Daily commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 1865-1876, September 04, 1872, Image 1

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THE HOME DAIIjY COMMERCIAL. BY GBADY & SHANKLIN. Traveler’s Guide. Rome Railroad Company etfAlfda OP SCHEDULE. OS AND AFTER WEDNESDVY, JULY 24TH, 1873, the trains on th Rome Riilroad will tun as tol ows: MORNING TRAIN. Mornimr Traiu ieavee Home at 6.80 4. a Arrive at House IS.tM a. M. SIGHT TRAIN. Nig&l Train leavcss Home at 7.41 p. Arrive at Home at 10.30 r. m W. S. OOTtIHAN, President. Western As Atlantic Road ■ Ft f ■ f*. • 1 Ut • " ■ U ' Office op the Prhaidbnt, f Atlanta. .Tuue 30th, 1372. j QN ANI) Af TEH THIS DATK-- WX9TBKX EXPUKSB, Connecting for New York and the Woit, Leaver- Atlanta .. 10:00 r M Arrives at Dalton 3:00 a m Arrives at Chattanooga •%:*** a m DAY PASSKNOBR TRAIN, To the North and West, carrying iHrliutun Pi lice Car to Louisville, Leaver Atlanta 1. J* .A. .* 3;!jG A X Arrives f.IGUTNING EXPRSSB, Passengers leaving Atlanta by this train arrive in New York t le second afternoon at 1,44 p m, 14 Uftnra ind 35 earlier than pisseng ?rs living by Augusta the name evening. Leaves Atlanta Arrives at Dalton W:00 P m SOnTIISRN KXPRKSS, Carrying through Palace Car f.om Louisville, North and West, Leaves Chattanooga. 4:45 p m Arrives at Atlanta .19:20 A m DAY PASS BN GSM TRAIN, From the North ana West, Leaves Chattanooga... 5.50 a it Arrives at Atlauta.... I.lop M ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, ucaves Dalton 19.45 am Arrives at Atlanta R 9.50 a m 8.8. WALKKIt Master of Transportation. Change of Schedule. SELMA, ROME AND DALTON RAILROAD. I COMMENCING SUNDAY, SEPT. lef.lOTi. . trains will leave Rome as follows. GOING NORTH. Mail, daily, 3 97 a. m. Frcignt ami accommodation daily except Sundays, 11 (Hi a. m. Express, daily, 7 12 p. id, GOING SOUTH. Express, daily, 7 41 a. m Freight and accommodation daily except * Sundays, 7 (hi a. in. Mill, daily 8 55 p.m. The 3 27 a. in. and 7 12 p. in trains arrive at Dalton at 5 .">0 a. in. mid 95 p. in. couuectiug with|the East Ten nessec, Virginia and Georgia Railroad for Knoxville, Lynchburg and all Eastern cities. Passengers for Chattanooga, Memphis, Nashville and points West should take the 7 42 a. m. train to a void detention at Dalton. Passengers for Montgomery Peueacola, Mobile and New Orleans, via Montgomery, will make close coa nsciions by either train. Passengers for Mobile, New Orleaus, Vicks:>urg aud Jackson, via Meridian, should take the 8 £5 p. m. train. E.ti. BARNEY, General Superintendent. M STMri’OJO.StsfftDt SSpefmtEßdeutr- • JOHN I<. PECK, Sen. Pass. Ag’t. juneaa-dAwtf. UNITEDSTATES Coosa River Steamers i \N anil after July let, the Steamers on the Coosa River will run as per schedule as follows, supply ing all the Post Offices on Mail R< ute No. 6189: Leavo Rome every Tuesday at 7 a. h. Arrive at Gadsden Wednesday at . ... 6 A. m. Leave Gads cn Wednesday at 7 1-2 a m. Arrive at. Rome Thursday at . . . . 7 p.m. Leave Rome every Friday at • . . . ap. m. Arrive at G dsden Saturday at ...7am. Leave Gadsden Saturday at . . . .9 a.m. Arrive at Rome Sunday at . . . * p.m. and. M ELLIOTT OtnMSup’t. All}* 17—tf Emigrants and Travelers HAVE YOUR MONEY. IF YOU are going to Memphis, Little Rock, I* uv Bin New Orleans, Galveston, Texas, or any point on th Mississippi, Red or Arkansas Rivers, or M. Louis, Km Me City, bt. Joseph, Omaha, or any point West ai Northwest, be certain and buy your tickets via 8T LOUIS, MEMPHIS, Nashville and ..hittanooga GREAT CENTRAL THROUGH LINE. Trains run througn from Chattauoo t Memphis, Tenn. and Columbus, Ky., Without Change of Cars, Therefore