Newspaper Page Text
The inquiry In
made: “What bai
privates who fough
war/” It is a rioti
is* 1 'hustling around to
nJSoO to aecu re am other
>.. public, office Is a famjjB roost/'
continues to be motto of the
grandson of his grand-daddy. ^ >*
m — r~
' Quitman is to have a new,
‘- betel' WetoDjfratuhite the U*wn. It
wil^provAi-payiDg investment. '
‘Sj&ZGmtn Pfmce Russcil lmavjyybad
a^fexsc of bTg-head Thtre apptarsi
■j .hi-'wever, to be more skulls than brains
in ils makeup. • : ■
Corpora! Tapner keeps up his raid
' on the treasury. . Tanner -ought to
- have his hide tauned; and the demo-
■ i tano •
own cabinet. That Mr. Harrison will
never again he nominated for the Pres
idency is a declaration that has grown
to be a chestnut among the republican
politicians here. That it the Chicago
convention bad to be held over again
Harrison would never be heard of, and
that if last November’s election had to
take place now a large proportion of
tnose republicans who could vote at all
would vote for Cleveland to secure the
defeat of Harrison are remarks equally
‘d with what you see fit to send.
[A similar request by the young lady
as sent to President Harrison, and in
iturn she received a letter, signed
!rs. Harrison, enclosed m which was
ie sum of ten cents ]
Wilkesbarre Sinking.
Wilkesbarrk, Pa., J one 16.—-The
" ' ' ‘^Vcver oc-
& private Con federate, soldier is
randest and most heroic figure
ar history. His praises have
| been sung as they should have
al, judge advocate general, surgeon-
general and chaplain.
General Gordon will appoint alien-
tenant-general anda number of aides.
The next meeting will be held on
July 4th, 1800, at Chattanooga.—-
been. All honor to ihe men, who,
barefooted, hungry, half clothed and
powder-stained, bore the brnft of the
battle, faced death in every form, and
who remained true as steel to the last,
laying down their well-worn muskets at
the close of the war, returning home
to find ruin and desolation on every
hand. And these same heroes have
been the-salvation of the South since
the war. They have tilled the soil,
built factories, churches and school
houses, and made waste places bloom
again. t ^.<j ; t /V ’
Agaiu we say: All honor to the
Danger of an Epidemic. ■. J
Some years ago, under a succession
ot republican administrations, the cor*
ruption grew so great that in Wash-
ton the man in the moon ^waV
observed to grasp his nose and
hold it while passing over that
city. Close observers have, no-
familiar to those who have any oppor
tunity to breathe the political atmos
Gov. Hill would stand*" a better for the nomination for lTesi-
i>t in ’92, if he would get married 1 ,
cf could marry with greater impunity
in mosCmeti —he is already bald
The New Capitol.
Atlanta, Ga., June i a.—There is
great activity in all of the departments
in the old capitol this week, everybody
being engaged in the work of moving.
It will only require a tew more days
now to finish this work.
Probably the last of the officials to
most disastrous caveriri that
curred in the coal regions took place
here late this afternoon. The Hol-
lenback & Heilman vein mines. are
situated under a thickly settled por
tion of the city. They aro 1,000 lcet
deep, and for years past no coal was
supposed to be mined in that portion
of it underlying the city for fear the
earth would sink. To day at 4 o’clock
the crash came. Madison street, one
of the principal thoroughfares of the
ro May i8,1885. President Cleve
d bad removed 2,000 republican
(&fts.' r • To May 18.1889, Piesident
frfsoo had removed 9.500 demo*
ti. .Which party loves, the spoils
U«t» . !**»» «!•••
as EE:r- >12::
U«v« TkMBMVtlkr „
Anif Atwsy Iff m r *» » » • W
•* Ms«m» vU 1- H *L • M‘ |Mw vw*n
« AiUeUvuC CO pm I
" CrillMMIfllV
indARK 441 • » «43»«
« Ciaci*Mti V H. .
EH,,.. „> . T Warn
wove out wi!) be Co). Bob Hardeman,
the State Treasurer, This is hot be
cause he is so big. as most folks would
think, but'because, the - new treasury
safe has not arrived.
Treasurer Hardeman says he will
not move out of his old safe until be
can move into the new one.
Besides the state's cash arid the val-
uable vouchers of the treasurer, there
are in the vaults a million and a half
dollars in gilt edge .bonds belonging
five times more than the other?
ie echoes from the late centennial
n’t ceased yet. The committee
asked Mr. Fish for some expla
ins. Mr. Fish declines to submit
;crs.” Ward McAllister
city, is filled with large crevices,from'
which the gas escapes in huge volumes.
