Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, October 18, 1872, Image 1

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L.xes, Wing & Smith, Proprietors, IVrinN of S*ubc-plpHon Oi.>' Year '" , (|n Six Months o (H( 11,1'ee Months I' l„mri<t'jhj in adnnur. Ii n city subscribers by tin (•’<, Seventy live [cents, served by carrion). l.ihenil Democratic Ticket- I'or Pre*l*letl : HORACE. GREELEY, OK NEW YORK. I'or Vice I*i-e*itenl s B. GRATZ BROWK OK MISSOURI. Klalc Electoral l ichel. FOR STATE AT I.AKOE, i .iVj*i WASHINGTON POK. OKU. i>. KU I* DISTRICT ELECTORS. I. 11. G. TURNER, 1. '? IVl|*T\v 1V l|*T\vVS I! \ KLY 2. A HA'NbS, TV. \v\7. Hudson, •*. ; l ! 4 JAMES M. PACE. 4. 11. H r, N. It. CASEY, A- A- M ' *5 ,1. V. DORSEY. b ;■ W^'nix’ 7, E. D GRAHAM. 7. R. A. ALSION. For Coujiress. JAMIES H. BLOUjS"; SIXTH OOMIIIESSIONAI. DISTKIOT l or Representative from the old Fourth Dis trict to till the vacancy in the Congrcs.- occa sioned by the death of lion. 1. fi. Speer, COL. 13. W. BECK. OF SIWI.IJIMI < OUNTY. Sepcial election, J.ith Oetobei instant. Mn. Frank J. Herrinotox U our only authorized City Agent, and lie is duly em powered to solicit work for this office, and subscriptions to the Enterprise. Mr. Charles L. Mize, book and news dealer, is our authorized agent in Dawson, Ga. Mr. W. S. Deidiiick, Southern Express Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Smithville. j. L Tucker is our authorized agent at Fort Gaines. 1. N. Seymore, of Hyingtou s Hotel, is our authorized Agent at Griffin. BY TELEGRAPH FROM Alai. THE YVOIM.I). ' NEW YORK. Arrested for Bribing Voters. Dan Voorhces. Banquet to Mr. Fronde. Registration. Watches not Liable for Debt Board of Trade. Notes. New York, October IG.—A dispatcli from Wilkesbarre, Penn., says Internal Revenue Collector Hoyt, L. D. Shoemaker, candidate for Congress, ex-Mayor Morris, of Scranton, and Revenue Assessor Guines of Pittston, have been arrested on the charge of bribing voters at the recent elec tion. The Tribune’s Washington special says, a letter has been received from Voorliees, dated Terre Haute, the 14th,conceding bis defeat and attributing it to apathy. He says it was simply the stay-at-home vote in bis party, that heat him and hurt the cause everywhere. Nobody thought there was a possibility of his defeat, and over confi dence led hundreds to stay away from the polls. He is glad to be able to resume his law pratiee and closes by saying : “ Mr, Greeley has personally raised himself in this canvass a thousand fold in my estima tion. ” The Messrs. Scribner gave a pleasant banquet this evening to Mr. Froude, Among those present were Rev. Drs. Bellows, Potters, Beecher, Chapin and Schenck, It. W. Emerson, Geo. W. Curtis Wm Cullen Bryant, Prof. Woolscy, of Yale, Prof. Guiot, of Princeton, Park Godwin, Geo. W. Childs, and Robt. Iloe, who made short addresses. Mr. Curtis presided. Mr. Froude. in his remarks, j explained the object of his visit to be to j contribute to the formation of public opin- I ion in this country regarding the relation j between England and Inland. The city registration shows 90,000 in 1 1871. The registration is still progressing. Judge Ingraham decides a person’s ! watch comes under the title of necessary article*, and cannot be taken by creditors The National Board of Trade convened this morning and considered a resolution of the Buffalo Board of Trade to the effect that if any proposition be entertained by the National Board looking to a national appropriation in aid of any works within the limit of any particular State, it should first be shown by such State that it was ready to resign all jurisdiction over such works to the general government. The Board discussed the proposition to give the Central Erie Canal to the general government and tabled the subject. The committee on gambling in trade presented a report condemning the system of trado which substitute reckless gam bling for