Newspaper Page Text
She Mcflziffte lonvual.
v_XJ 60 O
The following named gentlemen arc duly author
ized to act as agents for the McDuffie Journal :
Dr. I. J. Brinson traveling agent; A. T. Bright
well and J. R. Porter, Maxey’s; M. G. Broome
and O. A. McLaughlin, Union Point; Dr. 8. A.
Gresham, Greensboro : Wallace Lampkin,Athens •
M. Jordan, Augusta.
CiT All advertisements in the local column will
be charged 50 per cent, upon the published rates,
from this date.
Religious.— Services in the Baptist Church at
11 o’clock A. M. Rot. Josephus Hillman. 7 o'clock
I\ M. Rev. Jno. G. Caldwell.
Our Job Department. —-Having supplied our
selves with a largo stock of fine paper, we are now
enabled to furnish the public with Job Work
promptly and cheaply, and executed in the best
The McDuffie Journal is the official organ of
McDuffie county, and is the only paper published
in the county.
Messrs. Adkins & Hagermau have just received
a tine lot of cigars—the cheapest in town.
Be sure to go to the Exhibition to-night (Tues
day), and see the Burning of Crosby’s Opera House,
Chicago, with the Panorama to-night.
We learn that the citizens in the lower part of
Jefferson and McDuffie counties are making a move
for the establishment of a post office near the line,
which will add considerable to the convenience of
their mail arrangements.
The Griffin Daily News. —We have received
several copies of the Daily News, published by A.
M. Speights, Griffin, Ga.,at $5 per annum. The
News is a neat, sprightly sheet, and keeps fully up
to the times. We heartily wish the News success.
Supreme Court Judge.— Governor Smith has
appointed W. W. Montgomery, of Augusta, to fill
a vacancy on the Supreme Court bench. This ap
pointment is eminently proper, and gives satisfac
tion throughout the entire State.
South-Western Panorama Exhibition. To
night (Tuesday) at the Court-Room, Mr. Scott will
give an exhibition of his fine Panorama of Foreign
Cities, Franco-Pmssian War, Burning of Chicago
—large and perfect pictures of the great confla
That Fire Engine ! —We shall continue to agi
tate the purchase of a Fire Engine for our town,
so long as we think there is a ray of hope for the
same. We now suggest that a meeting of our cit
izens be called about Friday or Saturday next
to find out the sentiments of our p, pit: upon the
St. Valentine’s Day. To-day being St. Valen
tine’s Day, and this being leap year, we doubt not
the young ladies will take advantage of the happy
combination of circumstances, and ere the sun has
set will have captured the heart of some loving
swain. We anxiously look forward to the time, a
few mouths ahead at most, when wedding-cake
will be a prominent article on our bill of fare.
Be sure to see the celebrated Cathedral at Milan
at the Panorama Exhibition to-night.
New Advertisements# —James H. Birch, agent,
advertises in to-day’s paper, Singer’s Sewing Ma
chines. The ladies, especially, will read his ad
vertisement, and hike advantage of the opportu
nity offered to furnish themselves with this now
almost indispensable domestic helper. Go and soo
Mr. Birch’s machines.
M. A. Stovall advertises to hike Cotton for Pa
tapsco Guano. See advertisement.
T. M. Steed publishes a notice requesting all in
debted to the school firm of E. A. & T. M. Steed
to come forward and settle. He also advertises a
Piano for sale.
R. S. Weathers, administrator of the estate of
Dennis Paschal, deceased, notifies debtors to come
forward and settle.
J. M. Harp, 15s> Broad street, Augusta, Ga.,
keeps a fine stock of Tinware, Kerosene Oil, and,
in fact, a large assortment of everything in his
line of trade on hand, which he is selling at very
low figures. We can confidently recommend him
to our citizens. Read his advertisement, and be
sure to go and see him when you visit Augusta.
The Oglethorpe Fertilizer Company publishes
an advertisement in to-day’s issue, offering their
fertilizer to oyr citizens. We are well acquainted
with the gentlemen of this company, and their
mode of manufacturing their fertilizer, and know
there is no cheat practiced by them. Their fertili
zer is really what it pretends to be. Captain Wil
liam Johnson is their agent here. Read their ad
vertisement, and call on their agent.
