Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 07, 1872, Image 4

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The Dally Enterprise.! mt o>, U 1.. (M T. v. 1*79. LIFE IN HAYTI. (IT MAIItK C. t.AHUKTT. Whul strike* a stranger on find setting foot in llsyti, In the dismal nml Oilnpiiln toil np| a arunce of her town*. This is mainly duo to the carelessness of tbe In habitant*. the frequent occurrence of earthquakes and hurricanes, uud tliv al most chronic state of revolution. The houses have a ding) nnd tumble down nHpect, tbe lower stories txing iiuiin)y used for store*, warehouses anu '•stiles, wbile tbe upper are occupied by iin- liiinllics of tradesmen. Neatness and older ure not tbe fashion, and many of tbe household appliances. usually regarded ns indispensable here, are almost unknown there. The discomforts attendant upon 1 lay linn domestic life are numerous, and though travellers may depend on being supplied with plenty of good food and de licious fruits, nnd even with French wines, they must not expect to find well furnish ed lodgings—least of all, prompt and active servants. Indolence is the rule not the exception, among all classes. 'I he men ol llayti pass most of their time ill sauntering, and playing games of < hanee or skill. Aside from the natural line ol deinnii a lion which exists everywhere hetaeen the educated and the illiterate and hum the consideration to which oflieinl position oi wealth niuy entitle an infliii Inal. Ho o i very little gradation in lluytian S W hites blacks, and creoles all mingle to grlhri on leims "I eiporlily, ami tl,e logle ,si may ledd intercom sc witti the low.- wtiliolit degradation. I here is this pi ru Itarily, howeir r. alsrni Haiti, that wloh site adinils all Afiiean-' '•> Indians to r ei jti-u-diip, tier i on, Plot too not only tlelties the same piiviltge In while people, toil rien the light to heroine leal estate owners. I lie population ol 110- capital anil the principal sen|MJi ts is largely fiiinp- sed ol lorelgners ol ditleient nations, who moMly engage in eommeier In fact, the Creole laiK'hunls and manulaeluiers de|iend greatly on foreigti cleiks, not a tew of whom marry their employers' daughtcis oi m ices, and settle on the island Home of the niftchniilH are ipiile wealthy and keep flue country lioidm-h, when: lluiy or uwiolinlly give Uiuucrs ami balls, ilikl make a tolerable display. There is hut little ayslcniiitie visiting among them, tin n itiiioiiloua mils pronioting greater rot tlmlity ami boiler ucqimintiiiieeNliip. Italia are in favor, hut of not very common oe ( iirrence, us they involve more trouble and dressing limn are compatible with the Ihiytiaii love of case anil tloln Jiir nicnU Tiie leading features of all such entertain InenlH are much Ihu aainn as ill any. other i •untry, anil the toilottea of tlui lailiea are, with hut alight nioililicalioiiN, in accord anru with (lie (lietntua of faahioii Leas ii Hlraint preVHila among thr men, ami in 11 mil, etiquette ia freijuenlly overlooked alto ether, They are alighlly wauling in Miavily, hi refinement of language and niiinneia, In delicaey of perception and Inet. Their code of morula la, moreover, decidedly ehialic, and not always consist ent with honor. lt_t allowance must lie made for the requirements and iutlueucc* of a tropical climate, nml lor the mixture of dilfcient t ares und mitionulitlea, the rep leseulatlvca of which do not always come from the heat elaxaea among their owu countrymen. The merchants remain In their count ing houses during the greeter part ol the day, and towards sunset, either drive for an hour or two. or ride on hursehack, the latter course living preferable owing to thr condition of Ihc streets and roads, .nine of which are almost impassable—and muds