The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, July 03, 1868, Image 3
fjew Notice. TIIOMASVILI4E. GA., June 30, 1868. SSL. I will be iu Quitman tor the purpose of making Revenue Assessments on the 10th and 11th of July. All parties desiring blanks can get them at the office of 11. F. Mauuktt, Deputy Collector Uevenue. A. B. CLARK, 22-jt Ass't Collector. NOTICE. FOR INDIAN RIVER, FLORIDA PERSONS who contemplate removing to the Land of Promise, where all tropical nature abounds, are hereby notified that their goods, wares, Ac., will be conveyed from Jacksonville to Saxo Point. Indian' Kivkk, at one-half the us ual co«t. by consigning the same to Messrs. K. HOPKINS & CO,, Jacksonville, and to H. T. TITUS. Sand Point. Florida, a> thy undersigned has placed a line of vessels on the outside or At lantic route direct. Boats have also been placed on Indian River, to convey passengers and freight at mod erate rates. All kinds of Provisions and Goods can he pro cured at Sand Point, at Jacksonville prices, freight added. H. T. TITUS. Jacksonville, July 1, 1868. 6m Sheriff’s Sale, 'MUKTILL be sold before the Court House door ▼ ¥ in Quitman, on the Ist Tuesday in August, between the usual hours of sale, the following proj «r y to wit : Lots No’s 8. 9,*10, 11 and 12 No. 15, in the Southeast section of the Town of Quitman, levied on ns the property of William W. Carr, to satisfy a U. fa. iu tnv hands in favor of M. B. Hunter. JULIUS CP KM LBS, Deputy Sheriff. July .VT.B. tds (■Teat Distribution! BY THK METROPOLITAN GIFT COMP’NY. Cask Gifts to the Amount of $250,000. EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. 5 Cash GifU, Each SIO,OOO 10 ■* “ 5,000 *i(> “ 14 1.000 40 44 14 500 200 “ 44 100 300 “ 44 50 450 44 44 25 600 44 ... 44 25 30 Elegant Rosewood. Pianos, each S3OO to SSOO 35* •* “ Melodeons, “ 75 to 150 j 150 Sewing Machines “ 60 to 175 250 Musical Boxes 44 25 to 200 300 Fine Gold Watches ,f 75 to 300 750 Fine Silver Watches ... 41 30 to 50 Fine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Silver Ware, Photograph Albums, and a large assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all valued at $1,000,000. A Chance to Draw any of the above Prizes by purchasing a Sealed Ticket for 25 cents. - Tickets describing cm eh Prize are sealed in En velopes and thoroughly mixed. On receipt of 25 cts. a Sealed Ticket will be drawn without j choice and delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of one dollar* Prizes will be immediately sent to any address, as reijnested, by express or re turn iftail. lon will know what your Prize Is before >Oll pay for if. Any prize may be exchanged for another of the same value. So Blanks. patrons can depend on fair dealing. References. We select the few following i name*from the many who have lately drawn i valuable prizes and kindly permitted us to pub lish them : S. T. Wilkins Buffalo. N V.. $1,000; Miss An nie Monroe. Chicago. HI., Pin..o. valued at $650; Robt. Jackson, Dubuque. lowa, Gold Watch, $250; Phillip McCarthy, Louisville, Ky.. Dia mond Cluster Bing. $600: It. A. Patterson, New Bedford, Mass.. Silver Tea Set, $175; Miss Em ma Walworth. Wilwaukie, Win.. Piano $500: Kev T. W. Pitt. Cleveland, Ohio. Melodeon, $125. gfl“We publish no names without permission. Opinions of the Press. “ They are doing the largest business: the firm is reliable and deserve their success. ” —Weekly Tribune, Feb. 8. 