Newspaper Page Text
UI.L ~.J J J-
v j,r mcch improved—AMO tiik new
Uni rersal Clotlies W ringer
Impr v il with Rowt-ll’s Patent Double Cor
whev. ami the Patent Stop, are now nnquen
tloneM,,' bu impatlor to any apparatus for wash
law <;. *Vh ever invented, and will save their
cost , !a«t 1 year, by saving labor and clothes.
So '•era people who have used them testify
as folio.- s :
They save throo-fourths of the labor and cost
and per for themselves both in money ami Con
tentment. Lei everyjyoung lady learn to use
them '■ nd orcry marrfeil oue keep them In her
house.—Asm Orleans V'vnymt.
"An excellent Washing Machine. We have
tried it. fl.c Clothes Wringer Is very superior.
A good hand will wash a large number of pieces
In a 'ear hours.”—ifuk'ly.V (AT. C.) Episcopal
•‘The Machine Is no humbug, but a necessity
In every family,”—4r'«n v Klo'r >• [K. C.)
“We would not part with It for anything and
be compelled to do without it —MorgarUovm [ II
. Vd.l fait.
“Wo have one, and speak from observation
It Works,vlmlrally. In one year it will pay for
itself.” —Cltvtiand ( Venn.) Banner.
“We have one of Doty's Clothes Washers and
our household arc in ecstalies over it. They are
great economisers of time ami labor.” —JOlyrfsld
H. Cl.) Advertiser.
“Fur superior to any apparatvs for washing
clelha.s ever invenled and an indispensable in
stitution in every family .-Marlboro (.1 la.) Gate,lie.
*,No one after fairly testing their capacities
will b j willing to do without Wimu.’’-Fayetteville
(7 inn.) Observer.
“We have one of these excellent Machines in
use, and we cheeluily commend it for all that is
claimed for it,”— Jtutnorfordton (-Y. V.) Vindica
“A child ten years old can ilo (he washing as
well as a grown person. Every good husband
should secure one for his family.”— Mwgantcitn.
I It', to.) Constitution.
“After over two years experience with a Dot
ty we are assured that it is the greatest help and
economiser of Mina labor and money wo have
yet had Introduced into our household.” —Wit
liontson So, ith, _Yrir Orleans.
‘I have hud a Doty Washer In my family for
some time. It gives entire satialaotion and I
take pleasure in commending it to the head of
every household.”- H. Towers, Jefferson, Texas.
“I have had one of Doty’s Clothes Washers
in use for a year, and am perfectly satisfied with
It. My faintly have tried i‘ faithfully and have
never known It to fail ia accomplish all lhat. il
professes la.--Pro/. J. F. Stevens Concord College
Statesville ts. 0.
Ts the Merchants in yout place will not furn
ish or send for the Machines send us the retail
price Washer sls Extra Wringer $lO and we
w ill forward either or both machines free of
freight to places where no one is selling; and so
sure are we they will be liked that we agere to
refund the money if any one wishes to return the
machines free of freight after a months trial ac
cording to directions.
"No husband father or brother should permit
the drudgery of washing with the hands fifty
two days in’the year when itean be done better
more expeditiously with less labor, and no inju
ry to tile garments, by a Doty Clothes Washer
Ulifl a Universal Wringer.
Sold by dealers generally, to whom liberal
discounts arc made.
111. 0. BROWNING. Gen. Agent,
32 Cortland St., New York.
__ __
Grand Combination.
liife Insurance Cos.,
Assets $*,000,000
Policies issued in »little over twa years , 12,000
Policy Holder* participate in the Profit*.
WtC. CxaaivoTov, President.
-John E. Edwards, Vice President.
I>, J. H.virrsriOK, Secretary.
J. J. Hopkins, Assistant Secretary.
12 C. MairrHoeK Cashier.
C. Henry Pkhuow, M. D.)
C. 11. Smith, M. D. Medical Advisers.
<Jno. Itoss, M. I). 1
I’rof. EiiwjUUi 11. Smith. Actuary.
1). P. Fapki.kk, Consulting Actuary.
Jas. K. Woi.kf, Siiperintendent of Agencies.
Directors : Win. 11. Isaacs, John Embus, Dan
iel J. llartsook, John E. Edwards, fm. C. Tay
lor, C. Henry l’errow, U. H. Maury, W. C. Car
rington, J. J. llopkiM, W«. H. Palmer, A. Y.
•Siolins, John C. William*, George S. Palmer.,
Advantages of Ihr Piedment.
Ist. It is purely a Southern Institution, sue
cessful beyond all precedent, w ith widely in
creasing iiiHuenccs and popularity.
2d. Its Policies are mutual and non forfeitable.
3d. Gold Policies will be issued to those pro
forrlng, and paying premiums In gold, or its
equivalent in currency.
4th. it is a Ip.Mfci institution : ail money paid
In premiums in Georgia will be invested in <!eor
gia, under the direction ol a local Hoard of i>i
sth. It las paid all losses promptly and with
out litigation.
