The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, January 27, 1852, Image 3

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Xiste from Europe, by the Asia. Ekgland.—The proposed loau of £200.- . "'000 for tho Great Western Railroad of the Canada Company, on 6 per cent deben tures, re-payable in 1857, has been com pleted in London. The Loudon .Morning Advertiser states •. that iu« eau|e;p£ Palincrston’s resignation was the interference on the part of the Prime Minister with the affairs of the For eign Secretary. Lord Palmerston on learn ing the fact was indignant, and demanded an explanation. The answer of the Pre mier was vague and shuffling, and the re sult was a lengthened correspondence be tween the parties. On the other hand, the News says that it most clearly indicates treachery on the part of some members of the English Gabi-' t net, and that a conspiracy would seem to exist between some oim and the . Court of ^ Alien na tosacrifice Lord Palmerstonj and that apparently a close alliance may be formed belweeu England and Austria. v Ou the other hand, the Times states that Loid Palmerston’s last act was to express his approbation of Napoleon’s coup d’etat. It h* understood that Lord Palmerston will bring the whole matter before Parlia ment; and some who profess to be well in formed say.that to avoid such an event, Lord John Russell will resign before the as sembling of that body. The lierald, how ever, believes the ministry will hold on as loug as possible, but must ultimately dis solve. France.—At the latest accounts Paris . was perfectly quiet. The whole number of votes cast at the eiection‘was 8,146,771; of which Louis Napoleon received 7,439,216, against him 640,737, making his majority were to proceed South, ajrmcd and equip- ), and without their was commanded by Col. John W. Gary, and the other by Daniel Aldrich. They ped at private expense, pay being stipulated. On the eve ofTheir sailing, however a schooner arrived from San Pedro, bringing .information which in duced the .Govenor to delay the expedition, as the -despatch front ' the cbhm>ii!idar!t qf P roill P^y- tho-forces in the toulh, called for munitions j L Lohg. of war only, and did iiot urge a want of men. j A few days after, tidings were received that the allied Indian forces had:been dispersed, by tbe capture of their bead chief, Antonio, who, it is believed, was bang at San Diego on the 16th instant, aud the volunteers j were disbanded. TO THOSE XiSFi5333TBJ>* ■\TOTICE is hereby given, to those who are T> indebted to Long’s Mills, either for Lum ber, A/eal or flour, that all such demands must positively be settled immediately, as they wm* made with tire undersigned, who has erased his connection with the Mills, and who had no authority to credit, but did it on his own re sponsibility. I thetefore expect all to pay The books have been left with Col. "■ WILEY COSTUiv For J. J. Long- and.Mirs. T’elfair. jail 27, 1852. 1—3t . TiXSL SAtiE. THE subscriber, owning a thorough bred Stallion, well known bv the name ofMONSIEUR TONSON, jr. j offers him for sale Monsieur Tonsonfr., was | got by the celebrated race-horse Timoleon, A company ot forty immediately reorga-1 nn a he by old Sir Archy,; his dam by impor- nized cn private venture, and electing their | ted Snltrain, grand dam by old.Wildair, and CIRCUS. DR. JOSEPH SAGE, ^itAVJNG returned from Europe, t~— ; XJL .pleasure in presenting to the Publie MORE EVIDENCE, In favor of the improved system of Botanic | Medicine as practised by him near Spear’s TIIE Pro prietors beg respectfullv to make known to the Inhabitants of SANDERS- 1 Turn Out, Jefferson county, Georgia. ^ "if GREAT SOUTHERN CIRCUS, now on its Southern Tour, will ing it truethat facts .peaks louQcr yJLLRj HikT : 4lrei. «... ^ . — - - t Visit Sandersville oh MONDAY file 2d of February, 1852, and exhibit beneath the —j-—. i w? ^ a3t twelve Admis- S FAC IOC S J'A Vl-LIUN at i o cioe-K. sion 50 cents , children and Servants half price. No smoking allowed beneath the Paviliou. No profanity, or anything in any way calculated t o wound the delicacy of the most refined lady. Deem- thau ar guments, he contents himself with simply pre senting them without note or comment oi hw mvn t" officers, procured recommendatory and un- j TVildair by Driver, &c. Monsieur Touson’s officicial letters from the Governor, taking ! dam was got by Conqueror, who had no equal offleieial letters from the Governor, taking 1. . _ their passage for San Diego the next day at iu day for speed and beaut v ; he by-im- their own expense. The State Las felESS 1 W.