Newspaper Page Text
By Telegraph to Howel & Williamson, Cotton
Factors and Commission Merchants,
Borne Georgia.
Liverpool, December 9, 12:30 p. m.—
Cotton quiet and unchanged; sales 12,000;
,2,000 exports and speculation; February and
Alarcli shipments from Savannah or Charles*
ton, basis low middlings 7 7*16.
4p m. —December and January shipments
from t-m-vannah or Charleston basis low
middling 7}.
New York, December 9, 10:30 a. m. —
Gold opened #l. 10$.
Futures quiet and unchanged; January
14$; February 14 15-16; March i5 5*16; April
16f; May 16; June 16$; spot cotton dull and
unchanged—lower to sell.
2:30 P. m.—Futures easy; January 14$;
February 14 15-16; March 15|; April 15$;
May 15 15 16; June 16$; July 16 9*16; sales
for forward delivery 22,500; spot cotton un
changed; sales for exports 100; for consump
tion 517 Net receipts to-day 26,170; ex
ports to Great Britain 30,800: France 7,919:
continent 23,561; channel 2,668; stock 641,-
Gold closed sl.los.
Rome, Ga., December 9. — Market quiet;
better demand at shade lower prices. We
quote good middlings 13$; middlings 13$;
low middlings 13$; good ordinary 12$; ordis
nary 11$; deep stains 10$@H$; bright 11$
Malaga rapes,
Sugar Corn, Mince Meat received to
day. J D. Carver.
For Relit.
House for rent opposite the Episcopal
Church. Apply to Id. V. Mitchell.
Announcement —The first Monday of
January, 1875, will be a favorable time for
young ladies to enter the Rome Female Col
lege. Ten per cent, will be subtracted from
bills for board, if paid iu advance by the ses
sion. J. M. M Caldwell.
dec B—if
J. I. Carver
Announces, as jast received, a lot-of
Malaga Grapes, Sugar Corn, and Mince
meat. See local.
500 pounds of Parker’s Best Treasury
Blotting Paper at Patrick & Omberg's.
Mottoes and Texts in Chromo Colors and
on perforated board for Berlin Wool at Pat
rick & Omberg’s.
Bon Voyage, ike.
Ike Whitely, after to day, as he goes
sailing o’er life’s sea, will have such a
loviDg and lovable compagnon de voyage
as the charming and amiable Miss Es
telle Hooper. Bon voyage, Ike, to you
and to vouis.
S. Call Communication of Oosta
naula Lodge No. 113, F. A. M. this
/nt\ evening at 7 o'clock. Work in M.
M. Degree.
By order of W. M.
H. Habpold, Secretary.
ft Dr. Gray, who has been practicing
Hedicine in Cave Spring for fourteen
Bars, yesterday moved to Rome, and
81l henceforth cast in his lot with us.
He welcome him and his family to the
Kternal City.”
HlUissesline Kid Foxed Boots at Govan’s.
Btlen'sCalf Cable Englisli Ties at Govan’s.
Bvien’s fine Box-Toe Boots, Cable Sewed,
B| 00,000 dry and green hides wanted for
Bh M. F. Govan & Cos.
Ye Old Folk’s Concert.
Drhose who have so kindly proffered to
Bst iu getting up “Ye Old Folks’ Con-
Bt” for the benefit of the Good Tern-
Mrs, will please meet this afternoon, at
at the residence of Mr. H. A.
Smith, for purpose of perfecting arrange
ments and getting up the programme.
Bridal sets of jewelry S6O to SIOO at
Veal’s. dec B—tf
Coral sets ot jewelry $8 to $76 at Veal’s.
Amethyst sets of jewelry sl2 to SIOO
at Veal’s.
Gold Bracelets S2O to $75 per pair at
Here Me Comes iu His Chariot and Six.
Room for old Santa Clause, room! He
has sent forward his couriers and enga
ged quarters at Henry A. Smith’s Book
and Music Emporiuno, and Smith is fixed
up to give the jolly old boy a “big blow
out” in the way of a greeting. Go
to Smith’s and interview old Santa
Clause and chat with him and let him
give you a nice present for your wife and
baby. See Smith’s advertisement about
Chromos, Lithographs, Work Boxes
and about his Defying Competiton !
Iter. J. L. Pierce Granted a New Trial.
We understand that the Supreme
Court has granted anew trial to the Rev.
