Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, September 19, 1872, Image 2

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PBffWT* - *■"' ' " ■—
No. 10 Hollingsworth block.
AU letter* relating to Suhcniption nhouldOe ad
lrented to Line*, Wing and: Smith, Macon, (Ja.
Communication* for the juijter nhouLl he ait
dre**ed to the KdUor. We cannot undertake tit
return rejected commanimation*. Weil authenti
cated new* item *, from all jtartn of the State, no
W. W ATKIN HICKS. i:li(or.
Democratic Meeting on Saturday next.
There will be a meeting of the Demo
cratic party of Bibb county, ut City Hull,
on Snlurday, 2Dt inst., at Ii o'clock a. M.,
hi nonilnnte candid ales for tlie Legislature ;
also delegates to the Congressional Con
vention to nominate a candidate to till the
unexpired term of the Hon. T. ,1. Speer.
Nominations to be made in accordance
witli Democratic usage.
T. Hakdkman, Jr.,
Ch inn Kx. Corn.
Wendell IMillllp'M Kcau.
The following is this child of Satan's
reason for aupporling Mr. U. H Grant and
his despotic sway
The reason why 1 support the Demo
cratic party is that to my utter surprise, to
my unutterable surprise, to my Indescriba
ble delight, to my relief, I have ut last
found a party tiiut is willing to execute
all the laws that are given them. It is for
that reason that 1 suy “Long live Ulysses
Grant! May be continue to lie President
of the United Suites until every while mau
over forty years of age who lives south of
of Mason and Dixon's line lias been for
ever put into the grotmd.” [Loud and
continued applause J
We run tell Phillips that it will not take
long to bury our lorty year men, white
and black, at Mr. Grant's rate of killing
during the past four years, lint wo do
not mean to die quite se fast. We liuve
changed our attitude somewhat, and Incan
to try the power of resistance, to certain
devilish measures, and by the election of
Horace Greeley take the blood-thirsty
teeth out of a Government which lias come
to exhibit only the ferocity of the wolf.
Aud not only so! Not only docs the
iialtiniore Platform breathe the spirit of
liberality nud cordially welcome into
Democratic ranks all men ; not only docs
the Georgia Democratic platform adopted
at Atlanta in State Convention assembled,
extend the hand of fellowship to all who
will Join us in the tight against wrong and
usurpation , not only does the New York
Democracy come out in even stronger
terms of fraternity and union with all per
sons who urc ready to tlee corruption and
labor for the restoration of government,
but the Chairman of the Georgia Stute
Kx-Commlttee, In his official address, with
wisdom, sagacity and a right worthy fra
tcruity, held out the hand of brotherhood
in the following words
Dcniocmts, Liberal ltepublicaus, zealous
co laborers, iu this work of reconciliation
and reform, Ictus go more actively to our
labors . let the slogan of our combined
forces lie heard in every valley and upon
every hill top ; let our battle cry, “fra
tcruity, reform and Constitutional Govern
ment," cruse not, until, iu November uext,
it will be lost in the shouts ol a victorious
host proclaiming to the down trodden
Houtli universal amnesty, good will, local
self government, and the whole nation
peaee, reiteration, union.
T. Hakpkman, Jr.,
Chu n of Ex. Committee.
Hut our new lenders, suddenly waking
from a criminal slumber, rush to the front,
and, witli tVantic yells ami a poor player’s
actions, —seeing the ghost of the past,—
essay to Stop the noble coalescence of the
present time.
“We are the wise, aud wisdom will die
with us!" shouted the ancient Horn boils.
None but those who have heretofore
utllliated witli us, shall vote for nominees,
stutter out lids modern brigade of bab
Honest Launce "would have one Hint
would be a dog Indeed, to be, as it were, a
dog in all thiugs."
If old Lauiire lived in these days, what
aerenuity would his soul enjoy, that is, if
lie should settle "iu oar midst."
Mii 8. lias made up her mind to refuse
all offers of marriage in order to devote
herself to her aged fattier, who is dearer
to her than life, aud who needs tier loving
care. Her friends chide her. nud think
she is obstinate, while a certain young
gentleman from Philadelphia ennuol tied
words to express his disapproval of her
conduct. She asks the calm opinion of
The Knterprin.