(ith. Security to the assured unsurpassed by
Aty Company ou this continent.
I.oeal Board of Reference a( Quitman:
James Hii.uakp, I Samiki. Stkvkxs,
Thomas J. Liyixostov, | W.u. lUiisox,
F. It. Fn.OKS.
W. F* HOOKIXR, Special Agent.
Or. E. A. J ELKS, Medical Examiner.
» At Quitman, for ilruohi Ccmntv.
PcMjer l, ISC!). If '
5 H Ttalffwab'te
■ inU MaatA fifiltaaß?' avt Jivn
»Organiy.od aod Established for ttio rTirthaso and
.Side Fawning and Mineral Lands and
roved Real Estate in tho
Southern States.
.501 IN MORRIS • Secretary
With the bone of promoting and encouraging
biI2Xu«SS relations between the people ot the
‘fceafli and those who may desire to go among
them, the Southern Land and Emigration Com
pany has been organized and established, and
the projectors will faithfully serve the best inter
est- of those who entrust their business to them.
♦ (Real estate owners in the Comities of Brooks,
Berrleu and Colquitt, of Georgia, and
Jefferson and Madison, of Florida, who desire to
entrust the sale of their property to tin' above
named Company, can be accommodated, and
necessary, information furnished, by comumni-
Citing with the tUMtersigasd, at Quitman, Ga.
octi-tf V.SL FILDESL
Land for Sale.
ONE Acre in the Tow nos Quit- ~, N
man. Ga., with a -eowforU- sy'A « j ii
ble small Dwelling. Kitchen. Smoke* J 1 $5?
iiouse, atablea, and a good weil 1 1 ;
w«v*r; also 490 acres of land in the 3d district of j
Irwin county. Ga.; e*so 340 acres of firs? rate;
pine land, unimproved, within tour miles of Mad- »
isou. Florida; also 4tH> acres, well improved, j
good buildings, Ac., within one mile of tin* same ■
place: also UA>i) acres on the Suwannee river, in \
I-alayotte county. Florida, embracing what is
known as the Five Mile .Bluff.
'Any <auc.or aU of the above tracts will be sold
eery low, e an easly application is made to
jQuiunau Ga., Oct. 2P ISte. 41 ti
Tlic Great Medical Discovery 1
Rundreflft cf Thousands :
Btjir Uartim >»y to their wonderful'
Curative 'Effect*.
i Tiir.r ahe not a vii.e
for Fnnal* Complaint*, whether ia yemw or old. rn»r- ,
siad or single, at tho daw u of womauiiood or th* turn qi Die, Uu»e lou
ic UattcrahavQ no equal; are sale an 1 ivuubl* in all iornu of Oimm>
Madaof Poor Hum. Whinkoy, Troof Spir
its, and itefnso Liquors. (loeipre-J,,»p«;' -h
and a wceteiuj‘l to plea** Uio taste, ca I'd “ J om- a
“ Appetizer*,” »* XUHUXvrs” &»., lea t tb*
tippler OH to drunkenness and ruin, but ai o atruo
Medicine, made from tho Native Knots and
ll.hUof California,froo Prom all A tepMio
Stimulants. They are tho OKBJAP
rjIPXjB, a perfect Renovator and lnvtgoraior
ot th'* By stem, carry in got! all poinonous matter,
nnd restoring tho blood to a ic ailhy condition.
No person can tako theta Hitlers, according Ut
directions, and remain lonff unwell. C *
% 1 o O will b© ffiven for an incumolo ease,
vi<tir>>. v ova ssr.t- .i—ir-cviYul by jamenil
TriMOUB OT other means, and tl.o Vital
WMted beyond tho point of ropair. A
For Inflammatory and Chrome Pmcu
matUm, and. Gout, Dyapopsia, cr Inai
pontion, Bilious, Itemitfont. and Inter
mittent Fevers, IHseaseiof tho Blood,
Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, Bit
ters have beon most *ncG<-.---fciui. Bucli Jpiu
eaaes are caused by Vitiated Blood, v : -
is generally produced by derangement oi tho
Digestive Organs. , .. , . '*
They invigorate tho pfom.vh, nna Btimuia o
the torpi l liver and bovrels, whivh reader thorn
of unequalled tdftcafy in elear^ln,'tho bloo l of
nil iinpuritioß, and Imparting now Ulj and ujvc
to the whple Hystom. 0 ,, , *
Dvspopsia or Indicrestion,
Bain in the Bhonldcrs, Cou«ha, a ofJ
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Btomiuih, J' - l ■ » i
the Mouth, billions Attacks, I’uluitatlon of t >
Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, 1 : in
the regions of the Kidneys, nnd a handre ! other
painful symptoms which nro tin eflafsuigs of
Dyspepsia, arc cured by the#'J bitters.
