Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, September 19, 1872, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT. W. A. HUFF, n*>or. ALDERMEN: i t r. ,v A R TlN,uiV ’ J. ,J. Cl. AY, g w oo i,u F ir, ,1. J. \V ILBCHN. p RnIIKHTS, l . V T7 i,'*, B ’ E. I’. STUONO, '' , L s TU ’ •' ;V 'J: , " ’ H. Waoornstkin. CXWn.UAM.ON •' A- MrJUwm ;;;c\i y Attorney. v. O. Bacon, I’itV Pliyalcaii. V u - SifLiio,' n A c E .Fust Lieutenant. . / f A ' LOK ’ Sfciid Lieutenant. u’"\ u’lTn 1 ’ i'Uirit Lieutenant. , !' Kinnev’ House Keeper. l. 1 ....Street Overseer. hiLUABi) Ciißituv oitys „ x ton. •' K - !'!* o'.'J .". .Magazine Keener. ?oun K*:::::::: .ton imhatiaw. •| |,iH (Mliee In *“ eente Jl* * iiK • prices to M „i ill.- llim-H, ••••> * “ "'J l ' llnti.i'torj lo all. „ ia le u npei-lalty. VI ■ "•** •* bONI lo §l*ai*f you. I 111 IN. HOME AFFAIRS. IHACO.A, ti 1.. 13PT. l. MM. Pahticulah N otic*.— Tin proprietors of tliis paper will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any persons connected with tins otliee unless by special agreement Ihe notes or other papers upon Un* individual im uiner> of the llrui will not tie tnuied tor unless en dorsed bythellrm. Parties wi.l do well to re meinber this. lr Notic*.—This is to notify all parties tliut Mr. Tyler Southall is no longer an Agent for this office, and lias no connection with it what ever. tf Sept. 17 11 At Auction.— See the noticeof 0. K. Besore in to-day issue. Now is your chance Furniture,—See notice headed For Sale. A rare chance. New Cotton Puess. —Messrs. Conner and Bostick have the most substantial Cotton Press in this country. Mahkikij.—ln this city, on the evening oftl.e loth inst , by Rev. Father Basin, Mrs. Fannie Griggs to Mr. Thomas Blake, all of this city. Foil Senator.— Tlie Radical party nomina ted F- E- Meiglian for Senator lrom this Dis trict. They held a meeting last night at the City Hall for that purpose. Another Cremona. —We have often heard of the “cornstalk fiddle and the shoe-string tow,” but we never saw-, until this morning, a fiddle made of a gourd. It was erected .n the Cremona order of architecture by a lad named Johnnie Grant, on Windsor Hill, of a gourd, the butt end of a broomhandle, a cigar box, and cat gut. It is labeled “Johnno Granto Cremona year 1” and Is a first-rate specimen of what can be done with a little of nothing. It is on exhibition at Brown & Co’s. Another Show.— That old veteran, John Robinson, has been spending a mint of money on liis show, and now sends it forth as a colos sal affair. There is no humbug about John.— Whatever he says he’ll do, it is done. He lias a good show, and his fricuds in this section are confined to hundreds, t ome on, old fel., we are waiting for you. Personal.—Wo had calls yesterday from Mr. W. H. Harrison, of the Lumpkin Indepen dent, Mr. J. B. Christian, of the Lumpkin Tel egraph, and Mr. T. C. Braisell, of the Savan nah Republican. We are always pleased to re ceive calls from our brethren of the presa, and hope that when they stop in the city they will give us a call. Assault with Intent to Murder. —The case af Robert Sinclair and Fred Richardson, charged with assault and attempt to com mit murder, came up before Justice Sprinz, at 3 o’clock, yesterday afternoon. Col. Ruth erford for the prosecution, and A. Proudfit, Esq., for the defence. Robert Sinclair was admitted to bail in the sum of SSOO. Fred Richardson gave bail in the sum of SIOOO. The case is set down for 3 o’clock, Saturday next. Solomon Thomas, the young man whom these boys assaulted, has so far recovered as to appear in court. The First Ward Democratic Club.