The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, February 19, 1869, Image 4
TO PRINTERS. Tm: roamihu njn- Typo Re volving Double mid Single Cylinder Printin'* tlacliinos. ‘Bed and Flatten POWP PRESSES FOR NEWSPAPER, Book, JoF), AND ■ » PRINTING. Th4f FtuW coll attention of PuMiahcifl of New. *I, * Papers to tb«fr new __ RAILWAY my mm mm, f** it * * *"* * Which i* oypreasly designed to supply Newspa pr m of modernte circulation with a plain but Hervlcable Printing Machine, ami one capable of doing also Job work ol every description. It can be run easily by one man at a spaed of 800 iin press ion h per hour, and by steam will give 1000 or JJtyO per hour, without noise or jar. The ttvM i occupies a space !ik x 10*feet, and can be worked in a room seven \ ethigh. Weight, boxed. 5,600 pounds. Tlieir SIN G L E LAIMJE CYLINDER :m m mm: ■ m PRINTING OR COUNTRY PRESS, la also a convenient and durable Printing Ma-, chine, capable of doing the entire w ork of an out of tow n office. li is designed to run by hand at a speed of 800 per hmir. Each Machine is warranted, and will not fail to giv« satisfaction. Wo manufacture almost Every Article Required for j Letter Press, Lithographic or (.loppcr-FlnteiPrinting,’ Book-Binding, Electrotyping, and Stereotyping, And furnish Outfit# complete fnr each ] /jfr-We would call nttcutiun to our 1 Patent Sectional Stereotype Blocks, Mechanical Quoins, Talent Lined Galleys, J New Compositors’ Stands, Cabinets, of new designs, and all, Standing Galleys, Talent Tocket Bodkins, Printers’ K nives, Ac. Blanketing and Tape of our own impnrta.inu. and made expressly tor our Newspaper and Cyl inder Printing Machines. Estimates, IN DETAIL, Furn istied Anew Catalogue containing cuts and descrip tions o! many new Machines, not before shown in their books, with directions for putting up. working. Jh\. and oilier information, is just com pleted. and can be bad on application. K. HOE & CO.. NEW YORK and BOSTON. MISCELLANEOUS. ECONOMY AMI JIAttH IKDUSTJiY. SAVRYOIR BAGS. THE CH ICK AHA HO If* aiaiiiaa'Mausw J a J VHK now prepared to purchase Good Clean Gottdn and Linen Bags, in uny quantity, ; and pay for them The Highest kiEi mm® In Cask. | Tliev have established a fine Depot at No. 51 | North Water street, lor the receipt and storage ; ! of Bags and Paper Stock of all sorts, under I the immediate charge of Capt. THUS. BASS. | who is authorized to pay a liberal prize for all i Stock required for the Company Mills and ■ ! brought to him in a suitable condition. | Bags may be either white, colored, or mixed, | i but they must be lieu from woolen, clean and ! ! well handled. Dealers in paper stock in the city and interior 1 will find it to their advantage to communicate with us before disposing of their stock elsewhere j Newspapers will advance their own interest j by lending their influence to secure the saving j and collection of all the rags to be found in their ! respective localities We will credit them in ex- 1 j change for paper at liberal rates for all the mor * charitable Bags they may send us. Bags sent by the Fivers and Great Northern I Railroad should be addressed to the Company ! at Mobile. All shipments l>y the Mobile and Ohio Fail- I road should he directed to Beaver Meadow Sta- I lion, the. location of the Company’s Works. For further information apply at the Compa- : ny*H Depot. No. 51 North Witter street, or to the i undersigned, in person or by letter, at the office j of the Advertiser and Reyistcr, Mobile, Alabama. 1 W.