Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 08, 1872, Image 2

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The Daily Enterprise. UAH) V. . A.. 4M 1. -f- Kamcd a Colored Man.— The Altmny Knickerbocker gives the following account of a very cad affair In that city : There vni* (treat exoiieneat In tint low Cl part of the city last cvcniii(r. conse quunt upon the niarrlego of the (laughter of a wealthy farmer lu Uclblehem to a colored man aa black an the aee cf apadaa. It appear* that the colored man went to work for the tanner in harvest time, and being a teal Othello In the word picture* lie painted of the secuea nnd events of his life, from tint lime lie rim away from hi* ■muter in Maryland, the war in the Boulh, and the stirring event* of “ Sherman's March to the Sen," —the darkey Itcing a laxly servant—his coming to the North to llrnl a home, and all Hie details of un eventful life, told In u pleaaaut way, won the heart of the farmer'* daughter, and Ihially the lair DcmUmionn left her fatli or'* house yesterday morning and walked to Kenwood, where she took the curs for this city, ltcaching hero she was met hy her swarthy lover, who conducted her to thdr future home, a modestly furnish ed apartment in the house in the lower part of llrnad Street land evening the marriage service writs performed in the presence of six colored people, friends of the groom, alter which the party sat down to a marriage siiplan. In the meantime the father, suspecting something wrong, had trucked 11 * daughter with the tud ol the ear conductor, lo this city, and the street where she had got oil and was met hy the negro. I'm smug hi* queries, he arrived just as the party was seated at the supper lahle A IVaiful scene followed the lather attempting to drag Ills daughter from tlie house and shouting lor ‘‘help" at the top of his voii e The enure neigh her hood was aroused, hut to no avail The father was gently hut th inly put out the police having no authority to ii.terleie, us the girl insisted she was of ago and had a right lo do Just us she pleased The father had not left from the vleiuity up lo a late hour last night, cursing his blind ness in not having noticed the hitlinaey which had been going on between lhe now married pair, and saying he dined not tell Ills wife as it Would break her heart, the gill being an only child, lie said he would make his will at once, cut ting her off without u penny. Dicatii (IK AN OLD CITI7.KN. —Me. John II Matin, perhaps llic (ililent citizen of Augusta, tiled nt liia residence In tlils city yunUrduy morning. Mr. Mann wan born In Charlotte county. Virginia, on January Htli, 17*7, ami was consequently in the eighty sixth year of bid age at the time of Ills dentil. lie came to tills city In I7IMI and resided here from that date until lie died, llu was a mmnlior of Ht. John's Methodist Episcopal Church—of which his son. itev. Allred T. Mann, is at present the pastor—for sixty years. Ho tilled the of fice of Clerk of the Superior Court of Iticliinoud county lor over twenty years, and Uiat of Collector end Treasurer of the city for about the aaute period. He also served us Treasurer of lire county, and was at one tlmo Kuroltiug Clerk of the Georgia Legislature. Mr Mann's death wns sudden, hut not altogether unexpected, as lie had liven com plaining (or several days previously, llfl rose from his bed about six o'clock yester day morning, and white dressing himself, IBM back dead His less will he seriously felt In tho community, lie was esteemed and honored throughout the city and coun ty in which Ire lived for over three quar ters of a century, llis deeds of chuiity were numerous and unostentatious. Ho was a sincere Christian in every respect, a tiUlcuicut which those