—This club held a meeting last night. Thirty-five new members were added to the roll. The Committee on Constitution, through their chairman, Mr. Tyler Southall, made a re port which was adopted. Mr. W. R. Phillips, who, at the laßt meeting was elected President of the club, notified the club of his inability to serve in that capacity, but signified his purpose to serve the organiza tion in every possible way. Mr. T. U. Conner was elected President, vice Mr. Phillips. Mr. E. It. Richards was elected Assistant Secretary. Other business was transacted, but nothing •f general interest. Pendleton & Ross.—The new stock will be coming In that Mr. Pendleton has been pur chasing. We understand they will shortly re ceive the finest stock of chromos in the State. In addition to their stock of books of all kinds, stationery, fancy articles, etc., they will keep a full supply of first-class magazines and pa pers. They hayc to-day the New York Ledger —the great story paper—and Frank Leslie’s unequaled magazine. The new laws are for sale by them. They are working hard, and de serve the good patronage they are receiving. They have our thanks for Frank Leslie and the Ledger. Bchool of Reform.— His Honor, W. A. Huff, Principal. A lovely crowd assembled this morning to witness the ceremonies of this court. An old disorderly case was dismissed. Calvin Grant shipped Katie Allen and paid $o and costs for the privilege, and Katie antes up $2 and costs for letting fly a few cuss words. Maria Allen endeavored to get up a fuss with a sick ’oman, and she will dive into her pock ets for 15 and costs. Johnson Thomas, for not putting in an ap pearance to deny the charge of being drunk, will pay $lO and costs. A little cussing scrape was dimissed I-Int of Consignees CL R. R. Sept. 18 & 19, 1872. RiVe X 15 Zanders & Bon, George R ‘ “ W ? rkß - W P Carlos, Putzel £ja- ClicrVv * Str ?^ cl S’ Geo T Roge-'*’ Sons, J II W A Baretleld & co, W T Morgan, co Vj C a < ;2* Mack Bro8 ’ J W Burke & WW WoodnT u m ; th * Nussbaum, L Hub, „ J !' Jones, Singleton, Hunt <fe co, Daly & Bro, R W Jemison, J II Zeilin & r ’R 8 w m n, Ur ’,i Ilneley * Mrß p E Bowdre, Kiffherford.' dlam ° Ud J C Rice Birds and Oysters.—The public are hi urmcd that Don Carlos serves up every day at hU restaurant, on Mulberry etreet, Rice will d and o yßterß - Thosc foDd of K°° d will do well to call. v ,- 8 The Fall Campaign. This i the season for those indispensable luxuries, the chills. Chills are a household blessing, and no rei>ecUble family should go without at least one for a month at a time. They are the only tilings Hint bring out promi nently a man’s true nature. Be he amiable or ill-tempered, chills are guaranteed to bring it ont. “An ounce of preventive being worth a pound of euro," our drug men have laid in a good stock of medicines, not only to squelch the festive ch ill, but to cure nearly all the “ills that tlesli ia heir to.” Therefore, without In sinuating in the least that Macon is not a healthy locality, we class our druggists ns pre paring for the Fall campaign. \\ hilst some of their medicines are not quite so nauseas us Grant's Ki-elecUun would tie, wo console our selves with till’ fact tliut by a proper use of the “ounce of prevention,” we may ho able to es cape the nauseating effects of both medicine and Grant's election. Atany rale, “it is a con summation devoutly to be wished.” Being near our office, we first give UR. JOHN INGALLS A call. The Dr. occupies the corner store of Hollingsworth's Block, and does a good busi ness The Dr. lias n host of friends, for lie is a model gentleman. His stuck of drugs are complete and pure. 11l his prescription depart ment ho alone superintends in person. We then strike the drug store of DR. I*. U. WRIGHT, \\ In. keeps just under the Brown House. 