McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, July 31, 1872, Image 3

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She tUfJßttffic goimtal. HOME MATTERS. £ST AU advertisements in the loeal column will be charged 50 per cent, upon the published rates, from this date. CzT All Job Work must be paid for rs cash, on delivery. This rule will hereafter be strictly en forced. The McDuffie Journal is the official organ of McDuffie county, and is the only paper published in the county. Divine services at the Baptist Church Ist and 3d Sabbaths in each mouth. Divine service at the Methodist Church 2d and 4th Sabbaths in each moujh. Masonic Lodge me»ts the Ist Tuesday night and 3d Saturday evening, at 4 o'clock p. in. in each month. I. O. 0. F. Lodge meets every Saturday night. Good Templars Lodge meets every Friday night Arrival of* Trains. Up day Tassenger arrives at Thomson 10.14 a. m. Down “ “ “ “ “ 3.28 p. m. Up night “ “ “ “ 10.30 p. in. Down “ “ “ “ “ 3.59 a. m. Up Macon “ “ “ “ 2.08 p. n>. Down" “ “ “ “ 11,30a m. All Job Work positively Cash on Delivery. Rain —«Ve had a refreshing slower of rain on last Sun-lay evening. SsT Have your friends solicited you to become a candidate for the legislature yet ? Mr. H. A. Thomas has lost a mule. soe his advertisement in another column, and save the reward which he will give. School.—We refer our readers to the school no> tice ol Mr. T. M. Steed which appears in this is«uic. Mr. Steed is good a teacher, and from several years experience understands how “to teach the young idea to shoot-’* We bespeak for him a liberal patronage. Anniversary.—As we have previously announced, next Saturday will be the day of the celebration of the first anniversary of the Order of Odd Fellows at this place. Preparations are beii.g made and it is confidently hoped that the celebration w.ll a be a success. Personal.—Our fellow town man, J. E. White E<q., who lias been absent for several months on a vi it to Tennessee, has returned, looking considera bly recuperat'd. He reports crops in a flourishing condition n ihat Sta*e, and estimates that corn can be purchased there after the present crop is gathered at 20 cents per bush*d. Addresses. —Messrs. Casey and Hudson, of our town, delivered on Tuesday last the Commencement Orations before the High Schools of Hepsibah, county, and Stellaville, Jefferson couu t JL —Mr. Casey at the former, and Mr. Hudson at the jHtor place. We learn that their addresses were and delivered in a manner to both. —lt is our mournful duty to record the gggfeof Mrs. Hardaway, wife of our esteemed [’. 0. Hardaway, who died at her home ] 1 ice, <.n div last. She was an ex . wife, a tend, r and loving noth- r. and an WBF hri-vtian. Truly, -‘Heath a shinin- TANARUS" tile 1 er.-av. and and grief stricken our heartfelt sympathy. Surely our smrmitiral critic has ‘‘ woodbine I.’* |^^K : t be possible?—Thomson Advertiser. th« above deadly thrust was aimed at our Mfnble Pelves, we beg leave to “wood-bine” on such a case. “May be,”our books were different, and hence, as we observe from the above paragraph that our services are greatly needed in the field of Orthography, we shall for the present devote our selves to that department. iST We return thanks to Mrs. Jacob Printup for a fine cabbage. It was ideed huge in its propor tions, weighing nearly eight pounds, and tender and white as a modem young lady’s hands. Such specimens as this would do to send to a fair, and prove what may be done here iu gardening by using a little care and industry. But we will say “nothing more” till dinner, when we shall apply this specimen of dbassica to internal improvement. Turf—. Saratoga and Long Branch moved to McDuffie —Longfellow and Harry Basset nowhere. —Ou Saturday next the great mile heat between Lausdell’s “bay Gelding” and Wilkerson’s “Bucephalous,” will come off at Thomson. A forfeit is agreed upon by the parties should ei ther withdraw from the race. We predict that pools will go off on a lively scale. No one will be allow-d to bet more than one thousand •dollars. • Death of J.W. Me Cants. -.Mr. J. W. McCanfs of this county died of Consumption at hia residence giear B. A. Willingham’s on the 20th inst, Mr. McCants for several years, had been success fully pursuing the profession of teaching and at the time ofhis death had a flourishing school. We h*d known him for some time and from our business relations with him, always found him to be au honorable hightoned gentlemen. We regretted to learn the s&d news and tender to his wife in her bereavements our heartfelt sympathies. Chirography.