CleanaethO Vitiated I31o«» 1 whenever yon Atl
its imparities bursting through tho skm ii i «m
--plcs, Eruptions, or Sor< •; cleaiuio U. w..cni, 11
,U W:N. TAPP, and other WORMS, larking H
the system of so many thooaauds, aro otEsctiuliy
destroyed and removed. . .
For full directions, road carefully the circular
around each bottle, printed in four languages
English, Oerman, French, and Spanish,
,T. WATjKKH, 32 & 34 Com mono Nrcet, X>. Y.
Proprietor, It. H. Me DONALD & CO.,
Druggists and (Jeneral Agent sr
Ban California, and 32 uud3l Con>
Hr SOLlfbY ALL DEvaaxsaa AND
dealliuj. - -
For sale in Quitman by
jclO-fim Du. J. if. McCAi.L.
Patent Reversed Wooden Agraffe Bridge
throughout, retains the sweetness ol tlie old wood
bridge, and obtains the solidity ot the Ale till
Agraffe, without its objections.
Patent Compound Wrest Plank
which holds the Tuning Pins, is six layers of Mu
pie, grain running differently,—this plank never
Patent Pull Iron Frame
concentrates in tront of the Tuning Pins, I hat
heretofore damaging iron (which in other Pianos
Imrtfully surrounds the Tuning Pins) ami ‘-butts
into th«! front edge of the Plank and effectually
resists tho twenty tons strain.
Patent Diagonal Sustaining Bar
part of the iron frame, next to and parallel with
the steel stungs Under the Overstrung Bans.
The First Sirlrtlv Impartial Trial Ever Had.
Sirinway 1 8 , Ghickerin(fs and other Pianoa.
Wo, the undersigned, make oath that at the
time of the last Fair of the American Institute
held in New York; immediately following the
French Exposition in Paris, two Pianos, made by
Steinwuy & Sons, one Piano by Chiekering A
Sons, one Patent Avion i'iano, made by (<• t -
Manner, and several ot!io.* maker s instruments
were tried against each other, by order and un
der control o( the Officers of the InstUu!'*, 1:' di*
cide which Piano on exhibition in competition
should roceivi' the First Premium ‘‘as the he.wt
Square Piano known/’ To obtain an impartial
trial, twice all of said Pianos were coven- i jtiili
papers, so that one Piano could not bo d™in
gutidied from another, (during the absence ot the
Judges,) and twice did they select one ot said
Pianos as the best, which, upon uncovering, both
times, proved to be the said Patent AIUOX Pi
ftuo, invardiii'j it ‘ The First Premium” “over alj
others for being the best Square Piano known
to them.”
This trial was after CHickering & Sons’ Piano 1
had received the I region ol Honor and Medal, |
ami .Steiuwav A Sms, the Medal from Napoleon;
and the Judges of said trial were :
Emv YMj Moi.i.kxuavkr, Prof, of Music, Musical j
Director and Originator of the New York uud \
Brooklyn Conservatories of Music.
Cii.vri.K3 Fiudet., the eminent and favorite Com- j
poser and Pianist to his Royal Highness the j
Due Gustave of Sax Weimar, Eisenach.
Fukdkbick R. Pry mss, Professor of Music ; j
Teacher of the higher school of Music; Ac., Ac. j
A. D. PiKsKMANx, Organist at Cathedral, Jersey
City. Pianist, Ac.
Jrurs Ni:lu.yiu>t, I'ouekt Rikokti,
Hknry Mruxit, Cuaki.ks S<»r.mvK»r.i..
Arm sr (Du knkjjkiuj, Romarr Mouwr.o.
(5. C. Mankv.k, (Inventor and Patentee of the
AH on Piano Forte.)
Sworn before me this 22d day of July. ISO.).
Commissioner of Deeds.
Tho Avion Ptono is the cheapest. most durable,
least, complicated, requires loss tuning and does
not got out of order, it is
The StanardPiano,
Wrlt%for affidavits, pamphlet and circular, and
state in what paper you saw this advertisement.
in every City and Town where wo have not al
ready appointed them.
Waverooms ana office, No. 551 Broadway.
Manufactosv. 187 and ISt) Bowen , New York.
October 29, lStil). ly
The Chronicle & Sentinel, at
Contains all the latest news by Mail and Tide !
gtaph, embracing full coimncrziel and financial |
reports ir>m ail tho leading centres, together i
with tin* forest political and General information j
upon all subjects which interest the reading pub-
| lie.
j The terms of the Daily are Five Dollars for
j six months, and Ten Dollars for one year,
i Tho Tri-Weekly is $3,50 for six months, and
i stl for one year.
The Weekly Chronicle and Sentinel is a mam
moth paper of thirty-six columns, filled wish edi
torials, telegraphic dispatches, communications
on home matters, together with agricultural,
commercial and financial articles: making it one
! ol the most desirable and valuable papers in the
j country to the planter, tanner and merchant.
[ The terms are Three dollars per annum.
All subscriptions are required in advance.
Liberal commissions paid responsible agents.
Address aB letters and communications to the
Augusta, Ga.
pectmea copies seat free.