J. L. Pierce on the score of error in the
charge of the Court below. Our read
ers doubtless remember that Mr, Pierce
was fouud guilty some time back, on his
trial in the Superior Court for making
improper advances to a lady of Carters
Atlanta Wholesale Prices duplicate
ed, with 5 per cent, off, at J. B. Carver’s
Crockery and House Furnishing Store.
nov 25-tf
Baskets ! —Baskets, all sizes, all shapes,
all colors and lots of ’em just received and
for sale cheap at Carver’s Crockery Store.
oct 80 tf
(loiliing! nothin*! CkAinf!
We have just received fresh invoices
of Fashionable Clothing, and have now
on hand a most attractive stock in this
line of all styles, qualities and prices for
men and boys.
W. M. & J. A. Gammon.
The end of the year is approaching and
we notify all persons indebted to us to
call and settle, for we want money now.
dec 9-tf W. M. & J. A. Gammon.
Just received, at Warner’s, anew chromo
illustrating Bret Hart’s poem of “Deacon
Jones’Experience.” It is by S. F. Ryder,
the publisher of “Pluck.”
“ Deacon Jones’ Experience,” “Ouch,”
and “Pluck,” in addition to our usual large
and well assorted stock of Chromos at War
ner’s. dec 4-tf
Hi* Drove of Turkeys.
Yesterday there passed down Broad
street a drove of 200 turkeys. They were
owned by Mr-Jacoway, who had driven
them from Brandon’s Station, on the A.
& C. R. K,, in North Alabama. Mr,
Jackoway was on the road six days with
his turkeys. During that time, only one
“played out”—a fat old gobbler whose
feet becoming too tender to travel, Mr.
Jacoway disposed of for $1.50.
These turkeys were purchased at 55
cents a piece. From this point, Mr. Jac
oway shipped them to Charleston, where
he expects to sell them at from three to
five dollars a pair.
SSOO worth of * Ladies’ and Children’s
Furs to be sold in the next 30 days at less than
New York cost at M. Rosenberg & Bro’s.
Atlanta wholesale prices duplicated,
with 5 per cent, off at J. B. Carver’s Crock
ery Store. d3t&w7t
Playing Editor.
Dolph Rounsaville, we learn, passed
himself off at Cartersville, Sunday, as
editor of the Commercial, and, of
course, had a splendid time with the la
dies. Felton, hearing that the editor of
the Commercial was in town, strolled
around in the direction of Dolph’s board
ing house with an axe handle. This was
more than his editorship had calculated
on and so he slid down the lightning rod
and made tracks for Kinrston. It is a
very pleasant thing, generally, to play
editor, but then there is some little dan
ger, at times, also. They say Dolph
didn’t wait for the Rome train, at Kings
ton, but chartered a hand-car and came
home on that.
Allen & McOsker have just received
and are still receiving all kinds of Christmas
goods in their line : Watches, Chains, Rings,
Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Necklaces, &c., &c.
All goods bought at Allen & McOcker’s en>
graved free of charge. dec 5-lw
Buy your Christmas goods at Allen &
The Ball Tuesday Nisht.
The Ball at Empire Hall came off
Tuesday night according to announce
ment. We pseped in on the dancers
about ten o'clock, and we know that we
have never before seen so much beauty
together as we saw in the Empire Hall
night before last. The ladies of Rome
will at any time take the beauty premi
um, but on last Tuesday night, for some
reason or other—may be it was the tran
sit of Venus—they lookod lovlier than
ever before.
Prof. Sheffield, of Talladega, was
Master of Ceremonies, and acquitted
himself, as he always does, in handsome
Btyle. The Silver Cornet Band contrib
uted the music, and it was such as to
doubly enhance the “poetry of motion.”
We would like to give the ball a more
extended notice, but the press of other
matter forbids our doing so.
Allen & McOsker, Rome’s Live Jew*
ki.lers have a fine stock of Christmas goods.
Allen & McOsker’s store is Santa
Claus’ El Dorado. _ dec 5-tf
Cranberries, Navy Beans, Dried Eng'
lish Peas at A. T. Reid’s.
Meeks, of the Gadsden Times, is iu
the city.
Freeman, of the Calhouu Times, is also
sojourning with us, having come down on
Tuesday evening to trip the light fantas
tic with the Rome beauties. It is a
wonder that our girls allow so handsome
and clever a fellow as Freeman to visit
our city so often and get away with heart
untouched and fancy tree.
Fur Christmas.
