Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 12, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE 1 i*A<'ov < t.. o< r. M, I^l. ri Bi.i*Hin ktbiiy r.vrxinu *v LINES. WING A SMITH. No. 10 Hollingsworth Alt tellers relnHnu to Huluertpitn should hr ml I irrssed In I.iurt, IViny <1 Smith, Mootm, ha. ('oinsnunioatiun* far the papor should hr ml ■lrrssrtl to thr Editor. 11* cannot under to I' to return rejected oomMSSSeilotUlunM. Well aulhndi catrnl net"* items, front alt jHirf* of thr Stair, too I,cited. W 7 WITH I \ HICK*. IMltor. Mr. Editor .-—Please nnnoOoce Hint t'ol Heck —tlic Democratic nnnilnoe lor Uungre** to 1111 llio vacancy of lion. T. -I Speer, det'u—ed. will eldrew the citizen* . ill Macon to night night l 1-2 t<* clock | t City Hull, everybody Invited to attend. T Mauiil.ii IN. Jr., ('limn Kx (*<>in yv legraph nud Memenger copy Col, lln k speak* In night nl the Cily IUII. w w Wt have received the. flrit number of • The Southern Literary ami Temperance Journal," published In Atlanta, at $2 00 u year, unil edited hy II 11. Shackelford. We cannot say much for No. 1, hut ho]* to report progress for thin new venture, both as to mi balance ami appearuuce. Orn contemporaries are writing nhoiit the • moral'' of the Pennsylvania cleotlon. Now, we hold this to lie a violation of Inngtinge, ami a direct thrust at a good thing. Wo cun see nothing ‘'moral ' about it, absolutely nothing ' The devil himsell will turn Presbyterian next, If this sort of thing is allowed to pass unrelnikod. DIABOLICAL, —The blowing up and to tul destruction of Josiah Turner's Soutine! office at Itnleigh, North Carolina, was a diabolical act, hy whomsoever committed, and should end in hanging without judge or Jury. Wc hope the miscreants will lie eaiight and treated ul once ala hart lari It is said that the ltadirals are responsible fbr it Tine Atlanta Sun shines on llie Herald with considerable effulgence in its Dane of yesterday. It* beam* are vertical, lumln ou* and milter scorching—rather Un doubtedly the faults of the Hun do lean on virtue'* side, while Ihueo of the Herald incline—well, "toward* way* Hull re dark nml tricks that are vain " Tuk Albany New*— The Albany New* n oui reader* know I* a large pa l*r published In the City of Albany and edited with ability hy Col. Cary W. Style* The Col offer* it for sale If any of our it-adar* are hankering alter a chance to air their Independent thoughts to their de light, and at the same time reap the usual pay for *0 doing, we udvlse them to communicate with Hm. Btyles lie will sell the Newt at a reasonable figure nnd n yoitnc fdllor c otthl lime tm l , tler opening presented to hint. Waiting I— I The Kulnula Times, nftei giving a fcti Minds notice of Jeff Long's meeting butt Monday night, acknowledg ing the KfiTßiirnttK as the informer, Cindy says It will nail for ('id. Jones' nc count of said meeting. Tbo Times will have a long, long wait The KsTv.eettisK gate the unkod truth iilsmt that meeting. Mr Times with exact impartiality, except Hull its editor, Iu cluirily. suppressed the bulk of what was said hy the "private Irish gentleman," about the Telegraph and Messeugoi. We should like a report from Hint paper ourselves, vert much. Kmilv KaITHFCI. one of Kngluml's noble women lias reached New York. She is aboul to Irate! through America in the inlcraatof her working sisters in Great Itritaiu. Nile is particularly charged with studying the factory system of this conn iry.'ttitli the liojH 1 of ameliorating the con dition of Hist class of working women In England Notv wo lute it word to say uncut this very point, a word of plain un varnished, unfortunate truth, A word too, based on vory extended observation both in Europe and America. It is this Tuking it "hy and large." the condition of factory women iu America, is far more deplane hie than in any other country. We have no time to-day to explain, nor have we Inclination. Hut we cx|>ect Miss Emily to muke a faithful re]H)rt, which will ooroboralu our*. 