who have known him In the past will heartily endorse. — C9KoffrMbniotlt, Oft 5. —„ —.pi - . ■ Change oi Schttdnle. WE3TKUN A ATLANTIC I!AU.IK iAD, 1 An.a vra, tiA., April !T, |SW. i On mid after Sunday, the 21*t Instant Hill IWenger Ti'tlo (•ml" ird) l.av.s Atiiiit* 'fi ;U a m , Coimretiiigatlvingj ton with TIIKOtHiII FAST LItJETO NEW OKI FANS tiny i’sasengi’r NEW YOKK IASI LINK, leave Atlanta 4:05 r. m , CounveUng at Malloii wltli RA T TBNKCasRR TIIUOL'IIII LINK TO NEW VollK TIMS M n.u'HA HO MiNtrrrs! Night Passenger Fast Line to New York, leaves Atlanta H:lo e. m., via Fast and Georgia, at Hatton, or NAMIVIU.I * CIIArTAaiHXiA AT l IUTTANOOUA TI Ml- At HOURS. Day IWeater (inward) througti from New 1 ork ilataat Tcnncaaco, Arrive* It AtlnXla. .... S:NI I*. M. Night PaA, eger (Inward! through from Now York via Fast Tennessee or Louisville, Arrlv.w at Atlanta 1.80 a.m. L B. WALKER, Master TnmprUotn. FOR SALE. VtdVtF’. FTR OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD FUHNI'I I RE. A FAMILY designing to break up house keeptni: outlie Unit of October, now utter complutu outfit of furtuUiro for llu 1 or six rooms, trafother with all luxe*miry kitchen utensei.i, for sale at lialf original cost. It cou ;,ts of Mohair Parlor t'hairs, Mahogany am! Jtiaek Wulunt Bedsteads, Bureaus. Dining Ta i'le, Dining, Rooking amt eouunou eh iirs, Car IM li,, Dinner flint Tea Betts, unit to short, utmost every article demanded in a house of live or Mx 1 ooins The furniture bin not tax'll used over one or in o vearr, is ill perfect lepnlr, almost as us at as in a, cost t\ a lOD ami will now be Mild for KiOt> rash. Addthaa Box lot, Maeon, orapplv a! Uf THIS OFFICE. ft FOR RO T. t vNK of thy moat desirable places on Troup \ f Hill, one mile from the t ourt House, and near Mcreer University. Nlnoactftl of land at uiclied, oivbard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, etc. Parties wauling to rent a good house ran se cure one b* applying to the undendened, or to Messrs. B. 11. tVrlgley A Cos., lid and It'S Second street, MaeOn, ti.V va-tf JAMES W. KNOTT. THE I'Klitni M WEEM.LV. IT i-i unhsnutty eonPMed tint advertising t a necessity to success In bustnem; it Is also conceded, ti\ the shrewdest business men, that neivspu|icris are the beat medium tor reaching all parties whose trade Is desired. TUB JiOXtttOtS AHYKUTISRH reaelics more of the people trading: with Ma con tiian any idher iournnl published in the etimiUi ; it Is, therefore, the Vt medium of eomnuinioaUon with the planting interests We will be happy “* an > time to furnish refer ences U) leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact ttiat they tiave re chived orilers for now Ia from jmrties who rxxnl tlieir cards In V Adtrrlurr. In fact, many who Uavw.availed ttieraselvoa of its columns, eandUlli ray that Its vain* axeeods ttiat of all nfhev Irnirntil* in which the. are repncntM THi A [ttrrlmr r lias the Minns of youth and tile ripeness of age, and Is Uiereforx doacrvvxlll ru.mtafui, tIURACTKK or AD V KBTFBKII ZBTP No art admitted fcrliich are not t h*#<#%i ll# ll>M ipiost! lajlid of nxii JUblCthftt wo rtnuior* of 3% Advrntix-f will bo mUV iu ordwriu*: tkw from aoj To iRr, till* f*ct of iU liorfl h* all the weight of endorsement. and authority Address, JAS. P HARRISON, FoiKQiii, Gorrf*- WTjjm Till* uri rival led Medicine b warranted not to contain m single particle of Mkk< i itv, or any Injurious mineral ftiilmtance hut b I*l It 1:1.1 1 I Am KTA III.I!. For FORTY YKAKft itim proved it* great value In all dlscaaoeof the Livkh, Bowki.h mid Kiunryh. ThouHundii of the good and great In all ptrie of the country vouch for it* wonder ful and peculiar pow< rln purifying the Hi<ooi>. ntlinulatiiiß the torpid Liver and Bowii.m, uml imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole sy*- t. in. HIMMON'B LIVEUKKUI’LATOK Uac knowledged to have no equal u* a i.n It enntuin* four inedieal element*, never uni ted in the name happy proportion in uny other pmmration, >l/.: a gentle (Jotliartie, h wonder ful Tonic, mi unexceptionable Alterative and n certain <-orrvrtiw of til 1 impurities of the body. Hindi signal auce>h I.:m attend* and it* u e, Uml it U now regarded an the 4 1* i*i-;i I I aifiiftliiiic preiHe for l*t V Kit (iu'iPl.A l N I rind I he jminful otbprlttg thereof, tii wit: I) i ~ ’KIJ \, Tio V .huindiee. Million* ill i< * |( 'K II LAI) A< UK, (-mIIi , l> |*n-Ksi.n of .-pint- HOl M d'l’tiMAf il, Ib’nii Hum, tVe , ,v. Kegulnte tin* Liver and prevent 4 Iflll.E.* AM* l i 1 HIMMoNh' LIVKK KMil LA I OK i * mmiufiietiirefl hv .1. ca. /i ti.n a 4 4>., MACON, ti A . iim! prill. \l>ll Pll IA. l*riee#l pitrpaeUuge; cnthv luall, pontage paid, $1 'i't. KreptttvU rend V lor line ill bottles. £1 M), Mi 11,1) Itv A 1.1. DRUGGISTS J fF” He ware of all Counterfeit* and Imitation* 112 had MACON Prti Gas Cos. IIAVK FOll BALK THE ONLY K(‘liitbl(‘ (ias Machine KNOWN, Together with (lAM I*l PE, FIXTURES, HI) KN KIW, SHADES, GLOBES, ETC., ETC. ri-'IHS MACHINE lias !.. cn In practical opo .JL ration in TiJlrt CITY for n#nrly t\\< yearn nml l* admirably adapted t> lighting Towns Village#, lUto], Churcho*. Homuw, etc. There, we now running in the UuiUul State* ovet- .Vr rn Hundr< l % while there lin* nkvkii been an ac elderit with them. Inwurnmo Companies rc cept rinks without lnerem*ed elnri^ % n. LOOK AT ODE REFERENCES. itev. W. \VATKIN HICK*, First Street Meiliodlst Church, M. J. W. Ill'UK H A I'O. Itev. J. \V. lURKE. VIRGIL I*otVKit*, Es,| , Engineer and Su perintendent. K ISAAC*. J. It GRIFFIN A CO. ,1. S. SCHOFIELD A CO. LESSEES OF DINING HALL ANI> BAR ROOM, Central City i'urk. COLI-INS A HEATH. N. J. BCSSF.Y, Esq , President,, UA. J. 11. NICHOLS, Esq., Nareoochee. J. it. JOHNSON, M D , G. M. F. A. M , Talladega, Ala. CHAS. E. WAKEFIKuI), Savannah, Ga. And nuinerona othurs, vvliosq testimonials uiav be aeou at the otliee of tlio Oonipuny. No. litl H’r. 81 U'UA.Ua. All communications must lie addressed to COWARD HOWE, llox 85, I’. O. Agents wanted In every county In the State. JJll I.VVod RAILROAD TIME SCHEDULE. Ciitiugc of Sclio Jule. MVM-EUI” TKXDENTS OFFICE, ) Soi'TH-Wkstkkn Haiutusu C 0.,) Macon, lia., June Ki, 1871. ) ON wild after Sunday, l(Kh in*t, Pas*engor Trains on thU Road, w ill Im run as fol lows : DAY Kl KU I.A I‘ASSKNOKH TRAIN.\ • Maeon . . . S 00 a. m. Arrive at KnfauU . . . *1:491 i*. m. Arrive at Clavton . . 0:15 i\ m. Arrive at Albany . . . l!;40 I*, u. Arrive at Fori (iaino* 4 40 r. m Connecting with the Albany Branch Train at fhnlUivllle and w ith Fort tialnna Branch Train at Cuthbcrt dally. Leave Clayton • • 7:130 a. m. Leave Knfaula . . . > 50 a. u. Leave Fort Ualum . . . 8:85 a. m. Leave Allumy .... 10:45 a. r Arrive at Macon . . . 5:35 p. m. lUFAVI.A MIGHT FIIKIGUT AMD ACCOMMODA TION TRAIN. Leave Macon . . . 9 U) r. m. Arrive At Kufaul* . . 10:20 a. m. Arrive lit Alb*nv , . . 6:45 a. m. Arrive At Port Gaines . , 11,52 a. m Connect *t Smlthvlllc with Albany Train on Monday. Tuesday, Thuradny and Friday night*, and at Outhtori ou Tuivday mid Thursday.— No train leaves on baturday uiglit.-. L*avv Kufaula .... 5:15 r. m. Leave Albany . . . Md r. m. l.tavt* Fort tiai:'* .* . MO *. m. Arrive at Macon . . 5:20 a. m. OW.iams DAY f.vS.-KNGER TUUN. 1-cave M.icon .... 5:45 a. m. Arrive at Coinin’u: . . . 11:15 a. m IsCaw Columbus . 