Newspaper Page Text
(The (Quitman fanner,
* <0
X, O C A L .
The public are aware 1 TUTUS LIVER
Wi- Seo advertisement of Mtssrs. J.
W. S lulnakcr A Cos. They have just re
re" ved a supply of Bugging ami Iron
Tii s, wliicli will be supplied to planters
t n fair tcims.
C rn'tv Tax.—lt will be soon by or
iler published elsc wh iv, that the Onli
nary of Brooks county, has directed the
J.(X Collector to collect a tax of SO per
cent, on the State Tax for county par
pores. This makes a total tax of s".io
fSlato and County) on every one thou
sand dollars worth nt property ret lined.
Fiii-t Bale k .R Brkiks.— \Ye learn
that our friend A. T. I’kriiam, K q>\, is
the first planter hi Brooks conn y to get
a hale of cotton ready, the present Rea
Ron, for market. It was carried lo the
Quitman and pot on Saturday last, and
wc presume, immediat. ly shipped to
As n dressing. Nature's Ituir Resfora'fve _oe
ahead if any in the ma. kilt, tr’cu adv.Ttiseiaeat.
Kuksey, Ji u.xs i.x A Sc. Tr. -T.iis is a
new c in nisei >u firm pi Sivan mh, but
the gentlemen con posing it arc well
known in this section if Georgia m and
throughout Florida, as reliable, prompt
a’d thorough business men. See their
card in t -day’s Banner.
Om f. iend, Mr. S ?. Stkicki.ami, who
is so well and favorably known to the
people in this section of Country, is with
this house, aid will give every attention
to the interest < f patrons.
C i. Last. —Wc arc happy to find the
name of U I. W. A. Lank, the Ib’prcsct:-
tative of this county in the Legislature,
among the “seventy three” who voted a
gainst the “prolongation” resolutions.
This righteous vote atones for many of
ficial acts we felt in duly bound to con
demn in the past. In behalf of the peo
ple of Bro ks, we t. nder to him thanks,
for his timely and honest defence of the
Millinery G ams.— It will bo seen bv
an advertisement from S. Kruu.-kow,
who conducts a wholesale Mi llinery
business at 149 J Congress Street, Sa
vannah, that he is prepared to supply
interior merchants at New Ymk prices.
His stock is complete in every particu
The Coir in Crh* —We iegret very
much to litarn. from various portions of
this and adj lining counties, that the
growing cotton has been seriously in
jured by lust—and the crop will be cat
short at least one third, if not a half.
JI'STIKt.WILK II"Ml. TDK.—A colored man
by t.l e name of George Brown, living on
the plantation of Mr. Janies Wilson, Jr.,
Rome six miles west of Quitman, was
killed mi last Tuesday morning, by the
discharge of a gun held in the hands "(
James Wilson, Jr.; and an held
on the body of the deceased, uad r 'the
direction of Willis A. King, Notary
Public and Ex • fli io Justice of the
Peace, after a careful ixamination if
tlie facts, tendered a verdict to the es
led, that the deceased came to his dctlh
by the justifiirfde act of the said James
Wilson, Jr. The parties who witnessed
the homicide were the wife an 1 sins ol
tlie deceased, and it was upon their evi
donee the jury rendered a verdict if
justifiable homicide, in self defence.
The lii ral Carolinian.— We direct
attention to the advertisement of tiiis
splendid agricultinal monthly, publish
(d at Charleston S. C. It is superior
to any similar work published in this
country, and we will take pleasure in
supplying ii to subscribers at two dol
lars ucr annum.
N'koro Women in Breeches. —A cot; -
lo es negro pn stiti tes wer arrcstid by
tho Town authorities, on last Saturday
night, for making their appearance in
public, in male attire. When detected,
they attempted to evale arrest by leg
bail and really made splendid time—but
were finally overhauled, and required to
appear, before the dignitaries of the town
on Monday morning. Ti cy appeared,
plead guilty, and were required to make
a deposit of the enormous sum of three
dollars, to the finances es the town.
A Drowning Christian. —We were
fishing on the river lai t w< ek, and wit
nessed a scene that was quite In i rous.
Friday m< ruing a negro made
her appearance at Spa n’s Ferry, and de
manded to be put across the river; and
as she was atte opting to gH into tho
b >at, missed her footing, anil fell, heels
over head, into the wati r—and evident
ly believing that the hour for her de
parlure f;om tbs vanities, vexations and
ferries of this earth had arrived—as her
head rose above the water, in gurgling
strains she Rung: “Jvstis by the river
Kide,”&c. “Old Aaron" was close at
hand, however, and gently lifted the
suffering Christian sister from her per
ilous position, and safely lauded her
safely on the ollici side, a wet if not a
wiser negress.
