McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, December 04, 1872, Image 2

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sbe |gci|nffic jgonrnal. n. C. RONF.Y. > „ J. E. WHITE. ; torroßs. Wednesday December 4, 1872. Public MoeliiiK'. There will b« a Mooting of the citizens of Mc- Duffie County, at the Courthouse, in Thomson, at 11 o’clock, in tho forenoon, on Saturday next, December 7, of all who favor the perpetuation of our County. MANY CITIZENS. Details of HorneoQruoley. Mr Greeley died Friday evenin'', Nov. 2!>t!), at 6:50, P. M. The Atlanta Sun, upoa’iiug of his death, sava : This most remarkable man has been most unex pectedly stricken down, if not iu the prime of life, at least in the full vigor of his powers. Os his many excellencies, we have not time now to speak ; of his faults, sand who has them not,) we have no inclination to apeak even if we had time. May these ever “ in tremMing hone renose, The bosom of his Father and his God.” A. If. 8. TVo Oltnngrc of Poller. For more than seven years past, the Federal Government and a ma|ority of the State govern ments of onr so-calle l Republic, have been under the control and manapemont of the Radical Re publican partv, with Democratic minorities in op. position so weak and insignificant as to offer little impediment to the full realization and execution of their most iniquitous and oppressive Higher Law doctrines. Circnmstauces and events hnvo occurred and combined so continuously and opportunely, and seemingly in furtherance of their plans and wishes, as to savor strongly of destiny; and the South knows to her sorrow, that the Rvdicats have promptly seized and actively improve 1 every on portunity, with that presistnneo and energy which always characterizes fanaticism. To every now imposition and tvranny witli a fortitude and pa tience which is alike an example to the world and j a shame to our rulers, wo have euVrutte l with out a show of resistance. But, in ail Uar helpless ness, degradation and misery, the South has clung to tho hopo that the magnanimity and generosity of th" Northern people, and more than all, the cool and dispassionate oonviothms of "the sober second ! thought," would at an early day effect, a change in the policy if not the head of the Administration, and prompt a milder and more lenient govern ment—something, at all events, approximating simple justice. We, who havo never believed or expected that the re-election of Grant would Cause much, if any, alteration for the better in treatment and 'fovem ment of tho South, are not greatly surprised that his forthooraiug Message is to contain no intima. tion of au intention to modify his policy in onr loelialf ; hut to those who havo “hope l against hopo," and bravely refused to despair of the Re public, this information wilt boa sad disappoint ment. The President ways that, ns his endeavor will be hereafter, as it has boon in the past, to perform his entire duty, to the host of his ability, and looking to tho interests of tho whole country, h > doee not hoc that any*change of policy Is accessary or advisable, or a more friendly attitude towards the Routh requisite, nor will ho recommend to Congress nn extension of Amnesty to those exclu ded liy recent legislation. As to the subject of Civil Service Reform, while he desires competi tive examinnt ona, he does not think tlvit office should ho given to the enemies of (he Administra tiou, to the exclusion of its friends, (and he might say Br.r,*TtVKs). He intends to deposit the money awnrltdby ti e Geneva Arbitrators against Great Britain, in tho U. S. Treasury, and keep it there until Congress appropriates it. At present, whon not occupied in receiving the congratulations of his henchmen and parasites, he is laboriously pon dering tho weighty subject of pardons, ni l has concluded that n certain Obi. 15 overman, who was convicted of the ilinplo and harmless pastime of stealing money, while an officer in ihe Baltimore Custom House, and is now very sorry he did it, shall certainly receive absolution, be cause ho fought furiously against the South, and stole cotton and negroes bravely during the late