Newspaper Page Text
$ l)C <JrL UJeekln Courier
Saturday- Morning, Jan. 7, 1800.
JnHErtl ii Agent lor thin
Paper hi CliarJcHton. 8. C..'ntul is authorised
to' malro contracts for Advertising, receive
money and give rccclptB.
Roue Market—Friday Eve, Jim. 0—
Cotton in buoyant, at from 7 to 10 ete.
Wheat is in demand. A good article
of red wheat would readily sell for
$1 25, white $1 35.
Corn is brisk, at from 85 cts. to $1 00
Pork from 6] to Tots.
Stage Line to Talladega.—The Stages
on this line.tlmt have been for some time
interrupted on account of high water,
on Tuesday last made the trip through
in schedule time. This is one of the
best stage lines in the country, hearts
Rome daily at 7 o’olock, A. M.
tSyMessrs. Black, Blount & Cam
eron, occupy as a Dry Goods house, the
building recently erected by Messrs.
Blount A Towers, on the comer next
above the Etowah House. It is a liuml-
somo throe story building, woli finished
and is an ornament to that part of the
city. The second Btory is used as offices
and rooms, and third as the printing
office of tho “Banner and Baptist.” It
is altogether olio of the neatest and
host constructed houses in Rome, and
is an additional cvidenco of tile grow
jng jirosperity of our city.
USyTho population of Augusta, Go.
according to the last census is 10,084.
JtfirThe damago lo tho track of the
Romo Rail Rond was not so serious as
at first supposed, and is rapidly being
repaired. Tho cars will run over it on
Monday next, at the latest—perhaps
its soon as lo-day.
Removal.'-—Messrs. Miduirc & Pin
son have removed from their late stand
lo tlie store next below Turnloy & Ba
ker’s, which they have run up another
story, and greatly improved.
*®-E. N., 12sq., of Folk
county, lias been appointed Aule de
Vimp, with tho rank of Colonel, by
Gov. Brown. •
gSyflon.,lodge Mason, of Iowa, tvho
made himself so popular with tlie In
ventors of tho country, while ho held
tho offico of Commissioner of Patents,
lias, wo loam, associated himself with
Munn A Co., at the Scientific American
office, Sow York,
jJ©K)tir acknowledgements arc duo
tlie lion. J. W. II. jUn'devwood for a
copy of the Presidents Message and
other Documents,
Chattooga County Officers.
The following were elected county
officers, in Chattooga county, at tlie re
cent, election :
Sheriff.—.Joint Abridge,
Ordinary.—.Samuel Ilnwkins,
Clerk flu/i'r. Court.—W. ((.Edmonson,
Clerk Inf'r. Court.—O. W. Clemons,
Tw Collector.—M. Kendrick,
7ax Receiver. Murphy,
Treueurer.—Tlios. Wood.
Harassing.—One of tlie evHs attend,
ing a failure to organize the. House, is
I bus discoursed of by a Washington
jia per:
“Post Office Department.—The de
partment has tho money to pay nil tlie
sums now duo for tlie quarter ending
with September, but not tho legal au
thority for that purpose. Tito expenses
for tho current quarter arc not duo till
February. Over $100,000 arc required
on account of aroarrages for tlie year
ending with Inst June. TliestatcmVnts
of indebtedness to nontractors on which
they have raised money to tho amount
of two million of dollars, m-o in the
hands of persons in tho city of Wash
tSf Risliops Folk, of La., and Elliott,
of Ga., are now on Sewnneo Mountain,
arranging to break ground in laying tho
corner stone of tho new University of
the South, which has been endowed with
half a million of mousy. Bishop Hop
kins, of Vt., is with them, assisting by
his rare taste in selecting tho Bite and
laying out tho grounds. A number
of comfortable cottages were built last
fail, by the resident engineer, C. R.
tSf A little girl, nino years old, hav
ing atttended a toim being asked by her
mother, on returnilig, how she enjoyed
lici-self, answered ; “I am full of happi
ness ? I couldn’t bo any linppior unless
I could grow.”
Gen. Wm. Vick.—Tho Vicksburg
Whig announces tho death of Gen.
