The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 09, 1867, Image 4
BLAIS & BICKFORD, DEALERS IK TIMBER AND LUMBER, Doors, SASH, BLINDS, wroxxuDiwo*, BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, &C. 203 Buy Street, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. OnliiH filled Promptly. March 1. IWw. *>*B JOHN OLIVER, House k Si<fn Painter, GILDER AND GLAZIER, No, II IVliMakor Si Savannah Bn. [tUCAI.KR I V HUB DOORS. 115, llfillCS. PUITHf OILS, LL4SS, PI TTY, Ai i :V and Glaziers’ Material. Mixed V.xhiU .if all Colow•«*» *Jmdc». Murl» J . )**7. lv Thos. W. Sliea, House, Sign and Decorative Painter, Gilder, Gminer and Glazier, rnati.KSAi.K ax a iiktaji. hkai.rh ix SASIC, S3.MBS, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &(!. All kind* of Painters'Toole, White I.ead, Oils, .Mixed Paint*, lilns--. Putty. Whitewash and other BlWabea, Paper Hang- Ing* and h ire IJearil Print*, ,Sl. Julian Sh ed, old Stiiml of John U. he.U'jewt , SAVANNAH, GKO July 13,1869. ly S. S. MILLER, DEALER IN HlAHOan, WftLRUT ANI> Pl\K FRENCH AND COTTAGE ffIMSMMIIffIS. hlattraßsen made to Order No. 157 street, SAVANNAH .....GKO. February !, 1*67. ly A. J. MILLER & CO., TURWITURE WAItE 110 USE, 138 B&WGIJTON BTKEET, SAVANNAH OEO. New Work made to Order. Dcpuiring. 801 l flanging. Mattress making and LpholsUiring at short nutlet*. February 1. 1567. ly Home Manufactory. (Established in 183!.) JOHN E. HERNANDEZ, MANUFACTURER And Whufepalo and IB'tail Dealer in CADDIES, .Confectionery, Cordials, Syrups, Preserves, Fancy Articles, TOYS, efC. el'a IK) Uroiijfliton st., 2d door from Hal liard, Savannah, Georgia April r>. 1 Ki‘>7. am M. FITZGERALD, .HAM K W'l'l IIEK, AND WHOI.KRAI.E k RETAIL DEALER IV CABBIES, CGBBULS Syrups, FIM OOMIIffiRiUC., AT LOW I’KIOES. WHITAKER STREET, But Boor from Congress, Savaimali, (in. tesSr’Gumiiry' Orders Solicited. Mari'li I. 18«7 ' lv B. L. IUKIUKII. n. B. tKlOill.t. A. U. WKSSOUm'SKV. | GUERARD, FERRILL & CO., | Cotton Factors A X D Central Commission Ulcrcjants, Bay* Street, S a van n Art, Geo. “lITILL sell on commission. Cotton. Timber. W Produce aud Merchandize. ( hmsignmeuts olieited. ViVn we will ship cotton to j our friends in New York ami Liverpool, making Sberul advances on the name* rkkkrkvj'Ks : Roberts, Habershani/V. Son, Savannah, Ga. j Geo. JV. Anderson, *lo. Anthony Porter, do. Hunter & Gammed, o°* John L. Yilialonga, do. T 4vwin & Hardee. do. Governor 1). S. Walker, Tallahassee, Fla. J. A. Hull. do# William U. IVttes. do. Ex-Gov. A. K Allison, Quincy, Fla. Savage A Haile. Gainsville. 11 a. Samuel Bwan. Jacksonville. Fla. V. O. Barnard. Jacksonville. Fin. Jul> 15. 18U<». lv j LIVERY AM) Qfißl 6^100,10, T. ,r. I.l\ INOSTO.V n.\vrxn purchased Bl Mr. Jus. JFIT-SL K. \ 'Ming the Livery ] l( ri!ding in yurtiuan. I.a* supplied w ■ w thn shir*'* with a choice let "I Ibn an J V elite!'**, attnl ip lime prepared to •» ; l ml" "tale tin* public ■.riiii Hut** -mu llugei-J* * yt-nwonalilo liotc*. ConeAranec* wi.h -""fu! did’-rs. furnish.-d to ler* to eomrej tbra to any portion of ti e coiMUrv. __ “it.' car.-.' f.r. by the day or JfiM . ,1. ’ . kNI If' 1 * Wf mjjf iHiMA W Jfcßi HOUSE; llH#* 1 "SLUnWII fctJjMK® Hill!* Savannah, Georgia. rpin« First flan* Hotel having been renovated u and newly Furnished throughout, in now second to none In the South. GEO. McGINLY, PROPRIETOR November 2, 18C6. 