The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, February 21, 1873, Image 4
(The Ojuitnun fanner.’ PlMlUSHlii) KVKl'i v KUIP.AY’ T f. H M A : T WO DOrj.A 1?!*4 A yi; a is V »iKt pa ls» IV AOVASxn* ADV.RITJiH^G. On#* *»r Im- I *.} 'V , u > "**!dtoi s2.df» i each tollowhij' insertion. Wh<*n •. leertis-menl • urn eottolnm *1 foi on on* Linger. ihr ctoiriro w lit l'<* ns toliov ,! *. No. i f S»jr j |1 Momb. !" i2 Months. | .-.I Months. : t Mouth*. | ,!5 Months. ;G Months, j ; 7 Mo-ttho. j ;:.s M nth*, j : t) Months, j : 1-2 Month* : i|B'..Wii t .hi *! HI »t | Hi I'.. IC] 171 i | 21! 7 *.OO 1 | IM 11 21 V! :■-] :; | /: S'KI.ODI IS| 2»| 2‘•l 1 111 c li w 4-J- !.'• 4112.001 101*24 SO I’.'i l.'l 4'.-I 411 lti| t>" Alll.oo] 75 SS| 111! 44] 4(1 4-| A :v (: (MS no 1 sol 4'lj 45! Ad! AAI Art' A7I SA, I, )t|3o.oo| Ao| ti..| 70 7»| Bo| A5 o’ijMQ 120 10 45.00 r.A 7M M HA Ino 100 lio issojir.n 24i00.00> 75 8»| »U. HIT I lollCO; 121)'1 10 ■'():: i. i; v l . Alivi IITI . «. .“hcrlfTi Halffl, per levy. pr. $ 5.00 Staled by Ad.nlrii-!r.i'or«. Fv-’enlord amt tjimrflidtis. ttpuvre 5.00 I Illation of Admlnial ration or Guar kan ship, per ■* 5.00 Notice to TVUlors and Creditor# 5.0(1 ( itiilion lor leave to stoll land 0.00 Citation of DiHiniMHi ru of Administrator.. J 0.0 * •• “ Guardian (<>oo Homestead Notice ...... fi.hf* For tlfincviiu*tny candidates for office, i 10.00 Obituary nolie.ev, Tributes of UospocLund all at iclo* of a peraonsd character, charged for a* l ad ver twentem*. pi(()F MHS IO AT A IT. I)R. K. A . JKLKS, Practicing Physic ian, QX7ITMAIT CIA. Owck : Brick building adjoining store of Messrs. Briggs. Jelks tt Go., Screven street. January 31. 1873. . r >-tf ' J, if. GAIXAIiEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, QVITMAN. OA. YTJTILL practice in flu' Superior Courts in all W the Counties of tboConlbern Circuit: in ti e Supremo Court of Georgia. and in the Pin friet Court of the United Stall’s, at Savannah Audio special crho*. in the Counting of Madison and Jefferson,Florida. Office : Mclntosh House 37*3m 3BIDS 11. liiiNTEID mib Counsellor atfafo, QUITMAN, CA. Jj-ar- OkI’ICK, IN THK CoL'RT Ilot March 17, 1871. EDWAIU) If 18 V III)UN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, QUITMAN', GEORGIA, Office, in the Court Honse, second flour May 2d, 187 L ’v DEI. J. S. SNOW, DT3N i’IWT, Wild, be in QUITMAN about the 12th ins!., for tile purpose of locating poniiuuenUy in the place. He respectfully solicits the patroim*; 1 of flic ci tine ns ofllrooks County and the j>ub!ic gener ally, and will endeavor, by faithfully executinsr all work entrusted to him, to ineiit their eonll dome. ksfuOfHee, up stail'F, overJ. Tillman's store. Npv. H, 1872. I'* if A GREAT BLESSING. Never, since the tune “when the morning stars sung together/' has there been a greater medieal 0 M’oveiy u;ul bie dng t > the human race than the QLQttE FLOWER COUGH SYRFP. This delightful find rare compound is the n live principal, obtained by chemical proce.-s from the ••Globe Fl'»\v**r.* > la:«> vu also a ; “But ton Rootd’ and in Botany as ‘•Gephuiantlms Oc cidenfali.