Welcome. -We take much pleasure in calling
the attention of our readers to the advertisement
of English Female Bitters, in another column.
This combi .alien is regarded as the Great Fe
male Medicine of the age, and is highly recom
mended by the Medical Profession, and all who
hase te-ted it. Oar fern decomraunity are trou
bled with many complaints pecttl arto their sex.
and now it* the time to secure a bot'le and be
cured. [a..g 1.1 ! m
IJeinucrni ic lAcrulivc Committee.
At n meeting of the Pomocr.itil) Ex
i t iit ve (t mmittcc for Brooks County,
lii'hi nt Quitman, on the 13,iiinst. Cupt ,
James II Hunter was elected I’res blunt,
.*r J. 1 Groover, Secretary, and Judge
■I 0. M nr n, Treasurer
Upon taking the chair, the Preside!'t
•x :>! ttiu ■ tl tim obj 'cl fir which the C mi
uiittce had assembled, and in a few ap
propriate remarks, urged upon the mem
bers tiie necessity tis active w rk f. r the
apacoaehiug camp iign.
On r.olion i( Cui J. Y. Jones, amoct
•ng of the C mmiltec was ealic.l, t > co •
vetio at Q litinan, oil Tuts,lay, the ”3 1
O.i motion, the President was diroct
<d to urge the people, and ii struct the
D's riet Gommittci 8 to I old meetings,
and o gan'/.e previous to the 23d ins!, il
P‘»» l»li\
Ou iiu ti- n ofCol. Junks, tlie pr.)cooil-
of the mooting were ordered to bo
published iu the Quitman' Banner; and
t ie nv I'liug thereupon adjourned until
the 23d inst. J. 1. Gnoovr.u, Sec’y.
linking Slowly.
Diseases that progress rapully to a crisis are
not the only anes to be dreaded. ('anker or
dry rot iloes not blast a tree as suddenly ns a
stroke of lightning, but unless arrested, it des
troys it as certainly : and in like manner chron
ic debit tv, a’though it, does not kill wi!h the
swiftness of yellow fever, is as sure to sap the
springs of life eventually, as any acute disease,
if not checked by invigorating medication.
There is something inexpressibly touching in the
spectacle of premature decay. Languor, pallor
emaciation, depression of spirits, and a distaste
for exertion, are its ordinary symptoms, and they
>h.utlil be promptly met by tonic treatment.
The best invigorant and exhiiarant that can be
administered in a ease of this kind is Hostetlers
.Stomach Litters. The stimulating principle of
he dormant energies of the system, and the
rlrcngthouing an '■ regulating properties give a
permanent and healthful impulse t»> the vital
forces thus brought into play. The failing ap
petite is ro-awakened, the process of digestion
and assimilation are quickened, the quality of
the blood is improved, the secretions become
more natural, and every organ that contributes
to the nourishment et the body undergoes salu
tary change. I*\ l he.-;o moans the repair of the
physical structure is effected and its health and
vigor restored. In no class of diseases has the
beneficent operation of the Hitters been more
and striking than in those characterized
by general debility and nervous prostration.
Ladies affected with these ailments find in this
must wholesome of all tonics and correctives the
safest nnd surest means of relief. It is strong to
restore and powerless to injure. Such is the
uuitorm testimony of ‘‘clouds of .witnesses.”
I mLXHM (KstXSlMh 1
The following letter is from Mr. Woodward,
of St. Louis, to J. N. Harris, Esq., of New Lon
don,(Ynn. Mr. W is a gentleman of high res
pccLibillty. amrnnriug the prevalence of the
cholera, in St. Louis watched the result of the
application of the Lain Killer for this disease,
and his testimony can be relied upon with the
utmost confidence: Sin: Von recollect when I saw yon in
January last my expressing to von my utmost
sang line expectations that DAViS* LAIN KIE
LEII would have a tremendous sale in the west
this season, and my aiUieipalionu have been
more than real3/.ml and ‘he testimony of thou
sands who have used it has been that they would
not be willing to go to bed at night without it
in the house,
On the appearance of the cholera in this city,
such was the confidence in the I’ain Killer as a
reinedv, that many who purchased it remarked
to me that they had no fears or dread of the
cholera as lon/ as they had the Lain Killer by
them, and hundreds took it daily as a preventa
tive for no person can have a derangement of
the bowel - or dian hie i if they use this medicine
This was the security and confidence of hundreds
acquainted with it, and when their friends were
attacked with the Cholera they would adminis
ter the remedy in large quantities, and i:i every
case when it has been taken in any of the first
stages of this disease, it, has proved auocc.-Hful.