We know of no picture more beautiful
or touching or noble, than lire on* painted
by our fair corrcs|H)udent. Certainly, to
a certain limit, she is right, and need not
blush beneath the cbidings of friends, or
become vexed with the impatience of
It ennnot lie lonp before Hie beloved
Father is borne to lioee Hill, and Hie
sweet attentions of a beloved daughter will
he the holiest fragrance above bis t.uib.
And, as our fair writer is young, nud will
never grow old, we predict for tier aud her
young Philadelphia friend, tlie caltn, after
blessings of a patient, loving wait
X 7. Is a youth ol 25 summers, with
no profession, aud no trade, nud no
pedigree, lie wants our advice. This is
a sad case, truly, and ap|H'als to our—risi
I-et X. Y'. Z go to work, at the first
duty that presents itself, or bind himself
out to a fanner to learn the trade of plow
ing , or apply to the liar of Macon for ad
mission within its pale. Any oue, loaf
ing around, sporting a rattan, with a deep
inysleiious profundity of countenance, and
ape in “pliiuc phieusy rolliug," will
BSIr to put him up t<> ■ snuff” and all
“sawt uf-ah thing you know’" Oth
erwise nothing remains for X Y. 7. hut
to run for office
No student of European affairs can af
ford to overlook the laud of Cavour and
Mazzini. It is the pearl of tlie world—the
beautiful land of art, story and song, and
also of subtle faces aud wild delights.
We have recently become accustomed
ta the world's cry of “United Iluly," the
dream of ail tier poets and statesmen, liv
ing and deoil. Tlie realization begins, we
hope, to dawn. Progress is creeping along,
and a notion comprised of poets, statesmen
aud brigands, is opening up tlie practical
ways of wealth. The Italian Government
is showing signs of wholesome modera
tion, both in regard of its legitimate work
and the ecclesiastical dignitaries and prop
erty within its domain.
Itadicaiisai is indeed rife, and tlie |M>pu
lar spirit still finds vent in angry cries
against the Pope, and for tlie long life of
Victor Euiamiel. Hut soberness is hemm
ing in u government, aud will lead to coni,
promises for tlie triumph and vindication
of Justice. What course to pursue toward
(lie papal claims is not a question to he
left to a rabble of ignorant men, whose
actions are invariably tlie offspring of
prejudice or bate. That the Government
of Italy understands tills, no better proof
can lie wanting than it bus recently given.
We cannot offer a defense of its policy
us a whole, in the disposition it proposes
to make of ecclesiastical institutions, but
wo doubt if a better one could tie sug
gested in the fare of German and French
To oscillate between those two powers
in projecting a grave policy, is undoubt
edly an evidence of feur and misgivings
in the Italian Government, but the condi
tion and recent history of the army of It
aly will present to the thoughtful a suffi
cient excuse.
How to bring the eternal city and estates
under laws aud regulations, easily enforced
elsewhere, is the question.
Koine and its tributes are now part of
Iluly, and discrimination in favor or
against, must weaken, if not endanger tlie
Government. What Hie law requires out
side of Koine, must be exacted within its
1£ religious institutions must lie sup
pressed and property confiscated through
out tlie remote districts, tlie same Govern
mental measure must obtain at tlie seul of
power and law. To do this, and yet yield
n headship and controlling claim to tlie
Pope, a recognition of his peculiar func
tions, and a protection of Iris spiritual do
minion, requires n wisdom above that
which is ordinarily allowed to Govern
ments, and a stutesmonship not now in
Yet this is the shadowed forth outline of
Government policy—a sort of wide, breath
ing feeler, for Hie purpose of eliciting a
temperate discussion and a national ex
There is a pause. His Holiness is silent.
Tlie Ministers of Ihc Papal Court aud tho
ultra montane party are studying tlie prob
lem, and endeavoring to ascertain the pos
sible alternative iu ease of uu adverse ex
pression. The populur prejudice is met by
the Government scheme, with tlie provis
ion, Hint tlie proceeds arising from tlie sale
of Church property, shall not inure to the
benefit of tlie State, but to sclietfles of ed
ucation, sanitary reform, and social eleva
Limitations are also iaid, beyond which
tho bund of confiscation sliull not go,
thereby securing in perpetual fee and un
interrupted glory, those institutions within
tire city of Home which have endeared
themselves to tire memory or tlie heart
of all tlie world, ns characteristic in
In the meantime, the most vigorous
measures uro being enforced for Hie sup
pression of crime, the protection of the
highways, aud the general prosperity of
the people Tlie bond of unity is being
trusted nud is, therefore, acquiring firm
ness and majesty The various classes
begin to si*e the light of their dreams fall
ing adown the slopes of the Campagna,
and the song of Hie peasant, lost, nmong
the hills, resounds with a clearer ring—
the Andanth of liberty, while on tho
Nnlion s brow la seen to flourish tlie ana
dem of hope.
