McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, June 12, 1872, Image 3

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pfc* jKoilVim. home; matters. I All adyerasements in the local column will , l>e fromYhis date. I( e . ■ Job Work must be paid for is cash, on, ■ delivery. This rule will hereafter be strictly eu forcedj . . ‘ - , The McDrrJTE Jouesai. fs the official «rgan of * McDuffie county, and is the oxly papejt published in the Bounty. Otm Job DtrARTSEKT.—-Having applied our selves with a large stock of fine paper, we ere now enabled to furnish the public with Job Work promptly and cheaply, and executed in the best •tyle. Come TTr and Settee.—We earnestly request those indebted to us for subscription and job work to come forward and settle. Many are a whole year in arrears for subscription, aiul we cannot possibly grant further indulgence. Ton have had the benefit of our Ist Kir. and it is no more than right that you should now pay us the small amount you owe us. Our business requires money to con ; Suet it, and those indebted to us must pay us at once. Arrival of Trains. Up ‘Say Faasenger arrives at Thomson 10.16 a. m. Down ** 44 il 14 14 5.32 p. m. Up n : ght 44 44 44 3.28#. m. Do»n 4 * 41 44 44 44 3.59 a.m. Up Macon 44 44 44 44 2.00 p. tt. Down 44 44 44 44 44 1 1,50 ft m. All Job Work positively Cash on Delivery. Fine*—We have on our table a cotton stalk, rais ed by our young f.i nd Jimmie Hamilton on the plan tation of Mrs. M. A. Hamiltou near this place measuring nearly three f**t in length and cnuUiuing sevWu e n t-quaes. Thisb a sanjt’i i g for “high” we have seen. The Bar Boom Remedy for weakness for the stomach is a dose of Bura-bitters. .They are sur charged with Fusil Oil, a deadly elomeut, which is rendered more active by the pungent str in gents with which it is combined. If your stomach is weak, or your liver or howels disordered, tone, strengthen and regulate them with Vinogar Bitters, a pure vegetable stomacliic corrective and apperi ent, free from alcohol, and capable of infusing new vitality into your exhausted and disordered system. - <5sT We would take it as a great personal favor if that impertinent individual who comes into onr office and takes the liberty of rea ling our private letters, manuscripts, aud mrrMling wtth,,our husi affairs generally, r:oij sK# out, marks the low bred boor n.'wo than idle, impertinent cu riosity, and there is nothing that will disgust soon er than to intermeddle with private affairs. We hope this is sufficient notice. New Post Omjs. —We notice that the enter prising Bonesrille Manufacturing Company have established a Post Office at Bonesville and are now receiving daily unils at that p'uce. Such an arrange ment will not Mfily be a great benefit to the Coinpa. ny, but to the snrruundiug cilitene. N«w with a ntsw Post Office, anew Depot and Store House, we pre lictfor the Company a mone tary fuii»-. Mii-ttai.t to Tits Fitoyr.—The Cavalry Com pany recently orgauiiui" -c.. u.s.not S itnrday afternoon last for their first drill. Afu-r successfully po forming many of fhc evolu tions rs military taciics the Company inarched down Bread Street, whealol their war steeds into liue in front of the stores of Mess. Lewie, Gerald & Dillon, and at llio command of the Captain, charged the aforesaid.eslahlis'iineiits and ii'roUly Captured a large eniWj'.iol cooling beverage. A» the proprja lofs of sai l estahlidiments showed no fight and hbwever, c’rtim, and to be “loil” the officers agreed to pay for all damages. . B*bbath School Excrasiox, —Tile Med 0 list Sab bath School, teachers and superiu! Sudani, together with a number of young lydies and gentlemen, loft this place la.-t Thur-day Evening on an ex>". *’ Millerlgevill-, aud refurn-d Saiwrday morning. The party speak in flattering terms of tho hospitality re ceive! frdm the people of Milledgevi |e, vrlio we leitrn did all in their power to make the stay a pleasant oh i WbPe ihate, they visile i the Old C’api o', Peniten tiary and Lunatic Assylum and were amply repaid for the same. We are glad to leahi/ahe excursion was pleasant riHd highly enjoyed by all. Can't the B&ptjataflabbath School get up something Os the same ufljlTO*' . !