I consider it an infallible remedy. J h ive not
hoard of any individual in any family .who used
the Lain Killer whm attacked but speedily re
Theglerk informed me that he administered it j
to persons, when cold or in the cramps, and it ■
gave immediate relief but it still should be given j
quickly for when the discharge of “rices water'' |
has begun the hope of life has fled. Should this j
disease make its appearance among you as in j
all probability it will, be not alarmed; you and |
nil others there have the remedy, and I am con- j
lident if tin* Lain Killer is used, not a single j
death by Cholera will occur in your city.
Respectfully yours,
The Pain Killer is sold by all dealers in j
Family Medicines.
For sale by Dr’s. Briggs it Jelks.
COTTUN.—The following were the quotation,
of the Savannah market at latest date ;
Middling ~ (<O,
Low Middiing 17 (Vj,
Ordinary ($
BacoiT, Ft 1 !, STTj 20 (& 25 |
Butter—-Goshen U 1b... 50 Ut} * 05 !
Country | p>. ID. .. | 25 (a), * 35 ;
Caudles UK so. .. 2.3 (u> 50 ]
Coffee-*— Uio Jp. Hi... | 29 (a), 33 |
Corn ! C bushj I
Crackers jfl 1t)... I 20 (ti), 25 j
Eggs j p .do/.. J -3 (tpj
Flour —Superfine j’C bbl .| 0 00 (••} 10 00 !
Family \p, bbl . 'lO 00 (a), 12 00 j
Ginger 1C- - I 03 t3O I
[.ard U fl>- 23 (tn, 2.3 |
Oysters 3-> can . I O') •’>■> '
Peaches jft can . O') 3.3 |
Pickles i*U jar. ~ 50 <V/> 7.3 I
Potatoes— frisb j’U bush 2 50 (a) 3 00 j
Sweet | j-> bush 0j!- 75 |
Powder i|T h... (10 O') 75 j
Potash !>>, !!>-.. 03 20 j
Rice |U !b... H(3 10 j
Raisins 1b... (<3 40!
Salt r* sack, 2 75 0 3 50
Soap j (4, fb... 10 0 20 :
Sugar ! jO, H)... 10 0 25
Soda h'ib.. 0 25 I
Shot \r>Ab... 0 20 j
Starch j~s lb -.. 20 0 25 |
Tobacco, good article. .\'p lb. • • 1 25 0 1 50 s
Vinegar it! ga 1 00 0 75
Dk. J. H. McCall,
Quitman. 5a.,
Lias just r. ia-iv.-it a
and wall Hf’l 'Ctod stock of pur. (^S.
Drugs, Medicines, WU
Oils, Turpeslinc,
D ye, 5 luffs, R a tent Medicines
Ac., .55.-„
% Which will be -old on reasonable term : and
the pail-on «ge of the nublic i. ie;*r’ertfu(t y r-olic*
tied ‘ octl 3/ ly
j SICKN i*A IN AN l>i)KA i’ll
| Lcgii inanely result as penalties for violations of
! natural laws from which none oseape.
The tuded cheek, the pale and wan features,
jhe dull eve. the cloudml iniellect. the deep heav
ing sigh, the lee’do and emaciated frame, the de
j noted brow, Urn tottering gair. all indicate pre
vious ti’ vu -giv-wi vi of law. Knowing that ‘ pro
eras dent ion is Jhe thief of time,*’ all intelligent
beings apply for some reimidy as soon as eb-cum
stances permit: while those who do not act upon
the principle that ‘-delays are dangerous, v gen
erally linger, lose more time and pay more nton-
Thot sands of mothers and daughters, in nil
stations and conditions oflife. are coffering, lin
gei iuQ a:i I dying from the ejects of some dread
ed and dreadful
H'jl A Li?. CM>N?PLA * NT,
Tlu! claims its viclhns throughout the length
and bread ill orour land.
M iny t f fvnn!" • s ifi'cr in some way rt each
monLily p *: iol; j •• a * girls are in great peril at
‘he commencement, of menstruation. whiY older
ones dread its doeliim at the ‘ turn of life." Lome
times the mviL-lrual Gov. is too mm h or two iit
:K>. or may be attended wish pain: may be ir
regul t r or entirely chocked, or changed in ap
pearance. Attended with other didre.- ing symp
toms Lvucorrhcvt*. or the “Whites** frequently
drains tbo system, t*r ulceration of the womb
may or.-ait- pain a.ul cause rupM prostration.