.Joint Palmer,
House Painter and Graincr,
"YTTOCLD bepleasej! to receive the patronage <
\ V *of the citb.—* of Brooks County, and
guarantees satisfaction in every instance.
April 29. 1570. 17-if*
m«6lf Couci-niratcfi Fluid Extract of
The tla-eat Jlce.ltii Restorer.
So Qnoek Motilcino—Formula around thoEott'.e.
TOBrarf* a « «*r,f j
<V>B9T^^on ou ixillaiu’aal.on .>. ~• • • L Aisi-axoi I
p E Er A EE D S O L E L Y E Y
Qcgsa-c Cacm.i .tj
10ili0 ,
.Strikes at the Eoot of Disease, by Purifying tho
lilood, Restoring the Liver and Kidneys
to a Healtliy acioit, anil invigorat
ing tho Nervous System.
This ia the secret of its Wonderful Suc-
cess in Curing
Scrofula, Syphilis. Dyspepsia,
Lives (bwmvlaiat, Chronic Hbdunia'Jsttt, Neural
gia, Nervous Affections, Eruptions ot
ihe Skin, Humors, Loss of Vigor,
Diseases of Kidnev:-* and
Bind dor, arid all DU
eases caused by a
Had Stale oft he Blood
Or a Diseased condition cf the Liver, Kidney*,
Nervous By stem, Ac,
Jt thoroughly Eradicates every kind of Humor
and Bad Taint., and ic,-.tores the entire ityalcm to
a healthy condition.
Thousands have been changed by the use of
this Medicine from weak, sickly, HufFerinff crea
tures, To strong, healthy and happy men and wo
No Medicine has attained such a Great Repu
tation as this justly Celebrated Compound.
Approved by the Highest Medical Au
Endorsed and recommended by the President of
the Faculty of tho E. M« dk al (.oil go
of the < ity of New York,
Pit on:.(for R. S. NEWTON, M. D.,
Professor and President of tho Faculty, late
“Professor Theory and Practice” of
Medicine, Cincinnati, Ac.
One of the most cwrncrd medical mont of th'-
ago— w,ell known as the author of the following
standard medical works: Nkwto.vs ‘Tract;*
ton’s Symks Surokkv,” Ac , in December number
of American number f American Medical Ik
view—page 278, says:
•‘Among tho more recent efforts to introduce
popularly some of the new remedies we notice a
preparation compounded by J. J. Lvwrkxci;,
M. D. of Norfolk, Va . wliieh i.s furnished to tl -•
profession and the public in any desired quanti
ty. We recently ev-nniinM his Laborxto. tj, aud
became fully satisfied lhat all his work is done
in the best manner by the most ajjpr<>r<:<) 1 pr<tr>
and from the best materials yivinj as a result a
medicine uektjng the confidence of tho pry i
the Ptiu.ic.”
KoSkoo Cures Scrofula in i£s Worst Forms.
From A. W. Mills, a prominent and well
known merchant of Norfolk, Va.
No. 11 Main Street, Noilulk, Va., S<q>t. l.> 1 w ;
I) Lawrknck—Dear Sir: Your Koskoo has
worked wonders in my family. My daughter
has been a sufferer from Scrotula since child
hood. She lost thirty one pieces of bone from
her ankle, several from lie:- arm, besides having
ulcers in several parts of the body. Whilst in
this condition she commenced taki.u ; your Ko;
koo —it acted like a charm mi hr; under its use
the ulcers gradually healed, and her general h>al!h
greatly improved. Jt certainly saved her much
suffering and perhaps her life. 1 regard Koskoo
a specific for all sorol tlous affections Y< ur
Koskoo also cured rny wife of dyspepsia, from
which she Buffered greatly. Bln* is now in bet
ter health than she has been In live years.
With the highest regards,
1 am gratefully yours. Ac.,
Koskoo is endorsed by the best physicians
everywhere. Read the following from Dr. Til
lery a successful practitioner of many years Blau
ding in the Old North Btate;
Rocky Mount. Edgecombe Co.,}
i-eptembor Id, j
J) J. J. Lawrence Dear Sir: 1 have used
your Concentrated Fluid Extract of Koskoo in
my practice with the happiest results. 1 find it
to be a powerful Liver Invigorator, Blood Puri
tier, and Nervous Tonic. In all diseases of the
Liver, Scrofulous Syphilitic, and Nervous Affec
tions . it is a remedy of immense value; in fact,
in almost every variety of Chronic Diseases its
use is indicated. Hoping you may meet with
the success which you deserve as a manufactu
rer of reliable medicines, I am sir u itli much
Y our obedient servant.
Ko>koo Cures Chronlf Rheumatism
Norfolk, Va., Sept. 7, ESTD.