«d«r, b» d»m by. . P«. . . - ,» , , , , i Devil, Pantaloon, Valiant, Jumper out of a been saved a cost ot several hundred thou- ------ - sand dollars, and the people of the South, by a timely blow, have been spared the evils of a protracted Indian war. It is said some disappointment.has .been felt among a few interested individuals, who had coun ted upon an expedition to the South at the expense of the State. - it would be easy to raise from three to five thousand fighting men in California, for any sort of an expedition between a bear hunt and an Indian fight, or for an expedi tion to the Sandwich islands or to Mexico. On the occasion above referred to, more than twice as many men presented them selves as viiei'c needed, and all in one morn- big. [Fi om the Sacramento Union of Dec. 15th.] The survey of a railroad between San Jose i mare imported by John Bland, his grand dam by imported Celso,^one of the best sons of imported Janus. Any person wishing to purchase this horse, cun see him at Daniel Inman’s, near Davisboro’ The price shall be reasonable. J. S. INMAN & BROTHER. Washington go, jam 27, 1852. 1—6t* A CARO* THE undersigned having associated t 6,798,479. He was inaugurated pu the j and San Francisco has been completed. The h i netill it ml tliA npi'nim mine mi-Ston nfl-*-' 1 Visitor staff's thtit. 1 )r .T (T Gnhh is n ho lit. 1st instant, and the ceremonies passed off j Visitor states that Dr. J. C. Cobb is about •without disturbance. On Wednesday eve- ; leaving for New York to dispose of a certain liiug, M. Laroche, on presenting the result i portion of the stock. of the votes, addressed the President, to! Feather and Yuba rivers have risen six which ho replied as follows“France has ^feet since the late rains set in. themselves in the practice of medicine, surgery and mid\v ;4 'e■ j, under the name and - style of Havn 1 *- <si Brantley, tender thei professio’ia■ cfvices to the citizens of Washington cc u<y aud hope by the entire de voti on of their tinu and attention to the pu suit ol‘ their profession, t> merit and receivr the same liberal patroriiig- hitherto extehted them individually. Office opposite the Cen tral Georgian Office, W. P. HAYNES, S. D, BRANTLEY, jan.. 27, 1852. 1—lv THE SOUTHERN CIRCUS Presents a concentration of Equestrian and Acrobatic Talent, such as is rarely to b met with, aud during its recent visits to Charleston, Savauuah and Augusta, and through the county, has everywhere elicited the admiration and applause ot the COUNTLESS THOUS.INLS ! Who have flocked to observe the Chaste and Elegant Performances. g££T For particulars, please see Large and Small Luis, g&- The Company will Exhibit at JefibrsonviUe, Thursday the 29th of January; nC.* t D . 1 ..*• T.nttntAn S»*i f li vA?i ^1^0 31st. at Gordon, Friday the 30th, and at Irwinton Saturda jail. 27, 1852. 1—It comprehended that i departed from legali ty to return to the right. Upwards of 7,- UU0,0U0 voters have absolved me. My ob ject was to save France, aud perhaps Eu rope, from years of trouble and anarchy.' I understand all the grandeur of my mission. I if. ..ot deceive myself as to its difficulty but with the counsel aud support of all right minded men,,aud the devotedness of the army atid the protection of Heaven, i hope to secure to tile destinies of France, by providing institutions' responding to the democratic instincts of the nation, a system, of Government which re constitutes author- tty without wounding the feeling of equal ity, or closing any path of improvement. I hope to found |»orting a and beueficient liberty.” Snow has fallen to the depth of six in the country above Downieville. Our bankers are all giving $17,25 clean gold dust. feet for COMMERCIAL. SANDERSVILLE, JANUARY 27,1852. COTTON —We have but little alteration to make in quotations. We heard of one lot sell ing on Saturday last at 7£ cents, and yesterday sales were made at 75 as the highest figure, we quote 6J a. 7^ cents. SAVANNAH, Jan. 24—Cotton.