I ailing of the womb is an exceedingly com
mon i • i plaint, giving much trouble ami distress
which, under ordinary treat neat, is difficult to
Hysterics, Green Sickness. Irratabilifv of the
1\ oinb, and other serious and iatal complaints
follow the female sex throughout life. Lives
there a medieal gentleman who has or can re
lieve the fair sex of the above troubles? Not
many. Is there no combination of remedial a
gexts that will come to her rescue ? Wo an
swer, Yes.
J The only acknowledged Uterine, Tonic nud
i em tio regulator known will cure all those com
plaints above mentioned in an incredibly short
time. The Litters, nt oneo "arouses strengthens
and res;ores (he womb to its natural condition,
removing obstructions, relieving pain and regu
lating the monthly period. Y.-iidei stands a pale
feeble atul languid girl, just bursting into wo
manhood; she is the pride af all, but hark/ she
silently steals a pickle, eats chalk! or a ship;
pencil: no appetite for-food ; she turns with a
dull eye and seeks .solitude; her eye no huger
sparkles; her merry laugh is no longer heard
ringing through the air; she mopes about with
bloodless lips and gums, with headache, palpita
tion, constipa ion, swimming ol the head, cold
feet and bauds, melancholy; she has a coated
tongue offensive breath and a host of other evils
too numerous to mention.
When neglected all these symptoms become
aggravated, there is sick stomach, heartburn,
a dark line sett!.* under the eyes, the legs and
ankles areswolen. the hair loses its gloss and
falls off, there is brittleim--; and splitting of the
finger nails, rwooleu abdomen, extreme nervous
tie s, lYclfuiiio;s, ami tu'-es, dry Hyster
ical Fils, rapid prosiraiion, ep;’e.;y and death!
If you or any of your friends, are thus afilicled,
send at once fora bottle of English Female Hit
ter-, and bo cured. Its affects rre magical in
such complaints .Surely no mother will post
pone and delay this duty until
'‘lmTvnTi TH-rTm bbbtT"
in all those complaints the system evidently
shows a want of rod blood, and Mr. UJiuichill in
his work on Diseases of Females, rays: ••Hear
ing in mind that, the blood is rmnakably deficient
in red corpuscles, and the known properly of
iron to correct this condition, theory suggests it
as the most to be relied on, the best of which is
the Citrate.” Citrate of Iron enters largely into
the composition of English Female Filters, com
billed with powerful vegetable tonics of rare
Among the numnlains of Tennessee : nd the
p ncy woods ot* Mississippi, is found a cm tain
hard and flinty root, which has been in secret
ioe by some old midwives for many years, po«
scss3ng magic powers in legulaling and restor
ing fill females suffering with any affection of
the womb. This root tu* have obtained, gave il
a fair Us! iii io r practice aud it is now one of
the |>r io ip!.- ingredients in these Hillers. Other
into i's e nipositioM. We also add Leptutulra
or Llaek roo*. sufiii-ient to act upon the liver
and keep the bowels open.
TT^^TTfc)i:nh kiuls,
Middle aged matrons, tlrse at the critical peri
ml, and the aged gratnlnioMiei’, are all cured by
file use of our English Female bitters, now
prescribed and used by physicians nil over the
1 1’ v.>u ftfe troubled with Failing Os the Womb
a lie ;ded with a sense of weight and bearing
down, j run in the back and side, and other ut
iendant evils, FuglishFetnulo Hitters will gin
entire relief.
Those at the ‘ lurn oflife,*-’ mothers aftercon
finemeiit. anti all others (malo or female) who
are convale. eerit--- from any proliacted or debil
itating e'-.mplaiiil, who gain strength slowly and
who;- * digiv tion is ;-low and imperfect, will find
these Filters the very thing their system de
mon U. Ii gives, a-powerlnf appetite aids and
assists dige.ii u:. arouses the lively sfrongthens
mentally and physically, and fibs the whole sys
tem with pure crimson blood coursing its chan
n l>i"h oaT<; ii7i<T-S! 10 1» iutt i :us.
Imply Fitter Fotth’S, of various slyles, can
he found arotnnl almost every dwelling and cab
in throughout the land. Their taste i.; pleusu-nt
and are advertised to cure almost every disease,
while the manufacturers know they posse;:* no
medicinal properties whatever. They are so
ages which do not, nor cannot possibly cure any
He ware . of these pleasant bitters in quart
bottles, they contain a sting for your vitols and
he who buy j them earres a “toper's*’ grog into
his house. One man who knows noLhieg about
medicine says his big bottles of common stuff
will cure chilh and fever, rheumatism and con
sumption; another whose bottle is very fancy,
cures all imperi i •* of Ike blood, makes old men
young casts out devils, restores sight to the
hiiii l, and numerous ■oilier miracles; while yet
another who pre. umea < very mail a drunkard,
propose.-; to cure colic, ingrowing nails, yellow
fever, h'-art disease and love riclc maidens!! We
know they make no surl* cares, we know Un
people a'Jarge at e deceived and swindled, and
as wc de?!re to rent’late t!::;.;C common humbugs
. —j, 'jm‘ri; K'ikHTa ivT
Tiiat a Ui'tb-HjMufid of ENGLISH EEMAi.E FIT
TEIhS contains as much medicinal properties as
; as one bottle of any of the pleasantly tasted com
! mon advertised bitters of the day! The medical
! profession to decide the question. He it undor
j stood that English F» male Filters is not a bever-
I age, bntisapowe ful Iron and Vegetable Tonic
I c eubin curing longstanding chrou;; f eoule
' complaints in every direction.