-Owners of bouses are greatly alarm
ed. The men in (he mines had all
they could do to escape with their
lives. Some of the mules were caught
June l/lo Aug. 1, 1889.
nlLh af I'Unm am 4 Omu
- .. Gov. Taylor, of Tennessee,
^pistol toting a light offense.
( fuses (o honor Georgia’s re<
Mor some hip pocket hoodlums who
skipped over the line. .Fob, you’ve
j^jnadc a mistake.
to insurance companies and deposited
with the state. It would not be safe
to move these in the bare vaults at the
The safe is expected to arnve in a
.few days, but it delayed sonic
...... tnpm
“ N«»!ivmr*t* I. 4
“ Le«ta«in« via 1. A,
NEE 3 J? « r
“ ClMinnali via L
A N K K * SUam
»• Hi. LnttUtia L •
K E it r u» b.
Pullman lltiflH .McctouK «'»r» it*
aud tVwin 81. IamiU via Montf-ome*?
and Nashville. Pullman «irv|ffu^
earn bottroru TUoiumvIHv and t in-'
rinmtl. Pullman end Maun deep
ing rare from Jacksonville i > t;u»-
cinuati, via Macon. Through reach
es from Jacksonville to ChswaiuH.
* Alt mKIMN^UrilOf.
U»nJick««?ilt» ... si^pit, inspM
Lcav* Oator**ill* SASatti 940«M>
Um Unnik..... Uifly* !»••»*
U«n 13 IS a at 413 pm
Uir«Jew». . Mtpift
arriva Mstoa IU«wI«M)>m
“ Altsata ... ... .,»•»*• lfitam
♦* Cb»tl*hw*h*e. ... «X>pm 74#am
« N»«hvlllt SI! aw 1 ttiw
- UativilttVfLoltp. TNamtEiM
'• CiaelaMil «40»a SUarn
Pullman and Mann stoeplug cars
from Jaekaonvilte to CliiHnhatl.
t 05 n 111 train has through ooarfeca
to Cuattanooga. Slecjwr In Wash*
iiigiou ami t'iminnati tw H'Jhp nt
navakxah mxrutm A aocmiHOEAtiotf.
Lm«« JAckHBvitU ... * Up to llUiin
i^a»» TbomMvUU ... aoapai
Le»«« Wajeroaa IS 10 a tu I IS am
ArrWa Jssaap..JUia 2«Apm
HatbubaU A43« m >9Spm
•• Ckarfesum...... ISMinmm ,
Palace sleeping car between Jack-
Minville and Bavannah on 8 15 p. m.
tra'.u. 9 00 (ralo stops at all ttatteno
between Jaekaonvilte and Havanuah
on signal.
Through tickets sold to all po*m«.
Baggage checked through; also
sleeping car berths and sections se
cured at Company’s Office, «$ W«m
Day street, at paaaeuger sutlou, m
OB board People's J^tuc «fwittier, II
B. Plant
General Paasrii u , r A^«*nt
It <•- Flkmivo, 0duerlnfrtMfc-iii.
which is to be built from thb city to
a point near Eastman, and whiqh
now has a charter granted by the sec
retary of state under the state laws,
Green watermelons arc getting in
their work and tire doctors arc happy.
The unwary citizen awaketh the
neighborhood with his liowls, while
he doubles himself into a knot aud
ye'ds like a Comanche Indian.
Some one has suggested that Fora
ger and Rosser be tied together, so
they can fight the war over again. A
good idea. The public feels no inter
est in their shots at long range. And
they do all their shooting with their
mouths. ,
- Cordele keeps abreast of the times.
It has been said that the magic city
of the pines will know uo halting un
til she has five thousand people and
four railroads. It now looks like the
Atlanta and Florida and South Bruns
wick and Cordele railroads will be
there soon, the way they arc being
pushed, aud from the way new build
ings are continually going up,it would
seem that at no very distaut day five
thousand people will be there. Cor
dele has many things to be proud of—
her splendid, prosperous bank, her
barrel factory, her enterprising mer
chants, her two railroads, her many
planing mills, etc., but the glory pf
the city is her immense lumber busi
ness. The city is in tho midst of a
fine section oflimbered country, al
most untouched by the, turpentine
men or saw mills.—Constitution.
Denmark. Maybe it is Tanner or
Dudley. We would suireesfag^- the
man in the moon that he use disinfec
tants liberally during the balance of
Harrison’s term, or there may be sick
ness in that planet. This sanitary
suggestion and advice is tendered
without reward or the hope thereof.
The man alluded to, and his family—
if he has one- -is most interested
and can adopt it or not—just as
he sees fit. We have discharged our
duty in the premises. It an epidemic
breaks out in the moon we arc not
responsible. 4 '
Hon. Henry G. Turner.
