The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, March 21, 1866, Image 2

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SC ve ec vii G( TTTFv T A "XT been cause ofegreat anxiety, lest being sudden, - VJ-l-vVJllU IAIN . l y freed the African should refuse to work and rt mX , become a curse to the country- Thus far, we k,anaerSHile, (*3., March 23, 1800. [are glad to be able to state, our apprehensions "' ' .— , ! haVe not been realized. The judicious rcgu- wea Af,- A-L.i , ' * llations and management of the Freedmeu’s 10113' requests us to again in- Rurcau, together with our State laws, have thus vite subscribers to the Parsonage to pa}' up. j far kept in order aud in employment that class. ' And although it is scarcely probable that his Stat Law—This important Act will ba labor will ever be as productive as while he found in our columns this week. I was a 5 'ave, may we not hope that he will uN — t r m (timately' become, as a freedman, valuable, aud t^r. John' L. Martin, Esq., will accept our an(1 tbat bis labour will become amply rernu- tbanks for late Savannah and Augusta papers. : '^o^ncuiTin The Mail.—Those who have subscribed and not paid to secure a mail to Milledgeville, are i utility,'*we would, 'request'of His Honor a copy the views expressed by His Honor Judge' Hook in his charge, and believ- that a wider publicity^would be of public respectfully requested to settle. of his'chaiffe f'or/pffBlication. J11 discharging'oiir duties, the inutility and K3L. P. Happ has received new woods of all inexpediency ol some of our criminal laws descriptions, which he says he will sell at Sa- have been impressed upon us, and we are , . TT , J , pleased to learn that the law against carrying vannah prices. He has a fine assortment. i concealed weapons has probably been re- wt 1 • . ■ r , , pealed. In the present disturbed and unset' ^Washington Superior Court adjourned ( condUion of ^ country, a large number on Ihursday morning, to convene again 011 the 0 f our best citizens think it prudent to carry fourth Monday in June. j arms. They do not wish to violate the law, and — j yet they do not desire the attention which a i3fc3“‘ The homestead bill was vetoed by Gov. pistol worn conspicuously about the person ernor Jenkins, and the Legislature failed to : would confer. Trusting that this law has been pass it over his yeto. It is, therefore, no law ! repealed, we do not feel that it is expedient, at ‘ j this time, to lnquirenuto its violation. New Goods.—Wm. Goldstein has gone af- ' We have examined the Clerk’s books of the ter his new stock of goods, and will be back on ! f. u P erior a " d , Ia , f( ; r J or Couvt * a , nd Court of Or- a , i , , , ... , diuary, and find them neatly kept and the rO' baturday, when, he assures the ladies, he will C01 . ds proper l y brought up. It is to be regret- open the finest stock of fancy goods ever ted that up to this time proper books of riTcord "brought to this market. ! havc nofc y efc Uee n obtained. We learu that . j they have been ordered, but have not yet been The Bar Again. received. Iu our brief and hurried notice of the bar j As the books of record nowiu use are small, last week, we inadvertently omitted to mention j a ‘ ld ^ en ^ ed liable to be misplaced or lost, VIT O f M 1 n 1." 1 t O tn n r\ l'l A 4-1. 4 41. 1 V two legal gentlemen of our town who deserved ly stand high in the profession, and who are not merely “lookers on in Vienna,” either in term time or vacation. We refer to R. L. Wak- then and S. B. Jones, Esqs. The omission we think it advisable that the records made since the destruction of the books of record should be immediately transcribed, so soon as proper books shall be received ; and that pro per and reasonable compensation be allowed for the transcribing, by the Inferior Court. was entirely accidental, for our relations with jJlrro NnnkVm k* 0 to His Honor , ; , , , Judge Hook lor his urbanity towards this body, these gentlemen have always been pleasant j We also return our thanks to Gen. A. ft. and agreeable—at least on our side. j Wright, Attorney General pro (cm., for his very We also failed to notice the presence of aud courteous manner towards this Hon. H. V. Johnson, Wm. McKinley, Esq., of | b ° 7 ‘ w w r AT > ri?n v Baldwin, and Gen. Carswell, of Jefferson- E. Kittridg'e, ' " " AlexandeTsmiih, Ibis was also an oversight. Jesse McAfee, Greeu Whiddon, We had intended to sketch the bar at some : Sam P 3Gn Daniel, A. Y. Haines, length, but were prevented by a press of busi- : J - S . tran S e > H- H. Medloek, U , , * «» press, or DUS1'; Moses Joiner, Thos. E. Brown, ness. Oui short notice was very imperfect, and j W. L. Hollifield, Sr., W. B. Harman, made iu a spiiit of pleasantry which we