Mr. J. E. Veal, of Rome, Ga., the popu
lar dealer in Watches and Jewelry, has now
on exhibition ath s new, spacious and admi
ably fitted lip store, No. 27 fc-mith Block,
one of the largest and most conspicuous stock
of Ladies' Watches and Chains —pure sterl
ing Silver Spoons and Forks, &c., ever ex
hibited in North Ga., and these goods are
offering below their value in const quence of
the hard times, and now is the time to buy.
Mr. Veal cordially invites inspection.
uov. 11 —tt <
A Floyd County Boy Wins the Honor.
Wo see in the Maco'u papers that a
spirited election came off Saturday tor An
niversarian of the ‘‘Phi Delta Society” of
Mercer University. Mr. E. A. Keese, of
Randolph, and Mr. L. A. Dean, of Floyd,
were candidates. Both gentlemen were
so popular that a tieltas the result of
several ballotings, though, finally, Mr.
Dean won the distinguished honor. We
congratulate him on his success and the
“Phi Deltas” on having made such an
admirable selection.
Blue Grass Dairy Butter. The best in
market. A fresh supply constantly on hand
at Smith & Cliff ord’s.
Selected Lake Fish and the
best new Mackerel inßentities to suit the
wants of all at Smith & CTtfford’s.
Smith & Clifford Roast theirown Cof
fee, and Grind Coffee and Spices which they
warrant pure, fresh and fragrant.
Ail Eagle Rilled Near Koine.
The Rev. W. C. Hendricks, on last
Monday, killed with a rifle, at a distance
of seventy-five yards, a fine specimen of
the American Bald Eagle. The eagle
was killed on Simms’ Peak in Texas Val
ley, about twelve miles from Rome. It
measured six feet and eight inches from
tip to tip of its wings, three feet from
point of beak to tip of tail, five inches
around the thigh, and its talons were
three inches long. The bird created
considerable interest yesterday while
being carried through our streets.
Tlic County Court.
This Court yesterday adjourned till the
nex-t regular term, Tuesday after the first
Monday in February. The following
cases were yesterday disposed of: State
vs. Bob Cowan, colored, charged with
assault and battery. About last June
Bob made an attack, with an axe, upon
Mr. Hall. lie was found guilty and
fined twenty dollars and costs. The
other cases were, State vs. Chas. Gattis
and James Hunt, for killing two hogs, to
which they plead guilty, aud were fiaed
five dollars aud costs; State vs. Sanford
Sugard, assault and battery, settled by
the parties; State vs. Randall Scales,
simple larceny, stealing a half bushel of
corn out of the field, sent to jail for five
days; State vs. Noah McHenry, assault
and battery, not guilty. There are
about fifty cases on docket to be tried at
next term.
Fresh Mince Meat, new Dates, new
Prunes, new Currants at A. T. Reid’s.
Fine Northern Apples, Sweet Florida
Oranges, at A. T. Reid’s. nov 28~tf
The Mans Troupe.
This justly celebrated Burlesque
Opera Troupe will make its appearance
in our city on the 18tninst. Of the many
commendations of the press, we have
space this morning for only the following
clipped from the Atlanta Herald,:
The Burlesque Opera Troupe of Mrs.
Jas. Maas played at DeGives last night
to a large house.
Mrs. Maas is certainly a very fine ac
tress. She sang “Brightest Eyes” in
German, with decided effect. The Cor'
net Solo was splendid. Mr. Jas. Maas
captured the house in his inimitable
Banjo Solo. His version of “Put Me
In My Little Bed” is simply the
acme of Burlesque. He has a peculiar
way of Baying a thing that makes a
laugh irresistible. Monday night is their
last appearance in Atlanta.
We have rarely ever seen a more amu
sed audience than the one out last night
to see this company. Mr. Maas is as
fine a negro delineator at we ever saw on
the stage. He was inexpressibly funny,
and kept the house in roars of laughter.
Mrs. Maas is a beautiful, sparkling
blonde with a face and a figure like a
Hebe, and she won the admiration of the
susceptible as well as the applause of the
Tlio I>o Dustro Troupe.
By reference to our advertising col
umns, it will be seen that the above com
pany will perform at the city Hall, to
night. In regard to this troupe the
Memphis Daily Appeal says:
The De Castro troupe gave its intro
ductory entertainment to a large number
of spectators at the Greenlaw Opera
house. Professqr Da Castro, in his Magic
Circle, exhibited quite a number of mar
velous tricks, to the great delight of (he
spectators. His ventriloquism is indeed
wonderful, for De Castro has long since
obtained perfection iu this strange science.
