Newspaper Page Text
AUerman’H Last Slander.
The Atlanta Slander-Mill publishes
a correspondence between a number of
carpet bag Congressmen, beaded by
that saintly personage, Parson Brown
low, and ex-Attorney General Akerman,
in which the former attempts to mollify
the wounded feelings of the discarded
minion of Radical despotism by ex
pressions of sympathy and confidence
in his ‘sacred judgment and wisely
directed zeal in behalf of the liberties
and scrutiny of the citjzens of the States
which we (they) represent.” This
testimonial, which is evidently designed
to assuage the chagrin and mortification
with which the modern Jonathan Wild
retires from the position from which
he was virtually kicked, affords him an
opportunity to put forth one more vile
and heartless slander of the people
whom he so cruelly persecuted. In
his reply, after expressing his gratitude
for the approval of his official conduct,
Akerman, alluding to the Southern
States, says:
“In the conflict which rages there be
tween the friends and the foes of the
Government of the United States—be
tween those who maintain and those
who resist the principle that prevailed
in the late war— many of our adversa
ries have entered into organizations
more thorougly depraved than any that
have ever before appeared in American
politics. The objects are, substantially,
10 deprive tho laborer of his wages, the
voter of tis ballot, and the freeman of
his liberty, and the means include
rapine, torture, and murder. Their
work, for the most part, is done in
disguise —the characteristic apparel of
cowardice. If the law of the State pre
tends to make inquisition, perjury is
often at hand to furnish pretext for
clearing the guilty.
In somo places these organizations,
mastering public sentiment and paraly
zing (ho local law, have risen to the
character of systematic rebellions, differ
ing from other rebellions chiefly in the
precautions taken by the dastardly
participants to screen themselves from
personal responsibility for their acts.”
A viler slander was never penned.
And so far as it applies to the people of
this State, no one knows its absolute
falseness bettor than the vile ingrate
and unscrupulous vilifior by whom it is
uttered. — Sav. New*.
A subscriber asks the best way to
prepare fence posts with a view to
their preservation.
Always put the upper end of the
post in the ground, reversing the posi
tion in which it grew. Whon it is thus
placed, the moisture from the ground
will not rise so rendily as it would if
the post was placed in the position of
root end downwnrd. The rising ol
moisture tends to decompose the wood.
A further preventative against decay
is to burn tho lower end of the post,
and, while hot, plunge it into molted
tar, coal tar wil suit the purpose.
By taring the tops of posts after
they are in the ground, the heat of the
sun will causo the tar to enter the wood
thereby protecting it against insects
and rain.
Should it bo inconvenient to tar the
whole of the post above the ground,
the application of tar to the sawed end
will have an excellent effect.— Farmer
4 Gardner.
[One of the best, if not the very best,
ways to preserve posts, is to burn out
the post hole before setting up the post.
Make the fire in the hole hot and quick
—rich pine or light trashy wood is the
best to kindle the fire, as it makes the
firo quick and very hot. The quick
heat bakes a crust on the inner surface
of the hole through which the damp
ness of tho ground cannot penetrate ; the
the post is thus kept dry, and, of course,
preserved.— Ed. Jour.]
Population of tiik Unitkd States. —
According to the last census the popu
ion of the United States, and Territo
v. s is 35,555,953. Os this number,
j,959,437 are native born ; 5,500,546
re foreign born; 10,892,015 are chil
dren of ono or both parents foreign
h, rn ; 10,521,233 are of fort igti fathers ;
.105,627 are of foreign mothers; for
, father and mother, 9,734,845. —
re are only fourteen of the States
' ,t have a population of one million
ml upwards—tin largest of these being
few York, with 4,372,759, and the
smallest is Georgia, 1,184,109. Michi
gan coming next with a population of
iu9t fifty more than Georgia.
General R. S. Ewell Dead. —This
distinguished ex Confederata General
led last Thursday in Maury county,
Tennessee, lie served in the United
States army from IS4O to IS6I. lie
was made Brigadier in June, 1862,
Major General Febuary, 1563, Lieuten
ant General May, 1863, and appointed
Stonewall Jnckson’s successor.
He served brilliantly in tho leading
battles of Virginia. He was thrice
wounded, losing a leg at Manassas.
He was a type of the best Southern
soldier. Honor to his memory.
Agent for the Company, AUGUSTA, GA.