■»» MatbimontAl.—We acknowledge tho reception ol au invitation to be present to-day at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. L, (lush near Talbotton Ga., to wit ness the marriage Ceremony of their daughter Miss Sallie, to Mr. T. E. Massengale of Giinns Mills Ga. We regret our inability to behold the mar riage of our friend ‘‘Dash” as we greatly desired to Burvey his genial couutenance while receiving the matrimonial pledges. • We tender to the happy pair our warmest con gratulations, with tho hope that they may live a long life of happiness and bliss. Ottr fellow townsman, Mr. A. A- Laramore, was married on the 4th inst., to Mrs. Dr. Quarles it Newnan Ga., late of this place. We offer to thru, too, our kindest wishes, trusting that their future life may be one of confidence, pros perity and perpetual enjoyment. McDuffie Aobicultubal Club—Ass Expeei-. ence Meehso.—We are requested to announce, that there will be a meeting of the McDuffie Agri cultural Club at the Court House on the first Thurs day in July next. The meeting is designed, as an experience meet, ing and every farmer in the County is earnestly so licited to be present and to briug samples of their growing crops' with them, for exhibition, and to tell in so many plain, bluat, words what they “know about fanning.” No matter what their specimens may bo, bring them along, and by this mean*, it is hoped the Agricultural i iterest of McDuffie will be revived. . . Our sister tounties aro haviug Agricultural Pairs and McDuffie farmers are taking premiums a t them. Why can't we have a Fair of onr own ? If »1| the farmers in the couuty that can possibly be pres. ent at the meeting will come and bring samples on that day, we guarantee that the mseijeg will be both pleasant and instruclive. Como one, Conn all ! Not For Grcdlcj*. [The following lines handed to ns by a friend, and we give them for what they are worth, claim ing for them only the \iytue claimed by old Ben Johnson for his couplet, viz; ‘‘They are truth, and that is better than jtoetry.”] I hear •» talked aliout, _ Gr*c*ey's ■•mamma knows he’s otti,” And *Oey re letting the water in sorter freely, S Some may pull for Grant. And the South says she “can’t ” But, and dis I aint a gin old Horace Greeley. True, Horace thought it sound To go on Davis’ bond, When there was no risk, he did it very freely, But was only playing a part To soften the Southern heart— But the butter’s too thin to make us go for Greeley- You may harne: a him up with T r nvn, And drive the team around, With a white hat to make him more genteelly, He may champ the bit and rare Towards the Presidential chair, But if the court knows herself, she won’t go for Greeley. He's a kno'.viug old coon, But has c.pibo oiit too soon. After forcing oqnal right on ns so freely, For the steps he has lakV, Will “spile” his old “bakeu,” So, in mine, I’ll take no Horace Greeley. The claim him, And never stop to blame him, For his Poughkeepsie talk with “nigger” Eley, They may vote from night till mom To send him to Washington, But I will never go for old Horace Greeley! New AdvertiseineutN. We call the attention of onr lady readers to the advertisement of Mrs. J. C. Hayle, to be found in another column. Mrs. Hayle buys and sells ou a cash basis, aud is, therefore, able to sell at tho very lowest prices, and we doubt not that she cau make it to the interest of our lady readers to give her a call. Her stook is amplo and varied, and in our humble judgement superb in style and quality.— Head her advertisement, aud go round. Mr. J. E Benton extends another invitation to his friends to call on him through our advertising columns to-day. Bead his advertisement, and govern yourself accordingly. Pat, “the Secretary," informs our citizens that unless they “walk up to the O vp’in’s office settle,” violent laid on their i! I M l.i »#-ri- J am <■ fllifejifaiio MS • ui -'-ilffiii'lP Wm l: ia! NSfe wB i li'U ii-hin ■ '.