McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, July 24, 1872, Image 3

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Ifte W&m frantal. HOME MATTERS, 6sT All advertisements in the local column will lie charged 50 per cent, upon the published rates, from this date. ■STAII Job Work must be paid for is cash, on delivery. This rule will hereafter be strictly en forced. The McDuffie Journal is the official organ of McDuffie county, and is the only fapeh published in the county. Divine services at the Baptist Church Ist and 3d Sabbaths in each mouth. Divine service at the Methodist Church 91 and 4th Sabbaths in each mouth. Masonic Lodge meets the Ist Tuesday night and 3d Saturday evening, at 3 o’clock p. in. in each month. I. O. 0. F. Lodge meets every Saturday night'. Good Templars Lodge meets every Friday night Arrival of* Trains. Up day Passenger arrives at Thomson 10.14 a. m. Down “ “ “ “ •* 3.28 p. m. Up night “ “ “ “ 10.30 p.m. Down “ “ “ “ “ 3.59 a.m. Up Macon “ “ “ “ 2.08 p. n-. Down 1 ’ “ •< “ “ 11,30 a.m. All Jolt Work positively Cash on Ifelivery. BRICK FOR S AIaE AT the Brick Yard of Knox & Baiford near Thcmson. Order can be left with Mr. D. F ir, at his store, in Thomson. n2Bw2 CxT Barbecues are b coming frequent in this section. £xT Kite flying is the new sensation of our town just now. £■3" Our schools are all enjoying their summer vacation at this time. £3* We hrve heard of only seventeen men who are willing to serve us in the next Legislature. CIT McCord & Hardaway have just a few more of those fine c gars left, ard Walter is still there to hand them out to you. £3" We are informed that Bishop Vanderhaust. (colored) will preach at the colored people’s church near this place on next Sabbath. £*T Peaches, watermelons, etc., are plentiful in this market, with prices settling to low figures.— Buyers offering nominally, and holders taking all offers made. A. J. Miixer Loi>oe.—The meetings of this Lodge will hereafter be on the first Tuesday night and also the third Saturday, at 3 o’clock P. M., in every month. Change made for benefit of members residing in the country. ££T The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of a house and 1< t for sale, which our columns to-day. We are acquainted 'y,an i Know that nothing i cloim**.! udverti eimnt that is not due. 'I ho-..- jet a home in <>ur town ran Rea l advert seii.eut. K‘' :;, b*ni n h.tii L: • i •*t rmluhvc ng 'ii- " f 1 •••' < ii: . : I 1 *. 1 know that vie have *":uo a> I ~f‘ mcciiam-s as any cwn m the "date we do not deem it to bo within our emfPßPw is our opinion that the matter will cor rect itself, as builders must undoubtedly soon find that the lowest priced workman is not the cheapest £iT An appeal is made to Georgians for aid to help remove the bones of the Confederate dead from the battlefield of Gettysburg, and we know it will not be passed by unheard and unheeded by our citi zens. The appeal is to you, dear reader ; will you give a mite to th ; s cause? Many of our citizens have already generously given the email sum asked —25 cts, aud we feel sure few will refuse to give this small sum. The list will be found at Col. It. II Bush's office, where any one who wishes may depos it any they fsd willing to mike an offering to this mblc cause. £tT The attention of the Town Commissioners is most and exceedingly respectfully called to the bad condition of the public well near the railroad. Prom some cause the water in this well has become stagnant, and cannot be used for any purpose.— The town treasury w*as run to put a pump in the well (the second, we believe that has been put into it in very little over a years time.) and we suppose it is somebody’s duty to give it sufficient atten tion to keep it in order—and that somebody is surely those who have accepted the trust of looking after the interests of the town. We hope our town fathers will have this matter attended to at once, and thereby deserve the grateful thanks of their little commonwealth. irzT The dog-killing season is now upon us in full sweep, our town marshal—armed with a double death dealing machine, of the best “Lon don Twist” patten? and manufacture, walks brave ly up and down in seorch all the little snarling, snapping, dirty pets inside the 1 ‘dead line, and woe betide the diminutive barking nuisance