies by appointment, has completed his labors, and recommended the follow ing parties to Gin Pope: Brooks County—R. J. Denmark, as Justice of the Peace; Julius Cremins, as Marshal for the town of Quitman. Pierce County—Mr E. T. Acosta, as Tax Assessor, aud Mr. William Brunt, Collector. Ware County'—H. J. Jeffords, John Fitzgerald and Austin Smith, Justices of the Inferior Court. Clinch County'—G. W. Newborn, as Ordinary, and H. D. O’Quinn, as County Treasurer. 1/owndes County—B. L. Stephens and J. M. Williams, Justices of the Peace. Thomas County—F. J. Gould, Survey or: J. P. Arnold, Aid rman of Thomas ville; 0. W. Durgin, Constable. Baker County—E. G. W. Allen, Ordi nary: D L Parker, Countv Treasurer. fftfu? Atkcvtiocmento. 11. M. DAYENPOST, WITH i;.s.jiFiim& <».. SRW GOODS, 350 Broadway, New York Flannels, Gloves, Collars it Tics, Skirt Braids, Dress Goods, White Goods, Linen Goods, Cloaks, Embroideries, English Crapes, Hosiery, Dress Shirts, Ribbons, Lace Articles, Shawls, Lace, Silks, Yankee Notions, &e. A O IRC,7 Cm CEORCIA STATE LOTTERY! FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MASONIC ©liatiriiElS Boyd, Wilson & Cos., Managers, Atlanta. Ga. gse&t mmm. One Dollar —Full Ticket. CAPITAL ITtIZF., Si £50,000. EXTRA CLASS A. This Groat Lottery, for the benefit of the Mason ic Orphans’ Horn*?, will be drawn in public at Atlanta, Ga., on Wednesday, the Ith day of Sep tember next, 1807. GREAT SCHEME. 1 Prize of $20,000 is $20,000 1 Prize of 5.000 1s 6.000 1 Prize of 2,000 is 2,000 1 Prize of 1,000 is 1.000 2 Prizes of 500 are 1,000 4 Prizes of 250 are 1.000 100 Prizes of 100 are 10.000 200 Prizes of 50 aro 10,000 Prizes amounung 4'wunm 50.000 in Prizes at $1 per Ticket A Package of 10 Tickets may draw $30,000 ALL THE PRIZES WILL BE DRAWN. > Plan of these <>reat Lotteries and Explanation of Drawings. The numbers from 1 to 100,000, corresponding with the numbers on the tickets, are printed on separate slips of paper and encircled with small tubes, and placed in a glass wheel all of the prizes in accordance with the scheme, arc simi larly printed and encircled, and placed in anolli cr glass wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and two boys, blindfolded, draw the numbers and prizes. One of the boys draws one number from the wheel of numbers, and at tin; same time the other boy draws out one prize from the wheel of prizes. The number and prize drawn out are exhibited to the audiance, and whatever prize comes out is registered and placed to the credit of that number, nnd this operation is repeated until all the prizes a e and a ' n. 'SfuAll prizes are pay able without discount, and the official drawing sent to each purchaser. BOY D, WILSON A 00. Managers, Atlanta, Geo. August 9, 1867. tdd 191 PAItTIAL SI FFEKINGS Nei ther Wealth, Refinement, or Condition, are exempt. The PnnxrroKK.v, or Females’ Friend is expressly for tin* benefit of females who may be suffering from Nervous Irritability, Distressing Apprehensions, and all these troublesome com plaints that invite premature old age, and render life miserable The Philotoken acts like a charm in relieving pain ; and by controlling the ner- j vous system, restores those feelings of confidence | and satisfaction that insure happiness. It is a radical cure for Dysmenorrhcea, and a treasure that should be possessed by every female who desires to restore, improve, or preserve her health, beauty and physical comfort. Descrip tive pamphlets, containing valuable information for invalids and heads of families, will be sent on receipt of postage stamp. Price $1 per bottle ; the usual discount to the trade. HARRAL. KISLEY A CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 141 Chambers st., N. Y. Risleys extract buchu. The most efficient Diuretic and Tonic for the treatment of all complaints resulting from weakness and darangement of the Kidneys |»nd Urinary Organs—such as pains and weakness in the back and loins, gravel, dropsy, stranguary, incontinence, inflamation of the mucus surfaces, Arc. Risley's Buchu can be used in all cases, for children as well as adults, with perfect