Daily commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 1865-1876, September 04, 1872, Image 4

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DalTy Commercial. Rome, Ga„ Sept. 4, 1872. THE DUTY OF THE HOUR. The New York Tribune gives the fol lowing very sensible advice to the friends of the Liberal cause: They must understand that the admin istration ia not going to be cS angcd by an earthquake. They must work for success. It is in politics as it is in war; the battle is not always to the biggest army, but rather to the best drilled. Our campaign is to be short and sharp, and we are likely to be beaten unless we do more than we are doing now to get our men into the field and secure recruits from among the wavering and dissatisfi ed. We say, then, that the friends of the Liberal cause. 1. Don't waste all your strength on pa ■ rudes. Banners, bonfires, cannoii and torchlight processions are very well in their way, but they don’t make voters. They only amuse the men who would vote for your candidate anyhow. 2. Don't rely too much upon public meet ings. They are one-sided affairs, which neither develop your own strength nor in fluence the followers of tho opposite par ty. 3. Don't rely too much upon circulars. Very few voters read them. They are used for kindling and shaving paper. Be sides, the Grant party has abused the system to such an exteut that a man dis trusts whatever comes to him in that shape. 4. Don’t waste your money on Campaign Chowder C'lvbs, and other frauds. This is a great season for impecunious political muckers. Ben civil ns you please, hut -how them the door. o. Organize the party thoroughly by dis trict*, in every city, village, and township of the United States. If there is no lo cal organization where you live, get to gether a few of your neighnors and form one. G. As soon as a club is formed appoint idive canvassers to visit every house. Thus > very man who believes in the principles of our party cr.u be enrolled, and the wants of cverv district can be ascertain ed. 7. Have district meeting o n> regular Canes, so that the spirit and interest of the members may be sustained by associ ation. Never mind gatherings for bun. combe, but meet often lor business. Put your clubs into communication with the county or State associations, and report to headquarters your needs, your pro gress, and your strength. 8 Do these things at once. Begin vour local clubs to-day. Tho opposite party is active aud well disciplined, and we are not. We have a great deal of lost time to make up, and only a little while to do it in. With energetic and well directed ef fort, our victory iu Noveuber is certain; but the prize will be snatched from our hands if we do not rouse ourselves in season. The Tax of 1871 Must be Paid be fore You eau Vote in 1872. Comptroller General’s Office. } Atlanta, Ga„ Aug. 20, ’72. j ./. ’/'. Kottman, Tax Collector, Thomaseillr, Georgia: Sir — Your letter of the 27th instant has been received. It is your duty to publish, at thecouit house door, your in solvent list for 1871, and to furnish elec tion managers of the county a list of all persons who have not paid their taxes for that year, in accordance with para graph 7, section 037, Irwin’s Code, aud all persons who have not paid all taxes which may have been required of them, and which they may have Dad an oppor tunity of paying, agreeably to law, for the year next preceding the election, can not, under the Constitution, be allowed to vote. The payment of the tax for the year 1871 entitles the citizens t, vote in the elections of the present year, and you will receive the tax for that year and re ceipt accordingly, although the tax pay - r in a y hei in arrears tor lormer years. In case of default in the. payment of poll tax for 1871, you will collect one dollar as poll tax, and one dollar as pen aH'j for fahure to com pi s with the law. Respect fully, Madison Bell, t .'omptroller General. Personal Appearance of Jesus. A correspondent <>! the Washington > lironicle writes: On Sunday last Uev. Dr. Newman de livered a discourse upon the humanity of lesus Christ, in which he stated that nothing had been banded down to us in ivgard to his personal appearance, many different views being entertained on that subject. Inclosed you will find a letter written by Publius Lcntulus, President of dudea, and sont by hitn to the Senate at Rome, when the name ol Jesus began to spread abroad in tho world. These are his words: “There lives at this time, in Judea, a mau of singular virtues, whose name is Jesus Christ, whom the barbarians es teem a prophet; but. his own fellows adore ! him as tuc offspring of the immortal God. He calls back the dead from their graves, j and heals all sorts of diseases with a word or touch.