—Yester. dav the market was stiff at Thursday’s prices an edifice capable of sup-1 f.* Ies ‘ 32 ? (1 ba , 1 t s J fe 59 , , a r l 7 ; and beueficient liberty. 7 1 j_6,152 at 7|, 13 at 7 13-16, 166 at 7$, 135 Cries, of “Vive Napoleon” followed the I at 45 ttl gj, ‘j'J at 8J, 73 at 8|, 20 at S.$and 14 Speech. I bales MastHdou at 9£c. On the same evening the Diplomatic ' AUGUSTA, Jan. 20—Oottos.—The irans- y-, ' ... ,1 . .1 0.. -i 1 actions are on the basis ot 7|c. for Middling Corps was pieselUed to the J. lefeldent ky Tairand 7J lo 8c. for Fair and Fully Fair the Apostolic.Nuncio. I he Archbishop ot 1 CHARLESTON, Jan. 22.—Cotton.—There l’aris, in his address to to Napoleon, offered | was a fair demand for this article yesterday, his eougratnlatious and geod wishes tor the which resulted in the sale of upwards of 1045 »ucces. of the high mission God had con- I La,es at about the P ric * B P aid - on Preceding tided to him. The President iu a short speech. thank k d him I extrcmes ranged from 6f to S.^c. The cannon of the Iuvalides fired a sa lute of ten guns for every million of votes obtained by, the President, Public Notice. The Democratic party of Washington coun ty are requested to meet at the Court-house A grand national fete was celebrated on j in Sandersville, on the first Tuesday in next the 1st iiisL in the chief towns of the De partments. In Paris the troops were marched at 9 o’clock, A. M. to take up their ]>ositions along the streets aud quays. When the cortege passed Notre Dame the gates were thrown open. The day was kept as a grand holiday. All the public offi es and the Bourse was closed. The French Eagle lias becu re-established 6u the ban ners of the Army and on the Cross of the Legiou of Honor. On the 11th a grand Te Deum will be celebrated in all the churches.^ The French territory is by a decree divi ded into 21 military divisions, each Depart ment to be formed into sub-divisions. M. Pusaghy has gone to Belgium to de mand the extratdition of all insurgents of Dec. 2d, and also to request the immediate payment of the sum for which the Belgians are irdebted for the expedition to Antwerp iu 1831. Turkey.—Letters from Constantinople express no little alarm concerning the mov incuts in France. Persia had become the scene of frightful confusion. The downfall of Mizza Kahn, the Prime Minister, since 1848, had been followed by complete state of anarchy. The Sultan of Turkey had granted to his Christian subjects the freedom of holding their meetiugs. month, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Democratic State Convention, to be held atMilledgeville at sueh time this year as the Central Democratic Committee shall ap point, and other important business. Come one I Come all.'] MANY DEMOCRATS, jan. 13,1852. 51 MARRIED, At the house of Win. Buck, Esq., on the 25th inst.,by S. W. Buck, Esq., Mr. Thomas Ford and Miss Elizabeth, third daughter of Salatkial Holton—all of this county. On the 8th inst., by S. W. Buck, Esq. Hen ry Davis and Miss Elizabeth Mills—all of this county. . I13W BOORS. A LARGE variety of school and other Books, just received and for sale cheap. Remember the old sign and come and C. jan. 27. H. BUTCHER. (iJbO&bilA, Eniaimei couuty. Clerk's OJjice, Court of Ordinary. ^^^IIEREAS Edward Lane applies tome for letters of guardianship of the person md property of Thomas B. R. Lane : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said minor, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swainsboro’, this 17th day of Jan uary, 1852. IORDAN FLANDERS, Cl’k jan. 27. 