Imrdurni with flowering Jessamine and orange Irres and luxuriant palms ! The custom of Ihu country prescribe u cup of roffea —which la-verage is said to lie excellent there—on rising, or early in the morning ; breakfast is served up to wards 11 o'clock, and generally consists of meat or poultry, vegetables and fruit. Alter this meal the men go to business, whllo the ladles either receive or pay their morning calls, In the latter case riding out, w ithout cap* or bonnets, in rohi/iff*. w ith enormous high wheels, uud springs ami axles so arranged us to Hilapt them to broken ground. In llnyti a lady is seldom seem ill the streets. The usual dinner hour Is ti I*. M , alter which comes the season of social intercourse and gui des. The middle class among the city people are extremely loud of stage entertain ments, so mttcb so that many of them have amateur thualilcals at their residen ces, while little plays arc not unfiequently performed by the pupils in some of the private schools. The peasantry of Ilayti are ignorant and indoleut beyond measure they have no ambition and no emulation, and are con lent with coarse food and clothing, and mere animal enjoyments. They are do cile however, and though they sometimes indulge in thieving and pilfering, they are generally free from criminal tendencies, flood laliorrr* ere scarce, uotwithstaudiug every menus is used to conciliate them by kiud treatment Indeed, an etiliro equal! ty seems to exist between m ’ay masters mid servants. Owing to this lack ottudua try end enterprise, llnyti. so rich in natu ral resoulets)Jand productions, has to Im port from foreign countries most of the sluples unit necessaries of life, such as clothing, Hour, sail fish, preserved meats, soap, Ac The native retailers In the towns are mostly women, Ihilli black and wefissrs p.r half-blood), who employ female buck ►lent to peddle their wares through the Island, in order to dispose of them in dis taut villages and hamlets where no busi ness is carried on. Many of these mar c!\n<Ut manifest a greater spirit of enter prise than their male competitors Kvery utorniug the roads leading io all the large centres of population present an animated appearaucc. Groups of country iwcple arc met at every step on loot, on horseback, and In quaint old curls, bunging provis ion* to market The women are dressed in common prints, with Madras handker chiefs bed around their heads like turbaus. They ride astride like tuen. and many of them carry one or more iufauta asleep in ,Unr arms, or in an apron folded at their tmeks. The men ate clad in tattered white jackets aud lroust-re. anil have rati- rr ii laggaiuuttu appearance Troops u f noisy, half-naked urclinia follow h*’. u . r . skelter, tumbling over oue another in Uietr frolic. The Creole dialect, or jargon W hicU varies according to localities. is r puken by Vlie common people, while Kr* uc h i„ n, O language of llie educated clav and the only oue taught in the pe'olic schools. Education is uufortuuatelj nt a very low elili. and this is not due only to llie uu settled state of a Hairs, hut chiefly to (he fact llial tue ancestor* of the present Hay tiaus haviug Iweu slaves, were uot taught to read ; aud iudiflerence to kaowiedge has therefore prevailed among their de see miauls, so that the present generation I is unable to appreciate the value of edu 1 cation, and lias intbilied super*! Itk>n RB d ) prejudices, which It will require a great amount of cure, perseverance, and rllort to eradicate. What public schools are in operation aro well attended by the black children, who have as great an aptitude for learning tut the while. They especial ly excel in the Imitative arts, such as jwn manship and drawing, nnd the hoys nl most Invariably succeed in purely me chanical