Hut ii}> in large hot les at $1..'0 per bottle or
| six bottles for £B.OO, and sold by druggist* and
! merchants everywhere.
J. L. DlvOM-JOOLE & CO., I’r.qLs.
.Mempiii-r, 'l'enn.
mioxfu* * u
The best arul * e’ : ,-apest comhinalioii for all af
fections of the Kidneys and Jiladdcr ever ollered
to the public. If is prepared by regular physi
cian* si nd u.-ed bv the profession.
Price £l. or>ix b .tiles for $-3. Sold by Drug
gists and merchant:? everywhere.
Aug. 12-Im MempUis, Tenn.
Guardian’s Sale.
T>Y virtue of an order issued by Hon. W. If. ;
J ) Dasher, Ordinary for the County of Lownde* i
,Slate of Georgia, tin; undersigned, Guardian of!
Henry Wootten, a minor, will offer for sale be- i
fare the Court bouse in Quitman, Brooks county, !
on the first Tuesday in .September next, the fol j
owing properly, to wit: The. North Quarter of j
Lot of Land No 212, iri the 12th District of'|
Brooks county —the property of the said minor, j
and sold for his benefit.
of sale: Cash.
11. J. DAM FI Eli, Guardian.
July 15, 1870. td
C 1 EORGIA, Brooks County.—Whereas, L. A.
~Jf Folsom. Administrator of the estate of
JOHN FOL'O.M. late of said county, deceased,
having applied to the Court of Ordinary for a fi
j nal dismission from said administration :
ii are therefore tocib* all parties Biferost
:ed tiietboir objections. if any there are. with
in the time.prescribed by h;w, otherwise said let*
I ers ol di.-m ssi ui will b.- granted ami issued to
i .he applicant.
| Wit my band ami official signature,
JAML-) L. BEATY. Or r.
; JuK 1. leTJ. 3m
Uni' DoDbt will pay (>r th*' Scml-U'orkl 10. d,i.
a!l eents a muni!) |mv» for tbs Daily Sun Ad
dress 1. \V. L'NUL.VXB, Dubli'shcr, N. V.
s®' . sf--CHl§Esfl
OXTE/iTUISE, Industry, Tact. Liberality.
I J and the Best Talent, have forever Twenty
1 ears been freely used upon
Moore’s Rural New Yorker
Vml ns a r.* alt it i now, pre-eminently, the
Envy . U ■ ' :.i;il C;i.-.ipest Illustrated Rural
I/iterary and Family Weekly in the World. Tens
<1 thonaands < ; wide awake people, nil over the
Confinon!. take and admire fhc Rural for its su
perior abX:;. . vr'. te. illustrations, style. Ac.
Tin: uju-: - a\u ukgh.k j*;:visk ii !
For exemp t*. Exchange says : “'I he Rural i,
iU* iniv-i i i■••.:* :i! ly printed, ably edited, widely
clrculateil :urd he.iriily welcomed paj>er, at* a
wlmle. w hich now finds its way among tin* people.
\ .A 01. XXII begins July 2. Try it! Only
• l.dt) per volume of 2(1 numbers, or £!I per year
I.ess to Clubs. Subscribe now ! Address
D. D. T. MOORE, t. Dark Row, No v York.
STAB SDA\RI.i:i) HAWEIL A largo ii) coT
umn paper, Ledger size, illuslrated. Devo
ted to Sketches, Loetry, Wit, Humor, genuine
lun. Non?ense (< i' a sensible kind), ami to tlie
exposure of Swindling, Humbugs, See. Only 7.3
co kits’* a year, and a superb engraving. “Evange
lme,'* L'x2 feet, gratis. JOd'oo circulation. Mo
ney refunded to till who ask it. If is wide-awake
fearless, (ruthful. Try it now, 7:3 cents a vear.
Specimens FREE. Address BANNER, Hines- i
dale, N. H.
