Daily commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 1865-1876, December 10, 1874, Image 1

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DAILY COMMERCIAL. VOLUME IV. LATEST News From All Parts. Beecher’s Trial. New York, December B.—The Beecher* Tilton caso has been postponed until Mon* day. One Editor Murders Another. San Fkanoisco, December 8. — Edward Madden, editor of the Tribune, was killed yesterday by H. Urenwich, step-son to the editor of the San Joaquin Argus An attempt was made last night to lynch the murderer, but be could not be found. It is supposed that the sheriff had removed the prisoner and concealed him. Crime. New York, December B.— George Hunter, editor of the Scotchman, was found dead on the street. His skull was fractured. A negro woman plead guilty to incendiars ism. She was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. Franklin, 0., December B.—The court house, with the records, was burned by an incendiary. This is the third incendiary within three weeks. Vicksburg. The Sherilf Resigns At Last. Vicksburg, December B.—lt is reported this morning that the negroes will renew their attack on the city to day. The citizens are all under arms, and have been largely reinforced irorri the adjoining towns. The prisoners captured yesterday are closely watched to prevent lynching. The negro loss yesterday is estimated at about 70; whites’ loss, 1 killed and 2 wounded. Cros by is still under guard. The whites hold the entire city. The excitement about the court-house this morning is inteuse, but the commanders of the various companies have restored quiet, and the lives of Peter Crosby and other prisoners are safe. Lieutenant-Colonel Q. S-Lee, aid-dc-camp to Adjutant-General Packer, and a committee of citizens, met in the courtshouse to-day to decide upon the best course to pursue. In a private interview between Packer, Lee and Crosby, the latter expressed a desire to tender his resignation as sheriff. General Packer prepared the resignation, to take ef fect immediately, which Crosby signed, Lee and Packer signing as witnesses, and the doenment is now in the possession of Pack er. About fifty prisoners are now in jail. The scouts from the country report all quiet for miles around, and business is grad ually being resumed. Congressional News. Washington, December B.—Gen P. M. B. Young will introduce a bill appropriating ten thousand dollars for IMPROVEMENT OF NAVIGATION of the Oostanauia, Coosa, Coosawattee and Conasauga rivers. fie will also endeavor to secure the appoint' ment of A GOVERNMENT COMMISSION to visit Rome with a view to establishing United States arsenels at that point. Gen. Young introduced a bill to-day pro viding for the payment of accounts for ser vices rendered the postofflcc department PRIOR TO APRIE, 1861. Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi, has prepared a bill for refunding the cotton tax. Constitution Special. Washington, December 8. 1874. THE HOUSE. A large number of bills were introduced and relerred, and then the house went into a committee on the general calendar. The bill which was introduced at the last session, by Mr. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, pro viding for the issue of 365 bonds, converta ble and re-convertable into currency. A long and important debate sprang up on this bill, which was advocated by Messrs. Kellogg and Butler, of Mass., and opposed by Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, and Mr. Dawes, of Mass. The bill finally went tfver without ac tion, The house then adjourned. SENATE. A large number of publishing firms ask for a change in the postal laws. Mr. Wright's bill proposes to reduce the salary of the president, after this term, to $25,000. Mr. Harvey’s bill provides that homestead and pre-emption settlers, whose crops have been seriously injured this year by grass hoppers, may be absent from their lands until June Ist, 1875, without forfeiture of existing rights. Mr. Spencer, of Alabama, introduced a bill to provide for the transfer of certain causes from the district to the circuit court, in the State of Alabama. Mr. Davis, of West Virginia, summitted a resolution calling on the president for in formation which will enable congress to bring the freedman’s bureau functuations to ihe front. Adjourned. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Commander Wrri. G. Cushing, who cut out Albermarie, has gone to the insane ays* lum. Full cabinet to-day. Dr. Hays will urge congress to fit out an Arctic expidition to act in concert with that of Great Britain. Markets by Telegraph. COTTON. New York, December B.—Cotton quiet; sales 1,703 bales at 14J@15£. Net receipts 682 bales; gross 2,856. Sales for future delivery closed steady; sales 38,600 bales: December 14 5-16; Janu ary 14£; February 14 31-32@15; March 15 11-32; April 15 21-82@15 11-16; May 15 15-I@ls 31-32; June 16j@16 9-32; July 16 17-32. Liverpool, December 8. —Cotton mid dling uplands 7-J; do. Orleans 7J@BJ. Sales of middling uplands on a basis nothing below good ordinary, shipped in De cember 7f; do. nothing below middlings, shipped in November 7J; do. deliverable in January and February 7 5-16. MONEY MARKET. New York, Decembers.—Money in good demand at 3@4; sterling quiet at 4 85$; gold dull at 111®H|; government securities dull and lower; State bonds quiet and dull. PRODUCE. Cincinnati, December B.—Flour quiet and unchanged; corn firm and higher; ear 72 @75; shelled 73@74; pork dull at 20 00; lard dull and lower at 13 for steam on spot; kettle 14; bacon nominal and dull; shoulders 7; sides 9f; only a limited jobbing demand; hams 11-2; whisky firm and very scarce at 96. St. Louis, December 8. —Flour firm and active and unchangad; superfine $4 10@ 4 25; corn easy, No. 2 mixed 68@695; pork dull, nominal and lower at S2O 7o; bams in pickle firm at 11; bacon, nothing doing; lard ciull at 13; whisky quiet at 98. Louisville, December 8. Flour un changed; corn 74a76; pork unchanged; ba con, none here; sugar cured hams 12@13; lard, tierce 144a14f; keg 15$; whisky 96. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Is eminently a Family Medicine; and by being Sept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors’ bills. After over Forty Years’ trial it is still receiving the most unqualifies testimonials to its virtues from person? ol 'ho Inches cnararter and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend it us the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bit ter or bad taste in the mouth; Pain in the Back, Bides or joints, often mistaken lor Rheumatism ; Sour Stomach; Loss or Appetite; Bowels alternately cos tive and lax; Headache; Loss of memory with a pain lul sensation having tailed to do something which ought to have been done; Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough olten mistaken for Consun ption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the dis ease, and others very few; hut the Livek, the largest or van in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, gieat Suffering, wretch edness and HEATH will ensue. For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bil ious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, &c„ &c. The Cheapest Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! Manufactured onlyby J. 11. ZEILIN A CO., Macon, Gn., and Pniladelphia, Price, SI.OO. Sold by all Druggists. Dec 15—d&wlv TO RENT. — i—i — COR THE YEAH 1875, THE PLANTATION ON -F the Coosa River, eighteen miles below Rome, owned by the estate of N. G, Foster and teiianted by Henderson & Miller fr the last three years. For further information address MARGARET K. FOSTER, Executrix, nov 28-d&w2w Madison, Georgia. Notice! SELMA, ROME & DALTON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ROME, GEORGIA. I November 4th, 1874. f All persons holding "claim* against the Georgia portion of the Selma, Rome & Dalton Railroad, are