The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, January 27, 1852, Image 4

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Postponed, .. Washingioa* Sheriff’s Sale. ^UL be Sold before the Court-house door _ ' 1,1 thrown of Sandersville, on the first Tuesday m February next, between hour^of sale, the following property* to Wit f A certain negrb man slave 21 .jterirs old: named Ben, levied oh by virtue of a fi fa issued upon an attach mo nt in favot - of W. If. Cochran vb. Wm. S. DickWn, arid to satisfy said fi fa. n v. . .. r A. ii. joSEs.D. Shir. Dec. 1, t85i. 46—td. A PostponedjExecutor’s Sale. GRKEA BLE to ®n order from the honorable L the Inferior GoUrt of WaShirigtoi^ county, while fitting as a Court bf ordinary, will be ■old before the Court-house door tu Sanders- Ville-, on the first Tuesday in February next, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit; Orte tract of Pine Land con taining 1300 acres rtiute or less, lying in said county of Washington an the waters of Lime stone and Little Ohoopie, adjoining lands be longing to the estate of W. P. Taylor, deceas’d, Wm. G. Salter and others. AiBO,at the same time and place, one tract of Land lyiiig in said county! bn the Little unoopie Creek, containing 8*00 acres more of £?*• a^oifting lands of b; C. Mathis, Philip Clark and Rachel New and dthers. All to be ®S l >H pr , 0 P ert J belonging to the estate of v Taylor, late of said county, deceased* ?nd for the benefit of the heirs of said deceas’d. “ v'rms on the day of safe; E. D. T.fYLOftj \ 3; R. TAYLOR, t fe * rs ’ nov. 3, 1851. 4‘»—td GEOKfilA, Washington county. In Washington Superior Clerk's Office, Court of Ordinary. , _.~ I^^HEREAS Harman D.Robison, adminis trator ou the estate, of Samuel Tootle, (September James L. Rives ^ * ■si:- i Jonathan Lytms arid Administratrix’s Sale. A GREhABLE with an order of the Honor- IX. able the Interior Court T uiic muureu ana crecntorsol said deceased, to be arid appdar at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they have, Why said letters should not be granted Given under iriy hand at Office in bailUersvllle, this 27th day of October, i8oi HAYWOOD JB~****"** junction arid Relief. m> v vui OmIVI CoWily and sfnl.oS ^ and £ dmonish alJ Elbert DyTtyfor, Sheriffo Of ^^ u ! ar , the k l ndred and breditbrs bf said said cotinty and Quintilian Skrine, Attory for Trustees. J . ; I T appearing to the Court from the allegai tions in the above stated Bill, Which are varified to by affidavit, that Fianklin Ruther ford, onb of said Trustees, and William S. Dickson, (who intermarried with Martha Bed- ?HE exercises of this Institution will eom- L. mence on the first MONDAY in January birfefction bf the present able' Franklin Rutherford, Trustees! ? ' covery, Im ar J d < r d ‘ cient principal, A. D. Slack, A. M.y eii.w ty^ ‘ ..i whose unwearied exertions and success as a ; teaChCf, has given such general satisfaction out. 27. ■ROOKINS, Cl’k Al—6m GEOEGIA, Jefferson County. Clerk's Office, Court of Ordinury. W HEREAS Isaac B. Davis applies to me for letters of Guardianship for James W Hudson, minor child of James J. Hudson, de ceased : These arc therefore to cite, sumons arid ad monish the kindred and creditors of said min ors; and all persons concerned, to be and ap pear at my pffiee within the time prescribed by law, arid show Cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted; Given un der my hand at office in Louisville* this 16th day of January, 1862. NICHOLAS DlEHL, Cffej J an - 20. 52—30d Interior Court of Washington ebunty, while sitting as a Court of ordinary, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Swainsboroj’ Emanuel county, on the first Tuesday in February Ue±t* between the Usual hours of sale, the following lands, to wit. One lot of Land containing 200 acres, lyin<» •nd being in said county of Emanuel on Har° ncane Branch; drawn and kilowri as the Wm. Norris Tract. tb® same timh and place, one tract containing 159 acres more or less, being a lot drawn by Charlette Tarver and Cbarlette Vick- •rs, bounding the lands, of Andrew E. Taver and others. All to be sold as the property be- ?J#} T a S l0 the estate of James C. Francis, late 8f Washington cp U nty, deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms on ibe day. MARY A. FRANCIS,.admrx. nov. 25* 1851. 