The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, December 25, 1868, Image 3
£h? (Quitman banner. ■ulucriptions. Quitman Retail Prices Current CORRECTED WEEKLY, Baton .m- . -[ftTS77T Butler —Goshen . jft lb. . 65 (ft- Country ft !b. . . 25 iu> 30 Candles ft lb 35 (u\ 50 Choose ft sh. . . 23 35 C«»ffee -Rio ft X . 2a (" 33 Com ft bush 50 (<v, 75 Crackers r ft lb *. 20 (u 'Jt Eggs ftd.>z. 15 (o rn Flour—Superfine , ft bbl . 15 00(g Family ft bbl . 1< 00 (ft 2j#T>o Ginger ft 1b... • G f *SO Lard ft B>-.- 23 (c;i -•> Oysters ft can (ft> 40 Peaches ft eun _ (ft 50 Pickles !ft | 50 (</ . 75 Potatoes-Irish ft hush 2 50 ig* 3 on Sweet ...... ft bush (ft, 50 Powder. ft, ft.*.. CO est <•* Potash f !b... (ft 20 Rice ft It).. 15 (0, 1< Raisins ft lb (ft . ,r>,) Salt ft sack. 3 50 (ft l 50 Soap ft lb. . h» (•< 20 Sugar ft. • • |‘‘ i ' Syrup ft - ;>, i 50 (ft ••» Soda • • ft ■ ■ shot - . 'ft *? Starch • tb . fti ' -ft Tobacco good article.. ft Ib.. 1 50 > 2 Oft Vinegar ft -al . j CO {>< • ?egal Notices. (1 EORGlßkooks riu-VTV Two mouths hl f ter date the under?>igued. Adptiwir-;r-atrix on the erf ate of John A. Edmondson. deceased, will apply to the Ordinary ofsaid county for an order and decree of court to sell the real es tate ot said deceased, for tbe benefit ol the heirs and creditors thereof Sauaii G. Edmondson. Adm’x. December 7th, 18C8. :m EORGIA. BROOKS COUNTY.-Tw«> months Jf after date application will be math* to she Court of Ordinary ot Brooks County, at the first regular term alter expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of J. C. HODGES, late ot said conntv. deceased, tor the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of said deceased. t JosITlI l. lIoDOES, S. A. lIoDUKS. November 2, 1808. (2m) Administrate! 8. (1 EORGIA, Buooks County. Whereas. Win. JT Hudson. Administrator on the "state ot Susanna Carson, deceased, applies to me lor letters of Dismission from his administration o! said estate These are therefore to cite and ad pionfoh al* and singular the parlies at intcrr- i io tile their objections within lie* time prescribed bv law. oihei-wise said letters will be grunted l<* ti<e applicant J G MeCALT,, Ordinary. July 24. 1 868. bin G 1 EORGIA. Buooks Oh sty. Whereas, W. R C Joiner. Administrator, applies i<* me for Letters of Dismission Irom the Eslate of A. J Groover, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to admonish aii parties concerned to be and appear at my oilier*, within the time prescribed by law. to show e nise, it any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Witness, my official signature, this July 24th, ]B(>H. ' JOHN G. Met’ALL, Ordinary. July 24. 1868 fun (1 EORGi A. Buooks Cocm y. Whereas, J. P. JT Dugger, Administrator, has applied to me for Letters of Dismission from the estate o' Jus. H. Groover, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties at interest to file their objections wiihin the time prescribed by law.otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. J. (4. McCall, O. B. C. July 24, 1868. fun C 1 EORGIA. BuooksWhereas. Thom jf as E. Ha dec applies to me for pernuii nt Letters of administration on the estate of Thos. ; Kimble, latent said County, deceased I These are therefore to cite and admonish all! parties at interest to file their objections within the time prescribed by law otherwise said letters w ill b# grunted to the applicant. James L. Beaty. 