Mazzini said, “Association is Hie method
of tlie future." Perhaps ho witnessed tho
fulfilment of his prophecy from the Spirit
heights to which his groat soul lias tied ?
Washington. Sept. 10.—Official intelli
gence from Mexico, just received here, is
of u. character to cause apprehension of se
rious complications between tlie two coun
tries. Protests of tho Government against
Mexican outrages oil our borders, and ap
iveids to Join in Hie co operation policy to
secure greater safety, have been made.
Kesidencc* along the Kio Grande are
disregarded, and from p|vcanurcos the out
rages on our people are encouraged
Mexico has failed to keep faith in tlie
Claims Commission lately iu session here,
and their work is therefore futile.
Recent steamboat disasters have stimu
lated tlie Treasury Department to rigidly
enforce the new law, providing lor the bet
ter protection of lifa and property on ves
sels propelled by steam.
Suits have already been instituted in
two cases for carrying mi excessive uum
lier of passengers.
Another detaication has just been de
veloped in the Naw Y'ork Custom
amounting to #IBO.OOO, by tho Revenue
stamp clerk named Johnson, who is miss
ing. Etowah
Heavy failure.
I.oxivON, September 19.--John Fox A
Cos., of Mincing Lane, suspended liabilities,
500,000 pounds connected witli several
commercial houses. Suspension caused
by recent futures in Bolts Bank. KngWud.
Specie decrease 528.000
A Wall Street failure.
The Corners.
Our Neil President.
The Yl orkintf .Hen.
T he Pope anil tlie Children.
Itrply to Hr. Stephens*.
In Wall street the suspension of Furn
ham, Gilbert & Cos, is anr uced.
The Erie and Gold corneis continued
today, hut with dimiuished severity.
Horace Greeley left Jersey City for the
West tins morning. He will tie escorted
through New Jersey by Gov. Randolph.
The Republicans of the United Work
ingnien's Political Association held a meet
ing last evening, and took measures to ex
teud the organization throughout the city.
It was announced tiiut tlie object of the
Association was to secure friends of work
ingmen for the local State offices of New
Just before the burning of tlie West
chester Catholic Protectory, tlie children
of that Institution sent to-tlie Pope a col
lection of 514 trances for' the Holy
Farther's persons! benefit, together with
a letter from the President of the iusturc
lion. The Pope replied in his own hand
writing' and, sffer hearing of the destruc
tion of the Protectory, sent six articles to
he rattled for tlie benefit of Ilia institution.
At the examination in the case of For
rester, the alleged murderer of Nathan, to
day. Mrs. Ana Keenan, a music teacher,
testified that about 8 o'clock on the night
of the murder she saw a man whom she
identified ns the prisoner prowling about
Mr. Nathan premises. He hud something
coe-caled up tlie sleeve of his coat.
She saw him go into tlie basement of the
house, He seemed very much excited.
A Washintou special says, Attorney
Gencrnl Williams has made reply to
Alexander H. Stephens' petition for the
pardon of all the Kuklux confined in the
Albany Penitentiary. The Attorney Gen
eral dcuiis the allegations, of Stephens,
that tlie conviction of the Kuklux was ille
gal. and their pardon would he and act of
justice and friendliness toward the South,
and says tlie parpen of all of them would
have no more political significance than
the pardon of those convicted of violation
of other statutes.
Tim* lldil Fellow** in Council.
'l'll*- Tax Amendment I.Mt.
Per Capiln Tax.
Change of Name,
lit*-., Etc., Etc.
Ilin. Jcllei‘<*ii Davis.
Hai.timoiik, September 18.—In tlie
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, the pro
posed amendments to tlie Constitution
were taken up.
The amendment reducing the Grand
Representative tax from #75 to #SO, after
cousideiale discussion was lost, by a vote
of 82 to 37.
The amendment tiiut dues from subor
dinate lodges and encampments, under tlie
immediate jurisdiction of the Grand
Lodge, bo 20 per cent, per capita per an
num, instead of 10 cents of their receipts,
was also lost.