sup** Z# II. Roughton ? E. Parsons, posed would offend none. If it has (and we i S ’ W - Bu . cI D J- M- G. Medloek, have not heard that it has) we hereby make J ’ R ' Sauth > J. D. Erwin, Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of an order (rom the Ordinary of Wash ington county, I will soil at the late residence Winfield K. Wood, at public outcry to the high est bidder, on Friday the Oth day- ol April next, all the perishable property of said deceased, con- sistin" ©f corn, fodder, household and kitchen fur- Mitnre hogs, cattle, and otherthiugs notincutionod. Terms’ on the day'. JOHN W. IFOOD, Adm’r. Marsh 21, ISOS. 12-tds Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas J. Arline, late of Washington county, deceas ed, are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, will present them in terms of the -aw. , JETHRO ARLINE, Adm’r. March 21, I860. - 12-40d Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Henry t/anega, deceased, late of Johnson county, are requested to come forward and make immediate pay meet, aud those having demands, will render them in immediately in terms of the law, as I shall not hold myself accountable for carelessness of these that delay. „ , ' JETHRO ARLINE, Ex’r. March 21, 1SC6. I2-40d GEORGIA—Johnson County. r By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, J. IF.Meadows, Administrator, applies to me for letters of dismission from the estate of Chrisaline Harris, deceased, late of said county. These are thcrelore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my oflicc within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gran ted. Given under my hand at office iu Wrightsville 4his 5th day of March, lSfiG- F. W. FLANDERS, Ord’y. March 21. 12-m6m BOTHWELL & WHITEHEAD, 4E3- EX.< Commission & For war Him merchants, No. 101 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. S. E. BOTHWELL, * B. WHITEHEAD. March 7, 1866. 10-tf the amende— no' less to those that were men tioned thau to those who were omitted, write this notice from a seii3e of courtesy due not only to gentlemen of the bar, but to every body else. &raiid Jury Presentments. HP HE Grand Jurors chosen aud sworn for March Term of Washing ten Superior Court, respectfully submit the following presentments : We feel that our thanks are due to our gra-' cions Heavenly Father, for blessings unnum- bered, and especially for the unprecedented immunity from disease, and the consequent general good health of o.ur whole count}-. While, in glancing at the political horizon, _we see little to cheer the hopes of the patriot iu the present, and little promise of good in the future, yet we cherish tha belief that He who guides the destinies of nations, and whose watchful supervision suffers not a sparrow to fall to the ground without his cognizanca, will in His own time and in His own way, guide us safely to peace and prosperity once more- If true to ourselves and faithful to Him, we shall have his protection and blessing. Patient submission to what Is inevitable, is manly, and our people never, upon the battle field, more displayed the highest attributes of tiue manbood, than in their general acquies cence in, and patient submission to. the will of Heaven as expressed in the capture of their anniea, and the overthrow of their cause, as well as in the fortiiude with which they have borne piivations and sufferings necessarily con sequent upon a devastating war. It is a source of national regret, that the same spirit which goaded the South into resis tance's still rampant for evil, and preferring to reign ia hell rather than serve in heaven,” it is. still endeavoring to stir up the embers of sectional strife, and would sacrifice cvsrv princi ple el republican freedom for party aggran dizement on private revenge. However to be regretted, this need not surprise us so long as the heart (of man) ii deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” We congratulate our countrymen on the preservation of order, and the general devotion to law and good government which is every where visible. For although offences have been committed and the laws violated, yet un- der all the circumstances, we feel that it is cause of gi'atitudo to God that there has been so little crime. In examining into the condition of our county we regret that the legally constituted guardian of the county weal—the Inferior Court—has not discharged its duty more faith fully. The grand jurors, in September last, called the attention of the court t® the condi- | tjon of the public roads, and expressed the be lief that it was only necessary :i to call the at tention of the court to their condition in order to their being immediately put into complete repair.And jet ? while many of the roads were almost impasiable, the Inferior Court did not, until (ho 30th January following, appoint district commissioners. Five months were peimitted to pass before any thing was done. Did the Justices of the present court swear ‘(faithfully to discharge the duties .