branches of business 'I hat the llaytians have brains is proved by the fact that some of the pure hint ks und mulattoes who hold olllce and are in bud ness on the Island, would bear favorable comparison with w hite men of the same class in uny part of the world. Every one has the right to exprers his thoughts on any subject whatever, and to print and publish his theorh nnd opin ion*. All forms of worship are equally tolerated, provided they do not interfere with public peace nnd order The Culbo lie religion is, however. Ilio pn domimit lug one A largo number it Hie Crrole men living in tbe cities are said to Ire un believers. Asa general rule, tin- women attend mass quite frequently, and Hook to the Cathedrals on high days, in their gay esl and most showy attire . in common with other West Indians, they are fond of all that glitter*, tie it gold or tinsel a sure indication of narrow mindediii s or a deleelive education The population of II ti ll iiuuilifis about op tion, hut it does not u iminut inerea-e us it would, if the inhiihi’ uit weie a nun ul. enlightened and .* ivi- tine. -fin ’’left I A ' Jf /It>n(on , .s , j,l J‘\ Jr* < IACO N Poriai Gas Go. 11A V K FOR AI. K UK. oNI.V li(‘liiihli* Gas Macliim i KNOWN, I • • 1 t'llll'l Willi GAS I'll’K, F! X I l KKS, 111) KN KKS, Hi I ADEN, GLOltfc/s F. rr., etc. r IHI IS MA( 'lll N K Im-v Iwcn in |>riiclleal opt I iuUoii in THIS l ITY for two Mm iintl h utlniirulily adapted to Tmvn.s, llotclfl, ('hurelien, House?*, t ic. 'I In re an now running in 1 lie I'till*<l Staten over Srv • //uiitlit'l, while tin re linn nkv kr been an m* ciiieut with them. liiMinuiee Com pun lea *• eept rink* without Increased eharj'eH. LOOK AT ODR REFERENCES. Kev. \V. WATKIN HICKS, Firnt Street Melliodibt Church. Mostr*. J. W. BUKKK A CO. Kev. J. W. BURKE. VIRGIL I’OWKUS, Kfit|., Engineer ami Su- pcrlnteiideiit. E ISAACS. J. It. GRIFFIN A CO. J S SCHOFIELD A CO. LKBBKKBOF DINING HAUL AND UAI! KOOM, Central City l'urk. OOI.I.iNS A lIKATII. N. J. lII’SSKY, lv-q., President, Columbus, GA. J. 11. NSCHOLB, Ks.| , Narcoocliei*. ,1. 11. JOHNSON, Xt. D, G XI K. A. M., Talladega. Alu. CIIAB. K. WAKIFIEuH, Savannah, Ga. And muneruiis others, whose testimonial* may be seen at the office of Uie Company. Ao.mNKCW.IHHT. VI ICOV.Cii. All communications must be addressed to lilitUHll ItOWE, Box 95, P. O. Agenl- wanted in cveiy i .unity In the Mato. 190-LVV-oil Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA.. A. It. MCE, rioprictor. no Aim PER DAY $3.00. . ■ KAII.KO.Vi> TIMK SCHEDULE. C'lnugo of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENTS OKKiCK, 1 SoI'TH*WKsTKHK UaII.KOAI) Ctk, V Macon, (in, June 13, 1871. \ and after Burnt *y, \CUi liwl,, Pmsptiwr 1 * Truins on thU Hoad, will 1> run *** t\>* lows: DAT BVrAVI.4 HUIX. Lea Vo Macon . f A v Arrive at Kufuula . . . *o M Arrive at C layton . , , ~J .. ' Arrive nt Albany . . * .. ~ M Arrive at Eon (value* 4 40 p w Connecting with the Alban' Bml Trein at BuUthvlUe and will, fort G Hranek trein at Cuthta-rl daily. Leave Clayton 7. .> . Leave Kulaula , ' jj'.J,, A M Leave Korl Gaines ‘ ' M Leave Album . in V, . „ Arrive at Macon “ M aerxeux xiour rKK |, iuT accommciia- TIOK TKXIS, Leave Macon 9 10 e. u. Arrive at Ky . 10:90 x M. Arrive at A llwulv , . li 15 t m. A.riTcat gort Galues . . 11.-52 t xi i onnr StniUivillc with Allwnv Train on Monas y, Tuesday, Thurtdto ami Friday nights, S™* . Cuthbert oa Tuesday and ThuamUy.