The amendment lengthening tlie official
terms of Representatives, from 2 to -I years,
was indefinitely postponed.
That changing the name of Grand
Lodge to Hie ‘-Uriiinl Lodge of America of
tire Independent Order of Odd Fellows,"
was lost by 38 yeas, 86 nays.
The amendment providing that a mem
ber of tlio order suspended or expelled
from a Lodge, or an Encampment in any
Jurisdiction, or sovereignty, ahull not lie
admitted to membership in a Lodge or
Encampment, in any jurisdiction or sov
ereignty, without the previously obtained
consent of the Lodge of Encampment
from which lie is suspended or expelled ;
provided, however, that tlie members sus
pended or dropped for non-payment of
dues, may lie admitted ior membership in
another jurisdiction or sovereignty, upon
sucii conditions and under sucli rules and
regulations, us the Grand Lodge may have
prescribed or may at any time adopt, was
unanimously adopted.
Other amendments were laid on tlie ta
ble for future action. Several resolutions
in relation to tlie trial of members of in
subordinate and Grand Lodges ; also to
ceremonies and rituals ; also relating to
trust fund, and to holding meetings on the
Christian Sabbaths were submitted and
lion. Jefferson Davis is iu the city.
■ mliiiii Troubles.
The Creeks on the War Fnth.
St. Louts, September 18.—A late Fort
Smith Arkansas paper, learns from a gen-
Hemun just from the Creek Nation, that
the troubles there are coming to a head.
Tho chiet Chiesto, with the men favorable
to law and order, are iu arms, and are sus
tained by United States troops sent from
Fort Gibson. The entire party numbers
eight huudied men. The Stuids party are
also in arms with nearly the same strength,
and a collision is regarded as almost inevi
table. It is stated that if the Sands party
attempts further resistance to law uo quar
ter will lie given.
Mr. (ireelf Iu Jersey.
Enthusiastic Dcmonsl rat ions.
Trenton, N. J., September 18. —Hor-
ace Greeley, accompanied by Gov.®Kun
dolph, arrived here to-day, in a special
train, at 15 minutes past 12. A number
of citizens w ere iu waiting, and cheers
were given for Greeley aud Randolph.
Mr. Greeley thanked the people for this
demonstration, whether personal to him
self or iu favor of the great Liberal move
ment throughout the country.
The Oitl Soldier** Convention.
Grunts Troops.
PiTTSBURO, Pa., September 18.—Gen.
: John A. Logan has been chosen pomia
| neut President of the Old Soldiers' Cou
The resolution of the Soldiers' Conven
tion indorse Grant Wilson and HartraulL
The convention has adjourned sine die.
Limr.i fair’s Trial.
Tremendous Railroad Subsi
San Fhancisco, September 18.—Out of
950 jurors summoned, a jury was, at last,
obtained for Hie new trial of Laura Fair
Tlie board ot supervisors have passed
to tlie point of tho first stage of favorable
action on the order to submit to a vote of
the people the proposition to grant a sub
sidy of #2,500,000 to tlie Central Pacific
Railroad Company, of #10,000,000 to tlie
San Francisco and Colorado Iluilroad
Company, aud smaller subsidies to the
North Pacific and Santa Cruz Railroads.
The hoard indefinitely postponed a con
sideration of the order allowing the people
to vote a subscription of #10,000,000 to
the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, in re
turn for preferred stock, notwithstand
ing a majority had petitioned tor it. in
competition with the Colorado scheme.
A Schooner Shipwrecked
Live*. Lost.
Boston, September 18.—The fishing
schooner, White Eagle, of Gloucester, has
been given up as lost on Hie Grand Hanks,
with her entire crew, consisting of Nelson
Goodwin, master, who leaves a wife and
seven children ; Warren and Jas. N. Good
win, brothers of the master, Samuel Good
win aud Asa Goodwin, brothers of Jere
miah Goodwin, Simon Goodwin, David
Hines, James D Burnham. Joseph How
den, Thomas Parson, who leaves a wife
and child, and Lcudcr M. Cushing, who
lenves a widow nud three children.
Trouble wiili the Brnv***.
Denver, Col., Bept, 18.—On Saturday
last, about 6(1 Sioux and Cheyennes at
tacked a Handle 70 miles Northeast of
Trinidad, Colorado, aud murdered tlie
family of the proprietor, who escaped to
Fort Lyons. Troops were started imme
diately in pursuit of the savages. On the
same day another large band attacked the
stock Kauclic of Jones Bros., aud at last
accounts had surrounded tlie party iu
charge of tlie herds. The latter were
fighting as best they could. Troops have
gone to their relief.