0.8. C. December 4th. 1808. 44 at / 1 EORGIA. Buooks CoiM'V. Whereas, J. W. vi |( Mii-iin applies to me b*r lelt**r- of Ad- ' ministration o! the Estate ot Mark Glen, laic of ; said count y deceased. These are therefore to cite all persons concern • , e,l to file their objections if any they have with ; in the time pr'*-eril»ed by law. ollu'i'wi.~c said letters will be granted. J amks L. Beaty, Ordinary. December 4. ]B6H. 44 .>t Ci EOIUiIA. Ookkkk Cot vTV. -Whereas. Ro ] jjr dy l/angford having in proper form ap plied to rue for perm re nt Letters ol Adminis tration on the eslate us Tal on i/ingford, late of said e .untv. and» aed this is therefore to cite u l persons* concerned, kindred arid credit nr*, t o show cause, if any they can. why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to R*»dy Lar.gtord on Talton Langford's estate. Given under my hand and official signature, this 24th day of November. 1868. DANIEL LOTT. Ordinary. December 4. 1868. 4 l-5t ‘the homestead provision. ORDINARY OFFICE. I QrtTMW, Buooks Cos., Ga., Oct. 23. 1868. | ®f2rAiii versons desirous ot availing of tho benefit of tin* ! foni'*- m-a.l law. can now bo acc-mmoilat.'.! bv making oat a fujbnlulp ami description of their per- .mil pmnertv. and fiHnz said schedule in my offlee ; then the application will lie mode lor the linin'. 1 - stead. After which 1 will i*sn 1 1 order, ' e l to the Ooitfitv rtniweyoi*. to lay o#' anti make a id'ji of the saiiie. and return to this office. (37-ts) JAMES L. liiiATV, O. H. C. NO W RE A D Y IV THE SOI THERA HOME JiH lill!.. F<»r »at« by all Newsdealers, Afßs. V\ in>rani.f; y*B Great Story, ENTITLED. T II E P E A S A NT G I It O, AI-SO, TIIE Cruise of the Six Hundred, BY MAX. W. W. OOT.bSBOBOCUH. The account be gives of the horrible sufferings and privations inflicted upon Six Hundred Con federate Officers, who were-sent, in l««f, fro,n Fort Delaware to General Foster's Department in the South, for retaliatory purposes, is almost beyond human belief; but there are still many living witnesses to the facts. Everything we baTC ever read of brutality to prisoners during the war pales before this, which causes us an iu velnntary shudder. Truly there is a Wirz who has been overlooked. The Southern Home Journal is published at Baltimore. Md., by John V. .Slater at the low nrice of *3 per annum, and should receive the support of all who desire to foster .Southern lit erature. Send for a sample copy. • Keys Found. VBCNen of small Kevs was found near th* Quitman Railroad Depot on la-t hriday evening, which the owner can have by paying so, t hfs advertisement. CHANCE ■ FOR BARGAINS! •Valuable ?C^7. ■. A (■ JK I ■up.*3v_pVi B * ii » fc> tlj swm I W ic. w S' . * V Utr* * f r ■ s. > Tho? undersigned has inti j/l.tefd in lu*s handa, to be disposed of immediabdy, at private following valu able Town propi . which will really be sold at a sacrifice, to wit C THE LARGE DWELLING HOUSE, Situated directly on I he PUSLSC SQUARE, And very recently placed in thorough repair by its present proprietor. Mr. Frank Hooker. There are ill necessary out-buildings, a well of good water, garden, etc, on tho place. Price, .