— tralu loaves on Saturday nights, p* JVC Kufaula 5:15 P M. * .oave Allwuv ... *to r v. A.c*Ve Fort Gallic* 110 r u. j Arrive' at Macon . . S.'JO a. m. counm-a use ri-.iv ia thai*. ' Leave Macon 5-45 a. m. I Arrive at Columbus 11:15 a. m I Leava Columbus 4 10 r. x. I Arrive at Macon VMS p u VIRGIL TOWERS, BO ly Kngineer and Superintcudeiit. INMAN LINE i KOIAIi Hill, HTIUMMIIpy. r pilK Liver-kh.l, New Vork and Philadelphia I Msainship Compeuv dispatch two strain er* per week The quickest trine ever made i arnws the Atlantic. Kverv comfort and con veujsuce. For further Information applv to •'•"Tilt Ift MrVTVJON X-Vn- THE ENTERPRISE JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT si**' ' IV / > is. y-e • -v 1 'l,' IK NOW I’KEI’AKED TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS OK I’IUNTING ! SUCH AS CARDS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, BILLS OF FARE. NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC., Ami ia stylo equal to tiny. Extensive additions are daily being made to our STOCK AND MATERIAL Whi. . very effort will be iimde to render satisfaction unto all who may favoi us with their pataonage. PROMPTNESS! IN THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE PRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON'S LINE. NEATNESS! # OUK WORK. IS GU A RANT E El) TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHALLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Add.rcss, 1 Win*** iV Smilli, PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. PRINTING It has beon tho custom heictoforo, and will probably remain so to a great extent, for our merchants and business men generally t send North to have their printing done, simply because it can l>e done there at a little lower figure than here. If our people would discontinue patronising such men, they would soon see the policy, it not tin jus j tkv. in havim” their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured I in the South, a nd hence the merchant must send where it is made, but here we have p- tinting offices all around us, doing work at a very small advance on nor .hern prices, and still the work is sent away. We hope the tie** is not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in terests and patre niz<* home institutions. It is a wrong practice and should he r-tudem tied. BOSTON —AND— Savannah Stemnsliip Line. SAILING DATS-THEIOTH 20TH asdSOTH OF EACH MONTH. TOW rates of freight and insurance. First j elaaß passenger uccominodutloiis. Order your goods bhipi>ed by “Boston and Suvnnnuh Hteamship Llne, r ’ and" avoid all delay and extra handling. KIOHARDSON A BARNARD, Agent, Savannah, Ga. F. NICKERSON A CO., Agents, 18180# J. A. MERRIER, Commission Merchant, 1.13 HAY Silt I.IT, Bit. WLltaker and Barnard St,, Savannali, Ga. All orders will receive promptattci.lTui Con signment* of all kinds respectfully M'hcilcd. 131-300 _ boit & McKenzie, Cotton an! Commission MIKRf HANTS, IUH Hiiy Mlre<-t, Stiviiunnli, <a. i: :i 809 MEYER. COHEN & CO„ WHOI.KSAI.K DEALKHB IN Boots and Shoes. Is Brnagimin !*t„Simiiuiilh, Merehimts supplied at New 1 ork Afarket 131 209 l’rlces. A. Si. A 1,011 > & imo., COM M ISSI (>N M E KC! IA NTS —A? I>— lleitlers in I'rnlts, I ish and Produce* No. 95 li iy St., Savannali, Ga. I'lmsigiunenli-i-oli-ited Order, tnoiuptlv attended to, 131-209 O. SMYTHE, inPOR’I'RR <H' CKOCUKKV, Giasswaie and I'll ilia, And Dealer in House Furnishing Goods, 118 Congress Mid 141 St. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-209 F. W. SIMS & CO., 4'otfon Factois and Genernl Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, GIiOKUIA. Bagging and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. 131-209 A. It. CHAMPION. GEO. C. FRBEMAS. CHAMPION & FBIiKMAN, Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Streets, k SAVANNAH, GA, 13i-209 L. N. WHITTLE. GEO. W. GL’STIN. Will l l'l.i: .V GI STIN, AITOItNU’S, Ac.. AT I.AW. \T(|. 