The Capitulation of IHct'/..
Sentences Commuted.
Communists Shot.
To he Court Hartiated.
Paris, September 18.—M. Remusat,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, assures the
friends of M. Edmund About, that he has
strong hopes that the energetic interven
tion of the Government will result in liis
Gambetta lias made a decision with re
gard to tlie capitulation of Metz. He was
examined by General Riviere.
The sentences of seven of the ten Com
munists, which condemned them to death
for tlie assassiuation of the hostages, have
been commuted io imprisonment. The
remaining three convicts will be shot to
morrow at Satory.
Lative, Deschamps aud Denville, the
three Communists condemned to death for
murdering tlie hostages, and in whose
cases commutation of sentence was re
fused, were shot this morning at Satory.
It is reported tiiut Edmund About is to
be tried by a German court-martial at
Strausbourg on the 25th inst.
The English liiteiuntiouiils.
Universal Su Uiage.
London, September 18. —Tlio meeting
of tlie Internationalists here adopted a
platform in favor of universal suffrage by
ballot, for legislative and magisterial offi
cers—compulsory and gratuitous common
school education—the disbandment of
standing armies—the abolition of indirect
taxes, and the substitution therefore af a
progressive income tax, and the suppres
sion of usury.
A dispatch from Teheran reports that
tlie choicra is raging with great violence
in Bokam. It is estimated that 1,000 are
dying daily from the scovrge.
A boat capsized yesterday on the Frith
of Clyde, Isle of Arran, aud seven persons
were drowned.
The Cntiists at Work.
They are Getting Desprtute.
Madrid. September 18.—Several trains
on the railway between Saragossa and
Barcelona, have lately been fired upon by
the Carlists. So bold have these despera
does become that drivers, in fear of their
lives, have refused to work, and the run
ning of trains between the two cities has
been suspended.
Dr. Livingstone Again.
Hi** Health.
Bombay, September 17. -1:30 r. m , via
London.—A letter from Dr. Livingstone
dated July 3, 1872, has been received at
Zanzibar. Dr. Livingstone was still at
Uuyauyembe—was well, and was await
ing the arrival of Stanley’s second expe
Blessings urioutkn as tiiey take
their flioht. —The chief of blessing is'
good health, without which nothing is
worth the having , it is always appreciated
at its true value offer it is lost, hut, too oft
en, not before. Live properly, and correct
ailmeuts before they become seated. For
diseases of the liver, kidneys skin, stom
ach, and all arising from impure or feeble
blood. Dr. Walker's California Vink
gau Bitters are a sure and speedy rem
edy. It has never yet failed in a single
instance. 116 142.
* special election wifi be held at the City
KA-Ilail in the City of Macon oil Monday the
23d day of September next to vote on the" Ra
tification or rejection of thecitv Charter recent
ly passed by the Legislature. The Polls will be
opened at 8 o’ciok a. m. and close at 6 o’clock
p. m. Persons voting for Ratification will have
the words on their Ballots—“ Ratify Charter''
Those for Rejection will have the words on
their Ballots " Rifvt Charier. ”
Bv order of
W. A, HUFF, Mayor.
J- A. McManus Clerk C. C. 110-td
WE are now perpared to pack and overhaul
cotton, and pay the highest prices for
cotton, hides, tallow, rags, etc. Place, oppo
site Hollingsworth Block.
100 (Hundred) Mattresses.
200 (Chairs,) Dry (n, ,N and notions.
Hardware, Pocket and Tilde Cutlery, and
also a large lotof Second hand furniture, Car
pets, etc., by O. L. BESGRE,
aeplU-lm Auctioneer.