required to present them, properly proven, within the next thirty days from the date hereof to the undersigned auditors at the office of John C. Printup, Geo gia and Alabama Steamboat Company’s office, Rome, Ga., for thepnrposc of auditing and adjusting the same. All claims or demands not presented within the time aforesaid will not be allowed. Done by order of the Superior Court, of Floyd County. J. W. H. UNDERWOOD, Chancellor Presiding. jNav.piuT ! sKi Aß ‘ mß T J. 6. DAILEY, UNDERTAKER, AND DEALER IN 9 HeUUc Caskets, Cases and Wooden Coffins. All orders by Telegraph or otherwise prompt ly filled. Warehouse.—Near Attaway’s corner, Badge St. Residence. —Corner oi Court and King streets, apl 16 d&w-tf BATTLING FOR THE KIGIIT. ROME, <iA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1574. JOHN HARKINS No. 10 Shorter Block, Borne, On,, HAS THIS DAY MARKED DOWN TIIE PRICES OF ALL Dress Goods IN 1119 STOCK. ALSO REDUCED THE PRICE OF CARPETS Now is the time to supply yourselves with Carpets whilst you 'in ? • itl tm at kef fif-uri taey haw ever been offered at before in Kcms. An Immense Stock of Other Goods WHICH ARE OFFERED CHEAP! CHEAP ! CHEAP ! R. V. ALLEN. JB. 1> JIcOSKER, Late of E. .1, Allen & Bro. Late with .1. E. \ eal Allen & McOsker, Watchmakers and Jewellers, 45 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. CRESCENT SPECTACLES. rnHK CRESCENT SPECTACLES now offered to the Public ape guaranteed superior to all others in tl; J- market. cleanness and distinctness of vision they are unrivalled, tin total absence ot prismatic colors and refractory ray always found in Pebbles renders them especially desirable, L great care they are ITee from all impurities. They are mounted ia Gold, Enver, Sh ’ll, Kubbor and Steel by* raß ’ y *“•* FELLOWB. For Bale by ALLEIV cV. McOSK iu 1 VuciiiA & Tub Am Lib. J- 68 ;' Via NORFOLK, Connecting with New York by the Old Dominion Line: with Boston by the Merchants' & Miners’ Transportation Company’s Line; with Philadelphia via Clyde s Line, and Baltimore over the Old Bay Line, TO THE PASSENGER NORTH OR SOUTH WHO LIKES A Short and Pleasant Sea Trip, This Line offers facilities equalled by no other. The ocean ride—in summer aimost invariably clear and pleasant-is jnst long enough to stive the tired traveler a rest. Ae experiences the Pt f AbLUEb ei a sea trip without being at sea loug.enottgh to have the feeling oi monotony consequent upon a more ixtmded Paifsenpers to or from Lynchburg. Bristol, KnoxvilD, Chattanooga. Dalton, Rome, Montgomery, Selma, Atlanta, Mobile, New Orleans and all intermediate towns, ask lor tickets via this Line. Freights by this Air Line outerun through without change of cars between teelliia, Uome and Norfolk. Freight Rates always us low as by competing Lines. Claims pro ptly adjusted C. K. EVANS, General Eastern Agent, 303 Broadway, New York. .r. M. ELLIOT. General Agent, Rome, Georgia. Nov 24-til jan 1 4. C. PRINTUP, Soliciting Agent, Roms, Georgia. SPECIFIC MEDICINES. I)r. GUEENE’SFIT CURE! The Great Remedy for Epilepsy CURES Fits, Spasms, Convulsions and Nervous Wakefulness, often arresting the Fits from the first day’s use. Compound Ex. Corydaiis ! CURES Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, Glandular Enlargements and all diseases arising from impure Blood. MEDICATED HONEY! A Sovereign Balm for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and Asthma. By its tim ly use many supposed cases of Consumption ar. oromptly relieved. NEURALGIA SPECIFIC! A prompt, oos it vie and permanent relief for the ex ciutiating ‘pains of Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Sciatica. Wcbash Valley Ague Cure A Specific for Ague, Chills and Fever, Biilious Fe ver and Constipation of the Bowels. Asa Bowel Regulator it has no equal. SSTFor sale by Hoyt & Cos., and by Druggists gen erally, and prepared only by Drs. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY, inch IS-d&wly Charlotte. N. C. Smith & Branham, I Branham & Smith ROME, GEORGIA. | ATLANTA, GA. The Partners in the above Law firm will continue business in Rome as heretofore until the Ist day of August next, at which time the Junior will remove to Atlanta and open an cilice under the above name and style of BRANHAM & SMITH. The partnership [after that datel will he confined to suits in the State and Federal Courts, and all Buch business as may arise in coined ion therewith. All plain collections not requiring suit will remain the separate business of th< respective members of the firm. Mr. Branham will as heretofore attend zealously in to’m time and in vacation to the prose cution of the Court businessin Floyd and will make a specialty of Federal and Supreme Circuit Court prac tice in Atlanta Georgia. This partnership arrangement is permanent, and we trust that with increased facilities for prosecu tion of our business we may receive the patronage and confidence ol the public as long as we may de- BerVeU ’ OHAB.H. SMITH, mav 13 tf IOEL BRANHAM. JB. J. €. CLEMENTS, Attorney at Law, LA FAYETTE, GA. Will practice In the Courts cl the Rome and Cjhcr kee Circuits, apl 89—tf Dr. ,T. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters arc a purely Veg etable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada moun tains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “ What is the causo of tho unpar alleled success of Vinegar Bit ters?” Our answer is, that they remove tho cause of disease, and the patient recovers liis health. They are tho great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect lleno vator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded pos sessing tho remarkable qualities ol Vin egar Bitters in healing tho sick of every disease man is heir to, They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. The properties of Dr. Walk er's vinegar Bitters are Aperient. Dia phoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxa tive, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. It. If. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists &. flon. Apts., San Francisco, Califor nia, & cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts.,N.T. Sold by all Druggists and Dealer*- BOY 22 —d<fewlrtt Special Commissioner. milffi UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN APPOINTED Special Commissioner to take testimony within the State of Georgia in claims pending before the Southern Claims Commission at WasnmjUom D, C. Special Commissioner. Dalton, Ga.. March 81,1874.- apr 2-tf Traveler’s Guide. Rome Railroad Company. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ( YN AND AFTER SUNDAY', DECEMBER tl, 18*4, Train! on tins road will run as loliuwe; DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Romo at 7.40 ant Arrive at Rome 1.3 J p m ACCOM MOD ATION-E YE K Y S A TURDA Y. ucaves Romo at 5:15 p m Arri'oat Rome at .10:16 pm Each train will make close connections ai Kit gs ton w;th Western end Atlantic Railroad trains bouuu lor Chuttanoo -a and Atlanta C. M. t ENMNGTON, Gn’l, Snp't. J. E. STILLWELL, T eket Agent. Georgia Railroad Schedule. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Augusta 0.20 o'clock, a. m. Leaves Atlanta e.-fo “ a. m. Arrives at Atlanta 0 40 “ p. . Arrives at Augusta ...5.30 “ p. m . NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Augusta t:.15 11 p. m. Leaves Atlanta tj.ls “ p. a. Arrives at, Atlanta 6.46 “ a. m. Arrives at Augusta ...6.32 " a. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta 5.45 " p. m. Leaves Stone Monntaiu 6.15 11 a. m Arrives at Atlanta B.ou “ a. ju Arrives at Stone Mountain.. 