safety. Physicians are finding that Risley’s is the most! uniform and reliable preparation, beside being of greater strength and in larger bottles than any others. »Sold by the Druggists and Merchants fer $1.50. IIARRAL, KISLEY & CO., Proprietors. N. B. All officinal preparations of medicines bearing our label are made according to the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and'all goods sold by iis are warranted to be as represented, or may be re turned at our expense. Determined to maintain the reputation which our houses have always enjoyed for dealing in Reliable Medicines, and to merit the continued confidence of our customers, we assure them that the same attention will be paid to orders by mail as when personally present. HARRAL, RISLEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, It 1 Chambers and 1 lludsox Sts., NEW YORK. Successors to Haviland, Kecse & Cos.. 1830; liavilarid, Harral and: Risley ; Harral, Risley & Kitchen ; Ilarral, Risley & Tompkins. August 2, 1867. 6rn C 1 EORGI A. Pierce County.-Thomas E. Lyons i" applies to me for letters of Administration, de bonis non, on the Estate of Banner Guy, de ceased. All persons concerned will therefore file their objections, if any they have within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise said letters will be ! granted. I Witness my official signature this July 24.1807 25-5 t 11. W.Grady, Ordinary. G 1 EORGIA, Pierce County.—Whereas Thom Fas E. Lyons applies to me for letters of Guardianship of the minor heirs of Banner Guy, deceased. All persons concerned will therefore Ole their objections in iny office on or before the first mon day in September next, if any they have, other■- erwise said letters will be granted. Given under my hand and private seal, (there being no seal ut office.) this July 24. 1867. ; 25 ot 11. W.GRADY, Ordinal UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE TAX NOTICE. r|THE Annual Taxes for 1806, on Income, Log- A acies and Successions, and Carriages, Gold Watches, Silver Plate. Ac. ; also, the monthlies for May and June on manufactured articles, Arc.; also, tin* Special Tax or License for business men and Professions, are now due and turned over to me for collection. All said taxes not. paid in twenty days from the date of this notice will be subject to penalties, which will be added. Special attention is called to the Act in rela tion to carrying on business without license. In my absence, payment for Brooks county can be made to Isaac Mabbett ; in Lowndes and Ber rien counties, to Capt. J. W. Wells; in Thomas county to Judge Tooke. HENRY F. MABBETT, Dept. Col. tth Div. Ist I list.. Georgia. Quitman, August 2, 1867. 26-2 t Town Property lor Salt 1 . A NY one desirous of purchasing a Two ac»e YjL Town Lot, upon which is a comfortable Log Dwelling, necessary out houses, a goo.l well of water. Ac., can be accommodated by making application to the Editor of the Banner. (~'l EORGIA. Brooks County. Whereas W. A. T King, Guardian of G. S. Edwards, applies to mo for letters of dismission from said guardi anship. These are the'oro to cite and admonish all parties at interest to tile their objections within tie time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters wi l be granted tin* applicant. Witness my hand and officii l signature. j. g. McCall o. b. c. July 12, 1867. 23-6 t GBOOV E RTILbi ACADEMY FOR MILES IMI FRMALBS. rilllE Exercises of this Institution will com- JL mence again September 2nd, 1867. The Rates of Tuition are as follows, payable in gold, or its equivalent, in currency : l’Kll QUARTER OF TEX WEEKS I Primary class $4 50 Intermediate class 6 00 Senior class 8 00 Music at the usual charge. With a commodious building just finished, sit uated at Grooverville, Ga., live miles from No. 17, A. A G. R. It., in the midst of a quiet and re tim'd neighborhood, free from the inducements Jto dissipation, incidental to city life, students will find advantages here equaled by few institutions of the same grade. Board can be had in private families at ordinary rates. For further particulars address RICHARD RAMSEY, President Board of Trustees. July 12, 1867. 