The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, December 04, 1873, Image 1

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E & McINTOSII, Proprietors. ME VIII. RWteccUancous. -■ - - >- |H VJEBK OLD MAX. Swfi Ftov New Y-.cklm M:.m -■HHBlakik.; Lively for a ggfrHKN LIVINi, Tv is n Vka .-.s Mi-nit Krw fire'.- ] iß|l|lllpla*t. tn eating 'iftlif IVr.'or So- HH.IS. Tibbitts read the following the incidents in tin- life..;’ |BIBBUii man who.although in porfo. t his fil'd for nearly twenty JMEjM/mmui l Dunn emigrated from the BHrXcw York to Michigan in 1832. BSKtled in the township of Plymouth, county, three utiles west of the Are of Plymouth, where he resided un- Htns death, which occurred in the and was therefore eighty l&Mof age at the time of lus .hath. K in the war of 1812, was honor- and ft pension whs Wed him by the (tenoral Government a year before his death, not a cent however, did he or any of his B&'y receive. very unusual in his life oc- Hf l during the lirst twenty years of ’mee here. He was a man of iu ■ habits, and nearly every week dgo to the village and have a spree. B ich times he was very noisy, but not B elsonie. The writer of this sketch |p requently heard him call out at the K of night for someone to “come and B, ; the wheel” while he was ascending H ep hill on his way home. On going H vlr. Dunn would he found standing B .vay up the hill, stamping and tread ■ eke a balky horse, calling out loudly H] s omeone to “come and block the j ■eel.” After making two or thre at -0 ascend the hill he would look f the foot of it and take another Hit. After two or three efforts of this HBd le would finally reach the top, when Bvould want to bet “two-and-six that yell louder and jump higher jHi iriy other man in the community.” tad in his woods a very large hol '.and here he was in tin- habit . r Sky ben he had his spn- s, nnd hold ■ lIHPL*V I **d hi " >•;•» , ” At tin whi'-ii eh ~ zeal than for piety. ,■ an “unusual awakening' ' in this tree one day, !m went i. the hoti'e, fflplown the bottle from tie shelf, t ..k n/'and then made a solemn vow He wouljj never another drop spirits whiie he lived, or utter oath. And he religiously kept ■«. for heimmediately went t" hd Jr thenar niuete. ny ns am! ring all this long time he was never |H ■n to have biß*ci*thps on t" walk a A*, first, fojr a nuw.ber of years, he I was very taciturn, and would net converse with any one, and whenever persons ap proached hi* bed he would turn his head awy from them. During the latter pe riod of his life he would converse with members of the family sufficiently to make his wants known, which were few and easily supplied. He seemingl*’ enjoyed the best of ail this time, never took but once, and then only V - e simple remedy. His appetite was |.ood, and he ate two hearty meals a day, goreakfast and dinner, but no supper. He preferred Ifcarty food, and relished spork, potatoes and greens, baked beans End meat He drank tea and coffe regu ■lL W, but nothing stronger. He slept Blindly from ten to twelve hours out of ■ > twenty-four. ■ v ever bxt once did he express a wish clothes on and go out. One | ’ ' ur.-y -.1 .1 wish to IwP’" ~ i.o inigiit have I.:- a.e i - S' ’ HNHH' Bam. • at* r* ii I Hi ■ ■ ■ i ■ tie in lb a ring >'■ gH'i,.: S'S to lie w what t was. i■ ; » el a; ■ i- this daug!.!* ».• and wli.-.-I leu H§j|e could see it work. HEs carried to ini, pla- ML bed. and then he win, Ban he -I labile any one was present. HStiiue the food would he BBould found snugly in §«per missed his two meats a just fxfore he died, not k*e persuaded H§H third. llis daughter-in pf ■ sole care of him during the and PH ■•• ars "f his life shaving him, sDni, and preparing his food for SJ® instance, indeed, of filial af , Hi devotion. . E#uie attacked him to t. rminate He « lived on, life grow ng dimmer and finally it went out altu was not very much enta< i ®g»tained to the lust his usual : which w-r.