1—30d GEORGIA, EiuauiieS county- Clerk's OJjice, Court of Ordinary. W HEREAS John A. Kemp applies to me for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Mary Kemp minor of Ciety Kemp: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said minor, to be and appear at my office wit in’time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hands at office in Swainsboro’, the this 17tli day of Januan, 1852. JORDAN FLANDERS, Cl’k. jan. 27, 1—30d GROilGIA, Emannel county. Clerk's OJjice, Court of Ordinary. W HEREAS James R. Miller and Robert Miller applies to me for letters of guardr ianship ot the persons and property of Alifi, Robert and Clemui Miller, minors of William Miller, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said minors, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show eanse. if any they have, why said letters^should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swainsboro’, this 17th day of Janurry, 1852. JORDAN FLANDERS, CI‘k. jan. 27, 1— 30d DON’T POB.GST T HAT the subscriber is at his old stand, where he continues the business ot sell ing GOODS,- W ARES and Merchandise of ev ery sort, on the same terms as> heretofore, and lie respectfully Calls attention to his assort ment of Goods now 7 in store and winch can be bought as cheap as dirt. He vyould also say to the public that having a very large stock of fresh goods on hand, and being desirous of reducing the same, he will positively sell till the first of March next, at the very lowest prices, those who wish to buy cheap goods must not fail to call and see me now, All cash purchasers. will have seven per cent deducted from their bills, from any amount over $3. H. BUTCHER. Sandersville, dec. 16, 1851. 48—tf Ekh, Ealre »ud ISacv. f g^HE friends and patrons ofN. W. Haines i c£- Bro. need not be told that they have just received and opened A NEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS — They always have them at this season of the year. But the present stock is a particular stock, one lliat can’t be beat, and never will be for cheapness, beauty, style and durability.— The junior partner has recently returned from New York City, where he selected the assort ment with great care and with special reference xjS’axsa.BSsxsie ^bws ::: T HE subscribers again offer to .‘heir friends and customers, and to the public ^‘Uieral- ly, their full supply of NE W FALL AND WINTER GOODS Consisting of Fashionable, Fancy and Domes tic-Dry Goods, .Hosiery, Jewelry, watches, Perfumery, Cutlery, Guns, saddlery and Ready Made Clothing, all of which has been selected with great, care for this market. Among their assortment of Dry Goods will be found Bl’k, plain and figured Silks, Brocades, Thibets, Alpacas, and Merino, D’Lanes, Cashmeres, and Chameleon, Scotch and Earfeston Ginghams, Calicoes, Silk-mantillas, Shawls, Mitts, Gloves, Hose Ribbons, Bonnets, Boes and Hoods, Shoes, Boots, Slippers, Bootees, Gaiters, &c Their assortment of Ready-Made Clothing oensists of Cloth and Felt Over-Coals. Cloth, Tweed and Sattinent business, Frock and Dress Coats, Cloth, Cassimere, Saitinet & Cordroy Pants, Bl’k. Satin, figured Silk, Velvet, Robroy and wool-plaid Veats. Boy> and Youth’s Clothes of every descrip, tion. Also. Hats, Plush and Cloth Caps, Shirts, Suspenders, Wool, Silk and Cotfon Wrappers. Also, plain and plaid Lindsays, Flanells to the wants of this section. T hey can suit j Q SI j a R ur g S and Homespuns somUB-Uand three id style. Our - A , every body iff price, quality and country friends <tre especially invited to call and examine this stock ; and if we can’t suit in every particular, then our respective Hats can he' called for. So give us a, call ladies and we will he certain to show Rich, Rare and Racy. They h usually kept in a Dry. Goods store of a staple and fancy sort. They have also a well assorted supply of Coy’s and Gents’ READYMADE CLOTH ING, made in the latest style, With hats, caps, boots, shoes, negro kerseys, blankets, hard ware, saddles yards wide, besides a good many other articles too numerous to mention. We invite all those who wish to purchase winter Goods, to call at our store and examine LAZARON sept. 16, 1851. 