The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, December 04, 1873, Image 3

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That Tire Company Again. It is not our policy to make too frequent allusion or to have too much to say upon ally particulr subject, but as a local scribbler, and one who has at heart and watches the iotercets of our prosperous town, even though we may sometimes iu ettr the displeasure of a few, or having once failed to bring those interested to a ; sense of their duty or danger, as the case j may be, we may have to strengthen and. repeat the effort, we feel it, nevertheless, j our duty to guard the welfare of our community at large, and make such sug- j gestions or comments as, in our humble opinion, will tend to protect or enhance the interests of our people. Several weeks ago we inquired wheth er “Stonewall Fire company” was still in existence, and not having heard of its j holding a meeting or appearing for cxc.r- i eise with the t ngine upon our streets for several months previous, advanced the | I opinion that the aforesaid organization | had “played out,” and suggested that ! the engine, etc., be turned over to the No- ; groes, as they would take some interest j and pride in the entci prise and would make efficient firemen. A few evenings after we had made the : inquiry and suggestion referred to, “Stonewall Fire Company” turned out j jin full force —thirteen members being , ; present —and with the assistance of out- j riders, (some of whom were colored) sue- ! I eeeded in raising a stream. And this is . | the last we have seen or heard of “Stone- . ; wall Fire Company ” After we have had another fire and ! * il: ■ 1.1873. HHF -vt.l Churyed with Wt* Mary Patman. IP* I ''mlwre-l that in Soptom- j ran account of tbo cruel (">-t committed upon it was believed by Inringthe first week's w* curt a t rue bill was p. §M ’rgo Hu'.in, George jFo!«rt Duncan, for as ••••£•; murder, they being having porpetra- Hu Tues.layof th> week MT for trial, and as the 1 ey wore not able tuem ei-.ut appointed for O. 'A'. A. bane, the IbEs/ ■fipTiynj-' K ie_'s ■JTo. Gr.llaher appeared ■&Y prim >p:il witness in . v tptjp • and tie thief prison- parties who eatne to j and knocked her she become in ‘ ‘i : ■ 'n .■ ;ilt• 1 In-r i } t: • ? mi. at the time it hap ■ tle bewilderment and un- Brifluced by the blows in- H®et shew#* very distinct Bolide upon her and very BjkTiseaors at the bar wore attorneys for re serving w;th -ini n lid, in* HR :n.l . ..ndueted the BHBiliiv. At the sane Vie . . against them, who ■ accord Dies.- g, ntlemen ■is justly due them both ■fearlessness with which ■K right duo the prison |fl| elmss and i •■nshle-a ,pj .site gf|y for the prosceu otild have been ex- thousands of dollars worth of property! have been destroyed, (and we know not j how soon it may be,) another meeting will probably be held and the engine rub bed up. The money of the property owners and tax payers of Quitman has paid for this engine and other flreinanie eqnippages, : and they are entitled to the benefit of its active and efficient use, and it is the duty of the Town Council to see that they re ceive it. If they cannot get “Stonewall Fire Company” to run this machine, it is their duty as representatives of those who elected them to office and whose money they have invested for the alleged purpose of protecting property, to turn t over to those who mill run it, or if necessary, to offer such indueemenU to the negroes as will indued hem to take an interest in the matter. IV’iW th ydo it! KAYTOVS NEW YORK STOKE open again in Qninmin, w ith pro. :, lower liiau since the war. Call and he seii Timid.