fair dealing, and calling on the banks to discourage loans to parties en gaged in ••cornering,” by exacting such securities as will confine their tansactions within their means. Branoh, of Richmond, presented a minor ity report condemning “cornering” in stocks, gold and grain, as dishonest and injurious to the national character. Fairbanks, of Chicago, objected to the word “dishonest,” and doubted whether they could stop It, as it is gambling, and gambling will always go on. Several delegates denounced the perni cious system of trade in cotton carried on in Pearl street, by which, some times, three times as much cotton is sold in one day as there is in the country. The majority report was carried. St Andrew’s Church, Staten Island, has been burned. Caleb Cusbing. who has arrived here, expresses himself as immensely satisfied with the Geneva results. He says counter balancing claims will not reach two mil lions The records of the Commission, as printed, make twenly-five volumes. The illness of Mr*. Greeley keeps Mr. Greeley at home. The Herald i* preparing to issue a Ger man edition. iUncon pMs £nlrrprisr. PENNSYLVANIA. Ilecliiinii's uot m> l:u! a Her all. Irish Catholic Benevolent In ion. Frauds. Tiie Iron Master*. Philadelphia, Oct. 17. —The iron works at Johnston, recently burned lmveycsumed work. The employees gave their labor gratis to rebuild them, while tho Penn sylvania Railroad and the large mauufac tines in Philadelphia furnished oars, tools and materials to effect this unexampled resuscitation. The delegates to the liisli Catholic lie iicvii]i'iil Union attended a complimentary concert this evening given by tlie Catlio lic'Pliilopatriiui 'Literary Institute The; address of w< Imme was delivered by .1. 1) O liiieli and Ie ponded to by lion. M. \V. Hogan, of St. Louis, and Rev, Father Rooney, of Louisville Over two hundred delegates have already anived and others expected. Mr. Glenn, of Virginia, offered a pream ble itnd resolution looking to the adoption of some plan for the protection of Catholic j emigrants upon their arrival in this couu- j try. Mr. McGralf, of Philadelphia, moved t a vote of thanks to President Grant for t he i interest taken in behalf of emigrants. The ! President said in the middle of the present political campaign lie thought such a mo tion out el' order and could net entertain it. ! Lancaster, October 17.—Captain Me j Millnii, member of the soled council and member of the Republican county com mittee, also, John Wittiugcr, a prominent broker, lmvc been arrested and held in $1,5110 bail to answer the charge of issuing fraudulent naturalization papers. McMil lan made a strong effort to have the charge against him Tvithdrawn, but Mayor Pyfer declined, stating that justice would be meted out. The public is considerably excited on the subject. Pittshuro, October 17. —The pig iron manufacturer's association meeting made no changes in the prices of metal. WASHINGTON. A Few News Items. Washington, October 17.—1 t is rumor ed that Bristow succeeds Williams as At torney-General. After the elections Williams will preside over the commission to adjudicate the Alabama claims between the people and government, which it is expected Congress will establish. Maj. Hamilton, of the first artillery, is ordered to the department of the South ; Maj. Rest of the first artillery, is ordered to the department of the Gjtlf. It is rumored that a Cubau'expedition of five hundred men, ten thousand stands of arms and several pieces of artillery is ready. The vessel will leave with regu lar passes and load at sen. The authori ties are on the aleit. .. DELAWARE. * T!ie Presbyterians. Wilmington, October 17. —The Pres byterian Synod of Baltimore, in session here, after the consideration of the subject of Notary Eldership, introduced by Rev. Geo. \Y. Morrison, of Baltimore, have decided to overturn the general assembly to recon aider its recent action in the mat ter. CALIFORNIA. Mini Francisco Races. San Fkancisco, October 17.