4 10 r. m. Arrive at Macon 935 l' m ViHtiJL UOWKKB, DU. B. r. ttIUGU*. OFFICE ores MR. Rogers CoV.. Con ftx’tionan t-torc. Plum htrvvt, opposite (Joorcv S. Oln ar a. oct 2 irn BOARD. OA V board mini homni and lt>4giinr in a pri vat< honac, can be liad by apnhing to W. D. Balm*a on Walnut etroct, Mat'on sS'pt ’’d.lNTi 137* IC2. THE ENTERPRISE JOB PRXXVTXNC ESTABLISHMENT 19 NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS'OF PRINTING! SUCH A8 CARDS, RILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, BILLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, RANI) BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC., Ami iu it stylo hjuhl to any. Extensive additions are daily being made to onr STOCK AND MATERIAL Will, , gory cll'ort will be intuit 1 to render satisfaction unto all who may favot ns with their pataonage. PROMPTNESS! IN TIIE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE PRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINE. NEATNESS! OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHALLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Address, Ijint*w i Wilier Ac PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. PRINTING It has la in tho ettstom hcictofoio, ami will jirobablv remain so to a great extent, for our merchants and business men generally to send North to have their printing done, simply because it can be done there at a little lower figure than here. If our people would discontinue patronizing such men, they would soon see the policy, if not the jus tice, in having their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured in the South, and hence the merchant must send where it is made, but hen> we have printing offices all around us, doing work at a very small advance on northern prices, and still the work is sent away. We hope the time is not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in terests and patronise home institutions. It is a wrong practice and should be condemned. BOSTON —AND — Savannah Steamship Line. BAILING DAYS-THE 10TII 20TH anoSOTU OF KACII MONTH. IOW rates of freight and insurance. First j class passenger accommodations. Order your goods shipped hy “Bostou nnd Savannah Steamship Line, and avoid all delay and extra handling. KICHAKDSON & BARNARD, Agent, Savannah, Ga. F, NICKERSON & CO., Agents, 181-300 Boston. J. A. MEK IER, Commission Merchant, IS3 HAY STKI LT, Bet. Whitaker and Barnard St., Savannah, Gu. All orders will receive promptnttention. Con signments of all kinds respectfully solicited. 131-at* 1 .) boxt &l McKenzie, Cotton ant Commission MERCHANTS, lots Kay Slrct, knvanimh, Gu. 131-309 MEYER, COHEN & CO.. WHOLRSAI.R DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes. dm llrougliliin •> ..Savannah, 4u Merchants supplied at New York Market 181 309 Prices. A. S. ALDEIK Ac KKO., COM MISSION MERCHANTS —AT D Dealers in Fruits, Fish and Produce, No. 95 Bay 2t., Savannah, Ga. Consignments solicited. Orders promptly attended to 131-209 E. JD. SMYTHE, i.tipoimiit or citocuicßY, Glussniire and China. And Dealer in House Furnishing Goods, 143 Congress and 141 St. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-309 F. YV. SIMS &. CO., Cotton Faetoik sniff Generul Commission Merchants SAVANNAH,GEORGIA. Bugging and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. 131-209 A. H. CHAMPION. GEO. C. FREEMAN. ( HAIIPIO\ A FKLOIA^, Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, GA, 131-309 L. N. WHITTLE. GKO. W. GUSTIN. WHITTLE At GIIBTIN, ATTORNEYS, Ac.. AT L.AAV, NO. 3 COTTON AVENUE, M.YCON, GA. 23-107 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA., JNO. W. CAMERON & CO., PKOI’KIETOKS. A first class house in every respect, 131 209 ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE one cent a pound as usual. No rise in price now or hereafter. W. I*. CAItLOS, Wliolesalr mid ICclail Graoer, DEALER IN ICE, FRUITS, FINK, ETC., Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, OS-tf Macon, Ga. NOTICE. HAVING recently refitted the old stand of Geo. D. Lawrence, near the Brown House, 1 am now prepared to furnish REFRESH MENTS to the public. 