—A young man in Quitman wo*-deputized on la t Tuesday afternoon to go into the country and “level” on a yoke of oxen, by virtue of the I'.-n law. Accordingly, the sturdy brace of bovine were cttsly captured, and the young offi cial proceeded to drive Item into town. Nothing to cause detention or worthy of mention occurred on the way, until, as the embarrassed driver approached, he viewed the lofty church spires. Doubt less this reminded him of his sweefheait, and of teasing rivals, as he pictured in his imagination the aspect he and his sloih ful team would present creeping “down Broadway,” and as the reflecting faeo of that day’s sun was already “half-faced” by the Western horizon, he caine to a halt and waited for the dark. DRY (Jeml*, (Nothing. Hhoes. (J roc'-ric o . at low prices, ai Kr r i-..\Y New Volts .S net “/>ro/.s“ and the Vomity School Commissioner, Thwcontfo i-Prhj which Lass hern going on in the columns of theBANNKR between these two con espondents for tome thne past, we have no doubt, has been observ ed w ith interest If many of our readers, and wo would be glad to have the sub ject of Public Schools and tbo Public School System discussed further, but ve will be compelled to reject the article we j received from “Brooks” this week in re ply to that of the Commissioner in in our j last. It is Well written, argumentative i and contains some good and original | ideas, but all these favorable qualities i are destroyed by the frequent intersper ! sion of epithets. We object to nothing [in the way of force, that a eon-repondent i can give his productions, provided he Ldoes not employ venomous or abusive ■phrases, wh'fh, in our opinion, spioils Kny amount of beautiful language or ar- that may accompany it. Ks “Brooks” desir-s to see his eloquence he me. t ;k t \it late :! by p refix many odious adjectives to the ■ . r tith-s es whh-li lie tm.y !•••; use, or cbe charge liis Base. W ;</!-■* Call ■■■k n:.v. to.k ‘l<ji:i:. Council. i® " ?■ T|v sJBI sjk money, % "t S yi!*4 § a clean re ».|d j fVU* 'Ft kSA all bat 11* S must vis ■£?« Mtpjvr the jiiiy re .-Hike up their ter ic.t tftl.dl : I .. gglSB tie ju, MhSB ' r ! ertd pBHS "\\ e tin jury i'll.-! fga V.'-- | -. :... ids " h ' ' '' jirejß>l Co- , ' i, .. |,l .K nfl - Mi list it /■*. w.-ir first t ntertail !s§|l and. at Kt\ t. ti’s Hall, 1 c Ikiiubi idge snlTe-- I tin j&GI cm and a] piveia- j weii .-lit. named. IwLlSp .5 aws g 1 sMBMr 1 I ■ ■ r. ' } ■■HB c • . \k x %* 1 y' ’ r ' 1 I ' i l :' J i||l|||||» i gv-’j-v 'qjM 4 ujljß ]j£mi ‘Wk ' Jirools Superior Court-Judge Han sel:. The adjourned term of Brooks Superi or Court met ou Monday, the Ist inst., His Honor Judge’'Hansell presiding. After an excellent and impressive charge to the Brand Jury the Judge proceeded with the regular business of the Court. Very few lawyers from a distance were present, and we thought there appeared a general disposition both by lawyers and clients to slide over cases without | trying them. The only ease of much in terest tried up to the time of this writing was that of the State vs. George Hulin, George Washington and Robt. Dnuean, charged with the offence of assault ( with intent to murder, of which we give ac count of elsewhere. The court is progressing quietly and pleasantly. Judge I lan sell does not. press business quite so vigorously per haps as some Judges, but he is one of the most agreeable men to practice under we ever met w-th. Ho is a lino lawyer, a dignified presiding officer, and a cour teous and phasaut gentleman. It does not seem to be his highest ambition to display his talent for a police officer by | watching every opportunity to catch j some unwary fellow who may have inad- j verteutly committed a slight, iudeseretion, j and then amuse him by depleting his, finances to tie extent •of five, ten or j twenty dollars, but without any exhibi tion of pettishness, he preserves the good ; order and dignity of the Court by the: respect and esteem ii# which he is held j by the citizens. We rather think he ’ac complishes about as much as those who are more fussy to hurry tin matters, and we are satisfied that what, is done is done much more satisfactorily. P HEAT bm-eiiiis. . in i;< *n..<ls full stock at VX K.VY'i'OVS NEW YORK .STORE. Ruinations of a Conn fry Editor, Caused by llceent Incidents. Poti'SNiiss s- To invite a gentleman! who lives in the country to dine with you to-morrow, and notify him not to bring his dinner, and on the morrow to tel 1 him you had concluded to take dinner with a. neighbor and would not be at home about mid-day. TiiOOOHTi.KSKNiiSS To invite your B.e’ghbo r , with whom a eoneriy gen tlemen expects to take's, to dine with yon, and make no provision I'< c the country friend, thus leaving him to ivhel his appetite uutiFsupper. C .ftvßitNEns To meet a friend from the count v who had missed his di met and who wanted to stay in town to hear the Amatol' • Mhiri.vrris at rbght, end take j lrm home with you, g : vo him a good I capper ir-d a he:: "fy vvoleome, and turn j him lot sn ; o go to the conceit in good ! bun-orv. llh “ world and the balance j of mankind. ‘'£'*S7IITIV you wan I hoo<l iro'nl-' at low ]inoop. V V call ;il KAV’l't i.\’B NKvV VOKIC STORK Vick’s Ft,ohm, Ovttpt.-We have re ceived the January number of this excel lent periodi. al, published qmt' terly by the champion florist of the world, Janies Vick, of Fori- sf.-r, N. V. We consider The Gunn: invaluable and indispensible to all well iegulate.l families, either in the city or country. It, contains valua ble information concerning everything I connected with the yard o - garden, and that, too, of a character altogether neg lcetcd by other ji.'riodicalg of the day. j Vou can become a subscriber to Tuts | Guide by purchasing garden or flower ! seeds from the proprietor to the amount of SI.OO, or for 25 cents per annum. Ad- I dress James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. - - 1' TtINE all wool (’le-iimcre Vests for men only ’ $1.75 at (J.izi.\‘» Cheap Casu Store. More Street Lamps.— In addition to tlm thirty-odd si reet lamps erected by our City Fathers in the eariy part of | the summer, lbs Stieet Committee was author.zed at the last meeting ol ! Council to have six more made and sta | tinned at such places as they considered j them most needed. We are glad to see | that, a post has been planted in front of i the BAKitsa office, and hope to see it or i namented with a lamp before another | dark night, in order that wo may avoid j another ouch fall and shin-brusing as j we experienced one mght last week. I Fr.EBT. —When the Sheriff of Brooks , j county can’t stop a runaway prisoner by | j shooting at him two or three times, he \ takes after him and mns him down, j Adam Sc tt, a bold and daring negro, j who was in the charge of Sheriff Thrash ! er for stealing cotton the other day, at ! tempted to make his escape by running, but John, after firing three shots at him, took after and recaptured him inside a three-quarter’s heat. That much good for having a Sheriff who runs well, pro vided he is like John —never