making only one chuugo between Chaita uooga and St, Louis, Mo. This is the SHORT AND QUICK ROUTI, West and Northwest, being from 28 to 1,000 miles shorter Mian any other route, and equal, if not better thaa any Line to Texas. Arkansas and the Mississipp 1 River. Time to St. Louis uiid the west via Nash\ille route it eight hours and ten tuiuutes, to ilftccn hours and ll'ftj minutes quicker than via Corinth—four and a quartet hoars quicker te Memphis than Wy any route leavinf Chattanooga in the morning. Emigrants by this rout* will not be put in Box cars which have no Fires, Seat! or comfort of any kind, but will have excellent Passer ger cars, thoroughly heated and well ventilated. Rt membei this and give us a trial, andseeif we do wotd > as we propose. Passengers and Emigrants by this line from Chatta nooga have choice oi three different routes to the West and Northwest, as follows, via Union City, Hick man or Louisville, therefore, giving it superior ad van tages over all other routes. Trains run to and from Chattanooga, viz: LEAVE, ARRIVE. 8.10 am., [Sundays excepted] 7.10 p m 8.00 p in Dully 4.30 a m All passengers ar<> entitled to 100 pounds Baggage which will be handled with care and free of charge. For quick time and sure connections don’t forget to buy your tickets by the St. Louis, Memphis, Nashville and Chattanooga Great Central Through Line •JOHN W. THOMAS, Gen. Hupt. W. L. DANLKY, G. P, A T. Agent, Nashville, Tenn THOS. J. PKItRY, Pass. Agent, Rome Ga. eb l -tf NEW BOOKS, STATIONERY, CHROHOS aid FAN C if ARTICLES H A.. SMITH WHOLES ALK AND RETAIL Bookseller and Stationer, No. 113 Broad Bt., Rome, Qa. TUBT RECEIVED THE LAHUBBT STOCK OK J Book.. Stationery, Chromo., Picture frame, and F„i.y article, ever brought to tbit market. I call .peclJi attention of the ladle, to my beautiful collec tion ot CUKOMUB, that have been .ole ted In purmin and uorcba.od for cub, at nnnanally low flgurr.. and will be .old inuen le.alhan the u.ual price, on Prang.’ Chromo*. I will give a discount of IW per cuul. from hi. puhll.hed retail prlci.. My .lock of Juvenile and MiscrllaDsous Rooks, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. mnLiw, iHUVMR nooK, Orjt.n., HbeU Mull*, OoUal and Vioflu Miring*. IfVti.h. r ft trT 4 P. M. EDITION. Containing Latest Telegraphic Acm. BY TELEGRAPH TO TUB | ROME I>AII,Y COMMERCIAL. I POLITICAL. New York, September, 3. —Charles j O’Connor writing to the Louisville Con ! vention, favors a straight out ticket; but i declines the nomination. A Louisville special says if O’Counor will stand, the tioket will be O'Couhor and J. Q„ Adams, or Adams and Han cock. Y<srj much curioerey is manifest* ed to ascertain the contents of O’Connor's letter, which was written Saturday and yifan to Apollo Hall, delegate, to be opened after the Convention came to or der.. > ' Judge Flanders, of New York, has prepared a platform which he will pre sent to the Convetion. It is thoroughly States Rights in its tone. Considerable difference of opinion, aud a warm discus* sion is anticipated over the platform. Edgerton or Fitch sre spoken of for Vice President in case Hancock and Ad ams decline the nomination. Burlington, September 3.