§*2,000. THE TWO .STORY BIU(’K STORE, At pre-amt occupied by \V G Bentley k Co s, and conceded to be the best constructed building in Quitman; and advantageously located will be sold at less *han cost. Price, §3,500. THE FRAMED STORE HOUSE R< occupied by Capt. Brooks, and situated on the main business street. The Lot is fifty feet front by two bundl'd deep, and in rear of the store is an excellent BTABIjS A N D ummi mum, And Good Garden. r*FThis is the cheapest property offered for sale in the (own of Quitman. Price, 581,000. -• *•» •*» Two l os of Land, on which is a New, condor table and convenient DWELLING HOUSE,; ALL NECESSARY OUTBUILDINGS, And a Large and Beautiftil ria,OWIE GARDEN Tills property is situated near the. Academy j and convenient for parties desiring school ud- | vantages. B B s*iee, 5 v »,.100. Ik addition to the foi'i'guing wo have for nab* several othor places places of value, which will be sold low. For further particulars apply to F. U. F ILDUS. December 9, 18(18. , 4.,-tf JOUV ESIL\ COOK’S AFW XOVF.L. F. J. lluxtington & Cos., 1 j!) Bbqou St., Ncw-Youx, Have in l’res*. to fe- ready in October, RfIOHUN; Or, The LAST DAYS OF LEE and HIS PALADINS, By J. Iv ies Cook, _ Author of ••►Surry of Eagles’Neat.” ! Os “Surky,” of which Mohun is a St*rpiel, Tt'n ! thousand copies were almost immediately sold. The new wm k is still more intensely interesting. ! Printed on fine toned paper, ami richly bound m ! doth, with upwards of 500 pages, it has for its frontispiece a line steel medallion bead of Lev. Lfk and four beautiful illustrations in Homer s j best style. Hither book is sent by mail, post j free, on receipt of the price. $2.25. for sale by ; ,I* Booksellers and Newsdealers in town and ! country. out9-dm ST. CLAIB & MOSELEY, ftttoranu anHCounselors at fain, QUITMAN, CrA. i ArWJlaims sent to us for collection, in Florida or Georgia, will receive prompt atten j tion. December 4th, 1868. 6m j. BERRJEN OLIVER, (bnural Commission ittercjmnt, ! No. 97 Bay Street, (over Wilcox, Gibbs A: Go. j SAVANA Nil GEORGIA. j December 4. I3 ; tr. fy C. GRAY, New York. J. A. Cl! \V, Augusta, 4 1 P. 11. O’BRIEN, Savannah. B. F. McKENNA, Sayannali. Importers and Wholesale and Retail UMiiitiiit-fiom No. 131 Broughton Street, @avannali f G-eor^i,a. CO ISAY, O’BRIEN & CO. invite the attention of the public to their New and Immense W Stock of FALL AMI MASTER DRY GOODS, fO.fIPRISISC All the Novelties in Ladies’ Dress Goods ; All the most Fashionable Style of Cloaks and Mantles ; All the rues! Reliable Manufactures of I’riuts. Sheetings,Shirting, Drillings. Stripes, Jeans, Ac. Avery large Stock of Welsh, English and American Flannels; A veiy large Stock of Heavy English Blankets ; Avery large Stock ot Irish Linens, Diapers, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Linen Cambric Ilkdfs, Ac., Ac. English. French and German Hosiery and Gloves, in groat varieties. Lave Goods, Emliroderies, Ac., Ac., Ac. GRAY, O’BRIEf! & GO. Have a Heavy Cadi Capital Invested In their business : tbev employ one nf their firm exclusively in purchasing Goods in the EUROPEAN ami AMERICAN LJ A.iKETC ; th.