McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, January 31, 1872, Image 4

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HgtoUancons. [original.] IjHavn’t Got «i Drop. Not a hundred miles from here, there were two very aged men, who were both members of the same church. — One was generally known by the ap pellation of uncle Jackey, the other, daddy Zekiel. Daddy Zekiel was very deaf? it was with great difficulty that any one cculd make him understand what was said to him. He always took his dram, and would sometimes take too much. For this, the Church sent uncle Jackey to see him. He found dad py Zekiel in his chair-shop, at work.— Afterthe usual salutations, uncle Jackey commenced his arduous task as follows: ‘Well, brother Zekiel, cbe report has reached the Church that you have been taking too much dram.’ Daddy Z., pointing to a chair, said, •that is fifty cents.’ ‘You don’t understand,’ said uncle Jackey. ‘The Church has heard that you have been taking too much dram !’ Daddy Z., pointing to another chair, again said, ‘that kind is worth sevety five cents—and is as good a chair as any man can make.* Uncle Jackey, a little irritated and speaking as loudly as possible, said, ‘we’ve heard that you have drunk too much dram !’ ‘No, brother Jackey,’ replied daddy Z. in a tone that indicated his sorrow, ‘I haven't got a drap, or I would give you a dram now.’ Uncle Jackey was completely non plused, and gave up the job in despair. Grim Humor.— The following blithe paragraph from a New York paper illus trates what passes in that city lor fun: ‘To-day our murder market is steady, convictions weak with a dowrfward tendency. Chances for new trials brisk and improving. Certainties of execu tions scarcely quoted at all. There are eight convicted murderers iti the Tombs, and four awaiting tho action of the courts. Only one is counted on as a Sure contribution to the gallows, and be is a poor Irishman who killed his wife in a drunken quarrel.’ Lydia Thompson and Alexis.— The latest conquest of Lydia Thompson has been in securing a favorable recognition from the Grand Duko. He visited tho Olympic Theatre in .St. Louis a few evenings since, and was so well pleased with the fair Lydia that he ordered his Councillor of State tho next day to pre sent her a bracelet valued at $1,500. — The souvenir is of heavy gold, with a very large amethyst stoue surrounded with diamonds. Shooting Affair. — The Griffiin Star •ays, on last Friday morning a young man by the name af Bt tier Nelsou, win was living in Pike county, and who is said to have been a very quiet, inofi'en •ive young man, was found in his bed shot in the top of his head, which shot mused his death ou Moiuluy morning. It is thought someone slipped in his room and shot him aud then made his escape. BLANK BOOKS, PRINTING, STATIONERY, &C XL I« Book and Job Printer, IB®®[X IBQIBIDS’B J\m l&OLMo Jaeksou Street,) ftTIPTTCTA PS H*AB THE POST OVWOE, ) flUulluifi, UU. BLANK BOOKS 1 In store, a very largo assortment of all sizes and decriptions of Blank Books, such as Lodgers, Jour nals, Cash, Day, Record, Memorandum, Pass, Time, receipt Books, etc., suitable for Merchants, Oountv Clerks, and other puhlio officers ; and can famish at short notice, any kind of Books, ruled and bound to patterns that may he desired, at New York prices. HTAlso, Envelopes, Note and Letter Paper, etc. jon24w3 Manhood; How Loml, How Restored JUST published, anew edition of l)r. Culver well’s Celebrated E«*ay on tho radical cure of certain weaknesses, the effect, of errors and abuses in earl? life. The celebrated author, in this admirable essav, clearly demonstrates trom a thirty years’ successful practice, that the alarmiug consequences of such er rwt and abuses may he radically cured without the dangerous use of internal mediciue or the applica tion of the knife; pointing out a mode of euro at once simp/a, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, 'no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture should be in the hands of eveiy youth and every man in the land. Sent, tinder seal, in plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. CoulverwelTs Marriage Guide, price 25 cents. Address the publishers. CHAB. J C. KLINE & CO., 197 Bowery, New York, Dost O/fioe Box 4,586. Jtn94yl For iv i>. A SMALL sum of nlO’iov. Tho owner can hare the same by naming the amount and paying charges. Apply to janlOwl JAMES H. BURCH. WATCH Free lo sg-nu to Indies artioU bthat sell in every home. tt« A Cos.. Pitt «!. Pa. 43 4 w Jouvin’s Inodorous Kid Glove Clean *r restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 