IU -d. "1. idi ■■: 1 '
} 11 1 r;;>e.*’ No opposition. Steel engrav
ings Rapid sales. For circulars, address Ui »S
Lublishing Cos., N. Y., Cincinnati and Chicago.
jklHook. Agents sell 100 per week,
fix!Sk Tu Ihiix* $.3. Address L. Stkiuuxs, Hart
lord. CL
15.1. E Theological School.—Uni lari
i.T_B an ; educates Ministers ; £IOO a year to
poor students; begins Aug. 21). Apply*to A. A.
Livermore, Meadville, La.
Being a cripple* I have made house planning a
special study. One built last season has proved
a model of convenience, beauty and economy.
Descriptive circulars of Mans, Views, etc. with
general information of value to all, sent fr u*.
Address (with stamp or scri| t if convenient)
y, Vt.
Inventors who wish to fake out Letter.; Latent
are advised lo rounsol with Minx & Cos., editors
ol (he Scientific American, who have prosecuted
claim?] before the Latent Office for over Twenty
Years. 'Their American and European Paten!
Agency is (ho most extensive in the world.-
Charges loss than any other reliable, agency. A
pamphlet containing full instructions to inven
tors is sen! gratis.
Muax-A Cos., .'57 Lark Row, New York.
Vcm ! It isi True !
Tint tin* !‘rsl Mowers the HV.s t Drojtjtcrs the
/.’i ,s7 S'-f/' litth <rs t'* he found in the world are
the Or qiii.d and Ileliab'e Douhle-Modon /ETNA
MACH i NFS. made 1. .* the .ETNA M VNtJFAC
TFRING CO., of Salem. Ohio. Send for Pam
phlet eon! lining particulars.
A 'nook of IA3 closejy printed pages, lately
ii- 'lol. oonfaiuM u list, of the host. American
Advertising Mediums, giving the names, circu
lations, and full particulars concerning the lea
ding Daily and Weekly Loliticul and Family
Newspapers, together vvitq all those having
larg-o circulations, published in the interest of
Religion. Agriculture, LLeralatia*, Ac., Ac.
Every Adver: !M‘i*. and every person who con
templates beoom'iig Hitch, will flmi this book
of great value. Mailed free Lo uny address on
receiht oi lifieen cenis CEO. P. ROWELL
A CO.. Publishers. No. -10 Park Row. New York.
The Li Dimi g (La.) Lead r. in its issue of
Ma;, H)111. 1 d7O, Buys: “The firm of (J. p. Rowell
A: Co.‘ which is*an*.: (hi inleresting and valuable
bo- k is the largest and best Advertising Agency
iu the UnU.x! FDJos. and we can cheerfully re .it to ili < ‘ attention of those who ucr ire
to advertise (he’r business rcientificdUy and
sy.-lematit ally in rncha way: that Ik to secu.c
tiie largest amount ol publicity for the least ex
peudituro jf money.”
WAVTED. Agents. . :/ ) Watch free, given
grat.ifc to every live mah who will act as
Our agent. light and honor.tblb ; pay
£:>() per (hiv. Address R. Monroe Kennedy A
Cos., Pittsburgh, La.
week, or allow a large commission to sell
our new flu. eiiE-'.t i Address J. W. FRINK Ar
CO., Marshall. Ma lt.
l; ' n ”' v i'or agents,
free. ]f. F. fin AW, Alfred. Me.
KAMISMiL..*- ' i"! f-*r eireolar. a fir. ;
irie ?. and htea'lv <-mpl .\metif. F. F. HOWE, 37
Arch street, Lhiladejphia, La.
ChcFtuut street, Philadelphia.
Tlilf 1 ni'MAN MA< ill's!;. Ni.w Le- i;. Ln e
gff E for Clamp, TARRANT & CO., N. V.
Id ) co:..•• : \ij.’ r; v EB. \ou cin got a
cure for Coughs and Colds, and all lung
complaints free. It has cured thousands. Send
for it to !)ax!.:i. Adku, L, O Box 3.331, New York.
A sure relief for \sthma. Price lOcent.- by mail.
»STO\V ELL &. CO., Charlestown, .Mass.
j>j;ader, have vcu TuiEi; tinkiumd
If not try a lmx a-el, and you will use no other
Remedy* Warranted io cure the worst cm e of
Headache, Eafache, or Toothache in five minutes*
It contains notlupg poisonous, it is no liquid, and
cation applied by any child, ft contains no
magic power, and it is putting aside all patent
medicines and humbugs the bust Remedy in the
world for the above diseases. Warranted to
cure or the money refunded. It has been thor
oughly tested in this part of the Union, and hun
dredii h ivt* )>een cured with this Remedy. Re
member, reader flits is no humbug, but a posi
live fact. Can b * sent by mail safely to any
part of lhp globe, and warranted to reach the;
purchaser. send for a box by mail and
be convinced that Headache, Earache and Tooth
ache can be cured Directions sent with every
o ox. Price S’ 00 per box by mail, to any Post
office in th-* Union. Don’t fail to try if! 1 d-*/,.