Vick, on the 24th, in that State. He
was tlie son of Nowitt Viok, the found
er of Vicksburg, from whom tho place
derived its numo.
A Printer in Luck.—Mr. Albert B.
Auer, the foreman in the press room of
tho Chicago Leader office, lias fallen
heir to tho snug little “pilo” of $80,000
by Hie doath of a relative in Germany.
Arrest of Rbv. Daniel Worth.—Tho
Rev. Daniel Worth was arrested in Guil
ford, N. C., on Friday, the 23d ult., for
incendiary conduct. Brought before
three magistrates, ho defended liimsolf,
and read extensively from Helper's
book. Some fifteen or sixteen witnesses
wore examiued. He was. hold t o -.bail
in tlie sum of $5,000 for his appenranco
at Court, and $5,000 for' his good be
havior. Tho ofRcers experienced great
difficulty in protecting him ' from Hie
indignation nf-'tlie''people.
Wc liavc.received Washington nows
to January 4th. ' Ko Speaker yet. No
Ballot on, the 4th. Nothing important.
'-rr*——.«■ . J —
Congressional, .
Washington, Jan. 3.—In the Senate
to-vday, the proceeding of the Union
meeting in Rochester, were read and
There was no ballot for Speaker, In
consoquance of the absence of several
Market Reports.
Savannah, Jan. 3.—The sales of cot
ton for the past two days were 3,350
bales. Thore was an improved demand,
at unchanged piicos.
Mobile, Jan. 2.—To-day being holi
day, there wub nothing doing in tlie
Mobile, Jan. 3.—Sales of cotton to
day 3,500 bales, Middling 19j cents.—
Sales of three days 9,000 bales. Receipts
same time 19,750 bales.
New Orleans, Jan. 2.—Sales of cot
ton to-day 7,500 bales. The steamer’s
news had no efi'oot. Middlings at 10} a
10J cents. Pork buoyant,'' at $18 per
Charleston, 12} o’clock, Jon. 4.—
There, is a botiyant demand with sales
of about 19,000 bales. Market finn and
New Orleans, Jan. 4.—Sales of cot
ton to-day 10,000 bales. The market
was stiifer, but unchanged. Sugarstea-
dy at 7@7Jo, Freights on cotton to
Liverpool 0-10d.
Savannah,, Jan. 4.—Sales of cotton
to-day 750 bales. The market was firm
at unchanged prices’.
Mobile, Jan. 4.—Sales of cotton to
day 5,500 bales. The market was ac
tive, with an improved demand, at firm
prices. Middlings lOJc.
Charleston, Jan. 4, P. M.—Cotton—
There is an animated, demand to-day,
at firm and full prices.
Wlint it takes to Carry on War.
On this point we have fr im the war
department of France some curiously
instructive documents touching tile
Crimean war. Tho whole force sent by
France to tho Black Sea, was 309,268
soldiers and 41,974 horses 1 Of the
former, 70,000 were killed or died in
tho hospitals, or wore otherwise mis
sing, while 93,000 were woundod and
survived. Of the horses, only 0,000 re
turned to France. The great guns were
641, besides 003 furnished by tho navy.
Tho light artillery for Bold service fur-,
nislioa 500 guns more, and in all there
were 4,800 wlieel vehicles for cannon
sent from France. Tlie missiles of
death, loVwo’o fearfully vast; p , v 0,-
0)0 of shells and cannon-balls, Iu,o00,-
090 pounds of gunpowdori apd Cii.uOO,-
0J0 hall cartridges! One hundred bat
teries and fifty miles of trench were
constructed, besides ten ^miles of de
fensive works, and five miles of sub-
terrancan galleries in the solid rook.
Tho food sent from Franco, besides
items of smaller quantities, was 30,-
000,000 pounds of biscuit; OO.OOO.OJU
pounds of flour, equal to 450,000 bar
rels: 7,000.(100 pounds of pr- so-ved
hoof; 14,090,000 of salt beef and 1 tiv.| ;
8,000,000 pounds of rieo; 4,509,010
pounds of cpflec; 0,000,000 pounds of
sugar; 10,000 Ifeild live ciutlej 2,500,000
gallons of wine, ami nearly 1,000,000
pounds of Chollct’s preserved vegeta
bles, were among the larger items of
supplies. The horse feed, too, was im
mense; 170,000,000 pounds, equal to 85,-
000 tons of liny ; 180,000,000 pounds,
(90,000 tons) of oats mid hurley; 2(1,000
tons coal, charcoal and coke. There
were 150 ovens to bake bread, and 140
presses to press bay.