Amos Cummings, of the New York
Sun, one of the brightest newspaper
men in the. United States, in a recent
interview with the Atlanta Constitu
tion reviewed the Georgia delegation
in CoDgress. Speaking of the repre
sentative of the second district, lie
Anv and ail Kinds of Work
First etass Wheelwright.
ten. There are, in addition to the
two above-mentioned enterprises, the
Savannah, Amcricus and Montgom
ery, the Southbound, the Savannah,
Dublin and Western, and the Savan
nah ’and Western railroad schemes,
all of which have a more or less favor
able prospect of being built. There
is, therefore, only one more road to be
provided to complete the complement,
so far as prospective railroads go. If
Savannah can succeed in getting two
or three roads out of six built within
the next year or two, they will add
millions of dollars in trade and 50,060
more inhabitants. It appears from |
the present outlook that much road;
building will be done iir the time;
mentioned.—Savannah News.
The best evidence iu the world that
the National Democratic Committee
inode no mistake in electing Calvin
. S. Brice Chairman, lies in the fact
that the republican papers all declare
themselves well pleased with the elec
tion. In the choice language of the
tech per second.
Family Records.—“Lige,” said the
President, meditatively, “I understand
there was great difficulty experienced
in finding Washington descendants for
the recent centeouial.’’’ “Yes, sire,”
responded Lige; "it was, I be!1cve,one
of the h trdes; jobs the committee had
on their hands.” “Well, Lige, I*think
Washington should have had sufficient
forethought to have prevented all that
mystification, don’t you?” “Yes, sire,
antfit would have been easy enough
to have kept his relations before the
public if he had wanted to,'* observed
Ltge quietly, as' he addressed aud seal-
cd an appointment of the President’s
fourth consin to a $4,000 salary.—
p50, $75, $100, $159
Wholesale Ocalcr iu an<llmil’
$24, $3M50, $75.
Washington, June 12.—The civil
service commission has sent the fol
lowing telegram to Nashv.lle, Tenn.,
to be published in the newspapers
In view ot the examination to be
held at the Nashville post office next
Saturday, the commission desires to
announce that all examinations held
under its auspices are strictly non-par
tisan in character. All qualified per-
•ans are invited to apply, whether
I democrats or republicans. They will
be examined, marked and certified
purely with reference to their capacity.
Political considerations will be allied
no weight whatever. The eommisSb
are determined to enforce the law V
its letter and spirit; any employe of ts
government violating it will be mol
rigorously t pi \T»«L - • ’ ^r'
i! 1 ocH S.Thompson. >',/
ITellow Pine dumber;
AN-Y s/ES,- j
Bough oyDre8sed
Increase of Storms and Flocds.
The Northwestern Railroader puts
forth a novel theory to account for an
alleged increase of storms and floods
in tneee latter years. It says »that
there are more than. 30,000 locomo
tives in use ih North America, and
that the vapor from these sent out in
to the atmosphere each week will
measure more than 50,000,000,000
cubic yards, which must be returned
aa rain; or 7,000.000,000 cubic yards
a day—quite enough io produce rain
fall every twenty-four hours. Other
non-condensing steam engines add
eight times as much moje, so that the
totul mass of vapor discharged into
the atmosphere must be each jfreek,
I deal ouljr in the beet of lumber, eod true
Mill 4 mUee from Thoouuvme, ea Teliahae*
•ee road. I
Estimates furulahcd onsny propose* Use of
buUdlnr __ /
AU orders left et the TI *m offleo /r st our
offleo st tbe store ofO. W. Wiggins, fwlli'rs
celre orompt attention j
is the first president
. ifie history of the country, so far as
•we know, who assumed to dictate to a
chief Justice, to one of the Judiciary,
iutimnting that his decisions must be
on Aline with the policy of his admin-
:,t K- Tstration. Upon what meats hatli
this, our Harrison led, that ho has
grown so great? .t
Zanzibar, June 1*2.—A letter re
ceived from XJrnri, on the southeastern
shore of the Victoria sea, dated Dec.
2, reports the arrival there of Henry
M. Stanley with a number of invalid
members of his torce. The letter says
that Stanley had sustained heavy
losses, a large number of his men
having died from disease and famine.
Fife & Beverly
- BB.MonaM and Industrial School la
conducted by tho
Am. Misionary Association
The special dcelgtt of thin I»*ttti:lion
for lire colored people, h to give a thor
oughly practical .
English jEducation
for the public tcboolc,
The gtri» of tho echool'ako have reg-
General Merc!
Newspaper Men Hard to Beat.