11l this house we find Dr. O. Danfortli, the dis eove er of the best dentifrice in the world— Dan I'm Hi’s Sanative Dentifrice. Going down the street, we step into the drug store of our old friend, 1)R. S D, KVEKRT. Though not kept on so large a scale as some of tlie up-town tiouses, the Dr. has always a full, supply of drugs and medicines. He attends in person to his prescription department, and with his valuable assistant, Norman Brunner, is always ready, day and night, to serve Ids cus tomers. Going back up town, wc first strike the ex tensive establishment of HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR: located in the heart of Cherry street. Perhaps no house In all the State of Georgia does a larger or a more satisfactory business. While the city trade is attended to in its minutest de tails, it sells drugs, medicines and everything appertaining to its line, at wholesale. It is known throughout Central Georgia as one of the great established institutions of the city of Macon. .1. H. ZKILIN & co. Passing up Cherry, the next drug store in order is tliut of J. 11. Zeilin & Cos. This house has gained u world wide fame through its chief specialty, Simmons’ Liver Regulator. But aside from this “household word” it always lias a full stock of everything demanded by the retail or the wholesale trade. The “old wood en drug store” is as familiar to our every day life as is the “old iron bound bucket” song. ROLAND B. HALL. On the square above, in the west front of Tri angular Block, the pedestrian finds the glitter ing establishment of Roland B. Hall, and in it ho will upon inquiry obtain that kept in almost any other drug house in the city. GEO. H. PATNE. The birth of this house and its recollections go back to a period “whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary.” It is on the corner of Mulberry and Cotton avenue. Dr. Payne is one of our most respected citizens, as he is known to he a perfect master of the business he follows, so far as science lias as yet developed it. Science is thought to be in its infancy, even at this day, in regard to compounding and ad ministering medicines to tlie human family. A hundred years hence what is known to-day will perhaps he as obsolete as the practice of a cen tury ago. But still what is now known is by no means valueless for all that. We have in Ma con apothecaries who are masters of their pro fes-ion, and upon their shelves the physician and the citizen will find almost any remedy tlie thousand ailments of the human body calls for. Shooting affair. —This morning, nbout half past eleven o’clock, a pistol shot was heard in the vicinity of Plant’s corner. Upon inves tigation, the facts are these: There seemed to be some trouble concerning money advanced to Mr. P. G. Sawyer by Mr. Robert H. Plant, and this morning Mr. Sawyer went into Plant’s banking house, and while there a difficulty arose. A few heated words, and a knife was drawn by Sawyer and an attempt made to cut Plant, who, in self-defence, it is Btated, procur ed a pistol. This caused Sawyer to run, and while about midway the street, going in the direction of Ross & Coleman’s, Plant fired.— Just as the pistol was discharged, Sawyer ran against a wagon, and the ball entered the back of the neck, inflicting a painful, but by no means dangerous wound. The wagon prevent ed a fatal affair. Mr. Plant immediately gave himself up, whilst the wounded man was cared for by Dr. Sussdorir. We sincerely regret the occurrence, small as it is, as both gentlemen are well known here, and good citizens. As to who was wrong, we are not informed, and forbear comment until the real facts are given. Rkoistuation.