<ff their of fice?” How theu will they reconcile this neg lect of the public interest with their solemn ob ligation ? It is due to Judges Turner and Hollifield to state that they earnestly desired and frequently urged upon the court the necessity of attending to the roads. But up to the time tha“t Judge Hollifield went North, in December last, they never had a quorum willing to attend to’ this business. C- R. Pringle. We, the undersigned, are opposed to any We | censure on the Inferior Court, believing that they have done the best they could do un der the circumstances. W. B. HARMAN, Z. H. ROUGHTON, ALEXANDER SMITH.' The above general presentments having been submitted to the Court and approved, on mo tion Ordered, That they he published in the Georgian. Al T G- D. JERNIGAN, Cl’k. Sandersville, March 21, H GAILAHER & WEDDON, Fashionable Tailors, Sandersville, Ga., B EG leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that they are now prepared to get up €2Z2 TSi <3S5- iu the most durable and fashionable style--. Thankful to a generous public for the liberal pat ronage heretofore extended, they very respectfully solicit a continuation of the same, when accompa nied by the CASH. * March 21, 1866. 12-ly E. STARNES, II. y. JOHNSON, STARNES & JOHNSON, Attorneys at Law, A U G IT ST A, G A. W ILL practice in the counties of Washington, Jefferson, Burke, Warren and Columbia. March 21, 1866. 12-4t F ine buggies AND HARNESS FOR SALE BY W. A. THOMAS, Commission Merchant. Sandersville, March 21, 1866. 12-tt’ For Sale. • A PAIR OF HORSES AND A LIGHT EOCK- AWAY with HARNESS. Apply to H. MITCHELL. Sandersville, March 21, 1866. 2t* GEORGIA—Johnson County. By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, J. W. Meadows, Administrator, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from the estate of Silas Powell, deceased, late of said county. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and all other persons concern ed to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, iff any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at oiSec in Wrightsville, this 5th day of March, 1866. F. W. FLANDERS, Ord’y. March 21.' 12-m6m GEORGIA—Johnson County. By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, James Meeks, Executor, applies to me for letters of dismission from the estate of James Wilson, deceased, lato of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at tnv office with in tho time :prescribed by law aud show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo gran • ted. Given under my hand f.t office in Wrightsville, this oth day of March, lSgG- F. W. FLANDERS, Orfl’y. March 21. 12-mom Cotton Seed. 300 BUSHELS COTTON SEED for sale ply at the CENTRAL GEORGIAN OFFICE. March 21, 186fi. 12-tf Ap- . Coroner’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door iu Sandersville, 'Washington county, on the first Tuesday in May next, the interest of Reuben Mayo aud Thomas S. Salter, (it being .two-thirds interest) in a store house aud lot, containing two GEORGIA—Johnson County. . By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, Thomas J. Rowland, Executor, applies to me for letters of dismission from the estate of Joseph Rowland, deceased, late of said comity. These aro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to be aud appear at my office within the time prescribed by law aqd sliow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand at office in Wrightsville, tks 5ih day of March, lSffl. F. W. FLANDERS, Ord’y. March 21. .. 12-mgin GEORGIA—Johnson County. By F. IV. Flanders, Ordinary. IFhercas, Jethro Arline applies to mo for letters of aA'inirtration on the estate of ./ohn Parker, deceasod, Jatebr.“ !a ^ county. ^ These are therefore to dXfand admonish all per sons concerned, to ho undTvppear aN.\‘ v office with in the time proscribed by law and show cau!“ i ; B any they have, why said letters sli&ul<1.1.91 bog-rau- I ted. | Given under my hand at Office in Wrightsville, 1 this 5th day ofMarch, 1S66. F. W. FLANDERS, Ord’y. March 21. 