A FAMILY designing to break up house
keeping on the first of October, now offer a
complete outfit of furniture for five or six
rooms, together with ull necessary kitchen
utensils, for sale at half original cost. It con
sists of Mohair Parlor Chairs, Mahogany and
Rlaek Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining Ta
ble, Dining, Rocking and common chairs, Car
pets, Dinner and Tea Setts, aud in short, almost
every article demanded In a house of five or six
rooms. The furniture has not been used over
one or two years, is in perfect repair, almost
as good as new, cost #I,OOO and will now be
sold for #OOO ca-li. Address Box 432, Macon,
or apply at this THIS OFFICE,
Y VAY tioard and board and lodging in a prl
-1 J vate house, can be had by applying to
W. I). Rainey on Walnut street, Macon.
Sept. 12,1872. 137-102.
rpwo commodious stores in Hollingsworth
A Block. Apply to
THE question of caterpillars and its terrible
destruction of the fleecy staple having,
like tlie greut flood of old, abated, a still more
momentons question involves especial consid
eration at tlie liands of the farmers. For many
long years E. Isaacs has catered to the wants
of the traveling public; and to the farmers,
tlie very bone and sinew of our beloved South,
lie lias taken special pains to make them feel at
home while in the city. His tallies are filled
and the usual “allowancing” is not “allowa
ble.” Indeed you get what you call for and
that without stint. Now the'question is:
Will the Farmers Sepport Him ?
This question is propounded with the confi
deuce that will be announced with that little
but expressive monosylable whffch is so famil
iar with young people enamored of each other
—yes! The sturdy farmers knows too well
the comfort that await him at the
To answer otherwise than affirmatively to
the above mentioned question.
While on the subject Mr. Isaacs wishes to
say that tiia patronage lias so increased as to
compel him to provide more ample aceomino
tions, and that lie has leased large aud airy
rooms of Hull's new building adjoining his
own. A fine bar is attached to this house.
E. ISAACS, Proprietor.
135-160. Cherry Street.
public are informed that I have lemoved
1 my grocery business from corner of Fourth
and Pine to the large and commodious store
next to the Enterprise Office, and formerly
occupied by H. C. Stevenson, Esq., where I
will be prepared as heretofore to supply my
customers and the public generally with gro
ceries of every description.
Wleat, Oats, Barley, Grasses, Etc
THE experience of the past Season confirms
the previous experiments with Our Home
Made Fertilizer. The price for the coming
season will be 125 00 for enough to make one
Bahnesville, Ga., Sept. 1, 1872.
Gents. :—I used your Home Made Fertilizer
by tlie side of tlie Sea Fowl, and Soluble Pacific,
equal number of pounds to the raw, and 1
think tlie Home Made is better than either of
the others. It is my intention to use no other
another year. Yours truly,
J. P. McLean.
We will sell to Planters now at tlie cash
price on sixty days time for acceptance.
Wholesale Druggists,
135-156 82 and 84 Cherry Street.
Streets, in Court House, Macon, Ga.
ONE of tlie most desirable places on Troup
Hill, one mile from tlie Court House, and
near Mercer University. Nineacres of land at
tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa
ter, etc.
Parties wanting to rent a good house can se
cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to
Messrs. B. H. Wrigley Jt Cos., 06 and 68 Second
street, Macon, Ga.
132-tf JAMES W. KNOTT.
Change of Schedule.
Atlanta, Ga., April 17,1872. (
On and after Sunday, tlie 21st Instant
Dav Passenger Train (outward) leaves Atlanta
8:30 a. m., Connecting at Kingston with
Dav Passenger NEW YORK FAST LINE leave
Atlanta 4:05 p. M., Connecting at Dalton with
Night Passenger Fast Line to New Y’ork, leaves
Atlanta 11:10 p. M., ria East Tennessee and
Georgia, at Dalton, or
Day Passenter (inward) through from New
York via East Tennessee,
Arrives at Atlanta 3.-50 p. m.
Night Passenger (inward) through from New
Y'ork via East Tennessee or Louisville,
Arrives at Atlanta 1:30 a. x.
Master Transporatiotu.
In consequence of tlie great reduction in price of Groceries in the
Northern markets, and owing to the Repeal of Duties on many articles
in our line, we now offer the following goods at annexed prices :
7 Lbs. A. Sugar for SI.OO.
7 1-2 Lbs. Ex. C. Sugar for SI.OO.
8 Lbs. C. Sugar for SI.OO. *
MIXED TEAS 75c. Per Lb.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors
Fresh Crackers Every Week!
If You Don't see what You Want, Ask for it.
Corn, Bacon ai Flow Eiprii
Com, Bacon, Flour,
Salt, Bagging, Ties,
Sugar, Coffee, Etc.
that celebrated brand of flour,
The Best in theQWorld, Always on Hand.
1 claim superior facilities in the purchase of
And I will make It to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY
or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties.