McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, August 28, 1872, Image 4

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|?aeto. TllO Httlo Ten little bolters getting into line, One of them bolted, and then there were nine. Nine little bolters, organized by hate, Fought among themselves, and then there were eight. Eight litlo bolters, claimed to be eleven, One couldn’t see it, and then there were seven. Seven little bolters, playing silly tricks, One got disgusted, and then there were six. Six little bolters getting in a hivo, One got stung and then there were five. Five little bolterßplayed n game of “draw,” One got broke, and then there were four. Four little bolters went up a tree, One tumbled down, and then there were three. Three little lmlters, sitting in the dew, One took the colic, and then then there were two. Two little 1 miters, talking very freely, One got mad and the other went for Greeley. One little bolter sitting fdl alone, Swallowed up his owiwelf, and then thero was none. Lovcon tlio llousoTop. We're up in the world, Biddy darling. Very few can nspiro so high, Wid only the chimneys around us— The chimneys, yourself, dear, and T. Now, list to a lover's appealing, And drop for a minute that shirt; It's rnysel’ that’s loving you dearly— Now will ye rao tender heart hurt. REPLY. Och, Pat, wid the trowel ycr honldin’ Yo’vo dug a way into mo heart j But mino is so fieklo —I’m wonderin' How soon ye’d rind it apart 1 Well, far above earth ami its follies, Wid only the chimneys aronnd, If I’ll take yo for bettor for worse, Will ye kape mo safo abovo ground ? *rtUsccnaucoHs. AKt'ltuillurul find Mochnnioul AHXOblutiou of: Goorsfitt. The premium list for the second ex position of the above Association, to be held in the city of Savannah, dur ing the week commencing on the 2d day of next December, has just been received from the Secretary. A glanco through its pages indicates that the ap proaching exhibition will possess unu sual interest. The list of awards is large and liberal, and comprehends all articles and objects of general and ad mitted value and utility. While spe cial stress has been placed upon the prac tical, the claims of the beautiful have not been ignored. The Fair will commence at a season of the year when persons from the country can visit Savannah without any apprehension, and when the city presents her busiest and liveliest aspect. The mar/rets, at that period, are abun dantly sup| lied with every variety of sea food, while the numerous places re sort in the vicinity have lost none of their attractions. The accomodations for live stock, machinery and miscellaneous articles are the largest and most complete to bo found in the State. The removal ot the Grand Stand affords spectators an unim peded view of the entire course. The Fair Grounds are contiguous to the city, and the facilities for reaching them are frequent and numerous. The different departments are under the charge of courteous and competent gentlemen, and exhibitors are fully ussured that every opportunity will be afforded them of making a satisfactory display of their various wares. The Savannah Fair will close the list for the present year. The first exposition was a decided success—the second bids fair to result in a more marked triumph. The premium List makes a handsome pamphlet of sixty pages, and its neat typographical appearance reflects credit upon the Morning News Job office, from which establishment it was issued.— Savannah Morning News. A Man Murdered by ms Father.— The Petersburg (Va) Progress states that on Tuesday last a most horrible murder was committed on tiie line of the Petersburg Railroad by a colored man, named Turner, who. in conjunction with his son, worked a small farm about eight miles this side of Weldon. A short time since the son was married, aim carried his bride to his father’s house, where for several days the family lived together very pleasantly ; but on Tuesday last, during the absence of the elder Turner, his daughter in-law visited the watermelon patch and pulled a melon. When Turner reached home he heard of it, and finding her in the field went aftei her and com menced to whip her. Young Turner, seeing his wife was being chastised, ran to the scene an