Dr. J. J. Lawkkxck Dear Sir: My son has re
ceived so much benefit from yonr wonderful Kos
koo that 1 con not retrain from expressing niy
gratitude. 1 had tried almost everything with
out benefit, I believe in all sincerity that your
Koskoo is an infallible remedy for the d’sease
Bom which he has suffered, and so fai as 1 can
learn, has never tailed. If you only knew the
immense amount of suffering that he had under
gone then you could convince the value of such
a remedy as Koskoo--that surely cures. The
great amount of good it is now doing among us ;
is inestimable.
With mucji gratitude,
i urn, respectfully yours. Ac.,
Mrs. M. E. A. .NELSON.
Read the following from Mr. Womble, a proin
incut Hardware Merchant of this city:
No. 13 Market .Square, Norfolk. Ya.,)
October 13. foYgt. „ f
I>W Lawukxck- Dear Sir: To the large number
of testunoniahs which you offer of the great efti
caci of your lyoskoo J takzi pleasure in adding
ray own. 1 suffered greatly with nervous debit
i ity. Headache Loss of Appetite. Ac. Two bot
tles of Koskoo restored me to health.
Yours Truly
From Rev. W. 11. Christian, Pa tor Dinwiddle
Street Methodist Church.
Portsmouth, Ya., October 23, 1809.
This is to certify ihafc I know Dr. Lawtence
well. He is a gentleman of cultivation, and
worthy ot the fullest confidence. 1 have used
his Koskoo with advantage to myself, and have
adopted its use in uiy family Ja cases of nervous
debility and depression.
Great Bridge f Ya., October 8, IS<>9.
' J. J. La whence, M. D.—Dear Sir: 1 cheer
| fully endorse your K skoo as being a most val -
; uable preparation. Upon examination of the
| forumtia, I find each ingredient highly extolled
I by our best and most progressive clinical inves-
I tigator*. I have tested its effects in my own
! practice und hare no hesitation in recommen
ding it. In my own opinion it is the best com
pound of its class ever put before the public— j
exceeding by far all the various compounds of 1
sarsaparilla, Ac., ever invented. It is a decided |
Nerve Tonic and Invigorator of the animal forces j
aiding digestion assimilation and thereby pro- 1
discing healty blood which should be the basis j
of treatment in all chronic diseases. Hoping
you will reap the reward you deserve from the
public as u benefactor,
1 ar«i sir Ym rs truly,
After reading fbe above high recommendation.
Tnvvdids cannot iv isonabh hesitate to give the
KOSKOO a trial.
From Physicians, Eminent Divines. Editors. Drug
gists. Merchants, Ac., see KOvkOO ALMANAC
lor thi- year*
Price, One Dollar per B< tile.
For !e by the Principal I>r ■ • grists in lb
Uni td eta‘.os, and British America.
“BAD bdcod; I
Tlie Life is the Blood.]
From It we derive our strength, beauty, and
mental capabilities. It is the centre of our be- j
ing. around which revolves nil that makes exi— |
tence hapj y. When this source in corrnptcsl the j
painful effects are vi-ibie in many shapes, prom- »
meat among w hich is
Tlitfl is a taint or infection of tho human organ- j
ism, and probably no one is w holly free from it. i
It exhibits itself in various shapes as Fleers and
Boren. Decayed Bones. Diseased Bculp, c ore Evas
! Weak and Diseased Joints, Ft. Vitus’ Dance, (
Fowl Discharges from the Nostrils. Eruptions,
I GisoduHr Swellings, Throat Affections, Rbeu- j
j niatism, Heart Affections; Nervous disorders,
| liarrenew. Disorders of the Womb, Dropsy. Py
i phillitic aff* ctions. Idver Complaint, Salt Kbenm
' Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, of Manhood and G«*u
eral Debility.
i It has been the custom to treat tbess diseases
I with Mercury and other Mineral aubstancs,
’ which, though sometime* producing a cure, oft* n
i prove injurious and entails misery in after life.
| The long know n injurious properties of these >o
j called alternatives and puriflera has led the phil
J anthropical inan of Feiertceto explore the are
; ana of nature, th<* result of which has been the
1 discovery of vegetable products which posses*
I the power of eradicating these Taints from the
I) II . T L TT ’ S
sMPiLii ut mm mm
la t’uo ackno’wiedgaJ antiJoie to ail Elootl 1 1 i |
Jiv iin lire tin' afflictions above ciiumui'u ’
toil can bo [.rnuanciitiy J,and ibe
(joiycd—i/i-: Centre of Life—lfte Blood, j
For Diseases prodiiccil by I lie |
u -c of Mercury, anil for syplii-,
Hm, ivilli iH Irain of evils, ihi
eomiiouml is Hie only sure *u:-
To tho poor eroainro, onfoebiod in mind and
body, by secret practices, whoso nerves are un-
I strung, and conntenance downcast
! ia ttbltwninpr. Try it fairly, anil your asrvos will
; In-ro-tored toUo ir wonted ami yonr do
i joctoii countonancu bo made radiant wiib tho
‘ cnusciouauoHs of
Restored Manhood.
i Doing froo Irom violent mlnorils. it Is adapted
to general use. Tho old and young may nee ji:
I tin: inn"!, delicate female at any tlmo uoiy take it:
i the Itiidor infant, who may have inherited di.