that comes under his eagle-eye minus the collar insigna of the “freedom of the city” for one more year. Many of these pets have taken their last looi at earth, and have gone to that pine thicket “from whence no dog returns.” So far, well; and if wo had the authority, we would arm our marshal “cap-4-pie or in any other modem appored style, and widen the lines of his jurisdiction on every side to where old ocean’s tide kisses the shore. But we, most humbly suggest that when “the dog is dead, and his hoarse bark and vagabond rambling have forev er ceased to annoy, that all enmity cease against the beast, and that he be accorded a burial that he may peacefully sleep on—undisturbed and un disturbing. Philosophically speaking, the efluvia arising from the putrifying carcasses of defunct quadrupeds is extremely oppressive to the delicate olfactories of the good and gentle pedestrians as they perambulate the beautiful ways of our bor ough, with sweet maidens hanging so lovingly upon their arms, in the evening tide when the soft zeph yrs fan the manly brow and kiss the maiden s fair cheek. Such an incompatible combination of things often act inflammably upon some tempers, and cause them to think cuss words. “Hear me for my cause,” etc. Cruelty. —A few days since Eliza Culpepper, (cob), an old woman, and wife of Dock Culpepper, living at Mr. Walker’s, a few miles from this place, suddenly “shuffled of her mortal coil,” and was duly consigned to her last resting place—planted. Peculiar circumstances, and known brutal teat ment, caused the neighbors to believe that her husband was instrumental in too suddenly snapping the brittle thread of life, possibly to be freed from the golden matrimony that held him with too strong a grasp, and accordingly the services of the Grand High Coroner of the county were in voked to investigate the matter. Therefore, a ju ry was summoned, the body of said lamented de ceased exhumed, and aroud it sat the jury in sol emn inquest. Several witnesses were examined, and sufficient testimony elicited to prove that old Dock had used great cruelty towards his wife, but not sufficient in the opinion of the jury to produce death. It was also proved that Dock had been play ing the role of M. D., and physicing his wife with poisonous decoctions of stramonium and poke root, and very probably other medicines “purely vege table.” The examination ended, and the jury re turned a verdict in accordance with the above facts, and the not inconsolable husband left to go and choose some other dusky damsel to walk by his side through the devious paths of life until he be comes tired of her company, when he will doubt less apply his scientific knowledge and send her to join that other cherub that has just taken her de parture for the “happy land of Canaan.” We learn that there aro several old negroes in this county who claim to bo “doctun in sa'eu&n mcdicina?, 1 ' and if their practice should prevail, they will no doubt send the ethereal organizations of many of their dark bretheren across the dread ed river Styx. Commercial/ Cotton Report. Thomson 19J Savannah (S) 22 Augusta (5) 21J Charleston 22 Thomson Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JOHN E. BENTON. Corn—Yellow, per bushel $ (5) 100 White, “ “ 1 05 “ Meal—per bushel I 15 Bulk Meat—Rib sides 10 (5) 11 “ Shoulders 8 @ Bacon—Sides 11 <S> 12 “ Shoulders 9 <© 9.4 Flour—per barrel 11 00 @ 13 50 Salt—Liverpool 2 25 Special Notices. Plain Questions for Invalids.—Have the routine medicines of the profession done you no good? Aro you discouraged and miserable? If so, test the properties of the now Vegetable Specific, Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters, already famous as the finest invigorant, corrective and alterative, that has over seen the light. Dys peptics aud persons of bilious habit should keep it within reach, if they desire health and case. What every Horseman Wants.—A good, cheap and reliable liniment. Sucli an arti cle is Dr Tobias’ Venetian Horse Liniment. Pint bottles at one dollar. For lameness, cuts, galls, colic,sprains, &c., warranted better than any other. Sold by the Druggists. Depot 10 Park Place, New York. Burnett’s Cocoaine.