*4BgPer Ton, Cash ; $5.1 Wil bout Interest, ok Tltae. Me charge for Dr ay age
Thi« n -ano is well known in the Cotton States, from experience in its use for six years past. It has acquired, after
tfc.nln.rh trial under all conditions of season, a character for reliable excellence unsurpassed, and which cannot attach to
’ nt introduction. In view of reduced cost of manufacture, and the unusual facilities of the Pacific Gua
nn Cnmnlnv this valuabe fertilizer is now sold at the above price, which is m conformity with the policy of the Company
L f unTh thP best Fertilizer at the least cost, looking to Large Sales and Small Profits for compensation. We warrant
the stock in market this season precisely the same in composition and quality as that heretofore sold, iror terms apply to
J. O. Mathewson,
JOHN S. REESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. Agent, Augusta, Ga.
Compound Acid Phosphate of
Prepared Under the Superintendence ol Dr. St. Julien Ravcncl, of Charleston,S. Carolina.
price reduced.
rrt ■ •>* above stated, is prepared expressly for composting with cotton seed. A Compost made with an equal
Tins article, as a . J, e(j l f urn j ß heß the cotton seed with the Soluble Phosphate, which is necessary to make
weight o this ar - * Compost should be made from four to six weeks before planting time, in order that posi
lt properly ettecti • I jj and t f rom 40 0 to 600 pounds per acre or more. General experience for two
tion may take p ace *md sho economies! and effective Fertilizer for cotton and corn.
AeWPhosphaie is now pit into market at the low price of 539 per ton, cash ; 835 on time, without interest (no
af which rate every planter can supply himself with a first-class fertilizer at a minimum outlay per acre.
For specific terms apply to >T 0 maTIIKWSON,
Agent Pacific Guano Company, Augusta, Ga.
r-y * bill sunnlv of Peruvian Guano, Ground Bone and Land Plaster on hand at all times.
Georgia Ilnil Rond,
On and after Sunday, January 23d, IH7I, Die
PaanMiaer Trainß will run as follows:
lAe. Augusta a.
L«*ve Atlanta at J an'
ArrWe at Atlanta, G 80, |>. in.
Arrive at Augusta, .> 40, p. m.
INlghl Passenger
Leavr Augusta at j* 'J 11 !’• m
lo-auc Atlanta at 1® P- m '
Arrin* at Atlanta nt ® m ’
Arrive at Augusla 7 30, a. m
*fl3u,Uoth Day and Nigh* passenger trains will
make close connections at jiugusta iiu'l A ( l in ' ,l Wlt “
passenger trains of connecting roads.
Passengers from Atlanta and all stations on the
Georgia Railroad, by taking the down day passen
ger train will make close connection at Carnak with
the Macon Passenger Train, and reach Macon the
same dav at 7.'40 p. m.
Palace sleeping cars on all night trains.
on the
Macon & AuguHla IU. H-
Leave Augusta at 12 00 noon.
Leave Macon at G 00 a. m.
Arrive at Macon 7 40 p. m.
Arrive at Augusta 1 45 p. m.
Tho Day Passenger Train arriving at
Macon at 7:40 p. m. make close connec
tions with Trains of connecting Roads
at Macon.
Passengers leaving Macon at 6 a. m.,
will make clos6 connections at C ama/c
with up day passenger Train for Atlan
ta Athens, Washington and all points on
Georgia Railroad, and will connect at
Atlanta with trains for the West.
Shields & Coldwell
1 T AVR just opened a Largo and Well Assorted
stock: ok
Dry Goods
Groceries *
Boots and Shoes,
Selected with great caie for tho Thomson trade.
Full Htook of Mali’s Wax Hrngitti Boots, from $3 25
to $3 76. Don’t a*<k any more for them.
Lathe* >hocßHnd Boots from one dollar and sevtn'y
five oentt> to two dollars and twenty-five cents.
Full Stock of Me ’.4 Brogan Shoes, from one dollar
and twenty-five cents to two dollars—don't ask
any more for them
Boy's Brogans—Full Stock—from eighty*five cents
to one dollar and fifty cents -don’t ask any
more for them.
Sugars in variety, from 12J to 141 cents. Don’t
auk »»ny more.
Coffee of different guides, from 8J to 4 libs to the
No. 2,
No. 3,
We Defy Competition.
Our Dry Goods Line is
and guaranteed to give satisfaction as to price and
Our Pretty Shawls should be scon by every
Lady who desires a bountiful, durable and cheap
article. And we have no hesitancy in saying the
best ever opened by a merchant in Thomson.