* P Gi.uiik Fi.owkk Conun f*Yi:> v is almost an in fallible cure for every description of Goughs, Colds. Jlo.irsi'iie s, Sore Throat.< Whoop ing Cough, Pleurisy, Influenza. Asthma, llron chi'ls. Ac.; and will erne ('onsumption, when taken in time us ihonuunds will t«- - iis ( 1-T.owku Coumi v 'viu i' will cure tin* most obstinate cases of Chronic Gough and utfeetionH. when all other boasted lemedies lail. (iI.oBM Pi ow r.K G u (in - v lire do-s not eoniaii. a particle of opium or any of i's pr jmration:-- (}I,oUK VT.owua Gocuu Svi re ‘1 u»s not contain a particle of poison, or any ingredient iluuCould hurt the delicate cl. (it.ouK IT.owku Cough Svia i* has become, when? known, the most popular Gough Medicine in th» country, because it has successful!v with stood tie* great tests of merit, vi/: Time. Ivvju'ii ence, and Gompetilion, and retnains. after pac ing through this ordeal, the beat article of its j kind in the world. Gi.oiik Fi.owkk Coruti Svitn* is pleasant to the taste, and does pot disagree with the Tno«t deli Cite stomach. Physicians who lave oonsnurdive patients, are invited to try the .li.ohk Flowku Gorou Svhit* Its magic lleffects will at once be lelt anil iu know ledgi-d. fhwvare of counterfeits; the genuine has the words. Gi.oiik ! i.owku Coruu Sviu r blown in each bottle, and the signatures of the p opric tors upon each label. The label and compound are protected hv Fetters Patent. I>ouT take any other article as a substitute for Gi.opk Fiewm (Yuo’i m ! : e If your Urne-ist or Merehaui has none «n hand, leanest him to order it for you Thousand* of Tes im eiiaN of the most wonder ful cures .• ins’unily being received from the North, Y W e.*i i*n,| Smith m»uu* of which seem almost inh 1 -teutons. Sold by Hrunuisis at r 1 GO per bottle, 55.0 b for one-half «le. a. J S. PGM BE » TON A (T )., Proprietors, [j*n24 it ] Atlanta, Ga. For Sale by Mci'a'l A Groover. The K.h Wonokii of the Woiu.n lias Imtm found »u Georgia. ’i he discoverer is a physician ol long experience, extensive observation uiul pio found judgment, ami his discovery has proven * ndi a blessing to woman, that it is already known throughout the country as “Woman's Le-t hriend.' W ith remarkable quickness and Certainty it cures all cases of suppressed men stiu:i ion. ttcn'e or chrouie, ontl tes,tores hea’di in every instance. It. J. Brad field's Fen. !e Hegulatoc s Lp»’’es a remedy long n-evb’d in the Ireasme-'t of tise.t es peiviliar Jo woman. This ; the Medic il Faculty ku-ovs and a.bails, while miuy o' our bed ph\sio : ns are using ii ii daily p-:te ice. Th * iHmUcinc is prep uvd vvuh great cue by h. If. B”.-i :;iehi Diicrrtst. Atlanta C i. and su’d at s!..‘n per bottle by respectable Uriiggists erei \ vviiere jw24tf M. Id. BULLIVAH, Dealer in SHAD. FiltSH AND sTf Salt Water ri.*-!i, "tic" * Vegetable*:, Fruits . til Od:er Prod tee. It#:All orderi prompily att«nled to. Terms C ,sh on Delivery. ! Savamuxli. C.a Miscellaneous. SiiuTCiimtß.' jab.e Ywmm) i%*u: Os s. Qulliann 'liiori'hi. IT ; nr.