■:, ;;i Jk [•>• -j' ■ I-- ail .:Vb - < tin- South, hut to all •Just.ri il Ivluc .rimi, to ij«a\iir. Ivy sending to tin' tho St:,!*! t 'nlli-ge whatever j ; Irate Agriculture, M iiiuiJH anv el I lie >! fell .inii*. I, solicit t£jhds ■i:i •i , a ■jgk ’ 1 :' ' mMb& : A 'it .v i ■ tk i a i ", . ■ Mi.fl The lowin'' roads, viz Western & Atlantic, Atlanta & West point, and (Dentral ivith its conections, have generously offered to give free transpotation to all articles designed for this Museum ; and it is expected the other Railroad of the State will be equally liberal. W. L. Broun, President. Athens, Ga. June 1, 1872, German Criminals Sent Here.— Tte importation of criminals from Ger many appears to be a much more seri ous question than was supposed when attention was before called to it in the Sun. The Review of Criminal Statis tics, a periodical in the French lan guage, published in Brussels, states that fifty-nine criminals were pardoned out of German penitentiaries during the year 1871, on condition that they should exile themselves to the United States. The list includes twenty mur derers, eight forgers, three burglars, three shop-lifters, five swindlers, two infanticides, and two medical practi tioners of the Rosenzweig kind. Thir teen were sent from Bavaria, eigth from Baden, thirteen from the two Meclenburgs, and the rest from other States. This is an appalling statement, more particularly as to the number of incen diarits, than which no class of crimi nals is more incorrigible. The subject should receive the attention of Con gress. A Georgia woman has had twenty two children in twenty-two years, there being only one pair of twins among the number. The New York Tribune says : ‘The omens are significant; the opposition l has the desperation of assured defeat.’ (Sownmrial. Cotton Report. Thomson *S» 24 Savannah @ 25 Augusta @25 Charleston 254 Thomsou Prices Current. COBKICTED WEEKLY BY JOHN E. BENTON. Com—per bushel $ (S> lIS 44 Meal—per bushel 1 20 Bulk Meat—Rib sides (S) 10 44 . Shoulders 7 (a) 8 Bacon—Sides 9J •<§> 11 4% Shoulders 74 <S> 8 Flour—per barrel 11$ @l4 00 Salt—Liverpool * 2 25 Special Notices. Flavoring Extracts are of primary importance in cooking ; and of all articles of .this description the highly concentrated standard ex tracts. prepaed by Joseph Burnett & Go., Boston, are pronounced by leading cuisioniers—Professor Blot among the number — the purest and best. Human Wreck.— Every day and hour we meet with broken down specimens of humanity —wrecks that seem past hope bf salvage. At least seven-eights of these might he filled with new vital ity by a course of Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar ihtttojp. Many are suffering from the reaction of rum-polluted bitters or powerful minerals. It is characteristic of Dr. Walker’s great restorative that it neutralizes the effect of these mis-called remedies and accomplishes in due time a perfect cure. S-50,000 DOLLARS will be pnid for any remedy which will cure chronic rheuma tism, pains in the limbs, back and chest, sore throat, insect stings, croup, dysetery, colic, sprains, and vomiting quicker than Dr. Tobias’ venitian liniment; established in 1817; never fails. Depot 10 Park Place, Now York. Nature gives us teeth, but she does not preserve and purify them. That must bo done by fragrant Sozodont, Tho dental bone and its enamel easing are made invulnerable to all destruc tive influences by the daily uso of this beneficent nprepartion. Pratt’s Astral Oil —safest and best illuminating Oil ever nude. Does not tako fire or explode, if tho lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,* 000 families continue to use il, nud no accidents of any description have occurred from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt, establishedl 770* New York. A beautiful white, soft smooth, clear skin is produced by using G. W. Laird’s Bloom of Youth. It removes tan, freckles, sunburn, and all other discolorations from the skin, loaving tho complexion brilliant and beautiful. Sold at all druggists’. This preparation