attempted to stop it. This seemed to exasperate the lather, and he released his hold on the young woman and picking up a hoe struck his son on the back part of the head with it, knocking him senseless on the ground. Turner then commenced again to boat his daughter. Seeing, however, that his son had not recovered from the blow, the old murderer looked at his victim, turning him over, and finding that he was dead, said T did not intend to kill you and realizing that he had commit ted murder, he at once left for parts un known. - Itiot in Barannali. From the evening Mirror of yesterday we learn the folloming : Yesterday afternoon, about 3 o’clock at the instance of J. S. Bryan, Justice McLeod King, issued a warrant against a negro by the name of Morgan Ander son for larceny on his premises. The warrant was placed in the hands of offi cer Canuet, who, in company with offi cer Otterman and Mr. Bryan went to the store of Ben Davis, where Ander son was, and served the warrant, but not without much resistance on the part of Anderson. A notorious negro by the name of Butler King, interfered with the officer in discharge of his duty, attacked Mr. Otterman, struck qim several times and felled him to the ground with a stick. Canuet then stepped back and leveled his pistol, but it failed fire, lie was then struck three times on the back of his head, Butler King endeavor ing to wrest the pistol from him, but did not succeed. Otterman having re gained his feet, commenced firing.— Three shots were fired, each taking ef fect. King fell, it is supposed mortally, wounded. The crowd of negroes had by this time increased fearfully, and Mr. Bryan was badly beaten. The officers seeing the pressure was too great, leaped into their buggies to return to the office of Justice King. They thought it ad visable to go by the way of the bridge, about ten miles from the city. Here they were met by a band of negroes, armed with clubs and pistols, who seiz ed them and took them back with loud shouts and threats of hanging them if Anderson should die. Some more sen sible negroes now interfered in behalf of the officers, and Lewis J. Moody, a colored J ustice of the Peace, who had taken the dying deposition of Anderson, suggested that they be passed over to his care. He urged the propriety of lotting the law have its couise, and at length succeeded in getting them out of the hands of the mob. Canuet and his party then returned to the city, after being considerably used up. It is their firm belief that they would have been /rilled, had it not been for the interfer ence of.Tustico Moody. In addition to the abovo we learn that the house and store of Mr. J. S. Bryan were taken possession of by the negroes, and robbed of almost every thing. Justice King had to leave the house. The negroes are gathering from every direction and swear they will resist the taking of Morgan Anderson. The Sheriffs posse was probaly too late to be of any service in quelling the riot. The case will be brought up before Justice Moody to-morrow at 10 o'clock. This riot took place on the Ogechee, near Savannah. Grant’s 801 l Pul’. —Everybody is familiar with the story of the bull pup sent to President Grant, which he re fused to accept because the express charges were, not paid. The sequel of the story is, I believe, new, and at all events I wid give it a venture as related here by a ‘man who knows.’ Soon after Grant had refused the pup, lie learned that it was a valuable animal, and greatly regretted he bad not paid the charges ($4.50). He accordingly scut one of the Dents down (o the express office the next day to secure the pup. Judge of his horror when he learned that a colored man had paid the charges and taken the pup home. Dent was directed to hunt the colored ‘man and brother,’ and see what he would take Tor the pup. He finally succeeded in finding him, and the price was set at $95. After a good deal of haggling the price was reduced to $45, and this Grant paid. The pup is now said to be worth S2OO, but Grant has nover for given himself for fiis rashness whereby he squandered thirty-five dollars and a half.