« in More l.u flock I E3I «i 1 BSC' , 1 1 ! c "Cf. ****'*■ 1 Q fit* diilA ft U-sSI *a WVWW*| ' .i'h! i, rc-nly lo ki!).]Av f.;' 1 j -of lAouAk, i Colquitt, end adjoining emttifie.*, v.’i h b'lwit /• : kir&(mts f iupvery line of iTnde. .stock is comp'-eb* . j and I-tVERTTIHNU can be liad on th-.- ] I inout fiivorablo u-rrn;. I DRY GOODS, of cvi-rv .i.MC;iplmn ; ] DRESS GOODS, of v.u i- n* .'l\and 1 piillcrria ; DOMESTIC GOODS, of nl! ldii'ls ; NOTIONS, in great variely ; / READY MADECT.OTTJING ; GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS ; II A l\S and CA PS—l.alext alj'lcs ; ROOTS and SHOES, f./r I.adie*. Gents’j and Cliildron ; CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Tin-v.-ai ic ; FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., &c. The old patrons of this hnusa. an-1 rhe pnbll' cencmlly, will find it very much to their ad van j tage to give usa trial the present season; and to j our Colquitt county triemis, and hind oil teens in j the upper portion of liroohs t ‘ounty, w e will say. that in the selection of our stork, we had an eye : to your wants. Wu will give you bargains, and deal honorably with you. CoMiiii'y I*s’o:itice ! Received In exchange for Goods. J. U. EDMONDSON, Agent, Sept. 13. 1572. 13-ts Fall & Winter Stock JACOB BAUM, I'S pleased to announce to bln frlenda aad the public gener ill v. that he h.n received, »n unusual heavy stock of WM&m fit Wirif -&S&1* 12 i which will i)p nold on fair and honorable terms. Those goods wore pin<’based oil very i ivorable j terms, and I am confident cm and will be sold as cheap as any bouse in town. Mv «t tek embraces almost everything kept In Ia retail store iu the interior— | Dry (h> ><ls, J)iCS"t trOOt Js, Jliuiwstir. Goods, Ready Made Clothing, ° ' Sol 'ioris, Hoot*. Moefi I litis, dr. «Cc. . The I,dies are specially Invited to pay me a \ irlt, 'as l have many thing*, tint will meet favor in their eyes. :sf-?f-Ga:sh Pnrch *. 'TS rive aP-o spu.-iidly invif <‘(l to give me a call, us i am delennhied to soil as low as any one. Thankful tor past favors, a continuance of cus tom is solicited. J U’OB 11 Vt M. Quitman. Aept. '2O, 1872. ly T. 3. ftftKKTY. oro. W. AViJK'IT. j STURETY &■ AVBRTT. r E-:sE mi ?«3h;.-»jan!®.ssar9 (Ming is ml Parlor Stoves. Or Various Ft vies arid S.zos, f■ ; tj t[ ‘ a*T.rv;w And nil himls ~f TIHAK9 HARDWARE, Qi I I Al.\ (. A. j Booting and Guttering done in the best style, j *Ve sell Stoves at or below Savannah prices. Yt’e respectfully ask the pe.qde of Brooks and adj lining conu.iU’H u» give us a trial, j November t. IS? 2. ly I fall m mm tribe. II n •&> a stz>) u U 3a Vi ii il y DK Vl.Bit IX Jfiriuii ;mb Staple lint 6cob, IGKOCIdRIESi, lias Beeelved his f Fall and Winter Stock, i ,lod offers the same on the most favorable torin?» | It embraces all the latest styles of Em)airs’ Di-rsm „ : CalifOfs ; | Trimmiitc*. Noli.uts, l-’nil liu.