McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, June 05, 1872, Image 1

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- VOLUME XI—NUMBER 22. ®lw fgcffitffte |an*nal, IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY —A T— THCOIviESOISr. GA., —I! Y— RONEY & SULLIVAN, jt ' RATES OF ADVERTISING, . Trausient advertisements will bo charged oue 'dollar per square for tWifirst insertion, and seventy five eouta for ea«h subsequent iusertion* . BUSINESS GARBS? E. S. HARRISON, XMi.y.siciitii and Surgeon 'Offers Uis service? to the public. Office with Dr. J. S. Jones, over McCord & Hardaway's. aprlonr3 Thomson, Ga. J.~ mmrar <c* co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers i: l MSI TOE SMITE k E, C, 111 —ALSO— Mcmi-China. French China, &c. 244 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga aprlO ly. M^iri7ULlEßlTO’ OFFJKKS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES To the Citizens ol Thomson and Vicinity. He can ho fo.mid at the Room over Costello’s, when cot professionally absent. REFERS TO !•;. .. 5 five. Pit*. Wat. If. Dw#«n. -D» Jtrtis B.CcUOtAX, Du. si. C. Bvk. Tj . . ■ i*- • % ** AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Transient & Permanent Boarding. .. ■- - , clobe h cj>tel. S. W. CORNER BROAD & JACKSON STS.,' AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. JACKSON & JULIAN, Proprit’rs- Wu I,' ■■ leave to call the attention of the travel. Imp public to this well known Hotel, which wo have recently lea 1 and placed on a footing second to none in the South. No expense will be spared to render it a first, class House in every respect, and every attention is paid to the comfoi. anil convenience of guests. ‘ ON TIMB^ TILL THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER. J WILL furnish planters and others in want of * il » 12 * on City Acceptance, till Ist November next, at cash prices. D. COHLN. apr 3 ll>m3 Augusta, Ga. LUMBER LUMBER. LUMBER! VNY quality or quantity of Pin« Lumber de livered at Thomson, or J 4 Mile Post ou the Georgia Railroad, low for cash. Poplar, Oak or Hickory Lumber sawed to till orders at special rates. J. T. KENDRICK. February 21, 1872. 7m6 CHARLES S DuBOSE, &TTQMNEF?IV I MW, Warrenton, Ga. Wi’l practice in all the Courts of the Northern, Augusta & Middle Circuits. 11, O. RONEY, Montni at "Cato, Tffo.ffso r, f».f. Will practice in the Augusta, Northern and. Middle Circuits, no 1-ly __ JAMES A. GRAY & CO., Have Removed to their ]Vew Iron Front Store, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA aprlOtf JAMES 11. HIIiSEY’S Steam Dyeing and Scouring bstablishmemt, l*j:i ISroad St., Augusta, (Ja. Near Lower Market Bridge Bank Building for the Dyeing and Cleaning of dresses, shawls, cloaks, ribbons. Ac. Also gen tlemen's coats, vests and pants cleaned and dyed in the best manner. Piece dry goods, cloths, me rinoes, delane, alpaca, rep goops and jeans dyed and finished equal to those done in New York. Orders by Express promptly attended to. Augusta, Ga. apr.Smo Carbolic salve, recommended by the leadin'* rbvsicians and the President of the New York Board of Health. Gives instant relief to burns, cures all kind of sores, cuts and wounds; and a most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold everywhere at. 2d cents. John F. Henry, sole proprietor, S College Place, New York. f «ftro. z*: vjL-lj, Here: - v ‘ . « When night Comes brooding o ? «r « Like a dreary cell; J t* And its vision rise before me, f > fi With dread no apeoeli tafly toll; When alone with my only longing, juts And Die darkening of fear, J&m I wntcli the sail gtars £ hronging v .".ns of dawn appear. ,• -.*/ Then, like some silver chimes, * ffSS&tr Comes back the old times— The dearold times, my darlings The living, loving times. Unsleeping, I remember The days that are gone, 1 Like June dreams in December, Or flowers when summers’s dono ; The times that are never over, For they live in heart and brain, And, like kisses from a lover, Their spell comes back again, Like a song of magic rhymes, Return the dear old times— The old, old times, my darling, The living, loving times ! This is my lone life’s treasure, That none can take away— Remembrance without measure Os every vanished day, Os love-light round lho streaming Os tender lips and eyes; Awake I lie, yet dreaming, Nor sleep till day shall rise, Like