Delaines, all colors and styles,
Our Invoice of
Consists of everything useful and desirable—beautifn
and durable, to p/case the fanoy of the most fastidi
Cal and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
Our goods are marked in plain figures, and not in
characters, which al! can understand.
We sell to all at one price and on the same terms,
43 It
Svaptiia—is Opium purified of its
siknening and poisonous properties, discovered
by Dr. Iliglow, Professor of Botany. Detroit Medi
cal College. A most perfect anodyne and soothing
opiate. John Farr, Chemist New York.
It R R
Cures the worst pains in from
One to Twenty Minnie*
Not one Hour
after reading this advertisement need any one
suffer with pain.
Railway's Ready Relief it a cure for every
V 41 If.
It was the first, ami is the only Tain Remedy that
instantly stop* the most excruciating pain*, Allays
Inflammations ami cities Congestions whether of th»
Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs
bv one application,
tn From One to Twenty Minute*.
no matter how violent or excruciating the paiu the
Rheumatic, Bed ridden. Infirm, Crippled, Nervous,
Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer.
Railway’** Ready Relief
will afford,nstsut ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys,
Inflammation of the Bladder, Congestion of the
Lungs. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing,
Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics,
Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza
Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
Cold Chill*, A sue Chill*.
The application of the Ready Relief to the parts
where the pain or difficulty slists will afford esso
and comfort.
Twenty drops in s half tsmbler of water will in a
few moments utire C'sdonj tips'ms, Sour Stomach.
Heart Burn, Nick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery,
Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all Interns) pains.
Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad
way’s Ready Relief with them. 4 few drops in wa
le will Iprevont sickness or pains from change of
water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters
as a stimulant.
Fever and Ague.
Fever and Ague sitred for Fifty Cents. There
is not ft remedial agent in this world that will cure
Fever ad Ague, and all other Malarious, Billious,
Scarlet. Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers, (aided
hv Railway's Bills) so quick as Railway’s Ready
Slrong and pure rioh blood—lncrease of flesh ami
weight—clear skin and beautiful complexion
scoured to all.
Has made tho most astonishing cures : so quick, so
rapid are the changes, under the in 1 uence of
this truly wonderful .mediciue that Every Day
an Increaso in Flesh aud Weight is seen aitdfeil.
The Great Blood Purifier.
Every drop of th« Sarsapardlian Resolvent com
municate* through the Blood, Sweet Urin, and oth
er fluids and juoies of the system, the vigor of life,
for it repair** the wants of the body with new and
sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption,
Glandular Diseases. Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth,
Tumors, Nodes on the Glands and other part* of the
system. Sore Eyes. Stmmnrmi* Dischirges from the
oars, and the worst forms of skin diseases. Eruptions,
Fever Sores Scald head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Anne. B/ack Spots, Worn* in the flesh,
Tumoro Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening
and painful discharge*. Night sweats,, Loss of sperm
and all waste of tho /ife principle, are within the
curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry
and a few days’ use will prove to any person, using
it l«»r either of these forms of disease, its potent pow
er to cure them,
Kiilnry & RiadtltTComplaint*,
Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel* Diabetes,
Dropsey, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urin,
Bright’s Diseases, Albuminurat. an l in all cases
h ere there are brick-dust deposits, or the wa
ter is thick, cloudy, mined with substances that is
like the white of an egg, or threads iike white silk,
or there is a morbid, dark, billion* appearauee and
white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a prick
ing, burning sensation when passing water, and pain
iu tho small of the back and along tho loins.
Perfect Purgative Pills.
perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum,
purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen Rad
way’s PiTls.foi the euro ot all d’sorders of the stom
ach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys Bladder Nervous Disea
ses. Headache. Constipation, Coxtiveueas, Heart
hum, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Billious
Fever, Inflammation of tho Bowels, Piles and all
derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted
to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, coniaiu
ing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs.
A few doses of Radway’s PiWs WILL free the
system from a/l the above named disorders. Price
25 cents per Ro.r. Sold by Druggists.
Read “FaLe and True,” And send one /otter to
RADWAY & 00., 87 Maiden Lane, New York.
Information worth thousandsjwil! be"seut you,
duly 12, 1871. n2fi ly
IHAVE and will keep on hand tho best standard
Guanos. Tho celebrated Zell s Phosphate can
be had by early application, warranted to be good.