1'.4 4 11. 114. By telegraph, we learn tlmt “Funny Kern" died yesterday. One line conveys tliis intelligence, ud four words arc de voted to bor by the world's mind, llut Fanny Fern will l>e regretted by thou sands of hearty and sympathetic leaders, and her death will be mourned by them in real and not pretended honesty. Of course, our readers know that ••Fanny Fern ' was ouly anew dt flume. The wearer of it had a name, familiar enough iu its changes, to moat English readers. She was, we believe, a sister of the genial, gifted, but bot-Ueaded X. P. Willis, and died the wifo of James Barton, tlie recent biographer of Horace Greeley. Sara Wil lis, was twice matried ; tlrst to Mr. Pay son. we think, of whom we know nothing. Many daik clouds hung about the hori zon of the witty, off-hand, daring Fanny Fern, and the tongue of depreciation found in her sayings and doings, ample scope for exercise. Her writings are characterized by a lioldncss almost amounting to vulgarity, coupled with rn indefinable tinge of eloquent sadness. We have no desire to probe Faulty Fem e domestic wounds, or to recall cur tain episodes in bor life. She was bold, aud she was gentle, forbidding aud at tractive; bitter to her cuemice and love itself to her friends. She called people uud tilings by their right names—and an swered to her own at laud at the bar of ligbteous judgment, where wa leave her, hoping that her good heart aud deeds will far outweigh all Ihst may condemn WIIKIOI'N THOIUHTN I'OR hi ii;j HOI UN. lIKINI. LOVED. Hallelajsh! I believe! Now, O I.ove' 1 know thy power, Thine no false or fragile fetters. Not the rose wreath* of an hour' Chntlan bonds of holy union; Death itself does not ilaatm.v • Yes, to live, and love forever, !•> our lnv'lnt’e of inv. ~[Mo,rrr. I Next to loviug ia the knowledge of j being loved. A true heart feeds much on its loves, uml delights in the objects of Its supreme regard Hut the conscious ness of being the Object of great and su preinc affliction , to know—to feel—that a great life) la pouring its cxhaostless wealth of love into your heart; this is the perfection of pasaessinu—the crown of blessing--the restored paradise And this i" the Christian's joy and triumph this is Ids secret and open satisfaction. Jesus loves me! The cause of all good ness makes uiy heart the treasury of his favors. TliO source of all felicity, tests Ills wisdom In devising, Ills power in achieving, Ids benevolence in bestowing divine happiness ii|mti my p<>pi heart. To ho loved of 1 lie Lord Jesus Christ! Ah, what so glorious, what so surpassing ly good, what so amazing' At once, a grand contempt for ull the pomp and hol lowness of a sinful world nestles at the soul of that towering life which, on pin ions swift ns light hears itself up In holy devotion to Him. who is "all in all Huch n life la grand. Christ's love eno hies it. It Is grund in its humility and in Its majesty. Grand In Its contempt for tilings beneath It, and in its comprehen sion of things above It. Grand in its re jcctlon of the blandishments and false loves ul sin, and In its ascending purity —ln its enjoyment* of the high privilege which divine love reveals. "God only know s the love of God !' Hut what God alone comprehends, the ! humblest Christian enjoys in the dear con ! ncloubiicss that He loves him. Said ,Ie hiis "lie Hint Joveth me, shall lie i )vcd of my Father, and l dill lore him, and trill man if rut myself to him " ‘•(i|i I.ove divine, how sweet tliou art' Where shall I llnd my willing In-sit, All taken up by thee *” 111'. t'AltliTH I'OR : If coomliws thus the fowl* of lienvrn he feeds ; If o'er the 111-Ills such lucid robe* lie spread*; Will lie not earc for you, ye falthlus*, s) ? Is tie unwise ? or are ve less Hiss they ? {Thomson. Special Providence is that particular care which tiie good God extends over his creatures. "1 say unto you" said the Saviour, "take no thought for your life ; tv hut ye Shull eat, or what shall ye drink ; nor yet for your Iwsly wliat yo shall