23-5 t TO THE PIIDLICT T. F. LAWSON, Offers h’s services to the public as a Manufacturer of Plain Tinware, And Dealer in Japanned. Planished and Stamp ed Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, Ac.; and in connexion with the above, he has oil hand a fine lot of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, OFFICE STOVES, dcC., which he oilers low to the public. lie also flatters himself tlmt he can furnish to merchants a better and neater article of Tin ware, and as low or lower than they can pur chase elsewhere, north or south. All 1 ask is a chance, before buying elsewhere. I will also manufacture, at short notice, any thing yon may want, out of tin, sheet-iron, cop per or zinc. Guns and Gun Locks repaired. to.. He has established himself in the two story building south of Mrs. Me In tosh's Hotel, i9 1X67. 23-ts CHILLS & FEVER WE HAVE USED GALLIGHAN’S PILLS, and find they will do all tlmt i« claimed lor them, and cheerfully recommend them to pub lic favor. J. 11. WATT’S. Ex-Governor of Alabama. J. W. A SANFORD, Att’y Gen l of Alabama. ROUT. DOUGHERTY, Judge Supreme Court, Ala. From Thomas J. Judge, Judge Supreme Court. I have use Gam.ioiian's Rii.lh on my planta tion, for Fever and Ague, and find them sill that is claimed for them. TJK>S. J. .JUDGE. Montgomery, Ala., .Sept. 23, 1858. Lowndes County, Alabama. Gallighan’s Fever and Ague Rills will do. They are decidedly the best medicine for Chills and Fever I ever gave. I would not be without them for five times the price. J. A. GRAHAM. Am Klim's, April 17. 1867. One box of Gai.ugiian's cured ine per fectly of chills and fever. They are the bes* medicines for chills and fevor I ever saw. A. G. RONALDSON, Clerk Superior Court, Sumter county, Ga. Montijomkiiy, Ala., July 3. 1866. Messrs. Bunt A- Hai.k Gents: I have used your Galuhiian’s Rills on two occasions for Chills and Fever, and find that they effect all that they an; intended to do. They arc the best remedy for she disease that I have ever tried. I consider them perfectly reliable. Respectfully, DAN L ,>AYRE, Grand .Sec. Grand Lodge of F. and A. M. of Ala. Albany, Ga.. March 11, 1867. I have used Gallighan’s Pills in forty cases of Chills and Fever, with pcrfW f success. They are the best Fever and Ague Rills put up. A. B. FANT. Wholesale in Savannah, by A. A. SOLOMONS & CO. And by all Druggists. BLOUNT A- HALE, Pkopiubtorr, June2l-21-tf Montgomery, Ala. On Hand and to Arrive! 150 Bushels Maryland White Corn ; 10 Barrels Flour, good brands; 1 Hhd (’aeon Shoulders. For sale low by SMITH A- WALKER. Quitman, June 1 f. 1867. ts j diniiiistrator’s Sale. I)Y virtue of an order from (hs Court of Or > dtnary of Coffee county, Georgia, will lie sold on the First Tuesday in August, 1867, at the Court-house door in said county, between the le gal hours of sale, the tract of land in Said coun ty whereon Gray S. Robards resided at the time of his death, containing 430 acres more or less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Gray S. Robards, late of said comity, deceased. Terras made known on day of sale. Robert Robards, Adm'r. June 17th, 1867. 22-t.ds Administrator’s Sale. ATTTILL be sold before the Court House door V V in the Town of COLQUITT, Miller coun ty. Georgia, on the First Tuesday in AUGUST next, between the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land. No. 316, in the 12th District of Miller coun ty, containing Two Hundred and Fifty acres more or less. Sold under an order of ih** Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, Ga., as the property of Gabriel Ila prison, and cceased. REBECCA P. HARRISON, Adm’x. June 14, 1867. 20-8 t Town Property for Nsile. | The undersigned offers a two acre lot and con ! veoient dwelling, with necessary out houses, near ! the Academy, in the town of Quitman, for sale. I The dwelling is new, neat aud comfortable. For i particulars apply to A P.FERHAM. June 21, 1867 21 ts Haywood, Gage & Cos. wholesale dealers i.v ICE! ICES! Suvuiumh, Ga. April 19, 1867. 