The clothing was another branch of
largo supply, comprising garments in
sucli hundreds of thou muds that it
Would be tedious to enumerate them :
but, rs some clue to tho mnttor, the
number ranged from 250,000 to 350,000
of each article of clothing. For tl.e
piercing cold of tlie Crimea, there were
15,000 pn-lotots. 250,000 sheepskin gait-
oi-s, and tents for 250,000. Tlie harness
and farriery departments present nil
immense quality of supplios; among
them were 80,000 horse shoes, ami (>,-
000,000 liorso shoe nails.
For. the hospital arrangements, they
sont 27.000 bedsteads for invalids, as
many muttrasses mid coverlets. There
was tho material for ambulances for 24,-
000 sick men, and 000 cases of instra-
ments, and 700,000 pounds, (350 tons)
of lint, bandages, and dressings of va
rious kinds. Then for tlie sick, there
wore tlie most liberaLsupplies for their
sustenance, sucli ns concentrated milk,
essence of bouillon, granulated gluten,
Thero wore, also, vast maritime pre
parations for conveying tho army and
its supplios over the sea. Among the
vessels employed between Franco und
the Crimen, woro 40,000 tons of Ameri
can shipping, embracing some of Hie
finest and largest clipper vessels, as
woll as some steamers of Hie American
mercantile marine, and for whoso ser
vices a liberal compensation was mado.
Taking the totality of all tho voyages
made by all tlie men, horses, and mate
rials, there were conveyed by Hie
French government, during tlie two
and a half years of the war, 550,000
men, 50,000 horses, and 720,000 tons of
«®*A writer ot‘ tho last century
quaintly observed That when tlie canons
of tho princes Imgan war, tho cannons
of tlie church wero destroyed. It was,
said lie, first mitre that governed the
world, und then nitre; first Saint Peter,
and thou saltpetre.
I®* Tlie best safety valve to a boiler
is a sober engineer.
I®* Uniform love is now defined ««
tho love of a girl for a cadet.
#®*Tho citiiens of Augusta are mo
vlng in favor of direot railroad commu
nication with Macon.
Augusta, Ga. - -
E b«g leave tocall attention of thepub-
lie to our largo and fino xteck of Fruit
and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Ro
ses. Evergreens, dec#,
We~ offer Apples, Standard .and dwarf, .
M. f rtt • TERMS CASH
hi, succession from May until the following^;. h -*-«
. Peari, standard and dwarf, of all the culti
vated kinds. r
Peaches, comprising an unsurpassed col- ;
lection of Soutlferu kinds, as well as North-,
or n and Foroigu. ... -
Apricots, Plums, Cherries, Nectarines, Al
monds, Figs, Pomegranates, Walnuts, Span
ish Chestnuts, Ac. ' ■
Grape Vines, a very largo collection of new
native and foreign varieties, Rooted Vines of
the Failing kinds, for vineybrd culture, in
large quantities. >
Strawberry Plants of upwards of fifty va*(f
rietics; Rhubarb, Asparagus, Ac.
Our collection of Itoscs comprises upwards
of 250 choice kinds, and of tne newest n-.
troriuction, und not surpassed in any Nursey.
Hardy Flowering Shrubs, Evorgceus of
ovory description j‘a large stock of Cape
Jasmin, Eroymous, etc., for Hedging, at low
Persons intending to plant Trees tho fol
lowing season, will find It greatly to their ad
vantage to procure Southern raised Trees,
and those, as far as practicable, of Soutiierh
originated vari* tics, especially Apples and
Pooches, as being best suited to this climate;
Our prices Will compare favorably with theWtf
of Northern Nurseries.
Wo respectfully solicit our frionds* patron
age, hoping as heretofore, to give general sa
Orders sent to us by mail, will meet with
prompt attention.