12-30d GEORGIA —Johnson Connty. By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, Jethro Ailiuc applies to me for letters of Administration with the will annexed, on tho estate ol Benjamin Gornto, deceased, lute of said county. These aro to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why- said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, ill Wrightsville, this 5th day of March, 1866. F. W. FLANDERS, Ord’y. March 21. I2-30d New Goods! New Goods!! I AM now receiving a full supply of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting partly of Swiss and Jaconet Muslins, Grenadines and Poplins, Calicoes, Shirting and Sheeting; Hats Boots and Shoe*, and Ready-made Clothing. Also on hand Saddles) Bri dles and Harness, and everything usually found iu a well-furnished Dry Goods Store. The public arc respectfully invited to call on me at my old stand. P. IIAPP. Feb. 28, 1866. y y Lumber! Lumber ! M Y Steam Saw mill is now running, and I am prepared to furnish all descriptions of Lum ber at the shortest notice. The mill is four miles south of Sandersville. S. O. FRANKLIN. Feb. 2S, 1866. Ini New Confectionery. TITRS POUitNELL respectfully informs the Tt_L public that she has opcijed a Confectionary at the old stand of B. Whiddon, where she will be pleased to furnish her customers with CaDdies Nuts, Cakes, Fruits &c, &c, 011 reasonable terms Cheap Groceries! I. HERMAN & CO., H A\ E a large stock of Family Groceries aud Liquors, which they are selling on the Lowest Terms for Cash. Their stock consists in part, of FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, Salt, Cheese, Caudles, Soap, Rope, Bagging', Twine, Plow Lines, Iloes, Axes, Curry-Combs, Cotton-Cards, Cigars, Tobacco of all kinds; Snuff', Pickles, Padlocks, Shoes, Boots, Crockery, Mustard, Concentrated Lye, Backets, .Tubs, Colfoe Mills, Soda, Matches, Playing Cards, Rice, Starch, Herrings, Ink, Fish Hooks aud Lines, Shoe and Horse Brushes, and almost everythin" else in the Grocery line. ’ A fresh supply of Oysters, Lobsters, Sar dines, Clams, and Vegetables will be kept on baud. Also fresh Salmon. A fine lot of Liqnors always on hand, such as Old Bourbon Whisky, Old Cognac Brandy, Old Rye, Rum, Cocktails, Champagne, Claret, &c. Feb. 23, 1366. i y M. NEWMAN R ESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and customers, that he is receiving large additions to his stock of goods, from the New York aud Sa vannah markets, consisting ofDry goods, Clothing Hats, Shoes, aud Fancy goods, which lie offers, at reasonable prices for cash, at the store formerly occupied by the late Zach Brantley Esq : fronting the public sqiraoe. November 2,1868—tf. DR. A. MATHIS’ ' New Drug-Store, OX THE CORKER UNDER SANDERSVILLE HOTEL- Where I will, at all times, keep • on hand a large and well assorted stock of Medicines, consisting of % DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES. PATENT MEDICINES, &c. And all other articles usually found in a first class Drhg-sStore. Term CasHi Sandersville, Ga., Jan. 3, 186G. 1-tf LANGMADE, EVANS & KENDRICK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE, GA. WILL attend the Courts of Washington, Wil kinson, Emannel, Jefferson, Johnson, Hancock and Laurens counties. Office on the Public Square ®p- posite the Court House. EDWARD 3. LAXGM.VDE,J faEVEaLT D. EVANS, [JOHN W. KDNDK10K.] Jan. 3, 1866. 1—ly J. N. GILMORE, R. W. FLOURNOY". GILMORE & FLOURNOY, ATTORNEYS ,ST FrllV, SANDERSVILLE, GA. ITtflLL practice in the counties of the Middle VV circuit, in Hancock of the Northern, and iu Baldwin aud Wilkinson of the Ocmulgcc. Jan 3, 1S66. iy S. B. JONES •attorney at JLatv, SANDERSVILLE, GA. Jan. 3, 1866. 1 y G JORGIA— Washington Countg. By Haywood Brovkins, Ordinary. IFhercas, Alexander 11. Giles has filed hi s po tion for letters of Administration de bonis non ' the estate of JFilliam Giles, late of said county jl' ceased, 1 These arc therefore to cite and admonish all an<1 singular the kindred aud all other persons concerii ed to be and appear at my office within the ti, n ' prescribed by law, to show cause if any they li ave why said letters should not be granted. 1 Given under my hand at office in SandersvilL. this 2lst day of February, 1366. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ord’v Fcb. 21, 186q.30d GEORGIA—Emannel County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. Whereas, Anthony Phillips applies to tnc for let. tors of dismission from Guardianship of Jacoh Watts. These are therefore to cite and admonish all pep sons coticerncd to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law and show cause, if arty tlldy have why said letters should not be grac ed . Given under my hand at office in SWaiusbero this February 7lh, JAMES B. KENNEDY, Ord’v Feb. 21. 