— A compound of Cocoa-Nut Oil, Ac., for the Hair, has established a world-wide reputation. Itsjnatural adaptation, agree ableness, and Freeness from all Injurious or Soil ing Properties, together with its cheapness iri res pect to durability and size of bottle, render it une qualled I>y r any other preparation in the world. For sale by all Druggists. Pratt’s Astral Oil.—More accidents from using unsafe oils, than from steamboats and railroads combined. Over 200,000 families contin ue to bum Pratt’s Astral Oil, and no accidents directly or indirectly have occured from burning, storing or handling it. Oil House of Chas. Pratt, Established 1770, New York. A Beautiful White, soft, smooth and clear skin is produced l>y using G. \V. Liard’s “Bloom of Youth.” It removes tan, freckles, sun burns, and all other discolorations from the skin, leaving the complexion brilliant and beautiful. Sold at all druggists. This preparation is entirely free from any material detrimental to health. fust the Remedy Needed.—Than/ts to Mrs. Winslow’s soothing syrup we have for years lieeu releived from sleepless nights of painful watch ing with poor, suffering, teething children. For Dyspepsia.—lndigestion, depres sion of spirits, and general debility in their various forms, also a preventive against fever and ague, and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro Phos phorated Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell* Haz ard tfc Cos., New York, and sold by all druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recover ing frou fever, or other sickness, it has no equal, Carbolic Salve.—Unequaled as a heal ing compound. Physicians recommend it as the most wonderful remedy ever known. Price 25 cts per box. John F. Henry sole proprietor, 8 Col lege Place, New York. New Advertisements. FOR SAIIP In Thomson, A DWELLING house and Lot convcnietly loca ted to the business portion of town. The house cotains six rooms, and every convenience to render it comfortable. The lot is large, lias on it all nec essary out buildings, and a good well of water.— On the lot is also an excellent store house, front ing oil Main street. The situation and conven iences render it one of the most desirable lots in Thomson. Possession of the store house given im mediately, and possession of the entire premises given January Ist, 1873. For particulars anil to purchase apply to. july24m2 Miss LIZZIE RICHARDS. «Ageuts wanted to sell the beautiful Photo graph Marriage Certificates and Photograph Family Records. For terms, send stamp to C&ider Si Bro., Publishers, York, Pa. july 24 lm IVasliingtoii University medical school BALTIMORE, MD. The next Annual Session of this Institution will be gin October Ist, 1872, and continue five months. The Clinical advantages of the School are unsur passed- For Catalogues eoufainiag full particulars apply to Prof. CHAS. 4V. CHANCELLOR, Dean, july 24w4 Baltimore, Md, SCHOOL NOTICE. rpitE exercises of my School will be resumed on ]_ Monday, Aug. 12th 1872. Boys aud girls pre pared for College. Patronage solicited. For terms apply to THOS. M. STEED, july 24t3 Thomson, Ga: Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BOOKS. STATIONERY, MUSIC AND PERIODICALS, 183 Broad Street, Augusta, Gra.., Manufacturers’ agent and wholesale dealer in all kinds of blank books, for mercantile use, including ledgers, journals, day books, records, pass books, memorandum books, time books, drawing and scrap books, autograph books, copy, cyphering and exercise books, for school use, &c., &c. The writing pa pers include cap, letter and note, American, English and French ruled and plain, stamped and u stamped. The stock of envelopes embraces letter, note and official sizes, of all colors and qualites, besides a full line of general stationery, including all the innumerable minor items for use in the counting room. Also many articles that would be appropriately designated as fancy stationery. In the book department, will be found the stadanrd text books for schoolsjand col leges, dictionaries, bibles and prayer books, music books and a large assort ment of juvenile and toy books, and a well selected stock in general literature. In the miscellaneous stock, in which we deal, we can offer to buyers as favora ble terms as any establishment in the trade. Anew price list will soon be is sued, which will enable purchsers to make selections and order by mail, if desired. Such orders will receive