35 f3gp”P. S. Constantly on hand a full supply of Watch-crystals, hour, minute and second Hands. ,L. &. N. A of Xettcrs. hollow-ware, crockery-ware, harness, "D EMAINING in the ¥osl Office on: th«1 Slet ,»d bridles, dr,,^ medicines, fcc, the General Post Office ns dead letters.' GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! We have also a fine lot of Groceries an can litraish family and plantation’ supplies od he best terms. Sugar, coffee, molasses ; li-n B 8 j, erj William M o uors and everything elsfe. * ' HAINES & BRO. Sandersville, nov. 10, 185L 43—tf VALENTINSS. A LARGE and beautiful assortment of these interesting missiles, just received and for sale. Ladies and gentlemen, don’t for get your beaux on the the 14th proximo.- There is nothing like using the beauties of art and literature to the best advantage, jan. 27. H. BUTCHER. Georgia Jefferson County. Clerk's OJjice, Court of Ordinary. W HEREAS Arthur S. Clarkd applies to me for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Samuel D. Andrews, minor child of Allen Andrews, late of said county, deceased ; These are therefore to citp, summon add ad monish the kindred of said minor, and all-per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office' within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my liand at of fice in Louisville, this 23d day of January 1852 NICHOLAS DIEHL, c. c. o. jan. 27. 1—30d Plantation for Sale. milE subscriber offers lor sale a valuable JL plantation containing between 850 and 900 acres of land, lying on Sand Hill Creek about thirteen miles S. W. of Sandersville, and tbree.miles from Irwins M Rcadsj and adjoins Dr McBride, Fowler and others. If is first quality of Pine land, and produces a fine yield of Corn and Cotton. There is four hundred and fifty acre* open and under good fencing and in a fine state for cultivation, there is also on the place * good Dwelling, with all plantation outbuildings, a good Gin Hoase and packing Screw. Persons desirous of purchasing a plan tation in this section of the State, are reques ted to call and examine the abovejpremises, which qnn be obtained on moderate terms For further, particulars apply to me per mail ntlrwinBX Roads, or Silas L. Daniel on the orenii6es. - JASFER N DANIEL & ?, 1851. 46-tf B Bethea,P P Burrongh B M B 2 Arrival of the El Dorado.— One Day Later from California.—New York, Jan. loth.—jL'he steamer El Dorado, which sailed from Chagresou the 4th instant, has arrived. She brings the California mails, with one day’s later intelligence, 211 passengers, $1,082'907 in gold on freight, and $300,- 000 in the hands of her passengers. The steamers Panama and Republic, from San Francisco, had arrived at Panama with San Francisco, dates of the 16th ult. The El Dorado was detained at ‘ Ohagres two days by the nomarrival of the Panama at Panama, which ship was obliged to bear the Republic company from Acapulco to Pa nama—the Republic being in a disabled condition. During the last four days, the ElDorado experienced heavy north west gales, and lias proved herself a first rate sea be at.^ The steamer Union, from New York via Jamaica, had arrived at Chagres. The U. S. sloop of-war Albany, Capt. Plattj arrived at Chagres on the 2d instant, from St. Domingd. „ All on board are well, and she is waiting orders. The military.spirit is so - l ife in Califor nia, that, besides the expedition started for the Sandwich Islands, Gov. McDougal issued a proclamation,-cal|ing for. . .two companies of fifty each to constitute a battalliou to ' st the Indians, under command ‘ '^V One of the companies jam Clothing at low prices. A FINE assortment of Ready-made Cloth ing will be opened in a few days, and sold cheap. They are fresh goods and have just been selected, especially for this market.— Look for the sign of the Red Flag and come andC. H. BUTCHER, jan. 27. 1 GEORGIA, Jefferson CornUy. Clerk's OJjice, Court of Ordinary. W HEREAS Arthur S. Clarke applies to me for letters of guardianship of the person and property of David and Frances,Glarke, mi nor children of David Clarke, late of said coun ty, deceased ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred, and all persons con cerned, to be at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Louisville, this the 23d day of January, 1852. NICHOLAS DIEHL, c. c. o. jan. 27, 1852. 