- always mPJNBH lb was twice married, and s<\ ./%■' I■ last me u some twelv. or HHkßrohab'v. and <s not furni-b :■ i l Ue w}o -< , ■ >r j or • WBSf ;if*<r ~ [From the Belleville (Kansas) Telescope.] A Fourteen-Year Oltl Jioji Shoots hiv Grandfather to Gratify his Grandmother. Mr. James Rambo, living on Elk erect, in this county, was murdered on the night of November 1. About midnight of that day his wife, Catherine Rambo, went to a neighbor’s in her night clothes and barefooted, and reported having a fuss with her husband, and that he had shot off the end of her finger and cut her ear with a*hutcher’s knife, and she wanted someone to go and arrest him. A Coro ner’s inquest was immediately held, which was followed by the arrest of the grandson, John Briels, and Mrs. Rambo. After they had been in custody for a couple of days the boy confessed that his grandmother and he had been plotting the murder for the past six months, and that he had been practising with a revol var for that purpose. That on the night of the murder he took his revolver, after the old man had gone to sleep, advanced to within a short distance of him, and shot him in the back of the head—his grandmother at the same time standing inside the bedroom door. After he com mitted the deed he and the grandmother went outside, and the old lady held her finger around the tree while the boy shot it,inflicting a flesh wound. She then had him take a butcher knife and cut a slight gash in her ear, the object of all this be ing to ward off suspicion and create the impression that there had been a quarrel between her and the old mau. The boy further stated that he bad thrown the pis tol in a pool of water. On search being made by the constable for the pistol, it was found whore the boy directed bim, and two of the chambers discharged. He also found the mark of the burnt powder on the tree w’herc the finger had been shot at, according to the statement made by the boy. The butcher knife j with which the ear had been cut was ' found close to the house, covered with] blood and chicken featheis. Close by j w as found a chicken head, and a short dis- ] tance up the path she had traveled going ■ to the neighbor’s (Weans), and a little to one side in the grass was, found the body of a chicken. Mr.Stephens on the Caban Question. The following report of a conversation held by a representative of the Chronicle and Sentinel with Mr. Stephens, is prin ted in that paper: Reporter- What do you think about this Cuban affair, Mr. Stephens? Mr. Stephens—Well, I am frank to say that 3 am for Cuba immediately, if not j sooner. I consider the Virginius affair ] the greatest outrage of modern times ; j there is nothing at all analagous to it ex- | cept jerhaps that upon a vessel, the El | Dorado, I think if was during Pierce’s I administration, in 1854. I wanted the | Administration then to take possession I of Ct ha. Et-’p-PjeT —Uq V /Vt. *’jik there will fee j any war with Spain arising out of the complications r Mr. Stephens—l do not. I think Spain will offer every apology, and [dace her self in the position of the lame man who is unable to leave his house, and whose dogs jump over his fence and rend his ifeiglibor’s sheep. She will simply sa.y I jam unable to restrain the volunteers ; you must do with them as you please. 1 1 am in favor of suspending the neutrality j law s. If this were done so large a force j of Americans would land upon the island ; of Cuba in a few days that all opposition ! would be overawed and a peaceful acqui- I sition of it secured. These Spanish vol- | unteers in Cuba show by their recent act s : that they are not hing more than pirates, I and they should be punished accordingly, j Reporter—Won’t the United States lose considerably by the stoppage of im port duties on Cuban products in case of the acquisition of the island ? Mr. Stephens—Of course the import duties will cease upon this country’s tak ing possession of Cuba, but the revenue from the island will be far greater then than now, especially if anything like the tariff in force by the Spanish Government is kept up. The revenue to the latter from this island was twenty-five millions of dollars annually before the war. Reporter—ls the United States *c- I quires Cuba, the products of the latter will, of course,|be cheaper in this country? Mr. Stephens—Yes. And I am in fa vor of cheap cigars and cheap sugar. If \ Cuba was once ours its resources would be developed to an immense extent and j its production largely increased. Mr. Stephens went on to say tLat the j movement for taking possession of Cuba ; at tkistime, and in view of the recent ; unparalelled outrages, was desirable for j more reasons than one. One of the most; important was, that it would furnish a I common ground for all the people of the I Union to meet