—The ex* citemeut abont the electiun absorbs all burliness. It is believed the Republicans will carry the State, but by a reduced majority, A cl >se canvass of some sev enty tnXuMhows a Liberal strength oi‘ about fiyAhousand, and few losses from the Democrats who will vote with.the Republicans rather than endorse Gree ley. POVI open at 10 a. m. MISU K L LAN EOUS. New York, September 3. —James Frame bit off the thumb aud fingers of Herman Liptnan in a fight last night. Lipmau threw a glass tumbler at Frame, fracturing his skull. Both were arrested. Frame will die. When taken to the station Frame, who wasprazy, was found drinking blood, which copiously flowed from his fracs tured head. Among the departures for Europe Sat urday was Coir\Vm. D Main, of'ALr bama. Providence, R. 1., September 3 —A male child, about six months old, sup posed to b-> from the Metis, floated ashore. foreign! London, September 3. — A dispatch from Canterbury reports a fire just broke 1 out over the altar in the eastern end ef the magnificent Cathedral, and the flames are spreading rapidly. The tire* men are on the ground, but no water can be obtained te throw upon the burning edifices. Financial and Commercial Noon Telegraphic Market Reports. London, Sept- 3.—Consols opened 925. Paris, Sept. 3.- Rentes 53f 35c. Frankfort, Sept. 3.—Bonds 96. Liverpool, Sept. 3.—Cotton opened active and firmer; uplands 101; Orleans 101 Later. —Cotton quieter; sales 12,000; speculation and exports 3,000: uplands 101; Orleans lOialOL Breadstuffs quiet and steady; beef 62; lard 41s 9d. New York, Sept. 3; —Money easy at 4; exchange, long S§; short 9’>; governments dull and Steady; gold steady at |1 134; State bonds easy; stocks bet ter. Cotton quiet; sales 5,360; uplands 224; Orleaus 221. Flour 15c to 25c better; wheat 1c to 2c bettor; corn firm; pork quiet at sl4 15; lard quiet; steam Bsa9s; turpentine stea dy at 51; rosin firm at $4 00a4 25 for strained; freights firm. A Kentucky Anecdote. It was customary in former days for all the ladies of the best families to at tend the prominent barbecues, and this was especially the case in the contest be tween Mr. Breckenridge and General Coombs, in 1840. Out of these affairs grew the authentic story of the nicest widow in the blue-grass region. Not far from the Forks of Elkhorn lived the pretty little widow Fauntleroy, and one of' her nearest neighbors was General Peyton. The General had looked upon the little widow very much as he had looked upon his blooded horse Powhat tan, “the finest horse in the b)ue-grass region.” The pretty Mrs. Fauntleroy had been a widow more than a year; while thfa General having a great regard for eti quette, had waited patiently for that time to elapse, in order to deelaro himself. But tne widow with her woman’s art, J kept her lover at bay, aud kept him in her train. He had escorted her to this barbecue, aud when returning had expressed his satisfaction at the prospects of General Coombs, and tho success of the Whig party. The widow took sides witli the Democ racy, ami offered to wager her bhodetl saddle horse Gipsey, or anything elso on her place, against Powhattan, or any thing c!m she might faucy on the Gener al’s nlaeo. Tne General's gallantry would not at* low him t refuse the wager, which be promptly accepted. My this time they “BATTLING FQft TH K RIGHT.” ROME, tn., WEUNtIpAV. SEPTEMBER 4. 1872. had reached the north fork, of tne Elk horn, aud were about to ford it (bridges were not plenty in those days), when John Peyton, the General’s only sou and heir, came up at a sharp gait behind them. The widow turned aud bowed to John, aud rode into the stream, but a little be hind her companion. The east bank was vferv steep, and required the horses to put forth all their strength to reach the top with their leads. As luek would have it, good or ill, the widow’s girth broke when just at the coin" menccment of the steep part The lady, still seated on her saddle, slid swiftly back into the water, while her horse went up the bank like an arrow. John Peyton leaped from his horse, aud in an instant caught the floating la<£%, aud saddle, and before the