-s nf Putuiwiie V.oo is. Gurus’ fui-n-siiit.K (Rx.ds. Huts, Gaps, 8.U.15. Shoes. V, Ready Made Clolhiiv.’, Together with Full stocks of UAJiD WAKE, T!X\VAEE, CROCKERY, CCTLEIIY, Family (Groceries, £/c. The patronage of the public ; s respectfully -olicted. and as heretofore, fair, honorable deal tug gaaraoted. eeivi-d iu exv-liange for gwe i-. •1 P. F.NCII Quitman. September 13. 1872. if * ottou ( In Kfpjiiiy mdeiGgm-d is'propaut and to repair a: » 1 p- -i -: ! v V, Gius. S ;\v> sharp**«*,el a.; i Btusl;«*s tiih’.l. so as Jo mni.c a, toad as wi; anew. Wit! visit any pur* «ian of :he cona’.rv, when neUin'd that s-* v.ces ar** ne**<iud 'J. i\. PAI.M’.T. Miscellaneous. FUMTllffi MOUSE, (Jl'l i A' A N. Ci,\. JOHN mAvITT, CubiiiiilMatDi'GJiihcriiiku'. Ks.: now -.-s liHtvi i. flue lot of H i; R E A U X, BEDSTEADS, SAFES', WARDROBES, WASH-STANDS, * V.Txmok Cll.Uia, Kowon ROOK BUS hui] Is prepared to put tip lo ordor SECRET Y 111 IIS, SIDEBOARDS, e.ud everyth!; p needed in the !- urmture line, nrd in any style require-l. _ _ An experience of muny years, justifies him in assuring the public that bis work will give rat’s faction in every respect;'and prices will con pare favmaiily with those of Savannah or else .viler,-, with this important advantage to the pn ■ chaser : every pie; <- of * orniJur.; leas ing his ( a iabliahmegt will in- -.varianled. T-.-S, Ito-mlriAiT '(>:»" ueatne;» and dispatch. ff.V~ Coffins promptly forwarded to any .Sta tion on the Atlantic and Cult RaiD -ad. JOXtW S ft. VJITT. Quit man, 45a., Fell 23. 1U72. his JBs'JE.!seJI SSri.!>SN3 Mctalic Rurial C.aseT, A N D Burial Caskets ! | The undersigned ridßfmj th<» pubiit’ that b ■ !uu* now compUmwl all trr-am'CitM'ittM lor the i»hc | «1 conduction of the I ndi YtaHor’s bu-i | having Fi'C<dved the Agcncv b>r tl'<‘ kulo of th*’ I 4-olobrulfd I'iakV Mfalic j'.uihil and Cw | kids, and th** »mne will be sold al regular Un | dertakcr'a ratf^. | He will also keep on hand silver plated ban ! dies arid mountin*».t. which cut b<* j for the nudalic bundle*, etc. in u few minnu’s of neighboring towns can be suj* j piled promptly with any < tore rip lion ol case do j sired. I Terms CASH on delivery* JOHN* M. WFTT, Agent. I Quitman. Julv 11, I>Xl. 8-1 y - QUITMAN flßlia STORE, M<*hAL!i&^u\- ' 1 Dings, Medicines, 1 Oils, X F •' VARNISHES, /)y Sri'ffs, \-4gZcf\ j liUVSHICS /V .' - o Notify the public th.-.t- tliey will i p on hand j c< Btph’to and fr. h stocks, and sell the same iyt a j res-onabic profit. This is ilxetusivoly a Drug Store, and them ] tire nuentlon of the junior mcuibei-of the fiunj will be given to the - We respectlullv solicit the patrontg* of the] ! public. Quitman. Foil. 2. 1-72. i, TH K WHEELER & WSLS2J3 SKIVING K A . n ■■■ M ti $, ! The Wheeler A actum* is a swia-fln gered sister of ch ui y. It nil ttittinph of meet'nntoal genius. It lias no equal for family use. We reler to tV : ivi, prominent- citizens j ; of Brooks county, who have this admirable mu ‘ chine in (ire : ; l»n. 11. M Hurt!, I F. K Vorxo, | Ccm.Kv Hksiku. Nkiioma Rkihhck, I S. I>. Kumoxunox, I It. IT 1101. tow AT, ; James V. Jom s I Du. W K. Joinkk, ! Dmur llir >;s. I J.iUDtt Moony, ; N. M. Rkiujici:, i llvarus Srri*srti.u. j Mus. M. V. Bi irk, | Mus <■ U. Wm>on. K. W. 11A It It A1 j. Gei.’l Agent. .davannuh, G.i. M. M. MV I'llrfON. Auent. ; November l,». 