Daily commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 1865-1876, December 10, 1874, Image 4

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THE ROME COMMERCIAL. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY M. A. NEVIN, 70 <!ommrHnl HnlldlUK, Ilrontl SlrcH, TEIIMHi DAILY. WEEKLY. One Yoar $6 00 One Year $2 00 Six Month'. 300 Six Months 100 Three Mouth* 1 B 0 I Three Monthß B 0 One Mourn 60 | One Month 25 Remittances may be mado at onr risk by Kxpross, (Charges prepaid,) Registered Letter, l’ost Office Money Order, or Draft THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10,1874. For the Commercial. ROSA LEE. BY DUDLEY WILLIAMS. In Beauty's realm she sweetly dwells; 'Twere joy her lovely form to see; Her tender lips, like fairy bells, Can raise the twig or bend the tree. Yet ’tis not Beauty’s charm alone, That strikes the trembling keys of love; Nor music from a rosy throne, That bends a seraph’s ear above. Within her heart, there throbs a smile For eyes ablaze with pleasure’s glow— A tear of pity for the vile— Of sympathy for grief or woe. Within its flesh-ribbed prison cell— The ideal of her soul is bound; Loves mighty power, what mind can tell ? It makes a monarch kiss the ground. Sweet vision I Wingless, angel form— Fain would I pledge my life to thee; A shelter through Life’s wintry storm — A loving heart for Rosa Lee. JRoitie Markets. Office of Daily Commercial, ( Rome, Ga., Dec. 8 t p. m. | CAREFULLY CORRECTED EVERY DAY. COTTON. We quote the cotton market up to 4 o’clock in the afternoon, as the prices for the day are settled before that hour. 01 course cotton is bought and .sold during the entire day. Market quiet; Middlings 13 J Low Middlings 13{ Good Ordinary 12{ FINANCE. Exchange buying £ dis; selling at par. Gold buying at $1 08; selling at SI 10 : Silver bnvinjr at SI 02 ; selling at $1 05. GROCERIES—WHOLESALE. Sugars, A ll£al2£ “ ex. Cllal2; brown 10a 11 Coffee, Rio, 25<g>30; Java 40 Molasses, Cuba 50; New Orleans. 75@80 Salt, Liverpool #2 00; Virginia,... 82 10 Candles, full weight 25 Teas range from $1 00 to $1 50 Rifle powder, peu 25 lb keg, $7 50 Shot $2 60, buck shot S3 00 FLOUR—WHOLESALE. Fancy $4 00 Choice 3 75 Extra 3 50 Superfine 275 Fine 2 25 COUNTh i PRODUCE. Buying from wagons: Eggs 20@25 Chickens -l “ 15(g)20 Butter “ • “ 30@35 Sweet potatoes, from wagon 65@75 Irish potatoes “ “ 100 Dried apples. 1 00 Dried peaches, peeled 2 00 BACON AND LARD FROM STORE. Sugar-cured hams 16; plain 17; country... 16 Shoulders 13 Clear sides 16; clear rib sides 16 Lard, bucket, 18; cans 18 BULK MEAT FROM STORE. Shoulders 10 Clear Sides 15; Cleai Rib Sides... 12J GRAIN FROM WAGON. White corn ,90; yellow and mixed... 90 Wheat, best quality...,. $1 20 Common Georgia red $1 10 Oats... ~75@90 MEAL, PEAS AND BRAN. Corn meal per bushel 90 Bran from store ... .$1 25 Peas per bushel from store 1 25 BAGGING AND TIES. Domestic bagging 16@17 Ties, per pound B{(<s9 FACTORY GOODS—WHOLESALE. Trion Factory, 5 lb yarn $1 30 4-4 sheeting 10J {shirting 8£ Eight ounce osnaburg 13£ Cotton rope 22 HARDWARE. Cut nails, for lOd 4J@SJ Iron 4{as Horse shoes 87 00 Mule shoes $8 00 Axes sll 00<g>15 Trace chains 75@$1 15 Hoes i..56 00(ail0 00 TIE SAVASIIH ATOMISE 8, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY AT Savannah, Georgia. Geo. W. Nichols, F. W. Sims, Proprietor. Business Manager. M- The Advertiser is a live, comprehensive newspa per, publishing the latest News and Market He. poits front all parts of the conntry, particular atten tion being given to Savannah’s Local and Commer cial Affairs. IN POLITICS The Advertiser will be a bold and fearless expo nent of the Democratic Conservative Creed. TO ADVERTISERS. • Unexcelled advantages are offered, our large and Increasing circulation rendering the Advertiser a Valuable advertising medium' TERMS: Daily—l Year *7 00 “ - Months 350 “ —3 Months 1 75 Weekly—l Year 1 60 Agents wanted in every town, Sample copies free ft' application to this office. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m SAMPLES to Agents, Ladies’ Combination Nbkdlb book. wlthChromos, Bond stamp. Dean* Cos , New Medford, Maes. CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT-At home, Male or Female, S3O a week war anted. No capital re quired. Particulars and valuable samplcß sent free. Address with 6 cent return stamp. C. ROSS, williamebnrir, N, Y. Agents wanted for the people’s journal. Four magnificent Chromos free. The most liberal offer ever made. Send Scent stamp for circular and sample. P. W. Zikgleii &l’o. 518 Arch si. Phila. Pa. THJT— —.1—At home, maleorfemalo; *35 per week, Vh Ul Hl day or evonlnt. No Capital. We send f/Yt* nil valuable package ol goodsby mail free. ALfX oXtAddress with six cent return stainp„.M, Young, 173 Greenwich St. N. Y. WANTED-Asents s S , ; r Packaok Out. Sample Package, post-paid, lor 85c. Circulars free. J. BRIDE & CO., 767 Broadway, N.Y. U pSYCUOMANCY. or SOUL CHARMING." How either sex may fascinate and gain tho love & affections of any person they choose In stantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, freo, by mail, for 25c., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, &c. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM St 00. Pubs. Phil*. For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, Use WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN lIIYUIS BOXES. TRIF.II AND SURE REMEDY. bold by Druggists. BUCCB3B BE T .. CO'** * JiTITION. 'Nellis’ Pal Tie,' B . tuo ipprov of every Planter and iV given! t a trial. A ■ingle trial it the jjfl •esa afllrr . It* strength, merits i> ! HE liny In the market. are prepared rade • ‘ market prle Urdcri rcr "r pollcitod. >ddrcna SB N: t CO., Pittsburgh, P;.. |j *. .. Ltoels rind Irons of all kind* t: Cotton Sweeps, Bcraneri, Bui' *4}| a, Pea Vixu Cf -*ri,*Ac., ifco. Steel HU 1 ,, 1* Pi'"' ;to auii ull kiads*f soii. '’tfij HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA ARE YOU Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated? ARE YOU SO LANGUID that any exertion requires more of an iffortthan you feel capable of making ? Then try JUKUBEBA, the wonderful tonic and invigorator, which acts so beneficially on the se cretive organs as to impait vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer tall to a lower depth of misery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting di rectly on the liver and spleen. It regulates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives sueh a healthy tone lo the whole system as to soon make the invalid feellikcanew person. Its operation is hot violent, but is character ized by great gentleness; the patient experiences no sudden change, no marked results, but gradu ally his troubles “Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away.” This is no new aud untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the highest medical author ities, “the most powerful tonic and alterative known.” Ask your Druggist for it. For sale by WM. F. KIDDER & CO . N. Y. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Montpelier Female Humane Association, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. NOVEMBER,®:*, 1874. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Grand Cash Gift - - SIOO,OOO 1 Grand Cafh Gift - - 50,000 1 Grand Cash Gift • - 25,000 10 Cash Gifts, SIO,OO 0 each - - 100.000 15 Cash Gifts, 5.0( 0 each - - 75,1:00 50 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each - - 60,0u0 100 Cash Giftß, 500 each - 50,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 100 each - 100,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each - 50,090 20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each - 400,000 22,178 Caeh Gifts, amounting to 81,000,000 Number of Tickets, 100,000. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets - - - $20.00 Halves - - - ... ]o.oe Quarters - ... 5.00 Eighths or each Coupon - 2.50 5X Tickets for - - - 100.60 The Montpelier Female Humane Association, char tered by the Legislature of Virginia and the Circuit Court of Orange Cos., proposes by a Grand Gift Con cert to establish and endow a “Home for the old, In firm, andDestituto Ladies of Viginia,” at Montpelier, the former residence of President James Madison. Govebnob’s Office, Richmond, July 3 1874. It affords me pleasur to say that lam well acquain ted with a large majority of the officers cf the Mont pelier Humane Association, who reside in the vicini ty of my home, and I attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentlemen, as well as the public confidence, influence and substantial means liberally represented among them. JAMES L. KEMPER, Gov. Virginia. Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1874, I commend them as gents of honor and integrity, and lully en titled to the confidence of the public. R. W. HUGHES, U. S. Judge Kaat’n Dist. of Va. Farther refences by permission: His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex. Governor of Va.; Hon. Robt. E. Withers, Lieut.-Gov. ol Va. and U. S. Senator elect; Senatois and Members of Congress from Virginia. Remittances for tickets may be made by express prepaid, post-office money order on Washington, D. C., or by registered letter. For full particulars, testimonials, Sc., send for Cir cular. Address lion. JAN. HARBOUR, Pres’t M. F. H. A., Alexandria, Va. Reliable Agents wanted everywhere. JAS. LEFFEL’S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel. POOLE & HUNT, Baltimore. MANUFACTURERS FOR THE SOUTH AND 80UTHWEST Nearly 7COO now in use, working under heads varying from 2 to 240 feet! 24 sizes, from 6$ to 96 inches. The Most Powerful Wheel In the Market, And most economical in use of Water. Large illustrated Pamphlet sent post free. MANUFACTURERS, ALSO, OF Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boil ers, Bnbco k & Wilcox Patent. Tubulons Boiler, Ehaugh’s Crusher for Minerals, Saw and Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery, Machinery for White Lead Works ana Oil Mills. Shafting Pullevs and Hangers, SEND FOR CIRCULARS, feh 84—1 v PIANOS TUNED AND PUT IN THOROUGH REPAIR BY WM. B. ELY, Professor of Music at the Koine Female College. YYRDERB MAY BE LEFT AT A. SHORTER Cald well’s office, or at the College. ALAOOII SECURITY OIL is offered with tho confidence that it will prove Itself EQUAL, IF NOT SUPERIOR TO ANY BURNING OIL THAT HAS BEEN OFFERED TO THE public:. This Oil is prime, white in color, is deodorized tc the highest extent achieved in the manufacture [oi burning oils, aud is Warranted to Stand a Fire Test oi' I*lo Bkcgrccsi Ealireu licit. It is perfectly safe for use in all Coal Oil or Kero sene Lamps, ad as its nme indie tes. will p. re all who ue it perfect HECU It IT Y in doii Aladdin Security Oi* Will bum longer, ha v e much less smell, and m crust the wick, and will be found to be economica to say nothing of the entire Hecurity in its use. FOR PALE BY P. L. TURNLEY, Druggist & Apothecary, No. II ( noice House, ROME, GEORGIA. SEEDS. 12 Bushels Hungarian Grass Seed. 10 Bushels of Buck Wheat. 20 Bush’s Genuine German Millet. o FOR SALE BY P. L. TURNLEY, DRUGGIST 6 APOTHECARY AND DEALER IN DRUGS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, OILS, <fcc., &c. IVo. 3 Choice House, ROME, GEORGIA. o Read This. Eanon Grove, ) Heard Cos., Ga., Aug. 5, 1873. j Dr. P. L. Tumley, Rome: Dear Sir : Please send me enough of the Powders to prepare one quart of yc ur Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine, prepared by your self. The bottle full you gave me, when in Rome, has nearly cured my son; he says it is giving him more relief than all the medicine he has taken. He thinks a quart more of it will entirely cure him. Please send it immediately, with directions how to prepare it. If you can send by mail send to this office; if you cannot send by mail, send by express to Newnan, Coweta county, Georgia. Write me what the Powders are worth and I will send you money by return mail. Yours, &c., GEO. W. POWERS. GREAT SOUTHERN Freight and Passenger Line Via Charleston, S. C. TO AND FROM Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston,^ And all the Now Eng’snd Manufacturing Cities! THREE TIMES A WEEK FROM NEW YORK. I Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. - ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. The South Carolina Railroad Company And connecting Roads West, in nlpance with the Fleet of Thirteen First Class Ftct.mthips to'the above Ports, invite attention to the Quick Tin.e and tfegu'ar Dispatch ffforded to the business pnb lie iu the Cotton States at the POUT OF CHARLESTON, Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not, excelled in excellence aid capacity at anv other Port. Tho following splenoid Ocean SieamersYre regularly ontheLire: To New Yorli. A1 anltat tail, M S. WOODHULL, Comd’r. I Charleston, JAS. BERRY, Commander. Chariipioil. li. \V. LOCKWOOD, Omd’r. | James Adgcr, T. J. LOCKWIiOI),Com, JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston S. O. Georgia, 3. CROWELL. Commander. | HouthCarolina, T. J. BECKETT,Com. WAGNER, HUGER & CO.. WM. A. COUKTNAY, Agents, Ckarltston, S. C. To Fliiladelplila. (IRON STEAMSHIPS)—SAILING DAYS, FRI DAYS. a A. sill and, ALEXANDER HUNTER. Com. I IC equator, C. HINCKLEK, Commander. WM. A. COUKTNAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. 