a bee in blossomed limes, I live in those old times — The t imes you know, my darling, The living, loving times'! Cold are the skies above me, The earth is wrapped in snow, And if still, as then, you love me, Alas ! I cannot know— Silence between us lying. ♦ More eliill than winter’s cold, And my heart like a babvcryiug For its r a others bold • Ur' i V V;' ' • -M ' 'I ' n‘U A *' * * 11 yingi/I'Mug tiino! . “AkOi*tulia, I’uota Poribreut;/' V: ”'■ —7 i. * t ■' Tell ml ye bards who sing the flight of time, And chant the deeds of charity sublime, Why nature’s beauties dwindle List away, And leave no traces of the sad decay. What mean those furrows on ilio mother’s brow? Say ! what can mean those locks of shining snow ? They were not always thus, you must allow, For they have changed—but tell me, tell me how ? Alas ! the violet’s stem grows weak and faint, The lovely flower fall without complaint, The rose lmd, queen or all her beauteous race, With time doth hide her ever-blushing face. Like music long ago which charmed the ear, But now in dark oblivion’s mj'stic bier, Sleeps silent—so do tales of by-gone days Seem like the tune of tunscless lays, The visions of sweet memory’s lengthy talo Have long since had their shadowed faces pale ; And ’neath the coflin’s lid they and their fame Have crumbled into naught, not worth a name. Then must the violet loso its lovely blue ? And must the roses change their brilliant hue? Then must the rich, th y poor, the knight, the maid— Must all, O! Fate, forever sadly fade ? Alas ! too true! the sable night, the day, The sun, the moon, the stars, must pass away; Aye man! grim, ghastly death himself must die— Thy soul alone hath immortality ! |pS£CililttCoU;s. A Novel Home Misson. BY AMY RANDOLPH. ‘Really,’ said Mrs. Caxgrove, ‘I don’t think I had better take it.’ ‘lt will do no harm,’ said the white haired old missionary, still holding out the mite chest, from which the elegant ly dressed lady shrahk. ‘lt will take hut a trifling space on yonder marble topped table, and who knows the good it will do?’ ‘Oh, yes, of course,’ said Mrs. Cax grove, ‘but we have so few visitors who are charitably disposed, and in our own family there are so many necessary outlays for money.’ ‘ln some of the houses where I am acquainted,’ persisted the old clergy man, ‘there is quite a fund raised by friendly fines livied by different mem bers of the family on each other— a penny for gloves or hat left lying around, a penny for a careless or un grammatical expression, and so on— and it is a very useful as well as chari table institution.’ ‘I dare say,’ said Mrs. Caxgrove; ‘but in our family it would scarcely be worth while.’ The old man smiled, i ‘Are you then so absolutely fault less V Thomson, McDuffie county, g A f ; june 5, . 1872, ‘Oh, no; I did jot mean that,’ Mrs. Caxgrove answered, somewhat confused., ‘You will allow me to leave the mite chest ', said Mr. Salter, smiling as he placwl it on’ the centre of the marble• •tabic, just beneath a bask of catne- Ig&h tube rose* and other hot-house !ants, the cost of which might havei led it a dozen times over. And Mrs-, ixgrove was too polite to object furtli ‘Such a huisance / she said to Mrs. tynesford, that afternoon. ‘As if 1 'Wanted to turn collecting ageut for the {Missionary Society. But Mr. Sa’ter is jpositiveljp/child in the world,’ l 4 sifJfS£d get his wife anew silk i.ffess,’ Jyensford. ‘l’m tived m °l‘* fiS ure d poplin- Sa rah'!ia|piiß|j»/,one lasrt Sunday.’ ‘jSY)Wj||faod Mrs. CaxgrovtJ, elevat tog l|c4?W scornfully ; ‘it is nothing bn but the cinamon broifru ‘YYif djjftPt say so!’ cried Mrs. Jnynesfb£<|||; ‘Did you /enow that Ellen Black h®f|lh India shawl /’ ‘My/’ interrogated the lady of the house. ‘And her uncle failed last' week!’ ‘Some people fail very comfortably, sniffed Mrs. Jaynesford. ‘Atpl Hellon flarr told me at the artist’s reception lust Thursday—’ , She checked herself, as the dark blue velvet curtain, which fell over the em brasure of the bay window, was lifted, and her friend’s husband saifuteredi ‘I did not know .you were therß Stephen,’ said Mrs. Caxgrove, coloring ‘So I concluded 1’ he observed • .'H ever knew Myrtilfa Jayuesford to| a cent in charity.’ ‘See here, Bill,’ said her only wish I had a phonographic of your conversation lor the last hoi^H Because you and your friend, .mIH Jaynesford, were tearing the rest H the world fearfully into tatters! WhH does tire Bible say about the unruljß member?’ 