is entirely free from tony material detrimental to health. Just the Remedy Needed. Thanks to Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup we have for years been relieved from sleepless nights of painful watching with poor, suffering, teething children. For dyspepsia, indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility in their various forms, also as a preventive against fever and nguo, and other mtimiUent fevers. The Ferro-Phospho rated Elixir of Oalisaya made by Caswell, Hazard Go., New York, and sold by all druggists, is tho best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. Christadoro’s Hair Dye is tlje safest and best. It corrects the bad effectsjof inforio, dyes, while tho black or brown tints it produces are identical to ’nature. Factory 68 Maiden Lfiner New York.—is Opium purified of its and poisonous properties, discovered Biglow, Professor of Botany, Detroit Medi- A most perfect anodyne anti soothing Farr, Chemist New V«>rk. GoHen Bel! Cologne. according to the original formula of Pro »>st, Paris, so long an.l favorably known to tho ■nsl,oiners of llavilaud, Ilarral and Bisley, and Tiieir branches, for its fine permanent fragrance, is now made by 11. W. Bisley an l tho trade supplied by his successors, Morgm & Bisley, Wholesale Druggists, New York. 11, 13® HATOL.ESY, AGENT FOR Peter SCaibfleisch, Manufacturer and Dealet in Mouldings, Odd Sizo Sushes, Door Frames, and all necessary trim mings used in tho Erection of UnildingS, All patterns of PxGmEV FeM GIMG! « Also House Carpentering, Furni ture Manufacturing, and Gene ral Machine Repairing, done at shortest notice. Prompt attention to house Paint ing. Call on D B HADLEY, Thomson, Georgia, Oil TO PETER KAIBFLEISCH, may22tjanlS73 Saw Dust, Georgia. MRS. j7~G. RICHARDS, MriAjlNEB, HAS just received a fine assortment of Millinery goods, consisting of Ladies Dress Hats, Dolly Varden Styles, Elegant Trimmings, and everything in the line of a first class Millinery Store. Call and examine. *) ri " DOLLARS A MONTH to noil our Univer *) I V sal Cement, Combination Tunnel Button- Hole Cutter, and other articles. Saco Novelty Cos., Saco, Mo. Venus herself would not have been beautiful if her complexion had been bad. If beauty in skin deep, it is necessary to sewnre and retain that part of it, anl ladies, instead of resort ing to paints acid powders, should remember that an impute, blotchy or sallow skin is the proof of feeble digestion, torpid liver or vitiated blood, for all which Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters is a safe, sure and efficient remedy. Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Pow der. The best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by aU drug, gists. Trice 21> and 50 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells A Cos., New York. Bara Chance for Agents- AGENTS, we will pay von $lO perwoek in cash, lif you will engage with ns at once. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELLS <t CO., Charlotte, Mich. D. QUINN, Wholesale and Retail Ucaler in BOCKS. STATIOFJY. MUSIC AND PIODICALS. IS3 IJi’Oad Street, Augusta, (iu., Manufacturers’ agent and wholesale denier in all kinds of b'ank books, for mercantile* use, including ledgers, journals, day books, records, pass books, memorandum books, time books, drawing and scrap books, autograph books, copy, cyphering and exercise books, for school use, &c., &c. The writing pi pers include cap, letter and note, American, English and French ruled and plain, stamped a«J u stamped. The stock cf envelopes embraces letter, note and official sizts, of all colors and qualites, besides a full line of general stationery, including fill the innumerable minor items for use in the counting room. Also many articles that would be appropriately designated as fancy stationery. In the book department, will be found the stadanrd text books for schoolshmd col leges, dictionaries, bibles and prayer books, music books and a large assort ment of juvenile and toy books, and a well selected stock in general literature. In the miscellaneous stock, in which we deal, we can offer to buyers as favora ble terms as any establishment in the trade. Anew price list will soon be is sued, which wiH’enable purch&rs to make selections and order by mail, if desired. Such orders will receive prompt and careful attention, since the most thorough system marks-the mode of doing business in this establishment. aprl7m3 5 2 .'M 1872- 33H~5T GOODS. 