6m HENRY BRYAN. A. L. HAKTRIDOK. E. W. T. NRKF. URYAN, lIiRTRIDGB & CO., Cbrmissbn Merchants, A N D ■k mm SAVANNAH GEORGIA. CONSIGNMENTS of Cotton and other Produce ) solicited ; which we will sell In Savannah, New York or Liverpool, as desired, making lib eral advances. Special attention given to Purchasing Planters’ Supplies. Western Bacon and Whiskey for sale on con signment. VS-LANI) FOB SALF.-'m March 1. 1867. 6m G. W. FORRESTER. M. M. SULLIVAN. Forrester & Sullivan. DEALERS IN Shad, and all kinds of Fish, In tlicir Season, Oysters, Game, &c., No. 110 Bay Lane, SAVANNAH, GEO. ma-Our Motto is : JUSTICE TO ALL.'S-X. Orders from the country will be prompt ly and carefully filled. my24-ly A. PUTKNHOFKR, HA. J. M. W. HILL, FLA. A. DUTENHOFER & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND m _ ■<; ~m. ■ •: ■ m ■ > (tfommiiSMim fHmttjmte, No. 74 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CEORCIA. June 7th, 1867. 6m To Merchants. W E have on consignment from the Manufac turers, One Case SPRING AND SUMMER enssnißss,, which we tire authorized to sell to good names af F< H R MONTIES, at prices as low as they can be bought in New York The goods can be seen at our store in Quit man, or samples sent oil application. SMITH A* WALKER. June 14, 1867. 20-ts James Roach, 1100 l and Klioe tinker, S’:’. JULIAN STREET, D - 1 wkhakcr Street and Johnson’s Square, Savannah, Georgia. 3 Mil). iy GRIFFIN, BROTHER & CO. GROCERS AND merchants, 105 LOMBARD STREET, Unit iinorc, Mnryliiml. WHOLESALE DEALERS IV BACON, CORN, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, LIQUORS, And Groceries of Even/ Deucription. April 12, 1867. 11-ly STEAM ENGINE For Sale. fill IE undersigned has an EIGHT HOUSE ■ Power Engine for sale, Low. Persons wishing to purchase an Engine suita ble and well adapted for Ginning Cctton, grind ing Wheat, Rye, Corn, and for all other planta tion purposes, would do well to call and examine it forthwith, as he is determined to sell it on the most accommodating terms, to the first person who applies. H. PADGETT. Quitman, June 21, 1867. 21-ts STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 28, 25 6l 27 Broadway, XV. IT. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, rill IE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely JL known to the traveling public. The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men ; it is in close proximity to flu* busi ness part of the city— is on the highway of South ern and Western travel -and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Stevens House has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests— it is well furnished, and pos sesses every modern improvement for the com fort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated, provided with gas and water : the attendance is prompt and re spectful ; and (he table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season, at moderate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and remodeled, we are enabled to offer extra facili ties for the comfort and pleasure of our guests. GEO. K. CHASE A: CO. June 14, 1867. 6m Proprietors. NOTICE. rTHE UNDERSIGNED, having notes out * against me, the considerations for which were negro slaves, now freed. I am determined <o resist the payment of the said notes, and have employed able counsel to test the legality of the question before the Supreme Court of the United States. All persons similarly re quested to unite with me and make<spWinraon defence in resisting the payment of these unjust debts. Address, J. B. STRIPLING, jel 4-lrn No. 5, P. A G. li. U., Fla. Dry Groods. A NICE LOT seasonable Calicoes and Domes tics, at lowest prices. Give us a call. SMITH & WALKER. Quitman, June 11, 1867. 20-ts CORN EXCHANGED FOB WOOL 1 Bacon and all kinds of Dry Goods ex changed for Wool ! 100,000 pound* Wool wanted, For which the highest market prices will be paid by J. K- SMITH & WALKER, Quitman A Oualcjs, or by W. A SMITH «L CO Valdosta, Ga. June 7th. 18t>7. 