45—td GBOEGlAi W(t$biiigtoij county Clerk s Office, Court cf Ordinary. W HEREAS Thomas Scott applies td me tor letters of Guardianship bf Margaret, JSliadfick arid Snmnol ’ Trustee’s Sale. XV ILL be sold before the Court-house door " in the town of Sandefsville, on first Tuesday in February next, one tract Of Land containing 1 700 acres more or less; lying in Washington-eounty, on the waters of Buffalo and Keg Creek* known as the Dee land, and to be soid tor the benefit of the heirs of Wm. Dee, deeeased.- JAS. S. HOOK Att’y. For Jk0; Barry, Trustee, ^jan; 18, 1852^_ 51—td Admi n istral&f 5 s Shadriek arid Samuel Tootle, minor children closed ™ Tootle, lute of said county, de- These are therefore to Cite and admonish all person Concerned, to be and appear at my of- faoe Within the time pi-escribed by ia*\- and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 12th January, 1852. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Cl’k J an13 - 51—30d its of this State; and it also appearing that subpoena was prayed in said Bill and issued against said Franklin Rutherford, Trustee, and not against William S. Dickson; and the court upon demurrer haying decided at this Term of the Court, to wit: September Term, 1851, that the said William S. .Dickson, and- the le gal representative of Mrs Martha Dickson* de ceased, are necessary parties to said Bill; On motion of Complainant’s Counsel, ordered by the Court that the said William S. Dickson and the legal representative of Affs. Martha Dick son, deceased, be made parties to said Bill, and that the said Franklin Rutherford, William S. DicksOu and srieh legal representative of trie said Mart ha Dickson, deceased, be and appear on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court; and plead ansvref Of detflrif td said Bill, or in default thereof; that the complainant be allowed to proceed ex parte as to them ; == It is further ordered that this order be publish ed in a public Gazette of this State once a mouth for four months. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court, this 27th of October, 1851; L. AUGUSTUS JERNIGAN, Ci’k. OCt. 28, 185L 41—m4m e Will be assisted by Miss Eliza Edson, whose qualifications as St sht tdaCher; are unquestionable. feels The Musical departmerit will be Continued ‘ ■. V - - SUQQXZ3S : . citizens of this arid adja- ■ cent counties* that ho -contiuues to put up BUGGIES of the very b‘est 'styje, the Workmanship and. material of no fear of .being excelled. He keeps .lady whose musical eminently qualified as a teafeher of music. Terms ; —The scholastic year will embrace ten mbilths—divided into two terms—erne of: ,.. .... - ---- .-j-xv , Constantlyf^on hand a superiour lot of Buggies under the direction of Miss H. L Raymond, a off his Own manufacture, which lie oilers tbr musical taste and skill, renders her sale on the most reasonable terms. If* to ob- nialified as a tftafehcr of mi'ieio tain .a wood 'RnrroW o six, and one of four months. The -first term' .for “something to yide in” hereafter, as.'he In*' Abfrinrtinnr hn tlin laf Mnnrloir in Tarmni.n faTlHo fn fnrnioh .-,4- ... J i beginning on the 1st Monday in January, wifi continue to the last of June. The second term beginning on the 1st Monday in August and close the last of November. GEORGIA, Washington County. Clerk s office, Court of Ordinary. "^nt^HEREAS Francis A. Murphey applies to me for letters of Ad to me for letters of administration on the estate of Henry Murphey, late of said Coun ty, deeeased: These are therefore to cite and adiilonish • j 1 j sin o u a-r the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be arid appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, mid show’ Calisfe, if any they have, why saidletters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office m oaildersville, this 12th January, 1852 HAYWOOD BROOKIN, Cl’k. J an * 13 > 51—30d Iu Washington Superior Court. SEPTEMBER TERM, 1851. Samuel Robison, Ex’r. Ac., of Elisha King, | deceased. VS. BERRt Tipper, & othets. J /'In Equity, fof inter pleader, &c. I T appearing by the billln this caUse that of t’ ’ ‘ ‘ ' ' - O .. .. Sale. N thfe tWenty-third day of February next, will be sfcjld at the late residence of Jtiritls Wright, in Wilkinson county, all the perisha ble property belonging to the estate of Junes Wright, late of said county, de«eased, consist- of corn, fodder, wheat, rye, oats, horses, cattle, hogs, oxen and cart, one two-horse wagon, household and kitchen furniture, arid Other things too tediotls to. mention. Sale to Con tinue from day to day until all is sold; Terms on the day. JOHN ROSS, Jn l admr; ELIZABETH WRIGHT \ admrx.l 16, 1852. 