Catalogues mailed free to applicants. Ad
dress, oct5.3m P. J. BERKMANS A CO.
i . .
Tun attention of tho public is respectfully
solicted by the Subscriber, who is prepared
to fill ordora for
Pianos, Guitars, Violins,
Flutes, or other Instruments, at tho Shortest
Notice, from any Manufactory of note in the
onited States, on terms, for Cash or approved
paper, lower than the Lowest ever known in
the South, llo will also keep on hand sovora)
of Messrs. Wm. Hall A Son's beautiful
Hall and Parlor Pianos,
as well as Hall A 8in’s Rosowood Guitars,
unrivalled in Beauty, Strength of Tone, Fin
ish and Durability. Also tho FRENCH
IIARMONfAN, used for Parlor or Church.-—
•\l*o SHEET MUSIC, and tho very best'
Italian Violin and Quitar Strings. All or
ders will be attended to with Promptness and
Dispatch, and in no instance will the money
bo required until the Instrument is deliverod.
Taken in exchange for new ones on liberal
terms. FIAN0S RENTED, and the
Rent deducted if the purchase is made dur-
renting. Orders respectfully
All In-truments warranted to stand
any change of olimuto, or any reasonable
A ( (ilvlntr Post OlBnc, Conn tv A State.)
c. w. I.ANC1 Worthy, Agent.
Rome. Floyd €,.. Ga'
new livery stable
.V ^
Opposite Sloan, Allman A C’o/s New Store,
Tho Subscriber, has fitted up and furnished
hit Stable formerly oceupied by M. T. Haw-
cins. and is now prepared to itirc Horses
and Carriages ami to feed the Stock of Trav
ellers ami Business Men. Ilis stock,is good,
his Buggies new and fine, and nn pains will
be spared in properly attending to the stock
«>f his customers. IIo will also
on reasonable terms. A portion of publio
patronage is respectfully solicited.
doe22 A. S. GRAVES.
Cherokee Institute.
The next Session of this School
.will commence on MONDAY, the
. 10th ilist.
Prompt attendanco earnestly
Tuition at same rates ns heretofore.
8. FODCHE', Principal,
J. S. NOYES, Associate,
Mrs. J. R. NOYES, Toaeher of Music,
French und Ornamental Branches
of Primary Branches,
Merchant Tailoring Establishment,
The Undersigned will be
On IVU oriel ay, Qtli inst.,
and will bo glad to show their friends
Their Stock, which they pledge
And Prices exceedingly Low.
We hope to receive tho encouragement of the eitizens generally in this enterprise and
expect to compensate them in return
By Saving them Money,
Prices plainly marked ia Figures.
Tor farther particulars apply at the Store.
—or THE—
Published Daily cC* 7Vi- Weekly.
Treats all Diseases, M ‘ rlc ' t ' andMarino
SPECIAL attention given to all chronic
Rome, CAug* Jfith, 1859*
XTTK now announce, tho above Mill, iu
YT regular daily operation. We will, un
til further uotlvo, griud good clean dry grain,
in good order for toll, especially, good nixed
lots. And iu no ca?e, less than 12 bushels of
Wheat, or 2 Imjhcls »>f Corn. We much pre
fer larger lots than those limiLi—and wo do
not agree, to continue grinding for toll, un
ices It proves, upon trlnT.lo l»e practicable nud
profitable. We will famish Faoks for Hour,
with our hlill IJraml on thorn, when desired;
provided, the wheat ground, be of prime
Wo will cxchango flour and mcnl for good
wheat ami corn.
Having to pay Cash for grain, wc will sell
all products of tho Mill, for Cash only.
Jonx R. Towmtg, ) TOWERS h GRAVES.
Jonx H. Gravkh, >
C. T. Cukximgium J aug17,
A numder of cm-
sons of Rom;, Goo.,^
and Alabama, having ob-1
talned tho charter for theh
above named company, mot in Romo, on
Saturday 0th inat., and re-organised, eloeting
W. 8. Cothran, A. M. Sloan, Jauies M. Elliott,
of Romo, and J. T. Cuuipand Franklin Wood
ruff*, of Alabama directors.
