McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, January 31, 1872, Image 3

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Site HUJJnuie gonnu.l. HOME MATTERS. Agents. The following! named gentlemen are duly author ized to act as agtnts for the McDuffie Journal: Dr. I. J. Brinson traveling agent; A. T. Bright well andV. E. Porter. Maxey’s: M. G. Broome and O. A. McLaughlin. Union Point: Dr. S. A. Gresham. Greensboro ; Wallace Lampkin.Athens; M. Jordan, Augusta. All advertisements in the local column will be charged 60 per cent, upon the published rates, from this date. W* are now prepared to furnish all kinds of le gal blanks, bill and letter-heads, at the very lowest rates. Our Job Department. — Having supplied our selves with a large stock of tine paper, we are now enabled to furnish the public with Job Work promptly and cheaply, and executed in the best style. The McDuffie Journal is the official organ~of McDuffie county, and is the only taper published in the county. Globe Hotel. —Jackson and Julian, of Greens boro, Ga., have recently leased the well-known and popular Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Under the new regime, the Globe will compare favorably with that of any hotel in the Southern States. The present proprietors understand the hotel business, and are exceedingly polite and attentive to their guest. Everything is kept in neatness, and their table is supplied with the very best the market affords. The Globe has always been a favorite stopping place with our people visiting Augusta, and we assure them that under the present management, it has lost none of its popularity. See card. The AugußTa Sabre Club Tournament.—We tender our thanks to the President of the Augusta Sabre (Bab for & complimentary ticket to the Grand Tournament to be given by the Club at the Fair Grounds in that city on February the 6tli. The Club numbers some sixty members, about thirty or forty of whom will ride on the occasion. Arrangements have been made with the different railroads entering the city to carry visitors at half fair, and it is hoped that McDuffie and the adjoin ing counties will be largely represented on the occasion. Commitment Trial of John Baker. —Yesterday the investigation trial of John Baker, charged with the murder of John D. Thomson, near Bearing, Ga., came off at this place before Justices Johnson and Norris. The accused was bound over to .ap pear at next term of the Superior Court of this coun ty for the offense of voluntary manslaughter. The State was represented by .Messrs. Casey A Hudson ; the defense by Gen. A. It. Wright, of Augusta. Ga. The speeches on both sides were very fine. Our talented young friend Casey made a very able effort and deserves much credit for the same. Horse TniEF Heard From. —On the 26th of October last, one Thomas Chandler in the employ of Mr. B. P. O’Neal near this place, stole during Mr. O’Neal's absence, ono of his best horses and beat a hasty retreat in the direction of Lincoln county. The young thief it will bo remembered was closely pursued by Mr. O'Neal through Lincoln --iwlfotorafl itito EVuitU sftej-ssfe oral days of fruitless search his trail was lost and abandoned, Mr. O’Neal returning home without capture of thief, or recovery of horse. Soon after his return, Mr. O'Neal called at the Journal office, had some Circulars struck off, and sent them to several places in South Carolina where it was thought the thief would be likely to visit. A few’ days since, a gentleman wrote Mr. O’Neal from South Carolina that he had possession of his horse, he having traded another horse for the same from the thief a day or two before seeing Mr. O’Neal’s notice, but after which he had pursued the thief and had captured horse No. 2 minx's the bogus owner. This instance alone, furnished an illustra tion of the value and importance of advertising, and blast the old fogy idea of some, that adver tising don’t pay. New Advertisements. —The McDuffie Agricul tural Club holds its regular meeting to-morrow.