The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, February 26, 1869, Image 3
Ojuitmau tL o <• a in ~ QUITMAN', FKBHUARY 2fl, 1869. Wh*n Ihu.s ABE Dfc —All bills f,,i-ad vertising in this paper are duo on tne first appearance of tiro advertisement, except when otherwise arranged by con tract, and will be prevented when the money is needed. All advertisements a 1 uuld bo marked f r a specified time, otherwise they will bo cl.aigt-d under tl » rule of so much tor the fit st insertion, aud so mncii for each subsequent inser tion. Special ZSotice. Frt>m Hum date, we mIiaII positively re*» fuse to insert leg ..I notices, of oveiv character, in the B.inm r , unli-s. paid tor in advance. Executors, Adumc'traturs, and Guaidiana will take due notice and ffovern tiiemsi ,ves mx’urdingly. We car* not who, uor how responsible the j parties may be, notices will not appeal unices paid for. This notice is also applicable to those , seeking the benefit of the Homestead act.! ikiks Ra-.r.— Henry F. MabLett,| ft j|] t .|] certain lands at Assignee. * on the 20th of March. fair Mr. Tin s. E. Ilardee has *,i J,,,- portaut warning to merchants. an d, ot i,.! ers. ' j tUT Mr. Owen atc r , proposes to avail himself of the Homestead act. V c are indebted to our esteem ed fn'eml, Capt E. I). Smythe, of Fa to on ah, w holt sale and retail dealer in crucki-rj, china, &■;•., for the present of! is pair of scissors. We retained them bet a short time, however, for they were of such good quality, that the excellent lady who rules supreme in the house! where we board, demanded a surrender, and of course we were compelled t • ac quiesce. So, Cap., if you are determin ed that we shall I e armed for clipping, you will have to repeat. ZJr RScCnli s Srug Store Happening to step into Dr J. 11. Mc- Call's drug store the present week, we were peifectly surprised at the great ad dition he has recently been making to his stock of drugs, n edieines, paints, oils, Ac. The shelves are crowded with every conceivable article necessary lor the treatment of the sick, the alleviation of paiu, etc. It is now a complete drug store, and the Doctor declares he feels better than he lias since the disasterous conflagration, which destroyed the Block eti hand at that time. The medicines at this house are all fresh and of the best quality Price* are likewise moderate. Hero, too, can lie found the new and popular chill and fever medicine, “Pyi ifttgc,” wh cb lias created some wonderful cti'es Suffice it, if you want anything in the drug line, call on Dr- McCall, and he will supply YwU Gunsmith, Watch-maker, &.c. 'i he handsel; e an Veil isrun nt 1 1 ■ to days Banner, by Mr. Hugh Jenkins, will at tract the attention of the leader. Mr. J. is Bn intelligent, energetic and ingenious young gentleman from Milledgeville— --served faithfully in the Confederate! army—at and now locates at Quitman for | the purpose of making an honorable 1 iv- j liliood lie is an excellent workman,! and we feel sure "ill give satisfaction' to all who entrust u ik to him. We be lieve him to be deseiving, in every re spent, and therel'oro cheerfully recoin-! mend him to the citir. ns of Brooks. Quitman Retail Prices Current CORKFI i wr.K.KI.Y. Jiaoon lb. . . 20 (co, 25 Butler Goshen j jri lb. .. j <>s (a, Country jpf lb. | 25 Caudles p* lb .! 35 (4 50 Cheese ... f 1 P> . | 25 (# 35 Coffee Bio |f* lb. ! 