62—td jan. Administrator’s Sale. GREEABLE with an order of the honor able the Inferior Court of Laurens GEORGIA, Wellington County. Clr-k's Office, Court of Ordinary. V^HEREAS Seaborn Jones applies tome * T for letters of administration on the es tate of John Powel, sen., late of said county, deeeased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anjr they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Sandersville, this 5th day JanUaty. 1852 HAYWOOD MOOKINS, Cl’k. jan. 6 50—30d GEORGIA* Emanuel county the defendants therein named, the following reside in this dorittty, and have not been served, to wit: William Crafton, Dixon Forbs, Isaac Moye and his *ife, CalVin King and his wife, William King, Lewis Harrison and his wife, Isaac Tanner and his wife, it is ordered that each of said defendants be served with a copy of this bill and a copy of this order, and they appear at the next term of this Court and plead answer or demur to said bill, or that this cSusC will proceed ei-parte as to lliCm and of thd other defendants n&ined in said Bill, the follow ing reaide out of this county; to wit; -Torence King of Pulaski county ; Shadrach Dixon, of Bosaeu Parish, Louisiana; Robert Dixon of the Parish of Onodike, Louisiana ; G uilford Bur ney and hia Wife; of Pike county* Alabama; Thomas Diion, of Stewart cohhtji in this State; William B. Knox, William D. Khoi, Benashly Knox, Haywood Kndx, and Arena Knot, of Pitt eouty; North Cifolifia; the Children bf Nfehefiiiah Diion of foil County; John King of Leriolt county, North Carolina, it ia ordered that said last named defendants do appear at the next terrii of this GottrUUd plead answer or dembr to aaid Bill of Complaint; of that this cause will prooceed ex-parte as to them,and that aeopy of thia order be publish ed in the Central Georgian once a month for four morithi; prior to the lieit term of this court; and aa to the defendants who have been served, RATES OF TUITION. 1st Class—Spelling, Reading and Writing, $8 per term of 5 months. 2d. Class—The above included, with Eng lish Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic $12 per tefm Of 5 months.* 3d Class—The above included, with An cient Languages, Algebra, Geometry, &ie., to gether wi h Natural, Moral and Mental Philo sophy, $16 per term of 5 months; French* Italian and drawing, extra, each per term Off 5 months, $9; Music on Piano Forte, per term, $20., Use of Piano “ “ $2 50. Board.—OBdard in the best families, includ ing washing, fights* fires , etc., may be obtain ed at $10 per month; The Trustees of the Institute, Can* With con fidence reeommend it to the favorable consid eration of those Who have daughters to be edu cated. /Sandersville has enjoyed, for several years, an immunity from disease, and in this respect will compare favorably ivith iriost up- eoUntfy towns. Within three miles of station 13, Central Rail Road, to .which a Haek runs feglilafly twice a day—it is easy of aCCbss; Grateful for the liberal patronage which our infant institution has received, the Trustees are determined to spare no pains or expense to fender it equal to any similar Institution in the State. WILLIAM SMITH, WILLIAM HODGES A. A; GULLENS, BENJ. TARBUTTON, M E. S. LANGMADE, N. W. HAINES, JOSEPH BANGS, ISHAM H; SAFFOLD, sr HAYWOOD BROOKINS, GREEN BRANTLEY. Sandersville, dec. 23, 1851. 49—6t tain a good Buggy at a low price be any in ducement to purchase at home, lie feels confi dent that there will be no need of sending off for “somethinjr to ri3p in” i... tends to furnish them at greatly reduced rates. He also keeps constantly on hand and for sale, BUGG\ HARNESS, which he will sell on reasonable terms. He continues to repair all Linds of ve hicles, and to make, to order, all kinds of car riages from a wheel-barrow to a pleasure car riage, - gr!P He invites the attention of those wish ing tb purchase, to, ari. examination of the quai- ity arid prices off his present stock of Buggies, before buying elsewhere. ° LEWIS BENSON. aug. 26. 