put on , for your Heavenly Father knovveth that ye have need of all these things " Hhull Ho watch with solicitous care the mother sparrow us she huildeth her nest aud luycth her young , as the little lludg llngs begin to mount on quivering wing in lustinetivc search of sunshine in which to warble forth their praise v Shall He feed them, aud nurse them, anil send his dews, and rain, and sunshine lor them, whose little lives consist only of a song to Him and who flutter a moment and die —nnd forgot you! You, His chief rare—hi* masterpiece of wisdom Hie triumph of his power,—the supreme object of liis love ? Oh, Christian, slimin' on thy In art ot uulk'lief mi: i vii'Kiimii.i:. | All tilings present Hint eil'tli and tier fullness cun yield, , All tilings of future from Knowledge amt faiiey j concealed, I ifr's varied tale, Death's dark, dreaded vale. All as your port.on revealed! [tn-hotait. The reservations of eternal love are un apeakalily greater than the revelations of eternal power. Who can measure and characterize that which tie see' Whose plummet shall sound for us the appalling deep? Whose pencil shall portray Hie ever-expanding and sublime outstretching* of Wisdom and Potter and Love in the beautiful world arouud us ? Who will essay the more beautiful world within ? Who will measure the capability of a single mind, or pencil its finer and •üblltner beauties, or guess its possibilities ? Hut If these belittle aud appall the best trained and mightiest intellects, how shall we conjecture the nature and extent of those unseen nnd unconcclved reservations, eternal In the heavens ? Twere temerity to think , Ttvere pro sumption to try ! If the darkness is so glorious and sublime, what must the light be • i*i:nut ( timi it!<■ ii r. The intelligence of the death of this veteran Christian pioneer, brings to our niiud several conversations had with him some years ago. It was while ins book was in its glory, and his name a house hold word over the nation Btid in Europe. We remember this from his lips. “You know the Northern Central Hailroad . Well I was ou my way hero (Baltimore,) and the car was almost empty in w bicli 1 sat. Two young fellows were iu it, how ever, a lectio tight, and were discussing at a fearful rale whether man had a soul or not The conductor came along, and they desired him to be umpire. He de clined, but winking at me. said, there's a gentlemen better fitted for that position than l am. suppose you appeal to hint. So It was. At me they came. “What is it young fellows ?" ■ Why its considerable, old cove. We are discussiu' whether man lias a real im mortal soul or not, and we can't agree ou't." ■ I should think not, judging from your appearance f“ 1 replied, •• Well old feller, what do you say about It?" "I say this ; I don’t know whether your young fellows have soul's or not. I think it in open qneation but—if 1 bad been God Almighty und resolved to make you, I would not have givcu you souls, for if | you have them, they will certainly he | lost!" The old gentleman naively added,—them young feller's didn't continue Hie dis- ; cuasion." Tiiic Democracy and the Liberal hods i will shake bunds with Col. Beck to-night. Everybody who is anybody, ought to he there. IN T ill-: FIKI.It. Tint "Straights" appear at lasl, iu full strength and uniform. The Jeffersonian army Is on the march under tried leaders, ! and here they are—their names we mean, and may they never come to grief! ELECTORAL TICKET. / or the State at Large. I‘kiimkdcs IlKVNoi.ns, of Newton. Walter 11. Wirmn, of Fulton. A Itemates. llkNitv F. Andrew*, of Wilkes. S A. Mi Neil, of Randolph. I DISTRICT KI.P.CTOItH. First District —M. L. Mersiion, of Glynn. AllcrnaU—ll 11. I’KittiY, of Hurke. Second District —T I. Gt'KKKY. of I IJuilnian. Alternate—ll. W. llaiiulsoN, I ol liiiiidolpli. Third District-Joint 11. Woodward, of Dooly. Alternate— K D At.fitiK.ND, of Lee. Fourth District—Hknut Pkiisonh, of Talbot. Alternate—Sltr.KH Edwards, of Douglas. Fifth