1 ‘Nonsense!’ said Mrs. Caxgrove, red-1 cloning. ‘Myrtilla is a gossip; but—’l ‘I beg your pardon, Bill; but you were quite as bad.’ ‘1 don’t believe.’ ‘Let me wake a bargain, my dear,’ said Mr. Caxgrove ; ‘1 give you a tol erably good allowance of pin money per week, don’t I V ‘Yes; but what on earth has that to do with it V •Just this ; Every time your tongue touches a neighbor’s misdoings, or you speak disparagingly of any one, you shall put a ten cent piece intojthe mite chest.’ ‘I would just as soon do it as not,’ said Mrs. Caxgrove, excitedly, ‘l’m sure I never—’ ‘ls it a bargain V ‘Yes, of course. If it was Myrtilla Janesford, now—’ Mr. Caxgrove held out the mite chest. Lilia bit her lip; but she dropped in the little folded bit of paper. ‘Stephen, you are too bad/ To take me up so / ‘But I thought it was a mistake.’ Mrs. Caxgrove swept indignantly across the room. Presently she jerked the bell wire. ‘Susan,’ she said to the girl who an swered the summons, ‘do take those sickening tube roses away. Anybody might know when Lawrence has had a bail at her house ; she sends the second handed (lowers round among her friends the next day.’ ‘Stephen!’ eried Mrs. Caxgrove, ‘I only—’ ‘I know it, my dear,’ said her husband. ‘lf you say so, I’ll release you from the agreement.’ •I do not want to be released,’ said Mrs. Caxgrove, angrily. ‘Accident hap pens to be on your side just now.’ ‘On the side of the Home Mission, you mean,’ said her husband. ‘By the way, there’s a note from Miss Dallas to be answered. Have you forgotten it ?’ ‘What shall I say V ‘Accept her invitation I suppose.’ ‘Oh, Stephen, I would so much rather go to tlio opera. It is always so stupid at the Dallas’, with old Mrs. Dallas tell ing about her coughs and colds, and Jessie always full of the last sewing circle.’ ‘Weil, I suppose it isn't very lively,’ said Mr.nMx'grovj/, with a smile. ‘Ten cents, if youj please.’ vvliat have I said ? Ob, re!’ j And Mrs. Caxgrove laughing. Well, it’s w °ritMF ts to/have the privilege of juiiij. Anyway, I shall send Ml’ 1 ‘Tj^^Bfill'bc f . an awful fib then/’ said fiction. There, 1 have wot paper left. Mrs. never returns any* thirJlf fS;er hoiTaws by any possibiii- M •*" woman in Scripture.’ Uiad!’ cried Lilia, with llam ‘l did not mean to be taken that Mrs. Jaynesford, Set, would call again,' said Mr. roguishly. There my guard,' said his wife. ‘1 iiY Mrs. Montague—the v hwst wished to see. No if, i ; Ducey. Oil, dea; S 1 Bbe bored for ;i mortal hall JEkswMK :h" aI he same i:i taut, in was shown into the had come to tell Mrs. i io particulars of a recent KW7 l ?HLl \ 'on she went awry she •A 1 bat !•■■>• n', »!<•.:r Mru i'ljßli' -.d was really t;<*lt!;•<. ’* ,-fj W" ae ; übjeet oi i.ioney % >. -.s l here he in [n." *ii ii:rr ! . hi l"i |* er\ now and t!i• ■:i I % -a "■ a " /■ter-Moir.. ... ■ . gp|n."' _ .-sponsible for the |Hh- - r like ' top her : er, 1: !’ S*/ li I• •’ .'when. ■Y.• ;. mi "■ "b ' : and uaia-r; all ®jF M ICOll fault-fin III* 1 \v n’t he r mglii Ew: r ( ■ O re, re ! ,■ of live •; . i:e r.i.e" l,ole::i e.i in her h md. Hve to go to Hie. -r.-. y >>f ehihirci 1 I do- pay’— 'llK, Mrs. Caxgrove,’ said lier then he went to the train, at the week, the mite chest was fouml to contain five cents in pin money. ‘I I was so bad, Stephen,’ said half laughing, half the future I will try to set the door of my lips.' counted out the money Mr Salter, with a little the mite chest had met luck than his wile nntic ipatcrnHßL little trap to catch a bad he said, laughingly to Lilia. the money will do the Home much benefit, but I am sure it already wrought a good work in little domestic home missionJ^Hj Own Hens.— A person in a frequently jumps at suddenly as to jerk his own they say. ‘I say, Snobs, if you don’t keep your chickens out of my garden, I will shoot them.’ ‘Very well, Doolittle, shoot away; only if you kill any of my hens throw them into my yard. Bang went the fowling-piece morning after morning, and the large fat hens were neighbor Snobs’ yard. They cooked well. After a fortnight or more Doolittle discovered that Snobs never had any liens, and that he had been shooting his own, they having broken out of his coop. A large number of students have al ready been admitted in tho new agri cultural college, at Athens- —probably as i many as a hundred. HtlniisUincnt TJii<l«m* the Fed eral Kaforceiuout Act. In the case of the United States vs. G. W. Murdock, registration officer un der the State law, for alleged violation of the second section of the enforcement act of Congress, in not giving the same and equal opportunity to colored voters, &c., tiie motion for anew trial was yesterday overruled by JubgeGiles; and Judge Bond, while not imposing the punishment of imprisonment, imposed the lowest fine permitted by the act of Congress, $-500, which with the costs will make a penalty of $3OO. While according to the Judge what ever credit may be due for imposing the least penalty he could under the law, we can conceive of no law more unjust and oppressive, especially in view of the fact that we have an im partial State law providing for all cases where citizens may feel themselves ag grieved in regard to registration or vot ing, and in view of the further fact, also, that in a State or district where there should happen to be no colored voters, the Federal law is practically a nullity. The least cost to which one may be liable in holding the registra tion office in this State, through any misjudment or inadvertence, or possi bly by actual compliance with the State law under which he is appionted, is estimated at SBOO, according to Fed eral law. If the policy is to promote harmony between the white and color ed races, this is a queer way to do it. As the colored men seem to be mostly on one side so far in the political divis ions, only the members of one party are liable to be punished. It was prov ed that Mr. Muidoch was a good citizen, and careful and scrupulous in the per formance of his duties. Perhaps the Federal government would better ta/:e charge of the whole thing, and run the elections itself, without interference on the part of the people. A Georgia Sieam Traction W;i"'on. Colonel W. 0, Bibb lias obtained a tiStcfffrfor one cl these new vo-bioie*, designed to supercede to a great degree the use of animal power, in the cultiva tion of the soil and the transportation of heavy loads over our ordinary wagon roads. His invention has been subject ed to the proper tests in New York, and pronounced a perfect success. One of these steam vehicles is in process of construction at Augusta, and every lov er of enterprise and progress will watch its operation with tho deepest interest. Our readers may not know that this is no new thing in the old country. No less than three thousand steam trac tion wagons are in daily use in England alone. These break up the land to the depth of six or eight inches, aud do the work so much more thorougly than the farm horse, that the yield of wheat by actual experiment in land thus prepar ed exceeded the old method fifty per cent. The steam engine can be used also to thresh grain, gin cotton, grind corn, and haul produce of the farm to market, or may be employed to trans port passengers in lieu of the stage coach. The fault with all American machines hitherto has been their great weight, amounting to thirty thousand pounds. But the English vehicle weighs but sev en thousand pounds, and the cost of breaking an acre of fallow groud is on ly about eight shillings. It is estima ted that half of the customary animal team on a farm can be dispensd with by this steam vehicle. Dr. Bibb's invention, if it succeeds as it promises to do, will be followed by a rapid multiplication of these vehicles, which are destined to work a great rev olution in the cost of agriculture. A great disideratum in view of the de crease labor of the country. We hope ere long to be able to chronicle the tri umphant success of this ingenious im plement of industry and Georgia talent. —Macon Telegraph. Protection Agansp Poison. —The American Medical Association at its re cent session, passed a resolution recom mending that all bottles containing poisons not only bear a proper label, but be made in such a peculiar shape as shall indicate their character by the touch. Also that each bottle shall have a label attached to it giving the best and most convenient antitode for the deadly contents. Now, if drug gists will adopt this suggestion, there will be a large falling off in the number of coroners’ inquests. The experiment is certainly worth trying. ‘Have you much fish in your bag? asked a person of a fisherman. ‘Yes, there’s a good eel in it,’ was the rather slippery reply. TERMS-TWO dollars in advance, A Mammoth Century Plant.