The editor of the Big Btonc City
Herald is a justice of the peace and
the following is what he ‘has to say
in regard to hie official career: ‘Hie
only enfc appealed from our decision
as juctice of the peace during the
past year was tried -at the lot* term
of tho district court and our verdict
affirmed. We merely mention the
fact as an intimation to lawyers and
litigants that when they apply to our
house tor justice they are not going
to get any shop worn goods that moth
and shop corrupt and district courts
destroy; but will receive a good,
sound, well sewed article''that is war
ranted to stand the test of an excur
sion to the U. S. supreme court' and
come np smiling in the lut round
without the least disfigurement.
Nothing but.the simon pure, uhadul-
teiated, double distillecT article han
died by out house, and you get" it at
the statute rates, express charges paid
and ready for use when delivered. In
this connection we wish to call the
attention of anxious youths and
Every now and then, some netvspa
per man, wlto can read the future—
there arc plenty of such—predicts that
:t successor to Senator Itrown will U
elected at the summer session ot- tbtt
-t-T^’-'t'prrM fc'-yc—-Kfniv ' will have
something to say about this. And
your uncle Joseph is a very deliberate
sort ot a man. It is not recorded that
he has made tip his mind in this mat-
more than. 47O,0OO,000;0OO cubic
yardl. * -
James Q. B., Jr., and Wife.
From the New York World,
Dispatches from Augusta, Me., re
port that young Mr. Jamce G. Blaine,
turn once more donned bis over-alls
and is presumably again hard at work
in the machine shop to -which his
father sent him after his. flamboyant
career in'New York." Much* was
made of this nt the time the young
man thus begaif to earn a living “at
80 Cents a day.” He did Mot then
stick to it-Iong, however, for he has
been for a month with his father in.
Washington, and. spent last week
with the “boys’ in'New York—touch
ing which stay many stories are told.
Meanwhile his wife is working
very hard with Belarco and Froham,
preparing for her debut on the stage
next fall. She is five or six hours a
day kt her lessons—exercising her
1. _ _n .1 1 : c . 1
as those crp:
gram has been mailed to Atlanta, t ' ,a
where an examination will be/ 1 '** 1
The tailroad assessors, to ass( s * ***
value of Ire Atlanta and West •" oln
and Georgia Pacific, will meet f ^
laota next Tuesday. Hop. S. (3\ .
London, who is one ol the commi!^”
left last night, going via Savaor.P
Mr. McLendon, before returning,.sr*
upon the invitation of Hcmy Grag-
acconspaoy that gentleman and a pat 1
of friends to the University ot Virgitr'
where Mr. Grady delivers an add* rs
before the literary societies, on
agth. The party wifleravel in a P*
cial car, with all the convenience#™
luxuries known to modern raf”-
travel. Among those who win IT,/ 1
the party are Chancellor Boggs, 3 “ v
University of Georgia. Prot Wf l,t
Milt. Reese, Tom Glenn, Judge
man and others. I
Builders’ Supplies,
Lumber, etc.
MmUtaft TaiM* ScwUWerk.
Instruction in Sewing
amfysre taught bomebofd duties.;
There Is a .
torgtrla. The seboM eooMMs of nor
mal. Grammar. Intermediate amlFrt-
manr DepaitoeuL TheJiwtrucUon te
uoder the car* of competent U%ehen.
For partleulars m&dnm.
Tbomaji vi I Ir, G a
A linen duster, grip sack, free pass
over U10 railroads, aud a due-hill lor
two month’s board at some first-clara
Himmor resort, would reconcile an or
diuary mortal to a suilimcr existence
iu this latitude. Whew! but its hot;
■At# yet it may be hotter—hereafter.
. However, there is little or no consola
tion in the latter thought. We mere
ly allude to the possibility of such t
state, in order to make tho present
•more bearable.
Dry Goods, fiuwrfcs. S&oe-^j
Hats. Hardware.
Farmers’ Supplies,
been graded, and the southern branch
ot the road has been graded from Co*
lumbus to Richhnd. a distance of
thirty-three miles. The work oflaying
I Vasa vail, will Ka haw... ak. £ -
of August.”
The road wil^robably be in perfect
order by the early fall.—‘Atlanta Jonr-
nal. ;
Congressman. Randall says “the
probabilities are that a tariff will be
adopted at thecomfog session of coo-
gress mhiciwm be satisfactory to .the
business and manufjcturing. interests,
The number of qr»)ifie<
the city of New York ii*
3110,000, which Is more
vote cast at the last presid
tiou iu either Alabama*
Colorado; Conn*
Delaware, Florida, Geonfb, J
Jffiuue, Maryland, Matvach
Minneiota, MiteiK-.pp:, Nel
Nevada, Norik Carvlini.; -C
■ Rhede ljlmid, ffonfli Carolina,
moufc of Wast Virginia.