Tho company has purchased tho favorite
steamer Punni neton, and contemplate having
another cne built, of eotiolly as light draft,
ready for the fall trade. Merchants and
planters will find it to their interest lo pa
tronise this company, having officers of long
experience and thoroughly acquainted with
the river.
At a subsequent meeting of the directors,
W. B. Cothran, was elected President, and
sprIS.—if Agents.
THE llouso and Lot late the
Residence of the Subscriber,
lo an approved Tennant it will
bo rented for one or fora term
of yoars. For particulars enquire of Col. C.
W. Mills or the subscriber at Calhoun.
dcc7—tf F. M. CABOT.
diseases—Coughs, Croup, Consumption. In-
fluenxa, Asthma, Rronehitis, all diseases of
the Nose, Mouth, Throat, and Lungs; all
Skin Diseases of everv description success-
fully treated:—Lumbago, Lumbar, Abscesses,
Scrofula. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Pa
ralysis, Epilepsy, or Convulsions, Dyspepsia,
Dysentery, Dmrrhma. The very worst coses
of Piles cured in a short time; also of the
Stomach, Tdvor, and Bowels. There are
many diseases incidental to wotneu aud chil
dren* which arc treated with distinguished
success. Ail particulars will be given by
Idler. Dr. Raakce can produce one thous
and certificates of his perfect success in cur-
igeuce in Charl
eston and of the Commerce in the leading
j»o»ts of the world. Tho Weekly Price C_.
rent is made up with much care, aud from the
most reliable sources. In connection with the
“Associated Press*’ insures the latest inttlii-
gonce by Telegraph and the earliest news by
Steamers from Europe. It has an able and
accomplished Correspondent in (a gentleman
connected with the editorial staff of the Lon
don Times.) and regular Coirespondents in
New York, Washington. Key West and Ha
vanna. Tho Monthly New York Fashion
Letters and weekly letters. Life in Washing
ton are additional attractions in favor of ita
lady readers. Its literary notices, from the
pen of a gentleman who occupies, perhaps,
the highest position among the literarv men
.... of the South, and discriminating and eompre-
CANCERS, OLD SORES, or ULCERS, HIP henslvo. Attention is paid to all matters of
DISEASES, FISTULA of every discrip- |general concern, especially those in reference
tlon, SCALD HEAD, WENS, »to tho Planting aud Agricultural interests, and
POLYPUS of tho NOSE, j to tho current news of the day. Great care
Or in any othor part of the body, is taken that nothing shall appear in ita col-
TUM0R8. and SWELLINGS umns which should be excluded from the ftm-
of every description, and without the use of j ily circle.
the knife,or any surgical instruments. These j *Thc political creed of the Mercury consists
last named diseases cannot be cured by cor- i n the principles of the Democratic party, as
rcipondenee; therefore a! I such patients must j laid down in tlie Virginia and Kentucky Res-
plnco themselves under the Doctor's perso- elutions of I70S and 1799—the Sovereignty
nal supervision. I of States; a Strict Construction of the Fede-
Dr. Bnakeo lias made a new discovory of, r *l Constitution by the Genoral Government,
- “Fluid,” that will produce absorption of) the Agent of the 8tates: Free Trade, and an
the “CatarAct,” and restore permanent vis- j E eon mi cal Administration of the General
ion to the Eye, without resort to the knife.; Government.. Its policy lq the union of the
All EYES and KARS are suceessfally trea- Southern States in mantnining their rights.
l-titfo nr .wuiltln I ° X
$10 00
ted without the use of Iho knife or needle.—
Dr. Raakce has constantly on hand at his
office a very extensive assortment of beauti- j Daily, per annum
or EAR DRUMS, which are suitable Tor eith- clubs will bb rcasisuaD At follows:
ir «ox and ago.—Inserted in five minutes.— Fir(1 Cop| 01o f t ), a Di>Ur lor $<» 00
Trumpet* ot every description; alto ev-1 Fiv0 Copiea of , ho Tri . WMkw ;o 0 0
variety of artificial articles known In the, Tho name of no person oitt of Charleston will
Id—a largo atwrlnient of beautiful and 1x5 ,-ntci ed on our hooka, nulcst th. payment
of the subscription be made ia advance. Nor
will order, from without the city to pnblish
Advertisement, Marriage Koticea or Obitua
ries, be attended to, unlou the cash, or an
acceptable city rcfoAmee, accompany the
order. Monry may always bo forwarded at
our ri.k in rcgi.tcrfd letters.