12- The Groovcrvillc Store! B. F. LINTON 6l CO. BEG leave to call the attention of the public to their large and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Stajrle iiii.l Ifnnov B R Y GOODS, CONSISTING IN I’AllT OF Ozuaburgs, Domestics. French and American Cal icoes, Plain Swiss and Figured Muslins, Bareges. Printed Jaconet and Linen. Linen and Paper Collars and cuffs. Gloves, Hosiery, Balmorals. Hoop Skirts Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Trimmings. Embroideries, Belts. &c. We also offer an elegant assortment of CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE; HARD ir.I RE, TINWARE; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ; CUTLERY, of approved maker*; PA TENT PRESER VE JARS; liRIDLES, SADDLES, ite. We will likewise endeavor to always keep on hand a complete .stock of Groceries, and our convivial friends can be supplied with LIQUORS, SEGARS & TOBACCO. For the afflicted we are likewise prepared to supply their demands with mMm&wm mm. z m and those who are building can be supplied with Paints, Oils, Brushes, Stc. We will also endeavor to keep supplied with a number of the renowned Concord Buggies, and will fill all orders for Latest Patent HORSE HOE, as we are agents for the sale of the same, and which can be seen at work in the neighborhood. Our facilities for furnishing supplies to our planting friends are unsurpassed, and we offer favorable facilities where we are well secured. We cordially invite the attention of the public to our stock, satisfied that we can suit them in any character of article need; for we make it a rule to keep everything that can be found in any store in the State, and pledge ourselves to sell at as low prices as any house in this section. Grooverville, May 10. 1867. 15-ly JOHN M. RAYSOR, DEALER IN General Merchants, i*roorereille, LVf., HAS now on hand a very neat and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which will lie sold on very reasonable terms. His stock cmbiaces Dress Goods, Domestics, Notions Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, Crockery, Hardware-, Ac,, A general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, and almost everything required by the people of this section. lie most respectfully invites his friends and the public to give him a call, and examine and price his goods before purchasing elsewhere, as lie is determined to sell as low as anybody. Grooverville, May 31, 1867. 18-ts A. EINSTEIN. K. 11. KCKMAN. EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, Imporlrrs anil Dealers In and Domestic DRY GOODS, ■ .. m « Z White Goods, Hosiery, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS, CLOTHING, AND (louts ami Shoes, 151 and 163 Congress st., SAVANNAH, GEO. April 19, 1867. 3m If. A. FALMKH. ,T. 11. HKITISII. PALMER & REPPiSH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARD WARE, CUTLERY, FILES, EDGE TOOLS, Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps, Agricultural Implements, 148 Congress and <>7 St. Julian Streets SAVANNAH; GEORGIA November 16, 1866. 3i-Gm HENRY MEIN HARD. ISAAC M KIN HARD. Meinhard Bi o’s & Cos. DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Mats, Grill lemon’s Furnishing Goods, Ac. No. 100 Itiynn and 72 St. Julian Sts., SA VANN AH, GEORGIA. August 17, ly T. BROWN, WHOLES A J.K AM* RETAIL DEALER IN (.entlcmcn’s and Boys’ CLOTHING. Furnishing Goods, Hat*, Cap*, Root*, Shoe*, Umbrellas, <fr IN'o. l»w Bryan St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. May 24, 1887. 3m ICE! ICE! ICE! WHOLESALE and retail at the old RLHERO ICE HOUSE, Congress street Lane, be tween Bull and Whitaker, Savannah. Orders from the country, accomplisied by re mittances, promptly attended to and particular attention given to packing, my24-3in* JAS. J. MtGOWAN. Will. .1. JlGlinu^liliii, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN NIB DRUB ID DDR UK Corn et Broughton and Bull Sts-. (Over Hillsmau‘B DrugSioro,) S A V A N A N U GEORGIA I February 22, !Sti7. 