20 (iv, 33 Corn If* buslij 50 (<£ 75 Crackers lb . | 20 (a, 25 Kggs ;'p tit-7. I 15 (<£ 2© Flour—-/Superfine f* bbl |ls 00 ('$ 16 00 Family j'f* bbl .j 1 7 00 (<£ 20 O'J Ginger .. .. * j ?b. .. J (<$ 50 Lard ift lb. .. j 23 (<4 25 Oysters J cun .; (a) 40 lVacbet (<§ 50 I‘ickb* I'-fl jar. ( 50 (a, 75 Potatoes— Irish . rf* bush! 250 300 Sweet |f*, buslij (<$ 50 Fonder ft)... i CO (cD, 75 Potash !$ #>...( <4 20 fiice pIF I 15 (rt, 16 F.nisins 'r* i (4 50 Sslt g sack.l 3 00 A* i 50 Soap... !(? B) . 15 @ 20 Sugar (■»' a>. .. 16 <4 25 Syrup ;r 1 gd.. 50(4 75 Soda 't' 5). . (a 25 Shot ||ilb... Q 20 6t*reh Vft . 20 (j, 25 Tobacco good article.. j p ft. . 1 50(4 2 00 Vinegar Ijl gal . 60 § 75 “flcir Advertisements. = TO THE PUBLIC. GEORGIA. Brooks Couxtt. —All persons are herebv notified not to raise any account or indebtedness against me on the appl cation of any other person or persons whomsoever, unless mid application is accompanied with an order under my own proper hand and signature THOMAS E. HARDEE. Quitman, Feb. 26. 1869. 6'lt TAX NOTICE. ~V~"0T1CE Is hereby given that for li.e purpose of collecting the State and County iaxes for the year 1868, i will tu- at the following pla ces at the times men tiomd : Quitman Mrvrch 3d Nankin } » l '®£ <’ h Grooverville.... .Vareu sth Wade's Store March uh l>rv Lake • sl » r J b .“ Tallcka* w* rC v 19th Parties wtU be prompt in attendance and save trouble A- Stbicbla-vP, T. C. February 28th, 128?. ®--* WORK WARiIENTEi): HUCH JErJKinS, siisiiim-iißsysiii, QUITMAN, (j A. TTTOULD respectfully inform the citizens of T t Brooks county, that he is now prepared a. a to Iti-psir and place ia«onpl«le O der, Ut xs, PISTOLS, COOKS, ’&e.| lie is also prepared as a Waleh-Mitker and jeweler. To lbTsir [ A^^^^^iv„ ni; . ;_ T Watc h9B, docks. Jewelry, &c. t &o, h? pledges himself to gi r« satisfaction in • very instaicc. .411 work WAR RENTED FOR ONE YEAR. Office in the Tin Shop, South of Messrs* j Culpepper. Creech «fc C«’s at •re. at the of the Urge Watch. IIUGII JENKINS. February 26. 1869. Assignees Sale. fWIIIE following Heal Estate, belonging to the Ji. Estate of W. A. Livingston. Ilnni rupt. w ill ba Hold on Saturday, the 20th of Mare!: next, if not sooner disposed of at private sale. t«> wit : The East half of the Southeast quarter ol Section seventeen in Township Two (2), North ot Range Ten (10). East, iu the State of Florida and County of Madison, and containing eighty and 22-100 acres, more or less. H. F. MABBETT, Assignee. February 26, 1869. • 6-2 t PYRAFUGE! PYRAFU6E! PYRAFUGE! A SURE AND POSITIVE CURE KOR e»>ill Fever, Fever and ‘rut And Dumb Ague.! Does not cure all the ills flesh is heir to, but does effect a rapid cure in Chill Fever, Fever and Ague aad Dumb Ague! PYRAFUGE Is now taking the place of all patent medicines, and a revolution in the history of physicians' j practice will about commence. T H E Wonderful Fever Medicine! Is the name given to it by all who have used it i and disregard the label, but call it THE ONLY TRUE MEDICINE FOR THESE COMPLAINTS. We challenge a single case to try oar PYRA FUGE and deny its , Wonderful Properties. And thv mo«» obstinate case must yield t Certificates of residents (city and country) nil! be shown on inquiry. PREPARED AND SOLD AT LIPPMAN’S WHOLESALE DRUG STORE, SAVANNAH OA FOP. SALE AT QUITMAN BV pr. J. 11. McCALL. fcblfi - f-O Petitio>i for Homestead. j > i'A'i !