1c72. 4d Cm ix. l.O\ti.. J. K. PHY AN Lovett <§: Bryan, QUI I'M AS. HA, f'NVITK the atTen it-n of the je.ib- lie to their stock of | <iss o € is j six,.FFM: Tobacco, Liquors. &c., Ac. : Which they offer for sale at very low prices for j I Gish, in the brick store on Depot street, south iof the • Hooker bull iin-’R They will keep con- ! ; siaotly supplied wi’h the best quality of Famdy ; • Groceries, and solicit the p iticm ee **f the pub- ; j lie. Iu connection with (his establishment is a ti 22 VN | Where will be kep: the very lv M qualities cf' Liquors, Wines, Cigars, ele, November lit. IST2. 8:1'* BARBER Mil HIIRBIIOTMIi a-s . 'Jt E3 2r tti S* C 9 TTVsheptoopen.’.;,-. 1. {the day dur-1 J L i’ ' the we U. ..a-l .... il U o chick a.m v.i Sunday. Ctousrcs too si. tving a;;d hair cut- : tii.q very re..- .: Me. mau lor past pair. »nn.,e, e.iul in future purpose ! to or a sober ilau and inert. >*»;tr c .c.v.m > , G >)KGL HAVE-. \Y. D. AI?A)3:S f 'ommi m/oh ®Tl crel: .? T' L'bes (1 ioivancc; undo 03 cous+gurn.; ts. HOTELS. IaMaTO^H - m BilSI, ■mm ÜbSSt m ’%r. T vbff !B§r ••O' •■“ ” ? SY‘Y Safe 3>.." •: .. •:,.•# *?c fn:# A. s'. i';vO~i :-?ro?ricto'. tSavuiinali, G t. I? o ard per I >ay, $3 00 . October 25, 3872. 'ini PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, COit. PRESIDENT & ABERCORN ST., • Suva I? null, (ir„ Transient and Permanent Hoarders Received | DR. D. COX WonM Inlo'm Us old fib-mln (hat he i« now in bis New Quarter*, lovuird as above, nnd'will (drive to give uMa tiou to gti«*t«. " Charge per Day, -- $2.00 July I:',. 1871*. _ ;: ■> Qt iTMAXX G A. J. R. Edmondson, Prop’r. So pains will lie spare. 1 , by the present pro prietor. to retain the well earned reputation .ltd I patronage of this popular bouse ot entertaimueo The tables will b* supplied with the very best the matket call furnbh; the cbatnbps w ill be kept neat and comfortable; and attentive waiters will bo in attendance upon guests. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. tt u /- t'!:arg'<\. iicn-oua'/le. ' .Iprii 12. 1>72. 1 > 'f 3n q a af m kb Va a :* »!(«' *» «• •■ * a tt3 toad 3>t SBWWatrf; < . T A As, CIS. ’■l). V. MrKISIL, Proprietor* rTTMIIS Ifotcl is ru-w r iH-n J«>r tne entertainment B ol* the public. Permanent ««»a in •»»>«*;,»ni! j Hoarders, will be received «nd caved for on re» soluble terms. I The boost* '- ’ "'Oted in • outhonM • ecfion j oftbe town, and was occupied last year by Mr. Jenkins. i The ProprHbr will take every pains to make i" 1!« solicits the patronage of the public, i February ft, 1872. SrOTSWOOi) HOTEL, Wcarly Cpp ■ ..c" i?*ssc tiger* 3>tpat, ; Sl,V(<J.\. T. 11. li.Vitlil.S On. : km- j Htsurt!, * per Day. January 3,1873. 1-fy McAt :1 5-:i=T iioTs'K7 ~ s&ZTTnvrjjZZS, era. DINNER HOU.dS fm Tivv from Vnron to | :&*rGo.-d meals at 50 V*... am! p-dite and alien-' Vv M. Me.\FEE, Proprietor. July 12. 