35 cts. per bottle. F. C. Wells A Cos., N. Y. jaulOml SOLUBLE PACIFIC CPANO. J, O. MA.THEWSON, Agent for the Company, AUGUSTA, GA. . • t: _a— m-gz.'gegifej^ PRICE REDUCED! S4B Per Ton, Cash; $.45 Without Interest, on Time. Vo charge for Drayage. This Guano is well known in the Cotton States, from experience in its use for six years past. It has acquired, after thorough trial, under all conditions of season, a character for reliable excellence unsurpassed, and which canno Fertilizers of recent introduction. In view of reduced cost of manufacture, and the unusual facilities of the Pacin - no Company, this valuabe fertilizer is now sold at the above price, which is in conformity with the policy ot the oo ? y to furnish the best Fertilizer at the least cost, looking to Large Sales and Small Profits for compensation, we the stock in market this season precisely the same in composition and quality as that heretofore sold. * or terms a? ? y J. O. Mathewson, JOHN S. REESE & f'O., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. A g ent ’ Au ß ußta ’ Ga- PACIFIC CUANO COMPANY’S Compound Acid Phosphate of Ijimk, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED! Prepared Under the Superintendence ol Dr. St. J illicit Kavenel, of Charleston, S. Carolina. PRICE ZREIDTTOED. This article, as above stated, is prepared expressly for composting with cotton seed. A Compost made with an equal weight of this article and cotton seed, furnishes the cottou seed with the Soluble Phosphate, which is necessary to make it properly effective. The Compost should be made from four to six weeks before planting time, in order that decomposi tion may take place, and should be applied at from 400 to 600 pounds per acre or more. General experience for two years has shown this Compost to he a most economical and effective Fertilizer for cotton and corn. This Acid Phosphate is now put into market at the low price of SOO per ton, cash ; $35 on time, without interest (no drayage), at which rate every planter cau supply himself with a first-class fertilizer at a minimum outlay per acre. For specific terms apply to 0 jjatHEWSON, Agent Pacific Guano Company, Augusta, Ga. full supply of Peruvian Guano, Ground Bone and Land Plaster on hand at all times. OUTS K- HKNTON, Agon*, Thomson, Cin. janl7m3 New Departure. I RETURN my thanks to my friends | aud acquaintances for their patron age during tho past four years, and re spectfully ask a continuance of the same tor the year 1872, on the following terms: RA I'EB OF TUITION. Spring Term : - - - sl2, $lB and $24 Fall Term: ------ SB, sl2and sl6 Board, sls per month—flashing extra Board payable monthly. Tuition payable one half at the middle of the Term, balance at the close of the Term. No deduction made for lost time except protracted sickness. Pupils charged from time of entrance to close of Term. l : £F The School will open January 20th, 1872, at the old Thomson High School Academy. For other particu lurs apply to TIIOS. M. STEED, 43 tv Thomson, Ga. SCHEDULE ON THE Georgia Rail Road, On and after Sunday, January 23d, 1871, the Pa*«*ng«r Trams will run as follows: Lt*avo Augusta at 8 00, a m. Leave Atlauta at 7 10, a. in. Arrive at Atlanta, 6 80, p. iu. Arrive at Augusta, 5 40, p. m. Nififlit PttsNeitffor Train, Leave Augusta at 8 30 p. m. Loaue Atlanta at 10 15 p. to, Arrine at. Atlanta at 0 40 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 7 30, a. ni. Da/ and Night passenger trains will make close conneotlins at a**R ami inta with passenger trams of connecting roads. Passengers from Atlanta and all stations ou the Georgia Railroad, by taking the down day passen ger train will make close connection at. Camak with the Macon Passenger Train, and reach Macon the same day at 7:40 p. m. Palace sleeping cars on all night trains. SCHEDULE ON THE Macon A Augusta R. R. Leave Augusta at 12 00 noon. Leave Macon at 6 00 a. m. Arrive at Macon 7 40 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 1 45 p. m. The Day Passenger Train arriving at Macon at 7:40 p. m. make close connec tions with Trains of connecting Roads at Macon. Passengers leaving Macon at 6 a. m., will make close connections at Cam iA: with up day passenger Train for Atlan ta Athens, Washington and all points on Georgia Railroad, and will connect at Atlanta with trains for the West. S. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. Cotton Fertilizers- Whitlock’s Vegetator, Dissolved Bones, Sibley’ Soluble IXL Guano, Pure Peruvian Guano, Land Piaster.