42-ts PAVILION HOTEL. D C NOE, Proprietor. Corner if Hull and South lirond Streets, Hnvrinnnli, Georglii. H AVING taken Iho above Hotel, which ino recently been refitted and refurnished throughout. the Proprietor ran Maura Iho public that he i« a* well prepared to enter to their want, as any Hofei in Ihr Stale. His table will nfwa\> he supplied with the ljest the market afford. and no jialn* will he spared to give entire xiitbdne tfon Transient Hoard . «•( an.l.. r . Permanent Hoard ft 13.00 per week. A share of palion-tee is solicited. February 22, 1867. 4-ts MARSHALL HOUSE, WIOUGIITON STREET, SAVANNAH,GEORGIA. rrltns w»l ehoH Hotel has been __ JL. remodeled anti newly refur- ■To* nished and put In perfect order |ra| • * 1 Jr throughout. The traveling lmhliejjßp I II rimy rest assured they will fln.l&l esp&iii comfortable accommodations at thl* House. A. IS. I.t'CK, Proprietor. February 22, 1K67. ly OUR HOUSE DIHHtfC* ROOMS. Hiivnnunli. CJeoegiti. rJNItI'I undersigned having leased the above I favorite establishment, mid having refitted and refurnished it throughout in the most elegant manner, would Inform the public that it is now open for the Reception of Guests. The present Proprietor will uparo Ito pains to maintain the character it lias always enjoyed as being one ol the best of the Klrst-Glass Eating llons m nl the country, amt those who favor him with their patronage may be assured that nothing will lie left undone to secure the comfort and satisfac lion of ids guests. HOARDERS will he taken by the week or day atn moderate charge. Nov lli, 186(1. 11-ls K. 11. KIIH.IN. WM. WIItTK. OEO. 0. MIXER, CHARLESTON HOTEL, <imrl<‘*t»>i, S. WHITE & MIXER, govT-flm PHOPSIBTOBS. • BROWN’S ol.l> KHTAHI.IHMKD PHOTOGRAPH AND OIBROTYI'IS 01LLE1Y, 72 St. Julian Street MARKET SQUAItK, Savannah, Georgia. mills OBtnWishment, the largest and finest in .JL. tin* city, is open at all times for the recep tion of visitors. Our facilities for the production of llrst class Carts de Vlnite. Ambrotypes and Porcelain Fic turcH, U unrivalled. iSriFAtl Pictures known to the art. are made x\ this Gallery, irom the smallest,lninaturo tojife size. .Kvery kind of plcturo cnpli'it with ease ami dispatch. |{. II BROWN, March 15. 18117. (i ll) I‘hotogroph Artist. Bolshaw Sc Silva, WIIOLKrt.YLK AND HKT.YIT. DKAT.KHS IN CHOGKKRY, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, KEROSENE LAMPS House Furnishing Goods, &C., EG., EG. 68 St. Julian and 101 Bryan Streets, (Next door to the cor. of Whittaker.) ,x,t r.1.V.V.1// GEORGIA. July J.H. IMitl. lv SAVANNAH MUSEUM, Situated on Ciiippcway Square, CONTAINING DIMS. BIRDS, REPTILES, MINERALS, SHELLS, AND OTHER CURIOSITIES, Open Hally, (Sundays exempted) from 0 a. in. to 9. p. in. Admission : 25 cents ; Children under 8 years 20 cents. riIHODOU K>, Proprietor. March 1, 18(17. <ni 11. ii. KU WE, WnOLKSAI.K DEALER IN Foreign and Jlomcstic Xaquors VTines <'fpY/or«, CJroeeriV.*, Ale and L(1 Johnson Square, cor. St. Julian and Bryan streets, OIMNISITK ITI.ASKI HOI SK, SM r.i.v.v.i/f geo Agent lur A. M. ltinninger .V Co.'s celebnie.l l iquors, and agent for_\\ orcestcndiire and Club Sauce. sopt'.’l-ly V ALI AHLE PLANTATION 12-'Gt SBS .«o> ~ a 3,500 Acres of Land! ' rr. cootvinlng 3.54t*j uori*a. is cmiju isml ■in I hot- Nqi I!)'- It'7, Id-*'. 1 I- - -'Jo, 204, 2«J. j ail iuoiw body. . '...-pt No. UK. V.'iv •• t atrrs of thi* land audit fruev, ol v. I." * -U-. ■ ■ • uV'iit one btuulred i acres, has own no ...' cult rauuii more limn three ' wars. Tin'll' are houses enough for 200 negroes. ! ample hum.-. a small Dwelling Hou*e, ami out ' buiid*Hij>. ~od » large dwelling house uot jet : c<im:'’- ; .'d. The till.'* «".• iiß-limoird. T*',. i. »,**< \ i-- nu'-red on eXl'X’dlcgty ee-y ....... ' . ' ...... C. | VM. A • \ N'T ‘a (I*. IWh-S ts W. M. WALSH, Wholesale Druggist, Stnilli-I itsi corner Broughton an:l flurnurd streets, Savannah , - Georgia. * OtI’OItTEIW AND DEALERS IN’ a> 3i ui® 3 9 CHEMICALS, PEIU U.UEUV, ETC, TR USSRS, BUR QIC A L INSTR UMWTS, Fain is. Oils, Varnish, Turpentine, Brushes, Every Variety of Window Glass. Fieiicb and German l'late, Stained, Cut and Sky Glass. single and double tli ckae Putty, Ac. W. N. Yalleau, late of Thomasville, Mpooinl MaloHviifin f ft-Good# wlff lift sold on ns reasonable term* as they can be pitrehe. -“d South, and an tion will sustain this assertion. Orders by mail promptly and carefully Oiled. novJl, ' (m DIRECT IMPORTATION I rjAUR Httlmcribcrs would invite the attention of Dealers to their Extensive stock DRUGS, MEDICINES, -—A IST H» FANCY GOODS, 111 of whlch'have been received by Recent Arrivals Direct from Kuirope. The arrangements are now perfected for receiving additional supplies. Their desire is to make this market equal to any in the country. A large ami general assortment of G-AHDEN SEEDS Always on hand. Ovdftfsr will bfi attchdcl to with dispatch. A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., DRUGGISTS, Market Square, Savannah, Geo. December 21, 1860. 4»- 1867. SPRING- TRADE. 1867. ’ Presents to the Attention of ® o * n^r y Merchants, PHYSICIANS ANO PLANTERS, f W. W. LINCOLN, g| b- wj ea JEB DRUGGIST & CHEMIST. |L SAVANNAH. J Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Potash, &c. Al.h TV lift’ll HE OFFEUS. OJJ THE MOST FAVOUAULE TERMS, At corner of Bull and Congress streets, Monument Square, - - - Savannah, Geo. April 19, 1867. I-'- *. L. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Would call attention to his well selected Stock of SADDLES, PLAIN AND 3F’aG*lbrO'sr ; mmn & ©iiina©! EaAi0 r oiooo o ROAD, WAGON, STAGE AND SINGLE WAGON HARNESS. ALSO, A I.AItGB STOCK OP BRIDLES, COLLARS, NAMES, TRACES, And Other articles usually kept in the business. Also, a fine assortment of Trunks, Valises, Carpet !?ags, &c. February 22, 18(57. ALMOST--NOT QUITE, ANYTHING & EVERYTHING AT PERHA 3VE ’ IS VARIETY STORE CO MR ANO SRR, the New Good*, and especially do we invite your attention to the NEW PRICES, ami don't forget to bring the Greenbacks, for by so doing yon can save money. 1 am now n-vcivmg. aftd will keep constantly on hand, ail varieties and grades of Prints, bareges. Printed and Plain Lawn*. Jaconets. Organdie.. Chauibrios, Ginghams. Fmnitui'e Calicoes, Bnllnints and other Dress Goods with French names. TafttUv «ml Bonnet Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons. Bugle Trimmings, Silk Trimmings. Plain and Fancy Belts, in great variety ; Ladles Paper and l.mbix i !• ered Collars ; Mz. Ambique Shawletles, Basques. Sacks and Mantles ; Bodice Muslin. Swiss do.. Jacortet do Nainsook . Swiss ami Jaconet Embroideries. Dimity, Swiss and Jaconet Bands : Blonde Lace. Crape Collars. L. C. lldkfs. Gloves. Milks and Gauntlets in great profusion ; I ans and Parasols, and a thousand ami one other articles in this line, which I will show you when you come to see me. _ HATS! HATS! A sptomliil lino of I .mb . (ii'nts, Youths and Cliiklren'* llats. To my stock of Ladio* and Mi-ses llals cspcc'iallv do I invtto your attention. GXaOTHirJG. A large and splendid stock of Gents' Spring and Summer Glothmg. which 1 will sell cheaper than the Jews on Chatham street, New York, for Greenbacks. Hardware, Cutlery, Italter Chains. Pad Lock*. Kim Locks, Stock T.ocks. Plato Lock*. Ch. taxis, f abbuard Locks. Spurs. Bridle But*. Plane Hitt*. Kish Hooks and Lines. Strop Hi re-ex, all *ir.cs. Lm: hm;-c*. Hand pita's. Foot Ad/s Draw Knives. Club a.x. s. chon axes. Hatches. Wagon boxes. I.eai'-hook*. Ham mers. Oil-atoncs, GrliHl-stoni *. - iml-stom--. *pr ; balances. G. U cap*, it. 1 . caps. l.un-«bipci - cun Hints, 1-ck*. 1 ottblc an. Lia.: Id.(inns and Cistol* 11. S. handle*, pin haiKn-*. scr. » driven* screw wrenches, doorbolt^.» e.gobolt<. 6le> of hll screws, fry pans, cuice pans. u»v Kettle* chisels knives ami forks, mw ket knives, dng coIUYr e-vidV-ttficks. I ■-A and festeninp*. rod-irons. pUntcro* hoc*, a..' a.- hoc. trace. - -row ,and 1 squares, trowels, spirit luvol* gioitdiiti.'"'vil*. him-, pi'" !:()>•.*. Ac •I-- iinvifs. Tone*, our Indl*. stlmp iron* aadiron*. counter seal. -, shoo knives, *h m '‘-••r - loots, u. S nails, wrought n.'i'..-. Not to be !>•*•' -*. I will say ’.h it 1 ' >c a tar -.- stock I Lo-rdua).-. kjuki-e Notions and Toys I fiii-a (.ciMi- n great a ainl..: Tin \V ji «••• .on * a ’’l I ■ l ■' '-mo. Ciwlior, *!’ '•> a 1 l AV - ;;l '■ Hoots ' no. -s » n " V. ,T ■ W, '.'O IV O <!• ■. o o- ■ A**.., v"rv aix'omi'Hxiatriu: Ci'-rK*. a* ■■ a* not '’ 'k ' any *fs■-A»t.* to -how goods. ii , \! . . V, .t> ,i Ko. \ a- . , ..Y- i- •> I* I'liKH'AI 1867. 1867. DEWITT & MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in sons he rasa ®r oook 137 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia, Have J ust Opened their MMM & MMMM STOCK. .Yeir t*ood.\ h»f Every Nteetmer• Ladies’ Dress Goods in all the Newest Styles: Sheetings, Slilrtings, Linens nnd everything wanted in House-keeping ; White Goods, Hosiery, and Small Wares in endless variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. ALT, OUR STOCK IS NEW AND JEST BOUGHT AT THE REDUCED PRICES. DEWITT Sl MORGAN. Man h 22, 1867. -Im COME AND SEE! STEVENS & ROUNTREE ABE NOW DECEIVING A LARGE STOCK OK SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which have been bought for Ciwli, and will be sold for a small profit. Judge Hudson "ill take jdeasoro in waiting on his friend*. grtr We feel thankful for the liberal patronage we have received, and ask ntinmuicc of the same. March 8, 1807. ly SHUNS STOCK, J. R. EDMONDSON Having recently returned from the Eastern Markets, offers the public the most complete and CHEAPEST STOCK OF jSPRING AND SOMMER GOODS Ever brought to Quitman, it consist* of a very lar-- stock of < iOO«l«, *nch a* 1 ~wn* Organdie* Itareges. Slozentiiques. Cal: ; ami m the line Wfl’.te Goods, -m exSve of Swiss Nainsimk. Mat. \ln-lin Linen*. Jae. net*. Brlllmnl*. and every.lung. imsi iSijkiDia x)3»<D'*riiaa«9 Ladies’, Gents’ an,l Ciiiidrcn's Hats, Shoes ami Boots, ail kinds, and at prices very near corresponding with tho*e before the v. ,ir. Also, ahe assortin'nl ol ..II ki " KTOTION^, Snell a.* Dress Trimming*. Buttons. Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Umbrellas, Gloves, and everything disc needed. My stock of HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, (TTI.KRY, SADDLERY, YARNS Wood ware, etc., etc ,is eon.isl.-o- in ev.-j n .rt ■' } v, i . nuui on accommodating terms to approved puic.u.-t - ""i5,060 POUNDS OF BACON. I Having selected these Good.* with great care, and a desire to meet the want* of all classes of persons. 1 feel sanguine that the most fastidious can be accommodated and ph.i*, l. and to OeteOzL Buyers ! CROOVER't:U ! 'be l pi-. : I to see and V.aiton hi- Mends at .hi* '"’S. All persons will do well to call and examine my stock before buying elsewhere a pleasure to show goods. Quitman, April ID. 1867. u J.W.STALNAKER&CO. loimivsiov milieuors. AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods* Grooeries, £\QO OIOIQ QiIIMDnaB QUITiVIAN, GEORGIA. References r Brigham, &Cos., Savannah. D. IL Bauiwix, New York. Fi xvii, Mf.ixc’KK Sc Wkx-dt, New York. Onr slock of Dry Goods I* complete in every particular, and we will endeavor to keep Keep Supplied with Everything Needed hr ,1,0 people or this section of country, and on the best terms possible ’ c- Tw most respectfully solicit a share ot the patronage ot the public. May 17. 1.".7. ‘ ; ' lf ’ THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. At 116 Rroughton Street, SAVANNAH, EO, I The attention of U,e Ladiesi* caUcd to our New Sewing Machine, which has just been issuedfor H 7'-m V ■ « *■ H _ . ~ , „ ,<1 : , o,, t i lb‘Tvi'*r work Bum any Machine iu rtjbes no equal It uses a finernccdb-. aml "i.l do ■ »ner an.i u , ■ , , , v , ow I use, with perfect devises for Hemming. Felling. Ruffling. Cording., Ac. t*.. and -ec now SIMPLE AND EASY to learn tlie Use of it. rfl-Ttie Singer Button Hole Machine works admirably. Silk Thread, N^ k T’ “‘ l 0,1 a Jon hand. Sewing Machines cleaned ami Ji'^yLe\\ r.ener.ii' Agent tor Georgia and Florida. T tOS PS.3BS 03P TKS SOUTH, : Made from the Date at Corded Wire, which is a newprece** "hend-y jia with the wire— making a durabU su u avoided. >v u «'<]. j cess the unsighUy and uiuvltable uietaiK ; ori ] ol> Jl- Trade furnished j Inm now prepared to make the abote u. a.?< • j[ \\VLEY. 116 Broughton st., (up-staire.) Rt list prices. ' 1 —■ : 11. w. Mbbckr. B- c - Axdkrsox, .Tu. Tlereor A. Anderson, bankers and Com in issimt C TF< rr.’rrrn ?s lice No. lOStodd-Ws l*pi-r Hai'.re. Bay Bt.. SAV \NX Ail, 80. IN ISCUAN-E. I v ENEL : K\i W«‘\EY xC. ' r>n x*^mm’ c -!i'n. Ahv Sn*. <'’•'* •' • > wlcr.illv- C“Beci pai • and xlu.Lc pn»n:] t July id l-^ Common Sense FAMILY SEWiNG MACHINE mHF. a designedhcrebv informs the L Brvoks and the adjoining counties, that he : s y.-ont fir the sate of thi- valuable machine, j, i . ~,,. ,j,,, ,i K , ,vants and ucco—itic* of the w u - .ye nun o lime and labor. | l will deliver them at your house for Twenty ! I),.; r* wilt: ereivt! ini* complete-four needles. I "’Tf not eonvomeio appUcsUon :i„ (■:.;■ i. J. I- Mo-et.-y. in -ad 1 w:i. ftgal llotitcs. llrookiSi f 1 KolLtriA. liroofes County.