District—Geo. McDowell. or; Hike. Alternate— T. <>. .1 Aeon, of Mon roe Hixili District—ll. J. Bates of Newton. Alternate—l. \V. Hi rnbt, of .Jasper. Seventh District—A. H. Atkinson, of Colih. Alternate—S. S. Ha ilk y, ol Cobb. Eighth District—Milks W. Lewis, of Greene. Alternate —.1 11. Casey, or Mc- Duffie. Ninth District — G M. Nktiirrland, of llalnin Alternate Iso T. E/7.ARD, of Foray Hi -♦ w- T INUCItM OF 4JOIFN WOIIII. We clip the following from the columns of the N. Y. World, for the benefit of our unsophisticu! renders. They will sec that a certain company of “ Christiana ” indi cate dissatisfaction with God’s Word as it is, and they propose to amend, erase, and otherwise improve what, in Hie judgment of the w hole world, should lie allowed to stand Wc know some of these precious D. D's personally, and we know tlieui to be a meddlesome, pedantic lot of old school boys, many of them so profoundly learned us to talk any enlightened congregation to sleep iu ten minutes. Hut we must be charitable. Head the extract Bihi.k Revision. —An American Coni -1 uiiltee of Revisers of the English turcM, in co-operative union with the llrit isli Committee of Revision, was organized October 4 at‘4o Bible House in this city, hy the election of prominent officers, and has actually began Its responsible work. The leading duuomiuatieiis nud literary institutions of the country were represent ed in the meeting by ex President Wool sey, Bishop Lee, Professors Drs. Abbott, Day, Green, Hadley, Hare, DeWitt. Pack ard, Hcliuif, Short, Strong, and Thayer. Dr. Sehatf reported tire results of his cor respondence and personal conference with the British revisers, and distributed confi dential copies of the revised version of the Hooks of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, und the first three Gospels, which lie had re ceived from England ior the use of the American Committee. The committee then proceeded to elect permanent officers. Dr. Sehatf, ol Hie Union Theological Seminary, New York, was elected President; Professor Day, of the Divinity School of Yale College, Cor responding Secretary ; and Professor Short, of Columbia College, New York, Treasurer. The committee llieu divided into two companies, the one for the Old, j the other for the New Testament. Prof j Green, of Hie Theological Seminary at j Princeton, was elected Chairman of the Old Testament Company; ex-President Woolsey, Chairman of the New Testa ment Company. Both companies will hold periodical meetings every month in the Bible house. No provision has been made as yet for meeting the necessary expenses of the committee. Friends of revision who arc disposed to aid In this great work are re quested to seed their contributions either to the President, or to the Treasurer, or to any member of the committee. The following scholars compose the | committee Prof. \Vui. Henry Green, 1). D., Chair- , man, Princeton, N. J.; Rev. Thomas J. Couant, D. I)., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Prof. George E Day, D D., New Haven, Conn., Prof. John DeWitt, L> D.,New Brunswick, N J ; Prof. George Emlen Hare. 1) 1), Philadelphia. Pa. Prof.CharlesP Krauth 1) D , Philadelphia. Pa , l’rof. J Packard, D l>., Fairfax, Ya , Prof. Calvin Stowe, D D. Hartford, Conn ; Prof. James Strong, D If, Madison, N J , Rev. C V A Van Dyck, D D., Bcyrut, Syria. Prof Tayler Lewis, LL. 1), Schenectady, N Y. Sue Testament Company—Ex-Presi dent Theodora D Woolsey, I) DLL 1) Chairman. New Haven, Conn ; Ezra Abbot, 1. I- 1) Cambridge, Mass. Rev. G R Crooks, DD New York ,Prof H B Hack ed, 1> I>Rochester, N Y Prof James Had ley I- L 1> N 11, Conn,; Prof Charles Hodge, D D Princeton N J ; Prof A C Kendrick. 1) 1) Rochester N Y Rt Rev Alfred Lee, D I> Wilmington. Del; Prof Matthew B Riddle, Hartford, Conn. Prof Philip Schaff. 