Farmer's Clubs.— ln our opinion, what a farm
er most needs, is a thorough knowledge of his pro
fession, and in no pursuit is knowledge more in
dispensable. The Farmers’ Club, when properly
conducted, is, in every sense, a school for the dis
semination of information pertaining to his branch
of business, find for the free discussions of al*
questions and topics which affect the general wel
fare of its members. Those who have been suc
cessful in any particular branch of husbandry,
communicate the knowledge which their experi
ence and more varied knowledge may suggest
ideas valuable to all. Aside from the useful infor
mation that may be derived to all connected with
these clubs, there is a social pride which may in
deed be considered as one of the crowning excel
lences of such organizations. Farmers have less
amusements, and fewer opportunities for
recreation than any other class; their isolation
from each other is one of the causes of this, and
the result is of course, that while they work harder
than any other classes, they no doubt enjoy less of
the comforts and pleasures of life.
Many reasons might be urged and extended to
great length favoring the organizations of these
societies, which cannot be set forth in a short and
hastily written article like this. We submit the
subject, therefore to our fanners, hoping they will
carry out the project until there shall be a well or
ganized working Farmers' Club in every town in
McDuffie county.
i Good Templars.— This organization, says the
; Augusta Constitutionalist, we arc pleased to know
jis doing much good in Augusta. Commencing
j under peculiar difficulties, it has progressed until
j the old lodge numbers nearly two hundred and
fifty members, and anew hall is now being built
; aii d anew lodge formed, which even at its start is
• inaugurated with a membership of over ninety.—
i It is doing much good in its department of reform,
j and has oar best wishes, and no doubt tho best
wishes of every citizen of Augusta that it may
i succeed.
j We hope that the Good Templars here will take
| courage, and push on the great work. The Order
■ here has effected much good, yet much remains to
| * ,e done to driver old King Alcohol from tho land.
Special Notices.
Baugh’s Rawbone Guano.—Mr.
John R. Wilson, of this place, has the agency for
i the side of this well known and popular fertilizer.
| It can be hud at the low price of S4B per tou,
I cash, and $53 on time. Call on Mr. Wilson, and
I give his Guano a trial. Feb. 7,2 m
Old prejudices are dying out. New
j b*<‘ts are killing them. The idea that invalids
j weakened by disease can l>c relieved by prostrating
j them with destructive drugs, is no longer enter
: tamed except by monomaniacs. Ever since the
introduction of Dr. Walef.r’h Vinegar Bitters
j it has been obvious that their regulating and invig
| orating properties are all-sufficient for tho euro of
j chronic indigestion, rheumatism, constipation, di
arrhoea, nervous affections, and malarious fevers,
I and they are now tho standard remedy for theso
| complaints in every section of the Union. 5w4
Caution —Tho merits of the Soluble
Pacific Guano, manufactured by tho Pacific Gua
no Company, having been attested by ho great a
I number of our planters, who have used it for the
past seven years,its superior excellence is no longer
a matter of doubt: and ns spurious articles of the
j *ame name are being offered for sale, I take this
| method of informing the public that none is genu
ine unless branded on the sacks, “John S. Reese
j A Cos., General Agents, Baltimore, Md..
jandlwd J. O. MATHEWSON, Agent.
You are troubled with a bad breath.
\lt annoys your friends as well as yourself. You
1 would like to get rid of it. but scarcely know
what means to adopt. We will tell you. Use tho
I fragrant Sozolout; it will cleanse and beautify
| your teeth and leave your breath pure.
j C J We know that for cleaning paint, windows,
, china and glassware,; for polishing knives, iron,
tin, brass and copper wares, and for removing
stains from marble and porcelain, and rust from
machinery, Enoch Morgan’s Sons’ Sapolio is the
best thing in use. JDwlfl
Homo Idvideuue.
Hamilton, Harris Cos., Ga ,
Ducemoer 20th, 1871.
Dkau Sia~l am well p/eased with the Compound
Acid Phosphate of Lime, made by ihu Pacific Gua- I
no Company, purchased of you lust spring,
I applied the c< mpost at the rate of 300 pounds j
p-raere. and it d»ub!<d the yield; making at. the j
; rate of ISO pounds of seed cotton per acre, against (
I 375 pounds on the u manured hind, which Was —ut ;
j the picseni p.iee of cotton —about 400 per cunt, on |
tit.' investment, and mor« than 150 p r cent, with
cotton ut 10 cents p r pound.
/ expect to use no other kind next year.
Yours, truly, ,
Jau2Hv3 It. M. McCARTidt.