1.00 •* p. m Chang-e of Sciied.u.l3. SUM, ROME & DALTON FiAILhOAD. COMMENCING SUNDAY, AUG. 9,1674. Passenger trains will run as follows: JIAII, TRAIN DAILY NORTH. Leave Rome , 7:lopm .Arrive at Dalton 9:55 p m Making close connections with East Tennessee, Vir ginia and Georgia haiiroad aud \V oet* ru and Atlan tic Kaiiroad lor ali Eastern and VI eetern cities and ail Virginia bpring*. MAIL TRAIN DAILY SOUTH. Leave Dalton 5:35 pm Arrive at Horae 8:50 p in Arrive at Cal era 4:55 a in Arrive at Selma 9:35 a in Making dote connections at Odcra lur Montgom ery and points foutii, ana ai Beima witn the Alabama Central Railroad lor Mobile. New Orleans, Meridian, Vickeourg, Jackt-oi a* and points Bouth in Texas, Lou isiana ana Migs’esippi. M. STANTON, Gen. Sr.pt. RAY. KNIGHT, G. P. .. l >.gi. VV. S. ORANE, Agent, Rome, Ga. “THE KESXESAW KOCTE.” —VIA— Western <Si Atlantic Haiiroad and Connections. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 2T.tii.lS73. NORTHWARD —NUMBER 1. Leaves ATLANTA ..10:00 r a Arrives at Garter&ville 12:30 a m Arrives at Kingston 1:05 a m Arrives at Dalton 3:00 a m Arrives at CHATTANOOGA 5:oo a m number 3. Leaves ATLANTA 8:30 a m Arrives at Oartersvillo 11:06 a m Arrives at Kingston 11:45 a m Arrives at Dalton a:ol r m Arrives at CHATTANOOGA 4:28 r m number 11. Loaves ATLANIA 6:00 v n Arrives at Cartersville 8:15 r Arrivts at Kingston 8:43 i w Arrives at DALTON 10:30 r m SOUTHWARD—NUMBER 2. Leaves CHATTANOOGA 3:4. v .v Arrives at Dalton 5:35 r m Ariivesat Kingston 7:44 r m Arrives at Cartersville 8:16 r m Arrives at ATLAN TA 10:45 r M NUMBER *. Leaves CHATTANOOGA 5:45 a m Arrives at Dalton 83 0 a y Arrives at Ki’-estan 10:12 a m Arrives at Cartersville 10:5* a m Arrives at ATLANTA Ims r w Ru, m.n Pa ace Carson Trains N\s. 11 and 2 !i> Lynchburg and New Orleans. Pullman Palace C ars on Trains 1 and 2 lor Atlanta and Vhatt.im oga. No cnangelrem New Orleans io Lynchburg via Montgom ery, Atlanta and Dai ton, one change from Atlanta io Bt. Louis via Chattanooga. 52 miles shorter to NewVorJc and Ratteen Cities than any o’her route from Atlanta. 2 4 Hours Quicker to tie Virginia Springs than ary other line irom Atlanta, avoiding an CAponsive delay and transfer in Richmond. Passengers leaving Atlanta by Lightning Express at6:oop m., arrive m New York a. 4:44 j>. m., ihe Second Alternoon therea ter —13 Honrs 55 Minutes Earlier than Passengers by any other mute. Pus eengers having Atlanta at lUjki j. ia., by this route arrive in New York at, the same time as passengers who left at 6:06 o’clock p. in., by opposition lint s. Parties desiring a whole car through to the Virginia Springs or to Ly nchburg should address the under signed Parties couteraplutirg Traveling should send for Map, Sch 1 dule, **tc. Quick time anti close connec tions is our motto. Asa lor tickets via “TkeKcn nesaw Route.’’ ii. W. WKENN, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. \\ ICHMOHD AND ATLANTA AIR-LINE RAILROAD. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN. GOING EAftT AND NORTH. Leave Atlanta ikoo pm Arrive at Charlotte 8:06 a m COMING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte 6:l* a in Arrive at Atlanta 9.18 p ra DAILY ACCOMMODATION. GOING NORTH. Leaves Atlanta 7:33 am Arrive at Central 7:42 p in Leaves Central 6:09 am Arrives at Charlotte .6:06 p m COMING SOUTH. Leaves Charlotte 8:09 a m Arrives at Central 9:29 pm Leave Central 6:18 a in Airives at Atlanta —.*5:40 p m To Texas and Arkansas. Tne coirp.etiou of the TEXAS AND PACIFIC RALLROAI# enables the KennjiHaw Route, via West ern & Atlantic Railroad, to < ft’er the only all rail route from Georgia and the Carolines to ali points in Texas. Ou and after September Ist, through coaches leave Atlanta daily for Memphis, Little hock andTexar gana, Texas, without change, connecting ’here with throug h cars lor Houston and all points in Texan. Think of ONE change oi cars between Atlanta, Georgia, and Houston, Texas. Rates reduced by the opening of this route from •stoftiaxx Full information can be obtained upon applica tion to ALBERT B. WKENN, Southeastern Agent Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis K. R Atlanta. O. E. SARGENT, Southeastern Ag’t. L. &G. 8. R. R., Atlanta, or to B. W WRRNN, Gen Pase’r & Ticket Ag’t. Atlanta, Ga, NUMBER SI.