General hatf recovered from his astonishment was at the top of the bank witn his burden. The little widow was equal to the occa* stou, for she begged the General to ride on and stop her horse, which had now begun to understand his part in the mis hap, and was beginning to increase his gait toward home. The General did as he was bid, and 800 U returned with the horse. In the meantime John Peyton had secured liis own horse, and when the General came back with the widow’s horse she and John were laughing merrily over the ridiculous accident, but what further passed between them is only known to themselves. John Peyton repaired the broken girth, fisteui'd the saddle again on the horse, placed the lady in her seat, bade her good evening, mounted his horse, aud taking another road down the Elkhorn, rode rapidly home, leaving the Genera) to escort the widow. It is not necessary to relate how he en tertained his fair companion with nis ponderous anecdotes of Mr. Clay and other famous public men; but when he reached the Fauntleroy place, he accept ed the lady’s invitation to dismount and take tea with her. After having changed her wet cloth ing, the pretty widow entertained her guest with her brightest smiles and some new sougs. The General was delighted, and expressed his delight as Kentucky gentlemen of that day would do. “You are the finest songstress, madam, in the biue-grass region.” When he bade her good night, and shook hands with her on the porch, the wicked little widow gave hid hand'll lit tle squeeze, only a little, but it thrilled like an electric shock through his great ponderous frame, while she laughingly reminded him of his wager. That night in his dreams, the little widow Families roy was repeated so often, and in so many bewitching forms, that he resolved to pr • pose to her at their first meeting, nor did he dream that he could be refused. The next morning a 'etter from his to bacco factor called Gen. Peyton to Louis ville, and before his return the political contest in the Ashland District was over; and, wonderful to relate, John C. Breck onridge, the young Democrat, was elect ed to Congress. Gen. Peyton was both astonished and indignant.' “Mr. Clay’s district sir, the finest Congressional district in tho blue grass region, has disgraced itself, sir,” was almost his first remark to his neigh bor, Col. Beaufort. To his son John, he communicated his intention of bringing Mrs. Fauntle roy to adorn the head of his table. “Sir, she is the finest lady in the blue grass region, and I hope, sir, you will al ways respect your future mother.” John, with a quiet smile, assured him that he was pleased with his choice. This pleased the General highly, for he had been a little afraid John would object to a step-mother younger than himself. The next morning the General ordered Powhattan brought out, and led over to Mrs. Fautleroy’s. Calling John, he re quested him to call upon Mrs. Fauntle- j r°.Y “The Whig party lias disgraced itself in Mr. Clay’s district, sir, and lam com j pelled to part with the finest blooded j horse in the State to pay a wager, with ; that lady, sir.” The black boy had led Powhattan to the hitching rail in front of Mrs. Faunt leroy’s yard, and having tied him, had gone into the quarters to tell his colored brothers and sisters of their mistress’s good luck in having won tho famous horse, Powhattan. When Gen. Peyton and John arrived they found the pretty young widow and two young lady friends in the yard ad miring Powhattan. “Madam,” said tho General to Mrs. Fauntleroy, “I have come, like a true Kentucky gentleman, to pay the wager I have lost. Powhattan, Madam, is rightfully