2 COTTON AVENUE, m vcon, ga. 32-107 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA.. .1 NO. W. CA ME RON & ('()., PROPRIETORS. A first class house in every respect, IGI-209 ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE one cent a pound as usual. No rise in . price now or hereafter. W. 1. CARLOS, UliulcNale aul Retail Grocer, DEALER IN in:, nti its, fish. m ~ Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, 68 tf Macon, Gx. NOTICE. HAVING recently refitted the old stand of Geo. I). Lawrence, near the Brown House, I am now prepared to furnish REFRESH MENTS to the public. 100-177 Z. B. WHEELER. ANNUAL FAIR —OF TUB — Agricultural and Mechanical AKStM 1 ATIO.Y or GEORGIA, 117 ILL commence at their Fair Grounds at V? Stwunnali, Georgia, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1872, And continue six days. The central Railroad passes by the grounds. For Premium List or information, address J. 11. ESTILL, Secretary, 132-td Savsnuali, Ga. Arrival, und Closing of Mil. Arrive. Close. Macon & Augusta R. R. Way and Milledguville 7:40p.m. 7 p.m. Augusta and Carolinas 7 r. m. Macon <t Brunswick 2:25P. m. 7a. m. Macon and Atlanta and West ern States (Night Train). .7:80 A. m. 4:30 pm (l)av Train) 0:10 P. m. 6:10 am Muscogee R. R. \Vuy Colum bus. 6r. m. 7 p.m. S. W. R. R. (Day Train) 4:35 p. m. 7a. m. Americas and E'ufaula (Night Train) 7p.m. C. K. R. Way Savannah and Northern (Day Truiu) 4:51 P. M. 7a. m. Northern, Savannah and Ea ton (Night Train) 5:15 a. m. 5:20 p m Ilawkinsviile daily (Sundays excepted 10:30 a. m. 2pm Clinton—Tuesday, Thursday and Satin day 12 m. 12:30 pm Jeffersonville and Twiggs* viUe, Wednesday 7 a. m. Wednesday 2:25 r. BY BREAD WE LIVE. IHf F. umh r-igned has established a first class BAKERY where our citizens can obtain bread that is bread. My wagon w ill supply citizens at their residence* 1 use only the beat flour and materials generally. 133-148 MARK ISAACS. L. T. WHITCOMB, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN West India Fruits, Vetetaks, M AT. (.It AIT. HAY, ETC., 99 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 107-ISS Building Lot For Sale. SI IVATED near Tatnall Square, within a few steps of Mercer University. Address K C., Box K., patf Mueon, Gs. dkO * A A MONTH easily made with Stencil >s l. )Uami Kev-Chcck lMes. SecureClreu lar und Sulnl)ieß,//•W' , . B. M. Si’ENCEH, Brattle boro, Vt. riM) Till: IVOHKING CI.AW, 1 male or female, t*i o u week is guaranteed. Respectable employment at home, day or eve ning; no capital required; full instructions and valuable package of goods to start with sent by mail. Address witli 6 cent return stamp. M YOUNG A CO^ 10 Courtlandt St , New Y<>rk. RARECHA ( e for agents AGENTS, we will pay von Shi tier week in cash, If you will engage with us l -:. Every thing furnished anu expense* paid. Address h F. A. ELI -v CO., Charlotte, Mich. AGENTS WANTED—for tlio Lire, of Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN Uicn Of nil partle*. Over 40 Stool Portraits* worth twice the cost of the book. Wanted everywhere. Agents have wonderful success. Send for Circulars. Address ZEIGLER ,V MeOTRDY, 518 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ur I,"' V'lV WANTED for the Au- Il -i Ll) tobiography of HOR RACE GREELEY. Tile best und only Edition written by himself; and fur our IS7J CAM PAIGN MANUEL, a hok i*f the times for all parties. lliu>trated One sold HO in three days. Also, for Headley’s Life of Presi dent Grant, and bplundid Portraits of Cundi dutes. SMH) a month umde. K. B. TPKAT, Publisher, HOS Broadway, N. THE RECUR IIS OF TESTN^J it t LOWELL, Mass., i'Koves O Etl KN H AM'S NEW TL KB I NIC, to nil others. It uuve it percentage than any other wheel o. coin linihli. ju Pamphlet und Price List, by N. F. r BUKNtIAM, York, Pa. StCLMR HOTEL Baltimore, Md. This New and Beautiful Hotel is now OPEN to the public. Located on MONUMENT SQUARE, convenient alike to the business