0 Total Capacity-40,000 Bales Monthly. O To f % Faloon, HANIE, Commander. | Bea Gull, DDTTOX, Commander. Virginia, , Commander. SAILING DAY3-EVERY FIFTH DAY. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, AgeLt, Charleston, 8. C. To Boston. Steamships Mcroedlta and Flag, SAILS EVERY SATURDAY. JAMES,ADQEK & Cos., Agents, Chaileston, S. C. Rates guaranteed as Low as those of Competing Lines. Marine Insurance one half of oneper cent. Through Bills of Lading and Through Tickets Can be had at the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississ ; ppi. State Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by uddressing Agents of the Steamships in Char leston, at whose offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets should he exchanged and Berthe assigned. The Through Tickets by this Route include Transfers, Meals and State Rooms while on shipboard. The South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Elailroad, And their Connecting Lines, have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and Passengers between the Northern Cities and the South and West First Class Eating Saloon at Brancb ville. On the Georgia and South Carolina Railroad*, First Class Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly trans lerred from Steamer to Day aid Night Trains of the South Carolina Railroad. Close Connection inijdo with other Roads, delimering Freight at distant Points with gre:t promptness. The Managers will use every exertion to satisfy their patrons 1 hat the LINE VIA CHARLESTON cannot be surpassed in Ds patcu and the Saf • Delivery of Goods. For further information, apply to J. J, GRIFFIN, Western Agent, Atlanta, Georgia; B. D.HASELL, General Agent, P. O. Box 4979, Office 317 Broadway, New York; S. B. PICKENS, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, South Caro.ina Railroad, or J. M. SELKIRK, M SuperintendentU. S. F. and P. Line, Charleston, S. C. 15 MONTHS IN A IYEAB ! D. ii. I:,, r.i The above is a reduced copy of the TITLE PAGE of the HURALCAROLINIAN. 111111 l MiTIS II A YEAR. The Publishers having determined to change tha commencement of the Volumes of the RURAL CAROLINIAN FROM OCTOBER TO JANUARY, VOLUME VI. will contain FIFTEEN NUMBERS, October, 1874, to December, 1875, inclusive, so that all Persons subscribing or renewing their subscrip tions during ihe last three months of 1874 will have Fifteen Months in a Year’s Subscription, FOR WHICH THEY PAY ONLY TWO DOLLARS. Only a few hundred of Oct. and Nov. re main on hand, so that to' secure the full benefit, of this offer, subscrip tions should come in at once. The RURAL CAROLINIAN Is the leading Agricul tural Journal of the South Publishers and Editors are all Southern men, and it is devoted exclusively to the interests of Southern Agriculture, While it is not the paid organ of the Patrons of Husbandry, or of any society or set of men. it has been the most powerful advocate lor the establishment of Granges in the South, and its influence has contributed great ly to the present prosperity of the order. D. H. JACQUES, Esq., of Charleston, S. C , Editor in-Chief. CHARLES R. DODGE, Esq., of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, Lt. C., Entomological Editor. Regular Contributors. Col. D. WYATT AIKEN. Washington, D. C. HENRY W. RAVENEL, Esq., Aiken, S. C. Rev. C. W. HOWARD, Kingston, Ga, Col. N. 11. DAVIS. Greenville, S. C. RURAL CAROLINIAN-$2 per Annum. Address WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, PUBLISHERS, CHARLESTON, S.C, 3,000 SUBSCRIBERS WANTED TO THE Rome Weekly Comincre al. BILL ARP. mam 111 >1 TV K W i 51} THE “Peace Papers —OO The Great Humeri Book of the Bay FOR SALE AT PATRICK & OMBERGT AND H. A. SMITH’S ROOK STORES. ScA" Copies sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of SI .50 —publishers price. SB. P. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, -AND- Sollcitor in Equity. LA FAYETTE, GA. Will pay promot attention to all business entrust cd to his care in the several Courts of the Rome and Cherokee Circuits. apl 89-tf