1872 uu htooust ai ** -««• Sas”i and Blinds, MOULDIN :s, BRACKETS, STAIR Fix tures Builders* Furnishing Hardware. [ 1 train Pipe. Fi ' r Tib's. Wire Guards, Terra ■ Cotta Ware, Marble andjShite .Mantle Pieces. Window (iiiiss a Specialty. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on appli | cation, by P- P- T<L\LK, 20 lliivne and 33 Pinckneyste . j oe’4-1 y ' Charleston. SC. GEORGIA ROME INSURANCE GO.. OF COLE MRUS. Xaccrparated 285.9. Capital $358. Os C A-\;s 4 US,OOO J. F. BOZEMAN, Presß. P. F. WILCOX, Secy. Continues to furnish perfect security against loss • or damage by ftre on ail kinds of insurable prop erty at adequate rates. Agents be found at every prominent point ' ;n the Soot;vrn States, to w horn applications lot j insurance may be made. Apply to JiQttM TILL Pi] AFT. Acer,; at it man, Georgia. February 4, 187:’.' « U. C.'WADE, 15HOKKK, AND ‘ Comp.; 1 Fon Merelmnt, Q.-aS c.rf, SecU_ G-cuvt.y §«J. \ "S'ILI. give strict ariei' lon to the Purchase V f auu Sale of R. i! Estate Pc.eonal I Property, of every descript on. i dvrs for the purchase* of Cotton prompt ly ai tended to. ' Hvceinbc: s. 1-TI. 4:Mf I Savannah Advertisements. DEWITT B: \N, No. 139 Congress street, Savannah, Ga. i \'v-ii:e to c.vLij rrxxriox i o their large and eleganr stock LJ 1.1 t'al: and VV inter Dry Gw.ds lui 1872. I>ress Goods s J Sf©»le!*y,&:c. Black and Colorod Silk, ; | «»'• B “ ,hri^a, ‘ ®“ c ’_ , -ilk Velvet* and Poplins ; EuUie* , U.-nu and Cmldrcn s Alnacca- and Mohair... :uo 'nler-V-Ms, <fc. Cloths, Cassimeres arid Tweeds. 35<»ti3*usis?£' GDOtls s Shawls s»si<l t’loakingl • A ~ . . ’ Shawls, Closks. Sacqncs, Ac.. .. , Mourtim* D.r* -d. , ; 1,, cr. ui variety. Crape V eils and Collars. lioimc-Kccpsisg Goo«l»i Lsices, Embroideriw > Table Damnek, Toweling, 4-«. | Handkerchief.,. Xavious. Ac. ; > Ac. j Plantution (irtifds i Fine Bed and Crib Blankets. j Georgia Wains. Kerseys, Colored do and MarAilles Quilts., 1 Augusta SnirUngs, Ac. FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. W p27-;m 13» COWCfiESS STRfcET. C. W. TH' Mrs S. J. E. «.SI.TFtR. Tliosiipson & Walter. VV IIOLIXAI.E GHCCSRB! Fruit and Produce Dealers! Ship Chandlers I [AND Coimnission Merchants, t»i Ss;:.v Ml root, Savannah, Ga. Oclober 25. 1872. 3m ught: light! light! li the CHEAPEST, SAPSSI and BE IT Burning Fluid in Existence, i IjETE i WAKEITKI.D. Broushton street, (op j pomte the Mai-hull Hmise) .Savannah Ca.. I keep. Naptha, Keroeine r.amps. Class Ware, | Naptha Stovea, Tinware, Chimney., aid Lamp j i Wick. 1 he Only Place To t Pure IVapllin! September Id, 1K72 ly E. L. NEEDLITJCER, nk.ti.KU i>3 jSaAßcs, Bridles &n»ni(ss,| Beet Rubber and Leather SCUIlij:, Ca.ddlcry VUfftro* HARNESS AND SGLE LEATHER CALF SKINS TRUNKS, VALISES, .IV., <f-o. No. lull St. Julian and 133 Bryan Streets, j Sttrftnnah, &tt. oct2*. -■'» if F. s>. .ioiti>o\, J*HALE!t IN n ?r f? ' m 2- PY %at L-a Ms.' i 4 » o' SILVER m PLATE!) WARE,' «&G- &C ■ 6cC', VSolo Agents in Savannah for the Celebrated *" ; Diamoad Spectacles | 133 Congi s ; St., Opposiio Pulaski H tiso, Savannah, Ga. ; -.•*■ WATCHr. and ■IK" LI.HV BepaierU Tl' j <><’b,bet S3. I -73 ly L, J, GUILfoAfiTiH & CO.j < <! i 1 OX P M TANARUS!!!!