fdf Postmasters are authorised to act a.
our Agents in obtaining subscribers and for-
wardiiig the money; and by sending us five
Daily subscriber., with S50 'enclosed—-r five
Tri-Weekly subscribers, with *» enclosed,
will bo entitled to au extra copy; or if pre
ferred, they may retain twenty ix-r cent, of
the pre-payments, for their troablc and in
lieu of the oxtry paper.
Out of South Carolina, no person whstovor
i. authorised to collect debts already due to
the Mercury.
In Charleston, Mr. James D. Budda. con
nected with the office, is oar regular autho
rised collector, who has (till power to receipt
for money now due the paper, and to con
tract for future business.
Subscribers and ether.. In debt to us, are
urgently requested to tend in our dace by
mail at the uosliest period. By so doing,
they will aavo ut twenty per oent, and
•moant equivalent to a principle portion of
tho profits. R. D. RHETT. JR,
No. 4 Broad Street, Charleston, 8. C.
world—a 1 „
durable ARTIFICIAL HANDS, with tho
Arm and Elbow Attachment; ARTIFICIAL
FEET, with tho Anklo, Log, and Knee-Joint
These articles arc perfectly natural, and
adapted 'for eitlior aex. and cau be sent by
express to any part of tho world. All kind,
of Trusses for Hernia or Rupture of every
description, for cither sox, und Trusses par
ticnlarly adapted Tor females in a weak con
dition, also for those with Prolapsus Uteri.
Dr. Uaakco is one of the most celebrated
and skillful physicians and surgeons now
living. His fame is knowu personally In
every principal city of tho world.
All letter, directed to Dr. Buakec mast
contain teu cents to nay postage and inci
dental expanses. All Chronic Diseases can
bo treated by correspondence, except those
mentioned, which will require hi. personal
3S* Offico. Hours, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.
Offico, 704 Broadway, a few Doors above
Fourth stroct, Now York City.
JanS—IrSm a wjm
A Fresh Supply of
M RS. WINSLOWS Soothing Syrup, Da
ker’s Infallible Tetter Ointment, Holla-
„i»j s Pills and Ointment, India Cbologoguo,
Young Amrrloau Linamsnl Just Received
Grass snd Clover Seed.
H ERD Grasa, Blue Griuu, Orchard Oran,
Timothy and Red Clorer Seed— eh
it ail f>,-Sileby afrelr
House and Lot for fiale.
’S«jJ^«flh»ed for Sale. Ap-
drc7tf. C. H' SMITH.
— ‘ - - “ * faftouftoB. A7niM,
..’pma^iSiSEjSL ****'
,, in vW tf the that every member of
die Knmaif family is mote Cries subjected to
aotn of the above dompIoTAU, besides in-
munenUa other dbhditions in Ufa, dthieb,
by the ouiataUbb of a Rttla kntrtHedge or
exerdaa of common adifta,- they ratty be stbfa
so to regulate tlieir habi« Of Set, aid with
the aeeistanee of n good fonid, secure per
manent health. In order lo adSomilish this
desired object, the true eoune to jrtaxtte ia,
certainly, mat which will prod nos d natural
state of things at the least haiard of vital
strength amTiife; for this end Ob. Hbstetter
has introdneed to this country n prepara
BITTERS, which at this day ia n> a new
medicine, but one that has been tried for
years, giving satisfaction to all who hnv*
used it The Bitters operate powerfully upon
the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring
them to a healthy and vigorous action, sad
thus by the simple process of strengthening
nature, enable the system to triumph over
and diet will be speedily regulated by ■
brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia,
a disease which is pnjmbly more prevalent
when taken in nil its various forms, thus
any other; the canse of which may always
be attributed to derangements of the diges
tive organs, can be cored without foil by
TERS as per directions on the bottle. For
this disease every physician will recom
mend Bitten of some end, then why not
use an artiela known to be infallible 7
Evenr country hare their Bitters as a pre
ventive of disease, and .strengthening of
the system in general, aud among them all
there is not to be found s more healthy
people- than the Germans, from whom thu
preparation emanated, based upon scientific
experiments which has attended to adranee
the destiny of this gnat- preparation in the
medical scale of science.