— See special notice. Mr. Samuel Moore advertises a valuable tract of land, lying in Columbia county, for sale. See ad vertisement in to-day’s issue. Dr. Jas. S. Jones gives notice in another column of his application for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of John N. Collins. J. O. Mathewson notifies his customers that frauds are being practice in the manufature of the Soluble Pacific Guano by certain irresponsible par ties. Read special notice, and Mr. Mathewson’s other advertisements, in our columns to-day. Messrs. Coles, Sizer & Cos., at 14 Mclntosh st., Augusta, have established an agency here for the sale of lime, for mason and agricultural purposes. See advert iscmet, and call on Col. John R. Wilson, or Coles, Sizer & Cos., Augusta. Mr. M. A. Stovall, No. 1 Warren Block, Augusta, advertises that excellent fertilizer, Patapsco Guano, for sale, in to-day’s paper. See advertisement, and call on his agent, J. H. Stockton, for a supply. Messrs. Platt Bros., No. 214 Broad street, Au gusta, Ga., advertise to-day their large stock of fine Furniture. Those who wish to furnish their houses y- iil do well to give them a call—they can supply you yvith everything necessary to make your home comfortable. Read advertisement. Mr. M. O'Dowd, 284 Broad street, Augusta, Ga., is ready to supply the farmer with ali necessary supplies, only asking promptness in return for his kindness. Mr. O’Dowd is well known in this com munity as a man who has done as much for the planter as any other merchant in the State. Ilis advertisement tells for itself—read it. Mr. H. L. A. Balk, 172 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. offers an extensive stock off fine Dry Goods to those of our citizens visiting Augusta, and his known generosity in prices never fails to give satis faction to his customers. Read his advertisement, and be sure to call and see him when you visit Augusta. Miss L. A. Peacock, 90 Green street, Augusta, Ga., is prepared with ami>le and well furnished rooms to make permanent or transient boarders comfortable. Having tested the comfort and genial hospitality of Miss Peacock, we speak advisedly on the subject. Those who go to Augusta, and wish a quiet night's rest, free from the noise and bustle incident to a hotel can get it by calling on Miss Peacock. Destructive Fire in Warren* ton. SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF PROPERTY DESTROYED ! ONLY FIFTEEN THOUSAND INSURED! We learn from an authentic source that a de structive fire occurred in Warrenton, Ga., on Sun day night last, the 28th inst., in which one whole block of buildings, consisting of five store-houses, four of which contained large stocks of goods, were completely destroyed. The fire originated in the upper story of Air. Charlie Phelps’ store at about 12 o’clock at night supposed to have caught from a fire left burning in the sleeping-room of Mr. Phelps and his clerks, upon going to bed. Air. Phelps and his clerk, John Wicker, were not awakened rntil one-half of the store was in flames, and were compelled to leap ; from the windows to the ground to save themselves, and were considerably burned in the attempt. The losses are estimated at seventy thousand dollars—only fifteen thousand dollars of the prop erty insured. The fates seem against our sister town. Several years ago Warrenton was completely burned to the ground. We deeply sympathize with the sufferers —and most especially with Air. Phelps, a personal friend of ours. Manual and Biographical Register of Geor gia.—We acknowledge the reception of the above named work, edited by A. St. Clair-Abrams, At ! lanta, Ga. The Manual is an exceedingly inter esting work, well written, and contains a brief biographical sketch of nearly every white member of both houses of the present Legislature, also a history of the finances and government of Georgia, wealth, census and population of the State, and many other facts of striking importance. The work is sold at the low price of GO cents per single copy and 50 cents per copy for clubs of five copies or more. To any agent or gentleman obtaining the largest number of subscribers in proportion to population of his county, will be presented a gold watch valued at s'7s, and for the next largest in the same proportion, a gold chain valued at S3O. To the lady obtaining the largest number of subscri bers in the same proportion, a gold bracelet, val j Tied at £SO, and to the next largest a pair of gold i earrings, valued at S3O. The Manual i.