31 IIABUN & FULTON, Factors & Cosmnission Merchants Savannah, Ga. WILL Continue to give prompt and strict personal attention to all busi ness in their fine confided to their, care. Or- Trustees. county, deceased, applies to me for letters tif dismission from said estate: These are therefore to bite and admonish, a 11 county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes; will 3 h . ese ^erefore to bite and admonish, all be sold on the first Tuesday in April next- be- i !l nd slll ^ alar |; he km dred and creditors, of said tween the usual hours Of sale, belbre the Court i dee , eased ’ t0 be and a PPeaf at my offifce, with- it ia ordered that they plead, anawer or demur P dat rinurts will be directed to th< to said Bill oa or before the first day of the nexr dm P rb ^ em6nt - Their government willbe6Ueh term of this Cnnrt * as to snaiirO ffroorl p.onHm»t nn m term of thia Court. A true extract ftoui the triihules at aaid Court, this 21 at November* 1S51 L. AUGUSTUS JiSRiiiGAN, Cl k. UoV. 21, 1851. 45—m4m nours oi sate, oetore the COurt i • ,• -u jcV the town of Dublin, Laurens I "i the P rescnbed b r la f, and show cause » - j . - ... , i tf any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swainsboro’, this 3d day of November, 1851. JORDAN FLANDERS, Cl’k. nov. 10, 43—6m house door.xfo B r county, a lot of Land containing eight and a half acres, in the town off Pine Ridge, adjoin ing a. McMillon, as the property of Mary Hicks, late of said county, deeeased. Terms cash. JETHRO ARLINE, admr; jan. 20, 1852. 52r-td Aduiinisttrator’s Sale. "^^TiBL^be sold before the court-house door - ., in Sandersville, on the first Tuesday in April ixCxt, • between the usual hours of sale, three hundred acres of Laud, lying in Washing ton county, adjoining Littleton Mathis and others, as the property of Benjamin SkfinC* late of said county, deceased, and for the GEORGIA* Laurens county; Clerk's Office, Court of Ordinary. "YKThereas Jethro Arline, adriiinistrator on the "" estate ot Marv Hicks, annlics t,n nm fnr estate of Mary Hicks, applies to me for letters ot Dismission from said estate: These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cuumy, ueceasea, ana lor the ' ” . picscriueu oy xaw, bo snow benefit of the heirs and Creditors of said de- cause i R an y they have, why said letters should Ceased. Tiinna nil A.... .... i. not, be. irrantoH Hiuan „nAA- «... v..... A ... T^rnls on the day, of sale. JOHN K1TTRELL, admr. jan. 20, 1852. 52—td Administrator’s Sulei A GREEABLY with an order of the honbr- abld the Inferior eburt of iefferson county, while sitting as a court of ordinary, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Blakely, Early county, on the first, Tuesday in April next, lot of Land No. 339, lyifig in the 4th District of said county, con taining 250 acres, as the property of Elbert Hudson, late of Jefferson county, deeeased, and for the benefit of the heirs and’ereditbrs of said deceased. Terms on the day. CHAS. MATHEWS, admr. jan. 20, 1852. 52--td F OUR months afief tikiife**a^rilicaliohlvilTb^ made to the Honorable the'Inferior Couft of Washington county, While sitting as a court ordinary,tor leave to sell the Land belongino- to the estate of JdsiaH Arnison, sen. latS bf the o^tate ol Alabama, deceased. ‘ „ iari J OHN AMISON, admr. nov. 3, J85J. 42—4in not be granted. Given under my hand at of fice in Dublin, January the 18th, 1852. FRANCES THOMAS, Cl’k. an 20. 52—6m "'OUR months after datfe application will be GEORGIA* Jefferson County Clerk's Qjjicc, Court of Orditidry. W HEREAS Elizabeth Allen applies to me for letters of ad ministration, de. bonis non, on the estate of Robert K. Allen, dece’sd: Tfiese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, fo be and afojear at my office within the time prescribed by law* and show cause, if any they have* Why said letters should not be E ranted. Given tinder my hand at office ih ouisville, this 16th day of January, 1852: jan, 2d. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Cl’k 52-£-30d GEORGIA Clerk'S Washington county. jice, Court of Ordinary. YY^HEREAS James J. Wall applies to me ▼ » for letters of Guardianship for the per sons aud property of Lanahan, Henry C.* Vir gil T., and Ezekiel G. Finny, minor heirs of Ezekiel FinrijU.diseased i . These are therefore to cite, sumons and acL ing to the estate off John Barnes, sen.* late bf said county, deceased. TIIOS J WARTHEN* adnlf ndv.4, 1851. 42—4m F IUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable tlie Iriferibf eourt Of Washington county while sitting as a eburt of ordinary, for leave to sell the land Rttd a part of the negroes belonging to the Estate of Ezekiel Finney, late of said county, deceased. . „ , JAMES? j; WALL, adirih , -sejit. §0. within the time prescribed by laW ttf ’ show cause if any they have, why said fottUfs should Hbt be granted. Given iindrit my hand at of fice in Saudfersviilfejthis Sth.dty Janliary, 1852; / , Haywood brookins, ci’k. J a »- 6. 