100-177 Z. B. WHEELER. ANNUAL FAIR —OF TIIE— Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION OP GEORGIA, YX7 ILL commeneo at their Fair Grounds at V V Savannah, Georgia, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1872, And continue six days. The central Railroad passes by the grounds. For Premium Lister information, address J. 11. ESTILL, Secretary, 132-til Savsnnali, Ga. Arrival nml Closing ol' Rails, Arrive. Close. Macon & Augusta U. R. Way and Milledgeville 7:40p.m. 7 p.m. Augusta and Carolinas 7p. m. Maeon A Brunswick 2:25p.m. 7 a.m. Macon and Atlanta and West ern States (Night Train). .7:30 A. m. 4:30 pm (Day Train) 6:I0r. m. 0:10am Muscogee R. R. Way Colum bus 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8. W. It. R. (Day Train) 4:35 p. m. 7a. m. Amcrieus and Eufaula (Night Train) 7p. M. C. R. R. Way Savannah and Northern (Day Train) 4:51 1>. M. 7a. m. Northern, Savannah and Ea ton (Night Train) 5:15 A. M. 5:20 p m Hawkinsville daily (Sundays excepted ,10:30 a. m. 2pm Cllntoa—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.: 12 m. 12:30 pm Jeffersonville and Twiggs ville, Wednesday 7 a.m. Wednesday 2:25 p. BY BREAD WE LIVE r pilE uudersigned lima established a first class X BAKERY where our citizens can obtain bread that is bread. My wagon will supply citizens at their residences. I use only the best flour and materials generally. 123-148 ' MARK ISAACS. L. T. WHITCOMB. AgU IMPORTER AND DEALER IN West India Fruits, Veptatos, HAY, URICV, IIAY', ETC., IW BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 107-i-a Building Lot For Sale. O ITI'ATKD nwr Ttn*l! Sqnare, within a O fewetepe of Mercer University. Addres. E. C , Box K., 9Stf Macon, Gs. HELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS FOR COUGHS, COLDS & HOARSENESS. These Tableti present the Acid in Combina tion witli other etficlout remedies, in a popular form, for the cure of all THROAT and LUNG Diseases. HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the THROAT are immediately relieved and statements are constantly being scut to the proprietor of relief in eases of throat lUtllcul ties of years statandlng. CAUTION—Don’t be deceived by worthless imitations. Get only Wills’ Cabbolk Tablets. Price 88c per Box. JOHN y. K F.LLOGG, IS l’latt St. N. Y. Send for Circular Sole Agent for the U. 8. /•,, v - iv A MO> i:l easily made with Stencil qpZ*)V/snd K i-t l.eek Dies. Secure Circu lar and Samples,.;. - S. M. Si'LNCEit, Brattle boro, Vt. Pk-j /Amade from -Vic. Call and examine or 13 JJS 1 U .‘-anipii t-ent (postage free) for 50c. that retaii quick : ■ $lO R. L. JVOLCOTT, 181 Chatham Square. N. Y. r i’!n> Howl I For Agents. Work at home I 111 IJI ~ * |or traveling. fWipay.Purtic t , I ulars freeAddrea atonco Ouit 11 Kc | Fiueside Fkiend, Chicago. * a day to Agents, selling Campaign Bad- O 1 Jges, for ladies di gents as lir-ct '& scarf pins,gold plated with pliotog’s of "residen’l Candidates. Samples mailed free for 30 cents. McKay & Cos., 93 Cedar t N. Y. Horace Greelev sik<! I . milv. An elegant Engraving, perfect likei ■ -s, 33x38 in. sunt by mail sl, also Canijiaign Goods, 1 silk Grant Badge & 1 plated 35c. Sample latest styles Wedding cards. Notes, Ar 3d'■ -Y l)i:\io kest, Engraver, 183 Broadway, N. Y. I’REE TO AGEATk. A prospectus of the People's Standard Bible, 550 illustrations,will be sent free to nil book agents. Send name and address to ZIEGLER At McCURDY, 581 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. UnYRCHOHARCY or NOUL 1 CHAKHI AG.” How either sex nmy fascinate and gain the