Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 07, 1860, Image 1
I -^trVfir^ :- ^.!.->,,^.ui/‘, *• >v»,%9%KFI ^C" E' ^ VOL. 1. 'flje«I; Courier PUBLISHED EVERY , TUE3DAY; TH0R*OAY& SATURDAY HORN.’GS: By BI, DWINELL. AT if.OUft'V^OIfiABS Htip, ■ .■■■•.- v c < .'•- • ,. • .•'. *■• ■■ Invanablj' 111 pj<lv£l<iec* Terms, of. Advertising in Tri-Weekly* ; t»KriSQtunE.ofVcx lines,. • ^ Quo insertion,,;.., $1,00 T>\*o msci-tUrns,... 1,50, Tlach additional iuaortion 0,25- ,Kiasfc===s,, : asaW lbyolve. Months,....., .....15,00 A liboml discount-will be made to tiioso who ad vertigo largoi* amounts.. Obitiiariif ot morn than five linos charged the santo as advertisements. ' JVbb&M of Marriages and Deaths, not cx- ceocling' : EiVe Linds ni length, aio published, gnitmtonslv in the Couribr. /Th« friends of tho parties aro re-iiiestod to send in these no tices accompanied'with' a responsible name and they wjll bo published with pleasure; FORT t& fl-ttMxftUVJ;, el OFFER FQB SAI/EA. EABtCJE^SS^IlTittEST OF •' Groceries & Staple Goods, adtvpLc*J^^^len^».usp~^ ,.. ‘ For.Cash, Oonsistin,; - Sugar; ?ioOee, Salt, Molasses," .Nulls, KcgVd Kerseys} Blankets, . Liu£35;g^Iogro Slios&, Stripes fllHlvKufcsK- t^naburgs, , >Factory Thread, Ac.,'Ac. • —Y--rfHt# — ,T 3, aBAR^N, AlftllROTYl»IST. BEARDEN’S GALLERY, over Jones & Bcntt’s, where he is noatlV ,1 p'for tlic k busi?iess,, ami will tnho;a better' ban over ■ [inarO.— jy. ; I>ofc.ssioiiql Gf)l'3s. It. J>. lUnVKY, DUSI.Ar SCOTT. HARVEY & SCOTT, attorneys at law, ROME GA. DTANGES of money nim usually t>4 toft A »P” Homo, Juuo 1.—ly >d claims left for eollcctiou. Z. II. 'HARGROVE, : A "D-T O It NEY AT v Ji A W, ROME, - - ' - - 'GA- , Fn(M ,._nvei‘ Fort A‘ lTufgrove’a nPW store, l’ebiy—ly JOHN r. COOP 15«, A T.T O R S E Y AT L AW, HOME, ----- - - ^ £A. Wu,i. practice in tho Gourts of North West j*|| Georgia. Collecting promptly attended to. Office—In City Hall Building, up stair-* ftp r 7-1 y CiEO, T. STOVALL, A T T 0 B N 13 Y A T L A W, ‘ HOME, - - - C|A. Wm, practice in the eounHo* of. Ghcrokco la. Office over N. J. Omberg's Clothing store JIbfkubncb—Underwood A Smith,. Homo, ia. T. R. R. Cobb, Esq.. Athens, (hi. jan27 TIIOS. J, VEKDEHY, A T T « R N 1 Y AT LAW Cl D.YR TOWN, - GA. w 1 , , T ,. a ,.|.i t .n in ,\n rotnifm* of Flovd Volk l’auMiiiJ, C;irr< 11; Il.ifH.lHan an 1 Puss Sirlu attoution paid to col looting. j:\’ 20-tv IIENltY A. EARTREI.E, A TTOIl N E Y AT I) A W, -Rt ME GA. Sr m t atti'nt i«n >'\ •on to collecting nnd -o- <mrh g . laimsjn Up| ?r Georgia. 1« bl-tv .i. \r. it. nsminwoon. . . ... c. lb smith. UNDKKWOOJ) & SMITH, A T TORN EY s' AT L A IV. HOME GA. 1’it\rnn: in TTnpnr Georgia; also in the federal District Court of Marietta. jan20\jtl-1v 1 C. II. SMITH, NOTARY PUBLIC. •nUdoner of Dj©ds for Alabama nnd iAtw , ntur.’b T. W. ALEXANDER, A T T o II N E Y AT L A W. Tt*>ME. GA. fob 10*5 7 w. ii. teriiuNe, ATTORNEY A T L A AV, ROME GA. OreiCK—In City Ilail Building. nprS-ly , ROME, GEO., SATURDAY A. Gy&;A. : j/lTTNLR, " ig 'deAeks in General Merohai J . Are now receiving their- STOCK. OF Fall and WjSlll DENTISTRY. Dr, J. T, Duane, phrmaneiitly located jjSffiTS 3, and 1ms taken rooms/frySs I s now 4 in llomo, Fort & 'Ilurgiv n ho will bo pleased to receive the calls of thosn who may require his professional rvioes. IIq would also state that he is prepared to insert artificial teeth, on vulcanized rubber, which is fast superceeding all other styles of vork, now made, combining as it does, . LIGHTNESS, AKD ,1 Pleasant Dcs:re,c of Elasticity, WITH Cleanliness and Durability, All work performed at New York prices, miiyl—ly . N. J. 0MBERG, noaiE, GEORGIA, - MHas on hand an ex- gant assort men uf-all ltin-Js ef Cloths, Ycstings andCassimercs, >f Fri i«l An READY-MADE CLOTHING equal to any eror brought to this Marl Culling & iUalifiag done n't islibrt notice and in the latest styles. Call and examine for yourself. Orders sujioitetl and faithfully filled. f A Bite. , lTl.'Kn!ck(TbocKerfof JaintfifiT.