(L CLARK, President. ! T II E DECKER &CO. IVORY AGR.VFFK BAH P I A K O F 0 R TES \RE celebrated throughout the country, and are distinguished for their Singing Quality; Volume and puritv of tone ; Sympathetic Elastic even touch. Durability of construction, and beau ty of finish! First Premiums awarded at the New York State Fair in 1858, and whenever and wherever exhibited. The Decker & Company Pianos have always received the First Premium whenever and xchere ever they have competed with the most celebra ted makers in this country. The Ivory Agraffe Bar is an invention beauti ful in its simplicity, and wonderful in its practi cal effect. It is the most compact Agraffe ever invented, and its influence upon the tone is to render it. mellower, rounder, and more clearly brilliant, while it utterly overcomes that sharp, metalic quality which disfigures the instrument j of all other makers. The unanimous opinion of the best artists and ! the most reliable critics, is that the Decker A Company Ivory Agraffe Bar Piano Forte, which in voluminously sonority, and positive solidity off tone, can stand comparison with the best grand ! Piano Fortes made. No. Z Union Square, Cor. of 11th Ft. and Ith avenue, NEW YORK January a- 47-ts 1869. THE SOUTHERN FAVORITE. mm ff EELLY FOR BOYS AH GIRLS. Pronounced by the Southern Press to be the most ; elegant and talented young people's paper pi in ted in this country. i We are now publishing .1 furooncr s Island, a j Sequel to the Young Marooners, and Jack Dobell, or a Hoy's Adventures in Texas, bv one of Fan iiin's men pronounced "equal to the best of j Mayne Feid s stories." We shall begin, in the | first number of 1868. a thrilling story by a lady j of Virginia, entitled “Ellen lli ntku: A talc of j the Bor,” which will run for several months. | Among the regular contributors to BURKE’S j WEEKLY are Rev. F. U. Gou.wso, author o 1 ‘The Young Marooner’s:* Mrs. J.vnk T. 11. Cross; ! Mrs. Fono. of Rome 6a.; Miss Mary J. Umim, ol Norfolk. Yu., and many others. 1 $2 uyour in advance; Three copies for* $5, Five copies for $8 ; Ten copies for sls, and Twentv-one copies for S2B. \ Clergymen ami Teachcrefurnished at $1.50 per annum. The volume begins with the Julv number. Pack numbers can he supplied from the first, and all yearly subscribers may receive the num hers for the first six months, stitched in an ele gant illuminated cover. Address, J. W. BURKE A CO.. Publisher's Macon Ga. f£T* "Darke's Weekly" and Quitman lkmner will be furnished for one year for $5.00 cash. Hcltcr I /tan Grold .? OUR NEW ; Indestructible Golden Tens. ‘ Are recommended by Bankers, Lawyers, Proses- j I son?, Teachers, Merchants, and all who have tried ! them, as the best Pen manufactured. They are non-corrosive, and manufactured ’ ! with the greatest care, rendering them more du ! ruble than any pen now before the public. j I {Sent post-paid to any address for 75 cents per box, containing one dozen. | Orders containing money tor the same sent at our risk. Do not lorget to try them. M. McALPIN & CO.. Louisville, Ky. Please state where you saw this advertise meat. pJO-lOt IIMOOD, GAGE & CO., waot.ESAI.F nKiUERS IN ICE! ICE!! Nos. 126. U>B, 200 sad 202 Bay Street, Nnvnuiiah .CScorgin. ' »pi 7 6m Quitman Advertisements.. KLTROMZEIifi LWmJTIO® PIEDMONT ■fc ■» . , B A **■■'*• *£2 ►i.^ , 2*2 *■ lis»imis s t4«i ■••w*. u*..ww I«. f B.r.ti.z,, • J w FOR LIFE INSURANCE ONLY. Authorized Capital, - - 31,000,000! Capital Paid in. : : : SIOOOOO ! 87 1-2 percent, of Profits paid to Policy Holders. .••'■'A'*’*-:,-w*■ -c m - ■ > THE ITEHMONT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA, PECKMISKH '47'l’H, I****?'