— Si. Paul Dispatch. Don't Hurt. —The telegrams convey the impression that Caldwell has been elected Governor of North Carolina, after all, by the skin of his teetb. We are sorry for the North Carolinians ; but such a victory as that dou’t. hurt. Gree ley wijl carry the State handsomely No vember. • «. '*»*'" -I ast Arrived. 5,000 lb Bacon, 2,500 yds Bagging, 150 Bundles Arrow Ties, Aug. 21 ts JOHN E. BENTON. GRAHAM & BUTLER, Cotton Factors and Commission Mm si a Will furnish the best bagging and ties at the lowest market rates. And they will sell cotton at one dollar per bale, commission. Augusta, Ga., Aug. 21ml SCHOOL NOTICE. The l’ali Term oi The SBITIERN Jill FEMME EIIIEEE Coriiifflon. flcorriia. O' TENS 28th iust., with ample corps of Teach ers. Spring Term 18711, Jan, 15. Board re | duoed to ¥U) and SflS per month l>y Col. Harper. I For Circulars address. Rev. .1. N. BRADSHAW. President. | FARMERS, SAYE LABORt Make the most of your land by using the BEST MANURE. Neftbifc, the great chemical agriculturist, says that 1 ton Guano is equal to 33 tons barn-yard manure. We have on hand a small lot of West India Guano which we will sell on favorable terms. ANALYSIS : Moisture, 13.G7 Halts of Amonia, 30. Organic Matter, 22.05 Phosphate of Lime, 23.08 Soda and Potash Salts, 10.20 100.00 Directions.—Use one bag to the acre: spread broadcast or with drill ten days before planting. Harrow it in. SI Till S3 ill HUE. Eat More Nourishing Food. Keystone Mill Company’s I*it KM*?Ti£i:lf WJSSsUT» AND Sugar ot. Rlilli Patented Julwid, 1872. A Food ‘nvdlids ■Hr ants. till Di l i ill till' tlrsh and sailin' elfments of arc retain'!. with none of the Starch, all being converted into Doxterino. It Lime, Sulphur. Phosphorus, Iron and for the animal juices, and Gum and respiration) and fatty tissues, with the (Gluten, Albumen, Ac.) from r yd and muscular tissues are formed. It is believed by the men that much of the suffering, and mortality of mankind is traceable to or faulty nutri tion. To the same cause mm/ also bo assigned the frequent disappointment of physicians in the result of the action of the most approved remedies. Wo feel sure that this article will supply tlio dificiency. SUGAR OF MILK. Lactin- Is a crystallized sugar, obtained from the whey of cow’s milk bv evaporation. It is manufactured largely in Switzerland and the Rravarian Alps as an article of food and for medical purposes. It has been used considerably in England as a non nitrogenons article of diet m Consumption and other Pulmonary Diseases, and with excellent ef fect in extreme Irritability of the Stomach, (see Wood A* Hache’s Dispensatory.) We manufacture two grades:—\o. 1, in yellow wrapper, ground coarse, to be eaten as cracked wheat, with cream. No. 2, in white wrapper, is ground into Flour for Puddings, Plane-Mango, and Bread. DIRECTIONS. For Making Mush with No. 1, Ground Coarse.— Mix four tablespoonfuls of Wheat with a gill of cold water: rub into a smooth paste; then pour it into a pint of boiling water, stirring briskly : boil for 20 minutes. To be eaten with rich cream. For Puddings Ac. Use No. 2. Ground Fine. — Mix a tablespoonful of the Food with a small quan tity of cold water : rub to a smooth paste; add to one-half pint, of boiling water, constantly stirring, and l>oil about S minutes over a moderate tire. Add milk and flavor to taste. For bread, use as ordinary flour. Price 50 Cents a Pound. Packed iia a Patented Or namental Tin Can, Sam ple Boies to Physi cians free. Office, 48 South Fourth Street Philadelphia. I’a. 1 Aur. 21, 1872. Tobacco Tobacco. "■fUST arrived Forty Boxes Manufac wg; tured Tobacco, ASSORTED GRADES, which will be sold as low for cash as can be bought in Augusta. The Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock. ALSO Fine Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Cigars, Smoking Tobacco and Confection eries constantly on hand. LEWIS, &. CO. aug 14tf TDJR.. HOLIiAISTD, Dentist, Can be found at his Operating Room in Thomson, Ga., on the first Monday in each month, where he will remain one or two weeks, except in “cases of sick ness.’’ August 7tf Howe Sewing Machine. THOMSON, GEORGIA FJI'IIE Celebrated Howe Sewing Ma- JL, chine on Exhibition and for sale at tvy store. Aug. 14ml A. J. ADKINS. FURNITURE or .A LL J)IO.SCJIf 1 l»XIO NS, AT— PLATT lIIIOTIIEKS, (Formerly C. A. I’latt & C 0.,) 214 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. 