^ Al-o, The Excollenza. I will furnish the above to planters on favorab/e terms—cash or time. Will also from this (late keep on hand a fu/l stock of plantation supplies. jan24 It J. H. STOCKTON. Notice to the Public. I REGRET that circumstances make it necessary for me to give notice again that l am engaged in the practice of my profession. Some person or persons have reported that 1 do not attend calls at night or in bad weather. Ido not know how this reportstai led, but this much l do know, that it did not come from me. As loug as Tam able to prac tice, it is my intention to serve the people faithfully, and when unab’e to do this, I wiU give notice to the public. Please take due uotice, and govern yourselves ae cording/y. JAMBS S. JONES. Thomson, jan24w4 IV otice. rHE law copartnership of O’Neal & Neal is this day dissolved by mutual consent. W T. O’- N al wui continue me practice at his oh! office over R II Bu-di’* store. W. T. O’NiiAL, ■laaii.mj ;)tf R. W. 11. NEAL. K K K RADWAY’S READY RELIEF Cures the worst pains in from One to Twenty Minute* Not one Hour after reading this advertiiement need any one suffer with pain. Radway’s Ready Relief u a cure for every PUN. It was the first, ami is the only Fain R-medy that instantly slops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammation* and cuits OonsfCitlsfiU whether of Hi- Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or olhei glands or organs by one application, in From One to Twenty Minute*, no matter how violent or excruciating th* pain the Rheumatic, Bod-ridlen, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or proatrated with diaeane may suffer, Itadway’s Ready Relief will afflordinstaut ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Congestion of ih- Lungs, Sore Throat, DifA mlt, itreathingi Palpitation ot the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Diohtherla, Catarrh, Influenza Headache, Toolhaohe, Neu.algia, Rheumatmm, Cold Chills, Ague Chills. Th« application of the Ready Relief to *he parts where the pain or difficult/ exiets will afford eaee and comfort. Twenty drops in a half tumbler of water will in a few moments core C‘sduuu Spasms, Soar Stomach. Heart Burn, -Vick Headaohe, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal pain*. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rail way's Ready Relief with inern. \ ffcw drops In w%- te will 'prevent sickness or pains from oha.ige of water. It is bettor than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Fever and Ague. Fever and \gus «urml for Fify Usuis, 'hero .« not * remedial agent in this world that will euro Fevora l A guo, mi I nil other M ilsrious, Billion., Scarlet. Typhoid, Yallow, and other Fevers, (side 1 by Rudway’e Pills) so quick ns Kudwny’s Ready Relief. HEALTH, IIEAITTY Z Strong uiid pure reh blood liiepvn* of flesh and weight —clear skin and beaut iful complex in secured 10 all. Dr. RADWAY’S SARSAPAHILLIAN RE SOLVENT Has made the most astonishing 4'.ir«s : *oqu>ck,HO rapid are the change*, undtr the in uence of this truly wonderful medicine that Every Day a:t increase iu Flesh aud Weight is seen and felt. The Great Blood Purifier. Every drop of »b« Sarsapar±llUn Redolveut com municates through the Blood, Sweet Urin, and oth er fluids and jucies of the system, the vigor of life, for it repairs the wants of the body with new and sound material. Sc ofttla, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular Diseases. Didst* in the Throat. Vloutt , Tumors, Nodes on the Glands and other parts of the system. Sore Eves, Strumorous Dbch*rges from the ears and the worst forms of skin diseases, Rrurtions, Fever ''ores Scald nead, Rug Worm. Salt Kh urn, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worm* in th- fle«h, Tutnore Cancers in ihe Womb, and all weakening and painful discharge*. Night sweats,, Loss of *perm and all wa*to of the /ife principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry and a few days* use will prove to any person, using it for either of thpae forms of disease, its potent pow er t« cure them. Kidney A Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsey, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urin, Bright’s Diseases, AHmtninural. and in all cases h ere there are brick-dust deposits, or the wa»* ter is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances that is like the white of an egg, >r threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, rs «rk, bilb«*» - appear* uc** and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a prick ing. burning sensation when passing water, and pain iu the small of the back and along the loins. Dr, RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative Pills. perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse aal strengthen Rad way’s Pills, foi the cure ot all and *»rders of the stom ach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys Bladter Nervous Disea ses. Headache. Constipation, Gtstiven*»ss, Heart burn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Billious Fever, Inflamniat»ou of the Bevels, Piles and all i derangements of the Internal Vncera. Warranted ;to effect a positive cure. Pureiy Vegetable, contain ing no mercury, minerals or delehrious drugs. A few doses of Kadway's Piss WILL free the system from a/1 the above name! disorders. Price 25 cents per Box- Sold by Druggists. Read “False and True,” Aud send one letter to RADWAF & CO., 87 Maiden L»e, New York. Information worth thousands’* i! be seut you, July 12, 1871. nSO l v Psyoholoffio Fascination or Soul Charm iug, 400 pages by Herbert Hamilton. B. A. How to use this power (which all possess; at will. Divina rlon, Spiritual sm, Sooeries, demonology, and a tho wand other wonders. Price by mail §1 25. in cloth: paper covers $1 00. free ta» Agnus ouiy, monthly easily ande. Address T. W. E ANS, Pub 41 S. Bth Street Phil. P. A. n43 4w i * M MrOo-f Ai.n A Profir»*t«att4 . ’* miVm 1.1 ♦ »in«ree Bi, M-V MIM.IONH Hear Testimony re ihHr Wonderful Curutlve FlfrrtH. Th»«y nr» not a vile Pnni’jr Drink. uhkl** of Poor Hum* WliUkfV, Proof Spirit* aud Itrfuir M* ♦Hi or* J «-4urnl, »j*l r*l and to t!i«> tn-tG, railed ••Tonies”ApfM>t.l»eMu” ‘ Il< «Dircr«,” .V*-., that lead the tippler on to dniukenncxN n»nl rain, but are atme MrdiHne.made from th« sntive U<»ot- and Herlw of i all ft.rniiv, free from nit Alcoholic Sfimalaar*. 1 ' arc ill iiii i-.AT liLOO!) PCUIFI EK end A LIFE <JI V IXG PRINC IPLE, • perfect vat<-r Hmi I .vii r tor of the f-y-tern. carrying «>ff nil poisonane matter and rcstm the > R»ot to a Healthy con* ditioit. No can tetko these fUttcm mcoriliim to direction* and remain 1* njr unw«?U,provided their ia,nc« a" l the ortjtu<* woated lieyowd thn point of p;|«ir. TUcf arr a Ornilr Puroative m» well ri* a T„»»!c* tfar |*etnhar merit of ecttna u a powerful in rdkviif C< T«rc>*iO>ri ortndMU>m* tion of the Liver, aftd nil U«. UrgOfut FOB PEHA I.E COM PI.A I NT*, !n or oh I. married or nt the dawn of woman hoed or *t the turn of life. fchc*«> Tonic iMthrn* have no eipiat For liiflainmaiory nnd < hi onic Klienmn fi*m it nd 4«oul, l»> "pepnin or ludlireeitou* Hil lon*, Remit (cut mid Intermittent Fever*, Oianittcn of the lllooil, l.ivrr, Kidney* nnd 111 adder, tiu-«i Hitter* lutre been mn«t »ncoemful. ! -.i* >• nutml l.y Villnlrri Blond, will, h is generally produc and by der angeinent of the Di- BCNttve Organ*. I> \ s PEPSI A OR INDIGESTION, Ueednche, I’iUn in the Sliouhlcnv.Coiufhs. TightnrM of the Chest, DizzinowM. Sour Kructatlons of the Stomach, Had Taste in (he Month. Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Paiu in the regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offspring* of Dyspopsia. Tliey iurigorate the Stomach and stimulato tho torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled effi cacy in cl. anKiug tlu* Wood of all impurities, and impart ing now life ami vigor to the whole system. FOR SlitN Eruptions. Tetter. Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pirn pics. Pustules, Boils, Car hunci s Hiii- Wornis. Scald Head. Bore Ryes, Erysipelas, Ileh.Bcurf*, Dismioratlous of the Skin, P .mors and Dis c iscs of the .Skin, oi whatever name or na/are, are literally tin* up and carried out of the system in a short t me by the use of lb.‘«e Haters. One bottle in such c s«es will convince the most incredulous of their enrativo efTecta. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im purities bursting through tho skin in Pimples. Erup tion*. or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and slugiri <h in the veins: cleans* it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the h allhof the system w ill follow. Pin, Tapis nml other Worm*, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed .jnd removed. -Says a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upou the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worm*. It is not upon the healthy element* of the body that worm* exist, but upon the diseased home * and slimy '■ f breed these living monsters c, disease. No ;iii .v!. 0 n r° 'crmifuirc*, no vnthelniintics, w,u ~v* ‘ th ” fro® worms like these Bitter*. J WALKKK, Proprietor. R. 11. MCDONALD Ac CO.. Drugglsto and Ocn. Agent*. San Francisco. California, -*■ ! ™ U Commerce Street. New York. WSOLD BY ALL DRLtJOISTS AND DEALERS. Hay 24. 