yours.” “But, General, I believe the wager was conditional. It was the horse or any thing else etn the place, was it not ?” “Madam, you are correct, but I can . not permit you to select an inferior aui* mal.” “You have another and superior ani mal here,” replied the widow, blushing. “Your son John, if he would but use his tongue. I think I shali choose him.” The General rese, and in his blandest manner bade the ladies good morning. To John he said : “Sir, you will remain.” Gen. Peyton never forgave his diugli ter-iu.luw her practical joke, Iu after yours he used to say ; “Sir, she’s tho finest lady in thr blue grass region, but she lacks lasto, sir,” l)rs. W. 1). Hoyt & (-. H. hitman Itßincm'LLV AKNOI.Ni K TItkMIRIjVK' Practicing Physicians SURGEONS. |)lt UUHMAN MAY HR FOUND AT ALti HOIIRK * / la lb. <rttos. No. ftfllfo.il .Iftut, up *u rl, wit.u nm )irn(f*lnti.ll R|*v*il. L)ANIEI/s MAGIC OIL Is offered to Tho public an tfce vMOST RELIABLE LINIMENT Fpr the. relief aud permanent '-u-e of i RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, SOKE THROAT. TOO MI ACHE. COLIC, CORNS, • OLD SOdKS, FRESH CUTS, BURNS, And other Painful Affections. .IT IS \ f Southern, Made , And at least ah reliable at* AXY PREPARATION OF THE KIND - WM. KING, Jil, & CO , Wholesale Agents, Athens, Ga. For sale wholesale and retail by W. I>. 110 VT fc CO., Rome. Ga. Mar 15 \vin Rome Female College THUS ISS A mull GU^DE, IN WHICH VountA* Ladles from tlie SOUTH, NORTH, EAST OR WEST, May Receive a thorough Christian JK dnention. PIUS ENTI fIS COST OF BOARD TUTiOX AND * dwnttnsfent cxp- iiM-s tor • St.saion of twenty \v e-H: ii*sr.'7, one hall pa and in advance and one halt iu them'd'de of the Session. Extra chaive* foi Mu sic. Frcn-h. Drawing. • 1 Paint.ug and Gvmnastics. For Circular* address J. M. M. CALDW ELL, July 2—d*2w wtf. President, Home, Ga. Sheriff’s Salt 1 for October. VITILL b' sold before the Court Douse door in the ▼ f city of Home, Flo> and county, on the first Tuesday in October, t’ o folio* in" property to-wit: One cane mill and evaporator, one hay horse, blind, about ten years old, two \ oke of steers, two and five yearsold. Levied on a- the propet ty of Mart'll White head and his wife M iry Whitehead, to satisiy a mort gage fl fa iu favor of Ayer. Hills & Me Dona and vs. said Whitehead. Property pointed out hi paid ti fa. This August 5,1872. ‘ W. G. FOSTEH, Dt p. Sh if. Geo. W. Williams, 2 i .Tames Burro, Jr. Will*a Bihnib > - F ank K Ta e or, Jos H.R BERT SON, ) ( lhißT. 8 CAT H CAIIT. Geo.WWilliams&Co. FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, Agents for “Cotton l ies" of sill I’nlenl /- S CH.VR.LV-STOX.S.C. AND Williams, liernie A Cos., Commission llci'cliauH, 65 Beaver Street, and 20 Exchange Place, NEW YORK. Id bend advance* made on cotton and produce ship ped to us ate!ther point. au"’Md2m mi. mum § im Wholesale Dealers miti JOBBERS oi DRY GOODS, BOOTS | SHOES NOTIONS, &c. &c. &c., No 9 and 11 Broad Street, ROUE, GEORGIA. WOULD BEG TO CALL TnE ATTENTION OF Tf Merchants and Planters to their IMMENSE STOCK OP SEASONABLE GOODS. VV Licit is constantly being repleu : .ihed by rrosli Arrh alia, From ih Manufacturers and importer*. No abate ment in Jour rffortH to accoiunnuUto the Trading Pi bile. It* Many liuesof SUMMER Util 7),S’ marked down to iueuro Iholr eale before the Kail Hea.ou npirna. K. 11. CCLC’LOruil, •HJIIN IIA It KI *H, CAIN (ILOVhII, July til dll wtliu. mahi iivviii/rov Barlwr ami Hair Dresser - BROAD STREET, r iiCijpicTniu.v solicit a share ok th* * p tuU pawmiage. pledging myaalf t<> kaan mj SIWPJrIH and near may In M. CHOICE HOUSE, 4 ’or, Brna.l .tud Bridge Sts., ■ < > >IE, tiE<>R < i