— A mammoth century plant, forty feet in height and weighing three and a half toua, has been shipped from near Jack sonville, Fla., to parties in Aew York. The plant is on the eve of blooming a second time, and is therefore nearly 200 years old. It may well be doubt ed wether in beauty and grandeur of appearance this plant has its equal on the continent. Its leaves extend over an area the diameter of which is not less than eighteen feet, while the cen tral shaft or column on which the blooni3 are to appear, though only fi few weeks old, has already attained an altitude of fifteen feet. It is still grow ing at the rate of about six inches a day, and will continue to do so for about three weeks longer, when all its upper portion will become clothed with a mass of magnificent bell-shaped blossoms of purest white, hanging in dense clusters and extending for a space of n ff less than four feet from the apex downward. Swedish Emigrants.— A party of thir ty eight Swedish emigrants—men, wo men and children—arrived in the city yesterday by the San Jacinto, cn route for Thomasville and Florida via the At lantic and Gulf Railroad. The party left Stockholm about IStli of April, and pro ceeded to Scotland, embarking from Glasgow for America. They are a fine, healthy looking set of people, and such a class as we need to form a nucleus around which to build up a proseperoug country. They are under the conduct of Judge Dupont, the agent of Florida, and Mr. Andrew Aulin, a former native of Sweden. We trust that they will meet with such encouragement as will induce them to invite their countrymen to fol low them.— Savannah Republican i, 23c1. Tiie Negro Congressman Elliott'g Wife.— Mr. Elliot has his wife here, a very handsome, stylish woman, with little negro blood in her vejti|& hardly enough to distinguish her fro»i our own race. One day she entered the diplo matic gallery, where there were several wives of Congressmen, and a flutter' was the consequence. Some left, and others informed the gentlemanly usher' that he must never again subject them to the crushing indignity. These who made the most fuss about it were the wives of the most radical Congress men.— Washington Idler. A Member of the London Royal Col lege of Surgeons offers to show, from cases under his care, that vaccination! will not only prevent, but will cure small pox. lie says : ‘lf you vaccinate during the febrile stage the fever is slightly increased, but the eruption does not make its appearance \ and if you vaccinate during the eruptive stage the eruption is immediately arrested. If the eruption has gone the length of having white tops there is danger of in fection ;if not it dies away as pimples.* The Question Settled.— The Su preme Court has recently virtually de cided that the Georgia Radical Legisla ture of 18(33—’69 was a legal body* and the Democratic press applaud the decision. The question brought before the Court was, as to whether the acts adopted by said Legislature, after the expiration of the constitutional term of forty days, were legal. The decision was in the affirmative, Warner, the in corruptible Judge and honest citizen, dissenting. On Wednesday last, a duel was fought at New Orleans between two young journalists of that city—Mr. J. Passama Domenech, of the Bee, and Mr. J. Noblom, of L’Avenir. They fought with pistols at ten paces. The first fire was ineffectual, but in the se cond .Mr. Noblom was slightly wound ed in the stomach. The bullet was safely extracted, the seconds declared the wounded honor satisfied, a general handshaking followed, and all left the ground happy. n The Monticellcan contains the ing item: A certain physician in our county was riding late at night near Cut Off, where he was stopped by a band of rob-* bars, who demanded his money. The deciple of A3sculapious replied that he had just paid his taxes, and poiuced the receipt. ‘You can pass,’ said the robbers, ‘we have caught twenty m3a lately with tax receipts, and not one of them had ad n cent of money-’ The only way to effectually destroy ‘widow’s weeds,’ which seem to thrive in some kinds of soil, is for the husband man to say:‘wilt thou?’ That makes them immediately wilt.