- He is tall and well shap ed, of an amiable, reverend aspect. His iiair, of a color that can hardly be match ed, falling into graceful curls below his ears, and very agreeably touching on his shoulders, parted ou the crown of hi head, like a Nazarite. His forehead is smooth aud large; his cheeks without, other spot save that of a lovely red; his nose and mouth formed with exquisite symmetry; his beard thick and of a color as suitable to the hair of liU head, reach ing an inch below his chin, aud parting iu the middle like a fork; his eyes bright, dear aud serene. Ho rebukes with nun. csty, counsels with mildness; bis whole address, whether iu word or deed, being elegant aud grave. No iiiuu hus seen him laugh, hut he has wept frequently. Ho is very temperate, modest and wise; a man, for his excellent beauty and di vine perfection, aupassing the children ol men. Do not get to law unless you have 1 uothiog to loose; lawyers' houses are built on fools' head#. j VALUABLE Real Estate For Sale WE OFFER AT LO W rates and on reasonable time the residences of James Noble, Sr., and John Noble, situate be tween the Presbyterian and Baptist churches. Terms one fourth cash, balance in one, two and three years. Also a desi rable lot in Hillsboro. Also, three Brick Tenement Houses, situate in front of the Presbyterian church. We also invite correspondence respect ing a purchase of that property known as the Rome Iron Foundry Machine Shop property. We propose to sell at a low rate and on long time, with all the machinery fixtures and attachments. If not sold within ninety days the machinery will be removed and the Real JC-tate will then be placed upon the market. This property is now paying hand some dividends, but the owuers having concentrated all their interests at Oxford, Alabama, where they are erecting I rot.- Furnaces, they purpose a enange of in vestment. SMITH & BRANHAM. Aug 13-dtw. I1 | - *BIUK** ~ 1 #-JlkI 15JafLJjUr. •>-'Lbafc ftio Person pan l:l* tlu*** IJHtv M injj to (lit ms, ami remain lot t bom- arc md dc troymlb'. minmi • •' oilkt the vital 01 nswasivd }. omit! . l>.V*|M-pslu or lili;t*Blion. •ivm .• I m in the Should :i ■. Cough *1 Jti of the Clu t D ii' , Smir I’.iiirtiii>‘ti•> •’! ihu Si.'ii’.ii'h, lb"! 1 i't M tuth* B \ V of the II .1 i f. mm ition of the Lun ■. 1' i • :11 ’ Kid* m.-ys, aud a hundred ‘>tlu. r; ■; id. . •*: ■' .-• • ' ••■•it . j rings of Jp< psia. In !: equal* and one b >ttle w II prove a murits than a lengthy advuni :n, , t For Female CoiiiplJiini** in y .; g• . ri .*d or single, at the dawn of w manhood, or il-.* earn t! life, the cT nic Bitt 1 dec that a marked improvunn tit i a ;> re *; . ‘ ’ *. For liillitmiii)*tr,v ut t hroblr IliiA-u --mntism and Gout, lb d'A-. Ker.iitt; di and !:,rn .;t --t<nt Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, I.iver, Kidn .• and , tin e BitU i have no equal Stu b Diseases arc cau cd b\ Vitiated lVood, which i " : l:v derangentet t of the D.~ “stive Or;’ 1 ' They tin 1 I* Bcntht I'uigatiu a* well n a Tonic, ... ' . ( •ii . . of the I -an i V • alO lin Hi! *tts Disea For Skin Disranes, I'.nu li- r-. Ti-tter, Salt Rheum, r.if.tchep, S; (.ts f.tni I’m tu.es, Boils, Car* 1 1 1 i \ ; - Si 1 ,1 Itch, Scurf-, I)i-coloi.uioiis of the Skin, Humor-and 1): - eases of the Skin, of whatever name or n 'Jure, re ' li:- erally dug up and carried out of the ly-.tetn in ;t bhert time by the u e <>f tin* e Bittn . The proportirs of I>Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, liiaphorttic and I’arntinativc, Kutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative. Counkr-Irri tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Ci nit of ill Tlioiisaud* proclaim Vp.tc.ar Bit teks the most wonderful luvigorant that ever ui-taintd the sinking system. J WALKKK. Prop r 11. VI. MrDOXALD St CO., Druggists and Gen Agts.. San Francisco, Cal., r uud corner ol Washington aud Charlton Sts., New Vork SOI D BY ALL bRUGGISTS AND DEALERS The Great Tieit of Hie Ase! |'--i - -ri'. u.coinjtfe.'HjuHs ..