war. He does not any so, or even intimate such a tiling, but no doubt in the course of human events, he may devote a leisure moment to the Ku-li*nx prisoners, tried and convict® 1 by corrupt carpet bag fourth and negro juries, for imaginary crimes, and non- languishing and dying in Northern pris ons—provided itpiys. And this, so far as can be ascertained, is the sum and substance of the fotlrtheoming State pa per, for which so many anxious thousands are eagerly looking witti a pitiable mingling of hope and despair. To tho scalawags and carpet-baggers it will bo a Message of great joy—an extension of license to those now in power, and n Ito -at Commission to those who are not, for the further plunder of tho National Treasury and tho devastation of the llouth. To many of the people of tho “conquered provinces," this Message, if as heartless and vin dictive as intimated, will be “the last feather on cornel's back," and will crush ami annihilate nil hope of future prosperity, reconciliation and fra ternity. The prospect at present is certainly gloomy enough to dishearten the most hope fill patriot: and the only eourso left us to pursue is to be patient and expect nothing, that we may not he disap pointed. — • ». - Chapped Harris, face, rouyh skin, pimples, ring worm, Rslt-rheum. A other hutansous affections cured, and the skin mxdesof an 1 smooth, by using the Juniper Tar Soap, mads by ('aswoV, Hazard & Cos., New York, lie c-nahito get the Juniper Tar Snap, as there .are many worthless imitations made with common tnr. dee4»2s. The Purest and Sweetest Cod-Liver O 1 is Haz ard & Caswell’s main on il'.o sea shove, from fresh, eebetod livers, by Caswell. Hazard & C-0., New York. It is absolutely pure and Sweet. Patients who have once token it preier it toallothei*. P *y ■ictane have decided it superior to any of tho oilier oils in market. dcci*2s. It cannot hurt you. It i* purely veget dde.— Try Simmons’ Liver Regulator, if you wish to he wel'. It acts like a charm without debilitating the system, aud without any of tl e evil Hlects of Mer cury Simmons' Liver Regulator is the safe remedy. W. He Shank. AT THE BOSTON STORE, No, 1, Main Street, Thomson, 6a' TS offering for solo the largest ami bast stock Goods ever brought to this market an! at Ag ree low enough for any hotly. . Among other things, ho offora A_Hpli*ndid Assortment OP ESSIES! I EEITIITO MESS GOODS, including shirts, drawers, handkerchiefs, Ac.— Boots aud shoes, of all sizes and qualities. Ready Made Clothing iu abundance, Kentucky Jeans at .10 ets. per yard, a largo attack of Hats and caps. Umbrellas from $1.01) to $ t 00, G ants' collars of tho latest stylos. Gouts' socks from $1,25 to ito. oo per dozen. C asslmeros from 75 ots. to $1.75. Black doeskins at $2.50. For the Ladies he has Prints of nil kinds and prices, from 7 cts. to 12V cts. por yard. Whit a cotton hoso from 10 ots. to 00 ctH. Ribbed hose from 10 cts. to 30 cts. Colored woollen boos. LvlieV merino rests. Ties in qreat variety, from 40 cts. to 73. cts. Indies’ linen sots, from 73 cts. to sl.lO. Toilet sots plain and fancy. Fringed toilets, 30 cts. Nottingham laces for curtains 30 cts. fi l lies’ black vests, from 75 cts. to $1.50. Hamburg etlqinq 30 cts. L ice edgin'? of all widths and all prioes. All kinds of ladies’ veils Ladies'kid i»loygs, one and two buttons. Ladies’ dress buttons, of all colors, from 13 cts. to 40 coats per dozen. Ladies’ sleeves from 30 cts. to 73 cts. li\ OSES’ EMtDSS CIOODS Consisting of Alpacas, Mohairs, Poplins, Suitings, Ac., a very large assortment.. • silks at (50 ets.. Velvet trimmings, nil widths. Rcval velveteen, silk finish, at SI.OO per yard. Shawls from SI.OO to $20.00 Handkerchiefs from 50cts to $4 oer dozen. Toilet quilts, from $3.50 to s(>.oo. Quilts from $1.50 to S3OO. domestic 600d5. Bleached cottons, J and 1 yard wide. Sheetings 42 and 45 incos wide. Sheetings 0 quarters and 10 quarters wide, at 40 cts and 45 cts per yard. Brown cottons to l yard wide. Brown cottons o quarters and 10 quarters wide at 35 ots. and u> cts. per yard. The best bed-ticking at 35 ets. per yard, Good feather tiokinxJ at 30 cts. per yard. Alatraas ticking from 15 cts. to 20 cts. per yard. In a word, l have a large and varied stock of Domestic Goods, embracing almost every article in that line, and [ am offering them at lower prices than snob goods have ever before been offered iu his market. Note and Letter Paper. Initial paper, a fine article, at 30cts. per box. Note paper at 15 cts. per quire. Letter paper at 25 cts. per quire. A large and well assorted stockjto suit the mar ket. too numerous to mention. <r Call on SH ANK. Ho! ye that are SSarei*.