Many bousekoupeG* tire not aware of
ftlic deception practiced in the manufacture of lia
j voring extracts for culinary use. Many of them
1 are deleterious and impure. Burnett’s Standard
Extracts are made from tho finest specimens of tho
fruits and spices they represent and are perfectly
Burnett’s standard flavoring extracts,
lemon, vanilla, Ac. C:mr go your servants and deal •
ers and observe that they do not substitute in
their steacl any of the pernicious unpalatable ex
tracts with which tho market is flood-, 1. Burnett’s
Standard Flavoring Extracts are established as the
strongest, purest and the best made.
The terrific duel between Prussia and
France is over, but thousands of battles between
J)r. Walker's Vinegar Bitters and Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint are now going on in every State
of the Union. The issue of such contests is never
for one moment in doubt. The conflict may lust
longer in some cases tlmn in others, but the lead
ing Vegetable tonic and alterative of the nine
teenth century, invariably triumphs.
To owners of horses and cattle.—To
bias’ Derby ( uidition Powders aro warranted su
perior to any others, or no pay, for the cure of
Distemper, Worms, Bote, Coughs Ilide-bound,
Golds, Ac., in Horses, and colds, Coughs, loss of
milk, black tongue, bom distemper, Ac.. in Cattle.
Price twenty-five cents, depot 10 Park Place, New
Carbolic salve, recommended by the
leading Physicians and the President of the New
York Board of Health. Gives instant relief to
burns, cures all kind of sores, cuts and wounds ;
and a most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold
everywhere at 25 cents. John F. Henry, solo
Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York.
Svapnla—is Opium purified of its
siknening and poismious properties, discovered
by Dr. Biglow, Professor of Botany, Detroit Medi
cal College. A most perfect anodyne and soothing
opiate. John Farr, Chemist New York.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.—lt
relieves tho little sufferer from pain, cures wind,
colic, regulates the stomach and bowels, corrects
acidity, and during the process of teething is in
valuable. Perfectly safe in all cases, as millions
of mothers can testify.
Tiie purest and sweetest Cod Liver
Oil in the world is Hazard & Caswell's made on the
sea shore, from fresh selected livers, by Caswell,
Hazard &. Cos., New York. It is absolutely pure
and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer
it to all others. Physicans have decided it superior
to anof ytlie other oils in the market,
Christadoro’s Hair Dye is the safest j
and best. It corrects the bad effects of inferior |
dyes, while the black or brown tints it produces j
are identical to nature. Factory G 8 Maiden Lane, j
New York.
Pratt’s Astral Oil —Safest and best
oil ever made. Does not take fire or
explode, if tho lamp is upset or broken. Over
150,000 families continue to use it, and no acci
dents of any description have occurred from it.—
Oil house of Charles Pratt, established 1770, New
! York.
Risiey’s Philotoken is an established,
warranted remedy for painful menstruation; and j
equally effective as a nervous antidote in all cases j
of nervous excitement, stomach and sleeplessness
in male or female. Sold everywhere for $1 a bot- 1
tie. Morgan A Risley, druggists, New York, gen- j
eral agents.
A youthful appearance, and af beau- j
tiful, clear complexion is tho desire of everybody.
This effect is produced by using G. W. Laird’s j
“Bloom of Youth,” a harmless beautifier of the
skin. Will remove all discoloration, tan, freckles, j
and sunburns. The use of this delightful toilet j
preparation cannot be detected. For sale by all !
druggists and fancy goods dealers, depot 5 Gold i
street, New York.
Cotton IJoport.
| Thomson © 20
Savannah 20 © 21
Augusta 20 @ 21f
Charleston 2li
Thonmon IViecs Current.
Corn—per bushel $1 OS @ 10 00
'• Meal—per bushel 1 20
Bulk Meat—Clear sides !> © lOi
“ Shoulders 0
Bacon—Sides 10 © 12
“ Shoulders 9 © 10
Flour—per barrel 0 00 © 11 r>o
Salt—Liverpool 2 25
New Ad.yortisoinruts.
A lbs. Liverpool Middling Cotton, delivered
£*J\j <\t the nearest railroad depot, on or before
the 31st of October, 1872, secured by note, lienor
factor’s acceptance, will be taken in payment for
one ton Patapsco Guano.
M. A. STOVALL, Agent,
febllm2 Augusta, Ga.
VLL persons indebted to the school firm of E. A.
& T. IYI. Bteed will please call and settle llieir
FOR SALE.—-A good Piano, very cheap. Apply
Thomson, Feb 14, 1872tf.
3*- 3ME.