Boxes $10: 1, doz. Boxes, So. vlddress OTIS
TJXKIIAM. North Middleboio’, Mass. (Box 11).
Discount to the trade.
i A __ _
1 I si cal and Nervous Debility, its < Teels and
cure. Price 25 cents. Address Secretary .Mus
eum of Anatomy, <‘>lß Broadway, New York.
/'U; RIO US, HOW STRANGE Tin* Moored
V S hidden Pric'd'- ('tnnpanion contains the de
sired information. Sent. tr°e for stamp, Address
MRS. li. METZGER, Hanover Pa.
faiPT. Eii litfi.
V GENTS wajCed in every city, town and vil
luge for the largest and most successful
DOLLAR jiotV-K i:i the country--only one
endorsed by The leading papers and Lx press
Companies of the United States. Our goods give
univereal fcatisfaciion. our premiums to a..ents
cannot be excelled, and our checks are free.
Having two houses- Rostov and Cbfcngo--our
facilities are unequaled. and oar business ex
coeds in amount all other concerns in tubs trade
fur Circulars and *:eeClob to
S. Tllfmipson &, Cos.,
136 Federal street, Boston, or
foe Hfate street. Chicago.
GUTMAN. JULY* 29ll». D7O.
\LL parties a;e hereby not died ros? *n eive
. credits i» ih<S firm of UERH \M A lib’UWN
| upon tl<* ap; luaH< nos J. H. BROWN. la:e <*t
• said fi «n: >ahl firm hftt»ng h* m Oesolv. 4b\
, ?n. A. I*.
Savannah Advertisements.
1870. irimr I)iT Hoods. 187#.
No. 139 Congress street, Savannah, Ga.,
ITiu o cninmonocil rwirtn- their stork of W?* RBi. IWT 9TS- IR 'WA
-*r« tit »05 s> Its R» P'ofi « lo wliich they woulit invite the attenllon of Iho.rtttlena of SiHith
'vest Georgia generally. Our stock of Goods is couipleto in all its various departments, viz :
Dimas GOODS. GLOVES, embroideries
j/Uo- Samples nf Goods sent by mail oft application.*^^
•V r ir f,? o o ris Me cei v e and I) ail u .
February 2.3. 1870. 8-(sm
Schwarz & brady..
(Between Hull and Whitaker.)
Up hoist cry Goo ds of Every Description ,
J. B. ™CH,
fitiuir nns)r Staple J)ni 6ooks,
HAS received a Complete Stock of every des
cription of
Spring Summer foods,
u yJ
Ladies* Dress Goods, Cnlicoe«, Domestics,
Trimmings, Notions. Hats, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Ac., Ac.
§ 0 0 § EM 0
Consists of General family Supplies, such as
Flour, Colloe. Sugar, Pepper, Spice, Lotnsh,
Canned Oysters, Pickles, Ac.; Tobacco,
Snuff, Ac. A good supply of
The continued patvonago of the public is re
spectfully solicted, and fair, honorable dealing
/’ 'T'Cnuntry Prodnce of every description re
ceived in exchange for goods.
Quitman, March 25. 1870. If
Incorporated 1859.
Capital $358,000
Assets 408,000
J. F. FOZBMAN, Prcs’t.
D. F. WILCOX, Sec r y.
(■onl.iimes to furnish perfect security against less
or damage by fire on all kinds of insurable prop
erly at adequate rates.
Agents can be found at every prominent point
in the Southern Stales, to whom applications for
insurance may be made. Apply to
Agent at Quitman, Georgia.
February 4, 1870 ly
a auEAi rr war Arm /
1011 HEY lUBUI
Journal and Messenger,
IS printed upon a sheet 38x52 inches, and con
tains Fit* 1Y SIX CUMMINS! It is a com
plete and unbroken rec<>rd of events, Foreign
and Domestic from week to week—presented in
fifty columns of News, Political, Agricultural,
Literal"*, JvclMous ? and Miscellaneous matter,
ft is believed no paper in the South or the conn
try presents greater attractions to the Southern
reader or the man interested in Southern events
or Southern progress.
Terms: $3 per annum, or $1.50 for six months,
always in advance. The paper will always be
discontinued at the expiration of the time paid
for. unless renewed.