—Registration for the election upon the amended city charter, closed at 6 o’clock, yesterday. The following is the result: White. Colored. First Ward 137 89 Second Ward 220 172 Third Ward 142 100 Fourth Ward 217 109 Total 710 696 Grand total 1312 The following are the majorities in the sev eral wards: White. Colored. First Ward 48 Second Ward 48 Third Ward 24 Fourth Ward 48 Total 144 24 Total white majority 120 Ilronn Hotel Arrivals. For 24 Hours preceding 12 M. To-day. Freeman Moore, Dublin, Ga.; D Solomon, Gordon,Ga.;R II Dunn.W A Nelson,Jonesboro’ H B Bnrnett, Va.; L A Stokes, Lee co. Ga.; C B Prown, Hawkiusville: E M Taylor, Pbila delphia; Ben II Calef, St Louis; B M Wheeler, Dr Westbrook, Americus; F W Sims, James J McGowan, It J Courtney, Sav.; J J Harmon, Boston, Ga.; It H Cobb, Cuthbert; J C Sey mour, Lumpkin, Ga.; J T Heard, J M Stubbs, N V; J M Alexander, Dawson; A T Mclntyre, .Jr Wm McLendon, Thomasville, Ga.; G W Mathews, Barr.esville, Ga.; A McClintock, C C hkellinan, Ky.; C V Morris, Fort Gains, Ga.; A J Cherry, Thosmaston, Ga.; L W Dußois, Ga.; J D McPhail, A J Jackson, J G Devote!, Columbus, L H Alexander & son, Houston co James R Crown, NY.; AM Miller, Mrs Mil ler, Milledgeville; B E Crane, Atlanta; R. U J W Feagan,D W Mawood, W CSnead Albany; G A Henderson, Baltimore; E Fields, Cairo. Hj^^jVm^McLendon^Thomasvillej^Gau^^^ EDWARD SPRINZ. Notary public and ex-officio jus tice OF THE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the day at my office adjoining the law office of A. Proudtlt, over the store of Jaques <fc Johnson, Third St., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 118 330. Mil of LeKere Hriuuining In OlUee ill .llneou, Wept. 19, IWTtI. A—Aabell, 8 F; Aura Mias Bailie; Amuat, Joe; Adams, Stephen; Andrews, Mlsa Kutc; Adams, Richard; Anderson, E M; Alexander, MUs Molllu. H- Black, Mrs Lizzie; Barfield, J 8; Black, Mrs Lizzie; Horn, Mrs John M; Bacon. Tims B; Benton, Mrs Ann B; hlawenstein, Solomon; Bowers, J W; Brown, Mlsa Ella; Bryant, W li; Bradshaw, A C; Bradshaw, J N; Braswell, Mrs Josephine; Boss, Miss llettle; Butler, J K; Brown, WT; Brown, J aliens L. <)—Cargill, J 8; Chambers, John A; Clem ens, Solomon; Clark, Miss Fannie; Corbiek, Mrs Maggie; Cochrane, Miss Bethiah. I>—Diiffey, W J; Hath, Magnus; Duncan, Eddie, Dies, Joseph; Dupre, Austin; Davis, Christv, Days it Moore. —Ellis, 11 J; Elkins, P N: Kbblus, Josh ua; Edgerly, Si J; Ellis, Eddie, Eleager. iF—Fitch, F 8; Futchum, Mrs Laura, For ester, Clias A; Ford, Hager (j—Geasley, Klein; Garfield, C J; Glason, W W; Gunn, W C; Green, Mrs Virginia; Green, Martini; Griffin, J F. II —Hudson, F; llouau, II M; liorron, J II; llolsenlinke, W II; Hammond, Al'reil (col); Holmes A co, .las li; Hardeman, John 1.(8); llariod, Mrs V I.; Harris, Miss Lulu; Hancock, C J; Harrison, Edward. J —Johnson, Miss Comm; Johnson, Miss Julia; Jackson, Mrs Laura, la Kent, SJ; Kelly, Mrs AK C. I,— Latlnop, W 11; Latson, W TANARUS; I.ewis, Miss Eliza; Livingston, Frank (col); Lively, Mrs- Misan; Little, Miss Emma; Lyon, Mrs Ruth; Lockwood, Mrs Alice; Locket, Moses. Vl—Murcy, Morris II (8); Mansfield, J; Mc- Gee, James; Molsbv, Miss Lucy; Marcus, M; Moone, Richard; Mathews, Mrs Malissa; McA fee. Mrs Miller; McDonald, Neill A; McGregor, A 8; Miles, Abel; Mitchell, Mrs Julia; Moses, W B; Morrison, Parker. HI —Nisbet, Frank Le C (3); Newman, Miss Ella M; Nixon, Mrs Eliza. 