1868. “We have examined their system and know them to he a fair dealing firm." N. ) . Heraltl. ‘Last week a friend of ours drew a SSOO prize, which was promptly received.” —Daily Sews, March 3, 1868. Send for circular giving many more reference* and favorable notices from the press. Liberal inducements to agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envelope* contains one cash gift. Six tickets lor $1: 13 for $2 ; 35 for $5; 110 for sls. All letters should be addressed to IIA K PER, WILSON CO., 17:5 Broad way, N. V. (jy3-2m Better than fnolfl !\ OUR NEW Indestructible* Golden Pens. Are recommended by Bankers, Lawyers, Profits- j p*»rs. Teachers. Merchants, and all who have tried j them, as the befit Pen manufactured. They are non-corrosive, and manufactured ; with the greatest care, rendering them more du rable than any pen now before the public. i Sent post-paid to any address for 75 cents per j box. containing one dozen. Orders containing money for the same sent at our risk. Do not forget to try them. M. Me ALP IN & CO., Louisville, Ky. state where you saw this advertise-i menu i Quitman Retail Prices Current, CORRECTED WEEKLY. It should be borne in mind that our quotations represent retail prices only. Large bills to plant ers arid others may be purchased at a shade lower. Bacon Ytt sh... 18 (fy 22 Butter—Goshen [M 1b... 60 (aj, Country \% fc... 25 30 Candles j .. . 35 50 Cheese.. i f* lb . .. 25 35 Coffee—Kio {f4, !h. .. 29 (and, 33 Corn ft* bush 1 00 (a) 1 25 Crackers I *js 8>... 20 25 Eggs ; ; doz 12 @ 15 Flour —.Superfine J'j4 bbl . 15 00 (eb, 16 00 1 Family If* bbl . 17 00 (a, 22 00 j Ginger jf* 1b... (<y 50 j Lard , f .lb. . . 23 @ 25 Oysters I f*i can . Ofy 40 Peaches If* can . (ft, 50 Pickles i-f* jar.. | 50 @ 75 j Potatoes —Irish if* boshj, 2 50 0,3 00; Sweet if*, busm (4 75 Powder fjpt 1b... f 60 0' 75 Fotash...A jr* 1b... (0), 20 Rice jf* 1b... 15 @ 16 Raisins Tf* If>. .. j (4 50 Salt I f*, sack.l 350 (<*■ 4 50 Soap I'rtlh. ..I 15 (§. 20 Sugar If* ft. .-1 10 (ft 25 Svrup If* gal..! 50 (ft 75 S;vla ...if, th. . (ft 25 Shot". f* fb... {•> 20 Starch i*f* lh 20 (ft 25 Tobacco, good article . jfti . . 150 (ft 200 Vinegar if* gal CO (S> 75 Murder in Irwin Count)'. By a gentleman from that locality, we learn that on Saturday last, a dread ful tragedy occured in.lrwin county, a taint five miles from Bowens station, by which a family lost two sous hy the mnr dei'O’s hand of a negro. The mimes ol the young men were William and Daniel Luke, sons of Mr. James Luke. The name of the murderer is Joshua Wil liams. The dreadful deed was not discovered until Sunday morning', when the bodies of the two young men vtere found lying in front of the house in which Williams lived. One of them had been shot in tlm breast and there was a hole right through his body; the other had the entire back part of his head blown off. Near them j lay a large dog, also dead. The sight i was a horrible and sickening one, r.y interrogating the negroes, it was ascertained that Williams had stall'd to some of them that he had shot these young men, assigning no reason what ever for the deed. He had left the neigh borhood before the discovery of the mur der, and could not be found, although search was made diligently in every di j rection. Why he killed the men is not i known. Williams was a negro of very bad character. For some time past depreda tions have been committed upon the j plantations in the vicinity, and suspicion | pointed towards Williams as the guilty I party. It is sumrised that these young men went tc his house to look for sto- J lengo ds; that J ic dog a'tacked them and was shir ; that Williams then shot and killed them. These are mere surmi ses, but as no reason can be given for tlie murderous deed, they arc probably correct The murdered persons were young men ol from eighteen to twenty yeais ot age. They were sons of a very respect i Ide planter, and their wanton murder has created great sorrow and indigna tion in the community. The citizens there have offered two hundred dollars j reward for the apprehension of Williams, the murderer, and w > lijpe that he may I speedily be caught and punished for crime. He is a negro, with a largr mouth; is very tall, about six feet two or three inches, and is about twenty five years of age. A coroner's inquest was held over the remains on Sunday, but no facts were elicited save that Williams had acknow ledged having shot the men. —Savannah j llepublicaru War.CoiiiiHcnced Between the lvtt- Ulnvand the Negroes. From passengers who arrived by the j Nolensvilic stage last night we get the ' following stirring news.’ An old man living near Chapel Hill, j forty-otic miles from Nashville, in Mar-I shall county, had been proclaiming for [ j some time past that should anj’ ot the j I Kuklux invade his premises he would! j shoot them down. It appears that the j Kuklux Klan at that place became very | much offended at what they considered unbearable insolence on the part if the ! negro, arid determined to whip him for | using those expressions. Eight or nine men, wearing the gatb of the Kuklux aeeordnjgly visited the negro man’s yard Monday night, told him to come'out of j the house, for they intended to indict up -1 on his person ten lashes that would teach : him for the future to hold his tongue,— They then took him out from the lion.- e some distance and had given him four or i five licks, when to their utter amazement ' they were fired into and some of them I wounded with shots from an unknown I quarter. The negro man was released j and the supposed Kuklux separated and | went home. On Tuesday afternoon eight negroes, armed with muskets and pistols march ed upon the pike a short distance from Chapel Hill, and announced that they in tended to kill all the Kuklux in that vi cinity. As soon as it was known in the town, fourteen whites took their shot guns and pistols and proceeded in doub le quick to meet the dusky warriors, but the latter having received news of the advance of the white party, retreat ed into the woods, and secreted them selves in a ravine. After diligent search the whites came upon the blacks and fir ing immediately commenced on both sides. It is reported that four or five of the whites were killed and wounded.— ' The loss of the negroes are not known. I Runners were sent out at about four ! o’clock yestarday morning, when the htage left that place, to secure heavy re* j inforcement of whites. A bloody tight j was expected yes erday. | The affair was very much regretted by } a majority of the citizens, who discount j ged the demonstrations made by both hostile patties. We were presented the other day with a beet grown in thejgarden of Mrs. T. B. j Griffin which weighed fourteen pounds ! We believe the ladies are the best gar- j deuers when they take a fancy to it.— j They do most tilings better than the men, I whose wise heads aie occupied with pol- j itics, the latest news, hard times, the price of cotton; and sundry other small; potatoe matters "too tedious to men tion Vaidoala Time*. Tjfg"- The New York Observer thinks ladies’ club houses are ‘signs of decay in social and domestic manners and mo 1 that no Christian can regard without painful reflections.” The Observer pre fers sewing circles. 6feiy On Monday, on the wharf at Fer nandina, two men, named Vorn arid IVp per, had some alternation which resulted in their drawing their pfetols and firing on each other. Torn was killed instant ly, and Pepper only lived two hoars.— Verily, Fernandina is pro ressing fast. GEORGIA. Crooks Onnerr. —Whereas, Mary E. Williams, Guardian of the Estate til Susan Hpell. applies to me for Letters of Dismis sion from said guardianship. These are therefore to notify all parties at interest to (Tie their objections, within the time ' prescribed by law. otherwise said tetters will lie granted and issued to the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this June 24th. 1868. J. G. MdCALL, O. B. C. June 26th, - C3. 21 fit DR. m. L. BATTLE, A.^7 VL orruE: NEXTCOGRTOTH£B ™ ER office,. f7p|p IIQUITMAN, GA. All Branches of DENTISTRY, | EXECUTED IN' THE BEST MANNER AND WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. o Terms will be furnished on apf lication. Z All kinds of Produce taken for Work. < U. VAN LIES EX, IDBNTIST,! STOCKTON, NO. 1:!, A. & (I. R. R. • (Formerly fits. McDonald & Van Gieson, Macon.) Respectfully offers his services to tin* i citizens of Clinch and surrounding coun ties. in all branches of the profession. &?§U Will visit Quitman or any other point requested. RKFKUKNCEB: J. D. Smith, M. 1). Macon, Georgia. Capt. B. F. Moseley. Valdosta. Georgia. J. G. Moore, Valdosta, Georgia. Dr. 11. Briggs and Mr. j. I*. Chariton. Valdosta. Rev. (). L. Smith, I). I).. Echols county, Geo. Gapt. J. Wells. Valdosta. Georgia. < ’apt. C. C. Williams, Lowndes county, Geo. "W. J. Mabry. Valdosta. Georgia. March 1, 1867. 5-ts WM. A. lam:, ’Attorney at Tatu anb Solicitor IX VIIAXCEIiV. QUITMAN, BIU'OKS COUNTY, GEORGIA, .T-ft' Office at the Court House. January 10. 186.8. ly BRIAN, I!ARTRI!)(;E1(0., AW sis A«A« * Lite Wa atAa a JWi A N D am Bftaaai-aw o^o2^ | SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. (IONSIOXMKNTS of Cotton and ntWProdiico J solicited : which we will sell in Savannah, ! New York, or Liverpool, as desired, making lib I oral advances. j Special attention given to purchasing of Planters’ Supplies. Western Bacon for sale on consigriinfrit.'*flß? LAND FOII SALE. apl7 3m aVc. LOBV3ELINO, DEARER IN Cl3rX* o> c? erieß, West, India Fruit* | WINES, LIQUORS, PROVISIONS, &c CORNER IJUI.I. AND CONGRESS BTS. f Under Masonic llall , SAVANANIT GEORGIA. March 13. 1868. 7-ts OF SCHEDULE. GENERAL SUB’t’S OFFICE, ) Ari./'.vnc & Gm,p liAinnodn Op,, |- Savnnnnh, May 1 lift, 1808.’ ) ON and after Monday, the 18th lost., the Behedule of Passenger Trains on this Road | will run as follows— i Leave Savannah, daily, (Sundays excepted.) at. .7:00 A. M. Leave Quitman, 5:28 I*. M j Arrive at Bainbridge 10:2b “ I Leave Bainbridge 2:00 P.M. Leave Quitman 6:35 P. M. j Arrive at Savannah (Mondays except ed), at ,: :00 A. M. HAINES. I rny22-Im Gen 1 Sup’t. Look Here. THEMONEYREABY. 100,000 Pounds Wool; 20,000 Pounds Hides; i 10,00 0 Pounds Beeswax, TALLOW, FEATHERS, &C., "WJITANTED immediately, by the undersigned. Y ▼ for which the highest market price will be paid iu GASSZX. feRF Apply at the “Banner” office. J. G. M. Waunock, AGENT. Quitman, May 29, 1868. ■2m PHI LOTOKEN! FOR SALE AT SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER JIOTT r TANARUS, AT THE Danner Office. I Qu if man, June Iff, 1868. 20-ts HOTEtS. MARSHALL H(|jp, HROUOUTOX SLIiEET, SAVANNAH GPORGIA. lIS first class Hotel lias been remodeled »L and newly refurnished ami put iu perfect order throughout. The traveling public may rest assured they will Ilnd comfortable accommo dations at this House. A. 11. LUCK, Proprietor. February 22. 1867. ly OUR HOUSE Mills: lOOMS, Sa vnnnnli. (i eorj* in. rITHK undersign<‘d having leased the above JL favorite Establishment, and having refitted and refurnished if throughout in the most elegant manner, would inform the public that it is now open for the Deception of Guests. The present. Proprietor will spare no pains to maintain the character it has always enjoyed as being one of j the best of the Firsl-(lass Fating 5 lons-] es of the country, and those who favor him with j their patronage may be assured that nothing will be left undone to secure tin* comfort and satisfae tion of his guests. BOABDEBS will be taken by the week or day at a moderate charge. novl6 6m K. H. KIBLIX. PAVILION HOTEL. D. C NOE, Proprietor. Corner of Bull ami South Broad Streets, Savannah, Gt'orgist. n‘AVIN(J taken the above Hotel, which has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, the Proprietor can assure the public that, hr is as well prepared to eater to their wants as any Hotel iu the State. His table will always lie supplied with the best the market, affords, and nOjpains will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Tradsient Board $3.1)0 per day. Permanent Board $15.00 per week. A share of public patronage is solicited. February 22, 1867. 4-ts Western Hotel, Nos. 9, 11, 13 & 15 Covtlandt St., NEW YOU K. We'arc in the Center of Business, and HEADQUARTERS FOR GEORGIANS. se,,i i:t : i v WM, WHITE. GEO. <;. MIX EH. charleston; hotel, ('Saaoleslmf, S. C*. WHITE & IVUXER, nov7-fim J’UQI’HIKTOUR. Tine (tuitmiHi Hotel. MRS, (VIcINTOSHJ N-OTIFIES the public that she continues the Hotel business, at her old house, on the Public Square ; where she will endeavor to make j guests feel at home. Her table F supplied with the best the market affords, and charges moderate. June It, 18LL 20-tt Fountain Hotel, Limit Street, BALTIMORE, M.irvi.and. W. 13.. St>29.Elgin, Pro. Omnibus and Baggage Wagon in atb-ndance up on all Depots and Boat Landings. JOHN W. EEUEE & CO., WHOLESALE IN IB 11(1 HfflC 111 EIIS. No. UaltimoiMi Wt., Between Charles and Randolph sts. John W. Bruff. } ii.i.n W, ltakcr, / BALTIMORE. .7oh. 10 lirutr, f A. IS. Faulkner. auR23-Jji* i S. S. FILLER, DEALER IN MAIIOGAYY, \\ \ \. Y I T AYD PINK FT UNITI RE. FRENCH AND COTTAGE CIAMBER SETS UHHIR USIt Mattraoses made to order. No. 157 Brousliton Street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. npM 1 y M. J. DOYLE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in famiSBOGEBIIIS. Boots, Shoes, Clothing-, !'tationery, Cutlery, Hardware, Tinware, Fruits, Vojretables, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, NoTiIOBEYAN Street, NoaTthe Market, Savannaii, C«’eo. p!f- Orders from the country promptly at j tended to. apl7-3in BJTWMB, fiMB&W., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ICE! I CE! 2 Nos. 106, 108, 200-and 202'Tiay Street, j Savannah Cieoryla. * apl7 « Cra AGENTS WANTED To sell Dr. Wm, Smitli’fj^ ilimOMiSl OF Till 1! MjiLliL IT ('(»NTAfN.S'ovor 1000 closely printed, double ? column, or*favo fSgcs. from new electikffype \ j plates, on good paper, ami is appropriately il 1 In crated 24>d ougravings on stee and Wood a smses'. oUtinc, ! Ac. .... * j It comprises-tin* Antiquities, Biography, Geog*; raphy, Natural History, Topography, and is a j complete Gvclopedia of tin* SeriptHfea. It is every Bible leader indispen sable to every Minister and Sunday School | Teaeber, ami ought to be in every fatniiy. It la highly I 'coiiViTibiiffed by all learned and ! eminent men. and by the Press generally in all ! parts of the country, as the best book of the kind I in the English language. l)o not l>e Deceived! Owing to the uniao'edbnted popularity of this J Wo» - k, a small Dnylish abrUlyntcnt, in duodecimo ; form, of about 600 pages, has been reprinted in | this country, and spread over 800 octavo pages, j evidently —by making a larger book than the j original to give the impression easier that it is j our edition. It has less than half the rending nyib I terdf ours, and is sold considerably higher tftan the English edition of same book in this country, .Some agents are emkavoiing to palm off this* juvenile edition for ours. Teachers. Students. Retired Clergymen. Farm ers, and energetic Women find the agency lor this work both pleasant, and lucrative employ ment. Send for circulars, giving full particu lars. terms. «lc., to S. S SCRANTON A GO.. Book Publishers. 126 Asylum St.. Hartford, Conn. VALIARLE PLANTATION s»o» /m "Br^TßPc. 3,500 Acres of Land ! nrwis valuable Plantation, lyi ig Jr on the Withlacooehec River l twelve miles from No. 151, Atlanta ! and Gulf Railroad, near Rocky riv-<ft?i‘iri&timwm i er, containing 3.540A acres, is comprised in ] Lots No’s 111), 167. 165, 161, 202, 203, 204, 205, ! all in one body, except No. 1 lit. There are 700 or 800 acres of this land under fence, of which none, except about one hundred 1 acres, has been under cultivation more than three j years. There are houses enough for 200 negroes, ! ample barns, a small Dwelling House, and out buildings. and a large dwelling house not yet Completed. The titles are undoubted. This property is offered on exceedingly easy terms. For particulars apply to Col. WM. A I \NE, Quitman Go.. Octl2-3D-tf no Humbug. HI SALI AT CAST.] rpilK undersigned having bought tin* Stock ol I Goods owned by J. B. Holst, formerly of Hi,' ni-iu of ,r. w. stalnakkr a <x>., —.VOW okh:i! SAID STOCK for SALE, AT COST, For Ca@b.! And-no humju’u. W. 0. BENTLEY & CO. Quitman. March 27, 1868. 3m ‘ RANDELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 201 and 203 Bay Street, Savannah, - - - Geo. HAVE NOW IN STORE’ a large and com plete assortment of rot;cries, which they oiler to the trade at prices less than they j can be laid down from the Northern markets, i consisting in part of Bacon—Shoulders, Sides, Hams, Pori?, Sugars—(all grades,) Refined and Raw, Gullee—Kio, Java, and Ceylon. Teas—Green and Black, different qualities. Clh»- so, Butter and Lard, Mackerel, Codfish, Herring, * Candles, Soap and Starch Tobacco, of various grades, &o. Special attention given to orders with re mittance or -Short City Acceptance Prices fur [ ni.shed when desired. January 22, ’6s. 3rn Agents Wanted for THE OFFICIAL HISTORY 0 F T II E W All, its Causes, Charneter, Conduct and Results. By Hon. A. 11. Stephens. A Book for all Sections and all Parties. This great Work presents the only complete and impartial analysis of the Causes of the war yet published, ami gives those interior lights aud shadows of the great contlict only known t<> those high officers who watched the Hood-tide of revolution from its fountain springs, and which j were so accessible to Mr Stephens from his po sition as second’officer of the Confederacy. j' To a public that has been .surfeited with AP PAEKNTEY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, we I promise a change of fare,.both agreeable and sa lutary, and an intellcclmiFtn at of the highest or der. The Great American War has AT LAST found a historian worthy of: its importance, and j at whose hands it will receive that modepate # can I did and impartial treatment which troth and ju* tice so urgently demand. "The intense desire every where manifested to obtain this work, its Official character and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, \ make it the best subscription book ever publish- ; od. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscr-; bers in three days. One in Boston, Mass., 103 subscribers in four days. | ""One in Memphis, Tcwo., 106 subserbers in five j days. Send for Circulars and see our term*, and a full description of the work, with Press notice of i advance sheet. Ac. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Broad Street, Atlanta Ga. j Uiady Ac Tsilly, PLAIN AXf) ORNAMENTAL PIAS TE «I«I, < Bit VAX STREET, SITIVYVH, f. A. ! Kalsominiag and Repairing Neatly executed. i Lime. Lath, Plaster. Hair, Cement and Building sopiffdy Material for gale. fcgul Boticcs. - - .r* - T UOUSTT. Administrator’s Sale. lirikL be sold before the Court House do«r | V ▼ in the. tmvn of Quitman, Georgia, on the ' First Tuesday in July next, between the 1 gal I hours of sale, I7i< acres of fail'd, near Groover ville, Brook' county, the Bite residence ol Ja»., 11. Groover, deceased, without enetwiiberancf of : dower. . p ! Hold for Hie benefit o' the heirs and creditors. ! Terms r Cash. J.ts. P. Duiaihin, Adm’r, i May 8. 1868. tds (A rcofUilA. BROOKS COUNTV.-^Whrrf-. JT as, Jas. H. Tillman, Administrator of th* Estate of fsaire J. Newton, lawing applied tor p» release Irom t)nr farther mloMni^tration of estate, and suggested J. K. Diu-rUworth as Lisiut- Then* are tfierofbic to- eitrnnd admonish parties at interest to file their objections w tlhn», the time prescribed by law. otlierwMs«said letter* will be granted the applicant, J. G. McCall, Ordinary. May v . 6 2ni OT VI !.<)!• GEnIBG \.Bro( ks erntnly .-Wlmra- O J. Harrell applies to me lor Letters of Dismission from the administration of the es tate ol G. W. Albritton* deceased. These are therefore to cite all parties at inftr cst to life their objections within the tiina pre scribed by law, otherwise said letters will hr granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and uncial signat*r# r this March 16th, 1-ftUS. J. G. McCALL, f)Ydiaary March 20th, ISCB. Cm CA EORGIA, Brooks Coilntv.- Whereas, W. Q TV Bentley applies to me for letters of de mission from the Administration of the EstaU mt J. I». Redding, deceased. These are therefore to cite all person* confin ed to file their Objections, il any they have with' in the time prescribed by law, otherwise irard letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature fckto March 17 th. 1867. J. G. McCALL, 0. Li. C. j March 20, 18(77. Cm C 1 E( )RGI A. Bitoo) • 1 fdt r\ Whareas W. fl. Jf Devane administrator with will annexed it* j bonis mm on the estate of Roger*, dr ! ceased, applies to me for lettrri of diami**i«P | from said administration. These are therefore to cite and adinoniah 1 parties at interest to file their objection* with!* I the time prescribed by law other* he Haiti iatUfP ! will be granted to the applicant. J. G. Mt’GALL. 0.8. C. | February 7th. 1868. 2 t in. C 1 EORGIA, Brooks Countv. Wherea*. 11. If, Jf Sharpe, Adirf’r with Will annexed, oi th# “State of Jacob Rizer deceased, applies tom* t*r letters of Dismission from his udminiKtration *f said (“stale Thesi* are therefore to cite and id m.-nish all and singular the parties at interert l# tile their objection* within the time prescribed h? law. ot horwise said letters will be granted t* tb# applicant J G. Mi’GALL, Ordinary. Jan. 7. 1868. 