! rose, will be cured by it.
I Wlien usodih the Spring it romm-s ail humors
! which infost the system: nnd bariMn-s the languor
and debility jn'cnUar to that sea- u of the year.
Liver anti Kidneys,
Producing a healthy action of flit* important or
gans by which all tfcfj impurities of the system
j lire carried off. and the result U a Clear Skiu.. a
} Good Appetite, and BouyantSpirits.
WM. 1!. 'H IT & LAND,
Augusta, (la.
| And Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
Quarto 8 rrice sl2.
GLAD to add my to.-iimony in its favor.
' [i’res't AYalker of Harvard.
EVERY scholar know* it-, value.
[W. li. Prescott, (he Historian.
TIIK most complete Dictionary of the language.
[Dr. Dick ofScollaud.
yllE best guide of student-of. ur e. ......
HK will transmit ids name to ia'o-i pusteHfy.
[i•hancellor Kent.]
Etymological pari surpasses any thihg by earlier
laborers. [George Duncretl
g ..VlllN'i; relation lo T„aug :v o I’li-mipia and ■■
EXUkL all olhera in defining - ientitlc tornisf]
(i’rosideiit Hitchcock.
SO tar as 1 know liost defining Di< dousry. i
(Horace Jlann.
TAKE it altogelhor, ihe surpassing work.
(Smart, ike English Orthwpist.
A nece-dly to every intoliigenl f unily. student
teacher and man. What library is j
complete without the best English Dictionary.
1010 I’agesOctavo; 600 Engravings. ?f..
The work is really a gem of a Diciionnrv, just the
thing for the million,—diner Ed. Monthly.
i' .b ; hod by <; » C. MEKI.IAM, Fpringfio’d,
Mass. Sold by all booksellers. :ns j
| Dr. Clark’s London Ecmcdics
DR. CLARK’S IN VIGORATOR gives strength
to tho agrd an<l debilitated; it is especially
i designed for young men who ha?<e wasted their
j vigor by execs>* sos every kiwi, and all persons
, vvhotK s\ -terns have bee -tin* weak by imprudence
! are completely re-'ored bv its use. Price SI.OO. j
- 1>«. Ci.aeks PUKIBTER cleanse-* the blood ]
! from all impurities; such us Scrofula, Syphilis, i
I Mercurial Rheumatism, Humors of every sort, l
j Bad Breath. Offensive Perspiration, Foul Feet !
] Catarrh. Discharges from the Eir. Suv Kyis,
i Sore threat, Falling of the hair, l leers. Bolls, j
' Pimples, Blotch* an«l all diseases ot the skin j
; It is al-o beneSeiuJin diseases ot the Lungs and;
aud Digestive Organs. Price One Dollar
j Du. Cimika PANACEA relieves pain of every j
j description; headache, earache, toothache, si. m ;
; achaehe, backache, Fains in the breast and limbs. [
j It is an invaluable remedy in all nervous disor-!
• detw, and no family should be without it Price j
j One Dollar.
! Du. Cl.auk's ET.INIR is a certain cure fc4* all ]
j weakness of the Genito-l'rinary organs, and dis
j charges of a mucopurulent nature. Leucorrbeae, j
j Gonorrua'a. Spermaterrhoca, and b'eminal weak- j
\iu ss are speedily cured bv irs use. Price sl. i
Dr. Clauk's REGULATOR,Ior females only,
is guaranteed to c ’rivet all special irregularities
arid difficulties of single ladies. Married lmlies
are cautioned not to use it.when in a certain coa
; dition. as its effects would be too powcrfuL
! Price One Dollar.
All of these celebrated remedu s are prepared
j from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's iramedi
| ate supervision, and are warranted fresh and
pure. Ail afflicted persons should sand a care-1
j fully written statement of their ailments to Dr. i
> Offerk. and the proper remedy will be sent to ]
| their address. Dr. Clark can be consulted per- \
1 sonaily at his office, and will furnish all tee nee- j
: essary aecocnnodations to patients who place 1
I themselves under his care. All letters address.;
Office No. 10 .1 mily street,
0-ly) New YorkCi.y (near Broadway) j
Absolute Divorces
OBTAINED in New York, Indiana. Illinoi
and other States, legal everywhere : deser- .
UoOj drnnkennees. non-suppiArt. etc. sufficient •
cause : ivo publicity : no charge until divorce i
obtained. Advice fr-e! Business established
fifteen years. Address.
31. HOHSF \ltorney.
No. , s Nj*ireet. N<’w oTh. Qi -
March 11, lfclu am
General Commission & SMppir.3 :
No. 5 Stoddard*3 Lower Range, Bay St.
I Os the best quality, always on hand, and will be
for warded on application.