11—Oncul, Mrs Elizabeth A. P—Perkins, Miss Emilia; Perkins, Mrs F; Parker, Win A; Pearson, Rev J; Plant, Rev W; Primrose, George. H—Radford,; Kei.l, Ellen (col); Reece, Cutty (eol); Ri.liy, Delia Ann; Riley, Mrs M Lou; Rutherford, V; Rudwell, Aaron. W—Banders, M; Belireen, H R; Bliaw, J B; Simmons, Rev J R; Slokum, David; Btaflord, Mrs Mary Ann; Smith, R W; Smith, E H; Smith, W TANARUS; Smith Duncan; Smith, Mis Lillie. 'l'—Taylor, Miss Ida; Taylor, Mrs M E. V—Widen, Clifford. tV—Woodward, John; Wilson, J 8; Wilson, F C; Willis, Clay; Wilson, Kphrlam; Williams, Asa; Wilson, Mrs Sarah; White, Miss Annie A; Wood, Miss Martini; Wright, Miss Emma; Watson, Harry L. Letters held for Postage. Ike Gussman, Atlanta; Dick Armstrong (col) Cartersvllic; Miss Hettie A Phillips, Huntsville, Ala; Mrs Jefferson Taylor, Craw ford Btution. Letters insufficiently prepaid and held for Postage. Rev Beuj Johnson (4) 88c.; Joe Harrison, Central It R, (3) 80c.; 1. J Thomas (1) Se.; R II Hutchings (1) tie.; Salmon Stewurd (1) 3c. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. Hail)- llcvicw of the Market. Office Macon Daily Enterprise, ) September 19—8 o’clock, P. M. j Cotton. —Report for 34 hours, since 3 P. M. yesterday. Sold 838 bales ; shipped 4-40 bales. Received 280 bales. statement. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 bales 413 Received last 84 hours 280 Received previously 3,804 — 3,144 Total receipts 3,55 G Snipped last 84 hours 440 Shipped previously 1,750 2,205 Stock on hand this evening 1,351 Market firm 17a17%c. The Morning Markets. New York, Sept. 19—10 a. m.— Gold 13%. Spot cotton quiet; ordinary 16%; good ordi nary 19; low middlings 19%; middlings 20%; good middlings 21%. Futures qniet; Sept 19 3-16; Oct. 18%; Dec. 1811-16. Sales futures last evening 3650. Sterling B@9. 2p. m.—Gold 114%. Futures quiet. Sales 18,250; Sept. 19%; Oct. 18 9-16; Nov. 18 9-16; Dec. 18%; Jan. 19%; Feb. 19%; March 203-10. Sterling 8%@9%. Liverpool, Sept. 19—4.30 p. in.—Cotton heavy; sales 12,000; speculation 4000; middling uplands 9%; middling Orleans 9%@10. Not So. —We are requested to state that Ullronnn is not a candidate for the Legislature, but will continue to keep on hand Cincinnati Lager Beer, Seltzer water and Rhine wine. Those lunches are excellent. Isaacs House Saloon. 138. Mocking Birds.—Admirers of this bird will bear in mind that Carlos is agent for Hicks’ Prepared Bird Food, which is the best ever made. 138 — Card Photographs $2.50 per dozen at Brown’s Gallery. Farrar’s Electric —Warranted to cure tlie following diseases or money refunded: Dlp theria, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic, Headache, Diurrh.c and Rheumatism if not of too long standing. Farrar’s Ague Cure—Warranted to cure in three days or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, 93-171 Wholesale Agents. Portraits for $20.00, No. 8 Cotton Avenue. Life Life Size Pictures painted for SSO, at Riddle’s old stand, No. 8 Cotton Avenue. Baby Pictures neatly executed at No. 8 Cot ton Avenue. Money required when tlie negative is made, at No. 8 Cotton Avenue. REGATTA SALOON AND HEADING ROOM. —:o: H. SIEDENBURG, Proprietor. —:o: SITUATED in tlie basement of Huff’s new building, Cherry Street. Twenty-five or thirty Illustrated, Literary and Political newspapers, both English and German, constantly kept on hand. L. U INC II at all hours ever day. 98 149 ALWAYS STOCKED! 1 000 TIERCES nKBT lari> - 100 BAGS RIO COFFEE. 1,000 BARRELS FLOUR. 50 BOXES PATENT OLIVE SOAP. 50 BOXES CREAM UHEESF.. 150 BOXES ASSORTED CRACKERS 50 TIERCES CHOICE HAMS. Mackerel, Salt, Molasses, Everything at SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. US-190 BROWN’S NAILERY ! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. l ’RESH ST< )CK ! BURDICK BROTHERS SIGN OF THE.“COLDEN [HOC.”. DEALERS IN Grain, Provisions and Groceries, Have now in (dore a fresh Stock of Goods, and invite the attention of the Public. WE OFFER 100,000 pounds BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, direct from the Packers. 25 tierces of tlie genuine “MAGNOLIA” HAMS. 20 tierces PURE LEAF LARD. 5,000 bushels WHITE AND MIXED CORN. 2 CAR LOADS FLOUR from NEW WHEAT. 500 Roils BAGGING, weighing 2%' to the Yard. •ARR OW” r r I ICS, IN ANY QUANTITY. 25 Bags Choice RIO COFFEE. 50 Bids. SUGAR of various graeds. Choice WESTERN HAY, fresh Water Ground MEAL, WHEAT liltAN, LIVERPOOL and VIRGINIA SALT. We have now a good Stock, and respectfully invite tlie attention of all who desire to pur chase goods in our line. Entire satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers. Please call on us at 63 Third Street, Macon, Ga., Sip ef tlie “Geliea Hoe,” BURDICK BROTHERS, 110-135 Change of !Schednle. ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. FORTY-ONE MILES SAVED IN DISTANCE Office Macon and Auousta Railroad, 1 Macon, May 18, 1872. j ON and after Sunday, May 19, 1872, and un til further notice, the trains on tills Koud will run as follows: DAT TRAIN —DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Augusta 11.00 A. M. Leave Macon O ik) a. m. Arrive at Augusta 2.45 p. M. Arrive at Macon 7.40 p. m. (if* Passengers leaving Macon at 8.80 a. m. make close connection at Camak with day pas senger trains on the Georgia Railroad for At lanta and all points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on the Georgia Itailroai' Tickets sold and baggage cbfct ucd to all points North, both by rail and by steamships from Charleston. 24 ly 8. K. JOHNSON Suo’t. Wesleyan Female College, MACON, GA. rpHE Thirty-fifth Annual Session begins OCJ JL TO lIEK 7, 1872. The entire expense, per annum, of a Hoard ing Pupil, who takes no extra study, is $215 00, exclusive of books. No extra charge for Vocal Music, Calisthen ics or Elementary Drawing. For Catalogues containing full information, address Rev. E. 11. MYERS, D.D., President, or C. W. SMITH, l(ft-155 Secretary Faculty. ~ T H. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ralston Hull Hullding, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GGORGIA. ISBStf CL H. IIOWAHI), ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Offle at entrance of Ralston Hall, Oierry street. fifAll business will receive prompt atten tion. 95-173 Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN It. R. CO., I Macon, Ga., June 14, 1878. f ON and aftar Sunday June 18th, tlie follow ing schedule for Passenger Trains, will he observed on tills road : DAY PASSENGER. Leave Macon 8:50 a. m. Arrive at Macon 7:30 A. M. Leava Atlanta 2:00 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 8:15 p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER. Leave Macon... 10:00 p. m. Arrive at Macon 9:25 p. M. Leave Atlanta 4:00 p. u. Ai rive at Atlanta 0:00 A. M. 7:30 A. M. and 9:85 p. M. Trains make close connections nt Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah arid Augusta, and with South western Railroad for points In Southwest Geor gia. 8:15 p. m and 0.00 a. m. trains connect at Atlanta witli Western and Atlantic Railroad Tor points West. A. J. WHITE, 55tf Superintendent. Mrs. T. B. Ford s School For Young Ladies, WILL lie reopened on MONDAY, Septem ber 30th inst., at the residence, corner College street and Cotton avenue. The bouse has been thoioughly repaired and renovated, and every means will he used to promote tlie comfort, us well as advancement, of her pupils. TERMS—Per Month, invarluhly in advance: English $7 00 French—At Instructor’s prices. Applications for admission and particulars may be made to Dr. T. B Ford, at his Drug Store, comer Cotton avenue and College street. 