-nriioAR ARE SELLING Of F THEIR. t ’,c good tilings iu tho ‘•EOitoW Tublo" _ ,, ■ , , 1 Wc find thfr'foltoTyidg r droU'm»eqdote: - Fall nnd Winter Stock, | *,.*.*,*. .. wh ^itTynsnlaugha- AT . ble, a very laughahle.Tt wis also a very melancholy sight • for a drunken- man is a melaneholly object to behold and to: (amtcmplate, anywhere, and under all eirciunstanfces. But tiio particular case to w'iiich no have reference tvas a “hard in all roipects. In a spar and ira.'on I* * REDUCED PRICES. FOR NEW FARE REDUOE1). Freights and Fassage ns Low as . any other Steamer. lA’fbc Ladies will do well to give them a call Jhey w4h arti*J»is in. their lino Chcab.' of. <C. W. LANGWORTHY Avil.h open iiis ^/LAS'S OF VOCAL mCSIC ' iNiMONUAY.NTfiHT, Sth AUGUST, ’ill. '"“AT ROOMS,. - « ’ d Floor of Fort & Freeman’s Block. j#3**Sc»Bioa. five months—Terras, $10 per [aug3—2tn I5STAI5L1SIIKD i?00. PETER LORILLARD, Would call the edfKseial These steamships belonging to tho old es* leers and Druggists to bis removal, and also tabliphed And favorilo line, known ns the j the articles of his manufacture, viz : “Now York and Savannah Steam Naviga-f - BROWN SNUFF, tion Company/’ and in comfort, occominoaqr tions and Fare, cannot lie excelled. They are commanded by experienced; skillful aud polite officers. JOHN R. WILDER <t GALLIC, Agents Savannah. RAM’L L. MITCHELL .t RON, jul20—tf Agents, New York. COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO,. —SUCCESSORS TO—- JEFFERS & COTRRAN, Factors & 4-onimltsion Mcrclianis, CENTHAL WIi.lHF, CHARLES TOX, * SO UTH CA11OLIXA. WADE 3. COTRAX, Runic, Ga. WM. II. JEFFERS, ) rll K „s HENRY L. JEFFERS, I 01>»rk.tcn, S. G. September 7,—ly. JAMES T. MOORE, .SUCCESSOR TO WATT13RS & MOORE, No. 2 Choice Hount:, ROME, CJA; Keeps eousiuntl Maeaboy, Demigro?, Fine Itajipe.o, Pure Virginia, C arse ilappee, Nachitoehes, American Gentleman, Copenliagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scot-b, Fresh Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast. fVcsh Honey Dow Scotch, - or Lundyfoot TOHACCO. SMOKING. riNJi CUT CllEU IXfJ. No. 1. I*. A. L., or plain. No. 2. Cavendish, or sweet, Nws. 1 .v 2 mix’d, Sweet Scented OmnOcb; Litcfoot, Tiu Foil Cavendish. SMOKING. St. Jago, Spanish, Canister. Pare Turkish. A Circular of Prices will be sent ou appli cation. N. B.—Note the new article of Fresh Sdtdcb Snufi’,. which will bp found si rujiorinr articlo/or dipping purposes, * (janRRin-tw V cAiiuiErt’s a’ddress - ••• r : R d'M.E ,'d 0 RIE R , .st/.- 1ft YTT^.t ■, r,- : January.. 1st, 1800.* . '-r. . i.-ntr- - ;) Dear Patrons, let US pauss and cast Upen. tho bubbles Of ;tbo post. A-tbougbtfuI glauc0 and rpscuo thero ^hat stealeth. from us iirnaware. - FIRST CLASS BOARDING HOUSE, XT A > r ING.purchased tbo house iunv o 1 1 pied ny Miu.Mary P. Whitaker, it will , , . ■ bo mostTIIOROrGIILY RENOVATED nml n hand a full supply- oi j Newly Furiiishcd. and will be «pt?aed for the accommodation of boarders by .the sub scriber, on the First‘of January, ISGu. 4 , .... . rt | Rat is ol‘board will be, per single meal. 30 i which he invites the attention of CASII .