love nffections of any person tliey choose, instantly. I Ids simple mental acquirement all can possess,free,bv mail for 35ets. together with a marriage guide,Egyp tian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Ac. A queer, exciting book. 100.000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM A CO , Pubs., Pliila. r IV) I'lll': WORHI.IG CLASH, 1 mule or female, SOO a week is guaranteed. Respectable employment at home, day or eve ning; no capital required; full instructions and valuable package of goods to start with sent by mail. Address with 0 cent return stamp. M YOUNG & CO., 10 Courtlamdt St, New York. DUTY OIT TEAS Extra Inducements for Clubs ! SEND FOR NEW CLUB CIRCULAR! which contains full explanations of premiums, etc. THE WAY TO OETAIN OUR GOODS! PERSONS living at a distance from New York, can club together, and get them at the same price as we sell them at our Ware houses in New York. In order to get up a club, let each person wishing to join say how much Tea he wants, and select the kind and price from our Price List, as published in our circulars. Write the names, kinds and amounts plainly on a list, and when the club is complete send it to us by mail, and we will put each party’s goods in separate packages, and mark the name upon them, with the cost, so there need be no confusion in distribution— each party getting exactly what lie orders, and no more. The funds to pay for goods ordered can be sent by drafts on New York, Postoflice money orders, or by express; or, we will, if desired, send the goods by Express, to “ collect on delivery .” THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., JH A 315 Yescy Street, P. O. Box 5643. New York City. II BLOOD PURIFIER il It is not a physic which may give temporary relief to the sufferer for the first few doses, but which, from continued use brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the inval id, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popularnameof “Bitters” is so extensively palmed off on the public as soveregn remedies, but itis a most powerful lonic and nltci-nfivc, pronounced so by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris, ana has been long used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re sults. Dr. Well’s Extract cf JiMMa, retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent cura tive agent. Is their want of action in your I,lvor and Npleen ? Unless relievedat once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, Ac., Ac. Take Jurubeba to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you u Dyspeptic Stomach ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ferer. Have you Weakness ofllie In testines? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhiea or the dreadful inflammation of the Bowels. Take to allay irritation and ward off tenden cy to inflammations. Have yon weakness of the U terine or Irinary Organs? You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the system in perfect health or you are other wise In great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New York, Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottlo. Send for Circular. • THOMSON’S WOULD Ki:\o\v\Ll) PATENT GLOYE FITTING CORSET No CORSET has ever enjoyed such a world wide popularity. The demand for them is constantly increas ing, because THEY GIVE UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION! Are ITcndsonie, Durable, Economical and A PERFECT FIT. Ask for THOMSON S GENUINE GLOYE FITTiNG, everv Coiset being stamped with the u:\uie THOMSON, and the trade-mark a Crown. Sold by all First-Class Dealers. 