retreats. Peksonai. —We were pleased to meet incur sanctum yesterday, Capt. Richard Johnson, representing the firm of John IV. Andersen’s Sons,of Savannah, whose | card has a standing place in the columns ;of the Banner. Besides being a clever and reliable gentleman, the Captain is | connected with a good and substantial | house, and we commend him to the con j fidence of our people. I The Best one bale common upland | cotton exhibited at the Savannah Fair j was raised in Brooks county, near Q.uit -1 man, by Mrs. K.e Lei E. Bowel. " 1 . 1 ".^ 111 11 The December number of YVbon’s llousEitoi.D MAoaeinb is replete with good reading—entertaining sketches, stories, poems, &c., <Se. Its table of con tents embraces the following articles: “A Better Country,” Mary Hartwell; An Engineer's Yarn, Albert Williams, Jr., Our Party at Sea, Rev. J. S. Breckin ridge; Two Enthusiasts, H. M. Lewt.ral; Presence of Mind, Rev. F. W. Holand; Our Babies, D. A. Gorton, M. D.; .Blessed ness of Riches, Sonoroon; Ilans Doodle dee, Rudolph Mentel; installment of Max KTomec,'author of Jessica’s First prayer; Codfish and Potatoes, Chapter 11, by Eleanor Kirk; Misery Jippeau, Chapter VII, VIII, by 11. V. Osborne. In a.D itioiqto these articles are several pretty poems, a charming little Cottage Design, and editorial departments embracing Our Housekeeper, Correspondence, Literary Notices, Laughing Stock, Ac. &c. The engraving for this month is entitled “ Old Folks.” All the above for only one dollar per year- or with chronio Yosemith one dollar and a half. Address, Wood’s Household Magazine, Newburgh, N. Y. A House Sthno nr Bees —Fatal Re sult. An exciting incident took place at the house of Mr. Andrew Jackson, :t 1 worthy German citizen, who lives near Retreat, Virginia,one day last week. It I appears that a horse bad been turned | loose in Mr. Jackson’s yard for the pur I pose of grazing. The horse chanced to j upset a stand of bees, which at once set jto stinging the poor animal most furl | eusly. The sharp sting of the bees soon i made the horse frantic, and, seeking pro i teetiou of his master, he ran into the j luiusc among the members of his family, turned over a cradle in which lay a child, ! the child being knocked nearly across !t he room. The horse next knocked down i and stamped to death a little girl some i eight, or ten Years old. and then ,rnn out ! into the yard and dropped dead,-- Frank lin ( Va.)3fcmiU>r , OBITUARY. Mid-. Christina McKinnon, wife of John C. McKinnon, and daughter of the Info Roderick .Mclntosh, deceased, was horn oh the 4th day of l.'vvT, and died of onsuniption, at the residence of her mother in Quitman, on the 2<sih day ot November, 187.1. Sister McKinnon cmbiaced religion and join ed the Presbyterian church in the year 1801 From that day until her death she remained steadfast in the faith. Two or thr**e years ujr«> she became a eonfmned invalid, by lhat insidi ous disease, consumption. Day by day she was conscious that the “outer man was perishi.ig,’* and although at times her sufferings were in tense, she bore them with chrtaifhn fortitude, uncomplainingly. Murmuring at (lod’s provi dence no pru tof her experience. With pa tient endurance and humble submission she met tlie duties of life, ipuli/.ing that whatever befell her piulni ay, “it. was u father’s hand that pre sented the cup, and what Ho wills is best.” Her test itnony'of the goodness of (iod was clear and distinct -no uncertainty about it. Flic was ready when the Master called. About half an hour before she passed away, while loving friends were standing