I will also sell Merryman’s Awnioniated Dissolved
Bone, pure Penman Guano, to. All orders must
be accompanied with the cash or good city accept
ance. V. 13. TE RASIIER, Agent,
' ” ??' K ' " ,* c*uw™cYlt'*'r*
mUVONN Hear Tratlninny lo (heir
Wmitl.-rtul Cnmllvr Ffl'ret*.
Thvy a-.- not a vll« Fnnry lllink, made ut Poor
It uni. Whlolnvv, I’roofMplrltnAiid ft*l,l.
q .l om doctoral, npifiMi m «.l r» .ft4M>cd to the fade,
millwl ••TonkV “Aw**tl»»*r*.** * &<• . that
fond the tlppfor ontodrmiketmc -» ami ruin, but are utrne
Medicine."iHtle from the Native Hoc** and Herlm of Cali
fornio. free from nil Alcoholic Nlmnlnals.
Thin- ir>- tillt VP Ul.Oail IM UIFIKU a id
A 1.1 PS tilV I Mi FUIN4I t*t.E, A|*rfrrt Ueno
v«t »r tinl I».vi*for-t**r of tl*o System. carrying off all
p.M vimou4 mutter ami rnsturiiuf the blood to a healthy con No |M«r<ukn non t.vku ihe*e Bitters acoordiug to
direction* and remain lon* unwHl,provided their tones
ar« not ih**tr«»jr*wt by mineral p>»b»«n or Mh«*r means,
an t the vital organs I#jwml the point of repair.
They urn a lirntle PsrjfUlrr mu well kh r
Tonic* »«•**' i»l-«*. tl»c jm uiur merit of acting n
aiown ful \*cn* in relieving CmurMtlon or LiUhiiiop lion
of the Liver. :.n«l all tin* Vlweral Organs.
FOR Fit HA LK COMPLAINT*, In ynrmgr or
oi*i, nuirrtal oril»-kl» ,at the dawn of womanhood or at
the tnm of life, three Tonic tiiuer* have no equal.
For I nf!n mmntsrr nml Chronic Khrsinn.
linn ii nd (taut, l>> Nyrysln or I ndiursllen. Ilil
tous. KiMiiiiiint und Intermittent Freer*.
Uittenni** of tin* Hi nod, l.ivrr, Kidneys nnd
Itlndder. t’« m- Billers imve I* on m.** *u«.or**fid.
tSttch l>l«rnmom avo ennsr-d hy Vilixted Blood,
which in u< ii-'rally produced by tie; lutgemcnt of the Dt
to-tlre Oran no.
Pain lu the !*houldeia.(Jmighm Tightness c>f the Chest,
Ditxinis.i. Soar Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste
In the Month. Bilious Attacks, I’n Ipi tat ionof the Heart,
Inflammation of the hung*. Pain in the regions of the
Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the
offering* or bysitcpsi*.
They invigorate (he Stomach and stimulate the torpid
hirer and Bowels, which render them of unequalled effi
cacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and impart-
In* new life and \s*or to the whole system.
I’Oll SKIN IIISK.VaKr*. Eruptions. Tetter, Salt
Itinnim, Hlolches, S'M>ts, Pimple*. Pustules, Bolls, Car-
Imnele*. Hin*-Worms. Scald Head. Sore Erysipelas,
Ileh.Seu. fs. Discolorations of the Shin. IL.tnor* and Dis
eases of ih»-Skin, of whatever name or ur fare, are literally
dug up and carried out of the system in a abort t me hy
the nseol these Bitters. One bottle in such e txea will
convince the most incredulous of their curatire effects.
Ch'iiuao the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im
purities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Erup
tions <>r Sores; cleanse it when you dm! it obstructed and
slmui-di in tho veins; cleanse It when It is foul, and
your f.'.diruM will tvl! you when. Keep the blood pure,
and the h al!h of the system will follow.
l’iu. Tape, hu.l other Wnrnu, lurking in the
system of *•» many thousands, are effectually destroyed
and removal. Sai* a distinguished physiologist, there
is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth
whose body la exempt from tho presence of worms. It
In not upon tho Wealthy elements of the body that
worms exist, but upon the diseased hum» sand slimy
deposits that breed these living monsters <>/dis. No
!vr.’em of Medicine, no vermifuges, no tnthelminties.
wilt free the System from w.ems like these Hitters.
J WALK HR. Proprietor. R- H. McDONALD Jc CO..