-; purely a Georgia work ami should ibe had by every one. A second edition will be : issued in 1873. Agents wanted. Address A. St. Clair-Abrams, Atlanta, Ga. Bonham’s Entertainments. —Bonham, the ver satile genius, will faA or our people with one of his splendid drawing-room entertainments at the Court-House on Friday next. Air. Bonham has re ceived the highest encomiums from, tho press and people wherever he has gone, and as we so seldom have an entertainment of this kind in our town— one entitled to so much respect as Air. Bonham’s— we do sincerely hope our people will turn out on Friday night and give him a full house. The School of Mr. N. A. Lewis will open in this place on the 29th instant at ‘‘Richard’s Acad emy/’ Air. Lewis is a fine scholar, a successful instructor, and a polished gentlemen. We are glad to welcome him to our town, and trust that he will reap a liberal share of patronage from our citizens. MATRIMONIAL. Married, on the 21th inst., by Dr. James S. Jones, Air. A. J. Taylor to Alisa AI. A. Langford, daughter of Jno. E. Langford, all of AlcDuffie county. 1 dMotkm, CautU' n — The merits of the Soluble Pacific Guano, manufactured by the Pacific Gua no Company, having been attested by ho great a number of our planters, who have used it for the past seven years, its superior excellence is no longer Ia matter of doubt: and as spurious articles of the I same name are being offered for sale, I take this I method of informing the public that none is gonu j ine unless branded on tho sacks, “John 8. Reese & Cos. , General Agents, Baltimore, AT<l., JonSlwff J. O. MATHEWSON, Agent. McD ifii * Agricultural Club will hold its regular monthly meeting on lirst 4 hur dly in Feb ruary. Member* of the Clu'*, and friends gcuoraMy, are respectfully request <d to »tien»J GEO. P. STOVALL, S-c’y. Thompson, Jan. 2G. jau3l-lt Card. —ll. C. Roney, Esq., is duly authorized to collect and receipt for all accounts due the late firm of Duß and Barksdale. DuBOSE & BARKSDALE. and Polishing Sapolio for sale at janlTtf JOHN E. BENTON’S. CiT We know that for cleaning paint, windows, china and glassware, ,* for polishing knives, iron, tin, brass and copper wares, and for removing stains from marble and porcelain, and rust from I machinery, Enoch Morgan’s Sons’ Sapolio is the j best thing in use. 89w13 4 fleamlfiil B* omun. —The perceptive ' faculty of women is usually keener than the same ! phrenological organ in mon. Women know’ that | beauty rather than genius is worshipped by the ! sterner sex. A man may talk of tho latter to his ! lady-love, but the keenness of' the woman knows | that he is thinking of the former. Women are ; fond of admiration j lienee one of their longings jisto be beautiful. The grand secret of female • beauty is health, the power to eat, digest and as | sirnilate a proper quantity of wholesome food.— i Take Vinegar Bitters. It will cleanse the stoin ' ach, tone the vital organs, give a perfect digestion, purify the blood, clear up the complexion, and j produce a state of mental and physical electricity, which gives symmetry of form, bright eyes, white , skin, glossy hair, and a genuine typo of female ►loveliness, which no cosmetic can produce. 2wi Home Kviclence. Hamilton, Harris Cos., Ga , Decern er 20th, 1871. Dear Sir—l sin well ;>/ w\ h the Compound Acid Phosphate- of Lira**, mad* bv e Pacific Gua* | no Compai.y, purchased of you las- spring I applied the c inpost al the rate of 309 pounds j) r acre, and it doubled the yield; luak'i.g at the rate of 750 |> un is of seed cotton pel* acre, against 375 pounds on tho u manured land, which w*b —al the \) esent p ice ot cotton ibo’it 400 per emit, on ihe investment., an;] more Ih-m 150 cent, with cotton a’ 10 ce ts p r pound. / expect to use no other kind i ext year. Yours truly, Jat;24.v3 * It. M. McCARTER. Mnny ore not aware of the deception practiced in the manufacture of fla voring extracts for culinary use. Alany of them arc deleterious and impure. Burnett’s Standard Extracts are made from the finest specimens of the fruits and spices they represent and are perfectly mire. To Owners of Horses.