1 ,000 Maple & Walnut Bedsteads, $5 !o $10! We particularly call the attention of purchasers to our Solid Walnut Chamber Suits for Beauty, /durability and Cheapness. Our Manufacturing Department is stil/ in opera tion. -Special orders will t»s promptly attended to. Repairs done in all ita branches.* Upholstering Department . Hair Clo*h, Enameled Cloth. Reps, Terry and Springs,and al l article* Suitab'efor manufacturers, wo offer at Low Prices. jan.ll m 0 l .♦•‘g-nl Advertisements. ritailon. GEORGIA —Me Duffie County. DAVID SILLS, having applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of William Watson, deceased, said estate being the dower of Nancy Watson, deceased, of said county, this is to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, to show cause, if any they can why David Sills should not be appointed administrator of said es tate. Witness my official, signature. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinarv. Aug. 21, LS72. 30d McDuffie Sheriff’s Sales. GE 0 R GIA —Me P u[fie County. WILL be Rold before the Court house doorin Thomson, McDuffie County, on the first Tuesday in Septem ber next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:— One tract oi land, in said County, on the waters of Hart’s and Upton’s Creeks, containing Forty five Acres, more or less adjoining lands of W- H. Murray and others, being a part of the land purchased by David Seay from O. 11. Walton, and was originally a portion of the land be/onging to the estate of William Murray deceased. It is levied on as the property of David Seay to satisfy one Fi. Fa. issued from Superior Court of Columbia County in favor of Wiliam It. Murray vs. David Seav. Property pointed out by I\'aintiff. Sold subject to dower. JOHN T. STOVALL,Sheriff. July 31d30 Columbia SlundlPs SSsile. GEO RGIA— Columbia County. WILL bo sold before the Court dorr in Ap- W pling, Columbia County, on the firs* Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, one Framed house on the lands ol Dr. If. If. Steiner, levied on as the property of Jabus Flint and Jno. Marshal to satisfy an execution issued npo • a me dian cs lien, from 128Dist..G. M., in favor of James Smith, of said county. Levy made l.»y Constable and returned to Sheriff BRADFORD IVEY, Sheriff of Columbia Cos. ALSO, at the same time and pl-tce a known as the Harlem High School Academy in said county, levied on as the property of the Trustes of Harlem High School, to satisfy an execution issued upon an affidavit to foreclose Steam Saw mill lien, in favor of E. S. Florence. Lvy made by the Coustable and returned to Sheriff. BRADFORD IVEY, Sheriff, of Columbia Cos. Letters of Dismission, GEORGIA— McDuffie County. UfHEHEAS, E. A. Steed and W. P. Steed, exec utors of W. P. Steed, late of said county, deceased, represent to the Court in their petition, duly filed and entered on record, that they have fully administered the estate of tlio said deceased, this is, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any there be, why said executors should not be discharged from their said administration, and re ceive letters of dismission, on the first Mondav in , 18 . july 17*72 A. B. THRASHER. Ordinary. The Bar Room Remedy for weakness for the stomach is a dose of Rum-bitters. They are sur charged with Fusil Oil, a deadly element, which is rendered more active by the pungent stringents with which it is combined. If your stomach is weak, or your liver or bowels disordered, tone, strengthen and regulate them with Vinegar Bitters, a pure vegetable stomachic corrective and apperi ent, free from alcohol, and capable of infusing new vitality into your exhausted and disordered system. . Ris’ey’s genuine GoHen Bell Cologne Water, according to the original formula of Pro vost, Paris, so long and favorably known to the customers of Haviland, Harral and Risley, and their brauches, for its line permanent fragrance, is now made by H. W. Risley and the trade supplied by his successors. Morgan A Risley, Wholesale Druggists, New York. C« We ARNOLD? Grocer & Commission Merchant, Thomson, - Georgia. HAVE on haodjand fo:|Sale at the lowest marker prices FOR CASH CnOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND PLANTA- ! TION SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS.. Among which m,y be found the foHowing, Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Cotter, j Lard, Clicesc, Jlackerel, j Oysters, Pickles,Canned Fruits, Soda, Tobacco, aud everything kept in the line of a First Class Grocery Stoic. I Respecfuliy invite my frienJs to give me a call. C. W. Arnold, Thomson, Ga, March 13, ly LUMBER. LUMBER." LUMBER!; 4 NY quality or quautitv of Pine Lumber de /~\ livered at Thomson, or 34 Mile Post on the Georgia Railroad, low for cash. I*oplar t Oak or Hickory Lumber sawed to fill orders at special rates. Ijiimber at >lill. Ist, class Weather Boarding Sl6 00 2d, class “ 14 00 Ist, class Flooring 10 00; 2d, class “ 14 00 Ist, class Palings 17 00 Paling Ix3 10 00 Ist, class Scantling 14 00 2d, class “ 12 50 Ist, class Ceiling 12 00 2d, class 10 00 Ist, class Inch Boards 15 00 2d, class “ “ 12 50 Rough Edge Sheeting 5 00 Straight Edge Sheeting S 00 J. T. KENDRICK. February 21, 1 872. 7mG M O'DO W 1) & CO GUO CEE S ./VIST ID Commission ill cut) auto, No, 284 Broad Street, •iugiivta, GEORGI. 4. | H AS on hand and for sale, at the lowest market j prices, for cash or good factors acceptances, j payable next Fail, a full acock of Ckoic3 Groceries & Plantation! Supplies, among which may bo found the following : 50 lih ls. D. R. bacon Hides 10,000 lbs I). S. shoulders 10 casks hams 100 packages lard 200 boxes cheese 100 bids Hour, all grade -', 100 sacks oats 40 44 seed rye 100 bbR Irish potatoes 100 packages new Mackerel Nos. 1, 2un i3 100 44 extra mess Mackerel 10 bids, bucxwheat 100 chests tea nil grades, 500 bbls. syrup—different grades 200 cases oysters -1 an and 2 lb. cans 200 cases canned fruits and vegetables 300 cases pickles, all sizes, 50 44 lobsters, l and 2 lb. cans 200 gross matches 200 boxes candles 50,000 Charles Dickens sc gars 50,000 Georgia Chiefs 4 ‘ 50,000 our choice 44 200,000 various grades 44 5,000 bushels com 25 hlids. Demarara sugar 35 hhds. brown sugar 10 hluls. Scotch sugar 25 boxes Havana sugar 50 bbls. crushed, powdered ami granulated sugar 200 bbls. extra C and A sugar 200 bags Rio coffee 50 44 Laguayra coffee 50 pockets old Government Java coffee 100 boxes No. 1 soap 200 boxes pale 44 150 boxes starch 100 boxes soda 100 dozen buckets 50 dozen brooms] 10 bids, pure Baker whisky 50 bbls. Old Valley whisky •200 bbls. rye whisky, all grades 50 bbls. pure com whisky 30 bbls. brandy, gin and rum 10 quarter casks imported Cognac brandy 8 quarter casks Scotch and Irish whisky 20 quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira wine 20 casks ale and porter 10 casks Cooper's half and half 50 cases Champagne 40 cases claret 50 cases Schnapps 100 cases bitters 200 boxes tobacco, all grades 100 cases smoking tobacco, all grades. janSlyl WILLIAM D. DAVIDSON. JOSEPH BBUSf&EEL. Davidson & Biimmel, ISroatl St., Augusta, Ga. Rectifiers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Puro Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, PORTER, ALE, ETC. TOBACCO AND SEGARS OF EVERY VARIETY. mayl-5 nl9m4 A New Beautifying Agent. All den tifrices had their drawbacks until the salubrious I bark of the soap tree was brought from the Chilian j Valley to perfect the fragrant Sozodont. the most j delightful article for the teeth that a brash was ev- j er dipped into. L . -A.. PEACOCK, 9C Green Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Transient & Permanent Boarding. jau3l ly ° WESTERN A ATLANTIC r7r~ Night Passenger Train to New York and the West. Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 8.35 p. m. Arrives Chattanooga, 3.40 p» Day Passengca Tram to the South and JJ'est. Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 8.30 a. nr. Arrives Chattanooga, 3.50 p. m. Lightening Express to New York. Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 4,05 p.. m. Arrives Dalton, 0.23 p. m.- Sigh’ Passenger Train from New York tc* the. West. 1 award. Leaves Chattanooga, 5.20 p. nr, Arrives Atlanta, 1.30 a. m*. Day Passenger Train from New York to the West. 131 ward. Leaves Chattanooga, 8.30 a. in. Arrives Atlanta, ~ 3.00 p. m . Accommodal ion Tra in. Inward. I.eaves Dalton 1.00 p. m. Arrives Atlanta, 9.50 a. m. JOSEPH E. BROWN, President. Ag mis are want- <1 for Chicago and the Great Con fl'igrat.ion, by Colbert «V Chamberlin, Editors Chi rag, Tribune. octavo p ipes. Fully illustra .Jt*.