-y Buy for Oash Alone ; And offer Bargains such us only u house of their faciliiicS cun. Samples sent to all parts of the country, and all orders accompanied by the cash will be promptly and faithfully executed. November 20, 18(18. Cm w::it Loof-i’s a©En?o®oß , ffOMii ai®® m&> $1.50 per annnm, i«i advance: Single copies, 20 cents. To subscribers wishing to pay at the end of the year, $2, if ordered by January 1, 1869. Address, The Whitlock Exposition and Exchange Cos. 245 Broadway, Now York. ANDREW S. FULLER EDITOR. The cheapest journal of the kind published, and the only one giving the price list of trees, vines and plants in “All Nurseries in One.” It also contains a list of ihe best implements lor Kami. Garden and Household ; and its pages are Ailed with articles from tho best horticultural and agricultural writers iu the world. As u special inducement, we offer to send one plant ol eithorof the following varieties of fruits, to all who solid in their names wild $1.50. Clarke Raspberry. Davison's Thornless Raspberry, Kllisdale Raspberry. .Missouri Mommoth Blackberry, choice Gladiolus, choice Japan Lily, hum Grape Vine, or. Two Early Wilson Blavk berrv, two Kitlattinny Blackberry ; or, to any one who will send 25 cents extra', to postage, we will send One pound of Early Rose potatoes. The plants will be carefully packed and sent by mail, post-paid, as early in the Autumn, or Spring, as practicable. noviO ts NOTICE. FOR INDIAN RIVER, FLORID! IyERSONS who contemplate removin'- '4 tiie Lund of Promise, Where nil tropicnl mi lure abounds, are hereby notifleil Ibut their goods, auies. Ac., will ho conveyed from Jaeksoovillo to Sivu Foist. Imuan Ittvuu, at one half the us ual eost. by e.uistpnin:: the same lo Messrs. E. HOPKINS A GO.. Jacksonville, and to 11. T. TITITS. Sami Point, Florida, as the undersigned lias placed a line of vessels on the outside or At lantic. route direct. ■r. «- Boats have also l>een placed on Indian liiver. to convey passengers and freight at mod erate rates. . _ , All kinds of Provisions and Goods can be pro cured at Sand Point, at Jacksonville prices, freightaddol. H- T. TITUS. Jai ille. July 1. 6m DR. M. L. BATTLE. : ©oia©ioEi QBQMBUO BAINBRIDGE, - - GEORGIA. (Formerly of Quitman, Ga.,) VISIT Parties at QUiTSVI AN, and oil points on the Atlantic and V V Gufi Railroad, when solicited to do so. TIE (eels grateful for the liberal patronage which has been tendered him, and 1 L would respectfully solicit a continuance of tiie -auie. j July 17. JBBS. aplO-lv l . VAN Gil'SliN, X>E3TO''3f *£•, STOCKTON, NO. 12, A.jfcG. U.IL (Formerly Drs. McDonald .t Van Gieson. .Macon,) KESPECTFULLY offers Ids services to the citizens of Clinch and surrounding coun ties, in all branches of the profession. Will visit Quitman or any other point requested. REFHREXCKS .1. D. Smith, M. D. Macon, Georgia. Capt. B. F. Moseley, Valdosta, Georgia, j. (J. Moore, Valdosta, Georgia. Dr. K. Briggs and Mr. .1. D. Charlton, Valdosta. Rev. O. L. Smith. 1). D., Echols county, Geo. Capt. J. Wells, Valdosta, Georgia. Capt. C. C. Williams, Lowndes county, Geo. ft', j. Mabry, Valdosta, Georgia. Mtrch 1,1867. 