round, and when tliepow er ot ar.iculalioii was almost gone, the writer asked her if she still felt the Savior near? She responded "yes. ’ This word was among her last sot n t’heveaf:er “she jell on sleep.” and her happy spirit went homo to Him who gave it. She leaven a husband and one child, with a wid owed mother and a large family connection to mourn her loss. May tl.ey meet her beyond the grave. ' S. S. Swept, j COMMERCIAL. QUTTMA V HKIAIL PRICKS CUPP KM. ComtKCl'El) EVERY WEEK. [The quotations are baaed entirely on cash trans actionl.] Bacon *. 17ft 1b... JO H Butter (loslien uft lb. .. 30 (<s, -10 Country r|ft lb. . . 25 (to, 35 Candles |jjft lb. . . 20 25 Cheese talb... 18 ($ 20 Coffee Rio fjA lh. . . 25 (/$ 30 Corn j'jft bush (10 Crackers.... 'jo, lb. . ll\ (ty 20 Kggs (ift doz . (ip; 20 Flour— Nupertine bo, bbl . 850 (ip, 900 Family bbl . 10 (a), 12 00 (i ill get’ |p. Ib. .. (ti); 40 I Bird JUb. .. 121© 13 (>\ steps jo, can . 1 k>(cb, 25 Ib-aeheK |]> can . (4 25 Dickies I fijar. 26 (4 4«» DotaU*es - Irish ]r), bush 2 00 (4 Sweet hush (4 - r )f) Dowder p lb. . . 40 Up, 60 Dntusli ‘ft). Ih. . . 20 (4 25 Rice fUh... 10 (4 11 RaisiriM..., rl lb. . (4 .Salt, 'jft sack, 2 00 (4 2 25 Soap j) ft». . . 6(4 15 Sugar i .... ’,•) lb. . . 10 (4 15 Syrup B gal.. (4 * r >o Soda f). tb.. 12 (4 15 Shot-.... p 40(4 15 Starch pit)... 12(4 'l'obacco good article.. |> ft»... 50(4 1 00 ; Vinegar jft'gal . (4 Cotton Market. Quitman. Middling 13} Low Middling 12^- Good Ordinary 12 Ordinary 11 Savannah. Middling 14J Low Middling 14} (food Ordinary 14 Ordinary 12$ Administrator’s Sale. Af IKORGI V. BROOKS COUNTY. -On the first Tuesday-ill Janaa y next will be’‘old i before the Courtßouse door in Quitman in said county, within the legal hours of sale. Lot of ; Land No. 521 in the 9th District of Brooks toun i iy. said lot containing "490 acres, more or ’ess. Sold pgreeable to the Court of Ordinary of said I county as the property or \\ in Folsom, deceas ed, for the benefit of the heirs of •*ai(l deceased. I Terms, one-third cash and the balance »n notes | due .January Ist, 1875. Bond for titles given i and titles made when the notes are paid. \V. R. KYALSr [ Adm’rs of C. TV. RYaLS, f Win. Folsom. December 3, 1873. 45-4 t 1 W ''^til'll 5J DIIAI.EU IN jswsLKir, GOLD A XT) SIIVKP WATCHES, SPJDTAf I.KS, CLOCKS. HOLD PENS. SPOONS AAD TOPICS SI Jr VEK CASTORS , CUTLKP Y. PISTOLS A ND C.A PTPIDGES, GAME PA GS. SHOT IiKLTS , PO WDEP TL t SEN, <f v„ Ha.s just received bis FALL AND WINTEK STOCK, every tiling to be found in a First-Class Jewelry Establishment. 9 TSi 22 S JSt XSN *l2r On Wa’chcs, rTockp,•Jewelry, Guns and Fjetols done with neatness and dispatch, and satisfac tion guaranteed. A<ient tor Sinner Hewing Machines• W. E. EAKNES, » Quitman, Ga M October Ist, 1873. TO-ts ! ■min 1 CUOlil' RA IN CHINA. At.Most Kvkhv Case Cm;i> With TP&u±ic\ Hliller ! Dear Sirs : During a residence of some ten years in Siam and China, as a missionary, l found your Fain Killer a most valuable remedy for that fearful scourge the Cholera In administering the medicine l found if most effectual to give a tea spoonful of Rain Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with sugar ; then, after about fifteen minutes, begin to give about u tablespoonful of the same mixture every few min utea until relief was obtained Apply hot appli cations to the extremities. Bathe the stomach with the Pain Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Ot those who had the Cholera, and took the medicine faiihlully. in the way stilled above, eight out often recovered. Hkv 'r. TFLFORD. Missionary to China. Dear Sins i During a long residence in China l have used your valuable Pain Killer, both in my own family and among Lite Natives, and have found it a most excellent medicine. In the Sum mers of I#‘2 and 1863, while residing Shanghai, I tound it an almost, certain for cholera, it used in time. Indeed, using it in a great many instances, Ido not, remember failing in a single case. For more than three years I have been residing more than fifty miles from a physician, and have been obliged often to tall upon my own resources in cases ot sickness. The natives come to us in great numbers lor medicine and advice. Though without medical knowledge ourselves, the few simple remedies we can command, are so notch tn advance even of their physicians* I hat we have almost, daily applications. We allow them to come, because it briusrs tts in contact with them and opens a door of usefulness. In diarrhea, colic, vomiting, cholera, coughs* etc., your Pain killer has been' my chief medicine. Yours, very truly, Rev, T i*. OILV.WFOKP. Tungehow, China. Those using Pain Killer should strictly observe the following d ; tec. ions: At the Commencement of the disease take tea gpoonful of Pain-Killer, in sugar and water, and then bathe freely across the stomach and bowels with the Pain Killer clear. Should the diarrhea and cramp continue, repeat’the dose everv (iltoen minutes. In this way the dreadful scourge may be cheeked and the patient relieved in the com so of a low hours. N. B. - Be sure and get the genuine article: and it is recommended by those who have used the Pain Killer for the cholera, that in extreme eases the patient take two (or more) teaspoon fuls instead of one. The PAIN KILLFRis sold by all the Drug gists and Dealers in Family Medicines. JTfr Prieo. 5 and 50 cents and si. 2? i: RRV DA VJt S & SON. Manul's A Prop's - 136 High, si , Prov.. 11. I. 46 4w Goods at Cost. Until further notice is given I will sell my goods at cost for cash. JACOB BAUM. Quit man, Ga., Nov. 12 th. 1873. t( Special Notice I GOODS SOLD AT PANIC PRICES! DFSIRJNG TANARUS() CONVKPT OUR GOODS IN TO CASH as speedily as possible, we offer them at reduced prices for Cash or Cotton. Come and try us. Owing to the great pressure upon us at t time, we urgently call upon ilio. c of our Mends who are indebted to us. to e mm to our aid with buCh means as will help to pay debts. Wo will take cmM itieates of deposit, of the Ha vannah Bank and Trust Company. PA INF & II ALL. October 23, 1873. 3in Notice of Dissolution. rjniiij OOrARTNHRSUII* existing between it ms is this buy dissolved by nuitmil consent, W. E. liui lies will settle the utiiiirs of Ibe drill W. K HARNES, T. J. MVJNU.SiON. Ouitman, Gu., Noveniber Lilt. 18711. jr KESPKOTVVI.LY tnlnrtn my old enstotners H and die public generally ttmi 1 sluill coitiit,- iip the Jewelry biisiness, it! the Old Stand, ami polieit. your patronage. I shall keep eons'antly (,n hand a good sloe 1 ! of Gold and Silver Amer ican and Swi s w atches, ('locks of all sizes and prices, Jewelry of every tlee-ription, including I,miles’ and M'isses’ Eels, l iu:; ■' Kiltgs <>f every size,, style ami price. 