43—30d 37—4m GEdttUlA—Ei'lAN UEL COUNTY. Clerks Office, Court of Ordinary. ■JPI. .8 John Rountree ur.p!i L ^ to nie for letters of Guardianship o*f the person »Ud property of Kbenezar Braddy, Uinda Brad- dy, FJiarabah Braddy; Sarah Braddy and Will- lani Braddy : - v ; ; J hese are therefore to cite and admonish all interested to tile there obje.ctioiis if any exist* on or before the twelfth day of January next otherwise said letters will be issued. Given under my hand this 20th day of Neveinber Georgia, Washington county. Cfork's Office, Court of Ordinary. YXTHEREA-S Wiliiam Wood applies to me u for letters of administration on the es tate of O. B D.irbev, late of said county, dec’d Thesb are therefore to.cite arid admonish ui. 1 Articles that can be Boiig'ht OF H» BUTCHER. Ready-Made Clothing of all sorts. ENTS fine and heavy Overcoats, persons concerned Or interested, to be arid ap. pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they-have, why said letters should not be granted. - Given un der iny hand at office in Sandefsville, this 18th day of Debernber, i 851. Haywood brookins* ci’k. dec. 23; 49—30d Dress and sack cloth coats, Cloth, cassimere and sattinet Pants, Silk, satin and other veotings, Cloth cloaks, Cloths, cassimeres and a great variety of Other articles of Gents. Wear, Shirts* drawers, half-hose and cravats, Hats, caps and bbbts bf the latest style, "A 1 Negri) blankets, hats and shoes, of all sorts andsizes. Ladies' Dressing: A rich variety of Prints, mus. d’Larig* Alpaccas, silks, Brocade, Stranburg cambric, cj-c. Dress Triming of all kinds* All kinds bf hosiery, Capes, collars, buffs. shiriieiSetts, AC. Lady’s caps and bonnetts offthb latest stylb) All sorts of ribbons and flowers for bonnets, Wreathes for hats and bonnets of the latest style, , Miscellaneous. Hbmespuns, bleached and unbleached of all sorts, Bed-ticking, cottbn driil, bshafilirgs* fetb. Crockery, hard-ware, cutlefy, etb: Carpet-bag^,'valieses, etc. Powdef arid shot, toiiaeeo, cigars; Buggy-whips and Coliars; Saddles and bridles, Umbrellas, over-shoes and cowhides, Perfumery Of every kind, soap, etc; Haii’-briishes* bbtrios* btb. Coatrvbstypant* and drbss biittoris* Shoe-.blabking and brushes, A lot of superior shaving apparatus, A lot of gold and silver watches, '• “ “ “ “ “ pencils, Jewelry id a gfeat variety, A lot bf fine bard cases, Books and Stat ibndrij. Books of most all sorts, novels, etc. : Fine family bibles, large size, - Small bibles, testatrients* arid hymn bboksj A large lot of Hesperian Harps, A good assortment of school books, A large lot of.Masdnic shafts* All kinds of history, Voyage round the world, etc. All sorts of miscellaneous works, All kinds of stationary, 1 YHE Trustees oi the Sparta Male and Fe- . male Schools, have the pleasure of an nouncing to the publie, that thby have secur ed the services of Messrs. Thomas C. Need and Richard M, Johnston, as Principals, in he Male School for the ensuing year; They /eel no hesitation in rCcomitiending them to the patronage of those who desire to give their sons a liberal and thorough education* Well educated themselves* thfey pbssfess ribt only the ability, but the will* to impart instruction to all who may be Confided to their care. Pa rents and guardians who may send theii sons to this Sehool, may rest assured that their bdst efforts will be directed to their mental ders for goods will be promptly filled with scrupulous care, and at the lowest market pri ces. The highest prices will be obtained for produce consigned to them, and the proceeds pfOtriptly sent according to instructions. The usual advances will be riaade upon produce in store. They have never been specu lation of any kind, and they will not in future. N; B; Having employed Major William Hodges to act as their agent at Sandersville. all their, customers who desire it can by calling at his store, be furnished frith Bagging, Rope. Twine, Nall, &e.-* at Savannah prices, expenses only lidded; Major Hodges will’attend to the sending bf ofdfers to them in Savannah—the receiving and paying ovef bf the proefeedsoi cotton and o’her produce—and whatever else may be required of him as their agent. sept. 24, 1850. 