Clubs of ten persons or more at a single pent
office will bo supplied by remitting twenty five
doilaiH, or two aud a half dollars to each sub
Os the. Telegraph and Messengei is mailed on
Tue s days and Fridays. It contains, every issue,
Twenty-eight columns of Reading i#utter. am:
will be found one of the liveliest papers of the
Terms: $4 per annum—s 2 for six months—-in
variably in advance.
J or the Latest News, foreign and domestic;
the most copious dispatches; the largest supply
oi original matter; from a long array of corres
pondents, the ablest in the State; for a live pa
per in every department, full of /he latest infor
mation in politics, agriculture, trade, finance,
literature and progress at home and abroad, ge
Daily Telegraph & Messenger
i’rice, Ten Dollars a year ; Five Dollars for
six months—cash always in advance, and the pa
per discontinued when tlu* money is out.
Attorney at taw,
Quitman, Brooks County, Ga.
(Late an Associate Justice .Supreme (Amt t of the
United States, lor Territories of
Nebraska and Utah.)
February IS, IH7O. Cm
dT*No musical family ean afford to be with
out Peters’ Musical Monthly. It i* printed from
full size music plates, and contains in each num
her at least twelve pieces of choice new music
Price $3 per year. Rtilnscriptions received at
• his office, where a sample copy can be seen.
ilGllT, Pleasant and Pvolitable Employment
J giMvaubed t*. persmrs in every parrot the
country. Sellable for Ladies or Ge iiicinen
Boys or Gii Is Add ,•«
x (;i,y-Tr.a- pc:;i ic.'.Ti<sn*co.
23* 3m Chari -‘ -14. C.
Dealer In
Salt Water Fi 1.,°
Vegetables, Fruits nnd Other Produc".
Ko-AU orders promptly attended to. Terms
Cash on Delivery.
Bay l Lane. I Savannah, Ga.
Allen’s Pain Doctor.
Fain Doctor. It cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Fains in all parts of the body. Toothache, Head
ache, Burns, Corns, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps.
Ae. Tiie above trade mark on every wi-appei-'
and full directions around each battle. Be sure'
and ask for “Allen’s Pain Doctor.” For sale at
all the Drug Stores in Quitman, [sepiM-Iy
■i. J. Dt(ikison, rt. 1.. mcKtsoy,
or 11.011UU. or KAVawin..
Commission Merchants,
58 Ility Street,
advances made on all
mi nts to as, or our corresponded](s in Baltimore',
Now York or Liverpool. Bagging, Rope. Ties’,
ami all other supplies furnished at the !«****
market prices. Bep24-ly
Mahogany, W&lunf anil Viritf
Ijoo kit, If Grlassc s.
Mattresses Made to Ord^r,
Next to Weed A Cornwell,
August 20, lHlit). fi/rt
Sugar Mills, Sugar Tons, Gin Goar.Siiafting, Pul
leys, Iron Railing, Iron nnd Brass Castings,
t’ortahlo and Stationary Steam Engines, and Ma
chinery of all kinds.
St. Jtiiiiut Street,
February 18, 1870. ly
Commission Merchants
October 15, 1803. ly
Savannah, Ga.
Transcient anil I’eruianciit Boarders Received.
inform his old friends that he is now in
his New Quarters, located us above, and will
strive to give satisfaction to guests.
Charge per Day, - - $2.00
i July 15, 1870. Cm
25,000 SMLSOL'biYM “
sll rite’s acdecliii) for jjojts d' Uir is
At every l’ost Office in the .Sontii. iu aildiiirtn to '
its present Inereaain^Uirciilaiion.
Both Press and publfc have united itt declaring
Burke’s Weekly the best, lloys and Girls paper
published in the United States.
Bi kkk\s Wkkki.y is a handsome quarto of eight
pages, each number elegantly illustrated. Its
contents consist of Serial .Stories from the heat
writers, Tales. Poems, Biographies, Sketches « '
Travel and oidventwe. and papers upon alps >b-'
jects that are calculated to interest and instinct :
the young people of the South.
Price $2 a year; three copies for $4.30 ; li;e"
copies for $7. ,Subscriptions taken for 6 months
at sl, or three months for 50 coot*.
Agents wanted everywhere, to whom superior*'
inducements will be offered.
Address J. Xi\ BURKE A CO.
npp-tf MrconAG-v. •
For Sale.
fTTTVV N* I «>r.' No s IIP ami 4H. oonto nil!u on* 1 '
I -I. acp 1-aoii. and situated in tin- Nj>tttk4v»t
feolion of tho 'l oan of (Quitman, aro oili iwl |nr
’ »ro. a( ar. Miic pi ,co. Thu I.olli
ati 1 *ili I>K iM t ;>■( or. Appiv t#
I June IP, I*7o. '[-ill] FK. f3.'