40J GEORGIA—Emannel County. By James B. Keniicd}-, Ordinary! Whereas, A. C, Flanders - applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of David D. Douglass, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all anil singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my oflicc within the time pre scribed by law, and show cafise, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand at office in Swainsborc, this February 7th, 1S66. JAMES B. KENNEDY, Ord’v. Feb. 2T. 30d JOHN T. JORDAN, AttoTney at Law, G.I., Will practice in the Counties cf the Northern Circuit, and Washington, Johnson and Emanuel, of the Middle Circuit. jan. 3, 1866. Jy B RIDLES, Buggy Harness, Saddles nnd Buggy Collars & Whips, at M. NEWMAN’S. Oct. 4,1865—tf X\7TNBOW GLASS 8 p: 10 and 10 y. 12, at * ▼ M. NEWMAN’S. November I, 1865— tf GEORGIA—Johnson County.’ By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, Jethro Arline applies to me for letters of dismission from the Administration oi^he estato of Winfield Martin, deceased, late of sam county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons .concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law,.and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Wrightsville. this 5th day of March, 1866. F. IF. FLANDERS, Ord’y. March 21. 12-m6m GEORGIA—Emanuel County. ByF. W. Flanders Ordinary. Whereas, R. B. Knight-applies to ine for letters of administration on the estate of Rufus Kui"lit, deceased. • 0 These arc therefore to eite and admonish all per sons concerned, to bo and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be gran ted. Given under my hand at office in Syvcinsboro, this Feb. 7, 1866. JAME3 B. KENNEDY, Ord’y. March 21, 1866. 12-30, FACTOR AND COMMISSION -MERCHANT, uo DA r STREET, SAYANNAM, ga Jan. 31, 1866. <5m R. Lr. WAiiTIiE.Y •/Itiorney at JLaic, SANDERSVILLE, GA. W ILL practice iu the countiesoj the Middle circuit, and Warren, Hancock and Laurens. Jan. 31, ISqi} 5-ly B LACK Silfs velvet Ribbons at M. NEWMAN’S. Nov. 1,1865—tf K nives and forks, pocket knives, Screws, Padlocks, Stoeklocks, Handsaw aud Milsaw files at M. NEWMAN’S Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Algero G. . Duggan, deceased, late of Washington coun ty, are notified to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will pre sent them in terms of the law. MARY C. DUGGAN, Adm’x. Feb. 7, 18(36. 4od CEO. R. BLACK, RUFUS LESTER, Black &/ Lester, •attorneys at JLaiv, SAVANNAH GA., Will practice in the Superior Courts of the sev eral Judicial Districts of the State. Jan. 3, 1866. tf. DR. A. MATHIS7 H AVING resumed therpractiee of Medicine in Sandersville, respectfully tenders his profes sional services to his friends aud the public gene rally. his Drug Store, where he may be found at all times .when not professionally enganed. A liberal patronage is earnestly solicited. Owing to the eutire suspension of the credit system, com- ; peusation for services rendered will bo expected 1 at the close of each case. Soudersville, January 3rd, 1866 2—tf DOCTOR H ORATIO N. HOLLIFIELD has resumed the practice of Medicine. Office on the Public Square, where, or at hi,s residence he will at all times be found wheD not professionally engaged. Sandersville, Jan. 3, 1866. 1-tf DIE G. W. IL WHlTAKFB, $UllGEOJY BEdYTES T, SANDERSVILLE, GA. REsrTCTTU LL\ (rfenus the citizens of Washington c-qriiij ? !| d ll, « P" “ c generally, that he has retnrhCu is 1 now prepared to practice his profession. «Jan. 5, 1S66. ly Notice. rr\HE undersigned is pigpared to do at shortest JL notice and in the best manner ail kinds of Blacksmith work at Millville or E. & J. Hightow er’s Mills outlie Big Ohoopie River, in Johnson county, Ga. lie lias procured the services of the well known Joseph Page, and thcrelore solicits the work of the farmers, as lie feels assured that his work will be executed iu the best and most im proved style. Terms strictly cash aud payable only in current money or provisions. L. II. COOK. Jan. 24. 1SSG. * 4-3m GEORGIA—Emanuel County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. Whereas, Bryant Doughterry applies to me f,, T letters of administration on the estate of Berrien Doughterry, late of said county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite aud admonish all an ,j singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office within tho tii ne prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said ^letters should not be granted. Given under m; hand at office in Swainsborc this February 7th, 1866. JAMES B. KENNEDY, Ord’v Feb. 21. 30d ‘ GEORGIA—Emannel County. By James B. Kennedy, urdinnrj. Whereas, George w. Dctfl applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Littleton Dekle, lato of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aud creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swainshoro this February 7tli, 186(3. • JAMES D. KENNEDY', Ord’y. Feb. 21. 80d GEORGIA—Emanuel County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. Whereas, Matthew Overstreet and Hartlu Snf- ton apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of Jordan Sutton, Sr., late of said coun ty, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause,iy any they have, why sard letters should not be gran ted. Given under my hand at office in Swainsborc, this February 7th, 186c* Feb. 21. 