131-150 NOTICE: ALL persona indebted to the estate of Jacob Gloss, deceased, will please come forward and settle with Valentine Kahn, Administra tor, and all who have any claims against said estate will please present them to the under signed for settlement. 131-157 VALENTINE KAHN. SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE! WE return thanks to tlie citizens of South west Macon for your increased patron age, especially In the line of prescriptions, ami promise you that vim shall have our whole at ientlon. A X>BtrC STOBE Is gicully needed In out part of the city. You shall have every advantage in 4iii:.ti>M:sM. I*l 111 TV IV IHII 4. Si. I* It (Ml l*T \ I TI’.VI’IO V. DAY GI! MG I IT, l b and can be afforded by any house in the city. The ladies are Invited to examine our Toilet Articled* Come all, and we will please you if possible. FRESH DRUGS UECISIVEDEVKRY MONTH N. 14. EVERETT, Drugi! Inl, 134 159 Fourth Street, near Arch. WHITE ROCK POTASH J£Y THE POUND. II TiNTEK’N MOUNTAIN BYE WHISKY! 1 805, PUREST WHISKY FOR MEDICAL PURPO SES. PURE FRENCH HItANEY, PORT, SHERRY and ANGELICA WINKS. FIRE PROOF LA ill I* CHIMNEYS ! Tlip Host iiml Cheapest Cigars EVER OFFERED IN MACON. STREET CAR TICKETS, FOUR FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Prescriptions accurately compounded at the Drug Store of ROLANI) It. HALL, DRUGGIST, 118 tf Cor. Cherry Bt. und Cotton Avenue. BOSTON —AND— Savannah Steamship Line. SAILING DAYS—THEIOTII 20TH andßoTll OF EACH MONTH. I OW rates of freight and insurance. First- Xj china passenger accommodations. Order your goods shipped by “Boston anil Savannah Steamship Line,” and avoid all delay anil extra handling. lUCHAUDSON & BARNARD, Agent, Savannah, Ga. F. NICKERSON & CO., Agents, 131-809 Boston. J. A. MERCIER, Commission Merchant, 153 HAY NTDIiIiT, Bet. WUtuker and Barnard St., Savannah, Ga. All orders will receive prompt attention. Con signments of all kinds respectfully solicited. 131-309 boit & mckenzie. Cotton and Commission MERCHANTS, IOH liny Nlrcet, Kiivnnnnli, Ga. 131-209 MEYER, COHEN & CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, IN llroughton N(.,Nnvannnli,Ga Merchant# supplied at New York Market 131-209 Prices. A. H. ALDEIH A BltO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS —AND— IleulerH in Fruits, Fish mill Produce, No. 95 Bay St., Savuumdi, Ga. Consignments solicited. Orders promptly attended to. 131 -209 E. D.BMYTHE, inPOHTIiIt OF CROCKERY, Gliisswarr anil China, Anil Dealer In House Furnishing Goods, 142 Congress and 141 Bt. .Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-209 KIRKSEY & SCOTT, COTTON FACTORS —AND— COmiISNIOV WIiIICIIAVTN, Kelley’H Block, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Liberal advancements made on consign merits. 181-209 F. W. SIMS & CO:, Codon Factor* and General Commission Merchants NAYANNAII, GEORGIA. Bagging and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. 131-209 A. 11. CHAMPION. OEO. C. TURKMAN. 4 IIAMIMO.V A FREEMAN, Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, GA, 181-209 1.. N. WHITTLE. o*o. W. OUSTIN. YVIIITTI.iI A ‘HIJIOTNf, ATTORNEYS, Ac.. AT LAW, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 33-107 Ahmanii L. Butts. Ei.oar A. Hess. COAL AND WOOD. WE are ready to fill orders at reduced rates for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also beet UPLAND OAK and HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at tlie office of A. G. Butts, at store of winshlp it Callaway, or at yard M. ,t W. R. R., will receive prompt attention. 