Jeppe, in his characters songs, Blinks,
and Don't But Four Foot on a Man, weie
sung and most appreciatively received.
Miss Fannie, in her staff-bell solo, gave
evidence of a thorough mastery of the
science, and evoked ’melodics rare and
touching from the unusal instrument.
Indeed, her proficiency is lemarkuble,
and she proves herself a true artist,
Auotker excellent feature of the enter
tainment was the flirtation duets, Little
Bunch and 'Twilight in the Park, by Jeppe
and Fannie, wh i were recalled and a
third time encored most enthusiastically.
The audience did not cease its clamor
until the manager stated that Miss
Fannie’s indisposition would prevent
her reappearance. After this Prof. De
Castro and Jeppe engaged in the great
Indian box mystery, which, to be fully
appreciated, must be seen. How any
man could free himself from a sealed
bag and get into a box, bound with
ropes, and without disturbing either the
knots or the strings, is quite astonishing.
This wonderful feat, however, which
some are disposed to ascribe to spiritual
ism, was most successfully accomplished
lastnigrbt. There were other features of
the entertainment equally interesting
and novel, which we have not space to
mention in this connection. The enter
tainment was quite pleasant and gave
general satisfaction to all present.
M Rosenberg- & Brothers will sell
for the next 30 days, goods cheaper than they
have bean sold in Rome since the war.
We are receiving our fall and winter stock
of millinery goods, consisting of hats, bon
nets, ribbons, neck-ties, collars, dowers,
feathers, beaded belts, leather bells, jet orna
ments, steel and pearl ornaments, velvets,
ribbons, corsets, hair braids, curls, Ostrich
tips, feathers, birds’ wings, old ladies bon
nets, The ladies are respectfully invited to
call and examine our stock. The so goods
we propose to sell cheaper than has .ever
been sold in this market, as we sell for cash
Mbs. Attavvav & Salcib Wit.kirsox,
Verandah Block, Broad St., No. 50.
ep 30 —d3m
Americus is to have a cotton factory.
South Georgia Conference in session at
A good farm in Sumter recently sold
at $2 50 per acre.
Central railroad stock sells in Sanders
ville at $68.00 per share.
A death from yellow fever in Milledge
ville last Saturday.
In the lower part of the State they
call lying “inflating the truth.”
One hund.ed and two bales of cotton
made in Dougherty with ten mules.
Murray is the place to emigrate to.
Only six candidates for seven offices.
Col. W. B. Jones, of LaGrauge, is
candidate for Messenger of the House.
The colored people of Greensboro have
an agricultural fair. It is pronounced a
perfect success.
The State press are trying the
conundrum why those who managed the
recent State Fair can’t settle their little
bills. Somebody will give somebody an
airing if somebody don’t “fork over”
Tom Byrd, negro, charged with bur
glary in the night time, was sentenced
in Muscogee Court to the penitentiary
for ten years. Tho case went to Supreme
Court, was remanded, and the accused
had two mere years added to his sen
The following persons were regis
tered at the Rome Hotel, J. A. Stans
bury, proprietor, up to ten o’clock last
Capt W S McElwain, Ala; Dan
Dan Plumb, city; Col D A Tibbs, Nash
ville, Tenu; II H Miller, Cedar Bluff,
Ala; M H Snow, couuty; C E Veal, city;
C P Morton, couniy; W Z Overby, Con
yers, Ga; J M Robertson, M E Pente
eost, city; Henry H Peeples, Hampton,
Ga; E J Deupree, wife and four children,
Rockmart, Ga, T R Worthington, David
Brown, Round Mountain, Ala; Jno O
Waddell, W T Tomlinson, Cedartown,
Ga; T J Eaton, Perry county, Ala;
Edward, Talladega, Ala; G P Burns,
Dirt Town, Ga: W C Cochran, Texas;
J C Campbell, Childersburg, Ala ; Thos
J Rembent and wife, Bartow county, Ga.
You can save money by calling at Rosen
berg & Bro’s and buy your 'goods. All we
ask pf you is to give us a call before you buy
Southern express Company.
J. King, Agent.
Bank of Rome, McKee At Lamberth,
Rousavilla & Bro., Smith Son & Bro.,
Misss Hattie McKenzie, C J Warner, It
P Sibley, Sullivan & Samuel, I Arnold,
Ayer & McDonald, Allgood & Hargrove,
Geo C Wyatt, W T Maieon, Carnochan
& Son, I It Warren, II G Peter, J J
Cohen, E It Smith, C L Barber, W A
Iloges, W W Croom, T M Trueman, C I
Graves, Mr T II Williams, G Barbour.