< fjav. At 00. id prompt 1 paying CUSTOMERS. , . j *• . week, ^ *5 50 aprll 20, t> Jaii. ’ i Without Room, will be. . month, 12 50 —* — t -AVI:;. - - -■ Wood, Lights on l Washing, will be furn ished at resonablo rnt*‘«. C. W. LANOWORTnY, Proprietor. A. A. SifAW, Supt. do»U—tf. FAMILY GROCERIES,] ISOWTS 11 !> .snolEs p.' 1 a/opVit (• with a line, lot of oxtvn FUKNCh' (' ALF^TA- TENT LEATHER, aud all etller itintcrjuls fof Cluntlciiicn’s Drgss Boots A Glu»os. Ho employs the best of Workmen and lcoepn posted on the Intent fashions. C,rated Fils and warranted/ Thankful for past favors lie hopes to re ceive -a continuation of patronage in this branch of hwpie industry. nug?o—ly * P. A. OMBT5RG. MS. OIIMON'P. | ( JSO. Monmsox. McNAl’CIIIT, ORMOND Ac Co., Commission Merchants, .hid Dealers in General Merchandize. Keystone Buildings, Whitehall St. ATLANTA. GA. HE F E It E N CI5S—Messrs. Smith «t P.itnek; Snu\llwpod, Karl A Co.: Allen, Mc Lean it Uulkley, New Y'ork : Win. M. Law- ♦en. A Co,, Naylor A Smith', Charleston ; J. K. Tel>., Cttsh'r.. Dtihe.'in A Johnston’, Savannah; Post A Mol, New Orleans: Walsh, Smith A Co.. Mobile; Crittenden A Co., Louisville: M, .1. Winks, Pros. Memphis; D. A. January A Co., St. Louts. nav23.1y. J.H. W. NOWLIN, M. 1). OFFERS bis Professional services to the citizens of Home and vicinity.’ When not professionally ongatred, ppiy alw- ba found at the office formerly 0'*eup : • l by Df. Itobt. Batty, or ii tlto Drug ritoro of Ncwtnhn A Nowlin. nov9. ly. Dr. K. A. WARE, r Jt AC T I CING P IIYS IGI AN, ROME, GA. oet»5’. r i2—ly WJI* FA11I5LL, H. D., ROME, . GA. OmcK—in tho old Post Office. aprl’57 ’ II. II. PENNY, GENERAL COLLECTING AGENT, CAVK SPRING, GA. -v . Sept. 7, ’ J. CL RT5ESI3, III. D. SILVKR CREEIv, - - FLOY D, Co. GA Office at J. A Whiteheads’ augiUy. R T. JOHNSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Rome, Gn« Will give strict attention to the SELLING OF COTTON. And all kinds of Prodndo, hud Heavy Goods, that may l>o eunsignoA to him. . * , a*01»co attliu I’ost Oifico eciyner. [ang.21 Drs. cTTlBEli’l’SON & IVOYD, C^fcSPlUNG, GA. 1 . Bktxo porfl^^Bly loetilcd, tender tholr thanki to Uto eWBonn of Cava Spring, and vi cinity for tlioir liboral patroimgo, and hope hv prompt ttttmitlrtn to husluoss, ami faithful ( disehurgo of duty', to merit a contiiiuaneo of j p„ r t' ■ OJtc'-ntner of A.j-lmn and Uroud As , p „, tl4 tholat „ | niproV0 ETOWAH HOUSE, ROME, GA. L. I*. THOMAS, Fro’i*. (Late of Eatonfon HnLd.) Thk Stage Offin anjJ it is nearest tho Depot. kept at this Ho PE’ 'ERI1Y & LAMKIN, V. 'DH.L8ALE AXI) RET A l GROCERS, No. -1 Choice Hotel, vistantly on hand, a well .» • ."meat of Groceries. Al- : h as. Bacon. Lard, Flour, tvhieli Ave will sell lnw for . produce, at cash priced. Wo Vi>t* hast favors, and hope by U to business,, nml lair deal ing. to receive a liberal share of patronage.— Our nfotto will be quick sails rind short pro fits. Give us a cull before l/ftyid’g oluowhevn, Rome, Aug. 21, V> J. B. MURPHY RESIDENT DENTIST, R espectfully informs his friends, nml the public generally, that ho continues tho practice cA' D ENTlS'DRY in all its.brauoh- es, and 1ms fitted up an ofilcoi.over the. store of McGuire A Pinson, why re he is prepared to eXoeutp’alloperations appertaining to Den tistry, in the most approved manner. lie would also call the particular attention of those In want of Artificial Work, to his su perior style of teeth, set on gold plate; for beauty, strength nnd Ji/V-liko nppeuounce, tkoy arc notsurpa^ed. Aaun impressionbil* been uuidu. that my prices for dental opera- tiona arobiglier-tlmn the usual run of Den tists, I bog.ieavolirfcuy thntthoy are thosamo as iduvrgod. l»y JJontwts- at Augusta. Macon and Snvanhali. For ArtiliojaL Work my char ges nro ns follows .