5-ts . sl2. C. O. D. sl2. Oroide Gold limiting Case Watches Os the best make. Patent movements, warranted tim • keepers, will wear equally as well as the best Gold cases, costing Irom 87 7to 8170 :we are now now selling them (Ladies’ and Gentle men’s size.), at only SI2 each. A iso a large variety o," beautifully chased and enameled Otoide Gold Hunting Case Patent Le ver Watches. . _ Magnificent stock o Gentlemens and La*es Oroide Gold Chains. Etr-riugs and Pins, Finger Bings, Ac., from $t to $6, fully described in circular. Agents wanted everywhere —eadose two nul stamps for circular. Ids not necessary to send rn-mey with the or der, ns it can he paid to the ex| ress agent on de livery of the goods. Adi letters mus be address ed U> JAMES GERARD A CO.. July 2S-- 3m 83 Nassau Street, New Fork 110 BERTS’ & TILL HI AN, ( ommissitm Mrrt’lianls, North side Bay St., 2nd door West of Exchange, SAVANNAH, CA. . I Dll AM lIonKUTN. tSaVUnUilll, JOHKIMf TIUUMA.V. D. L. Romans, “ Madison co., Fla. out 16-1868 36-1 y P. H . BE HN , Colton Factor, AND— GENKUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, First door West of Exchange, m Hay Strkkt, u'avanxah, Geo. octic-’t!B :ii;-]y* Crawford Van llorn&Siiiis, COTTON FACTORS —A N D Central (Commission IlTcrfljants, Ko. i) SSoddard’s Kuisgc, OJ’POSITK C. R. It. DANK, Savannah, - - - Georgia. Gur ('ommissLOHH will bo $1.25 per bale for Soiling Cottun. AGENTS F(Ht 03good’s Patent Elastic Holler Cotton Gins, ANI) DEALERS IN' New York Buggies, Carriages nwl Plan tat'on Wagons ; also, WOODRUFF’S CONGO3D2UGCIES. September 25, 1868. 3m WM, H. TI.SON. WM. W. OOKDOX. TISOX & Cotton Factors AND Central Commission IHtrtfjants, 96 Bay Ptreet, Savannah, Geo. Bagging, Rope or Iron Ties advanced #n crops. ftR ?- Liberal advances nrole ou con ignments of Cotton. Grateful for liberal patronage in the past, eve ry effort will be made to continue to merit pub lic confidence. October 2. 1868. Cm i CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ifek- & Op,. . jsiwjs? — GENERAL SUET'S OFFICE, 'j AtL/KTIC At GI’LF UAIbRoAD C r ) Saviinnah, Oet. 2Slh, <B6B. ) ON and after Sunday. November Ist, Trains oft Road will run as follows— j Leave Savannah, daily, (Sundays j exempted.) at... 7:00 A. M. | Arrive at Quitman 5:22 I'. M ! Arrive at Bainbridge 10:20 “ ! Leave Bainbridge 7:00 I’. M. , Leave Quitman 11:06 I*. M. i Arrive at Savannah at 8:00 A. M. 11. S. HAINES, | nov6-2m Gen 1 Snp't. WM. A. LANE, iftttornei} at anb Solicitor JX CHA SC EH r, QUITMAN’, Bit ;OKB COUNTY, GEORGIA j TGT G;fic •atUi * Court House. January 10, lY HOTELS. maMmll iini IE BUOutjtiToar htkbet, ■ \ \ gkouuia. PHTHIS li .1 t*l*iss Hotel has been remodeled 1 and newly refurnished and put in perfect order throughout. Tin* traveling public may it i assured they will find comfortable accoiinuo* j dations at this House. m A. B. LUCS, Proprietor. [ February 22, LS(>7. Iy OUR HOUSE j Suvuimnh, (ic»or^la. undersigned having leased the above B favorite Establishment. and having refitted j and refurnished it throughout in tfie most elegant milliner, would inform the public that it is now ! >j>cu for the li-ci plion of Guests. The present ;‘i<*prie‘or \\ill spare no pains to maintain the .diameter it has always enjoyed as being one of the he.