l A, J. C. fLAWLXXT , Pro’r. •otiKiind in I Li* Ms Part > i nmciTY. f ABBKNGBKB TAKENTO V *.’D FROM TUB DRPO in tn- >• \ T II E h iii ! I mix, Powers & Whitelv, t 9 JAYH; constantly on hand to hire GOOD HORSES aud Excellent Vehicles, splendid Accommodations .'or Drovers and others. Dorses, Carriages iiud Bug gies always on baud for sale. Entire e* .efaction gu&z an teed to all who patronize ns. All orders 'eft on the Slate at the Office, for Omnibus, Oarriagesa Buggies or Saddle Horses, will be prompt lyattt ned to. FOR RENT, A DEHIRVBIE RESIDENCE, CONTAINING -kvkn ROOMS, four up stairs ft’-d three b-i-emout r o ns. situated on the corner ol Lumpkin and Green streets. Good well of water, aud garden. Uhe house is piped for gas. Apply to aprttMf D. li. SMlTli. KAS IIV IDLE MARBLE WORKS. 2>. O. COLEMAN, M\NUFAPiU >KR OF ALL KINDS OF MARBLE -ON U.ML NTS, TOOMBS, HE.\D STON hS. MANTLES, URNS, VASES, Etc, Of tho to#t I IMUANaad AMERICAN MARBLE \”AIvD Mo. S. Colli ge stre* t, between Church 1 and Broad. Yashrillc, ’l’ciinessoe. Orders promptly filled ands tisfaction guaranteed, may 28-d.tw y. ICE! ICE!! Iced I.i iiiuii ule! Iced Claret Pmieli! Mint Juleps! AH. ICIID 8 lt IX ICS* jXT' all GItAVKS’ V LOONS. April D-i i JANES & YEISER no flu- JH-iTrS. [Bl IN i)P GHLDBN MO UTAH.] 17 Bi’oiul street. ltomo,.tliu' Ot:a!cn ih diniiiciils Perfuiiiery. t*ninfs, < >3 in, Varnishes," WINDOW ( rin Lin whi-ram! Smokinif Tobacco HD YD-qij \HTKKB OF BEAMAf S LIVER lEDICINE. We sell iow for cash. Give ns-a call. octl7ay. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IScliool of iIIIfEEBIE UO UIICUniL UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA- Lectures Begin October Ist. For Catalogues, address Wm. Wertenbakor, Secre tary of the Faculty, P. O. University of Virginia. CHAS. 8. VBN ABLE, Chr'u of Faculty. . The chemistry of Divine Providence has never pro dac.ed a mineral water which combine? in such perl'cc tion ilic qualities ol’ anti otlKoua tome and cathartic me icine, an that, oi the Seltzer Spa; and Tarrant’s Effervescent S ltzer Aperient in the artificial equ! fl ic nt of that great natural remedy. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JUDSON FEMALE INSTITUTE, Marion, Ala. Tho Jioi.li Annual sohsiwi begins the first of October with fifteen teachers; a handsome new outfit in parlors, chapel lecture rooms and dic ing roi ms; twenty-tour pianos and two organs, in! eluding twelve of SteitTs splendid new instru ments, elegant new walnut suits and Kittle’s soring beds in the dormitories, andfi >ois carpeted. Average attendance for fifteen years past, two hundred. Ex* Sec see reduced For circular, address Richard H, awliugs, M. A.. President. MON MV for all. Best business ever offered „ A Agents. Address J Crowell, Louis ville, Ky. CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872 Agents wanted for our < ampaign goods. Sell at sight, cay one hundred oer cent profit. Now is the time. Send at once for descriptive circulars ami price lists of our dne steel engravings of all the candidates, cam paigns, biographies, charts, photographs, badges, pins, flags and • \vr> thing suited to the times. Tn Dollars per day easily made. Full samples si*nt for $!1. Add ess Moo." untl Goodspced, JJ7 I‘ark How. New York. <\np\l<;\ BAUUGS! Thirty new and he ii'iful Dot Price Lint of T. C. Richard* A Cos.. Man f’rs, ii Murray st., N. Y. £3OO I P rr month. Agents wanted. ...v/y JHr f ERIE SEWING MA t MINE o N. Y.. or Chlcag \ 111. AGENTS WAN TED.