— Prof. Walker’s class in Penman ship is rapidly improving, and his theory of in struction evidently explodes the old fogy idea that writing is a gift, and not an art. If yoil want to be proficient in the beautiful and useful art, to ac quire as much or more knowledge of the same as could be obtained in a commercial college at an enormous expense, pay a nominal sum, and go to Prof. Walker, and we warrant he will give you satisfaction. We understand that several young ladies in town are desirous of improving their hand-writing, and that Prof. Walker will, perhaps, take another class. Barracue vea* Cobbhah— Gen. aB. Wright, of Augusta, makes a Greeley Speech. On Sat urday last a barbecue was given near Cobbham about eight miles distant from this place, by the McDuffie Huzzas and a number of citizens in that (vicinity. The cavalry company cf Columbia bad been in vited to be present and participate in a general drill with the Hwras, but from ssme cause, failed to attend. When we arrived, we tound a large concourse of people present, the most attractive portion of which was a lively ingathering of the “fairest of the fair’ ’ of Cofumbiajand McDuffie. The first thiug on the programme was military exercise, and soon after we were on the grounds we perceived the Huzzas in a “line of fight** and after wards pass ng through the various evolutions of the tactics, with all the grace and seeming ease of bona fide “West Pointers.’* After this heated exercise closed, Gen, A. R Wright, of Augusta, was introduced to the audience aud «ntertained them with a spsech of an hour’s length. We were led to believe from his introduction, that he intended to deliver an agricultural address* but soon ascertained that he wa9 verging iuto Greeley politics, aud that he had come prepared to advocate the sime, with all the ardor and courage of anew c onvert. • His remarks were main’y directed at the anti- Greeley element of his hearers who he declared could not occupy neuiral grounds, but in their opposi_ tion to Greeley, were ind reelly supporting Grant. He urged that every Democrat should obey the action of the Baltimore Convention, and that no one should back his ju dgement agaiust that of his party. He was p-oud of those Democrats who had nobly fought Greeley up to the National Convention of the party, but now, all good men should desist, swallow G eeky and go with their friends aud not'their enemies. While lie claimed to be no eu’ogist of H. G., he could not disregard the action of his party, and the b ave words of such men, as Bayard, Hoffman, Voorheeß, Trumbull, Stockton aud others. Such was the tenor of his speech. A better vin dication of the Greeley doctrine could not perhaps have been made. The speech having concluded, dinner was an nounced. and every one present was accommodated to a plenteous supply, of is nice “cue” as we have ever seen. The dinner certainly did credit to the managers aud we believe all present will agree that a more quiet and orderly crowd rare’y meet on such occasions. The afternoon, as well as a portion of the fore noon was devoted by the young people, to a brisk and lively exercise of graceful motions of the b 'dy accompaiuied by soul stirring strains of music. Refreshments abounded in sufficient quantity for all. Thuspassed the day, though extremely warm we enjoyed it, and presume from pppearanco that all did the same. To the McDuffie Huzzas, we tip our halt in grftlL tude, with the belief that they are all wholesouled fellows. It is a mark of the unsuccessful man, that he in* variably locks his stable door when the horse has been stolen. Thiss rtof wisdom never thinks about bodily health until it is gon *. But just as much as any disease has become seated, the power of the system to resist and throw off is weakened ; lienee time is all important. For dyspepsia, all diseases of the liver, stomach skin A kidneys, & all that begin in vitiated blood, do not wait until the trouble is con frrned but attack it b'- a timely use of Dr. Walker’s California Venegar Bitters. tfommewml. Cotton/i Report. Thomson fS> 10 Savannah (© 21 Augusta (5) 20 Charleston 21 Thoiman Prices Om*rciit. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JOHN E. BENTON. Cosm —Yellow, per bushel $ (S) 95 White, “ “ (S) 105 “ Meal—per bushel 1 10 Bulk Meat—Rib sides 10 <© 11 * 4 Shoulders 8 (5) Bacon—Sides 11 <s> 12 “ Shoulders 9 (© 9} Flour—per barrel @ 12 00 Salt—Liverpool 2 25 Special 2Votioe». Plain Questions for Invalids.— Have the routine medicines of the profession done you no good? Are you discouraged and miserable? If so, test the properties of the new Vegetable Specific, Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters, already famous as the finest invigorant, corrective and alterative, that has ever seen the light. Dys peptics and persons of bilious habit should keep it within reach, if they desire health and case. What every Horseman Wants.—A good, cheap and reliable liniment. Such an arti cle is Dr Tobias’ Venetian Horse Liniment. Pint bottles at one dollar. For lameness, cuts, galls, colic, sprains, &c., warranted better than any other. Sold by the Druggists. Depot 10 Park Place, New York. Burnett’s Cocoaine. —A compound of Cocoa-Nut Oil, Ac., for the Hair, has established a world-wide reputation. [ tsjnatural adaptation, agroe ableness, and Freeness from all Injurious or Soil ing Properties, together with its cheapness in res pect to durability and size of bottle, render it une qualled by any other preparation in the world. For sale by all Druggists. Pratt’s Astral Oil. —More accidents from using unsafe oils, than from steamboats and railroads combined. Over 200,000 families contin ue to bum Pratt’s Astral Oil, and no accidents directly or indirectly have occured from burning, storing or handling it. Oil House of Chas. Pratt, Established IT7O, New York. A Beautiful White, soft, smooth and clear skin is produced by using G. W. Liard’s “Bloom of Youth.” It removes tan, freckles, sun burns, and all other discolorations from the skin, leaving the completion brilliant and beautifuL Sold at all druggists. This preparation is entirely free from any material detrimental to health. Xust the Remedy Needed. —Thanks to Mrs. Window's soothing syrup we have for years been relei vea from sleepless nights of painful watch ing with poor, suffering, teething children. For Dyspepsia. —Indigestion, depres sion of spirits, and general debility in their various forms, also a preventitive against fever and ague, and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro Phos phorated Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Haz ard & Cos., New York, and sold by all druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recover ing fron fever, or other sickness, it has no equal. Carbolic Salve. —.Unequaled as aheal ing compound. Physicians recommend it as the most wonderful remedy ever known. Price 25 cts per box. John F. Henry sole proprietor, 8 Col lege Place, New York. Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Pow der. The best article" known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Cos., New York. Ceristadoro’s Hair Dye.—This mag nificent compound is beyond contingency the saf est and most reliable hair dye in existence; never failing to impart to the hair uniformity of color, nourishment and elasticity. Manufactured 68 Maiden Lane, New York, D. QUINN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BOOKS. STATIOIBY. MUSIC AND PERIODICALS. 183 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., Manufacturers’ agent and wholesale dealer in all kinds of b'ank books, for mercantile use, including ledgers, journals, day books, records, pass books, memorandum books, time books, drawing and scrap books, autograph books, copy, cyphering and exercise books, for school use, &c., &c. The writing pa pers include cap, letter and note, American, English and French ruled and plain, stamped and unstamped. The stock of envelopes embraces letter, note and official sizes, of all colors and qualites, besides a full line of general stationery, including all the innumerable minor items for use in the counting room. Also many articles that would be appropriately designated as fancy stationery. In the book department, will be found the stadanrd text books for schoolsjand col leges, dictionaries, bibles and prayer books, music books and a large assort ment of juvenile and toy books, and a well selected stock in general literature. In