4i_30d riMiE co-partnership heretofore existingun- -1- der the name and style pf Bangs & Har man, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. Either of the parties are* authorized to settle its old business, and the name of the firm will be used in all transactions appertaining to its bueiuess. JOSEPH BANGS, WM. B. HARMAN. Sandersville, Jan. 1, 1852. 50—If Happy f$t*w Year. The subscribe? will continue the Dry Goods business at the old stand of Bangs & Ha rman, where he will be pleased to cater to the wants of all his old customers, and ali others, who are kind enough to give him a call. His stock is full and his hi a prices shall belotc. JOSEPH BANGS. Sandersville, jan. 1,1852. 50—tf Bailey, Russel Berwick, John Brown, John R Bullard, Lewis Brown, Glarke Bailey, John Brown, R L C Carr, W W Carey, Marion Carey, William Canedy, James Dean, Joseph 2 Durden, Lewis Davis, John 2 Daniel Win or Moses Davis, Tliomra Llord, Daniel M Mullen, Capt Won A M’Leah, William Marsh Majrr Mathis, Malcus M Morris William Meltz, Leven M E wen W P Mills, Mathew Marlin, Osborn M’Cuw, M Ten New Ezra Newsome, James A Newsome, Mrs Hannah Newsome, Solomon Page, Joseph H Parker, Levin 2 Powel, John Price, L B Pilcher, Lewis Pilcher, Lewis Emerson, JamesM Eq Robison, Miss A. Ford, James Forler, J H fy- G M Giles John Glenn, Miss Jane •Guyton, Mrs Ann Hodge, Miss M J Hooks, Hopewell Jones, Smitha Jordan i'Cornelious Johnson Miss Levina Jordan Miss Laura Jones, S. N. Jenkins, James King, Elizabeth kitchen, G £ Krned/v John King, Henry Lloyd Daniel JilUf Long, Col. J J Lloyd, Ezekiel 2 Robison, Harriet Rosenbutt, L & Bro Roughton, Louisa Siindheimer Jacob 2 Sinidbeimer, J. Sheppard, Zacheriah Sheppard, Hudson W Spurlock Cleton D Scales, Nathaniel Sessions, Benjamin Smith, Robert C. Tanner, David Taylor, William Jun Thigpen, Iva 'White, Mark Waikim Samuel P Billiamson, Eldridge fPelch \sa Wood, Mias Tabjrtha ■ ■ y -. - ; M. Certificates. Davisboro, Washington c0$ July 27th 1851 This is to certify that my. wife has been long afflicted with Dyspepsia. NcrvioUs, irratabili.y, and a puny delicate state of healtii generally. We tried and imployed some very eminent physicians in her case, but all resulted in fail ure to relieve, and some 'oftliem thought there was but little chance for her recovery. In this situation we applied to Dr. Sage, by whose skill in the application of the Medicines h« uses, she has been restored, and now enjoys her usual health, being now able to attend to her household business without difficulty. >4 In gratitude to the Doctor, I make'these-: stntemevrtsknd recommend him as being able; : successfully to treat all such eases;. ROBEidT whitfied. I fully concur in the above statement of my case, and wish the Doctor abundrfnt success iu his efforts to ameliorate live sufferings of our race. REBECCA WHITFIELD. Dyxfepiia Cured. Emanuel eo. Geo. 26th Dec. I860. This is to certify, that for the last five yearL have been 'gt&W *Wed with Dyspep’or de range merit of the digestive organs, every tiling I ate disagreed with .me, and caused much dis tress in the stomach, flei’oinpanied with Sour eruetions, heartburn,&e., ttypt which b could - get 110 relief, shorts of vouiitirtg. I lost flesh very fast, and became so feeble that I could not work ,&!ite itself was no satisfaction to me in this condition, after haying made use of * great mail} 7 different remedies without attain ing any relief, I applied to Dr. Sage, who un dertook my case, and am proud to say, that from the first day I commence to take his med icine, I began to mend, until now, my health seems so thoroughtly restored, that my flesh and strength have returned,’and I can now en joy the usual comfort ot life with pleasure, being now able to do as much work as levers could, without experieneeing any feelings off inconvenience afterwards—and all this with, only three prescriptions and medicine nt the trifling eost of fifteen dollars—I have been in duced to make the above statement, from th« ' hope that my fellow-men maybe benefitted by giving the Doctor a trial before yielding themselves to the demon of despair. WILLIAM STEVENS. Persons afflicted with Chronic