16 QUITMAN Carriage Repository mmmmmL 11. PADGETT rp.VKKS pleasure in saying to the citizens of L Quitman ami aurrotiudlng country that he law resumed his former position, us Manager ol his Carriage and Wagon Shop, and is now pre pared with woj’kmoN to furnish work at reasonn ble prices, and to serve the people in his line t< the best of his Ability. lie has now likewise in successful operation t imvist .Will, and will grind o\*ery Tuesday and Saturday forth* public, ami keep constantly on hand a supply ot Meal and Grits to Sell, or by contract will fur nish such quantities as parties may need at theii own houses. In connection with his Carriage and Mill busi ness, he is now prepured to Plain Lumber, Furnish Moulding for any k ind of vvrk' t make Sash , Doors or Blinds, Carriage or Wagon Spokes, and do a variety of other work. Parties wishing anything in his line, are re spectfuUy solicited to give him a share of theii patronage. Terms, Cash. If. PADGETT. Quitman, Geo., January 25, 1867. ly SHRIINTO A IV D SUM Mil STOCK. Culpeper, Crcccli & C., RESPECTFULLY notify their friends and tin public generally, that they have received their Spring and Summer Ol Merchandize of every description, embracing all paterns, styles and qualities of MDU’S' Nil® I,'IIOIIS, DOMES llifi MOTIONS, it Ladies’ and Gents’ Hats and Cups, Boots and Shoes, and everything generally kept in a Dry Goods Store. Also a very complete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES HARDWARE, ETC. ®o**Tboy tender their sincere thanks to their friends for the patronage ft' liberally extended, and solicit a continuance of the same. We are prepared to sell at Tint Very Lowest Prices. Quitman, April 1!), 18U7. 12-ts JAMES B. FINCH, QUITMAN, GA., EAS just, received and opened a large and complete assortment of SPRING & SUMMER DRY GOODS* READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND; SHOES, Gents and Ladies Hats &c. Also, a general stock of Family Grooerics, FLOUR, TOBACCO & COFFEE. Hu aUo has on hand a good supply of Hardware, Crockery, Glaxswore, Tin ware, Domestic*, Yarn*, Saddle*, Bridle*, de. Did ens'kimrrß and purchasers gonorally arc respectfully invited to call and examine for them selves, before pun-hasing elsewhere. March 2Utb, iBU7. Jy AGENCY OFFICE HE people of Southern Georgia and Middle I Florida are hereby informed that lam pre pared to furnish Railroad and Farm Hands at short notice and on reasonable terms ; and also Rent Lands and Houses to parties desiring to locate among them. Ofllce : On Bryan Street, Ori’O.SITB TIJK I'LANTKKS’ BANK, Savannah, Geo. my24-3m I. If BIIYANT. J. K. I'KLOT. J. V. TUCK Kit. A. K. WRIGHT PIiLOT, Til kill & ll RlfillT, Cotton Factors, A * D LUMBER & TIMBER MERCHANTS, 177 Bay street, BAV AN NAIL (7 EURGI A. solicited, and will also sell Wool. Hides and other Produce. for supplies promptly filled. March 8,1887. (im Postponed Administrator’s Sale BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Coffee county. Georgia, will be sold on the First Tuesday in August. 1807. at the Court House door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land in said county whereon David Adams resided at the time of bis death, contain trg 220 acres, mor» or less. Bold for the benefit of heirs and creditors of David Adams, late of said county, deceased. Terms will be made known on day of sale. Willaba Adams. Adin’x. ! Juue 17tb. 1367. 22-Ido gfroitouMttl d ante, .lames J>. Moseley OFFERS his aerviem to the public generally as Collecting Attorney aud Agent for tb© Sale of Real Entttft*/ 4T Room, at the Ruhlinhi/ig esfaMiflhfncnt of the “Quitman Banner,'’ over Culpepper, Crtfecb <fc Co’s store. Quitman, Feb. 1, 1967. 1-ts IOIIN u. -M’UAI/1.. lx*. H/ lILN-rKM# HUNTER A McCALL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, QUITMAN, GKO. JitrtUßfy 2U, 18U7. 