«, \mi Ci 't; a. Commissi 11 Me roh a. iris, BAY STuE^T w /-A » OUt&Ei J sa vasa'an. o'iionor. ?. A GENTS V - ‘R RIiATM.KVS riIOSFItATF, ■ JeweJl'g Mills Yarns and f.Kmestics, r ifA | banco. Ac. Ragging and Iron Ti«-s always on hand. I Consignments soHci'.ctl. Usual facilitie | i extended to customers. • vtugufet 23. 1872, 4m W. W. CaiNirtn.n, ' 1>~) ..1/ancv j Savannah. CIHSiIOIJI&DAXCY, SAVANNAH, CA. BROKERS, COTTON FACTORS, AND General Commission Merchants. Cash advances made on ronsignments of Cot ton. Wool. Hides, Ac. Gold. Stacks and Bonds bought and sold. Correspondence solicited. I !’. H. ieiFlN. F. J. SPAIN j X 3 . H. BEHN a CO., Cotton Factors OPil S3B IWi Bay Street, SavanuAii, Georgia. 1 0- Bagging, liopt- and Iron Tics advanced on Ciojw. Prompt and careful Attention given s o the sale .of Cotton. Wool, a;, i I’red tree generally, and immediate returns guaranteed. Lib. : al Cush a-irantec :r..i 1“ on consign * ments. a ig°-»m Joseph FinEo/.n. Jas. B. I'AnnAMOULv JOSEPH FINESAH & GO., COTTON FACTORS AND BfldiWiiMiiM) EAY STREET, ; SAVANNAS, GEORGIA. Liberal advances made on Gallon consigned us or b> our correspondent*! in New York of * erpool. septß 3m TiSPH & GORDON, ' Cotton Factors A X D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 112 Fay Street, Savannah, tia. Bagging and Ties advanced on Crops. Liberal (.’ash Advances tnatleonConsignirentt ! of Cotton. Cotton sold oft arrival, and proceeds returned by Express, when owner so instruc s. Prompt and careful attention guaranteed to all busine.- •. BCp2o*Gm Charm s Lkdi.ik. Samuel Lkduu .b'avannali. New York. C.&S. LEDLIE. Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants i» HIBKS AM) WOOL; Beeswax and Skins , Tallow, 18G Bat Strf.kt—Foot, of Barnard, pAt- ('onsignments solicited. October 25, 1872. 3m * HAPPOLDT, ; i'Giam;svioi3 *Virvchan1 f A\n Wuoi.fsai.E in kv ~ r-' » a « i- gwi«( I ,;*»8 fx : »>.. -i »>js33y3 taSi ¥f Foreign', arid Domestic Fruits, A o 1 Fi-uluce Genera!ly. 139 Bay Street, YavaniKih, : : Georgia. ConUgnm. ox. of POULTRY. EGGS, SYRUP, Ac., solicited. Just X v llu!.* . i s f Brazil and Pecaa X s'--. Almofida, See. Oc tob cr 25. I' 72. C m - s. ri.ACUG v J.vo. cr.vsfNOlfAM. CLAGHOHN & CUNNINGHAM, avnot.Es.4r.EAkß Ri r.iTt. . <rxi sas a© ca a.h«l sm 9 C'uiiprof Drayton and Bay Sis., SAVANNAH GEORGIA. KF.EP constantly on hand a full and larges of Plan atlon. Mill and Fami ly Supplies and Groceries. Iraported and Native Wines, Liqnoi s nsitl Segai s. October 25. 1872. fin ■ Wru.iAM C. Stai.kv. ;John A. Stat.kt, A .ey ■. Law ‘ Notary Public, JOHN A. STALEY & SONS, Brokers and Auctioneers, Office : No. 110; Bay street, SAVANNAH CEORCIA. TT r II.I. i.l'Y AND -IILI. 11.-al U-tate, Wild \ > Lands, and Personal l’roperty. Strict attention will to all business ; n:r’7sted to us. oct2s-Gn> | TVm. H. .- . v i:. 11. B. Richmond* m> h. mm & go., Wholesale Grocers, Colton Factors, GENERAL! «'E * 1 , !«»■<*!* I j <■■!« tX.'i - » W.aratil «Wj SuvannaJif Cra. ' 11 -piraentea in Quitman by . T 7. C. WADE,