diseases who cannot make a personal visit, may ^ have their eases treated by sending their symtoros i* writing, when medicines to suit them will br compounded and sent by mail, or car orpri- vate hand, on such cases, the charge will b« only five dollars (§5 00) monthly. _ v For treatment at his house, lfesommodhtiou being ample, the’charge will be iu proportion to the truble requisite in each ease. In aenta caaea the charge will be moderate asHsuak Letters must be roar falo and addressed to N him at NpcaFa Turn Out, Jefferson. Co., Gro. Persons from a distance-coniing to see him by the cars, had better leave tiiem at tfife 107 mile post from Savannah, aug. 12, • 30—6m. ;ambs suiiiiiVAiff. WHOU9UI AM) RETAIL TIN WARE MANUFACTORY, D EALERS in Japanned, Britannia, Planifh ed ware, cf-c. WOOD and Coal Stovea of all kinds, for Parlor, Hall, Office, Bed-room or Public Places, and Cooking Stoves—the best ever offered to the public. Also, dealers in Galvanized Iron. No. 12, Whitaker, near Bay street Savannah, Ga. Orders from the country are solicited. Cash purchasers will be supplied as low as. they can buy in New York or elsewhere. Savannah, Feb. 15, 1851.. 6—ly GROCERIES, Frnit and U’onlctlioisary. J C. BROWN would respectfully inform HAWOOD BROOKINS, P January 3,1852. 59—3t Tailoring- rp//E subscriber is still here and awaiting for JL cash orders. Can be fouud at his old stand whcre iill work in his line will be done in or der for cash only. L II JORDAN.. Jan. 27,1852 1—tf Hoticc. persons indebted to the undersigned Notice. U either by note or book account are re quested to make immediate payment, as after tbe TENTH day of February next all claims unpaid will be placed in the hands of an at torney for collection without respect toper- sons. D. R. IRBY. Louisville, Ga. Jan. 16, 1852. 52—3t ENCOURAGE HOME ENTERPRISE. “GEORGIA HOME GAZETTE” A Southern Family Journal. a©a/SL W11U SO ‘STOUR TZMS, £5> P. C. LYMAN would inform the peo- pfo of Georgia that, having located at Sadder.*ville, he continues to repair Watches and Jewelrt, and will order any kind of A Watch that any of his customers may want. He is acquainted with several im porters that deal in none but fine Watches, and sell them as. low as can be purchased this side of New York. Sandersvillej jan. 1, 1852. 50—tf T HE firm of Beach & Dudley having traps ferred to the subscribers their book ac counts and their entire stock of Goods, we re quest all persons indebted to said firm to come forward and settle the same either by cash or notes. Said stock of Goods are now offered at cost, for cash, or a very small advance on a credit. AshailBeach is employed by us to settle up the affair* of said late firm of Beach &-Dudley. R. W FLOURNOY, GREEN BRANTLEY, jan 27, 1852. 1—2t Administratrix’s Sale. A GREEABLE to au order of the Inferior Court of Emmue], county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town .of Swainsboro’, TAI&ORXCTO. s ®» THE subscriber would respectfully an- jtm nounee to the people of Washington JuL county, that he has commenced the Tailoring business at this plaice,^ and will be thankful for a share of patronage. ’ Everything in his line of business will be done with neat ness aud dispatch. He hopes that his, atten tion to business will merit him the patron age of those tor whom he has been working for the last four or five years. Shop up stairs over Maj. Hoges’ store. WM. T. SPILLERS. 13, 1852. ’#1—tf T HE “Home Gazette” is published week ly in Augusta, Georgia, by Robert A. Whyte, Editor and Proprietor, at the low rate of $2 00 per annum, iu advance. It is a Jour nal of the large size, printed on beautiful pa per with clear type, and presents as fine anap- pearance as any of the boasted northern Week lies. The “Home Gazette” is devoted to Litera ture, Art, Science, Education, General Intelli gence and Southern Interests, and is neutral in polities and religion. To those, who desire a paper for the 7 'Fireside and the Home Circle, the “Gazette” is offered with every assurance on the part of the Editor, of a determination to afford satisfaction to' his patrons. He earn 5 . i_ LAWTON, DOWELL & CO. No, 