142-167. THE "LIGHT A “dqmesticjPTß “ DOMKSTIe ” S. NT. CO., 06 Chambers St., New York, or A,Uinta, Ga 13S-300 MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. YYTiolesitle Grocers, Ac, BURDICK BROTHERS, Third Street, b, tween Cherry and Poplar. if AV7 A. HUFF, Third Street, comer Cla m V V • street. g 3 lAIVTON ,v BATES, Fourth street, i. , i to Luwtou & Willinghams.. n A. MAG RATH, RdtlinMwbrth i i. x < Poplar street, near Fourth. :;r,-n ’ Dragflsts. / A ED. PAYNE, opposite Palace ol da.-t',, vJT Macon, Ga. ftO-.G J) B. HALL, corner of Chtrry and Cottna 1 • Avenue. (| - Hun r, ran kin a i.amaii, n,.. xg : . ; „|,, Cherry-street. p- JNO. INGALLS, corner Poplar and Fourth street, Hollingsworth block. p ••'niiey Grocers. V \r P. CARLOS, No. 80. Mulbcrry-stm i Vt • opposite tlie Lanier House. wing Mm hiues. IV ,i. ANDERSON, [lowe Sewing M,, .V# eliine, Cotton A venue. Hotels.. I)KOAYN HOUSE—E. K. lii.nU N,v sun J Proprieties, Opp Passengi i Depot tf ’ S POTS WOO D—T. 11. HARRIS, Vropricler, Opposite Passenger Depot. if llou-o- anti Mga Pwluters' W YNDIUM A CO., under SpotsHond T V 1 totet. i| Alioi-iteyw at *,:vi. T OIIN B. WEEMS, Oliice., Ralston’s block t) over Hasdai’s. t( ’ Cli. WOOTEN, Olliue, 88 Wasldngteu • block, up stairs. p B. GERRY, (Iliiee, Court Jt, use. AO. BACON, Oflice, 8G Clie.rry-ftreet * ‘ 36-tf nnHOMAS B. GKESjTaAL oTliee Xo Id Mel- JL berry street ~ WHITTLE & GUSTlN.ollice No. 3 CotUai Avenue. I‘hysfctuus,. T ' v - MASON, Office, over First National A. • Bank. ,j Jewelers and Watch Makers. JII. OTTO, under Spotswooil Hotel tf House Furnishing Uomh, Stoves, Ac, OLIVER, DOUGLASS & CO., Third Street between Cherry und Mulberry. tf Shoe Dealers. A t I K ! RTLAN I ) . 1* Cotton Avenue, (Ki ■ivA Ikird Street. lt Furniture, Ac. WA E. P. TAYLOR, corner of Cotton Avenue anil Cherry-streets. tf Harness, Ac. TL-| ND Tllird Street, between 1J Uierry and Mulberry-streets. tf Doohsellers, Stationers, Ac. T>ROWN A Cos., 40 Second Street. i tf Music, Ac. 1> J. ANDERSON, Music, Cotton Avenue ll 63 tf Gr Street KD ’ WOOD & co - Mulberry Hardware. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar. §lO ye ars PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook’s WINE TAR T.o have more in e ri t than an y similar prepara tion ever ofTered fo the public. It is rich in the medicinal qual ities of Tar, and unequaled for diseas es ot the Throat and Lungs, per forming the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Coughs, It effectually cures them all. Asthinn and Bronchitis. lias cured so many cases it has been pronounced t specific for these complaints. For pains in Breast Side or Bark _ , C ravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Complain It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic. Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to?Digcst, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to yonr System. Tr-Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. Vitrify your blood. ih For Scrofula, Scrofa- A lons Diseases of the Eyes, or Scrofula in any form. Any disease or eruption of the Skin, disease of the Liver, Rheumatism, Pimples, Old Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down Constitutions, Syphilis, or any disease depending on a deprav ed condition of the blood, try DR. CROOK’S SYBIP OF Poke Root. It has the medical property of Poke combined with a pre paration ol Iron which goes at once into the biood, perform ing the mo6t rapid and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Com pound Syrup of Poke Hoot—take it and be healed. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Charleston, S C., Wholesale Agents 31-Iy For Dr. Crook’s Remedies. BOARD. IT will be to the interest of boarders to appP to this office, as reasonable board and pli - ant up stairs rooms can be obtained for tk* summer months in a deiiahtfnl portion of ti* eftv. sew