6m G 1 EOIHHA, Brooks Gountt. -Whereas, J. Z, T Beacoek, Administrator with will anne I* on the Estate ot William A. Denson, dcceu««A applies to me for Letters of Dismissiou from*. Administration of said Estate These are therefore to cite and admonish all | and singular the parties at interest, to (il* ibrLi i objections within the time prescribed by law, ■ | otherwise said letters will be granted. J. G. Met’A EE. O. B. *, , February 28 18CM. 5 Cm* i — rr-na* COFFEE COUNTY fi 1 EORGIA. Goffkk County. —Whereas, B# HJJT bard Koburds, Administrator of Gray f. Robrtrds. represents to ihe Court, in hi* petiti** duly filed and entered on record, that he ha* ful ly administered Gray S. Koburds’ entnte. Thi*- is therefore to cite all persona concerned kiodr*4 and creditors to show cause if any they can why said Administrator should not be discharged fr*» his udministra ion and .receive let ter* of diiiai#' sion on the first Monday in .September 1861. DANIEL LOTT, Ordinary. March 2.186 ft JO-6m Cl EORGIA, Cokkkk County. Wliereai, WilD ff iam and Joseph Ivirkhnd, Adiuinintrator# ol D. IL Kirkland, represent to the Court, i» their petition, duly tiled and entered on rec*r4 ilia they have fully administered 1). H. Kirk land’s estate. This is therefore to cit* all per sons concerned kindred and creditors to cause, if any they can why said administrate** should not be discharged from their adniiiii*tr&- tion. and receive letters of dismission on th* frit I Monday in September, 1868. Daniel Lott, Ordinary. I March 2, 1868. 10 6m APPLING COUNTY. A lE< )RG IA, Arruxu Cm 11 Whereat, Wil lis F. 'faylor, Administrator on the l>t»lp# of Michael W. Nelson, applies lo me for letter* ts Dismission from his said Administration of salt Estate. These are therefore to notify all person*af int#f est to file their objection# wil.iin the time -Ct'ibed by law. otherwise said letter* will k# granted and issued to said applicant. Given under my hand, and offiektl *iguato»# this January 8, 1868. Jan. 17-6 wk J. li»>HTBKV r Ordinal J A. C. PIERCE COUNTY\ / t EOKGIA. Bikiick i him v.— Wlierea*, WUI vJ iam Goeitee, Administrator, applies to n# for Letters of Dismiss ion from the Estate* William Lady and John T. Wilson, iKith I at* «rs this county, deceased, he having fully lured said Estates. These are therefore to admonish ali parti*# concerned to be and appear at my office, wiiLi* the time prescribed by law, to show cause, ifaiy they have, why said Letters should not k# grunted. Witness, my official signature, this Dec*n»H*t 2nd, 1867 r IVc. If l-m'l ir. U'. rTiunv, <)rjr»»ry, T. GEORGIA GOODS ! At Factory Prices. rnHE attention of Merchants and Plant*r* I* 1. cal Ted to a beautiful assortment ot Georgia Goods just received from the “Cutfibcrt Compa*y | Coilßiiilillg Os Plain ami Twilled Ovo. Plains, Ijitasyiy Jeans, lieavcrs, Tweeds, Stripes, Wool Diaper, Ac., Ac. These floods are fresh, mad* with great n*r* tad of the best wool. Also. Bfain and Colored o*d*- httrgt; wttof whieh mv offemf Btrictly at Fa*4 tory prices. Merchants and Planter* are requested to rail and examine before buying elsewhere. Cott*a r j Wool or Hides taken in exchange at full prie**. • Spun Yarns and Brown .Shirtings to arrive uv Ia few days. SAM’L W. lUIOOKP, Quitman, Nov. 1, 1.867—'1m Ag*ak. | Fisk’s Metalic Burial Ca3es. \LL sizes kept constantly on hand at the *t*r# . . of J. T. Bud r. Monticello* aml G..lf..Smith r i tore, Madison. Florida. Also, an as-orhnent s constantly kvpt'oahand ‘ by F. R. FILDIvS, Quitman, Ga. ! j2y&“Gasb on delivery. T. A -Xf t A. V W..-LMMO3S, .Vgent#. December 14, 1866 6ni P . H. B EHN, COTTON FACTOR — AX,> — ...... GENERAL COMMISSION MKRCPANf, • I 'as removed k> First door West of Exchange. ' Bay St i.r, Sayan-xah; Uk'o. '■ I iu!g2.VU7 29-ly*