30d GEORGIA—Emanuel County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. Whereas, Benjamin W. Johnson applies to n,» for letters of administration on the estate of Kas sel! V. Johnson, lute of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why saidTetters should not be "ranted. Given under my hand at office iu Swainsborc, this February 7th, 1 Slip,. JAMES B. KENNEDY, Ord’y. Jr’eb. 21. 30d. GEORGIA—Emanuel County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. IFhercas, A. C. Flanders applies to me for let ters of G uardianship for the persons aud property of William C. Kea, minor. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause Jrotlce In the present condition of the County Treas ury, we do not consider the Inferior Court blameable for the condition of the public bridges across Buffalo. As the county had no money, the court could find no one willing to build them. . ^ e ca, U the attention of the court to the ob jects ef charity which are already urging their claims. The widow, the orphan, the maimed and disabled, alike demand our care and at tention; and when private benevolence does not or cannot relieve, it is the-duty of the court to afford relief. . The education of the youth of the land be- | ing of paramount importance to the well bein" . of the country, we recommend the assessment ot such a per centum on the State Tax—not to exceed twenty per centum—which shall be ao- plied to the education of. the poor whites of the county. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The court house and jail, burned by order of Maj. Gen. Wm. T. Sherman, on the 27th No vember, 1864, are still in ruins, and we coincide with the views expressed .by the Grand Jury in September last.. It is much to be regretted that any of the brick have been sold. The late violent change in the social status o. a large class of our laboring population has in favor of Lewis Bullard vs. the said Mayo, David Jordan aud Thomas S. Salter. JOHN C. TENNILLE, Coroner. March 21, 1866. ’ tda GEORGIA—Washington County. T O tho Heirs and Distributees of the estate of Owen L. 1 ope, late of said county, deceased— You aro hereby notified that I shall apply to the next superior Court, to bo held in and for said county, on the second Monday in September next for the appointment of commissioners to admeas ure, lay off, and assign Dower to me, out of the lands ot said deceased, agreeable to the statute in such case made aud provided. NANCY M. POPE, If idow of deceased. March 21, 1866. 3 m GEORGIA—Johnson County, By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, it is represented to me that John Jen kins late of stud county has departed this life in testate aud left lus estate unrepresented. These are therefore to cite arid admonish all per sons concerned, to be and fcnpear at my office within tho tune prescribed Ay law, and show cause if any they h«fi, why the Adminis- tration on said estate ehoffld not bo granted to the Clerk of.the Superior Court of said county, or some other person, in terms ofthe law in such cases made and provided. Given under u?y hand at office in 'Wririitsville this 5th day of March, 18G6. 1 Administrator's Sale. B Y an order passed from the Court of Ordinary if any they have) why said letters should” not "be ) 5 011 have) why the said will should hot 1 of IFasbingtou county, will be sold on the first granted. in solem form, and Letters ofAdminisI Tuesday in April next, the land belonging to the Given under my hand at office iu Swainsboro, th c will annexed be issued to the sal estate of Solomon CONFECTIONERY And Liquors. fy KEEP constantly on hand CONFCTI0NER1ES JL OF ALL KINDS, such as CANDIES, FRUITS „ _ and NUTS, as well as Oysters, Pickles, Sardines, Cigars, of al kinds; lobaeeo Qf various brands. Also a good assortment ot Wines and Liqnors, which I will sell cheap for cash. Give mo a call. I receive Fruits CV p!I W YY HYMAN IIAPP. Feb. 21, 18(3(3. 8-1 y March 21. F. W. FLANDERS, Ord’y. 12-30d GEORGIA—-Johnson County. By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, it is represented to me that Joseph Hamilton, late ot said county, has departed this life intestate, and lolt his estate unrepresented. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at tnv oflioe with in the time prescribed by Jaw, and sliow cause if any they have, why the Administration on said estate should not_ be granted to the Clerk of the Supe tor Court of said county, or some other per son, 111 terms ofthe la* in such cases made and provided. Given under my hand at office in Wrightsville this 5th day ot March, 1866. ’ F. W- FLYNDERS, Ord’y l--3t)d lay March 21, . D. JERNIGAN & BRO isilftd m tho 7 IBighest Style of thc •lrl, and at reasonable prices. Feb, 14, 1866. 