—To all co»ci*ru«*d: VIT \\ bi-Ttiis. Jaiiit-s King and T. .S. T. Knigbt Executors of Nancy King, apply to this court for Letters of Hisinis.don as such Kx ecu tone This is therefore to cite and admonish the parties at interest to file their objections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be issued and granted to the said applicants. In testimony, witness. Ac., this Mar. t>tli, 186 T March 15-tim J. (i. McCALL, o. b. v, Georgia, Brooka County: Whkuk.vh, Charles and Martin Knight, admin is trators of Tarlton Knight, apply to this coftl for Letters of Dismission ;uj such atlunnjstrators. These are therefore to cite and admonish all par ties at interest to file their objections within the time prescribcnl by law. otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. Wiuies* my hand and official signature. J. G. MoCai.l, Ordinary: January 1. IW7. On Gewjia, Hrookx County. ■WTJTIIER HAS. John W. Dukes, administrator ff de bonis non of Estate of E. C. Dukes, lute of said county, deceased, make* application to me for letters of dismission. O'hese are therefore to cite all parties at inter est to file their objections within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted to said applicant. J. G. McCall, Ordinary. January 11, 1867. fm ft TATE OF GEORGIA, Brooks county. Jj Whereas, Jftdge Isaac Johnson, administra tor of Elizabeth Oilitr. late of said county, de ceased, makes application to me for letters of dffi mission. These are therefore to cite all parties a* inter est to file their objections within the tin* pre scribed Gy law. othortodtfo letters of dismission w ill bu granted to sard applicant J. U. McCall, Ordinary.’ January 18, 1867. 6m Oeorgiit, Hewtles Ceeunfy, Whkbk.,*, W. J. I’n'rick, administrator of Hen ry Singleton, applies to lhi* court for Letters of dismission ns such administrator. These are therefore to cite and admonish the parties at in t*Test to file their ulijectioos within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise said letters will be issued to the applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, J. G. McCall, Ordinary. January Ist, 1867. 6m (TEOIKiIA, IJkik.ks Coi.txtt,—Whereas, H Mrs. K. Williams Administratrix of the es tate of jas. Williams, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said administration. These are therefore to notify all parties at in terest to file their objections, within the time pres ent)' and by law, otherwise said letters will be granted and issued to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Ord’y. April 1, 1867. 6m (1 EOKGIA, 111 '.s-t A vri . Whereas. Henry J O'Neal, Executor of the Estate of M. G. Yates, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis missiou from said adnliiustratioil. Tlmw are therefore to notify all parties at in ter. i (■. file their objections, within the time prescribed by law. otherwise said letters will he granted and issued to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, 0. B. C. May 10,1867 . 