Wholesale and retail dealer in
©{SSI? IK § lE© 3 H 591
Manufacturer and deul r in all kinds of
dud all kinds of Jobbing done promptly and neatly.
tuiiO 15SJ Broad St., Augusta, Ga.
jmmwirwiui a
Legal Advertisements.
* * E< )RGIA —Me Pujtc County.
\ I I. person* indebted to the estate of Dennis
k V Paschal, (colored) deceased, are respeotfully
requested to come forward and make immediate
payment. Those having demands against said os.*
Ute ure required to prosent. them in terms of the
• :uv - S. R. WEATHERS, Administrator.
\ bo Hold boforo tho court house door in the
; »* villago of Appling, Columbia county, on the
j first Tuesday in March next, a tract of land con
taining one hundred and sixty-three acres, more or
l : and ad joining lands of Muslin Walrott and
; others, the name being the place whereon William
i M'-orc re- . \ at tho time of his death,
j Sold for distribution.
I Terms on day of Hal.*. January 25th, 1872.
• jaiiflldflO SAMUEL MOOitE, For Distributees.
1 1KORG I A—McDuffie County.
To all whom it may concern.
J \MF.B H. J< )N EH having in proper form ap
plied to me for permanent letters of adminis
tration on the estate of John N Collins, late of said
comity, deceased, this is to cite and admonish all
and singular of tho creditors and kin of the said
John N < lollies to be and appear at my office with
in the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanent administration should
not be granted to James S. Jones on said estate.
Witness my hand and official signature, this Jan
uary 21*, 1872. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary.
Sheriff’s Sales.
WILL be fold before the Court-House door in the
town of Thomson, McDuffie county, Ga,, oa
: Dr first Tuesday in March next, within tho legal
hours of sale, ibt* following property, to-wit :
The entire lands ol it. 8. Lazeuby, /ying in Mc-
Duffie county—about two miles from the town of
Thomson—adjoining lands of Elias Lazeuby, Mrs.
Mary Wilson and J. W. Morgan, levied on as the
property of K. S. Lazeuby by virtue of sundry fi. fas.
issuing from the Justice’s Court of the [f>2d district,
G. M„ on the 12il» day of February, 1870, in favor
of W. D. Wilson vs. It. S. Luzenby.
WILL be sold before the Court-House door, in tho
) ? town Tnomp«on, McDuse county, Ga., on the
I'rnt Tue day in March next, within the legal hours
of sale, tho following property, to-wit:
iho entire lands of It. S. Lazenbv, lying in
McDuffie county—about two miles from the town of
Thomson—adjoining lands of Elias Lazeuby, Airs.
Mary Wilson and J. W. Morgan, levied on us tho
property of R. S. L iz- nby by virtue of h fi
ins. i-suing from the Justice’s Court of the 152d j
district, G. M., on the 12tli day of February, 1870,
in favor of F. A. E. Morgan v>. It. S. Lazenby.
WILL be sold before the Court-House door, in the
town of Thomson, McDuffie county. Ga., on
the first Tuesday in March next, wiThin the legal
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
The entire lands of it. 8. Laz nby, lying in
McDuffie county—about two miles from the town of
Thomson—adjoining lands of Elias Lazenbv, Mrs.
Mary Wilson and J. W Morgan, levied on as the
property of It, S. Lazenby by virtue of a fi. fas.
issuing from the Justice’s Court of the 152d district,
G. M , on the 12th day of February, 1870, in fyvor
of Thos. M. hi teed vs. ft. S. Lazeuby.
WILL he sold before the Court-House floor, iu the
town ol Thomson, McDuffie county, Ga., on
the first Tuesday in March next, within Iho legal
hours of fla/e, the following property, to-wit:
Tho entire panels of R, .S. Lazeuby, lyi g in
McDuffie county —adjoining tends of r lias Lazenby,
■ Mrs. M-ry Wil on mid J. VV. Morgan, levied on as
I the property of R. 8. Lazenby by virtue of a
! fi. f s. issuing from tin- Ju.-tice’s Court of the Is*2d
j district, G. M., on 1 lie 12th dry of February, 1870,
in favor of J. VV. Morgan vs. It. -S. Lazenby.
Jan. 17, 1872. jan3lw4 Slier iff.
GEORGIA —MeDujjie County.
SR. WEATHERS having in proper form ap
* plied to me for letters of administration on
the estate of Dennis Paschal (colored), late of said
county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular
• the creditors and next of kin of Dennis Paschal
j (colored), to be and appear at my office within the
j time allowed by law,, and show cause, if any they
j have, why administration should not be granted to
| S. It. Weathers on Dennis Paschal’s estate.