-.t. of the I'litang lion* <»s ot the country, and those who favor him with their patronage may he assured that nothing will be left undone to secure the comfort, and satisfac lion of his guests. BOARDERS will be taken by the week or day at a moderate charge, nevlti lun E. H. KI RUN. PAVILION HOTEL. 3 C NOE, Proprietor. Corner i*f Bull anil South Broad Streets, Maviiniinh, Georgia. n’ AY INC! taken the above Hotel, which has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, the Proprietor can assure the public i thiii. he is as well prepared to cater to their wants as any Hotel in Mu* State. His table will always be supplied with the best the market affords, and no“puiitß will be spared to give entire satis tac tion. Transient Board $3.00 per day. Permanent Board $15.00 per week. A share of public patronage is solicited. February 22. 1807. 4-ts Western Hotel, Nos. 0, 11, 13 & 15 Cortlandt St., j NEWVOWK. | We are in the Center of Business, and j TIKADQUARTEIiS FOK GEORGIANS.! w>pti:t :(‘My WII. WHITE. (IEO. O. MIXER. CHARLESTON HOTEL, S. V. WHITE Ct IV.IXER, nov7-(iin Plt( >PUIKTORS. MRS. McINTOSH N"0TI FI Erf the public that she continues the Hotel business, at her old house, on the Public Square ; where she will endeavor to make guests feel at home. Her table is supplied with the best the market; affords, and charges moderate. June I-I, 1807. 20-tt " Fountain Hotel, Limit Street, BALTIMORE, Maryi.xxp. W. 11. Fro. Omnibus and Baggage Wagon in attendance up on all Depots and Boat. Landing's. . . t Savannah Business Cards. VTTM. HONK. Dealer in Imported anti Domes VV tic Liquors, Wines and Sugars, Bay St. L. NEIDIJXGER. Dealer in Saddles, liar ne-vs. Belting, Saddlery ware, Leather, Ac 72 St. Julian and *OS Bryan streets. SW. GLEASON, Manufacturer o! best Sugar • Mills and Pans, and all kinds of machinery St. Julian street. Send for circular. ( 1 LABORS' It. COODALL, (successor to Sea born (joodiiU.) Wholesale Dealer in Butter, i ard, Country Produce. Ac., 218 Bay Bt. (1 L. GILBERT Dealer in Groceries. Fruits m Jm and Vegetables, Southwest corner Maikel ."<i «ep2s-2m To the Shippers end Producers of GEORGIA, ALABAMA AXU FLORIDA: rpilE undiTsigm'd, Cotton Factor, ami Commis 1 mission Mweliants, of Savannah. Guorgia lake pleasure in notifying lb. public that arrange meins have been elleeteit for storing or shipping t,v steam or ail direct. to Karopean anil Alien i can pmts. the cotton crop of those sections, the natural outlet of which is the nigh our port; and hope, in affording every facility, .to receive a heavy increase over the large consignments oi Inst year. We cnufidcatty express the heliei that mir city will he one of the best cotton mar pels this season in the United States. rnititKi.i.A Wesi.ow. Hay street. | I > t vast A Wat As. Hay street. Antms. Wasiiiu'iix i Cos., Stoddard’s I.o'r Range. Si.oan. OnoovEli & Cos., Hay street. JoiiN W. Axdkusox’b Sons A Cos., Drayton street (ii'KRRAHn A I loi.eoMsr., Hay street. P. H. Hkun, llay street. b. J. (Ini.MAttTiN A Cos., Bay street. K. \V. DwylMOM) A Bho . Hay street, tv. It. (Ikikfin A Cos., Ox Bay street. 11. 