#x>:i SOLI). Address as above, or J. S Goodman, Cliio.-i ■: >. or Edward F. Hover. Boston, or Fn I. M. Smith, Auburn, N. Y., or Walton ,t Cos., Indianapolis, Ind. THE PENN LErTSRIOOT" For copying letters Without Prkss on Watks, eoiitnm* .to ; in favor wherever introduced, :t;M «U')!!«.v!h l’.o-.v i; in- it attest, its wonderful AH i its Simplicity and Convenienoe, ? n< »» i' l ’ 1 li«test of six years has fully established I!s '‘.inn ; and reliability. It lias only to be projK-i.. 1, !, e appreciated by all business i ipward. ' Address P. O A intr. 1 r A- CO.. Philad Iphia, Pa. CsFAgentß wanted P' ’ ■ r ‘ 1 ‘ ■i ■ I "■ S ,ul (•Imnning, 1 t(W P* by M rliert It jmilt in, It. V. How ui Ih all p isses )at will. Di ' dism, Sorcerism, Demonology, ’ lers. Price by mail, -1..' ~1 elotlu in paper covers, *l. Copy'free to : - only, spoil J 'monthly easily made. Ad- T - EVANS. Pub., 4i S. Bth st, Philadel j phia, Penn. A Great Chance for Agents. Do you want ao agency, local nr traveling, with an opportunity io make $5 to S2O n day S“llinir our new 7 strand While Wire Clothes Lines ? They last for-ver; samples free. Send tor oirenlar. Address at once Hudson River Wire Works, oor , water St & Maden Lane, N. Y. or 31(1 W Randolph St. Chicago St un<lr»i*«l American. lUGU.UUI TABLES! | lb oryih ug ;>prl;iinin£r fa hiTtarrls at lowest prices lUustratod Oiital igups by mail. H. W. COLLENDER, NEW YORK. Sh f.’fi--: >r to Phelan <4* Coflender, I nl7w4 73d BROADWAY. THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT! The Scientific Vmorican i the cheapest and best : iht4rated w*■ lily ]>ap. r published. F)very num ber cont.iiis from 10 io 15 original engravings of new m jcliiiierv, nov-1 invent ions, Bridores, F)ngin eeriiiY, wt»»ks, Architecture, improved Farm Imple uienis, and every new (hsrovjry in Chemistry. A .tar’s numbers contain *32 piges and several hun dred engravinjrs. Thouaaudi of volumes are pre serv-*d f.»r l» u dug and reference. The practical re eeipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. Term®, a year by mail. Specimens sent free. May b« ha<l of a ; l News Dealers, I obtained on the best torrns. Models of new ipventiona an I skstohe* examined, and ad vice free. All patents are pildislied in the .Scien tific .American the week they issue. Send for Pamphlet, II » pajes, containing lawv and full di rections fv»r obtaining paf-.-nts. for Paper, or concerning Patents MDNN & CO. 37 Park Row N. Y. lbanch office, cor. F. and 7th Sts., Washington, D. (3. nl3 4w i’<>i{ hA. l 1-:: ’ IN THOMSON, GEORGIA. THE dwelling house and lot belonging to O. L. Cloud, situated in the business center of town contain ing four elegant rooms with all necessary outbuildings. This is the most desira ble property in Thomson and any one wishing a good bargain will do well to apply to COL. JOHN R. WILSON, Thomson, Ga. ri26m2 The Great Cause OF TLLJIMIAISr MISERY. Just Published, in a sealed Envelope. Price, six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Spermatorrbcoha, or Seminal Weak ness Slef-Abii-JO, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gene ra!ly : Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Phjsical Incapacity, Ac.—By Rob. J. Culver-* well, M. D., author of the“ Green Book,*’ &<l The World renowned author, in this admiral Lect ure, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Seif-Abuse ma/ l>e effectual ly* removed without medicine, and without danger ous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, point in? out a mode of cure at once cer tain aud effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himsc/f cheap ly. privately, and radically. Tnis Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a p/aiu e tve/ope, on receipt |of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr, Cub | verweZfs “Marriage Guide,” price 50 cents, Ad^ | dre.s the publishers, CIIAS. .T-C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office Box 4,588 jan. 24, ly « Agents wauled to sell the beautiful JjPhoto, graph Marriage Certificates and Photograph Family Records. For terms, send stamp to Crider ! &"Bao., Publishers, York, Pd, 1 July 24 !m