1> D, N Y, Prof Charles Short, L L 1), N Y . Prof Henry Thayer, D 1> Andover, Mass; llev Edward A ! Washburn D I), N Y , Prof W P Warren, j D D Boston, Mass. Go and hear Col. Beck to-night. "Do your Duty.” Editor Enterjtrife ■■—When the Collins Steamer, the ill fated arctic was sinking in mid ocean, Slbwart Holland kept tiring signal guns of distress, a duty he bad been specially assigned to. "Come, Stewart," said a comrade, “get into tbe boat, those guns are of no use." "No" was the noble leply, ‘here is my post. I intend to die doing my duty." Such should be tbe re sohe of our Democratic hosts, no matter if there is no use in the Empire State roll ing up such an enormous majority for Greeley and Brown, next November, still it is our plain duty to do ail we can. and by God's help, wo intend to die, doing our duty. “TicaSDTI.” ■ *♦— — There are two things in this world that are not safe to trifle with—a woman's opin ions and the business end of a wasp THEY SAY THAT. Rev. W. 11. H. Munay, of Boston, re cently lectured on the horse. Most of the thousand innocents who followed Murray into the Adirondacks arc capable of lec turing on the ass. The Louisville Courier-Journal devotes a column of small type to “Our Native Ar tists.’' They do some passable pegged worked in Ixiuisville, but fail miserably in the higher brunches of the art. St Louis Democrat. New York has a self-made aristocracy. Heury Clews, of the plebeian antecedents, is regent of the Genealogical Institution in that city. His first lecture will be ou "wliat I know about Georgia Bonds." An " aussorordetlich schaclispieler' has burst upon Berlin in the person of Herr ' Raeder, who is said to be more Jlian a mate for Morphy. We should say so A good many years ago a Kentuckian ! went to Cincinnati and drove a cart at low wages until he lmd saved up s7Oll. with this he bought a barge load of coal which sank at the landing llie night it was j delivered, and he had to sell it for SIOO. | The parly who bought it failed before paying, t)ut finally compromised by giving ' two and half acres of land for the debt. The luud is now in the business centre of Cincinnati, and is worth over $1,500,000 to its owner as the price of that load of coal Another iniirrirge has been contracted between two telegraph operators who had never met before, stationed at London ami Berlin, according to the report of Mr. Scudamore, British Director of Telegraph and society nt the occurence “Madame "said a French priest to a froethinkiug lady in a railway carriage, I who pci stated in annoying allusions, "you assert to know the IJitde from cover to j cover; I wish, then, to imitate Balaam hy j remaining silent when liis companion ; spake.” The New York Advertiser says: “It must not be iufered that the country is going to the dogs because the selection of next President is reduced to u choice be tween a type-setter and a West Pointer. No, the difficulty arises front the “cross" between the two. A picture which is supposed to represcut the marriage of Shakespcar and Anne Hathway lias lately come to light in Eng land, and at present is owned by a Mr. Malatn, of Scarborough. The theory in re gard to it is that, if not executed at the time of the marriage' it was painted early i in the seventeeth century. In the top cor ! ncron the left hand is the legend : 1 Hare Lirnminge with us dotlie make apperc Tin: marriage of Annie Hathaway with William Shakes per*. One of the highest officials in the king dom of Burmah lias been deposed for ac cepting presents and drinking wine. Which shows how far pagan Burmah lags behind our great republic in civilization. Thanksgiving Day. By tiie President of tiie United States of America —A Proclamation ; WnEREAS, The revolution of another year has again brought the time when it is usual to look back upon the past and pub liclyto thunk The Almighty for His mercies and His blessings ; and whereas, if any one people lias more occasion than another for such thankfulness, it is the citizens of the United States, whose Government is their creature, subject to their behest; who have reserved to themselves ample civil and religious freedom ami equality before the law, who, during the last twelve months, have enjoyed exemption from any grevious or general calamity, and to whom prosperity in agricultural, manufactures and commerce has been vouchsafed. Now. therefore,by these considerations, I recommend that on Thursday, the 28th day of November next the people meet in their respective places of whorship and there make their ackowledgements to God for His kindness and bounty. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and caused the seal oftlie United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this lltlidny of October, in tiie year of our Lord, 1872, and of the inde pendence of the United States the ninety seventh. [Signed] U. S. Grant. By the President - Hamilton, Fish. Secretary of State. Tribute l lcpect. Hall Mechanics’ Fir* Cos., No. 4, l Macon, Ga., October 7, 1872. ) At a Regular Meeting of Mechanics’ Fire Cos., held in their Hall, October 7th, 1872, the fol lowing Preamble and Resolutions were unani mously adopted, and ordered to he published in the daily papers of the city: Whereas, It has seemed good to the Great Creator of the Universe to remove from among us, our comrade, William Corkili. ; and, Whereas, Mr. Corkill was one of our best members, whose active, energetic, prompt, and in every respect, faithful performance of his du ties as a fireman, had gained our admiration, and whose kindly courtesy of demeanor, good ness of heart, and manly, upright and aflection ate disposition had won our love nnd respect; Be it therefore KenoUrd, That in the death of Mr. Corkill, the members of this Company have lost a friend and comrade who was an exemplar of the true tlreman, and that we deeply, and with heartfelt sorrow, deplore and lament his untimely death. R tsofrof. That we exteml our warmest sym pathies to the family of onr deceased brother. AVThat the Hall of this Company be drain'd in mourning; that the officers aud mem bers of this Company wear crape ou their left arm for thirty days next ensuing, and that a a page of our Memorial Book be consecrated to the memory of our deceased friend. AVsofieJ, That a copy *f this preamble and resolutions be properly engrossed and forward ed to the family of the deceased. Tiler Soetuall, j .I\~ A. Campbell, -Com'ttce. J. W. AuEHUOI.ii, l Telegraph and Messenger copy. FOR SALE. (HUNDRED! BEDSTEADS. 100 (Hundred' Mattresses. 200 (Chairs,) Drv Goods and notions. Hardware, Pocket aud Table Cutlery, and also a large lot of Second band furniture, Car pets, etc., by O. E. BESORE, seplO-lm Auctioneer. Treasurer's Office, 1 Savannah, Griffin & North Ala. K. R. - Macon. Ga., Oct 4, 1872. i r |''H E Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of L this Company, for the electiou of Presi dent ami Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will he held at the Court-house in New iian, Coweta county, on Thnrsdav, the 7th day of November next. MILOS FREEMAN, oct4lm Sec'y and Treas’r. EDWARD SPRINZ. N otary public and f.x-officio jus tice OF TtlE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the dav at my office adjoining the law office of A. rroudfit, over the store of Jaques & Johnson, Third St., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Fresh Oysters 1 Black Fish! I WILL receive to-morrow fine lot of the above oo Ice W. P. CARLOS. octl2-lt MULBERRY STREET. COIT BLOUNT S APPOINTMENTS. CtOL. BLOI’NT, the Democratic nominee of / the Sixth Congreaftional District, will apeak at the following places, to-wit: Dublin, Laurens county, October 15th. Irwinton, Wilkinson county, October l<>th. Mllledgirville, Baldwin county, October 17th. Eatonton, Putnam county, October 18th. Monticello, Jasper county, October 19th. Monroe, Walton county, October 22d. Social Circle, Walton county, October 23d. Covington, Newton county. October 34tn. Conyers, Rockdale county, October 25th. Jeffersonville, Twiggs county, October2Bth, and will speak in Macon, Friday evening, No vember Ist Col. Hardeman will join Col. Blount and ad dress the people also, at Monroe, Bocial Circle, Covington and Conyers. Athisothcr appoint ment, lion. James N. Pace, one of the candi dates on the electoral ticket, will be present, and speak likewise. octl2-till2B lew Raisins NEW FIGS. NEW PRUNES. NEW CURRANTS. NEW CITRON, At .1. I\ II.IUFIKM) A CO'S, No. 4, Brown House Block. oetll-lw Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA., A. It. LITE, Proprietor. BOARD PER DAY $3.00. 