37—tf FLOYI) HOUSE—Mftcoii, Ga * THIS well known arid popular Hotel having been recently repaired and put in complete order, is now open for Slates, pencils, pens, papdf, eftvelbpes, Ink, •stands* sand-boxes and wafers. as to ensure good eonduet on the part of their Pupils, bbth in and out of sbhdol, yet so rea sonable and just, as to secure the approbation of the pupils themselves in almost all cases. Their success heretofore has given them in the coriimunities where they have taught, a reputation rarely attained. Having known thettl for some years in their character of Teachers, and from their youth, as gentlemen, we feel no hesitation in announcing to the public that we offer them a school equal to any in Georgia, for thorough instruction in all of the branches usually taught in Academies. They would also announce to those who have Daligbtdfo tb UdUCate* that they have had the good fortune tb secure the service bf Rev. John A. Mosely* as principal, in the Female School. Mr. M. has been engaged in the vo cation of teaching for the last ten years in Cherokee and elsewhere, with great success, and is well qualified foi the position he is to fill He will be provided wiih the best teach ers of Music and other ornamental branches. ■ His unremitting efforts directed to the 1 advancementof his scholars. Instruction Will be given in the various branches usually taught iU a Female Academy. The rates of Tuition in both Sfchools* which are low, will remain un changed: Ifoatd in respectable private fami lies can be had oti gudd terms. Persons at a distance, who may not find it cohfbnienttd borne with their bhildrep;.may secure boarding by'making application tb either of the principals • s. A; Pardee, i * T. M. TURNER, | B. T. HARRIS, ^Trustees. ‘ H. ROGERS, | J. T. MARTIN. J. The Schools Will bommence on the second MONDAY In Jannary next; Sparta, Ga. nov. 24, 1851. 45—8t 7 New Fall ^otitis* At Ne^' York Prices for Cask, the receptibri oi Boarders aiid transient per- sons. The proprietor pledges himself that nothing shall be wanting on i is part, to make and continue it one of the most popular Hbteis in the Sotith,- The Ladies Departtiient is Under the special eare of MRS. JAMES, formerly of Colum bus* and favorably known to the travelling cbiriritufiity, ti’hh will see that ilbtliing is want" ing to make visiting Ladies arid tamilies on ly at home. Their appartmbnts having been newly and beautifully furnished. THOMAS YVILLIAMS, Proprietor. A. B. Hartweli.-; Superintendent. N. B. An Omnibus Will always be in readi ness to bonvey passengers to and from the Rail Road Depbts; gS^’.ff'he Alligator Line of Stages has its office permanently located at the Floyd House. F. K. Wright, OwnCf; FUJRlf iTUR-U:.. \ IMIE Subscriber is now receiving, by every arrival from New York, a rich and splendid assortmentoi CABINETFURNITURE, of the latest aiid most approved patterns, not sur passed in the southern country. He has pur. chased his. stock to such advantage,that he can sell at very low prices. T Among his large assortment may be found—■ Large serpentine sofas, do. divans, do. otto mans, plain and spring-seat sofas, do. do. di vans, ottoinans and cotlehes, mahogany rock ing Chairs, with red and grben plush seating, mohair, do mahogany setting full three-fourth and five-eights French chairs; curled maple, - black walnut, and rosewood chairs* cane and WOOd sfeat settees, side-boards with mahogany jind marble tops, do. mahogany tops, side-case bureaus^ writing table and book cases, cottage bureaus, Ward-robes, ladies’ work tables, ceu- tie and pier tables, with majble tops marbl®. top .wash stands painted do. dressing tables, ! ted tables Grecian eJawfopt dining tables tension tables, cafd-tables, w jth ' RMpITiiid Oge pillars, mahogany bedsteads, do. French pat- terns, curled ixniple bedsteads, plain, ALSO, r Curled iriaple, black walnut and rosewood chairs with cane bottoms, Windsor chairs, chi l dren’s high do., counting room desks, revolv- ng chairs for Counting rooms, counter stoolsi foot stools,'hat-stands, bellovvs aiid brush, bird cages knife trays, safes, mahogany and cherry efibs hair-mattrasscs, moss do., f eather beds, bolsters, and pillows, green, red, blatk, blue and white Cord, with tasseis to match, hail cloth, for sofas arid mahogany chairs, wi!lo\ t wagons, do., cradles.- * ALSO, A great variety of mantle and pier glasses toilet and dressing glasses of all.of the'diffet- ent kinds now used. Persons, either in the city or country, wish ing to purchase any of theabove articles, will find it an object to call before. m;ikin< r xlieir*? purchases elsewhere. Every, article may be, depended ou as being w hat it is fepresenied.