- yv-l| Dr. Gotlliel) Fiscl’s Bitters [ Carvs Dyspepsia, Debility, Nervou-neae chill*, Bil liounneaa and all Stonim h Dis*< J WAKE it SCHMITZ Philadelphia, Propiietory of j DK. FISCIUH FOOD CURE BITTERS. ak i: You Going West ? 11" ts<>. Gel Vour Ticket via Koin * U lilroad! T I M nqIJU ’K MiS ! Lore as Low as via Any Other /tout ! YJASSENOEKS F()K IN’ ;i mil villi*, n mi Clialtunooga. ; BY LEAVING ON THE RO M E T R AIN AT M: t-■ A. M. Will make close conneet’on at j ti I V <>l 8 1 O \ with the W. A- A. 11 It. Or l! |. rv. j. >iin r .( \ rue, dtl J I*, tf. 4.i II ‘, '1 |i m f Ago lit i G. W, Holirti, M 0, Robt Batto 0 J. B. S. H rr r . M 0 Urn. llolniuH, Rafley a Ho mes, Physicians A Surgeons, nillcc No, 104 (Oplre lllm’k. Dr <1 B H ll.dim -hi y t>• fmitid ul the ulHch nt i igi t TO RENT I, ’ROM 1.1 of hc|it. tnli. r use Dwclllb* uu SuUlli * el’evt, coiii*lniM|{ U rimin. And liMeli.n. (i..ud Wll OU llK'Mlreo. $.5 H tUOlilll. Allpl) to A'in 16-dim BliH, M H IKiol’KK or COL. T. W. ALEXANDER The Rome Daily and W ekly Commercial The Largest aiul Livest Newspaper published in North Georgia, eoi tabling the Latest Telegraphic News, Political Intelligence, State and Southern News and Commercial Deports THE PIONEER IN CHEAPNESS! THE FALL CAMPAIGN! SEND FOR A SP ECIMEN COPY. THE GREAT SOUTH! FREIGHT ID PIKER ROUTE! r TO AND FROM NLW YORK via SAVANNAH, GA / \NE OF THE FOLLO WING FIRST CLASS HIPKWIIKJB!. STEAMSHIPS WILL SAILFROM SAVANNAH and New York unrirf* the annum.r, UTERI' WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, And during the Pail, \\ in tor :uul Spring mouths, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, viz : LEO, VIRGO, GEN. BARNES, RAPIDAN, San JACINTO, Herman LIVINGSTON, San SALVADOR, and MAGNOLIA ! The.e Steanrnhips arc superior to any vegaele on the Southern coast, arc fitted up with larae and airy State j Room* t o Stewards’ dt'parnnent supplied with every seasonable luxury the New York and Savannah n ar ketx afford, are complete in all their appointment*, and oiler greater inducement* to travellers in the way ol Speed, Safety, Comfort and .Economy, than any vessels afloat, particularly tor Ladies and latuilief. Far© from Home to New V ork #30.00, Which include* Meals and State Rooms on board the Steamships, and Omnibus and Baggage transfer at Sa vannah. Children under three years of age free. Splendid sleeping Coaches, with double berths, on all Night Trains. The very r cent close connection at Savannah, and reduced rates, enables this route to transport Freight to Rome anaoth* r points, on shorter time from New York, nd at a* low rates as any competing route. For Pa ? *a h e Tickets and otbe iinformation, apply to JOHN C. PRINTU , Office Rome Railroad. Observe tuc differ nee in fare in favor of this route overauy all rail route. Rome to New York by any ull-rail route $ ;$ <& Three nights sleeping car r 0 Nine meals on the way . , . j i ; .... .$5725 Rome to New York via Savannah, by ship route S3OOO One night sleeping car • ..... ... .2JO Two ratal? on the way to Savannah • • , , 2 Difference in favor of short steamship route ...... 3 . , sl7 Passengers in dubs, or families will note this difference, which is cheaper timnaev excursion tickets. GKO. A. MoCLUBKB\, General Travelling Agent. ZBTJ-y THUS BEST I Which is Singer’s New Family SEWING MACHINE/ In 1871 They Sold Fifty-two Thousand and Seven Hundred ,*ore Machines than any other Company E. 0. HOUGH, Agent, No. 115, Broad St, Rome, Ga. wmnmmmmtammmmmwmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Cotton Gins ! Cotton Presses !! GULIRTn IMPROVED LIGHT DRAFT COTTON GIN. PIIK IMPROVED GIN DIFFERS MATERIALLY FROM THE SfLKL BRUSH IHE STEEL BRUSH 1 having Three Brushes while the New Gin ban but One. We guarantee every Gin to be of Light Draft; thoroughly