— No me who has ever used Dr. Tobias’ Horse Venitiau Liniment will ever be without it: it is a certain cure for colic, sore throat, cuts, bruises, and old sores. Warrant ed superior to any other. In pint bottles at SI.OO. Sold by the druggists. Depot 10 Park Place, New York. Pratt’s Astral Oil—Not the cheapest! but safest and best illuminating oil for family use 1 ever made. Bums in the ordinary kerosene lamp. « Does not take fire nor explode if the lamp is upset ; and broken. Send for oil circular. Oil House of Charles Pratt, established 1770, New York. Risley's Liniment— cf Arnica, Hops, Carbolic Acid acts as a universal external cure nil, ! acting on the nerves connected with the skin. It promptly relieves Nuralgia pains, cleanses and cures old sores and ulcers, flesh wounds, burns, j bruises, sprains, Ac. Sold everywhere at 50 cents. Morgan «fc Ilisley, Wholesale Druggists, New York, General Agents. Laird's Bloom of Youth—a most de lightful toilet preparation for beautifying the skin, has been established over ten years; during that time over one million ladies have used it; in every instance it has given entire satisfaction : it removes rll imperfections, tans, frckles and sunburns, giv ing a youthful appearance. Sold at all Druggists and Fancy Goods Stores. Depot, 5 Gold street, New York. Carbolic Salve—nothing? like it ever known before. Cures cuts, burns, sores, wounds, Ac., like magic. Physicians speak of it in terms of the highest praise. Price 25 cents per box. John F. Henry’, solo proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. Physicians who have prescribed Svap nia or purified opium use no other form of opium in their practice. CristaJoro’s Hair Dye.—ls nil hi* hairs were lives, Othello said, ray great reverwr© hath stomach for them nil. But hair that, is grev or sandy, white or red, the ladies have no stomach for at all. Use Christadoro’s Dye, and tho evil is remedied. Manufactory, 08 Alaidon Lane, N. Y. Tho purest nriil sweetest Coil Liver Oil in the world is Hazard »V Caswell’s made on the nea shore, from fresh ? looted livers, bv Caswell, Hazard -V Cos., Now York. It is absolutely pare and sweet. Patients vlv < haw once taken it prefer it to all others. Physieaps Id o decided it superior to anof ytho ether oils in the market. Legal Advertlsementy. Notice. WILL be cold before tho court honso door in tho village of Appling, Columbia county, on the first Tuesday in March next, a tract of land con tainiug one hundred and aixty-tliroo acres, more or less and adjoining lands cf Alastiu Walrott and others, the same being tho plac3 whereon William Moore resided at the time of fils death. Sold for distribution. Terms on day of sale. January 25th, 1872. jan3ld3o SAMUEL MOORE, For Distributees. illation. 0 EORGIA —Mr Duffle County. To all whom it may concern. J AMES S. JONES having in proper form ap plied to mo for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of John N Collins, late of said county, diveas.'d. this is to cite and admonish all and singular of the creditors and kin of the said John N Collins to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law’, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to James S. Jones on said estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this Jan uary 20, 1872. A. B. TUP*ASKER, Ordinary. juuOldJO Sheriff’s Sales* WILL In, Mild bo for lb® Cimrl-lIo.iM dor i i tin !<>Wll Os t\ll>i. 'loll, iTi.i O..MM v, Gl.. oil 111 fits) I'll , b.y 111 Miii-idi on, within tho Irani boo- ; ol‘ sate, lit® iftUrtsviuj; i,rii|,®rly, 1..- v.l : I'lie ®n i,® l.uiU hi i(. .V. Liz vitig m Me lt nffi-conn K— imb-.i fi-'ini tli® town of—.iljemiog land* of Kbit. Lizonby, Mr.,. M.r> J. W. M.irgmi, 1,-viol mi ns lb® p opoi'iy .and [!. K. I/iizi'iibt by rirt.i® of -iiiidry fi. ft., insui u from the Jii-lieoV Court of ibo LU did rid 0. M. mi tin.. I2si. tiny of lYbrii .i-v, 1870, in favor id tv. l), \>ij«iiii v®. 11. ,S. Lazeuby. AT,SO, Vs II.!. bo Mi'd before Hie Court-Hnt;s® door, in tb® W town V ■ 1,111 ji mi, 'tb county, tin., on thi rst Tin* dnv in tl ir,;h II 'XI, within lb® l-gal hour, of Mu "is, in® fallowing property, 10-wif : i’ho eiitii® bunts of It. S. Imz-übv, lying in McDuffie county —about iwo miles from (lie town of I'hom.