• OF C Vi '!;CIA, ) „ p, i;< H NVV * onri of .Ordinary. AS, Owen i ales having apf lied y Y _ t“r « v •: mid •.tin"; i;>«» t and x ' • •*> •••- 1 will } ass noon the ; Milne at : in Quilnmn, on ti e 6th day of - 'arch Is • oVUck a. m. Given i.'Bvler iuy hand and official signature. tu»s 2'-d d.iy ot Peb 1 ~ I dAiiF* B. Rkaty, Ordinary. | j PI n :ION' 'FOB lit!.':;;.. I’EAD. *’ /"< !:0!!.-:t \, r,im>: C-intt. Ranl-l Tl. 'I i •■•lf. 1 InvitiK uv>j>ll»-l for FxcmpJlon *ad i .vltiae V j . an,l valuation of lloai.vr&d. 1 will ’ " •>»'- ;l o ■' •• my "i-p, »t I'oug'u*. ou ‘ ,i.t ::.':h ,iay oi v,, I 1 a ..vl L.-vt, Onlinvrv, | February 11. L c 62. 5 ft Petition for Homestead. STATE OF GEORGIA. I .. i: ,-:.v (Vvmv. j Lourt of Oidmury. ?iV 'C ' Robcea Groover having appli- V ? rd ter exemption of pei'nomilfly and setting sj'Dt't uiitl \ .imti<;ii of Homestead. I will pans i'i > :a the at Quitman, on the 27th day ot belmiarv. i.- t), a i 11 o’clock, a. in., at mv of fice. Given under my lignd and official signature, this 13th day of February. 1809. Jamks L. Bjcaty. Ordluary. February 19. 1869. 5-2 t Administrator’s Sale. GEO IK •' I A, Biuioks County. A GREKABLK to an order from the Honora j jljßl ble Court of Ordinary of Brooks County. I will be sold before the Court House door at j Quitman, in said county, on the First Tuesday I in April next., between the legal hours of sale, a Business Lot in the Town of Quitman, on which j is a very good and substantial framed store- I house, formerly occupied bj Mr. John Purcell as ! h saloon. Sold as the property of John A. Edmondson, late of said county and ceased, for the benefit ol his heirs and creditors. /if-OrTonm sale, cash NauaiiG. P.oMo.vnso.v, Adm’x. ! February . , 1 sf 9. 3 Ids Sheriff’s Sale. WIDHLL be sold before the * > t House door vs iu Quitman, on the Ist 'fuesday in March between the usual hours ol sale, the following property to wit : One Lot nf Land, Number 334, in the 12th District <d IJrooks counly. (lie property ol Hen ry to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of E Rem ington vs. Henry Radford and others. Also, three line Mules and a line gray Mure, | and one good lour hone Wagon, levied on as the, i property of.J, L. limiter, to satisfy one fi. la. in j tavor of M. C. tfmilh Vb. J. L. Unmet* and Wil ! liaiu Jones. D. r. McNLIL, Sheriff. February 5, 3-It Cl ook i Coi vrv. - here i *,\Vil ’H' liani R. li?*'din, Administrator on the Es tate of James Hardin, deceaud, applies torn*' for letters cl Di-jui -sion from his said Adminis tration of said I’-tAto. The-e are • here; re e notify all persons at inter | est to fib* ?!.• • i '• f 'lis «i' i:n lie time pro-j nerib*- b' i* ‘ .•• ‘:ierwi.-e aid lelter.s will be gi'aui>• - inu • and to r.pplieatit. 'mv- 1 :. !..*;;«! a.-d oh!rial signature thm Ja.iua.ry 8. im;p. •i L. IP *tt, Ordinary. Jammy 12,1 Oni pj Cute i L! Ordir ary, Brocks €oun* I rI - aary 8, 13G9. Mm.!' . . . ! --‘Ks ‘• 1 N IV. ll is |] mi r , in 1 ' o 111 1 tliat the lax Colluc tor of Brook- mu * v !»••. and i- ; hereby autlior -1 lv*\ .:• Li: • the - ■ !- of i il'ty rer ; ..■ '. . . ;] - n-ent t.f The r-v s -deb! - - m 1 e iim. \\ o. li v e j -T cent. ! - ill-' : -ve: '-am •-s <>i ihe - '! i ■ ' . :-;. a: 1 *e-- I-I 0< ill- Oi the '■ m- ft' 1 1* : ; ' • 1 ’ of paiipers. . • , '.el O ! ;‘ll I* ii» •- per k -nt. up .'i: i.e . date .ax be .- .!!• e-t-d frm.a ev.