A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary.
I janlOml
GE( )RGIA —MeDuffie County.
j WILLIAM FARR, of said county, has applied
!to me for exemption of Personalty and setting
I apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will 1
I pass upon tho same on Saturday, the 17th day of i
j February. 1*72, at 10 o’clock, a. in., at my office, j
janßlv.2 A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary.
ii H? H !L\ t @
Gold Medal and Three Silver Medals awarded the Singer at the Augusta Fair !
Sou] in one year—44,ooo more than any other Sewing
Machine manufactured. Cull and examine our Sevvin* r
Machines. Every machine is fully warranted. Machines delivered in any part j
of McDulie, Colutiibiii or Lincoln counties.
das. H. Birch, Agent,
Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.
Also Deals in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, LAMPS, &c., which he
sells below Augusta prices. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in
the very best manner, and warranted. * febl4m2
OctIiEITBOItFEI Fmvnjzsß!
M'axey, Oglethorpe County, Ga.
CaGi price, per ton, on ears at Maxey 50
Time price, per tou, on lieu or acceptance " GO 00
V£}\i. Iho ( ompany manufacturing this Ferti/izer could give any quantity of good certificates, but
simply refer Bluutcrs to those who have been so fortunate as to use il for tko/ast ton years iu the various
p .rts of the State.
feblJiol Agent, Thomson, McDuffie county, Ga.
§arrp dDljcmicai Jfufsli^r!
This compound, which hss so fully sustained its character as a first-class Fer
tilizer for the past two seasons, is now ready for delivery. In order to secure its
more perfect adaptation, its composition is varied to suit the condition of two
classes of soils;
No-1 Specially for Light, Gray, Sandy Land.
No. 2 For Rod Olay Land,
Results have fully demonstrated the necessity of modifying the composition of
Fertilizers to the physical and chemical condition of the soil, equally as to the
production of tho plant food necessary for particular crops. The undersigned
believes he has succeeded in preparing Fertilizers to meet all these indications,
and oilers them with perfect confidence to all Southern planters.
The cost of Fertilizer No. 1. will be $56 00 per ton.
The cost of Fertilizer No. 2 will he GO 00 per ton*
The usual time arrangements can be made, and all other information given by
applying to
Practical and Agricultural Chemist, 290 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
«T. M - IN, Thomson, Ga- janl7m3
®. W» CABWM «& 00*9
©ro;cis auir -lomurissicm itlcvclimts
Z2i>y Broad street, Augusta, Cia.
Respectfully inform the People ol McDuffie and adjoining entities that they
have entered into a Copartnership for the purpose of conducting a General
Grocery and Commission Business, and will devote all their energies towards
building up a First Class Grocery House, promising to make every exertion to
give the most perfect satisfaction to all who may favor them with their patron
age. We are receiving full stocks of
t-SacoM, l.iU’d, Coffizcs, Sugars*, Teas, Cliceso, Syrups, Jlßolassos
ESace, Etc.
WEiiskios, Braadio*, Wiaas, /130, Tobacco, Cigars* Caaa
os! Fraiils and Vegol.ahlos.
And, in fact, everthing usually found in a first clsss Grocery. We are also
agents for the sale of Win. Massey & Co’s Celebrated Philadelphia Ales.
We will be glad to see our McDuffie friends, and will sell the best goods at
the lowest market prices. 403 m
P. S.:—W. S. Bevens, of Thomson, is connected with this House.
TIIE special attention of the public is respectfully invited to the beautiful
stock of
now arriving from New York, consisting of a full line of
White Goods, Embroideries and Dress Trimmigs.
Umbrollas, and Parasols, Gents Furnishing Goods
Ladies’, Kcpts’ asst! Cliildrcn’s Fine IBooH*, Shoes, Slats, Caps
tillorcs, Slosjery, Etc., Etc.
A full assortment of Plantation and Family Groceries on hand.
This is the place to purchase goods and get the best bargains in town.
JuneSl n!7 ly
MY fiicnds end; tho pubiic generally will take
notice that I Dave just opened a
General Grocery and Commission.
Bus.niss, at the old stolid of Ma-isengsle & Jenkins,
1 will also keep a gjnid Resturant in connection
with n y Grocery bu>i|iess. Anything you want in
the elding line served (ip on short notice. Give me
a trial. Resboctrully,
>i4l ts i J ERE F JONES
Made easy by any Lady. 20,000 sold
in,six months. The most rapidly selling
article ever in vented for married or sin
gle ladies’ use.