upon, reconcile party dis- j ferences, ami level down sectional ani- | mosities. The fact of the business is, he said, the United States heactofore has been holding Cuba down while Spain skinned her. Reporter —Is it probablethat Congress w ill take the matter in hand immediately upon assembling ? Mr. Stephens—Yes. Perhaps no less i than fifty resolutions will be offered upon ; that and” the currency question the first; dav. Iteporter—Will not the Louisiana mat ter also excite much attention ? Mr. Stephens—l have no idea that it ] will. i Mr. Stephens then made some general remarks on the Virginius outrage, which I be condemned in the roost unmeasured terms. He was unqualified in his senti- ; merits in favor of this Government taking , possession of Cuba, whatever might be i the course adopted for so doing. HERE SHALL THE PRESS THE PEOPLE’S RIOHTS MAINTAIN, UN AWED BY FEAR AND UNBRIBED BY OAIN. QUITMAN, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER f, 1873. The Dutchman's Insurance Policy. A good story is told of a Dutchman by the name of Sinidt , who had taken the precaution to insure the life of his wife for 85,000, and his stable for 8900, be lieving the former might die and the lat ter be burnt, and he could not get along without some compensation for the loss. Both policies had been taken from the same agent. Iu a few months after the stable had been insured it was destroyed by fire. Sinidt quietly nutified the agent, and hinted to him that he would expect the 8900 at the earliest possible moment. The agent at once sent a carpenter to as certain the cost of erecting anew stable of the same dimensions, having ascertain ed that the property was insured for more than it was worth. The builder re ported that he could replace the stable with new material for 8500, but unfortu nately there was an ordinance preventing the erection of frame buildings—the old stable having been of wood. He was asked to estimate the cost of a brick sta ble, and reported the amount of 8750. The agent then notified Ssnidt that he would build him anew brick stable in the place of the old frame one, but Smidt be came very indignant at the proposition, saying: “I do not understand dis insurance business. 1 pay you for nine hundred dollar, and when my shtable burn down ■you make me anew one. I net, want a new shtable. 1 want nine hundred dol lar.” The agent reasoned with Smidt, hut all to no purpose. When the stable was finished Smidt went to consult a law yer, thinking liecouldstill get the amount of tho policy, besides having the now stable. The lawyer however, informed him that the company had a right to make good tho loss by building anew stable, and ex pressed surprise at bis bringing suit against them. “But,” said Smidt, “I insure for nine huiff!red dollar, and dis follow put up deni shtable for seven hundred and fifty dollar—l do not understand do insurance business.” Finding that he could not compel the payment by law, he became disgusted with the insurance business altogether. Calling upon the agent, Smidt Baid : “Mr. Agent, I vant you to stop de in surance on mine vise. I do not pay any more monish dat way ; I do not under stand dis insurance business.” Agent, surprised : “Why Mr. Smidt you are doing a very foolish thing. You have paid considerable upon this policy already and if your wife should die, you will get 85,000.” “Yah, dat ish vat you tell me now,” said Smidt. “Von I pays you on my shtable, you say I get nine hundred dol lars if it burnt, down. So it was burnt, and vou not give me mine monish. You say, O, dat was an old,frame shtable, and yen not pay me mine nine hundred dol lar. Ven mine vise dies, den you say to me, 0, she vas an old Dutch woman ; she not wort anyding*; I get you anew English vise ! And so I lose mine five thousand dollars. You not fool Smidt again. I not understand dis insurance businees.” I>rware of Credit. While, perhaps, it is impossible to transact all business oil a cash basis, the only one is safe who keeps as near this solid foundation as porsible. Credit must be given and taken, but, the cases arc rare where an expanded credit has been beneficial to any merchant. There is a charm about credit to many, it would seem; a charm which allures wen to fi nancial ruin. Men who would never think of borrowing money, even at low rates of interest, will seek for a credit of a few months on