*ry Da guerrean. Ambrn'r;,*- Photographei and similar .Otis'fmni every Auctioneer, every Keeper of a i'uoi or Hilliard . Id- *.r public phi v ; eve ry Koepei of a 'feu P!; .!!!e V . or Alley 'of like kind tor jMihim psv i h <«r without u name, wile - forexere. i m : iiiusenicat only, and not prohibited bv law. j a t- beaty, Ordinary Hrooks County. A trie extri’ct from the MiuutoH oftli** Court. i/. a. Mclntosh. Dt p i \ < l«»i k i’. O 11. ( . Febrnriry 12. 18/0. ‘ 'i-5t WITI ■ JEWELER,, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, i.i« old hii-iiie-- i ami I- ju ,-[tai rd 10 n V'(' -0s ■'clock:- 1';.;..-,' 3 ' va!v!,,: ' ; JEWELS/ * WITH AND DISPATCH, i miv b»* found at. his old quarters in the Store of Mr. .1. R. ! February 12, ]B'i9. -f-Cm IFUEMIIRE HOUSE. JOHN M. WITT, Cabinet Maker sUndcrtakt-r. QUitWiAN, GA. riIAKFS. pleasure in notif.! lh'* , g? 1 ciC>::*t.- of lirook: and adjoL.iH;--. 'Counties, till • h:t o- abii. l-"-i at i Quilmau. a i ’ltPUif •i T ' /rx ufjlctor- . iis prepared ». pat up to | order— , BUii'UACX, BEDSTEADS, io ’DETA j hies, sideboards, 'j ables, WARDROBES, • and everything needed in the Furniture line, and [ in any style required. • An*experience of many years, justifies him iu ’ Assuring the public that, his work will give satis* ] faction in every resjiect; and prices will e«*m ‘ pare favorably with those of Savannah or elsc ! where, with this important advantage to the pur ; chaser : every piece of Furniture leaving his es tablishment will be warranted. v r |'„ liojmiFixing 1 done w'th neatness j and dispatch. liNDERTAKCR’S mm. j Tn connection with the Furniture business, be ! is also conducting of UNDFR lAKKR. and will put up. on very .short notice, any descrip tion ofCOrFIN---Plain or Ornamented, fceady trimmed, and'd, if de'ire<l. A and a soi in 'nt of Coffins always hept on hand. jpfr- V:\cci. p.s m > leratc as possible. WANTED- Lam in re ! • i • ' qu/n‘ity of SEA* SONED L ; MEgR, ; N’ 1 * {i “ i : a r> China. C- ho i>!ac-: Auinut, aC., Ac., for which a iibera: 'ee will be T>aid. JOBN za. WITT. I QttJtman, Ga., Jan 22, I-ts Savannah Houses. ~ W. J. WALsSJ WHOLESALE Dl- ALEK IN’ DRUGS, MEDICINES, CM CMKALS, Patent H'ecUc-uics, PcifiiincTy, Fancy Goods, SURGICAL INSTRUMEHTS, T J J X 7SS4 X-ISJ, PAINTS, OILS AND VAUNISIIES, l\v(» Stuffs, (I.u-'lfn Sruds, Ac. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, SOUTHEAST CORNER BROUGHTON' AND BARNARD STREETS, Savtumuli, Georgia. February Ik. 1 MO. £> ly Euuak L. Gvi-.-raud. K]:vvaki» L. Huu-ombk. (i’ILIUIIII & lilil.lliliDli, FACTORS General Commission & Shipping MERCHANTS, No. 5 .StodtlardV Lovrar Range, Ray St. SAVAXSAir GEORGIA. AGENTS FOR TIIE Best Fertilizers in Use. s. s. ST It IfliUM), Ag cut February 19, 1809. ly SAVANNAH MAUIUNE W OBKS S. W. GLEASON, i Sugar AliPs, Sugar Pans, Gin Gear, Shafting, Pul-! ! leys, Iron Railing, Iron and Brass Casting*, j Portable and Stationary Steam Engines, and Ma- i chinery of all kinds. St Ultimo Street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. February 19, 1869. 6-ly 0. FALVEY, MMItR 19 KYEIIY VARIETY B ' « < TO • , IB At tflg* ««i iC "It WMIH ft <S wcitvaWi C W, sas il Ma uit 153 Broughton St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. n'AS IN STOUR a large and varied assort ment of MAHOGANY, WALNUT, (WEST.NUT AM) ENAMELED p*» *s o' ts -a •?««•»> Tables Bureaus, Os livery Style and Pattern, CHAIRS, | OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOX, <£C., <tC. j Frbrtmry i *. 