11l aeelets and a very large slock ot Silver Ware, sttcli as Cups. Canters. Spoons and 1- orks, K nive. el several kinds, t ake Cask els, Rutter Hishe , -in short;, I shall keep every thing kept hi a (iist-cbss Jewelry Ksiab lisbment. _ W. E. BARNES. I. I HAlDlt DEALER IN PE If Tta. and ’ SB <tl 3 BOOTS & CEDES? FANCY AND FAiVHLY GROCERIES, QUITMAN, : : •• • GA., DKSIRhJt TO NOTIFY lii- friends ami the public generally that lie is now I mated on Screven street, one door Kasl ofj.ll. 1-inct), in the hnilding tonnerly oeimpiad by J. 1L 1-d* mondsen. with a complete nssorlmcnt ol I'ttntilv Groceries. l»rv Goods, Notions, Ac., consisting principally ot llacou, Canned Goods, Flour, B.rides, Coffee, Frails, Candles, Nuts,- Rice, Cheese, Jellies, Fauces, Dress Goods, Dome sirs, Shirtings, Sheeting*, Prints, Notions, Ac., "Ait. All of which he proposes tn sell cheaper than the cheaneat. for the Cash. The highest mareket prices paid for Country Produce, Thank Ini lor mv-l favors, a continuance of custom is solicited. F. R. HARDEN. Quitman, Ga., October 17, 18711. ‘l7-Uni STE UES, BOILEH3 AMD MACI'HrIERY. Stationary and Portdblu H virn Engines and Boiler, Gray J H Anti-Friction Cotton Press. Cir cular Gang and Malay Saw Mills; Portable and Stationary Flouring Mills. Sugar Cane Mill.i and Sugar Pans, Narrow Gauge Locomotives and Dummy Engines for street roads and mining purposes new and second-hand Iron and Wood Working Machinery of every (h’rci ip? ion. A’t'iid for circular. WASHINGTON IRON W ORKS. COVescY Street, NeW York. ti.iiFws DEALERS IN General Merchandise^ % Would respectfully inforiil the public that ho has ou Jiantl a large and coinplot« stock of Dry Goods, * Fancy Articles, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ and Mens’ Hats, Fancy and Family Groceries. 4 Also a lift go assortment of fine- SICGARS, TOBACCO and LIQLtIRs. all ol which will be sold in very low prices. Me rs C. O. MOVE and J. T. HURST will be glad to see their friends at the CWp r asb Stiuc nl ’ \ .Til v,\ GAZAN. Quitman, Ga., October ft, 1873. 4 1- .bn ... ©IQQIBaEt E3§aiia , D!DD33f > . C?uiii;ics3LEa.33., s : s SPLENDID BARGAINS Can now bo had at this house by CAS PJST IS! Our Fall an 1 Winter Stock of Goods is complete, mvisteinjrof Dress Goods, Calicoes, Shirtings, Sheetings, Linen Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Beady Made Olothin;.', Hats in groat variety, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Ginspvare, Ac., &c. Also, a very good ausortuieut of s m ©iton ©m©' am ua®. We have just received a large supply of Georg-*:! FSosia* ami Coliis2iS>m« .‘cans, which w« me ncllinjr very Ghcttp fur Cush. Person*. Indebted lu us tire e-irm«lly requested to come fnrwnsd nnd settle their a coo m»». The hitrhest nmrkei prices nliuwed for Cotton and other Produce. October Ist, 1873. (40-fim) S. D. EDMONDSON. Savannah Advertisements. iw PJplr MBPIPEftMS VliiaOiSK. JNO. W. PKETW.CLL. v ' T ' r - N. NICHOLS. Fretwell & Nichols, DEALERS I»j Paper Bags, Cotton Flour Sacks, Twines, Book and Newspaper Inks, Letter and Note Papers, Envelopes, Straw and Manillla Wrapping Paper, Fens, Pencils, Blank Books, Receipt and Pass Books, Mucilage, &c., ISO IS AT STKB'ISiT, .-V-3 .ask. ®.'.,. I *. "TL -fi- 3E 9 Orders I’ilSrtl JErcmpth/. FRETWELL N NiCIIOLS. 39-Gm first Pi-f’iai'mm Auaulrd nt j FiiM ! r i < isi <.u .? g i-iciPtn al if* Georgia Pair al Thonia ville. | Mccliami ai l a.i ai bavannaln mm millEakd pass. MCDONOUGH & BALIANTYNKS mow AND BRASS PGCTD3HS, p-'-iiresNarnjc <o, -~z. a IJftTF W<«.-LD TNKt i(7\f OITI* PATUONS tkat we have n full elmk t.f mm popular Sugar ¥ V • MIGI.S ami PANS, which tire lecoftmended by at: who |;nve " orketl lie m. " ARCrSSTSCTURAL LICK Y/CLKS. We lmvu tmi'le ;t speciality 01. ami uvi: prepared to fill orilmr ti.r 1 fur Store* and Line linjuq Verandah... tmtceuntl Ceme'erv litiilinp*. of I In; fittcrl thfigat ui Nuribem I’rieea. All kilt sir: of Iron anti Ilia GASi INGB made at tiivil ttytipe. aeptJj-ti