* Entire Set* Upper nnd Lower from $100 to $25ft Half Sets, llppor or Lower,JVmu 50 t.» 150 Tonipomry Suts, tipper und^ower. 25 each, rtlnt 'Sots in proportion to the above. BARRETT & TODD, Choice Family Grocei-ies !! HOME, . OKO. XUX’DIUES. I OO Lags of I'i line Rio CoJVee, J 1c Bags01 »Uiovorument-Java Coflee 5 Bags Lagnira C-iiee, 5 Bugs Mo.l.a (’uifi-e, 10 H hds. W. 1. Molasses. 25 Bales Bugging, !(*«l Coils Maebim* Spufi Rope, 25 Bhls. Stewart's A. A C. Sugar. 100 Kegs of Nails, 50 Boxes Virginia Tobacco, . 75.000 Havanua nnd German Segars, 75 Boxes Candles. On hand nnd to arrive, for sale low for Cask > prompt paying east' BARRETT\t TODD. 13DDL 15MAN A: BANKS, Wholesale.and Retail Dealers in and Ma»ii- Ln-turcrs of Boots, Shoes, Leather, Lasts, 1’FIIS. CALK. UN INKS. AND BINDING SKINS! SIIOI3M.VHF.HS> TOOLS, Ac, Of which they keep a eourihiut supply nt tho lowest cash prices. Also—Agenm for tlm onlvMn'diine that Sews with a * WAX THREAD. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Geo. Would invite tho attention of Country Mer- u >».)* ' [nov?3-3im Schedule. Rome nud Kingston. /^VN and after Thursday, Dce^uibcr 1st. the V/ first train will leave daily, nt llj o’cloek, ACM., returning to Romo l*. Jf., excepting Sup. I ays. when it will return at C P. M. Second train 1 will leave.Rome nt 7 o’clock. P. M., daily, (excepting Sundays), returning to Rome next day ht (U A. M. .This second train makes eompleU v’omicc- lions with tho Talladega stages: also e m- nevts with the two morning trains on the W. A A. Railroad,'at Kingston' Ojllce Rome R’lilrer.d. Rome*. Nov* 29, '59. dec7 - V’. v^.-COTHRAN, Ucii’l Sup t. ~Touis~ valentinoT" WHI l IiHAJLl. STREET, ATLANTA, UKORrJlA. W OTLD res poet fully Invite the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity to call and ex amine his extensive, aud well selected-stock of Confectionaries, Cigars." &c. •'COUNTRY MERCHANTS are particular ly invited to give him « call, fin* ho will sell to them u' a low price, for cash. . JL> has, nl-.). on hand i 'urge st ick of OON.- FECTIONAUY of his o .vu muuufaetare. su perior lo-any in the city’ nov2." -ly. ship timber yard, on tho bordt-r ofWest and f«r. street, ior. down towards the battery, ,;on •«>, j -.iiZ! a ‘X a .'pleasan t Octoljer afternoon,. *>ve ^aw, a limn/or something in tltc imd^e of ft man, exceedingly tipsyous, lying on the ground, amidst scattered chips andshav-: byjeeringnnd plagueing him. Upon remonstrance one of them said that he had throw’d a stone at Jimmy Gahboh' •pause lie tickled liis ear with, ft shavin wl »en he was asleep/ This ‘ was no ex cuse, and we told the boys so; ‘but. somehow or nother/ like the Ameri cans at Bladensburgh, they did’nt seem to take no interest. Meamvhiie, the poor inebriate, had raised himself part ly up, resting oh one side, and said; >Vhy can t they let me be? Wish to-God- was an Ingin-r-tliat’s all 1 hope? Two squaws with two moccasins and ■Other wampum bead work, had been drawdling along by, a moment before, which probably suggested the thought that was permeating his. half-addled bruin. He finally stood upon his feet but his knees were not like the firm oak ship's knees .which were piled up around him’; the feeble knees failed hiin, and down lie went. He stretched out an arm. laid his head upon it, and . was presently in the land of dreams. All this tiflie the mischievous 1 »o>;.s were watching him, while we watching than throgh a crevice in jthe board fence which surrounded the yard. At length he was fast