1869. 6m 110 BERT S’ & flllMlN,; Commission Mfrcliaut*, . North Hide Bay St., 2nd door West of Exchange. SAVANNAH, CA. llmum Boiu:t Savannah, Joseph Tiij.vux. D. L. RoDUitTa, “ Madison co., Fla. oetl6-18t;« 36-1 y P . hV B E H IV , Cotton Factor, avd— GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, F'irst door WVst of Kxuhangc. , 13av S.TBKirr Cavaxnah, Gko. ! ocllC ‘CB 36-1 y* ] wsi. it. TisoN. w«. w. oimtox. TISO.\ & (aOIIDOA, Cotton Factors AND itStiuiai Commission ytifrdianfs, DO Rat Ftp.xkt, Satanxah, (>eo. i Bagyinx, Rope or Iron Tier advanced »c crop*. par Liberal advances made on consignment* ! of Cotton. (irateful for liberal patronage in the-past, , ry effort will be made to cantinue to merit pub | lie confidence. October 2. 18€8. 6m S. S. MILL.ER, PICAI.ER IX .JIIHOGASY, WALIICT A\i) PISK FURNITURE, FRENCH UNO COTTA6E ntUBBIB in UHHE BUSH Muttranscs made to order. IVo. I«j7 Broughton Street, 3 A VA NNAII, G EORGIA. a]ilt ly m.M. SULLIVAN, DEALER IN' Shad, and alt of Fisk, In their Season, Oysters, Game, etc., IVo. 11G Bay Lane, SA VANS All. GEO. jrtST'M’y motto is : Justice to all. Orders from tbe country will be prompt It an<l cnroftilly fillcxl. nov22-tf J. BERRIEN OLIVER, ~ General Conunissimi SUitltti!, No. 37 biy Street, (over Wiloos, Gibbs t Cos. ! SAVA NASH GEORGIA. I<ee«nber 4. IWt Ft TTTjf, HONE, Lk alariu Imported and Dojr.rfr \y fie LiqnSrs, W:c»g and Sega.rr. r-.y GRAY, O’BRIEN & CO., No. 131 llroughton Street, G-ooz’g'iet* lli»vc Iv c. i .ed OLa Stock i.f jSj'tSfc* fWf* •&* rii its m Ai’ei uA u i sSO AsAAvJUuah XXE3.~Sr GOODS, I Awl llu'v arc < •Her in if tin- name «t (T.STOMAKY LOW l’R ICES for CASH, j In their RETAIL DEPARTMEXT, TII'LY HAVE NOW jNcw styles Striped Alpaca Lustres; ! u u A T ozani biqucfe; u u Japanese Cloths# u ‘‘ Liialais and Leuos; a u Spring Prints; Also a very largo asmndment '4' Linen Ilamlkcrcliiff*. Linen Ton-els, Uainnsks, Jhnloes awl Napkin*, Hoaiarr, OloVch, and Fancy Hoods, nml lull lines of SIIIRTIXCS, SBEETM, STRIPES, TlfhlNGS, if. in Tin'.i it WHOLE $A LE DE PA RTMENT They have rn w a very heavy st u 1; of the Inst make* of Southern and Northern Factory Goods, all nf which liny arc? < filling to the trade* at MANUFACTURERS! PRICES, For Cush or approved Cily acceptance. February 2Cth, 1809. ' C-ts | ' REPRESENTED BY * E. RUBENSTEIN, G2>YJ~X r F‘J%/J[A.IST, <C3rJESO. I> i-Xl.o leuve to call the attention ul die riiii-.-ns of Quitman and surrounding country to tlie fact > tlut ho as now on hand taiul coiislaiuly receiving addition# to,) a Urge, u#at and g#u«r»l assortment of GROCERIES, &c„ Which will ho sold at roiim kablv LOW FTOI.'Ri'N for Cadi, Our jeeaent stock of Worsted Good , I‘npliim, Ladies't dunks. and Genllemmi'n Clocking, will k. Sold aS. .V* tv y*ortc Cost! Thru* goods mu.A b** Hold at an early a day #v?» i>/» sible forth - purpose of making room for an immena** stork of Domratics, Grucerira, Shorn uu 1 limdware, and lbt*rel«»re the reason they ar. koU hi cost for Cash. Oo'’tiry Produce, Os every d.-criplion, taken ill exchange for Good-:, and ta" highest market price invariably paid. .'