-oii —adjoining lit <U of K'ms L.tzniiby, M'S Mary Wilson a.ol .!. W. Morgan, levied on as the pr perly nf it. .S’. Lut-nby by virtue cf » fi las. inning from the Jns ioe’t Court of lire 1 odd istrici, (f. M., on tb® mil day of Kebmiry, 1870, in favor of K. A E. .Mo gau v®. ii S. Lazeuby. ALSO, WILD be sold before ‘he Court-House door, in the town of Thomson, McD flie county Ga.. on the first. Tuesday in March no::’, r.i bin the legal bou.s of Sale, the lolfow.i.a property, f O-wlt: i Tlie entire lauds of 11. S. Laz üby, tying in } McDuffie com ty —about two mitea from the low’ll of | Thomson—adjoining lends of lilies Lazeuby, Mrs. Mary Wilson and J. W Morgan levied on as the property of It. S. Lazeuby by virtue of a ft. fas issuing from the Justice’s C'otirl of th- lbit I S'riet, (J. M , on ihe 12th day of February, lr7o, in favor of Tlios. M. .-'to J vs. it. S. Lazenby. ALSO, SJSIILL be sold before the Court. House door, in (lie V V town at Thomson, McDuffie county. <»u., on tlie iii-l Tuesday in March next, within tho legal hours of sale, the fo'fowin r pioperty, to-wil; Too ®ntii h funds or It. s L izeiiliy. lyi g n McDuffie county—adjoining I nds of !• lias Lazeuby, Mrs. Mary Wil on nd J. VV. Morgan, levied on as tho property of It S. Lazenby by virtue of a Tl. f *. i suing from die Jii liee’n Court of the laid district, G. M-. mi the 12th d»y of February, 1870, in favor of J. W. Morgan vs. It. S. Lazenby. JOHN r. STOVALL, •Jail. 17, 1872. janll’.v t Slier 3. GEOIIUIA —Mr Duffle County. SS, WEATHEES having in proper form ap , plied to ino for letters of administration on \ the estate of Dennis Paschal (colored), late of said county, deceased. Tliis is to cite all and sin l pilar the creditors and next of kin of Dennis Paschal J (colored), to be and appear at my office within the ! time allowed by law, and siio v cause, if any they ; have, why administration should not he granted to S It’ Weathers on Dennis Paschal’s estate. A. li. TTIItASHEIt, Ordinary, j an 10ml j WherßF’s Sale. GEORGIA — Ml Dufr: County. WILL bo sold on the first Tues-j <lav m February next, at Thorn-! son, in mil ill County, within the hours of sale, one lor ot land, con tain iris; one hundred and sixty acres, in said County, levied on as the property of Louisa Tauter#!' v, to satisfy a ft fa. issued from the Superior Court of said Countv. hi favor of E. R Seay. 1 his Dec 19th, I >7l JOHN '!'. STOVALL, -htriff'. 40 30d eUA N O B WE again offer to the planters of this section the following Manures, all of which have given entire satisfaction for the past four years : Chesapeake Guano s Cash price, S5-5 Time, $62 Sardy’s Soluble X’acillc Gunno ; Cash price, S4B Time, 555 Phoisplio Peruvian : Cash price, SSO Time, 860 Nova Scotia Land Plaster z t Cash price, sis Time, $lB Branch, SoqU fit, Go., Agents. Shields & Coldwell, Agents, Thomson, Ga. jun24mo XffiPW eZGI'3 W'EQSPUrITM. rpillS article, prepared by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under direction of tiieir Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Havetie , tor compostinyr’with cotton seed, is now offered at the reduced price of s2s per ton, cash, or s:{ I per ton, payable tli first of Axnvtnher, iS72, free of interest. Orders filled now will be t onsidered as cash Ist Mirch, 1872, or on time as ■ln • ist Aovetuhe;.-, 1572, tli' reby eua'ding planters to haul it i.t the time when their wagons a- .1 mules are idle" PELZER, .‘OGKd & CO.. General a\g’ts., R. LI RUSH, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Rown’s vV'narf, Charleston, S. C. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. ; na'lld Fertilizer, mimufnetured bv tins Atlantic Phosphate Company, under JL .tli • direction *»f their Chemist. Dr. St. Julien Have.. el is now offered to the planting cominu ity at the very' reduced price ot sls per ton, cash,or $52 payable Ist November, 1372. free of interest. This fertilizer lias been very < xtensively used in this State, and has given en tire satisfaction ; some of the most practical planters admitting it to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. All sales made now will be considered as cash on the Ist of March, 1572, and to those buying on time the sale will he considered as due Ist November, 1572 By this arrangement planters will U<* enabled, without extra cost, to haul their manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlantic Phosphate will he furnished on ap lication to the