1 Jy ■VM. A. IiANK. WM. B. BCN.VtT, BENNET & LANE, TJttonirns nt fitfo anb IIN OHANOKBY. QCITMaN, 811-fW.I COVHTY, UKUIKiIA y*f>- (JlfliTu hi the C'cntrt House, FVbruury 1,18 W. if William L. Evanw, Jttoritn) itnb Counselor nt Jnto, WARKSBORO’, GEORGIA, YTUU. give prompt attention to all bttWneM VV entrusted to his care In the Brunswick Glrcuit. lehl7-Iy S. T. KINGSBEUY, Ytlornetj anb Counselor at Jase, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, J)ffice, in the Building next to J. 8. Cnmmings.) Will practice in th<* Southern Circuit, in the-, counties of Decatur in the .South-western, Clinch™ in the Brunswick, and Hamilton, Madison and Jefferson in the Middle Circuit of Florida, January iB, 1867. ly fitch & POPE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Xiaw, OFFICE m BAY STREET, SAVANNAH GEO. Henry S. Fitch. J. J. I’ol‘K. U. S. Attorney. Special attention given to Gases in Admi ralty and in Equity. July 13, 1866. ‘ lv MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. J. M. MADDEN, OF FLOItiDA, HEREBY notifies the citizens of Bfooks comi ty. Georgia, that lie has located at OKA- I*II.CO. for the practice of his profession. Medi cine and Surgery, and wilt be pleased to wait upon all requiring medical aasistanon. The best of references furnished on application, Y=MuOftice : At Mr. J. Muriow'd store. May 31, 1867. 18-ts Dr. E. A. JELKS, QUITMAN, GEO,, r> LSUFCTFITiiLY asks the patronage of th« ki citizens ol Quitman and surrounding cotfn ry. (j an 20-ts U. VAN GIESEN, DENTIS TANARUS, STOCKTON, NO. 13, A. & G. R. R. (Formerly Drs. McDonald Van Olesoti, Macon.) RESPECTFULLY offers \m services to the i citi/.»‘iirt of Clinch and surrounding coun ties, in all branches of the profession. Will visit Quitman or any other point requested. ItEFKIiENCK.S : J. P, Smith, ’ll. I). Macon, Georgia. (’apt. B. F. Moseley, Valdosta,Georgia. J. G. Moons Valdosta, Georgia. Dr. H. Briggs and Mr. .l l>. < 'liarl tort. Valdosta, Rev. (7. L. Smith, D, D„ ficliofs county, Geo. Capt. J. M ulls. Valdosta, Georgia. Capt. C, C. Williams, Lowndes county, Geo . W. J. Mabry, Valdosta, Georgia. March 1, 1867. 6-ts SAVE YOUR TEKTffT To the Citizens af Quitman a<id Vicinity / LEASE be informed that I have permanently bleated in your beautiful town, f»r the practice of ' my profession. All work warranted except ad vanced decays. Teeth with small decay-, warranted from five to fifteen years, except from negligence, the teeth have been permitted to de cay in other parts, or injured fr«m» Wows. Surgical operations performed with but litfie pain. Irregular teeth put in proper position. Tooth ache cured, as well as all diseases that the teeth and month are subject to. Particular « f tentiofi called to my skill iu extracting teeth and stumps. PUN E FOB DFATIL WORR. Artificial Teeth, on rubber, full set.. . .SIOO 00 ** “ *♦ gold, full set.. .Fluctuating. “ “ “ pivot, per tooth, $2 to ss.*n» Fillings—gold 1 to 20.w M “ silver 2.00 Cleaning Teeth .53.00 to 10 »'» 1 may be found at my office at all hours dur ing wink days. Office-room : On the corner above Mr. Samuel Graves’ carriage shop. Notice sign. ap.Vfy* M. L. BATTLE, T>. D. S. SHJWTISTRIf. DR. D . 1.. RICKS, nAVfNG located at Quitman. Geo., resper* fully oilers liis services to ihe citizens J Qiiitimift nnd Hiirromtding country, in the prac tice of Dental Snrgury. Octs-l> DRUG STORE. QUITMAN. o^o. rjTHE mnlersipiiPd bus just ff'- I. f'rivr'i r Lurgc Jyjt of Family JTcdlclu? Fat cut Me Irffltr, l»ye Stirffii, KEROSINE OIL, ROCK POTASH, AND FANCY SOAPS. irS-Torum Reasonable. •J. 11 3rcCAT.L. March 8.18U7. ti-ts W. £. BARNES, Watch Maker and dewel.&T, QCITMAN. GEORGIA. CN LOCKS, Watches and every descrip J tion 1 of Jewtdry repaired promptly /jL-yfo neatly and satisfactorily. s&BB'-.. tJ*" He mty he found at >lf. Finch’s store. Ft brrhiry 22, iB6O. ly Fisk’s Metalic Burial Cases. ALL Frees kept constantly on hand at tbe stof of .1. T. Budd. Monticello. and C. H. Ffnitt'' store, MutHson, Florida. Also, ttn asnortmiu is constantly kept at the store of M. S. MclN TOSH, Ooitmaii. Ga. MhOnsh on delivery. T. AW. A. W. SIMMONS, Agcn DecfTrlter It, tsMi t tn The (tuitiiiaii Hotel. MRS, M c!N.TO SHI NOTIFIES the public that she continues the Ihrfrl bnsttiVtsis at her old homie, on thc Fuhlk Square ; where will endeavor to make guests feed at home. IW table is aupjdied with the best the market affords, ami charges moderate. June 11, 1867. 2P-If Intelligence Office. fTTIiIE Milyseriber has opened an Office of the .M. above character, aud will hire hands for Faring ox* IIon«e ftfervcilt*- Office ia the rear of Custom House, Bay Lane. Savannah, f»a. Patronage solicited. R. J. COCBRA2L Juue 2*, 1867, 21-5 t Fillings—gold saw Ac.