6m (lEOHGIA. Ilnec.Ks Cointv. Whereas B. 11. XManin, Es<|.. Executor of Charles ltizer,de- CI ssed. has filed his petition in due farm of law, praying the Court to allow him to resign his trust as such executor, having nominated J. M. I'atter son as Lis successor. These are therefore to no tify all person* at interest, to file their objections w ithin the time prescribed by law, otherwise the prayer of said,petitioner will be granted. Ju testimony whereof I hereunto affix my official signature, this the Ist dav of May, 1867. j;,.i iu J. G. Met'all, 0. B. C. ( TKOKGIA, BROOKS COUNTY.—To all W whom it may concern: Whereas, Nancy Kainev, Administrotrix of L. IS. Rainey, deceased, makes’application for Letters of Dismission from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties at interest to tile their objections within the time prescribed by law,otherwise said letters will tie granted the applicant. In tfstimnny itn- •my lUtlld ana Seal Ol 01* fiee. this May 20th, 18(>7. my24-()ia J G. McCALL, Ordinary. C 1 EOIIGLV, ill cooks County.—Whereas, Wiliia yC Hull. Adurr do bonis non estate John Cook, deceased, applies to me lor letters of Dismission Irani his administration of said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the parties at interest to tile their objections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be granted to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. June 2t\ 1866. 6m Georgia, Brooks county. Whereas. Joseph Yates, administrator of Jo nah Yates, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the administration of said es tate. These at* therefore to cite nnd admonish all parties interested to file their objections with in the time prescribed by law. otherwise said let ters will be granted the applicant. June 2*. I MiG. Uni J. G- MqCai.f., o. v. v. COFFKE. Slate of Georgia, Coffee County. Ur HER HAS. M. J. Kirkland, Administrator of Havis Kirkiaml. represents to the Court, in his petition duly filed and recorded, that he has fully administered Havis Kirkland’s estate. This is therefore to cite nil persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not i»e discharged trom his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in August, 1807. DANIEL LOTT, Ordinary. February 3, 1867. 6m State of Georgia, Coffee County. TTTHEREAS Elisha Lott, administrator of \Y Mark Lott and David Lott, represents to the Court, in his petition duly filed and enter ed on record that he has fully administered Mark Lott’s and David Lott’s estates. This is there fore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from the said administration, and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in August. 1867. DANIEL LOTT, Ordinary. February 3.1867. 6m LovHi iV La Hi more, M INTFACTCKEIKS OF PLAIN TIN WARE, AND DF.At.ESS IX Japanned, Planished and Stamped Tin Ware*, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, <tovi’s, Sheet Iron, Ttri Plates, Lead, Brooms, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, HOLLOW WARE, &C., &0. Crockery and Glassware ; j Water Coolers and Filters, ICE PITCHERS AND REFRIGERATORS. And in connection with the above, we have in Store every variety of COS'OMS STB® and ranges, TV’ih ai! the fixtures ready for immediate use*- TV- ,- wves are neat and simple in appearance with large flue* of extra thickness andweight- Will be sold at reasonable prices. Orders toi Stoves promptly d to. No. 1.55 and 157 Congress St*/ SAVANNAH. GEO. \hv 44b. 18‘-T. - A.S. HARTRIDGE, Commission and lomaiding merchant, X <l* ]» \ V STREET,’ savannah, ga ' • ",;uu . v ie U*