and sound asleep. Iiis yaw ning shoes disclosed all his toes on each loot; ‘and as we gazed we saw’ one of the little rascals making a slip-noose, within, strong twine, around one of his big toes, which protruded from the clam shell opening of Ills old shoe, that look ed, more than anytking-else* lil$e' the head of a great black snake. To the other end of the twine, which had a long purchase, they tied securely the ragged remnants of a large brickbat. They then carefully-removed from a wide space around him oven* other pos sible thing which he might get hold of to throw at them; but this missile they pTHe fise ii right! the clalmda clear, placed, as tho Irish have it, ‘convenient >Vh’^h I will shortly xriakejippear to his hand/ Then all thojaughiug boys yetired to a safe distance save v»tu\- ho remained to tickle tho slepjKw’s ear nnd nose with a thin pine splinter, to arouse him from his slumber. Presently the wretched inebriate awoke: and seeing his tormentor beating a retreat, at the same time laughing ‘ready to split Iiis sides/ he seized the decoy .missile and- huried it alter him. It was cruel! Tl.e string came up with a round turn, which almost tore the poor fellows toe off. He roared with the self inflicted pain and .then he straightway staggered thence. “Have you over seen him about here inee V' weaskeil of the proprietor of the spar-yard some six weeks after- waiils. He is a man of few words; ho said. ‘I guess not.[!’ Surfsklne arid abaJows, clouds and tears Are bourn awiiy Trlthlaiti breast; Like some lonW wave just fulled to rest, The year ho* gone ! The Clock of time J&ftlLniiflifthorpycnmadithe sand And nations hear tho solemn chime Still echoed back from crory strand ; : And silvery Luna fills her Jb^c* To light tho ,deep blue deaths of heaven 1 And lamp-like Venus doth adorn The purple mist of even, Yet time flies on* with* tireless wing O'er the far streep of centuries spread To blight the hopes to which we cling Mocking tho living and the dead How like a sunbeam gone astray, 'Mid shadows on a summer's day, We see the spot whereon it played, We look again upon the shade The transient beam did seem to qurver Then quit the anxious gaze forever. ’Tis so with time! It quickly flies, Like prismy colours in the skies, Waisting the beautiful and new, Blighting Earth’s daughters and its sons; We sigh to think how swiftly through Life’s course the spirit rafts. Yet full,of trindom, to tho heart, Its stern instructions doth impart Th^n .do uot let its lessons pass, Like breath upon the polished glass; Or gljttcrlug crystal’s in the sun, Or l'oart upon the goblet’s brim, Let Lifes great work bri promptly done; Thon time the needy sail will trim. - \ :o r? *. 'Vf Let Jew and Gentile both give car ’To song that's sung, but once a year This “a la mode” rigmarole, Appeafs directly to the soul. By abstract ihference’ deduced— When e’er the money is produced, To show nty right to every fee, Whichia not given grridgihgly, Btvoets. janl2-ly MOI’ICE. , v .\/ OVficf. Home H. H., Rome, Geprgia, .Sept. 5 1S59. riHIE rate far firtur, over this Road, hereaf- JL .ter, by Gto car IrtiUVof 10,000 lbs., will bo Bets porlOPlliB.* • ‘ . W. S.nOTUUAN, Bopt.l I, 09, Gen. 8uj>t moiits of the'day*'*! fool confident that 1 van moot the wants of ull who may need tho sur- vioos of a Dentist, and if roferoneo.s are want ed; «« to tholl* utility in nhsworing the purpo ses of nature. 