agents. PELZER. ROGERS & CO., General Agents, R II BUSH, Ag-mt, Thomson, Ga. Brown’s Wharf. Charleston, S. C. kivni's jfert \m ! This compound, which Itss so fully sustained its character as a first-class Fer tilizer for the past two seasons, is now ready for delivery. In order to secure its more perfect adaptation, its composition is varied to suit the condition of two classes of soils: No-1 Specially for Light, Gray, Sandy Land. No. 9 For Bed Olay Land, Results have fully demonstrated the necessity of modifying the composition of Fertilizers to the physical and chemical ' ondition of the soil, equally as to the production • ! Use pi- *! food nome oi'y for feirtio T*r ®m|h. The undersigned believe.-, lie !uis succeeded in ;.r» paring Fertilizers to meet nil these indications, and offers th tn with perfect confidence to all Southern planteis The cost of Fertilizer No. 1 will ho $55 00 per ton. The cost of Fertilizer No. 2 will be 00 00 per ton- The usual time arrangements can he made, and all other information given by applying to EBWAIII) 1 5AURY. fV!. I>. Practical and Agricultural Chemist, 290 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. ,T. 33. Ncftl, Atreut, 'l/hfimnou, Ga jaulTuffi f. W CAR ejLpS, tv. E. C \IIWILE, Z. W CARWILE, Jtt. T* W* ©AKWEEdS CO„ .©rocc o nub .omtois.-icm Hlcrtl, nte tll»7 I iron and w'l-. ei, Augusta, Ga. Respectfully inform the People of McDuffie and adjoining entities that they It ve enjerod ijito a Copartnershi| l >r the purpose ot coud tetiiig a General Grocery and Commission Bosii'ie»s, and will devote all Mteir energies towards building up a First Class Grocery House, promising to make every exerti ato give the most perfe t satisfaction to ail who may favor the n with their patron age. VVe are receiving full sto ks oi iSacoiii ttAifii, voir es t siag.iru, CRiec-so, SJyrsipx, .Tlolstssos if see, yall, Eitc. Wliiskigs, Win**, A3.), Poplsr, Tab icc», Uigurs, Cann e*3 !P Milts a 1 )'! Voget;t!ilos. And. in fact, ejrerthing usually found in a first class Grocery. We are also agents for the sale of ~Wm. Massey & Co’s Celebrated Philadelphia Ales. We will be glad to see our dcDuffie friends, and will sell the best goods at the lowest market, prices. 403 m p. B.;—tV. S. Deceits, of Thomson, is connected with tliis House. 1 F M TT SR T As dsiS» ! -rj felaU* X « , Ml tIE special attention of the public is respectfully invited to the beautiful JL stock ot Pall andwi'N'T'e-b. goods now arriving Ifrom New York, consisting of a full line of STAPLE DRY GOODS, FINE DRESS GOODS. White Goods, Embroideries and Dress Trimmigs. -y ustksu ffsroxioisrs. Umbrellas, end Parasols, 0 nts Furnishing Goods 2.adieu’. :»:»d Ritiidrita’i* fiae BSoote, diocst. Hate, Caps UJnve*, A full Lsortme-it of Plunfation and Family Gror-ries on hand. I This is the place to purchase goods and get the best bargains iu town. JuneQl n!7 ly SIOO to 250 per month guaranteed me to agents everywhere se' our new seven strand White 17a: iiia <'hollies Liues. Sells readily at ev ery house samples free. Address Girard Wire Mills, Philadelphia. Pa. n43 4w FREE TO AGENTS^ A bound canvassing book of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, Containing over 300 I'lusi'ationa. With a Com prehensive Cyclopedia explanatory of the Scriptures. hi Eugfsh and German. Wm. Flint&Co., Ph*l adelpiiia, P... 143 4w fa Great Chance for Agents ! MB Do you want an agency, local or travelling. ' |QS with an opportunity to make $5 to s*2o a £s*3 day selling our new 7 strand White Wire mu Clothes Lines '{ They last forever; sample Hi free. Address at once Hudson River Wire WorKs, comer of Water street and Maiden Lane, or 346 W. Randolph street, Chicago. WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS, For Coughs , Colds and Hoarseness . rjIHESK Tablets present the acid in combination with other efficient remedies, in a popular form, j for the cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases.— Hoarseness and Ulceration of the Throut are imroe di uely relieved, and statements are constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief iu canes of Throat dif fioultics of yearsj>tuning. CAUTION. Don’t be deceived by worthless imitations. Get only WELLS* Carbolic Tablets, Price 23 cents per box John Q Keliog, 18 Platt street, N Y , sole agent for the Unned States. Send for circulars. *1 gents —A complete history of CHICAGO ffl DESTRUCTION 40,000 copies sold. In English and German. I’r’ice caution Since issuing this work, smaller and inferior histories are offered, be sure the book you buy is by Upton & Skeahan, a full octavo, Gx9 inches, nearly 500 pages, and over 45 illustrations. Send n1 for outfit, with choice of territory. Also, two beautiful CHROMOS, “Chicago as it Was” and “Chicago iu Flames.” Circulars and terms freo, Profits large. Union Publishing Com pany, Chicago, Philadelphia or Cincinnati. ’X'J\ DOLLARS a -MONTH to sell our Univer ** ‘ t and Cement, Combination Tunnel, Button Hole Cutter, and other articles. SACO NOVEL TY CO., Saco, Maine. Profitable Employment. \Vc desire to engage a few more Agents to sell the World Renowned /mproved Buckuye i nMaohino, at a liberal salary or on com mission. A iiorsc and wcgon given to agsnts. Full Particulars furnished on application. Address W. ■\. HKNDI I '.H SON N ('(>-, General Agents Cleve land Ohio, & St. Louis, Mo. n43 4w 'JMIIS IS NO HUMBUG 7 By sen ling f*£> CENTS with age, lie ! ght, color of eyes arid hair, you will receive y return mail, a correct picture of your future us hand or wife, with name and date of mar iage. ddrees W. Fox, P. O Drawer, No. 24 Fultonville . Y. li t 3 4w J : T ; 4.4 J i> oSfrTd \y Bj y. - ... •-? . ti.e j,rt,|,ri.u. i ol T)r. ckca's j.» Sjltt \ i ■ •At » 'j jr W WW &JfWW7 It is not it physic—it is not wliat is popularly called a Bitters, nor is it in tended as sucli. It is,a Soutli Americau plant that has been used for many years by the medical faculty of those coun tries with tvotiderful efficacy as a pow erful Alterative and unequaled Purifier of the blood, and is a sure and perfect remedy for all diseases of the liver and spleen, enlargement or obstruction of intestines, urinary, uterine, or abdomi nal organs, poverty or a want of blood, intermittent or remittent fevers, inflam mation of the liver, dropsy, sluggish circulation of the blood, abscesses, til tumors, jaundice, scrofula, dyspepsia, ague and fever or their concomitants. Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jurubeba is olfered to the public as a geart invig orater and remedy for all impurities of the blood, or for organic weakness with their attendant evils. For the foregoing complaints JURUBEBA is confidently recommended to every family as a household remedy, and should be freely taken in all derange ments of the system, it gives health, vigor and tone to all the vital forces, and animates arid fortifies all weak and lymphatic temperaments. JOHN Q. KLLLOG, 18 Platt Street, New York, Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per Bottle Send for Circular. n43 4w Copartnership. HAVE this day associated with me Mr. James Hagerman, under the style and firm name of Adkins & Hagerman, for the purpose of carrying on a general merchandise and grocery business. dec25,1871 A. J. ADKINS, Jb. N O 1' I O E . WE intond to keep always on hand, and offer to our friends and customers a well selected stock of good and fashionable goods. Thanking our patrons for their favors of the past, we respect fully solicit their calls in the future. Our motto will always bo “Quick sales and small profits.” janlOml ADKINS & HAGERMAN. G EORGIA — Me Duffie County . SOLOMON NORRIS, of said county, has applied for exemption of Personalty, and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same on Friday, the 2Gth day of January, 1872, at 10 o’clock, a. m., at my office. janl7w2 A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. GEORGIA —McDuffie County . WILLIAM FARR, of said county, has applied to me for exemption of Personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same on Saturday, the 17th day of February, 1872, at 10 o’clock, a. m. , at my office. jan3lw2 A, B. THRASHER, Ordinary. GUANO. ~J(~ HAVE and will keep on hand the best standard jL Guanos. The celebrated Zell’s Phosphate can bo had by early application, warranted to be good. I will also sell Merryman’s Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, pure Peruvian Guano, &c. All orders must Ibo accompanied with the cash or good city accept | ance. A. B. THRASHER, Agent. janlOrao