clean the seed and make a Superior Sample . Every Gini* fu ly tested and mode to gin Cotton perfocthr before leaving the Factory. Office or Houston, Texas, May lath, 1872. I hereby certify ’hat I wa In charge of and run the Engine which drove the Machinery at the Third Annual F rof the State oi Texns. and that the Engine drove the GULLBTT’S IMPROVED LIGHT DRAFT GIN with ten puuuas less steam on the test than any other Giu on Exhibition. O. N. BURCH, Engineer. "Will lie Prepared to Furnish WUiLKTT’S t * >at '** fi* olll I*l <0 m;vs is cotto.v aJ. 20 halc * <’>*<> and a day. Two hands HAY PRESS are all that is neo Price 81 JO 00. (J JO/ essary to park a This Press will 500 1b bale. They arc vry simplv auU will Ist. n .. .... . . . . u. ;.... . ..ddre.t* all order* to •lnuelh ly. .1. H. BONES A <;O., ltonie, Ga. W P.AYKM. J.C. MoDONAGIJ A YEP * M c DONA D, DEALERS IN HARDWARt and Agricultural Implements ,\o. 71 8- road Ntreet, Rome, Georgia. A GENTS FOR THE IRON FRAME ‘"(ROWN” COTTON GIN, NOTED FOR LIGHTNESS OP DRAFT * 1 durability aud fnperlorily of Lint I- corruh ration of the above wo refer with plea.o to MAJ. A. F. WOOLKY, of Ktngnton, Ga,. MRS •f\ ESSPi.orLL, C.rtor.v llu (In., COL. JOHN SKINNER, Rom*, G., MESSRS MILLER * HKNDBIt -Oi>, Ci'imr Bluff, Ain.. CAl’f. i’UIL. i’OOl'Blt. Alexandria. Ala. (Price til l OO per niw, delivered In Rome.) mamplu uin on hand. We urn Aximt. for the DIXIE. UTLEY ALLOWS’ ami BROOKS’ CUT TON AND HAY RKKBHES, •T At It’S MILL n*o (he Vlt Toll ( aNK MILL .nd COOK’S KVAI’oUATOK. u<l ol ALL KINDH. KEEI* IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF Steel and Cast Plows, Spunre and Rotary Harrows, Grain Drills and SEED SOWERS. A P V L. I- 8 V P l' L Y 0 f Iron and Steel, Axes and Tools of all kinds, Wagon snd Buggy Malarial and Hardware of ovary variety lor.rnjujf*, MK.hnt.lre .od Merebeut*. At Whelm*!* Mid HeUll. Pride* Clu***ia*d^t’d The Presidency. THE CAMPAIGN O F iar 8a NOWIS THE TIME TO SUBSCFIBE FOR TIIE Rome Commercial. EYEKIBODI READS THE BEST FAMILY PAPER In Georgia. IT IS EMPHATICALLY The People’s Paper, BEING THE LARGEST AND LIVEST PAPER IN THE STATE. Issued Daily and Weekly. i THE DAILY Is the Fullest and the most Reliable and Cheapest in the State. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : BY MAIL OR AT TIIR BUSINESS OFFICE. Dany, IS months, in advance $lO 00 fi “ “ “ 5 00 “ 8 “ “ “ S 50 “ t “ “ “ 100 “ 1 wet k, “ ’’ 25 IT IS TIIE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE STATE, As it has the largest circulation of any Paper in the section of Cherokee Georgia and Alabama. We invite correspou lence from every County. SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE MIIITI WEEKLY! Containing 8 pages, making 40 columns, Ats2.ooa Tear; SI.OO Six Mouths; 50c. Three Months. THE PIONEER IN CHEA PNESS JHE GREAT FAMILY TAPER! FAMILY PAPER 1 FAMILY PAPER! FAMILY PAPER,’ F’AMIIY PAPER EIGHT PAGES—FORTY COLI MNS! EIGHT PAGES-FORTY COLI MSS! EIGHT PAGES—FORTY COI.L'M EIGHT PAGES—FORTY COLUMN M i EIGHT PAGES—IOKTY COLUMNS) THE CHEAPEST, LIVELIEST AND BEST 1 THE CHEAPEST, LIVEL EST AND BEST 1 THE CHEAPEST, LIVELIEST AND BEST ! THK CHEAPEST. LIVELIEST AND BEST! THE CHEAPEST, LIVELIEST AND BEST! THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL! THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL! THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL! THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL! Containing Ihe Cream of the News Editorial and Mir Ctllaueoue KSadins Matter | ulJiahod in the I>aily Commercial, j INOI.UI 1N(. | LATEST TELEGRAPH NEWS, POLITICAL INTEL LI.KNtE, O. MMKKCIAL ami STOCK REPORTS, LITERARY TOP ICS ami REVIEWS, SELECTED SOCIAL ESSAYS. PERSONAL GOSSIP, and INFORMA TION for PLANTERS, TOGETHER WITH THE CHOICEST STORIES, LIGHT HEADING, AND lOETRf, FROM THE CURRENT FcR .EIGN AND DOMESTICPERIODI SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPy. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND KOH A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY ONLY TWO DOLLAHB A YEAR. ONLY TWO DOLLAKH A YEAR. ONLY TWO DOLLAKH A YEAH. ONLY TWO DOLLAHH A YEAR. ONLY TWO DOLLARS A YEAH. Addr*** Grady it Nhanklin. Rome, Ga