prompt and careful attention, since the most thorough system marks the mode of doing business in thi.TcstTitilUhment. aprl7m3 1872- DRY GOODS 1872- Khan* Lantoam & (Jo,, Are now receiving a very large and attractive Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. Black Gross Grain Silks, from $1,50 to SI.OO. Lyons Colored Gross Grain Silks, a beautiful line, Striped and Plaid Silks, in .all colors, Japanese Silks, Japanese Cloths, Challies, Mozambiqes, Lenos, Iron Grenadines, Plain, Black aud Satin Striped French Organdies, Colored Lawns, and all kinds Dress Goods, I2£c4». to $1,50 per yd. Lace Points, Lace Sacques, Summer Shawls and Scarfs, Ladies’ Lawn Suits, $5 to S3O. Lace Collars, Lace Sets, Dolly Varden Bows, Embroiderigs in ’endless variety. &c., &c. Our Domestic Departments. Are full of all the popular branches, which will be sold at the very lowest prices. Extra Inducomonts offered to Country Merchants. Very Respectful Iv, ai>i'3iii3 It BAN, LANDR AM A CO. T JAKES Pleasure in informing her patrons and the Public Generally, that she will have on Ehibition, Wednesday, April 3d, a Magnificent Assortments PATTERN BOINMETS -A.3ST.ID HATS Selected by herself in person from some of the leading Modistes in New York city, and well worth the inspection of every one wanting a Sping Bonnet or Hat. Heal and Imitation Hair Goods A Speciality. I have in Store, and will constantly recieving, a full lino of this kind of Goods, and intend, in the future, to make this branch of my business a Speciality. Goods in this line ordered when desired, and guaranteed to give satisfaction, as regards quantity and quality in every instance. A small assortment of fine and medium quality of Ladies’ Dress Caps, Sash Ribbon* Scarfs, «&c. PARASOLS- PARASOLS. We are still keeping a full assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas, and res pectfully call the attention of all wanting a fine and stylish Parasol or Umbrella to call and examine our stock before making selectionajjteswhere, as we offer superior inducements as regards Style, Quality and Workmanship, We still keep the Shop for Repairing and Making Umbrellas and Parasols, and would be pleased to sec all our old customers, and as many new ones as will favor us with a call. LECKIE’S, April 3in2 No. 17f Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. ELEGANT IST 33 "W* DRESS GOODS’ CHOICE, RARE AND REAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. JAMKB W. fOTIiIY Will Have on Exhibition to-day Black Gros Grain Silks, Black Drab de France, Colored Silks in all the new popular shades, Japanese Silks and Imitation Silks, Black Iron, Grenadine and Canvassed Bareges, fine to sublime quality, Dolly Vadeu Styles in many mate rials, Grenadines in variety, Balerruves, Searsuckers, Suitings, Linens, Lawns, Black Llama Lace Sacques and Points, &c. &c. Also very large assortment of Cheap Dress Goods. March 27, 0m JAMES W. TURLEY, Augusta Ga. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO., AUGUSTA G.EORGI A_, 1 ARE now opening a beautiful assortment of the following Goods for the Spring trade, all of which will be sold off quick at a small advance; Brussells, Three-Ply, Ingrain, and low priced Carpets, Rugs, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, best goods, cut any size, Druggets, Mattings, Mats, Cornices and Bands, Chromos, Window Shades all sizes, Curtain Goods, Lace Curtains, AVall Papers and Borders, Hair Cloths and Upholsterers’ Goods. We also keep on the first floor, a large stock of Choice Family Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware. We solicit orders from our McDuffie friends for the above Goods, which will be sold Low For Cash. JAS. Gr. BAILIE & BROTHER, apr.lOm-3 205 BROAD STREET, I>» B. HAULBV, AGENT FOR Peter Kalbfleisch, Manufacturer and Dealer in Mouldings, Odd Size Sashes, Door Frames, and all necessary trim mings used in the Erection of T luilclings. All patterns of Picket JP&jpcimg* Also House Carpentering, Furni ture Manufacturing, and Gene ral Machine Repairing, done at shortest notice. iL3F“ Prompt attention to house Paint ing. Call on D. B. HADLEY, Thomson, Georgia, OR TO PETER KALBFLEISCH, may22tjanlß73 Saw Dust, Georgia. dissolution. riIHE firm of Shields & Cold we II wa< mutually x dissolved on the Bth of July 1872. The bocks and