114 193 BUTTS & ROSS ARE IN FULL BLAST FOR THE CAI\TPAT<*I\, WITH 50 Kits New Mess and No. 1 Mackerel. 10 Quintals Large White (summer cured) Codfish. 215 Ulils. Fresh Table Potatoes. 15 llbls. Silver Skin Whltcand Red Onions. 20 Tierces Four Acenud Magnolia Hums. 1,000 Lbs. l’ig Strips (for Breakfast). 43,172% Lbs. Wiley's XXXX. (and all the beat brands from the Georgia Mills). Flour in Bhls., Half Bbls., Whole, Half and Quarter Sacks. 75 Firkins, Tubs, Buckets, und Pails of Martin’s “Gilt Edge” Butter. 65 llnds., Bills, and Half Bids. Ntw Or leans A. Ex. C., Crushed, Powdered, and Pat. Cut Loaf Sugars. 34,587 Su gars from Cuba and Massachusetts, (all made to smoke.) Brandies, Whiskies, Gin, Rum and Wines of all denominations. Our stock of TOII IFFO is one of the largest in the South. “BILLY” TOTTEN lias got tlie manufactory of N. C. and Va. at his ohlillii;/. Wc challenge honest competition in quality and prices. Money or good acceptan ces will get tlie best of attention at GREER, LAKE & CO.’S, Comer Cherry and Third Sts., Macon, Ga. 117-118 NOTICE. Office Gun. Tick’t Aot., M. & B. R. H. Cos., i August 13, 1878. j ON anil after tlie above dute, return tlckcls to Savannah und Brunswick can he had at tlie Ticket Office af General Passenger Shed, tic kets good until Ist November. lOlitf E. J. MARTIN, G. T. Agt R. U. IVIiIOLEY. WM. A. CnFKRY. B. H. WRIGLEY & CO., Genera! Cwiuiiissin Merchants, REAL ESTATE AGENTS 00 A 08 SECOND BRTEET, 138tf Macon. Ga. FOR SALE OR RENT. A DESIRABLE house,nearer new, situated on Troup llill, with four rooms and two basement rooms below, with kitchen and u good well of water and half uero of land. If sold, the terms are part cash and balance in monthly instalments, also a Three room house with kitchen for sale on same terms ns above. Apply at the warerooms of Guernsey, Bar trilljl A: Hendrix, Blake’s Block, or at the Dixie Works. T. GUERNSEY. 128tf A l’ l l’. vno’v ! INSURANCE AGENTS. ALL Insurance Agents doing business in the city are requested to call at this office, make returns and pay a tax of 2 1 ,j per cent, on their receipts to Hept. 1. By order of Council. Cl IAS. J. WILLIAMSON, I29tf Treasurer. Gaernsey, Bartrnm & Hendrix, BUILDEKS SUPPLY STOKE, llluke's Mlocli, Poplar Street, (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, Nunli, Hours, lllinds, Frames, IlracketM, Newel Posts, IluluNterM,* fluntles, Etc., Etc. Carpenter Tools, I-ocks, Nails, lllnges, l’alnts, Oils, Glass and Putty, Ete. UONTKAUTOItS for BUILDING. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, CHERRY ST. 138—Lf JAiiUS 11. BLOUNT. ISAAC UAlt DEM AN. ■ILOIJiNT A II IHIIE.UAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. .f~\FFICE, at entrance Ralston Hall, Cherry l ) street. 40-800_ To the lluslness Hen ol' .Uncoil. THE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively in Dougherty, Mitchell, Lee, Baker and Worth Counties. |-vjT The wealthiest Cotton growing section of Georgia. .J&l THE NEWS Is the best Advertising Medium In Southwest ern Georgia. SIJVEKTISEMENTS BOMCITEB. CAREY W. STYLES, Proprietor. H 9 ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE— Agricultural and Mrclianical ASSOCIATION OF GEOKGIA, WILL commence at their Fair Grounds at Savannah, Guorgla, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1872, And continue six days. The central Railroad passes by the grounds. For Premium Listor information, address J. If. ESTILL, Secretary, Savannah, Ga.