—Agents make more money at work for us than at anything cine. Business light ami permanent. Particular* free. G. STINSON &CO Hue Art i'uldlahuis. Portland Maine. SI,OOO REWARD T Per Ht>) ru. o 1 hr nil. liii't'dliiif. Unbind nr iiicomted litlcp. Hint Hr prepared expree.ly to turn ili pile*, and imthltiK ci<’. rh.l'i hy iilld'Uxulala. priri film, Io ocfhii i. xmnuv'u r EXTRA OLIVE SOAPI a da nui fried the b*t mneriil. lely per ■ limed. Hold it priee of or loary eoiji. bey It, yod NUMBER 6324 SPECIAL NOTICES. Flavorlnii Kxtraots are of primary importaucc tn cooaery; and of all articles of tliia it l Bcription the highly concentrated Standard Biteact . prepared by Joreph Burnett & Cos., Bo.ton, are pro nounced by leading culslniera—Profeetor Bl< lamonp the number—the purest and beat. Human Wrecks.-Hvery day u I boor we meet with broken down specimen. of hu nuily— wrecks that seem past hope of salvage. At least seven-' .guts of theso wight be ailed with i uw vital ity, by a course of Di. Walker’s California Vinegar Lit ers. Many aro suffering from the rentmnof ram polluted bitters or pow rfnl mineral e. It ta characteristic of Dr. Walker’s Great Renton ihethat it neutralizes the eflect of these mie-called remedies, and accomplishes, in due time, a perfect cure Mature dives tTs Teeth, but she does not preserve and purify them. That must he dime with Fragrant Sozodont. The dental bone and its enamel case are made invnlnsraole to all destruc tive influence by the daily use of this benifleent prep aration. 850.000 Will Be Paid, for auyrem- Ody which will cure Chronic. Rheumatism, Pains iu the Lirnhs, Back and Chest, Sore throat, Insect Sting, Croup, Dysentery, Colic, Sprains aud Vomiting quicker tnau Dr. Tobias* Venetian Liniment: os tab lisnediu 1847; never tails, sold by all druggls t Depot, 10 Pa rk Place. New York. B Pratt's Astral Oil—More accidents ec cur from using unsafe oil than Iron steamboat, and railroads con blned. Over 800,000 families continue to bnrn Pratt s Astral OH, and no .ceident. oirectly or ludirectle have occurred f.om burning, storing or handling it- Oil Mouse of Chas. Pratt, established 1770, New York. T. D. Claxcx & Co s, Charleston, agonta for South ar ollna. A lleautlPul White, soft, smoeth and clear skin, is produced by using O. w. Laird’s “B'oomof Yonth." It removes tan freckles sun burns and all other discoloration, from the skin leav ing the complexion brilliant and besutiftil. Sold at all druggists. This preparatiou is cntir.ly free from any material detrimental to health. list til© Remedy IV ©eded.-Thunk* to Mre. Winslow 8 Soothing Syrnp, wo have for year*- been relieved from sleepless nights, ef painful watch' ing with po.r, suffering, teething children. 1* Ol* 11 yspoPslil, Indigestion, deprcMion of spirits, and general debility in their various forms: amo, as a preventative against Fever and Agu . and other intermittent lever.. The Ferro-Phoßorated hdixir of Calisaya,made by Caswell, Hazard 4b Cos Now York, and soid by all druggists, is the beet tonic, and as a tonic for patients recovering from lever or ®thor eickncea, it hao no canal. Illsley’tt Genuine Golden Hull cologne Water according to the original formula of Provost, Paris, so long and favorably known to the customers of HavilandT Harral and His-- ley and their branches, for l s flne pennaesut lra erance is n.w made by 11, W Itieley, and the trade supplied by his successor?, Morgan Ri.loy, WbuK pal® Drusgiete, New York. Thurston's IvOry T*ourl Toot h rowderg.-The hest article known for eleana m" and preecrving the teeth and "umn. by ” druggietß. Price UZ and W ccntr ntr >ott3e. P. r \\ oils tS - Cos., New York. darbollo Hill Vfl, nuetjnid as a heallnr compouud. Phyeiciane recommend it ae the m#*t wonderful remedy ever known. Price cents per box. Johu F. Henry, solo proprietor, s. College Piaco. New CJliriHtad.oro’w llulr I^yo.