. Capital Htock paid in, - -- -- -- -- SI 00,000 (to Premiums since Organization, ------ 3.5,091 84* 513.5,994 84 \V. C. CARKINLTON, President, .). .J. HOPKINS, Secretary Stale of Virginia, Net non County, to-inl : This day. W. It. Carrington, mul J. J. Hopkins. (President ami Seerclm v) c,I the T’ Hcul Estate Insurance Company, personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace, ill and fm said county, and made oath that the above statement is correct. I further certify, that I have no interest In affair* of said Company, and that I made per ■■■■hi. examination of its affairs anil actual examination of its books, and that from that, inspection. I find above statement correct- -the Company having one hundred thousand dollars of paid up capital, safely secured or invested, and its (rt-etmums earned, have been thirty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-four dollars and eighty-four cents. It# officers aro well known b. me, and are men <d good character and business qualification, in whose administration the public can rely for faithful discharge of duty. Given under my hand this 27th day of December, 1867. 3 JOHN S. EWKitS. J. IV •January 1. Receipts now over, - -- -- -- -- - *42,000 00 Would yon leave a support to your helpless family ? Would you at your death release an encumbered estate ! Would von secure your endorsers from loss? Would you be sure to educate your children? Would you make a profitable and safe investment? If so, apply to the agent of the Company and secure a policy, for this is the best Life Ins.i ranee Company in existence. MEDLOCK & SPARKS, AGENTS. DR. J. H. M’CALL, MED. EX. Clias. Whitehead, General Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. ;?£o~Reliablc energetic canvassers wanted. I-Iy fm B&massm JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT In Complete in almost every particular, and we guarantee to Execute as GrOOD work:, A* can be done Anywhere, WITH THE SAME FACILITIES AT HAND. «»«'■» ■t&.rwasHß Are Strictly CASH ON DELIVERY, And our Kates Fully as Low as those of any Establishment •J * c ' In this Section of the Country. Savan hah uhi vert item ents. O. GRAY, Now York. J. A. GI’AY, Augusta. P. 11. O'BRIEN, Savannah. I>. F. McKENNA, Saranuah. GRAY, O’BRIEN & CO., Importers and \\ liolesale and Retail DEALERS IN DRY-GOODS, No. 131 IJpouglifnn StPf'Pt. Savannah., Greorgia. FALL AMI All A TER ERA MiOItS. tOMPRISIMI All the Novelties in LadieC Dress floods ; All the most Fashionable Style of Cloaks and Mantles ; All the most Reliable Manufactures of Prints, Sheetings, Shirting, Drillings. Stripes, Jeans, Ac. Avery large Stock of Welsh, English and American Flannels ; Avery large Stock of Heavy English Blankets : Avery large Stock ot Irish Linens, Diapers. Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Linen Ilkdfs, Ac., Ac. English. French and German Hosiery and Gloves, in great varieties. Laco Goods, Einbroderies, Ac., Ac., Ac. GRAY, O’BRIEN & CO. Have a Heavy Cash Capital Invented business ; thov employ one of their firm exclusively in purchasing Goods in tho EUROPEAN and AMERICAN MARKETS; they Buy for Cash Alone ; And offer Bargains snob as only a house of tbeir facilities fan. SfaCgy Samples sent to all parts of the country, and all orders accompanied by the cash will be promptly and faithfully executed. November 20, 1868. '3in 1863. 1868. DEWITT & MORGAN, \\ liolesale and Retail Dealer’s in AaiiiW ■ Vi mow til 137 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia, Have Just Opened their IALL Mil WIH3IB STOC3ES.. .Vfir (moods h// liver// Steamer. Ladies’ Drcea Goods in all the Newest stylos : Sheeting, Shirtings, Linens, and everything mante l in housekeeping; While Goods, Hosiery. and%inall wared in endless variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. ALL Ol T R STOCK IS SEW AND JUST BOUGHT AT REDUCED PRICES. DEWITT A. MORGAN 1 /tpril 17. 