>o!<*d Come to the Shoe Store. I HAVE just received ihe largest and best stock of Gents’ and Ladies’ Boots and Shoes. Gaiters. Slippers ad Rubbt rs mid a general assortment of Misses’ and Children’s shoes Gainers, "BOYS BOOT 3 from SI 7-5 to $2 00. I propose to sell at as low figures „s can ne pur chased in any city, town village or hamlet in Georgia. Thanking iny friends for past favors, I earnestly solicit their future pat ronage. Call and examine rnv stock, ■ and I am confident that you will not j fail to make purchases art fsave expense. Take due notice and govern yourselves j accordingly. oct 2tf 1). I-’. IRVING. $>•30.70 Ages’ll P*eS«* per week I —will prove it or forfeit ss>). Siw artistes patented July H. Simple* fraj t.j all. Hires* \V. H. CHIDESTEK, 2J7 Broj.dw.iy, N. Y. W. I. Delph & Cos. 331 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga>, DEALERS 1 U tmOKIACS STOVE*, IBEA'I I.V U NTOVKK, «RATES, Hardware, Tinware, Wood ware’ and House-Furnishing Goods generally. They IIIVU IM ‘'Cotton Plant” Cooking Stovo, inanufnctureii lay Abeudroth Brotlieis, N'-w York ICity. It is a first-class square-top, four-hoi,. Stove ; the Oven is large, the joints are file an,j fittedw ith great care and exactness; the beauty of its linsh cannot be surpassed’ I ln*y have the “Fashion,** in annfaitured by \V> i. It -sor & Cos, Oincin inti, Ohio - ' this is also a first class, four hole squ ire top Stove, with a large Oven. Their atocA of Premium or Step Stoves and Heating Stoves is complete. Each stove sent out, is warranted to give perfect tutisfa.H »n. They mauufi;ture Tinware n all its varieties, und all goods sold at reasonable prices. W. 3. DSLPH& 00. 831 «R!>.4 S» KTHIiST, Opposite EPLuater* do«4if JOHN c. POPE and c 0., Under Masonic Hall Augusta, Ga. GWIMiK CWIHIIG. FiJßMffi GM UTS. THfllKl E. Our Clothing has been ma le by our New York House expressly for this market aud comprises a full and complete stock of the LATEST AND BE3T STYLES Our prices for Ready Made Suits are less th in the cost of the. material in this market, and we never fail in pluming all who buy fra u us. We carry the largest stock of any house in the city. Our Furnishing Goods Department is u levelled in variety, qo inti: v & <pialitv oaovSaaT JO2SC. P3?3 & C>. U alar liaaib llill. T. W. C.ainVILE, av. ECABWILK, X. W. C.mVILU, Ju. TANARUS, W. CABWIM **» CJ». Wholesale Grocers &. Commission Merchants 270 Broad Strest, Auja3ta<, Agents for Win. Massey & Co’s Celebrated Piladelphh Ales. oc2d n 5 Kack «.% HoWaßb i Ifotiil Street, iVug nst at, (La,, Grocers and Commission GVterchants, band and ara receiving a larnr»*r stock of CHOICE FADIIY GROCE EIES, than they h »ve aver before o*Vre t to tlio public. AgMuts for the S'tl»‘ of the celebrated BUFFALO SCALE ! We invite hd exam n.uion of our stock »nd feel assured that, wo wi'l j: ie s.ttisfactiua, PETER KEENAN, t! be one price antr Jltlisble BOOT & SHOE: MAX O W APS C3TA AGAIN salutes the good people of McDuffie, and invites their, when they come to Augusta to call at the beautiful Shoe Store, a few doors below the Central Hotel, where they cun feast their eves on the choicest work eve- before brought to this market. He promises all those who honor him with their patronage, a saving of 25 per cent, in their annual shoe bill. He will be strictly responsible for every pair bought at his house, and will cheerfully make reclamation in every case where shoes do not give entire satisfaction. His house is not sustained by “influence,” nor by the services of drummers; the character of the goods he keeps, .the low and uniform prices at which he sells, recommend themselves. Come and buy vour shoes where you will h ive the positive certainty of bring justly and poiitely df-alt with. ONE PRICE. NO D.tUM >IERS EMPLOYED. 