1 ean give thma in abundance, from iho.s^ who huvo tested if»y skill, for tho last fourteen years, in this, ami adjoining Rome, Sept. M, IB59. tf. J. B. HURPHY, DAVID It, LOVE, NOTARY PUBLIC, 1* E X JI A X, ai-<ig^ Collector and General Agent. ii.nin, Mnv IS. •■)'.). MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ROME. - - - - - - GA.' Office— At Rome Railroad Depot. W. S. GOTTI RAN, IVes'L Q. II. STILLWELL. Soe'y. july2# Clothing Manufactured* On Commission. P ARTIES .purchufing tluMr ginjds in tho jiieeo. oau have, them nwulo up in miy style," und of any nsxortuumt of sues, at a olUtgoof tru per cent, on the nett cost, TluVaubHoriber having many years experi ence in the business, with unusual facilities, for tho manufacture of extra flno and medium .clothing, can offer great inducements to llman who prefer ordering their goods to Intyiug them ready-made. J»U. SHOT WELL, References: Rahway, Now Jersey, Mrisrirk J. R. Daniel ,t Od., Columbus. Ga. •• W.G. A A. U. Andrews, Montgom ery. Ala. Mr. A, 0. Vail, MilUdgcville, Utt, deo2l—lut The Homestead FIRE INSURANCE C0„ or the City .of Xcw York. This Coinpatty continues to iusurJ against Loss or Damage by Fire, On the most favorable terms and Pays Fully the Losses sustained, And not pin raU A c. WM. CUAUNCEY, Prcs’t. Jyo. K. Oaklev. Philo IIrun. Sec’v, * Vice 1‘res’t. B* F, JONKS, Agent. Rome. nor2e-.*»m w. h . wh i t eT MAjrUFAOTURKn * l’E.VLKU IX Saddles, Bridles 0-A And Harness 4 LSO on hand, aud for sale. Patent arid Enameled Leather. Molo-skin and Oil t’arpoU, Laces, Poiut and Baud. Bands, nml in fact all kindsof Saddle and Carriage Ma ker’s.Hardware. All kinds of Shoo Leather, Calf Skiu ito. Don’t fail to call and sen “The Old Man,” before you purchase elsewhere. Very cheap for Cash, and no mistake. Wbiah f will shortly make appear Iri evidence which goes-to prove That l hart; backers in thq mors. Since rifl is TVriyAi, and nothing Shorter, Drop in the Devil's harid a quarter. I have a Choice, which I mrist Force/ The modern Romans to endorse. A sherry cobbler or old Port Is seldom brought into tho Fort. But on the Eve of giving .fltiW, With Black and White, I'll say again. That with a branch oft Underwood 111 make men Brag 'till understood, Ami Cook all those who.undersell The living Jews or friend Caldwell, I’ll Pepper Lnmkin*s with a Kane, Till Matter? run's up stream again,- the natural way, rundown, Aud drain tho fluid from the Town. And on tho Car of thq police, Make Lauarujns sounds general pence. Uard-in tho course of duty bont By-w T17ii/o>n brings its contont, While Mills grinds wood for parlor use. And Omberg roasts a Tailor’s goose. Love a Harper Moore than those Who go'Scott free iu Sunday clothes, And TTarc the best upon the back, Like Dry Goods in a pedler’s pack. Things take a change when Walker's ride, And Grave? hecomes the city’s pride, Whilo in the winters gathering gloom. The Sutsmcrhays is known to bloom, And Carter’^ are without a egrt, Aud Dukes in duckdoxus have no part, \N*hile Kings have neither crown or throne, And Duckcr ducks himself alone, And Wells are all above the ground, And Jncks, true gentlemen, are found, While ftoiri that mighty fish that was, ^Jonas has 'scaped bis huhgry'jaws. And with a Living-stone ean Mark The new Jerusalem in.the dork; Strange things transpire, and strange to soe The ditVoreuco between my fea Aud that which my old namesako gets By taxing vice and makiuj* debts Tho’ small my fees, bow fairly, won, By honest service which is done. But ere I close, my lmrp shall sing, A happy New Year’s welcoming To all who love our Southern home, And labor for the good of Romo. May traitor’s Uaug, and right be done, Aud blessings prosper every one, With grateful heart, and wishes civil, I’m truly your's, The Printer’s