which they pay a heavy rate. If it is true that “borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry,” what must be tie effect of credit on the prudential habits so necessary to a successful mail of business ? A merchant, buys goods on a credit of three months, at a rate wll\cb leaves a margin of security to the seller. He must compete it, selling the same goods, with one who, having bought for cash, can afford to undersell him. The goods disposed of be finds hut little prof it in his hands, while there is a chance that a financial crisis may overwhelm him in the meantime. Buying and selling on credit, a stringency in the money market may cause him disappointment in receiv ing many payments on which he depend ed, and it being imperative that his en gagements should be met, he must bor row or compound. Credit is a continual temptation to a man. He will always have a disposition to go beyondhis depth if his credit is good and money easy. A credit of even three months is dangerous to the man of small capital in the rnuta tiens of the money market. While, as we have said, business can hardly be transacted on a cash basis, it is plainly prudent to resist tbe temptation to inflate business. Young men making|tbcir first mercantile ventures especially need the caution : Beware of Credit. Problematic Grains. —A German pedlar was asked if it was not very heavy work carrying a big pack about day after day. “Oh, yes,” he replied, “itwas heavy. “Well,” said the queriest, “do you make much ?” “Veil, I dunno. Some days I makes notting, and oder days twice so much?” “You ought to let me pass here free of charge, considering the benevolent nature of my profession,” said a physician to a toll-ga'e keeper. “Not so,” was the reply, “you send too many dead heads through here now.” The doctor didn’t stop to argue the point, but paid his toll and passed on. THE NATIONAL FINANCES. Tke first duty which Congress will he called upon to perforin, when it cones together week after next, is to make the government’s revenuo equal to its expen ditures, which can only bo done by an increase of taxation. We regard an in crease of taxation, under existing circum stances, as the only plan by which our currency can be saved from further de preciation, and the country protected from a repetition of tho ruinous specula tion and demoralization which followed the war. Already, as the result of the panic, lower prices have been established in most articles. The volume of business transactions has been greatly contracted. The unhealthy growth of our railroad system and the great stock speculations in Wall street have been stopped. Mon ey is steadily and even rapidly accumu lating at the financial centres. Confi dence is slowly recovering, and will con tinue to increase, unless it. should be prostrated by fresh catastrophes. But it is contrary to the genius of the Amer ican people to keep their money idle. The records of the past experience teach us that before many months money will be obtainable at very low rates of inter est. by those who can give good security. The facts, then, are these ; reduced prices, diminished trade, manufactures and wages, and an increased quantity of money. It is the last consideration to which we attach the greatest importance. Here we have a Secretary of the Treasu ry, without warrant of law and without a shadow of excuse, except the necessities of the. government, manufacturing money at the rate of one or two millions a week. The inevitable result of this combination of circumstances will bo another period of blind speculation with its accompani ments of defalcations and swindling, with another and worse collapse of credit as the certain termination. The only es cape from these calamities of tho future is the immediate stoppage of tho paper money mill at, Washington, and the wit h drawal of the illegal issue of greenbacks already made. But to effect this Con gress must cut down appropriations and restore some of the imposts which it has removed. In reply to an objection which is sure to be urged by the demagogues, that the people are already “ground into the earth” by taxation, wo have only to say that it was not taxation which caused the panic, and that the raising of forty or fifty mil lion dollars more a year from a nation of as many souls, will not be an unendura ble hardship. If the contrary is main