- Liberal deductfous will always bc'inade to the who make largt^purcliascs: Removed to fcjmctt’s new -Luildinirs. 1 Broughton street. I W MCUi R1 fj Feb. ^ rs iPdisTM. •' ADE by Chidheriiig. Nunn’s, and Fische and Gale &'Co.—1 lie suh.-criber. oliprs , for sale a.large assomneiit of 7, 6 tlitee-lburtii ) and 6-one-halr and 6 octave Rosewood and I Mahogany Pianos, from the above makers. These Instruments arc unsurpast ed by any iiiade in this country for purity yr.(L fullness .fj tbne, ami elegance of workm.-.nrl.ip; .some of J thfein are fin dished with the comple iron Fran ., • which strengthens the ease arid prevents the liability off getting out of tone; otliers huv e the Ordinary metalie plate, and can be offered for r prices. TheseTin GEORGE A. REINHArW Boot Maker, SabdkrsvillI:; Ga. RESPECTFULLY lufofms the citizens of this and the adjoiri- I ing counties* that he is prepar ed to undertake arid execute, in a neat and workmlih-iike manner, all jobs in his line of business. He keeps on hand, at all times, the best material, and of which his work is made, in as tasteful and fashionable style as can be made anywhere. His terms are reason- blc. guilder.svilld, April 30, 1851. lfo—6m. WHOLESALE & RETALE . HAT & CAP STORE T LtE undersighed Wdiild respectfully in- fortti the citizens of Savannah arid Chat ham county* as Well as tlibse Of the adjacent counties, likewise the citizens'of Sotith Caro- lina,who visit our city With a view to theymr- chase of Hats krid Caps, and the pifolib 7 gen erally, that he is nOW o]ie'ning, on Brtiughton street, two doors East Of N; B; tf- H. Weed’s, a lafge and well selected stock Of Mats and Caps* of various Styles and qualities, which, for rihatness and durability, cannot be Surpass ed by any establishment in the bity. Here sjJeetfhlty risks an exalriination ’ of his stock and a share bf public fiatronage. ^U’City arid country Dealers will find it t< their interest to call and examine iny stock.— Orders from the country executed wiih dif lower prices. Tiiese Pianos are ‘ offered willi- out any advance from the maiiulacturcr s pricvs, anff those who ate desirous of obtaining a su perior instrument *t a moderate expense would do well to call arfd examine before piircluisin" - elsewhere. ° 0 I’’- -'. U; W. MORRELL. Savannah, Feb. 18* 1851. (;—F y . i)R.- Rogers' 7 " : — priteh and fil No abatement or deviation in prices, fob. 24. 6—ly* H. R. BOX. 1^-EGRO BLANKETS, Kerseys and Linsys, ttim „ u u,u ,„u e persons in best quality very low. Osnaburgs, home- j want of good HA TS, for themselves or for spuns, Calicos, of all kinds; French, .English j plantation use, to give them a call .inrl American: a verv eaftensive asmm-tmentefi - tit i . -n i p - HATS foft THE ml^LIOTST. THE undersigned have now in store (at Savannah, Ga.,) a full and comple assort ment of every description of Hats and Gaps, for the Fall trade, and would invite persons in and American; a very extensive assortment of all kinds of thelatest style of Dress Goods. Planters will bear in miiit that tce.hdve bUl oHe PHce. ; thbsystein is a great protection to all not acquainted with the value of Goods, as well as those who are. tf JAS; H, & M. SHEAHAN* LritF Of iililleagevillfe-, Baldwin eri; SaVannah* oct. 12, 1851. 0—tf v Patriut ihit ^ . .. I Look out foil the sign of tlie RED FLAG* and dtnne and ; -• . .. v v . : i ■■■ ^HE undersigned warns his friends riot to . pay any accounts due him, to any person v ’ HARMONIC INSTITUTE, \- Uorher of St. Julian st. <k Market Squat ( SAVANNAH GEORGIA. F ZOGB4UM & CO., Importers arid Deni ers in Musical Instruments of every of seription, sheet Music, strings, &c. wholesal- arid retail. Piano Fortes, by A. Stodart 4 Co and J. B. Dunham, New Yofk,in every vs riety of style and price* . Thfesfe Instrumenlt are acknowledged, by the best musical judget to be at least equal to any other manufaetnr ers. Dealers supplied with every article fc the fine rit Ne\#York prices; FzhsiiAUM.] [bif iiKHjw TR1SII POTATOES jUrit received and for JL sale by the barrel of bushel at Sandersville, dec. w, lUVUi W VIWI, Merchants will be furnished'at New York prices: N. K. BARNAM & CO; 148, Congress st. Savahnafi, Ga. bht. 27, 1851. 41— siioes,bootsAwdbrogays, at WHOLEMALk AnD retail. Ved our spring stock, wffiich is very’ extensive arid siijifefibff, and btlg you to call and examine for yourselves, believing it will be to your ad vantage to do so, as our terms are liberal. Also, Gents. India Rubber Boots, long legs; Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Yalises, &c LILEBRIDGE & JOHNSON. Savannah, fob. 15. 