Druggists and lien. Agents, San Francis™. California.
and ;>J and 34 Commerce S’ r< et. New York.
Hay 24, 1871 nl3 ly
G e o r a; i a
Manufacturers an«l Dealersjiu
ii i m b ,
Agents for tho
Fuglish Stonewall Fertilizer,
The best Cotton Fertilizer in use, and
Pure English Dissolved Bone.
A Pure Superphosphate of Lime, for composting
with Lime and Cotton Seed.
Delivered at any depot in Augusta.
No. 14 Mclntosh St.,
Augusta, Ga.
jan3lm3] Thomson, Ga.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.—lt
relieves tho little sufferer from pain, cures wind,
colic, regulates the stomach and bowels, corrects
acidity, and during the process of teething is in
valuable.. Perfectly safe in all cases, as millions
of mothers can testify.
Cr l T A H O i .
WE again offer to tbe planters of this section the following Manures, all of
which have given entire satisfaction for the past four years :
Chesapeake Guano s
Cash price, $55 Time,
Hardy’s Soluble I*aciflc Guano;
Cash price, S4B Time,
I*liossplio Peruvian s
Cash price, 553 Time, soff
Nova Scotia Land Plaster s
Cash price, Sls Time, s'9
Branch, Scott & Cos., Agents.
Shields & Coldwell, Agents, Thomson, Ga. > n24m3
miHIS article, prepared by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under direction
■ of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravene 1 , for composting with cotton seed,
is now offered at the reduced price of S2B per ton, cash, or 831 per ton, payable
the first of November, 1872, tree of interest.
Orders filled now will be considered’as cash Ist March, 1872, or on time as
due Ist November, 1872, thereby enabling planters to haul it at the time when
their wagons and mules are idle. PELZER, ROGERS & CO., General Ag ts.,
R. H. BUSH. Agent, Thomson, Ga. Rown’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C.
THIS Fertilizer, manufactured by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under
the direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravenel, is now offered to
the planting community at the very reduced price of S4B per ton, cash, or S-32
payable Ist November, 1572, free of interest.
This fertilizer has been very extensively used in this State, and has given en
tire satisfaction ; some of the most practical planters admitting it to he equal to
Peruvian Guano, pound for pound.
All sales made now will be considered as cash on the Ist of March, 1872, and
to those buying on time the sale will be considered as due Ist November, 1572
By this arrangement planters will be enabled, without extra cost, to haul their
manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle.
Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlantic
Phosphate will he furnished on apilication to the agents.
PELZER, ROGERS & CO., General Agents,
R. II BUSH, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Brown’s Wharf, Charleston, S C.
Ihe fiautiis’ and failings gunk.
Corner of Campbell and Reynolds Streets, Augusta, Georgia,
Is now ready to receive Cotton.
Liberal Cash Advances Will be Made
Upcn Cotton in Warehouse or upon Rail Road Receipts.
Parties storing Cotton with the Bank will be. furnished with receipts for the
same that will be available in this city or any other for borrowing money.
The Bank is prepared at all times to make loans on produce or provisions, on
the most liberal terms.
Parties would do well to apply at the Warehouse, or communicate with the
JNO. P. KINO, Vice President,
Sept. 27 n3l 6m T. (’.BRANCH, Cashier.
Next Door lo the Post Office.
'WfIET'E HAVE just opened with a large and well selected stock which we guar-
V v antee to sell at Augusta prices. All are invited to call and examine our
stock, whether for the purpose of buying or comparing prices. We never charge
anything for showing goods.
Our Line of Dress Goods Comprises :
Silk PoPlins Poplin Cloth Hats
Tartan Lustre Worsted, all colors Trunks
Scotch Plaids Blue, Black & Valices
Tycoon Reps Brown Merinos Umbrellas
AL S O ,
Cabics’ Ittccmo Itnbcr bests, &r.
Miawls, Ladies’ Over-Shoes, Children's Fancy Knitted Saqiics’
Jlisscs Roods, Ac.
A large and fine assorment of
Gennts’Ladies’ and Chidren's Shoes.
Gent’s Furnishing G^ds.
.VII Wool and Nlt>i-ino UnderHliirts an<l Drawers.
€&QrmiJCG 9 Vitotst-yg? Cl,otltl,yp 9 g&QrmiVGg
In my line of Ready Made Clothing I offer great inducements. Having deaft
exclusively in the Clothing Business for the last five years, I am induced to be
lieve that I can suit all :
n33 U