11. Cotaji iiT, US Hay street. .1. W. McDoxai.ii, Hay street. TisoxA (Jonnox, Hay street. Arsrix A. Hay street, j Wm. A. McKenzie, Hay street. llarnevACo., 12 Stoddard’s Upper Range. I IJ.vnxKrr A Cos., 2 Stoddard's I.ower Usage. ! T. K. Smith, Express building. bay street, ty. 11. Si'auk A Cos, Colton Factors and Whole sale Grocers, agents for Gwllett’s Steel Brush Cotton Glus and 'Joe’s Superphosphate of lime Scpl2s e’ ft Fisk’s Metalic Burial Cases. ALL sizes kept constantly on hand at the store of J. T. Hndd. Monticeilo, an IC. 11. Smith’ tore. Madison, Florida. Also, an assortment s constantly kept on band by F. It. KILDFA Quitman, Ga. * flgf’Cxr-h on delivery. T. <fc W. A! W.SIMMONS, Agents. December 14, 1866 Gib Savannah Houscs . .1 OSEI*H FIXKi.'AN', J i . B. P.MOM’.^ Fermiudina, Fla. Muuthun, Flu. Joseph I'iiH‘g' i'i k Cos. COTTON FACTORS and - (Commission Jones Upper 3Elcck,3iy S r jet, Savannah, * - - (*eo, VP&* Liberal advances on Cotton conslgpod to our correspondents in Now Yor 1; am! Liverpool. September is Isi;m. 3m D ■ f" 151 !.vn W Lk=n fa PKAI.KR IX EVERY VARIETY OF ■ b in « Mi Alin* A ».'II Hji»i i»II », J llvwbdiaviid m M. liiilMt if; SI. Amtmr'x flal! RuUding, Brohjjfliton St., tlnnr iVum Jufßirson, Nut ilMlllill. (xdm'glil. HAS IN STORK a large and varied assort ment of MAHOGANY, "WALNUT, CHESTNUT and enameled MSS r AX H Tables 8l Bureaus, (If Every Style and i’atlern, CHAINS, OF EVERY OESCR/FTION, dC., dC. September »8. 18*18. 3m STOVES! STOVES! TIIE COTTOX TLA XT" COOEIXG STOVE. the Aivees of the south" THE -DELTA" COOli.'S '} STOVE, THE-LEG A £ TEXDEIf VOOKIXG SfO VE. VLL of tin* above Crdobrulcd Faltvrna, with a full stock of Piin.Oß A\[)6lTlir.STl!ti:S, FOR SALK LOW liV JOHN A. IKHULAKSj 138 and 1-10 Broughton St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. September 18, 1808. 3m L. J. (JEILM YKTI.V. JOHN I’F-ANNEJiY. L.J. 6UILMARTD4 & Cl., Cotton Factors ami ciiiiKimsTS, LIBERAL A D VAX HER on Consignfncirls. Orders proniplly filled, at Lowest Market rales. Bagging, Rope k Iron Ties CONSTANTLY ON IIAN.). Augu.' t 7. IBliß. tint M.~M. SULLIVAN, DKAI.KIt IN, and all kinds of F n. In tli( k ir SeaHMfi^ Oysters, Game, etc., No. 15 (> li«i 3’ l.a e, SAVANNAH. GEO. gT-fT'My motto is : Justice to all. j?reorders from the country will be prompt Iv and carefully tilled. hov22-tf , IIIVUCOD, fiJillS & CO., WHOLESALE DKALKUS fN ICE! ICE’! Nos. 190, 198, 200 and 202 Bay Street, Savannah Georgia. apIT Ora C. S. FILLER, DEALER IX t !M \ II 04i AX Y, UIL \l TA YD PI E FURNITURE, FRENQH AMD COT7A6E EMMSTiMSHHEM Wuttruusus made to order IVo. 157 Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. apl4 Iy J. W. STANSBI'RY, II BN It Y D. LAW, Late of Baltimore. New York. J. J. STANSBURY & G 9., Surrvssdrs to thh lair Firm of B. I» SMYTHS &. CO, IMPOirmtS AND DKALKRS IV fROCKERY AND GLASSM ARE, ('AT THIS OLD »TANO-. ) 1(M) Droughtou Street, SAVANNAH ....GEOimiA. ITTE BKG leate to inform our friends and \Y Merchants generally, that wit ii abundant capital, a direct communication with the !• ;C‘>> ries of Europe, and possessing greater jacßiuv than any firm of the kind In the Jouth. w>' Guarantee to Sell as Law as any house in the country ; and we would fur iher assure them, that their orders -hail receive our most careful ayd prompt attention. Asu NOTICE. The busiae sos the i»ue f;*m of E. D. SMYTHE & CO. will be liq Ku-d by us only 8 pivmbcr 4, 868. B.a