6—10m J 5 ® 1 - JORDAN FLANDERS,c 4o—30d * - - ,, t - j \/f ACKEREL.—No. 2’s at $12 per Darrel* 1. Nov. 4 185i whatever, as he will certainly collect them J JLvlL and-'N:o. 3^^s at ^‘ J . - himself. *- Jefferson co. JOHN BURGHAM. oct. 25,1851. 41^tf wm ' • $9 prir baffoUjust'feceiy ed and for sale by Z. BRANTLEY. Z. BRANTLEY. 42—tf e&&dEitl£i§» 'FFEE &. SUGAR.—A large lot of Coffee _ and Sugar of various qualities and prices just received and for-sale. Together with many-other articles “too te dious” to mention, which customers can have by calling, and are assured that tlje prices Will be found as cheap as any other - establish- riierit in the place, or elsewhere this side of Sa- varinah. Z\ BRANTLEY. Nov: 41851 * --t. 42—tf WalKirig Canes. and Uinb rellas FINE assortment of Walking Canes and Umbrellas, just received and for sale by nov. 10. HAINES & BRO. LIVER WORT AJfB TAR.' SAFE and feertain cuie tor coughs, colds, Croup, Asthma, Consumption,’ of "the l^ungs, spitting of Blood, Broiicliiii.s Hoopimr- cough, iifid all l’ulififoiaty Atteciions. A Lovely Yuuiig Lady Cured oj Consumption The following is from the pen of Wm. II LcVisdh; Esq., the dis4i11gui.vl.ed editor oi U. S. Military and Naval Ary its, under date ot New York, January, 1850. \V hat' could be more conclusive 1 “It is seldoln we permit oursfcvc.s to occupy sp;ice in these coluu 11s to spl-ak in jnaisc of nyr article in tlie patent mehltint* waj ; bill when we see the life of a fellow creature riaVcd by the use of. any medicine .whatever, we con sider it as our right* if not our duty, to gi-. fe'a stateinent of facts, that other.-: may. in iilid manlier, be benefitt.-d. Tfie case w iiieh has induced us to pen this article was that of a yttung lady 6f Onr acquaintance, who by fte- quent exposure to the flight air, contracted a cold which settled on the Lungs before its rav ages coltld be stayed. (This occurred two years vgo this winter.) Various remedies w ere used but with very little effect or benefit. Tlte Cbtigh grew w-otsb, With copious .expcctora- tiUii; and the _sunken eye, and fale, hollow cheek, told plainly that pulmonary discasewa# doingAts worst on - her delicate frame. The tamily physician was consulted, and altliough he would not admit to the. yoirng lady that site really liad the Consumption, yet- he would give no encbritageriifent as tb a cure. At this t. isis her mother w as persuaded to make use of 11 bottle of Dr. Rogers’ Compound N'yrup of Liverwort and Tar, and rite are happy to state she Was perfectly cured in less than three months by this medicine alone, after even hope w’as destroyed. It is useless to comment ori such a Case ns this, for the simple truth will reach whhre polished fiction never can. If any doubt tfie'authenticity of this statement, let theta call at.this office; 2 — U. S. Military and Naval Argus, No. l9 Cliathum Street, N. Y TESTIMONIE OF THE N. Y. PRESS From the N-. Y. Courier, Aug. 13,1850. Dr: RbGERs’ Syrup of Liyekivokt & Tar We have heard ol several important cures recently effected by this excellent inediciria; preparation, and' in one instance that Came un der bur observation, we can fejteak confidently One of our employees, who had suffered se verely from a long standing cold, during the ]3ast week commenced the use of this medb cine, anff his cold has entirely disappeared. From the Ni Y-. Mirror, Sent. 2,1850. Liverwort and Tar.—Of the virtues of Dr. Rogers’ Cough Medicines prepared from the above articles, it is needless now to speak; its efficacy ip. speedily curing Corighs* Colds, and other lung ootaplaints, ivhich too frequents ne gleetfed, resilit in Consumption,is too well established in public confidence to need eulogy now. The genuine is signed Andrew Ro gers, on the steel plate engraved wrapper a- round each bottle, and is sold wholesale and retail by Scovil & Mead, ’ ' o i Chartres st; New Orleans* ': , Sole general agents for the States, to whom all orders arid applications for agencies must be addressed. Sold- by N. W. HAINES & BROTHER, • /Sandersville.: U Brice & Young, Fonns Bridge ; D. M. Ed- wards, MiIlcdgeville; W. A. Haylea, Louisville: J. R. Simpson, Sparta; C. C. Beall,' ‘ jufii? 17. IrwintoB. 22—6m —Just received and for sale La arg lot of salt by Z. BRANTtfEY. Nov. 4 1851 - ' ■ fSM? aSawa