tained, wo trust that tho extravagant ap propriations of the late Congress will be viewed in the light of that opinion. We trust that, the cost of the war with Spain, which is now so vehemently clamored for, will he counted. But still we should prefer somewhat oppressive taxation to the alternative of swindling tho creditor classes by a further inflation of the cur rency. To ruin the thrifty for the bene fit of the unthrifty is sure in the end to destroy the prosperity of a country, no matter what its natural advantages may be. We are opposed to raising money by the sale of bonds to meet de ficiencies in current, revenue. We think the people should be made to feci the consequence of the reckless improvidence of their representatives. But, nothing can be. worse than the slow, silent, study “watering” to which the currency has now for two months been subjected at the hands of Mr. Richardson, Tho sow ing of the dragon’s teeth, the gift of the shirt of Nessus, the similar repulsive conceptions of antiquity are the only fit ting comparisons for the financial “poli cy” of the Administration.— N. Y. Trib une. POSITION OF TIIE SO VTII A Washington telegram to the New YVirk Times says : “There are conflicting opinions as to the position of the Southern sentiment upon the question of war. A gentleman holding high official position stated that the South would be a unit in favor of war. Ho said that on a recent trip through the Southern States he had con stantly to repel suggestions of the use fulness of a foreign war as a means for consolidating pnblic sentiment in this country. He believed that a war with Spain would do much to revive a feeling of American nationality in the South, and he knew that soldiers who should volun tarily risk their lives in battle for a com mon cause would not long remember mu tual differences of former days. On the other hand, a gentleman who held a po sition of distinction in tho Confederate government and who had excellent op portunities of observation, just returned from the South, states that the people are not for war. The war feeling there is encouraged by a few newspapers, and by a certain class of politicians eager for distinction. The masses of the people are against war, and see no advantage in it, and are convinced that the main results would be to fatten an army of contractors and to extend a territory already too incongruous and unmanageable. The Southern people are too much occupied in keeping the wolf from the door to think of a foreign war. A type of (he class which is eager for war is a Republican member of Con gress from Florida wh ') publicly statedthat he should make a ringing war speech in Congress because he knew it would be of great service to him in his own State in his approaching canvass for the United States Senatorship.” Natural Phenomena. —A dandy on shore is disgusting to many; but a swell at sea is apt to sicken everybody. Why the Clergyman’ll Daughter Shot Mr. Jlaynes. Jackion (Teno.) Whig ami Tribune, Nor. 22.] The Corinth (Miss.) News, Novembor 15, says: “The daughter of Kev. Mr. Richardson, living a few miles from this place, having some misunderstanding pervious]} - with a gentleman, went to his home, found him at work, spoke to and shook hands with, and then drew from under her shawl a pistol, placed it to his breast and fired. The man at last ac counts was living, but in a hopeless con dition.” The above article is true, and the gen tleman wounded was Mr. Mark Haynes, of MeNairy county. It is said that ho was engaged to bo married to the young lady, Miss Mattie Richardson, and was about to “go back” upon his plighted word and honor, and had so notified his fair affianced. When she received intel ligence of his contemplated apostacy, she grew so indignant that she rode over to Haynes’ residence in a buggy, in com pany with a young brother, and, calling Haynes towards her, she drew forth a pistol from under her shawl and shot him, as abovo described. Miss Richard son and her brother were both arrested after the shooting, and had a preliminary trial before James Houston, Esq., who bound them over to the next term of the Circuit Court of MeNairy county. The bond of Miss Richardson was fixed at SI,OOO, and was promptly given. Haynes was wounded in the right lung, and his condition at last accounts was extreme} critical. He is a new-comer to this sec tion, and