7 _ 3m E. T. BROWN, Wateh-Rqmirer and Jeweler. KMiie-aboveWarthen’s Store, on thc Sparta Road, ^ 'V Y Y® received a supply of material and g Jjfe ) o s f!N ,n the North, is now prepared to do everything in his line iu good style and at v P necs - I articular attention given to repairing watc.ies, clocks and jewelry of all kinds. 'A small ^Feb. 21 °1SC6 aCd ° ° CkS aUd walchcs for sale- 8-3 m Page, deceased, containing five hundred acres more or less, will be sold under incumbrance of widows’ dower, adjoiuing lundsof John Page, and B. D. Smith. Sold for the benefit of thc creditors. Terms cash. B. D. SMITH, Adm’r. with tho will annexed. Feb. 7, 1SC6- tds GEORGIA—Emanuel County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. IFhercas, John M. Ggs3 applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Joshua Nunn, late of said comity, deceased. These aro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aud creditors of raid deceas ed, to be and appear at my office within tho time E rescribed by law, and show cause, if any they ave, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swainsboro, this February 7th, IS80. JAMES B. KENNEDY, Ord’y. Feb. 21. 30d GEORGIA—Einaunel County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. ' hcrcas, Ashley E. Wiggins applies to me for letters of Guardianship for the person and proper ty of Virginia Sneede, minor. These are the sons concerned in tho time pres v ..„ y ^ wr mxxx sumv cau-e ir , - any they have, whjri laid letters should not be gran- tblS Fcbpnar J 7tl j’ A \^ my hand at office iu Swainsboro, this February 7tli, IS613. JAMES B. KENNEDY, Ord’y. Feb. 21. . 30d GEORGIA—Euiauncl County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. Whereas, Adi a H. Sherrod applies to me lor letters of Guardianship for the persons and prop erty of Susannah Moor, Dicy A. E. Moor, and Nareissa E. M. Moor, minors. These are therefore to eite and admonish all pci- sous concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law md show cause if any they liave, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swainsboro, this February 7th, 1866- JAMES B. KENNEDY, Ord’y. j^ Feb. 21. 30d GEORGIA—Emanuel county. By James B. Kcuncdy, Ordinary. Whereas, John N. Thompson applies’to me for letters Of administration on the estate of Robert m" | a te of saiJ COl'ntv, deceased. 7ThescTre therefore to 1 singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at iny office within the time GEORGIA—Emanuel Comity, By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. Whereas, Alexander W. Atkinson applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of John L. Turner, late of said county, deceased. These are.therefore to eite and admonish all and singular thc kindred and creditors of said dceeus- 1 to oJ T' 1 “cpcar at my office within thc time 4 'how cause, if any they prescribe a u^ ffiw, an^. . i, p 1 have, why said letters should no* . "J Given under my hand fit office in 1 1 this February 7th, ISr>«. JAMfSB. KENNEDY, OrdV- Feb. 21. Odd GEORGIA—Washington County, By Haywood Brookins Ordinary, T Otli" legal heirs and distributees of'dobit Gil more, Sarah Brown & Thomas Gilmore late of said county deceased. The legal heirs and distrih-- utees of Stephen Gilmore late of Talbott County deceased, aud the legal heirs and distributees of Mary McDowell late of’Muscogee County deceased, who are the legal heirs and distributees of the estate of Jane Armstrong late ofthe county of Washington and State of Georgia deceased. Will take notice that John N. Gilmore of said county will on the first Monday in May next off r to tho Court of Ordinary of said county for probate inSoI- cm lorin a nuncipative will made by the said Jane Armstrong in terms of the law iu such case made aud provided. You will therefore file your objections (if any ould not be probafid Administration with said John N Gilmore indue form ol law Given under my hand at office in Sandersville the!; 15th day of December I860. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ord’y. Dec. 20, 1865 5I-3m. Given under my hand at office iu Swainsboro, this February 7th, lScg. JAMES B. KENNEDY, Ord’y. Feb. 21. ' 30d J Feb. 21. B. KENNEDY, Ord’y. 3‘ld GEORGIA—Emanuel County. By James B. Kennedy, Ordinary. Whereas, George W. Dekle applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Jordau SuV ton, Jr., late of said county, deceased. Blacksniilh and Woed-Siiop. . . . ^ T HE subscribers respectfully 'announce to thc f t r ° tl . leref ’°, r0 to e >tcand admonish all and citizens of Washington county, that they have Z ^\ kll ' dr<id aud established a Blacksmith and Wood-shop at Mr. Yu a RP car at Allen Matthews’old stand, where they are P prepar- P Pescnb ® d by law, at ed to do all kinds of Flautation work in both wood s ? ld l ettcrs »“uuiu nos oe granted, and iron, such as making and repairin'' plows axes .i - ‘JL? 1 , 1 under my hand at office in Swainsboro, hoes, horse-shoeing, &<? They arc also prepared to 1 th,S * ebrnal ? make and repair Buggies and wagons at short, nn. i .. JAMES creditors of said deceits my office within the time r0 ,P air -Bogies and wagons at short no- , tiee. Ilioy hope, by doing their work well aud ! promptly, to merit a share of the public patroncee 1 BOSTON AA2!EWELL, an| DICK WALKER, Feb. 28, 1866. 6m Fob. 21. B. KENNEDY', Ord’v. 80d ' (Freedmcn.) Notice to Debtors and Creditors. J /^_ L rV,?i C . raC ’? 3 . indc , bt ? d t0 tlj e. estate of G. L Administrator's Sale. W Y. L b ° so - ld a j th .° late residence of James J th^f SfckY Washington county, on Tuesday “’VY of March, all the perishable property of .a.d deceased, consisting of cows,Logs, one ox-cart icle n°™ n' r r ltUn U ? lantation tools” and other ar- !-n | e 'h’-. n f ’ V i I° and about a farm. Also, the land will Le rented for the pre-tent year, on the same c ‘k - . CELIA M/YSSEY Afim’v March 7, 1866. GEORGIA—Washington County. By Haywood Brookins, Ordinary. Whereas, F. Y. Tompkins applies to me for let ters ol administration de bonis non on the estate ot bl rni eo11 F * Elaad . late of said county, deceased, . These are therefore to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas- : cd, toLeand appear at my office within the tune Hooks, deceased, late of Hashin"ton couutv arc hereby notified to make cu, 10 w ana appear at my oft and those having demands a"ainst s ;id estafr will - P rescnb . od b -Y aud sh ew present them iu terms of the ?aw wb Y Kldd letters should 11 Feb. 21, I8 66 . H. B. MGCRS,’Adm’r. Adiri’x. 2t Notice to Debtors and Creditors. 1 LL persons indebted to the estato of Reuben -tl. U. Bland deceased, late of Wnshin"ton tomaka ^mediate payment and those liaving demands against said estato will present them in terms ofthe law. March 7, IS06. E. W. JORDAN, Adm’r. 40d cause, if any they not be granted. Given under iny hand at office in Sandersville, this February 20th, 1866. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ord’y. Fob. 21, 186c. ' 30d Pistols! C OLT’S ,SMITHS & WESSON’S andKEMIMG- TON’S iiateut Pistols. Just received and for M. NEWMAN’S sale at Jan. 24, 1SGC 4-Jf Georgia—Johnson county. By F. W. Flanders, Ordinary. Whereas, William O. Clegg, Administrator ot the eslotc of William Jewell, dec used : pplies to me for letters of dismission from said Administra tion. These arc therefore to cite and admonish till per sons concerned to ba and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by taw and show cause if any they have why said Tetters should not bo grac ed. Given under my hand at office iu Wrightsvillu this 26th day of December. F. W. FLANDERS, Only. Dec. 26, 1863 52-6m. Georgia-—Johnson Counly, By F. W. Flanders Ordinary. -rrr. T F. Snell Administrator on tha not'.fn r vt’ 1 ' -tics tome for letters estate of Margret Rowland, of di.'mission ironi said Administration. These arc therefore to cite and adnionish all pa eons concerned to be and apper at my oflicc withiu thc time prescribed by law and show cause if airf they- have why said letters should noc be grauteck Given under-my hand at office in wrightsville this 26th day of December ] S65. ^ Ft W. FLANDERS, Ord’y. Dec. 27, 1863 . 52-6m. GEORGIA— IFashington County^ By Haywood Brookins, Ordinfiry. Whereas, Epheram D.- Jordau Administrator cm the estate of Mary Swiut deceased has filed his pe tition for Letters of Dismission from thc adminis tration of stiid estate. Those are therefore tooitc and-admonish aft per sons coocerncd to be and appear at my office with in tho time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they have, why said loiters shanld not begrutt- ted. Given under my hand at offloo in Sandersville this Dee, 18, 1385. hXywood brookins, Ord’y- Doo 27,1S65. * - 52-mCm GEORGIA—Washington County. By Haywood Brookins, Ord’y. Whereas, Saft’old Bnrwiok aud Mary Turlington, have filed their petition for letters of administration on the estate of Henry Turlington, deceased, lato of said oonuty.- These are therefore to cite and and admonish all persons ooncerned to be and appear at- my office within the tirno prescribed by law and show cause If any thoy'have, why said letters should not ba granted. Given undcp my liaud at office in SandcrsviIlCt this 21st day of September, 18G5. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, On.iiary t Sop. 27, 1365. 12-in6m