! Ediuii L. CcEKiun. Eowakd L. lloLcounu
i ebruarv Is, ls7o. ly
w m wax. M. i.KvN. J. u. JoJlSslo.'.
a: ®'« s»ssik. *«>
Com 111 is s ion Mc rclianls,
!» .* BAY STItEET,
December 3, lu-UJ. (im
Importers and Dealers in
C2r "CT YY. W O SS.
IQero.i.o your cropr and improve yonr land by .
Imported by 11s Direct from the l'hocnU Island.-, •
South t’acilie Oei'an.
w’ilcox. Ginns .tens
Has proved in the soil the best manure in use |
Also, Gi ISO. Sai t amil’i.astkii Coai<mj.\n, both |
prep .; ml at Savannah. G:i.,and Charleston, S. V I
' For sale for cash or on time hy
Wilcox, oimus cv <0 , |
00 Bay freet Nnvannah. C»:t 1
o j Ivt-tt Bay street Charleston. H. C j
1 Hvo.A street Augusta, Ga !
\Ye also have a good supply of pure Dissolved j
Bonos, Land Piaster, and Agricultural ifalt, al
market price.* for cash
circular, or subscribe to the Southern Agricul
turist published by \Y. ( '.Matumrrpliv A Ot», Sa
va .n tli and Au.’u',u, (la., at the iowp: . 00l
Joe. P* r ai:mi:n.
i’ai !i'-s d**sirin*rio make purchase of above
Guanos will cull upon our a-euts at Quitman, :m i). b. carroll co.
Window G'as.Ss
Paints, Oils and Turpentine.
Yarniah. lire-! •• l\. y, 4'.
No. 0 Whitaker Street,
Sash. Blinds and Doors mtitle lo order in any
Great g ire tak. n in lilllup: orders wdtb prompt
B. J. Wilson & Cos.
COT TON FAC i 003,
C O :>?! •: SlO u**erc hah t s
Sea Fowl Guano. Bradley’» Dissolved Boras
1.-.f I I'lit lev, and BiA'dV Lock Tie.
ornci:, xo. jog 114 fstmeet,
r BHil. first class Hotel las been remodeled
H and newly return idled aud put in perfect
1 oj-Jffc, thro 1 ;hont. The traveling public may
r* -f assured they will find . -jutfoi table accommo
tialLms at this House.
A. B. LUGE, Proprietor.
ISfi". 1 y
D. C- FOE, Proprietor.
Corner of Bull anij 3outii Broad Streets,
Savaunali, Gcorg-ia.
RAVING taken the above Hotel, which has*
recently been refitted and refurnished j
throughout, the Proprietor can assure the public >
that ho U as well prepared to cater to their wants j
as any Hotel in the State. His table will always .
bejsupplied with the host tin- market affords, and j
no'paius will be spared to give entire satisfac
Transient Board $3.00 per day.
Permanent Board, $15.00 per week.
A share of public patronage is solicited.
February 22, 18U7. 4-ts
C. rT. HOC AN, Proprietor.
TfTE above ITotel, situated in tbe Centre of
the Business pari oftheCkv. and its rates j
muderate. making it the most desirable of any |
other for bosmess men, visiting Baltimore.
?■*' "C aches waiting al all the Rail Road De- j
pots and Steamboat Landings, to convey Dassen- ;
gers and Baggage to the Hotel, at the nomiuai j
March 25. 1870. 12-fim
Western Hotel,
Fos. 9. 11, 13 & 15 Cortlandt St.,
fttS. Y'w'Lv I'foa. f SEW VOItK.
We are in the Center of Business, and
Corner Pratt and Eanover St3 ,
82.00' PER DAY.
Three Sntiares from B iUim<*re and D'-Lt R ’*!-*
Road Depot. HENRY SCHOFIELD. ' “ ‘
Chartered April 22, lSCff
rjlllE Sistli Sesslun ui this College will begin
I jts preliminary course the 4th day of Oelo
ber. nnd tlie regular course on Wednesday, the
13th day ol Oolobc-r, l&KlVand ooutiiiu* eighteen
' Joseph 11. Buchanan, M. D..
Emeritus Profeasor and Lecturer oft the Instiiiucs
of Medicine.
Robert S. Newfou, M. D.. .
Professor of Operative Surgery and Surgical Pis
Paul \V. Allen. M. P..
Prose- -or of Th** >ry r.nd Practice ot Me*(Heine.
M illj.iiu H. Hadley, M. D.
Professor of Materia Medics and Therapeutics.
J uni c» M. Cumins. Ml D.,
! Proteasor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women
j ' ~ and Children.^
Edwin Freeman. M. D ,
Professor of I escriplive and Surgical Anatomy
J. M. F. Brown, M. D. f LI,. P..
Prol»s*>r of Phvsiology and Pathology.
J. Milton Sunders, M. D., LL. D.,
Professor of Chemistry.
11,1). Garrison, M. D.,
Professor, of Pharmacy.
Flunk Tabor, A. M v
Professor <>t Mediohl Jurisprudence.