If Alcoholic Stimulants are taken
into the blood the heart works la-ter, and
this unnatural speed wears out the vital ma
chinery. All intoxicating nostrums adver
tised as ‘-tonics,” -‘renovators,” See., produce
this disastrous effect, and should-be rejected.
I)r Walker’s Veoktami,k VifcKOiß Bi iters
-an Invigorait im t the curse of alcohol—
is eveyw i ■ upphintiuc thu-u poison*.
nCTrrtre'*. -■■?srccas Vi-rwam ngraaasL-agTTrairi
It Leads to Iliiiiplness:
It will bring on the Min- 1 , -; relieve all pain at the
monthly ‘-Period;’’ cure Rheumatism and Neural
gia of Rack; anil Uterus; Lenchorrhoea or - Whites,’'
and partial I’roi&p-aa Uteri; chock excessive flow,
ami correct all irregularities to ladies.
It will remove all irritation ol Kidneys amt Blad
der; reiieve Uostiveness; purify the Blood; give
tone and strength iothe whop system; clear the sldn,
imparting a rosy hue to the cheek, and cheerfulness
to the mind.
It is as sure a cure in all the above diseases an
Quinine is in Chills and Fever.
Ladies can cure themselves iu adthe above diseases
without revealing their complaints to any persoD,
which Is always mortifying to their pride and
it is recommended by tho best physicians and
the clergy.
LaGkanke, Ga , March 23, 1870.
Bi'.ADFIEI.I) cjo UO., A.lauta, Ga.—Dear Sirs: 1
take pleasure in stating that I hare used for the last
twenty years, the medicine you are now putting up.
known as Dr. J. Bradiield’s FEMALE KKGULA
TOJ-, and consider it the best combination ever
gotten together lor tne -diseases lor which it is
recommended. I have been families with tho pre
scription Doth as a practitioner of medicine and
in domest e prat’ce. and can honestly say that I
consul rit n boon to suffering females. and can but
hope that every lady in oar whole .cud, who may
be suffering in any way peculiar to their sex, may he
able to procure a bottie, that their sufferings may not
only be relieved,but that they may bo restored to
althhe .and strength. With my kindest regards.
fam respectfully. W. B. FERRELL, M. D.
NBAS Marietta. Ga., March 21, 1870.
MESSRS. WM. ROUT As SON—D i.r Sirs: Some
months ago I bought a bottle of BRADFIELD’S
ou my family with the utmost satisfaction, affd La.o
lecoiumeudtd it to three other lamilics. and they
have found it just what it is recommended. The
females who have used your REGILA'iOK are in
perfect health, and are aide to attend to their
household duties, and we cordially recommend it to
the public. Yours respectfully,
‘ Rev. R.B. JOHNSON.
We could add a thousand other certificates; but we
consider the above amply sufficient proof of its
virtues. All we ask is a trial.
. For full particulars, history of diseases, and cer
tificates of its wonderful cures, the reader cun refer
red to the wrapper around the bottle.
Manufactured and sold by
Price, 51.50. Atlanta, Ga.
Sold by all the Druggists in Rome.
rtimch 18.’7
in quantity by their perfect purity and great
strength; the only kinds made by a prac
tical Chemist and Physician, with scientific
care to insure uniformity, healthfulness, deli
cacy and freedom from all injurious substan
ces. They arc far superior to the common
adulterated kinds. Obtain the genuine. Ob
serve our Trade Marks as above, “Cream”
Baking Powder, “Hand and Cornucopia.”
Buy the Baking Powder only in cans securely
labelled. Many have been deceived in loose
or bulk Powder sold as Dr. Price’s.
Manufactured only by
Chicago, St, Louis and Cincinnati :
nov 21 -d &wly
Free Trader.
ATOTICE IS hereby given that by my
•L- consent, and in accordance with tho Statute in
surh case made and provided, tny wife, Mrs. Rebecca
J. Williams, from his date tecomes and is ft free
trader, and that all .'uslncss conducted by her will
be in her own riirht aud name.
Nov. 21. 18*4.—UOd THOMAS B WILLIAMS.
Attorneys at Law.
# —OFFICE9:-
Cartersville and Kingston, Ga.
nov 17—6 m
J. C. tLKMKm’S,
Attorney at Law,
Will practice in the Courts of the Rome and Chet
kee Circuits. apt 29—tf