1372- K§ant» liandbah Cos., Are now receiving a very large and attractive Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. Black Gross Grain Silks, from Si,so to 54.00. ByoJjColored Gross Grain Silks, a beautiful line, Striped Plaid Silks, in all colors, Japanese Silks, Japanese Cloths, Cliallie9, Mozambiqes, Lenos, Iron Grenadines, Plain, Black and Satin Striped French Organdies, Colored Lawns, and all kinds Dress Goods, 121 cts. to 51,50 per yd.| Lace Points, Lice Sacques, Summer Shawls and Scarfs, Ladies’ ’Lawn Huffs, 85 to S3O. Lace Collars, Lace Sets, Dolly Varden Bows, Embroiderigs in 'endless variety, &c., &c. \ r 9 . Domestic Departments. lire lull ol a.I the popular branches, which will be sold at the verv lowest prices. Extra Indacaaioats offorod to Country Morchanls. Very Respectfully, •**W3|ll3 Ki:i\j liiifDßin &CO. MRS. LECKIE” TAKES Pleasure in informing her patrons and the Public Generally, that she will have on Inhibition, Wednesday, April 3d, a Magnificent Assortment of PJVTTEELTST BOITMET3 -A-aSTID HAT3 Selected by herself in person from some of the leading Modistes in New York city, ihid Weil vsvvth the inspection of every one wauling a Sping Bonnet or Hat. -Real ancl Imitation Hair Goods A Speciality. 1 hafe in Store, and will constantly recieving, a full line of this kind of Goods, and intend, in the future, to make this branch of my business a Speciality. Goodfii: this line ordered when desired, and guaranteed to give satisfaction, as regards quantity and quality in every instance. A small assortment of fine and medium quality of ffjJiiJics® l>a-ess Caps, Sas3» gSifrboiis Scarfs, &Ci PARASOLS. PARASOLS. We are still keeping a lull assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas, and res pectfully call the attention of all wanting a fine and stylish Parasol or Umbrella to call nud examine our stock, before making selections eleswhere, as we offer superior inducements as regards Style, Quality and Workmanship, We still keep the Sfiap for Repairing and Making tlwtbreilas and Parasols, and would be pleased to see all our old customers, and as many new ones as will favor us with a call. i-rECIiIE’SS, April 3mtJ No. 171 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. SPRING STYLES. BLEdANT NEW D BESS OOOD3' CHOICE, HARE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. JAMES W. TURLEY Will Have on Exhibits on to-day Black Groß Grain Silks, Black Drab de France, Colored Silks in all the new popular shades, Japanese Silks and Imitation Silks, Black Iron, Grenadine and Canvassed Bareges, fine to sublime quality, Dolly Vadwn Styles in many mate rials, Grenadines in variety, Searsuckers, Suitings, Linens, Lawns, Black Llama Lace Sacques aud'Points, &c. &c. Also vdry large assortment of Cheap Dress Goods. \ March 27, Om JAMES VV. TURLRY, Augusta Q&. * liT-tl vjfi tggr g; I . rjrf.,~T?s^z=zz ——~ L -^~ JAB. G. BAILIE & mßtk AuausTA. A BE no <>:> mine -t i-itiinl a«.»rtm«tit ol'uie' iTfpyvH Sprin and... ■vbie'i \v:.i be *.,!! off , ; .,j .; v !lt a «)-- *, f : Bru-ei: ill!.* - Piy. Ingraii-, and low priced\(Jarpets'-'LG';- Fioor .n i Table Gil Clolite. b.-st "OOih, cut any j M its. «’i.rnim-: an I Bands. v ! f ■‘t L■ .11 si/.'te, ' art '.'a Goods, Ln:i! fit % s A\'.F:. I’.iyrs and P r.-deri, ll.air Clo’lis and Upliolsßj f ‘ * We .1 ..I'-M'l!. tb'* first llinr, a large .stuck <">l l';: Wood au ! “. . low' ,V W-- solicit orders from our j ‘ :.!*ov,. Go > Is, ••vliif’ sold Low F. rt'a-b. •• JAS. G. BAILIE <9 aj»r. JOmo 205 J j WESTERN & ATLANTIC R. R. Night Passenger Train (o New York and the, We*h Out uartl. Leaves Atlanta, 5.3-5 p. re. Arrives Chattanooga, 3.40 p. m. Day Passcngea t Tratn to the South and JVest. Outward, Leaves Atlanta, 8.30 a. nr. Arrives Chattanooga, 3.50 p. m. Lightening Key re. s to New York . Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 4.05 p. m. Arrives Dalton, 9.23 p. m. Night Passenger Train from New York to the West. Inward. Leaves Chattanooga, 5.20 p. m. Arrives Atlanta, 1.30 a. m. Day Passenger Train from New York to lire West. In ward. Leaves Chattanooga, 8.30 a. m. Arrives Atlanta, 3.50 p. in. Accommodation Train. Inward. Leaves Dalton ° 1.00 p. m. Arrives Atlanta, 9.50 a. m. JOSEPH E. BROWN, President. M Made from 50 cts. Gall nnd examine or 12 Samples eent (postage fr e) f r 50 ct-., tlut remi quick for *lO. R. L WALCOTT, 181 Chath am Square, N. Y. i»22 4w UnMW MADE RAPID' Y with Stencil""'and IvlUlvul Key Check Outfits, Cataloiiges, sam. pies & full pjrlioulan f»e S. M. Spencer, Brat ilcboro, Vt. n22 4w Free to Book Agents. We will send a handsome p-ospecius of our new Illustrated Family Bible containing over 450 fine Sor pjure / lustrations to auy Book Agent, fr*»e of charge. Address National Publishing 00., Philadel phia, Pa.: Atlunfh, Ga., ; or Memphis T.-nn ■ n Atiltfd for the Autobiography of HORACE GREELEY or KroolleciLns of a Busy Life Illustrated. The Life and Tim sos so ?cita Phi andiropist and Re former, cannot fail to interest every true Atnedcan. Send $3.50 for sumplj copy. E. B. TRE AT, Pub., 805 B w«y N. Y. u 22 4w ii DSYCOMANCY, or SOUL CHARMING, ** JL llow either sex nny fascinate and gain the love & aIF-cfions of any person they choose, ins'ant lv. This simp e menu! acquirement nil can poss'-s* free, by mail, for 2’> et.s. tog ther with a guid , Eg>pVan Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Larffo*, &c. A queer exuding book 101) f tIOO sold, Address T. AV/LLI \M & CO., Pubs, Phila. n22 4w Agents Wanted For Goodspecd’s Presidential Campaign Book The great woik of the year. Prospec us, pwt p,i<| 75 cts. Ah immense a*le guar *nieed. Also fur > Campaign Charts and new maps J. IV, GOOQj SPEED, NewOrieui*, Cincinnati,"St. Louis. 4^l W ACENTS WAMTED^FOIt ** TTP©lf i* 'Hr BbAfciJH' Y. "bHlfeMa, t>.'fl."*— 1 Bla crfvluit j rfcßqtAiiflta roated. W? m—l popciar iAlltiirriTlKfou* work •ver’lSnSCl Tor" 'glrYai.A, tMs&TtJ.W. TP BtUßteWfl fiIKTCT, Cine! Goad, diilc&xo orTR. Lonh. IDO NOT FAIL wilite on yonf Summer Excursion North to secure one of tiie Celebrated Improved. Stewart Cook Stoves With its special attaelimenls, Roaster, Baker* Boil er- The Stove and Ftrrui'uro carefully packed for safe shipment. Soaks sent on application. FULLER, WARREN * CO. 236 Water St. N.Y I Is a power ml Tonic, specially adapted for use Ttt Spring, when the languid and debility system needs strength and vitality; it will give vigoffcotbe feebly strength to the weak, animation to the dejected, activity to tlie rest to the weary t quiet t* the nervous, and health to the infirm. It is a South Ahit rican plant, which, according to th medical and scientific periodicals of L aid n and Paris, possess the most powerful tonic proper ties known to M uteri Medics, np<d is well known in its native country as having wonderful curative qualities, and has been long used as a specific in f ®* S £ B ♦£ of the blood, Derangement ot the liver and Tumors, Dropsy, Poverty o the blood, Debility, Weakness of the intestines, utenne or Urinary organs* j Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jurubeba It is strengthening Hud nourishing*. Like nnlri cious food taken iuto the sioninoh, it assimulates iind diffuser tself through the circulation, <rivinj, vigor ana behllh. /(regulates the Dowels, quiets the Nerves, act. dirtily on the secretive organs, and by its power ful 'i onic ami restoring elite ts, produces healffiV and Vigorous action to (»e whole system. JOHN (*. KULLOOa. 1.8 Platt St., N. Y. Sole Agent for Ihe Uuiled Stales. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular Ooix*e and Buy. 10*000 ft>*, Prime smoked Sides -5,000 IT) 3. it »« Shoulders, ~ 000 Bushels Corn . 50 Bbls. Flo'j t } J ~> * 1 lit *-] S < »»j* -* : in m« ■ ■