the miscellaneous stock, in which we deal, we can offer to buyers as favora ble terms as any establishment in the trade. Anew price list will soon be is sued, which will enable purchsers to make selections and order by mail, if desired. Such orders will receive prompt and careful attention, since the most thorough system marks the mode of doing business in this establishment. apr!7m3 1872- DRY GOODS 10*72- ’ iBAN) liAIDRAM A €3d.» Are now receiving a very large and attractive Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. Black Gross Grain Silks, from $1,50 to $4,00. Lyons Colored Gross Grain Silks, a beautiful line, Striped and Plaid Silks, in all colors, Japanese Silks, Japanese Cloths, Challies, Mozambiqes, Lenos, Iron Grenadines, Plain, Black and Satin Striped French Organdies, Colored Lawns, and all kinds Dress Goods, 12J cts. to $1,50 per yiL Lace Points, Lace Jacques, Summer Shawls and Scarfs, Ladies’ Lawn Suits, $5 to S3O. Lace Collars, Lace Sets, Dolly Varden Bows, Embroiderigs in 'endless variety. &c., &c. Our Domestic Departments Are full of all the popular branches, which will be sold at the very lowest prices. Extra Inducements offered to Country Merchants. Very Respectfully, api'3m3 KEAN, IAKDRIM A CO. MRS. LECKIE TAKES Pleasure in informing her patrons and the Public Generally, that she will have on Ehibition, Wednesday, April 3d, a Magnificent Assortment ol PATTERN 1 BOJSTJSTETS AISTID HATS Selected by herself in person from some of the leading Modistes in New York city, and well worth the inspection of every one wanting a Sping Bonnet or Hat. Real and Imitation Hair Goods A Speciality. I have in Store, and will constantly recieving, a full line of this kind of Goods, and intend, in the future, to make this brunch of my business a Speciality. Goods in this line ordered when desired, and guaranteed to give satisfaction, as regards quantity and quality in every instance. A small assortment of fine and medium quality of Emlies’ Dress Caps, Mash Ribbons Scarfs, Ac, PARASOLS- PARASOLS. We are still keeping a full assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas, and res pectfully call the attention of all wanting a fine and stylish Parasol or Umbrella to call and examine our stock before making Relections eleswhere, as we offer superior inducements as regards Style, Quality and Workmanship, We still keep the Shop for Repairing and Making Umbrellas and Parasols, and would be pleased to see all our old customers, and as many new ones as will favor us with a call. LECKIE’H, April 3m2 No. 171 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. SPRING STYLES; I/B Gh-A. IF T ITB-W ID ESS GOODS' CHOICE, HARE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. JAMBS W. TTOIBIY Will Have on Exhibit ion to-day Black Gros Grain Silks, Black Drab de France, Colored Silks in all the new popular shades, Japanese Silks and Imitation Silks, Black Iron, Grenadine and Canvassed Bareges, fine to sublime quality, Dolly Vaden Styles in many mate rials Grenadines in variety, B'Jerruves, Searsuckers, Suitings, Linens, Lawns, Black Llama Lace Sacques and Points, &c. &c. Also very large assortment of Cheap JAMES W. TURLEY, Augusta Ga. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO v AUGUSTA GEORGIA, ARE now opening a beautiful assortment of the following Goods for the Sprint trade, all of which will be sold off quick at a small advance : Brusselfs. Three-Ply, Ingrain, and low priced Carpets, Rugs, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, best goods, cut any size, Druggets, Mattings, Mats, Cornices and Bands, Chromos, Window Shades all sizes, Curtain Goods, Lace Curtains, Wall Papers and Borders, Hair Cloths and Upholsterers Goods. We also keep on the first floor, a large stock of Choice Family Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware. We solicit orders from our McDulhe friends for the above Good., which will he «M g' & BROTHER, apr.!om3 ' 205 BROAD STBEET ' D. B. IIADLEF, AGENT FOR Peter Kalbfleisch, Manufacturer and Dealei in Mouldings, Odd Size Sashes, Door Frames, and all necessary trim mings used in the Erection of Buildings, All patterns of PiamEW €XMG • Also House Carpentering, Furni ture Manufacturing, and Gene ral Machine Repairing, done at shortest notice. JdF* Prompt attention to house Paint ing. Call on D. B. HADLEY, Thomson, Geoigia, OR TO PETER KALBFLEISCH, may22tjanlß73 Saw Dust, Georgia. _ DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Shields & Cold well wai mutually dissolved on the Bth of July 1872. The hooks and accounts a: ein the hands of Mr. Shields for settlement. n2Bw2 Ecftcrs of EKiscnission. GEORGIA — McDujjie County . WHEREAS, E. A. Steed and W. P. Steed, exec ■ * utors of W. P. Steed, late of said county, deceased, represent to the Court in their petition, duly filed and entered on record, that they have fully administered the estate of tho said deceased, this is, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any there be, why said executors Bhould not be discharged from their said administration, and re ceive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in ,IS . julyl7’72 A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. YOU BET THAT Chbistopher SbA¥ A Cos.. OF AUGTJTA, GA., °A.2sr sell the cheapest db, goods p To be had in the city. And they not only Can, but they Do Sell in all cases as cheap, and some articles MUCH CHEAPER THAN They are sold by any other person in the trade. One of the members of the firm lives all the Year Round in the City of New York Where he buys good!* For Cash And takes advantages of all bargains in the market. That's the reason vvhjr So call in the Store (recently enlarged) CORKTER BROAD <3c MTNTOSH STREETS Where you will find every kind of Dry Goods and receive the best attention from aprlom3 CHRISTOPHER GRAY & CO. AUGUSTA CLOTHING EMPORIUM, W. A. BA M 8 M Y , Takes pleasure in calling attention to his Large and varied stock of SPRING ANO SUMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING, Manufactured expressly for the Augusta market, by those celebrated Clothiers. Jas. Wilde, jr. & Cos., Chas. B. Peet & Cos. Having every facility to procure Goods from first hands, I will at all times Keep the Best of Goods at lowest Prices. My stock of FURNISH NG GOODS, is of the most elegant style and finish ever brought to this market, and of the greatest variety. The smallest to the largest man can be fitted. Clothing Cut and Made to Order, at short Notice, in the most Elegant style. I have also a full stock of Fine and Medium Hats of the very latest styles also Trunks and Valises, and gents furnishing goods of every variety W, A. RAMSEY, Opposite National Exchange Bank Next door to Butt, Boyce &. Cos, aprlom3 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia, THE AUGUSTA PETER KEENAN, TENDERS his thanks to his McDuffie friends for past favors, and Jrespect fully invites them to call and examine his large and Well Assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes* which he has recently purchased for the Spring and Su.vnmer trade. THE 0r E PRICE SYSTEM is still adhered to, and a. strict observance of the principles of honor and integrity. He guarantees perfect satisfaction in every instance for articles purchased at his store, and he holds himself personally responsible to make reclamations in all cases when the articles sold fail to be as represented. He employs no Drummers, and hence adds no percent, upon his shoes for fees of that nature. Call and exam ine his elegant Stock, at No, 226 Broad Street, (at the store lately occupied by James A. Gray & Cos.) aprlOniS PETER KEENAN* MRS. J. n. RICHARDS, MIIJANER, HAS just received a fine assortment of Millinery goods, consisting of Ladies Dress Hats, Dolly Varden Styles, Elegant Trimmings, and everything in the line of a first class Millinery Store. Call and examine. Worn Jn Thomson Georgia. T|HE Store House and Lot occupied by J. H. Montgomery, and also one-half interest in the Store House oc cupied by Messrs. Morgan & Scott. Purchasers desiring wif.l be allowed three payments on property. For fur ther terms apply to GERALD & DILLON, n2l m3 Thomson Ga. For Sale. A beautiful house and lot in the flourishing town of Thomson, contain ing 5 elegant rooms, newly repainted 1 and renovated, together with all neces sary out buildings on the premises.— Now is your time to secure a comforta ble home. For terms apply to 11. C. RONEY, Esq., Thomson, Ga. THOMSON HIGH SCHOOL. THE fall term of this Institution will open on the sth day of August next. Students from abroad can obtain board in good private families at moderate rates. For further particulars apply to N. A. LEWIS, Teacher. july 10 ts