121-209 T. H. COX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kaluton Hull lliilliliug. CHERRY STREET, MACON. GGORGIA. 12=itf M. 11. CiKKKI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND Streets, iu Court House, Macon, Ga. 29-104 Akmand L. Butts. Edgar A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. WE are ready to fill orders at reduced rates for the very best COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK ar.d HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts, at store of Wiuship it Callaway, or at yard M. it W. K. It., will receive prompt attention. 114-192 BUTTS & ROSS. WHITE ROCK POTASH THE POUND. tirriKHs MOUNTAIN RYE WHISKY! 1865, PUREST WHISKY FOR MEDICAL PURPO SES. PURE FRENCH BRANDY, PORT, SHERRY and ANGELICA WINES. FI HE PROOF LAMP CHIMNEYS! The lJest and Cheapest Cigars EVER OFFERED IN MACON. STREET CAR TICKETS, FOUR FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Prescriptions accurately compounded at the I)rii£ Store of ROLAND . HALL, DRUGGIST, 1 IS—tf Cor. Cherry St. and Cotton Avenue. Guernsey, Bartrum & Mrii, BU ILDERS SUPPLY STORE, Blake's Block, l’oplur Street, (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, Nhnli, Doors, Blinl, Frames, Brackets, A'ewel Posts, BaluNtcrx, Mantle*, Etc., Etc. Carpenter Tools, Locks, Nails, Hinges, Paints, Oils, Glass and Pntty, Etc. CONTRACTORS for III’ILDING. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, CHERRY ST. I*33—tf COME! COME! COME ONE ! COME ALL ! TO the VEGETABLE and CHICKEN and EGG market of C. C. BALKCOM A CO.’S You can also get the best Sugar, Coffee, Tt-ae, Rice. Flour. Bacou. Sausage, Blaek Fish, Mul let, Fresh Oysters. Crabs and Shrimps, Canned Goods of all kinds. Candies, Nuts, Tob.n eo, Cigars, also a splendid assortment of Notions. sep26 tf C. C. BALKCOM & CO. FOR SALE. My Interest in the SIX BRICK STOKES, three atories in height, with basements, fronting on Poplar street, composing part of Hollingsworth Block, in this city. For terms, etc., apply to F. L. GROCE, sep 2S-tf Hollingsworth Block. Reference —Lanier A Anderson. Wliat Horace Greeley Knows AM tie Political Siys Which at present agitate the horizon of American politics is immaterial to the people pf Macon, when taken Into consideration with what we know about business SIGNS. If you doubt what wc say, Interview us and we will quickly prove to you the truth of our assertion, and also explain to you our new method of mathematics, which is as follows; Addition to our pockets, substruction from your’s, In consideration of which we will multiply your business by advertising it. Simple, is it not? WINDHAM & CO., . ■louse and Sign iPaiutcrs, Bcp?-St Under Spotwood Hotel. W- A. SWF’S Cora, Bacon ail Flu Mini OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. | THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, j “THE PRIDE OE DIXIE,” The Rest in the World. Always on Hand. I claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOOR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A. IP, 97-tf REDUCTION! REDUCTION!! In consequence of the great reduction in price of Groceries in the Northern markets, and owing to the Repeal of Duties on many articles in our line, we now offer the following goods at annexed prices : 7 Lbs. A. Sugar for SI.OO. 71-2 Lbs. Ex. C. Sugar for SI.OO. 8 Lbs. C. Sugar for SI.OO. MIXED TEAS 75c. Per Lb. SEGARS A SPECIALTY! Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Fresh Crackers Every Week! If You Don’t see what You Want, Ask for it. PUTZEL & JACOBS, NEW YORK GROCERY STORE. 2d ST., DAMOUR BLOCK. 128-149e0d pa:r:c:hied cioffee.