'FAIR DEALINGS. OR NONE. PE I’E l KEENAN. 3d HEkOtY CEITR IL HOTEL, HUNT l, HA. Collector’s Notice. *1" WILL meet the citizens of the County at the 1 following; Precincts this month, for the pur pose of collecting the S f ifce aurl Con at v Taxes .* Thomson, Sitnr lav’s. Nov. Oth, 10th, 211 an 1 30th. i Wriqhfsboro’. Monday’s Nov. 11th, 18th and 2lfch. Republican. Nor. 12th, 19th and 23th. Dearinq. Welnesdiy’s Nov. 13th, 20th an 1 27th. Mt. Auburn, Thursday’s Nov. 3 4th, 2isfc and 28th. I earnestly request all tax pavers to meet me promptly at the above appointments, prepared to settle their taxes, as Tam instructs Iby the Or- ' dinary of the county to issue executions against aS delinquents after the first liy of January next. H. W. YOUNT, Tax Collector of McDaffla Ch. novG ts R. II B IJ.S il, Agent, j j I au aijant forths faHoariao; S-wlirl Fertilizers ; aaJ will t.’to pbmr. iusupplying.i" tiiosabiased . [ of a gaol mvinre .* i Atlantic Phosphate Waal > Fertilizer £l. Fr,ii'< Gi;'< On no On iao. T>mvof my pHati-i; f.-: :a 1< (loairoaa of pa: chaung the ▼ or/ but stialirl F.-i-'lKijm, Ia i : prepare Ito furnish them oa the m. jt reuoiibls ' tar.m oat MU 11, 11. BUSH, V -at. j B¥ldersTS a T\ cn Hh cel, X. Y. GI*E ;X T E£ CIT EMENT f / AT THE SOUTHERN DRY GOODS STORE. Npw anil elegant Dress tioods just received consisbng in part of Satteens, Cassi nieres, Empress Cloths, Alpacas, Surges, Poplins &c., &c. Every New Color and Shads Represented. The above coo ls were bought since the decline in New York, so that we are enabled to ofTer them at 2-5 per cent., below prices at the opening of the season Also, an Imm:nsa asiortmant of Double and Single Shawls. -50 kinds of Ladie’s Woolen and Silk Scarfs, a large variety of Furs and Blankets V cry cheap. OG.I STOCK 0? JEMS Ml CM© CANNJT IE SI3PISSED IN QiUALITY AND DURABILITY. '' 1 r 2'-lot of Real and Limitation Lace Collars and Bows, Hamburg Trim- S ‘ K, P* * c - w « alll »w uo one to undersell us. and respectfully Dry Good/’ °' mS " 11,0 » n,b ic * U,,,J i«»l»ection of our large Stock of FOWELL & MULLER/ IS9 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. N. 8.-TO THE MERCHANTS. ofD.!m^tics ! J.!.!Z il S'' T,Bn | t is ** sr, f croaning under the weight of a large stock .tiwftiTSrX; I>r ™ «• do,tic, y Mus. iiei|i th e |, o ys along. nov27tf p& \j FAL OPENING James B. Neat, & Sow, 11 A\ id just received from New Fork, a well selected stock of goods for FaH and Winter Use, Embracing everything in the line of Dry Goads an I Notions &c. aii.isiv .wade or ai.l sizes a\ j> uhades Have always on ham] a good supply of **d -T ~4 » ff ?9(7 S8 IBS lich are offered .it the lowest prices. They invite their friends and customer to give them a cull. S, T ~ *tf JAMES 8.-NEAL & SON. % ieeb Oats, Baton h. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED USaCit-I* Black, ans! 3Hi Baslu-h Brown Oats .jD Btiilit-fM Rad S»t-oi,rOaJs—Uii:ira»tee:l G3l Blu%!»cl« 2 s i:»rl- ERlivars! I-ilau i Black Oats. 7JIUO !*<>jj:ids Bacon. Iflll Ponmls Choice Cnimti-y Bams. Bits ILsait*. Which T am offering at close figures for Cash. Thomson, Ga. ootlCtf JOHN E. BENTON. A. J. ADKINS^ BEGS to inform liis customers an 1 the public generally that he lias now on lun Ia well s, Iccte 1 stoe& of FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS, Ladi9s’ Btjs3 Geods and Fancy Notions of Every Variety. ilcabn Ithk ts lotting of all pink. X-3CA’ ! X a S, XSOOTS SHO H3 Deter mining to sell his goods at the lowest market prices, he invite the pub lie to call and examine for themselves. He has also for sale the celebrated S3 WE SEWiJfG M&CBIJTE, which for durability and execution cannot be excelled. sep 20U1.3 A. J. ADKINS. M GJJDS IN EmiMLtt IS now receiving a complete stock of General Merchandise, consisting in part of dry goods, boots and shoes, clothing, crockery, hardware, woodware tinware, drugs, fancy goods, notions &c. A. Hi 3 O Bicon, corn, oats barley, rye, sugar, coffee, syrup, cheese, mackerel &c. PRICES .TO SUIT. OCTOIf