May 10, noli ts
Jouvin’B Inodorous Kid Glove Clean
er restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cts.
per bottle. F. C. Wells & Cos., N. Y. janlOml
9*7k DOLLARS A MONTH to sell our Univer-
S 0 sal Cement, Combination Tunnel, Button-
Hole Cutter, and other articles. Saco Novelty
Cos., Saco, Mo.
Rare Chance for Agents-
AGENTS, we will pay you $lO per week in ci ii.
if you will engago'with ns at once. Everything
furnished nud expenses paid. Address
F. A. ELLS & CO., Charlotte, Mich.
$lO from 50s
12 Samples sent (postage paid) for Fifty Conte, that
retail easily for Ten Dollars. R. L. Wolcott, N.Y.
X/ W \ AGENTS WANTED for our splendid
* H l\J life-size charts of GEN. LEE, “STONE
WALL JACKSON, and 20 other Historical and
Religious Charts! Our MAPS, CHARTS, etc.,
have a universal sale. ’No risk ! Largo profits!—
HAASIS & LUBRECHT, Empire Map and Chart
Establishment, 107 Liberty street, New York.
rjiifis“iTno humbug 7
By sen l ingr CENTS w'th
age, lic’ght. color of eyes and hair, you will receive
by return mail, a correct picture oi your future
husband or wife, with name and date of mar iuge.
A ddress W. Fox, P. O Drawer, No. 24 Fultonville,
N. Y. _ n43 w
PSYCHOLOGIC Fascination or Soul Charming,
•100 pages by Herbert Hamilton, B. A. How
to use this powor (which all possess) at will. Di
vination, Spiritualism, Sorcerism, Demonology,
and a thousand other wonders. Price by mail,
$1.25, in cloth: in paper covers, sl. Copy free to
agents only. *I,OOO monthly easily made. Ad
dress T. W. EVANS, Pub., 4i S. Bth st., Philadel
phia, Penn.
A bound canvassing book of the PICTORIAL
HOME BIBLE, containing over 300 Illustra
tions. With a comprehensive Cyclopedia explana
tory of tlie Scriptures. In English and German.
WM. FLINT & CO., Phila., Pa.
Profitable Employment.
We desire to engage a few more Agents to s«U the
World Renowned improved Buckeye So>v
iii*** Mac hinej ftt a liberal salary or on com
mission. A and wagon given to agents. Full
Particulars furnished on application. Address W,
A. HENDERSON & CO-, General Agents Cleve
land Ohio, & St. Louis, Mo. n43 4w
[ ’ ' ■ •' j l SoOO REWARD*h» nfien-d by"^
iV. / \ - - A i tt.« proprietor of Dr. bage’s PI
l i j :/ ' V.. ;.- V 1 auiTli itotuody for a case of hi
If / ® I “ in J/euii," Vat art Aor E-3
f: l ■ \ j. J 1 f/urm, which he can not cure. VI
; f 1 >o' | * !<! l y at 50 etc -|
For copying letters Without Press or Water.
continues to grow in favor wherever introduced
and thousands now using it attest its wonderful
morits. AU praise itsjSimplioity and Convenience,
ami a public tost of sir years has fully established
its genuinonoss and reliability. It has only to be
properly shown to l>o appreciated by all business
men. Prioo $2.25, and upward. Address P.
GARRETT & CO„ Philadelphia, Pa.
ClTAgents wanted.
BV*3F£J Bast r.?illnff books
Works of absorbs I
f pj::: 3 int owinu Us
C. IT. Vcat, Vub.i O’!aud G3 Murray St, N*Y.
Agents are wanted for Chicago and the Great
llagration, by Colbert &. Chamberlin. Editors C’ni
cago Tribune. 528 octavo pages. Fully illustra
ted. 80,000 SOLD. Address as above, or J. H.
Goodman, Chicago, or Edward F. Hovey, Boston,
or Fred. M. Smith, Auburn, N. Y., or Walton .h
Cos., Indianapolis, Ind.
Those Tablets present the Acid in combination
with other efficient remedies, in a popular form,
for the euro of all Throat and Lung cli: • uses.—
Hoarseness and Ulceration of the Throat are im
mediately relieved, and statements are being con
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sighs the weary and exhausted one, ns the languor
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Long and successfully used in its native country,
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Dr. Wells’ Extract of Juruboba
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JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St , N V
sole Agent for the United r vcs.
Price, One Dollar per Bottle, Send fir C\. -■>