man and the tourist. It is the only hotel in Baltimore embracing elevator, suits of rooms with baths and all other conveniences. To accommodate Merchants, Commercial Travelers and others, the rutes will be $2 per day for rooms on the fourth and tilth tloors, making the ditFercnce on account of the eleva tion. ()rdinary transient rates for lower rooms, $3 per day. Guests desiring to take adva tage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator for the use of the quests is constantly running, from 0 a. m. till 11 P. M. HARRY 11. FOGLE, Manager. mM II BLOOD PURIFIER || It is not a physic which may give temporary relief to theeuflferer for the first few doses, but which, from continued use brings Riles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the inval id, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of “Bitters” is so extensively palmed off on the public as soveregu remedies, but itis a moat powerful Tonic anil alterative, pronounced so by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris, and has been long used by the regular .'physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re sults. * Dr. fell’s Extract of Jurtiliela, retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent cura tive agent. In llieir xvsint of action In your Liver and Npleen ? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skill dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, &c., <Se. Take .lu rubella to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. ■ lave you a Dyspeptic Stomach . Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ferer- Have you Weakness of the ln testincs? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful inflammation of the Bowels. Take to allay irritation and ward oil' tenden cy to inflammations. Have you weakness of tlie 1> terine or Urinary Origans? You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep tiie system in perfect health or you are other wise in great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases, JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New Y’ork, Sole Agent for tiie United States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Scud for Circular. NORWOOD HIGH SCHOOL JA. Session 1872-73 opens Sept. 20th, 1872. WILLIAM D. CABELL, (Univ. Va.) Principal. F. Key Meade, (Univ. Va.) Instructor in An cient Languages. Ro. L. Hakhison, M. A., (Univ. Va.) Instruc tor in Modern Languages, English, etc. Tnos. A. Seddon, (Mathematical Medalist, Univ. Va.) Instructor in Mathematics. Ro. L. Biiown, (Univ. Va.) Instructor in Book keeping, English, etc. Waller Holladay, B. Sc., C. & M. E., (Univ. Va.) Instructor in Applied Mathematics and in Analytical and Applied Chemistry. D. S. G. Cabell, (Univ. \a.) Instructor in Law. Address, , , WILLIAM D. CABELL, Principal, Norwood, Va. University of Virginia, May 9, 1872. To Wm. D. Cabell, Esq., Principal. My Dear Sir : I have a high appreciation of the work your School is doing for the State and Country, and of the importance of send ing you the best men as your assistants. Yours, very truly, CHARLES H. VENABLE, 115-142 Ch’m of the Faculty, U. of Va. BALTIMORE FEMALE COLLEGE Was incorporated as a regular College in 1849, with power to confer degree*. It was liber ally endowed by the State of Maryland in 1860, aud affords every facility for a thorough and accomplished Education. It enjoys the patron age of the Middle, Southern and Western States. Catalogues may be hade at this office, or of N. C. BROOK, L.L.D., President, Baltimore, Md. THE “LIGHT RUHNlH6”fl_^ fc q “DQMESTICTIjHIgf “ DOMKSTTC" S. Nr. CO, 96 Chambers St., New York, or Atlanta, Ga. I*l-800 MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wliolrsale tlrocern, Ac. Burdick ukothep.s. Third street, t.. tween Cherry nud Poplar. tl \\T A. HUFF, Third Street, corner ( hen v VV • street. u' AWTON iV BATES, Fourth strict, next j to i-uwton A: Willlnghuiii*. p ■vr A. MAG RATI I, Hollingsworth lilock IN * Poplar street, near Fourth. KU-ti Druggists, CA Ei). PAYNE, opposite Pnlaeu o! Jn.ti,.,. J Macon, Gil int-it; I ) B. lIALI,, corner of Cherry and Cotton ll> Avenue. tr Hunt, rankin' a lamak, n... ami si Cherry-street. tr J NO. INGAI.I.S, corner l'oplur und Fourth street, llollingswoTtli block. 