John If. Fitch. M. D., ,
Dcinonsfrator and Adjunct Professor of Anatomy
I’d- for one fall comae of Lecture* SldO
Matrk ulation F<*e *>
IVmbnstrsttor's Fee J*
Graduation l*oo 30
Hospital Ticfcel* •• • 3
For certitote of Scholarship, for winch tho
ladder may attend two or mmo course*
of Lectures, or until he gradnates, tv be
paid in advance .. E L>o
"i KilnfJ'ij.-. * liiittlng the holder to keep a
r !"denl in the College for tea wai^.. . 500
Tu kei p one student in the Co?hare perpet
u..;y 1,000
T '••• Studeni/ have access to i ll the hospitals
in the city.
Board puy be had for six or reven dollars a
>,v • - nis ai Vlving in tfH* city will call at
ih • t!i’-e ol l i *»’» .f»r o«»tnii.-. No. IffO Ktiat JOtl»
street, near Fourth avt niie, ora'Jhe College)
i: f 2 th street, where they will be aeslsted in
procuring b mid.
Anv further info: matdon may be obtained by
addressing It* >l3EftT A. NEWTON.
President Faculty,
a rig' - ' I r 30 East Nine 4 ecu th street,
ff -■ W
Fover and Ague
Aluayx Stops the t hrills.
This Medicine has boon before tho Public
lift.on years, and is still ahead of all other
known remedies. It docs not purge, does
not sickan the etoniach, is perfectly safe in
»ny do o and under all circumstances, and
! L the only Medicine that will
| and permanently every form of Fever and
Ayu-.', because it is a perfect Antidote to
Bold by all Druceists.
I nov 19 44-oy
Plantation Bitters.
This Avonderful vcgctabld
restorativo is the sheet-*
anchor of (lie feeble and
debilitated. Asa tonic and
cordial for the aged and*
languid it has no equal
among stomachics. Asa
remedy for the nervous
weakness to which women
are especially subject, it is
superseding every other
stimulant. In all climates,
tropical, temperate or
frigid, it acts as a specific
in every species of disorder
which undermines (lie
bodily strength and breaks
down the animal spirits, •
Wherever it is intro
duced it becomes a stand
ard article —a medicinal
staple. It is to-day tlio
best and purest tonic, and
the most popular medicine
in the civilised world —bo
sure and get the genuine.
Sold by all Druggists, Oro*
eers and Country Stores.
: /CONTINUES to treat all private disease
: pliilis in oil its forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet,
• yietnru- Orefvjri*. *ad all urinary diseases, and
! the effects of mercury are completely eradicated;
Spermatorrhea or Senjmal Wcakers.-, resulting
1 from self-abuse or /dhor causes, and which pro
duces some of the following effects, as blotches,
bodily weakness, indigestion, constipation, aver
sion to society, umnunliness, dread of ftrfure
events, io sos memory, indolence, nocturnsu
emi.-rions, and finally prostration of the vital
power, can 1» * fully restored to health. Persons
afflicted with thk or any oth.'r defecate, intricate
or long stand tag constitutional complaint, should
give the Doctor a trial. He never fails.
7be Doctor publishes a medical circular that
i jri'es a full exposition of venereal and private
<iisoa.--’s. that can be bad free at office, or by
mail ter one stamp. It gives a clear delineation
lting fr< '.i
icmeut of the moral laws, excesses, in
dnlgences. exposures, and impradences in mar
liei or single life. Every sentence contains iu
strnction to the afil:cted and enabling them to
determine the preci.-e nature of their complaints.
1 lie establisl ruent, comprising, ten ample rooms
is central. Y hen kis not convenient to visit
the city, the Doctor's ©pinion can be obtained by
si. : ng a written .-tittementoi the ca*e. .ne ii
'■Hte.-. can he ferv/attied hy mail or eyt.ress. In
some iiistanfe?. N. werer, a personal’ovamina
tion U jtlr-olatvly necessary, while in others dai
ly personal attention fa required, and for the ac
commodation of sin b patients there are apart
ments c aaeeted with the office that are provid
ed with every requisite that is calculated to pro
afte rqtfotery. ititliulingniedieated vapor baths.
All prescriptions arc prepared in the Doctor's
own Laboratory, under his personal supervision,
Medical pamphlet at office, tiee, or by mail for
two stamps. No matter who have failed, read
wiw- he sacs. Office So 183 Third street, be
tween Green and Walnrt stree-ts. near the Post
office, Lorisvil'e. Kv. Office hours 9a.m. to 7
v. m.; Sundays, lb a. m. to 12 a. £j, ib-iy
Fisk’s Metalic Burial Cases.
\ ~ r, ,: 'fontly on hand at fbeT»f«’: c
l. i. L‘ii»l !. .Man lice lib. andC. IL Smift*
•or«. Madba.-n. Florida. *• i-v.;
A ‘. so '. »",»«• ! consv.ntly kept on hand
! y I - a*.. J: iLi ’lv". Quitman, Ga. ~0 : r
! ' ‘i.SIMMONS Agcnls-