Devil. NOTICE. OFFICE DALTON A GADSDEN R. R. Co) Dalton, G a., Sept. 20th, 187*9. i ■VTOTIOE is hereby, given, that an install ment of tun doliava on each shore of the capital stock subscribed, of tho Dalton A Gadsden Rail Road Comimny, has been called by the Directors, payable at the office of the Company in Dalton’, on the first day of December uo?t. Bv order, sopW&lQts EDWARD WHITE. Soc'tv. Faints and Oil. ** lA*ad iu Oil, flute, Whito, Lin- . . wed, Machinery, Train, Tauncrs and Faint Oils. For sale by jullJ. J. G, YE1SEU. An Extraordinary Cose. The Homer (La.) Illiacl publishes a lettcrfrom «a person in Burleston county,’ Texas, whoso veracity is endorsed by tlio 1 Iliad. \Yo extract th<5 following : 1 will give you a short account of a very singular case in this ucigbboi hood, which lias for'the last eight or ten weeks- uitracted more attention than any ease I ever heard of. Persons for fifty or sixty miles, even from Austin, Bastrop nnd other places, have come to sec it. For about three weeks ihere were every night-from fen to one hun dred persons present, campingall round. .Some-tiuio last fall, a young lady, about *20 or 22 years of age was gathering peas near night, when something bit or stung her on the foot. She says it was a snake, but she did not see it. Some timo afterward it began to affect her.— She.Feemed to have fits, commencing about sun-down and lasting sometimes a part, and at others nil night. I have not been to see her myself, though several of my -family have. She first becomes nervous, then jerking, and then her eyo balls begin to protrude, and. in a few hours they look like bursting out, and she begs those around her to push them back. During tho fit she puts her self in every possible attitude—often trying to bite .herself, licking out her tongue, and mimicking a snake iu many ways, and mast generally perse veres until she succeeds in biting her self; und, very curious to state she gen erally tries to bite her big toe. About seven or eight weeks ago she got so she could not drink, and about eight weeks afterwards she could not eat ; and she bus positively remained twenty-eight days without eating one particle of any thing. Doctors could not get anything d0" ii liet—not evmi with puna*.' She a Snocitixo An.un.—A ,mo then seemed to sutler less, h or Some f u j occuronco took place in tho town of tune she has lost the use ot one hand Bloomer, Montcalm county, on Thurs- «nd Ug ami, in tact, ot onoside. day the 15th inat. At the raising of a large horn a couple of small boys were Tho ii ARi'Du's FtHnv Ixvrstwation k —- playing with iv largo broad-axe’, when Tito special committee of the - Senate one of them suggested to iiis playmato appointed to inquire iutb ail tho facts to lay his head on ajblock nnd lot him connected with John Brown's, foray cut it off; 'which was done, and tho lutvo snbpioned Judgo At-ny of Kansas-, Mr. Uonwny, tlto Congressmen eleot from Kansas; Augustus wattles, editor of tho Kansas Herald of freedom ;C'apt. Montgomery, one of tho Kansas free State border ruflkrn loaders; Q, P. Low rey, at. one time Athutant Gonorai of tho free State forces of Kansns; Dr.’ HioWe, of Boston; Mr. Sanborn, of Xow llamp- shire, and Genii Smith. sharp, heavy axe instantly severed tho head from tins body of tho littlo fellow. Just nt this instant a largo “bont” of tiio fr&tno was poised in-mid-air ; but th< engagod; in raising it wore so shocked at tho sight, that they let go tlioir hold, when tub huge timbers, with a tremendous cntsli, foil to'the ground, killing tlireo men instantly.—Grmd Rapids (J/icA,) £n<f., Dec, £0,