230 BAY STEET, SAVANNAH, GA. Factors & commission Merchants T ENDER their services to their friends and the public generally. They are mutually pledged not to speculate in cotton. Liberal advances made on produce consigned to them, and Planters’, orders filled with despatch and at the lowest market prices. A: B. LAWTON, Bakfer co. SAM’L. L. DOWELL, Savan’h. W. S. LAWTON, Macon, aug. 5,1851 29—6m his friends and the public generally, that he is a. dealer in all kinds of Foreign and Do mestic, Green and Dried Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Preserves, Pickles, Olives, Coper’s Salad Oil, Brandy Peaches and Cherries; Cigars, Sar dines, etc., etc., etc. Also, choice Goshen But ter, Cheese, all kinds Crackers, Potatoes Cod fish, Onions, Mackerel and Herring, a supply of which is constantly on hand and for sale at Nq. 4;‘Barnard street, Savannah, Ga. Term* Cash or approved City reference, ’ feb.54. 6—ly* l. S. E. BOTH WELL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE, 173, Ray street, Savannah, Ge«. YITOULD respectfully eall'tlie attention of ’ > their friends in Washington and adjacen counties, to their large and fine assortment of tx • t — i n «ii ft I ‘.■jjx Hi.., , r ,^ m Family supplies and Groceries of all descrip tions, which they sell at wholesale or retail, a* cheap as any’establishment in the city. They have now on hand a choice assortment of wines, liquors, &c. They respectfully solicit a Bhare of public patronage. S. E. BOTHWBLL,] [r. L. GAMBLE, jun. 21. • .A. 1-—9m r V . new Fall at ad Winter «o®ds. T HE subscriber takes pleasure in saying to- his friends and the public generally, that he has just received & opened a stock of Good* which-have never been surpassed in this mark et, to which he invites the attention of persons who wish to buy. His Dry Goods have been carefully selected, and he feels assured that h» can please the taste and fancy of all. READY-MADE CLOTHING. jan. Importer the estate o^the late Rowaii Johnson, deceas ed, for the benefit of the the minors. Terms' on the day of sale. A. PONCE, , >m : . and Manufacturer? of S E G A R S, 'O. 13, Whitaker street, keeps con on hand a well selected stock of im[ Segafs; also, Manufactured Tobacco, Snufl Pipes, and all other articles usually kept in hi ; line of business, r "''~ confidant in the belief that they will afford it their prompt and generous assistance. Augusta, Ga.,jan. 1852. 7. ISound tor Texas. rpHE subscriber would inform the citizens JL of Washington county, that if they will aid him with their patronage for one year more so that he can settle off all demands against him, he will sell out and be off like a pot leg. Harness cheap for cash. Also, repairing. V r G. W. YOUNG. Sandersville, dec. 9, 1851. 47—tf His friends are also advised that he has * 1 neat furnishing-room for gentlemen, where he keeps every variety bf Ready-Made Clothing, and of all sorts and sizes. These garments' are all made up in the latest style, and will be sold cheap. A fine' suit can be furnished at a very moderate prince. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! I AND received a large* lot of Garden Seed, , Of the past yea^s growth, and for sale at ;. BRANTLEY’S. • jan. 20. v . U 52—tf • UOliOIlJ XVX^JU'V — ~ —"_ ~ ■■ — *' ■' 11——- . -I.— - wi .1— . offers on the mos TJQPE&BAGGING ust received and for : NARAH JOHNSON, admrx. , reasonableterms. ‘ 27, 1852. 1 -'*‘ , 4 -' *’ ■ 81110 h L JHH be carried on by the undersigned, under the superintendanee of Mr. Geo. W. Young, at the shep occupied by him, oh ^ t ’~’ fci “ v iic square. Amounts for work done at ust be paid to the undersigned, at " ’man’s. M. NEWMAN. Ion 12 Ifial JB tf Besides the fine apparel that the subscriber is able to offer to his patrons, he can offer them the Pantry comforts; with a large, stock of eve ry article in the Grocery line he is able to compete with any of the markets. He is con tinually receiving articles of Groceries, and is always ready to furnish his customers with the best articles, and at reduced prices. Call and examine for yourselves; He charges nothing for it. ' 5 A 3 -*' Sandersville,; ..—Bal