hails from Georgia. Hill Arp Interviews a New Publish er. Next mornin 1 went down to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Mr. ft. W. Carleton, the book publisher was there and said he thought he kno wed mo, and when I told him uiy name he sed he remembered read in sum of iny letters which I writ to Mr. Linkhorn along time ago- -sed Mr. Link horn or sumbody else showed cm to him he wasentsertin wieli. He had a big book store under the hotel and there was a power of nice people a perooisn around. lie introduced me to Josh Billins. He was a sad lookin man with a large open countenance, and wore his hair all over his nock like a Canadian pony. I sup. pose that me and him will always differ about wearing our hair. The next man 1 met was Mr. Elie P. Perkins, Esq., with the first P left out. He said that Elie spelt his name with a small e and big lie, and was known in the city as Big he I'erkins. They sed he was the successor t o A item us Ward wax works and from the way he is pilin up money I suppsse wax works well. I al ways was partial to white men and he’s the most white man I saw in New Tork. About this time a very large man with a white cravat cum in to see Mr. Carle ton, and axd him how he liked his manu script, and Mr. Carleton said it was too heavy, and he axd Carleton if he meant thcr was too much led in it—that he would advise hi in to go to Skribner or Lippenvot —that, lie only published such books as the peepul would read. The large man looked thoughtful and disappointed, and taken his manuscript, went clean away. The title of his book was “The Metoforik Aualisis of Kimcreau Abstrositios.” Next a little frisky man with a lively open countenance come along, and axd Mr. Carleton what he thought of his book. “Dont soot me exactly,” sed Mr. Carle ton, “tis a most too light, too much froth for flic syllabub, dont think it would go.” Tlie title of bis book was “The Ting-a-Ling of Aunt Tabbys Door Bell.” 1 was sorry for the big man and sorry for the little man, and told Mr. Carle ton I thought he ought to let ’em down easy. He said it was an every days busi ness, and he bad got hardened to it — that be rejected ten books to where he aksepted one, and he published a good deal of trash even then. Disliken to disagree with him on a short akwantance, I sed “Yes, I think you do.” But I close for these presents. Yours, Bin, Aar. Who Can Most Easily he Spared ? Young men, this is the first question your employers ask themselves, when business becomes slack, and when it is thought necessary to economize in the matter of salaries. This question is an swered in an American journal to our satisfaction. It answers the question who can best be spared this wav : The br.rnacles, the sharks, the make-shifts, somebody’s nephews, protegees, somebodys good-for-nothings. Young man, please remember that these are not the ones who arc called for when responsible positious are to be filled. Would you like to gauge your own fitness for a position of prominence 'i Would you like to know the probabilities of your getting such a position ? Inquire within ! What are you doing to make yourself valuable in the position you now occupy ? If you are doing with your might what your hands find to do, the chances are ten to one that you will soon become so valuable in that position that you cannot easily be spared from it; and then, singular to relate, will be the very time when you will be sought out for promotion to a better place. Be content to grade among the men who can easily be spared, and you may rest assured that nothing wilt “spare ” you so certainly and so easily as promotion. A Frenchman soliciting refief of an American lady, said grayely to bis fair hearer, “Madama, I nevaire beg, but dat T have one vise, vid several small family zat is growing very large, and nossing to make dere bread out of but de per cpiration of my own eyebrow.” Savannah. L. J. GUILMAUTIN. JOHN FLANNERY L.J. GUILMARTIN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— urn turns! ntoiim, HAY STREET, SIVWMII, «i. Agents for Bradley’s Superphos phate of Lime, Jewell’s Mills Yarns, Domestics, tic. BAGGING, ROPE AND IRON TIES always ox hand. PSCAt. FACILITIES EXTENDED To GUSTO WEBB. 34 fill Kstablinlied 1W(58. W.W. CHISHOLM, COTTON FACTOR AA r D GENERAL Commission Merchant, BA Y ST., Si VANN All GAS Consignments of Cotto*’, Wool, Hide?, Ac., solicited. [34'3m IDR. D- COX, LIVE STOCK, SUnGBTERED MEiTS AJD i 9 ii on vce Commission Merchant AND — FURCHASIN ii ACi'NT, SA I ! .Y.Y.f It, GEORGIA. CONSIGNMENTS OP Beef Cuttle, Milch .Cows, Sheep, Hogs, Game, Pressed Meats, Ac., —ALSO — Poultry, EgRF, Vegelabt s Fruits, 'Melons, Su gar, Syrup. Honey, Hides, Tallow, Ac., KKBPECTFULI.V SOLICITED. S eek I.ots on corner of William and West It load Streets, at foot of .South Broad St. Produce Depot in Basement of City Market. 34-ts CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, And all Others in need of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, MILIUMS, BLIND TRIIMIGS SASII WEIGHTS, ETC., Can always find a Largo Stock and Low prices at Blair & Bickford’s, 171 Bay St SAV.-INNAH, GA March 21, 1873. t,V.'5-'JS S'. T. FISDKIt. A. ITNPEn. N. T.PINDER &, CO, DEALERS IN Geutremen’s & Ladles’ Misses r & Cftilduen’s BOOTS. SHOES, AND goiters, NO. 138} BROUGHTON STREET, Savannah,: : : Georgia. Mr. Lewis C. Tebead in with Him holme »nd will be pleased, to uee Die friends when ill the city. apl7-tv S. S. MILLEH, JJEALKK IN Maliogiiny, Walnut anti Pine SOOO 0U 01 i 8 -WRENCH AND COTTAGE CHAM Milt SETS ANI> Ij o«fi in g Glass es . Sfattrawes BT.d'e W'OMV IBS A 167 liROEGHTON STREEIi, Next to Weed A Cornwell. ft A V A A’AM// G EOU GL I A,-gait 'l, 1*7.1 34-6ra 182.00 per Annum NUMBER 40 Professional. DU. K. A..1 ELKS, Practicing P h ys i c ian, QUITMAN, OA. Office : Brick building adjoining fltore (A Messrs. Briggs, .talks & Cos., Scn't’eu street. January 31. 1873. 6-ts ' .1 Oll\ G. McCALLT ATTORNEY AT LAW, QUITMAN, GA. Office next Iff Finch's buildiug. East ]of Court Home Square. Willy 24, 1873. ly .1A MES H HU MTEIG |((ontnr a lib (fonustlfor at ITasfo, QUITMAN. CA, **■ Office, in Tits Coiot noc.iK.'Siq March 17, IH7I W. B. Bknvkt S. T. Kixosbkrrt BENBKT A KI.NGsnKIIYJ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, yriTMvN. IJKooitH County, GkokoTa. February 7. Is 7 :< EI)W A K I) HI I AUDEN, mORNIiY AT LAW. QUITMAN. GKOR’GIA, Office. in the Court House, second 1 floof May 2f», 1872. If G. A. HoWki.l. B. A. Denmark-.- HOWELL DENMARK, Attorneys at Law* 'NO 8 DRAYTON ST., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, IRRefcr. by permission, tt> Messrs. Groover, Stubbs A Cos., arid U. If. Reppard, Savannah,- lion. A. II Hmisell. J L. Sewaid. Tkoma'svilh’,. Bennet & Kingsberry, Qubinun. Ga. [39-ly DENTISTRY. Dit‘D. I . KICKS, % atteUflml s i 7 returned to Q?ifman. and reopened his of- " Thankful to friends and pHtroiiH for pasi favors, he will be jsleaP' dP to serve them in future. tkiod woift afld mod erate charges. MiHrcti 14, 1873. H-bin Dk J. s. n.sxow. “ DENTIST, QUITMAN, ... OKORGIAf RE.VPEOi ri’U.Y solicits she patronage of the Citizen* of Brooks county, and will endeavor, by faithfully execution nil work entrusted- t<y him. to merit their confidence. Charges moderate, and work guaranteed. Office, up slims, hi Finch’s feililVling. Match 2r, 1873; 46-1 y M iscellaneotis. NEW GOODS J JUST RECEIVED. Ja:cob Baum, JWAfc-EK f.N Ory,Goods t Notions* Har«G wace* Qrockory, &c, Qhnrft rerun,. Lirorgfw, rfTAKES pleasure' hv notifying his fri.-nds and 1 L the public guittfttijy I lint he has received’ bis FILL JIM 81\M STMS Fort which will lie sold*on fair and honorable terms. These goods were purchased on very favorable ttefimr, I-utti cortfid’ent can and will be sold l as cheap as aov house in town. My stock embruee* almobt everything kept in' a retail store in the inferior - Dfy Goods. Press Goods. Pcmasttc Gr>ods. fi fatly Static clothing', jlCi.snnj. Motions, Boots, > Bhoe/t' Jlats } £c. &£■ Tlie f.adiep arc Fpecfcvl’y imited to pay me a' visil. as ?have many tilings that Will meet favor in tHcir ey« -\ Fitrchusei- at** also specially idvit ed to give mb a call, as I am determined to eclY .is low as arty ofic. Thankful* Mr pa-*' a cmtinm»ncc of cits* tom is .solicited'. .TAHHOS Septeihoerl?. 187%. ttttaV2l NEW COODSI CHEAP for CASHf ftn lF WDKRv-JG.VIvI) begs leave to inform' I his friend' ai f >1 e ? . blit* generally, that bo baa juat* opened the *dd < ornrrStore formerly occupied 1 by U . S. liumjdji’cvj*, a UeW KtOck Os goods, consist in " of DRY fciOODS AND Family Groceries, Wats. Lap-, Boots arid : P|»»es. iiUaet, ererytfiing thatis ttsimHv kepi and neeoed uHbis marker. Jasv !.v fIJEATY* fil» t;r ,r,<i ,(hlot ~1872, 40 ts.