1871 n!3 ly DO NOT PAIL, r PO BO to 1 A*> tiff's Hally , 109 Llrond wt., Augnstn, Go. ami examine ihe different styles of Photographs they are now pr dncing. Oid Picture*copied, enlarged or reduced, and eatis faction guaranteed. i complete assotment of frames always On hand, i al Smdh 111 ItR %II« OK TO(Mlsoi MY friends and the public generally wilt take notice that I have just opened a General Grocery and Commission Bus nistt, at the old stand of 1 will also keep a good Resturant in connection with p'v Grocery business. Anything yon r,*ant in the eating line served up on short notice. Give me atria/. Respectfully, n4l if JEREFJONiIS Cheaper than Ever. A LOT of Goods will be received this week on f\ Consignment, with orders to sell, consisting ol Casimeres and Jeans, for men’s and hoys’ wear. A* SO—A Lot of Boots and S »oes. j*n24tl J. H. STOCKTON. (;i T ANO HAVE and will keep on hand the best standard jl Guanos. The celebrated Zell’s Phosphate can be had by early application, warranted to be good. I will also sell Merryman’s Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, pure Peruvian Guano, &c. All orders must be accompanied with the cash or good city accept ance. A, B. 1 IRABHER, Agent. jan!om3 Peter Keenan Peter Keenan Peter Keenan THE CHAMPION BOOT AND SHOE MAN Os Augusta, Again offers his salutations to the good people of McDuffie and her Democratic Sister Counties, and invites them when they come to Augusta to call and ac quaint themselves with his mode of business. By the adoption of the One Price System, and a faithful representation of every article he sells, he promises all those who honor him by their patronage, perfect security from the deception practised in these days, in the sale and Manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES and to make reclamation in every instance when work does not give Sitisfaction, Orders sent from the Country will be Scrupulously attended to, and exchanged inside of 3 months or the money refunded. The Cabled Wire Sewed Shoes are Superior to all others for boys and girls wear, an! [ pro nise a saving of 33 per cent to those who buy them. Everything else (but Shoddy) kept in a First Class Shoe Store- Nothing will be left undone to accommodate and please my Customers. I value the confidence of my fellow citizens more than money. PETER KEENAN, nil 5t Next door to Central llotel Augusta Ga. NEW COTtN de PKODITE WAREHOUSE. Wxt sgoau and faviugs Si’ll CKI licit c PITAIi $l,O 0,0 SMI. THE WAREHO JSE OF THIS BSV.2STH:, Corner of Campbell and Reynolds Streets, Augusta, Georgia, Is now ready to receive Cotton. Liberal Cash Advances Will be Made Uptn Cotton in Warehouse or upon Rail Road Receipts. Parties storing Cotton with the Bank will be furnished with receipts for the same that will be available in this city or any other for borrowing monev. The Bank is prepare I at all times to make loans on produce or provisions, on the most liberal terms. Parties would do well to apply at the Warehouse, or communicate with the Officers. CHARLKB J. JENKINS, President. JNO. P. KING, Vice President, Sept. at n3! fim TP. B ANCH, Cashier - . BUTT, BOYCE Go«> SJOB Broad. Street, Augusta, Ga, lOljolcsnlc Veneers emb Cimmtssbn Jilted) ants. Have now on hand a large and well selected Stock of the following Goods First Quality. Coffee. Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Cheese, Butter, Mackerel, Tobacco, Soap. Candles, &c. Also a full assortment of Sauces, Jellies and general Fancy Goods, and also a fine stock of Wines, Brandies, and JFhiskies. Sole agents for the Owl Cigars - All orders promptly attended to on the most liberal terms, and goods guaranteed. 403 m Bargains!! ADKINS & HAGERMAN. Next Door to tlie Post Office. WE HAVE just opened with a large arid well selected stock which we guar antee to sell at Augusta prices. All are invited to call and examine our stock, whether for the purpose ol buying or comparing prices. We nevei charge anything for showing goods. Our Line of Dress Goods Comprises: Silk Poplins Poplin Cloth Hats Tartan Lustre Worsted, all colors Trunks Scotch Plaids Blue, Black & Values Tycoon Reps Brown Merinos Umbrellas ALSO, Cabics’ Jllecino itnber bests, &c. shawls, Ladies’ Over-Shoes, Children’s Fancy Knitted Saqucs, Misses Roods, Ac. A large and fine assoiment of (remits’ Ladies’ and Chi Iren’s Shoes. Gent’s Fur i hing G ods. All Wool and. Merino Under Nliirts and Drawers. C&QFMIWG* CFOriTr.YG* €&QFSf.XG» Cr.QTWY'G, In my line of Ready Made Clothing I offer great inducements. Having d»alt exclusively in the Clothing Business for the last five years, I am be lieve that I can suit all: u 39 ts