accounts aie in the hands of Mr. Shields for settlement. n2Bw2 tetters of’ Uismissioii. GEORGIA— McDuffie County. IIIHEREAS, E. A. Steed and W. P. Steed, exec -1 * ntors of W. P. Steed, late of said county, deceased, represent to the Court in their petition, duly filed and entered on record, that they have fully administered the estate of the said deceased, this is, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any there be, why said executors should not be discharged from their, said administration, and re ceive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in julyl7’72 A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. YOU BEST THAT OHRisroraEß 6bat & €Jo«* OFAUGUTA, GA„ OA.JST SELL THE CHE APEST IDB, ’Z' C3-001DS To be had in the city. And they not only Can, but they Do Sell in all cases as cheap, and some articles MUCH CHEAPER THAN they are sold by any other person in the trade. One of the members of the firm lives all the Year Round in the City of New York Where he buys goods For Cash And takes advantages of all bargains in the market. That’s the reason whV So call in the Store (recently enlarged) J BROAD Sc MTJM'TOSH STREETS Where you will find every kind of Dry Goods and receive the best attention from aprlom3 CHRISTOPHER GRAY & CO. AUGUSTA CLOTHING EMPORIUM* W. A. BA M m m Y , Takes pleasure in calling attention to his Large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING, Manufactured expressly for the Augusta market, by those celebrated Clothiers. Jas, Wilde, jr. & Cos., Chas. B. Peet & Cos. Having every facility to procure Goods from first hands, I will at all times Keep the Best of Goods at lowest Prices, My stock of FURNISH NG GOODS, is of the most elegant style and finish ever brought to this market, and of thd greatest variety. The smallest to the largest man can be fitted. Clothing Cut and Made to Order, at short Notice, in the most Elegant style, I have also a full stock of Fine and Medium Hats of the very latest styles, also Trunks and Valises, and gents furnishing goods of every variety W, A. RAMSEY, Opposite National Exchange Bank Next door to Butt, Boyce &. Co^ aprlOmS Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. THE AUGUSTA PETER KEENAN, Tmmlfivß Hoar feSmoMMsßcmetwr of eiFe&sr.-i TENDERS his thanks to his McDuffie friends for past favofS, and Jrespect fully invites them to call and examine his large and Well Assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes, which he has recently purchased for the Spring and Summer trade. THE ONE PRICE SYSTEM is still adhered to, and a strict observance of the principles of honor and integrity. He guarantees perfect satisfaction in every instance for articles purchased at his store, and he holds himself personally responsible to make reclamations in all cases when the articles sold fail to be as represented. He employs no Drummers, and hence adds no percent, upon his shoes forfees of that nature. Call and exam ine his elegant Stock, at No. 226 Broad Street, (at the store lately occupied by James A. Gray & Cos.) aprlOmS PETER KEENAN. Millinery Establishment. AT THE RESIDENCE OF Mm» J* €* ffl&r&ets Bn Rear of (he Nlnsonic Hall, THOMSON, - GEORGIA Where she keeps on hand a full stock of Millinery* consisting in part of Ladies Bonnets, iiats, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces* Trimming, Silks, Chignons and plaits for the Ilair. She respectfully invites the ladies of Thomson and vicinity to call on her, ae she is Mire that in price, quality and style she can not fail to give satisfaction. June 12 n23ml*___ Just Received. A Fine assonment of Rus # ic Window Shades in assorted Styles and Colors. ALSO—2 Gross Fruit Jars, half gallons and quarts; New Arrival -500 Bushes Yellow Corn, 700 “ White « 5,000 Burlap Corn Sacks Wanted. JOHNE. BENTON. Thomson, Ga. June 10thw4 THOMSON HIGH SCHOOL THE fall term of this Institution will open on the sth day of August next. Students from abroad can obtain board in good private families at moderate rates. For further particulars apply to N. A. LEWIS, Teacher. july 10 ts MRS. X c 7 RICHARDS, MILLINER, HAS just received a fine assortment of Millinery goods, consisting of Ladies Dress Hats, Dolly Varden Styles, Elegant Trimmings, and everything in the line of a first class Millinery Store. Call and examine.