18fi8, dm WHITLOCK’S aoßi?D®oiwnDEJiaa 010000110 $1.50 p'-r inunm. in advance. .Single copies, HO cents. To subscribers wishing to pay at the end o( the year, $2, if ordered by January I, 1869. ; Address, The A hillock Exposition and Exchange Cos. 245 Broadway, New York. ANDREW S. FULLER . EDITOR. The cheapest journal .»f the kind published, and the only one giving the price list of tre.M. ! vines and plants in "All Nurseries in One " It also contains a list of the best implements lei ' Karat. Harden and Household : and its pages are tilled with articles from the best horticultural ‘ and agricultural writers in the world. Asa special inducement, we offer to send (me plant ot either of the following varieties ~| fruits, to all who send in their names witd H.. 10. iTarne naspberry. Davison's Thornless Uaspberry, Klltsdalc ltaspberry. Missouri Mointnolli : lllackberry. choice Gladiolus, choice Japan I.iiy. lona Crape Vine. or. Two” Karly Wilson HU.k j berry, two Kittattiiiny Blackberry ; or, to any one who will send 25 cents extra, to postage, *,« : w ill send One pound of Early Rose potatoes. The plants will lo> carefully packed and sent by mail, pest paid, as early in Ibe Autumn, or j Spring, as practicable. nov2U-tf F. CONSTANT, Bull St., near Bay Street, Sju ;mii;ila, (*ro., DEALER IN— : Imports ;intr Domestic Cigars, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. With a long established reputation as an Im porter, he endeavors to keep as good a stock, j in quantity aud assortment, as can be tound iu the Stale. <c The Recess.” (CONNECTED with the Cigar and Tobacco E* J tablishracnt, is a SAL O O X for tie accommodation of regular patroni and ' the public generally, where the Best of Imported Liquors ! are served, with a LUNCH each day. Stranger? will find it a quiet resort, with no Wines or Li quors that are not choice. aug23-29-ly Joseph Fixkgan. Jas. B. Parramore. Fernttndma, Fla. Madison, Fla. | Joseph S iiieuass k ( o. C OTTON FACTORS a n n (f o mmis.oi on cvch ants, Jones Upper Block, Bay Street, Savannah, - - - Geo. advances on Cotton consigned to our correspondents in New York and Liverpool. ■ September 18, 1888. T»m T. SKELTON JON I>, BookseHer and! Stationer*, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Theological. Classical, School and Miscellaneous Publications kept on hand. .reorders received f*r any Work. Fereig ‘ ang2.T-!j Geo.FElw £ ll^: Advertisements forwarded to ull Newspapers. No advance charged on Publishers’ prices.' All leading Newspapers kept on file.* Information as to Cost of Advertising furnished. All orders receive careful attention. % Inquiries bv mail answered promptly. Complete printed lists of newspapers for sale. Special lists prepared for customers. Advertisements written anil notices secured. Orders from business men especially solicited. 1,. J. GUI.MARTIN'. JOHN FLAVVK U . L.J. GUiLMARTIN&QO„ Cotton Factors SUM CIMISSM" MEET H AIT Savannah, Geo. LIBERAL AJJV.iS'CES j Mace oil Consignments. Orders proftptly fill.-.T, at Lowest Market rates. Bagging, Rope & Iron Ties CONSTANTLY ON HAND. August 7. 1868. fim Fisk's Metalic Burial Cases. \ LL sizes kept constantly on hand at the store Y~l_ of J. TANARUS, Budd. Monticello, and C. H. Smith’ lore. Madison, Florida. Also, an assortment >s constantly kept on hand by I. 11. FILDES, Quitman, Ga. 2S-Cash on deHverv. T. & W. A! W. SIMMONS, Agent-. December 14. 1866 6ra M . GLEASON. Manufacturer ot best Sugar O • Mills and Pans, and all kinds of machinery St. Julian street. Send for circular. OEABORN B. GOOD ALL, (successor to St a ► » bom GoodnlL) Wholesale Di aler in bees*. Lard Urodnce. Av 21* *1