-Thi# magnificent comp nnd ie beyond contingency, the safest und moet reliable dyo in existence; never fail ing to impart to tho hair, uniformity of c.lor, mour liment, elasticity. .Manufactory, 08, Majiien L*n. lew York, .Mavnpilla is Opium purified its sicken ing and poisonous qualities. It is a psrli- ct anodyne not producing Ueaoachu or constipation of tbs bow els, as Is the case with other preparations of amiuui. John Farr, Chemist, Now Y ork. MACHINE OILS. RXTHA KNGINK, IMPERIAL CROWN SPINDLE, EXTRA MACHINERY, SPBKM COMPOUND EX i’KA SEWING MACHINE, COMPOUND CYLIN DKR OX L 8 , manufacturer by r*. W. Mend, 124 Maiden Lane, New York, Wholesale Dealer in Gils ol every description. 1 wunld respeetfuliy call the a'lenlion of manab. - Hirers to my stock of Oils adapted for Paper, Woolen. Grist aud Saw Mills, Machine Shops, Ac. FROTHING OIL—For allaying froth tu Pa *r En nines. It is less In price than any other oils evea used, and does twice tuo amount of work. A tri.l is guarantee, and can be recommended by the larges paper companies in the country. MEAD’S EXTRA IXL ENGINE OIL-A perfect Iu bricator, superior to best Lard Oil for Engine use. Try it. MEAD’S EXTiA IXL MACHINERY OIL—For Paper, Cotton and WooienMills, Machine Shops, Ac., Ac., it being a compound of the best Indicating oil known, and giveß satisfaction to all who have used It. MEAD'S IXL MACHINERY OlL—Clear light color, heavy body, never gums or chills, and has received the highest testimonials from all who have used It. MEAD'S PARAFFINE MACHINEERY OIL-For . cheap Oil it has no equal for light and line machinery. MEAD’S CROWN SPINDLE OlL—Eqnal to pure Sperm Oil, particularly adapted to line machinery, free trim all acids aud alkalies, or anythihg Injurious to tho finest material- It will stand tho celdest weath er, being a pure oil. It is the hest Spindle Oil lu me, keeping every thing clean, bright and cool, and will run any machinery or engine. Try it. MEAD’S TALLOW CYLINDER OIL-Mauufac tnred expressly for cylinder use. MEAD'S PLUMBAGO GREASE—Made from pure Plumbago and wa-ranted to last twice aa long and to contain five times the lubricating quality of common yellow rosin grease. Used by all railroads, who say it is the best ever made. Try it and judge for yourself. Also, SPERM WHALE LAUD. FISH, TANNERS’, NKATBFOOT, OLIVE, SIGNAL, TALLOW, WEST VIRGINIA and other Oils. I guarantee all Oils pure, er they may be returned If not satisfactory. Samples aud quotations sent at any tune upon appli cation. Soliciting your orders, I remain, Y'ours, P. *v. MEAD, April24-UAwtf 124 Maiden Lane, New Yerk. A START TTsT BUSINESS. oo I'HE MOUND CIT\ Commercial College, -> '-110 ud 2I J Siam, rnurlli St. LwhU - Is the Model School of the Went, It Habra the Nmdrnt tm/'A KINK AND RAPID PENMAN I fVVUICK AND ACCURATE IN MUI’RH!! er-A THOROUGH BOOK-KEEPER! 11 VERBKB IN LAW-A FLUENT AND COR RECI’ SPEAKER AND WRITER ! Andi. the only Institution in the Unitud State, that Guarantees Situations. For Circulars address THOM Aft A. RICE, Fresldeai. June 15-ly. SOUTHERN TERRA COTTA WORKS. PIIEUNDKRBIGND HAVE TIIEIR WORKS N *• full operation and are now prepared to receive ar dera for all kinds of TERRA GOTTA WORKS -SUCH AS— WINDOW CAPS, Rnrlcbraonts for (Awolciv, such as BRACKETS, IGBALieW, and everything In the Architectural Hue. Alto, CHIMNEY TOPS VASES newer Pol*, Statuary, Etc. AISO. MAN Ur ACTUREBH OF. HKWE H PIPE. from 11 1 ache* to W Inch*. In dlatueUT. Alan, Interior decoration, th a* Centre Pieces, Oornlee, lie. Wo will yuaraatM aU te. work that we udartabe lo.atcai.to iv. Mtbre tUMMiM. Lfvowft*** * A&mOwl. honk," 1 '