TMs bying and pccvoklnf Stout, which fixes ha
nlenUess gnwp on lbs body ri wan, reducing him u
a mere shadow ia a short spare stRsHsaad rcaderlas
him phrsfcsUjr sad mrahUIr aostom, can bt defeated
and diivwa fnxa th. bod. t. m. am of UOSTKTTXK'I
JMNOWXBD MTTBBB. farther, wr of Uw ator.
sUleddtoawa can noil. TOaeacWdwbsnnp mil.
any ocdiasiy eondlMnno prodartny Ihem. it the Bin wo
are used aapocdbecltow. And sa U aehtor creates
assies nor offends M laliu. and rendeelaf eeaear
ssiy anyehauieof diet w UtemepUra la aaaal par-
■tdm, hot pnmotes sand efoep sad hertthj dlfiatiM,
th. mmpbhit ie thus removed a. epwdlba»ie«i-
sijteat with the production of a thorough sad perms-
root care.
For return in advanced year*
Who srt eturertog from aa eaftettid cooeUtuUmaad
Infirm body, them Bitters are Invaluable as a restora
tive or strength and vigor, and needs only to h. tried
to B. appreciated. And to a nrtber whD# aantaf,
these Bitten are IndlepunmUe, mpeelaUy sheet the
Bother’s sourishmeat Is toadsqaale to the itwienile
of the child, consequently tor strength mow yield,
and here k Is where a good tools, loch a. Iloetettw'a
gferi.rh Blttcw Is needed to topic imiperevy eereaglh
aad vlgoc (.thesyslcm. Lotto otoold hy oU meaa.
by this remedy for alt coma of daMBto. and before re
doing, oak your pbjridon, who. If k. la ocqaalaM
with Urn rittuea gf pm ntttoa. wfil rmemmrnd thto
tin tn eli run rf uietnem
CAUTION.—We caution the public against
using any of the many imitations or coun
terfeits, bat ask for Host max's Cxlxxxatxb
Broxacn Bunas, and ire that each bottla
has the words “ Dr. J. Hostettcr'a Stomach
Bitten’’ blown on the side of the bottle, aad
stamped on the metallic cap covering the
cork, and obeerrs that our autograph signa
ture ia on the label.
O'Prepared.t»d g*M ty BOSTETKE k
SMITH, Pttakirgk, Ffc, nd seU by aO ike Fitted States, Cauda, Sentk
Wkelnals Agents
Everything iu Order!
T HE subreriber, now having hta arrange
ments all made, his Willfully completed,
aud in firstrate running order, with all aorta
of Timber athis command, reipwtiUily solicits
portion of nubile patronage.
The Hone Leg Talley Steam Saw Mill ia sit
Three Miles Senth-westefRene
and bills of Lumber will be delivered either at
the Mill, or, if desired, in Rome, at
It 1. .to be hoped that a faithful attention to
bu.ioesi, promptness and dbpatch, will be
suitably rewarded
September 14.-tf.
T HH subscriber now bu bis Stale Quarry
folly opened aad is pro.ld«d with a suffi
cient number of workmen to IU ardan in any
part of tho Death. Tba quality of the slate
ha, beta foUy tasted, and ita beoaty aad ax-
ceU.nco can be gefib by on examination at
stveral buildings in Remo envtred with slate
Horn this Quarry. The subscriber propose,
to furnish tk. slate at any point la Georgia,
Alabama or Tennessee Aid lay it an th.
roof at aa axpanga. not exoe.dlst th* soft of
Tin roofing.
Contrast, ana b* mad. with John R. Free
man Agent of Mama or B. W. Blaaet central
Agent at Tan Waft Falk Co., Go.
«5>UU«» paid. An agent I. wanted ia
every learn aad county fat tbeUnited BUter,
ta engage in a reapeetablb anil easy business
by sshlebtbo ahovr profile may be certainly
realised. Far further nartlenfora •aAm
restate Btenip. novW-Sm