£it-IVe iv p 'cifully invite tbe public to g’ve it ■ . -ill. anil prior and eiautiiM our gooda, feel ing Confident Unit satisfaction will lie given the must lamMlou*. PHILIP DZIALY?JSKI, Commission Merchant, Cotton Factor and Wholesale Grocer, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. l&fjsfWc make liberal Cash Advances, at Quitman, lOn Cotton consigned to I’liilip Rziulynski. Savannah. Mr Ibtinlynski is well and favorably known Ito the people of oudiorn Georgia md l lni-id i. aid repaires no commendation. lie is prompt, reliable, ciiargea moderate commission-. and will serve parlies faithlnllv. i:. urniaMsiTEiN, January Id. 1860. lv atit:sr at uctnux. GUANO ON GRECHT! | SAVANNAH CASH PIUOES. : t()0 Toma No. I Peruvian at S‘JO, 2,000 llh>., in lift?.’. 300 Tons Ainmoniated Soluble Pacific at $-00, 2,000 lh»., ia Lags. ! -200 Tons Baker’K and Jarvis Islam] at s4n, 2,000 ibs., in bag*. 100 Tuns Fish at $lO, 2.000 Urn., in barrel*. AND OTHER LOWKR HR ADI’S PiIOSPIIATIC GUANOS. On Credit, SIO.OO Added. -a All tne Guam, are analyed, and every bag branded with the Inspector's Stamp. For sal# by O. CSrZKTESISI, GLNFRAL AGENT FOR GEORGIA, sr. ISAV STKKKT, MAA'A-NN All, C*-V. T>®' AVo are prepared to fill orders at Savannah prices, adding only freight and drurag#. CREECH & WADE. January 29, 1A if). (din) Agents Quitman, Georgia- TIHSARE MfflFlMY, QUiTWIAM, CA. THE undersigned respectfully invite the at-, tentioa of tlie public to the fact that they me still prepared, at their Tinware mami'actoiy south of Culpepper, Crrrrb & LV-> stun?, to fill any order for tinware, of any di scriptiou, r. iili neatness, cheapness and dispatch. w-a-Repairing will be done neatly an 1 prompt-, iy, and satisfaction guaranteed. ,E<J~Our charges will be very moderate, anil ] wo respectfully solicit the patronage of tin- pub lic. STREETY A MftINTOfJH. January 22, ’6B. Ids Mrs. A. E Baker & Daughter, mums All MAIfE-lK KESPECTF FLLY solicit a sharp of public i patronage. jr-tf' All Needle work entrusted to their care, whether Plain or Ornamental, will be executed with neatness aud dispatch. They will keep ou band a small Stock of Trim ming Goods at their Otbce on .Main Street, licit } door west of Mr. Jacob Bautn’o Store. Mas. A. B. Misti M. A. B ua.K. Quitman, Feb. 19. 18f*9. “ NOTICE. 4 LL PERSONS indebted to JOHN M. K.VY jfJL 90R, either by note or Becougt, will ftr.d - such claims ill the hau ls of GEO. 1). HA\SOU, to whom they will make payment dia'.cly. JOHN M. RAT SOtt.. Groovervilic. Feb. IC. l'-f9. 4-2 m 9t E-Tr7'iZTlTLY'f(TFk~rtJikTTn Sa Idles. H.r --8 ness. Bet dug Saddlery war.. Leather, tc. . ■£ £*■ J Bias I=l ns d*. •?«%. JVOTICE. DISSOLUTION. rniiP NCITKT; Ilf dissolution of the firm <A B. f F. .V Go., and selectiouof Mr. Gro. 1). llav-mi as Assignee, is changed by consent of parties, and Mr. L).ivT. I,Aim. or Florida, or :. -di| to close up said biisineas. who ah.ue is authorized to receipt and close the .-suio IFF IANTON, For IF F. Linton A Cos. Groovervilic, Sept. 12, IBPB. A- • aid- to shove notice. I hereby appoint A .-A Kl-All*. of Grom ei-ville. «... my agent, to at.end to any aud all business connected w ith tint above named firm. DAN'I, LAI)f), Assignee of IF F. Linton 4 Cos. Gr uvorville, Ga., S-*pt. 12, 1808. 32-ts ,t. w. st. ( t int. I- MojUSIJIY. ST. GLAIB & MOSELEY, IVtfovnciis anbCounstlors at Jl<i ia, QUESIAIf, G-A. AH Claims sent to as for collection. In Florida or Gcofgia, trill receive prompt atten tion. December tth, im. f m \v ST." aT laneT IXttorneu at Iktto Snliritor j.v ciuycr-nr, CVITMAN, lIR ■ G-'-b C t'NTY, GBOBCU Jt-®- C'dicc ai the Court Hens". Janu’-y F) ly