3G-tf Fancy Grocers. WP. CARLOS, No. Sti, Mulberry-street, • opposite the Lnuler House. n !sc ing iflnchinrs. I) J. ANDERSON, Howe Seviipg lUs chine. Cotton Avenue.. 1.. '; lioirls. |)ROWN iiuLSK—E. E. Bi OU N,v SON, Proprietors, opp Pitssciiger l.b p..i tf QPoTSW'uOD— T. 11. lIARRL-, i'roprieter, io Opposite Piissiuger Dej'iU. tf II oil*.*' Stull Sign Paint.' rs. \\ 7 \ NOil.lM .Cos., lillilet S] ii Hs M olid VV Hotel II Atfuntrts at , JOHN B. \YEE.MS, Oltie.-, Rnl.-t. nV lilock, fj over Hasdai's. u (t b. Wooten, oitii.*, ss washitigton J% block, up stairs. if MB. GERRY, Oflice, Court I ■ i . tf Ao. BACON, Office, 8f) Ciierry-i trei t. • iitf-tf rpHOMAS B. GRESHAM, oflice No. pi M„i. JL berry street ti WHITTLE it GUSTlN,oflice No. 2 Cottim Avenue. l*li) siiciuuis. r W. MASON, Ollice, over First National X • Bank. tf Jcxtvlci'n and \YaU-li Jlukrrs. JII. OTTO, under Spotswood Hotel. tf II ouIS c TurlliX !■ in g (goo <1 m . Slaves, Ao. OLIVER, DOUGLASS & CO., Third Street, between Cherry and Mulberry. tf Slioc Dealers, 11 f"IX At KIRTLAND, 3 Cotton Avenue, tifi IYX Third Street. tf Furniture, Ac. W& E. P. TAYLOR, corner of Cotton • Avenue and Cherry-streets. tf llurueisM, Ate. BERND BROS., Third Street, between Cherry nnd Mulberry-streets. tf Hooksellersi, Stationers, Ac. ROWN & Cos., 40 Second Street. illttsic, Ac. X> J. ANDERSON, Music, Cotton Avenue. 1 • 03tf GUILFORD, WOOD A CO., At Mulberry Street. Hardware. CARIIART & CURD, No. 65 and 67 Cherry Street. 4tf Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. §lO years PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook’s WINE TAR To have more mcl- i t thau an j similar prepara tion ever offered to • the public. It is rich in the medicinal qual ities of Tar, and unequaled fordiseas es of the Throat and Lung's per forming tiie most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Coughs, It effectually cures them all. Asthma nnd Bronchitis. Has cured so many cases it has been pronounced - specific for these complaints. For pains in Breast Side or Back Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Complain It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic. Restores the Appetite, Streugthcils the System, Restores the AVeak and Debilitated, Causes tiie Food to T Dif>st, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to yonr System. Tr- Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. t For Scrofula, Scrofu v lous Diseases of the wR Eyes, or Scrofula in any form. ViS Any disease or eruption of JjX® the Skin, disease of the Liver, “Art llheumatism, Pimples, Old ULj a Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down v* % n-. Constitutions, Syphilis, or any C/feyT-, disease depending on a deprav ed condition of the blood, try DR - CROOK’S SYRFP OF 'mPoke Root. gjy It lias the medical property JLr/~ of Poke combined with a pre paration ot Iron which goes at once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook’s Com pound Syrup of Poke Boot—take it aud be healed. DOWIE, MOIBE & DAVIB, Charleston, 8 C., Wholesale Agent* 81-Iy For Dr. Crook's Remedies. BOARD. IT will be to the interest of boarders to apply to thi* office, as reasonable board and pleas ant up 6Uir rooms can be obtained for th. summer mouths in a delightful portion of the rW*. f*tf