—Gold smiths Maid beat Occident —mile heats for $1(1,000. First heat, Maid 2:20 1-2—Oc cident 2:21 1-4; second lieatl 2:20 1-4; third 2:20 1-4. Neither horse showed signs of fatigue, and Occident was leading in the last heat when a bad break threw the Maid ahead. ——— NORTH CAROLINA. The Colored Baptists in Con vention. Goldsboko,’ October 17. The con vention of the colored Baptists of this State assembled here to-day. A large number of ministers and visitors is in at tendance. The convention adjourns to morrow. LOUISIANA. New Orleans, October 17.—Two hun dred Long Shore men are on a strike for $4 per day, deranging business on the levee. TENNESSEE. Son of Mr. Jefferson Davis Dead. Memphis, October 17.—Willie, young est son of Mr. Davis, is dead, of diptheria. SOUTH CAROLINA. Election News. Columbia, October 17. —The Moses State ticket is undoubtedly elected. Ran gier, Elliott and Rainey, colored Republi cans, and Hon. B. F. Perry, Democrat, are elected to Congress. The bolters got a good vole. The Democrats have select ed - several representatives to the legis lature. F OR El G X. SPAIN. The Revolt Ended. Madrid, October 17.—The cud of the Ferrol revolt is officially announced. FRANCE. A Communist Confesses. Brussels, October 17. —A man who participated in the Communist revolt, in Paris, has surrendered himself to the po lice and made a declaration that be was an accomplice of Trappmann, who mur dered an entire family near Paris. The examination showed the man to be of sound mind. Change of Schedule. WESTERN ,V ATLANTIC RAILROAD, I Atlanta, Ga., April 17, 1 572. ( On ami after Sunday, the ‘.’lst Instant Day PuHMniKor Train (outward) leave. Atlanta V.dO a. m., Connecting at Kingston with THROUGH FAST LINE TO NEW ORLEANS Day Passenger NEW YORK FAST LINE leave Atlanta 4:05 i*. m , Connecting at Dalton with EAST TENNESSEE Til ROUGH LINK TO NEW YORK TIME 48 HOURS 20 MINUTES! Night Passenger Fast Line to New York, leaves Atlanta 11:10 i\ m., via East Tennessee and Georgia, at Dalton, or NASHVILLE A CHATTAHOOGA AT CHATTANOOGA TIME 54 HOURS. Day Passcnter (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee, Arrives at Atlanta 11:50 p.m. Night Passenger (inward) through from New York via East. Tennessee or Louisville, Arrives at Atlanta I:-10 a. m. E. R. WALKER, Master Trans poratiotn. CROP OF 1812. Plover erid <irassSeeds. BED CLOVER. CR/MSON CLOVER, SAL'LTNO CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, j i Ac., Ac. I Just received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 14G-15C 82 and 84 U/tetry Street. NO TICE. I >11)8 will be received for (450) four hun- Jdred and fifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestnut Posts, 0 feet long and (7) seven inches square, delivered at cither depot in this city. Address communications to octs-tf WM. HAZLEHURBT. BYINCTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA, IS THE iIRIIAKIMNT lIOGJNi: For tin* Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma con to Columbus. hoi m: For the Train from Eufaula and Albany to Macon. ni;pper HOI si: For the Train from Columbus to Macon, Sa vannah and Augusta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 112 100 NOTICE. A 1.1, persons indebted to the estate of Jacob Gloss, deceased, will please come forward and settle with Valentine Kahn, Administra tor, and all who have, any claims against said estate will please present them to the under signed for settlement. jfit-157 VALENTINE KAHN. INSURANCE AGENTS. VLL Insurance Agents doing business in the city are requested to call at this office, mafic returns and jmy a tax of per cent, on their receipts to Wept. 1. By order of Connell. CIIAB. J. WILLIAMSON, I39tf Treasurer. TO BE LEFT TO THE DECISION OF THE FARMERS. f piIE question of caterpillars and its terrible 1 destruction of t lie llcccy staple having, like the great flood of old, abated, a still more momentons question involves especial consid eration at the hands of the farmers. For many long years K. Isaacs has catered to the wants 0/ the traveling public; and to the farmers, the very bone and sinew of our beloved South, he has taken special pains to make them feel at home while in the city. His tables are filled and the; usual “allowancing” is not “allowa ble.” Indeed you get what you call for and that without stint. Now the question is: Will the Farmers Support Him ? This question is propounded with the con A donee that will be announced with that little but expressive rnonosylablc which is so famil iar with vonng people enamored of each -ther —yea! The sturdy farmers knows too well the coinfort that await him at the ISAACS HOUSE. To answer otherwise than affirmatively to the above mentioned question. While on the subject Mr. Isaacs wishes to say that his patronage has so increased as to compel him to provide more ample accommo tions, and that he has leased large and airy rooms of Huff’s new building adjoining ins own. A fine bar is attached to this house. K. ISAACS, Proprietor. 135-160. Cherry Street. Press for Sale! WE have for tale a large size GORDON PRESS (AllgaWr) and a HfGOI.ES’ PAPER CUTTER in (rood condition. To be had at a bargain. Sold to make room for lar ger and faster machines. Address LINES, WING A SMITH, I—tf Macon, Gfl. MACON, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1872. Wm. M I’ENI)T. ETON, WALTER T Ross, ULIN DLETON & LOSS, (Successor- to J. M. Board man.) i Corner Mulberry aml Second St reel*. M U O V G WIIOI.KS.W.I! AMI RETAIL HUAl,fills IN nciiogl books, medical books, LAW ROOKS, MIBCELLANKOVB ROOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAP, LETTER and NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS, WRITING INK, COPYING INK, I CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CIIAI.K CRAYONS. BERBER, WA\, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BRUSHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, <1 [ROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., \uil in fact everything usually kept ill a first class Bntik lind Stationery Store. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. Prices ns low as any other house ill the South. Orders for printing solicited, PIIAIX.II I'OA A ROMM, 118-524 Macon, Georgia. triemey, Bartrm & Henflrix, 1 BUILDERS SUPPLY STORE, lllnke's llloek, l*|lar Street, I (Between Third and Fourth.) WHITE AND YELLOW PINE WORK, Sn*li, Doors, llUixln, Franten, llrackcts, Mewel Posts, ■ lal list '■’*. if! ant lew, Etc., Hie. Carpenter Tools, Locks, Nails, Hinges, l’aints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Etc. CONTRACTORS for BUILDING. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR , FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, CHERRY ST. j is; tf BYINGTON HOTEL, GRIFFIN, GA. rising HOTEL ranks second to none in JL Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for tlie residence of the present ! hot term, It is unequalled, tho nights being | remarkable cool and pleasant. The best Water In Georgia. ' G. W. BYINGTON, 110-1(10 Proprietor. THU DUST AND CUBA PUNT. SODA WATER MANUFACTUREP BY W. P. CARLOS Ml Mulberry Si., .fftaeon. Ha. I AM now full v prepared to furnish pure hot tied SODA \VATKK in uny quantity. Ord ers by mail or telegraph promptly attended to. I have In store and am constantly receiving every (leseri ption of Fancy anil Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, FOREIGN ar.d DOMESTIC FRUIT, FISH, GAME, and every delicacy when in season. Bar and Restaurant up stairs, supplied with the very beet. in the market . Parties purchasing goods from me cun always rely upon them being fresh and first class In every respect. WM. F. CARLOS. 1-tf Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, | Macon A Brunswick Kailuoai> Cos., c Macon, Ga. f September 21, 1872. ) ON and after Monday September 23, 1572, trains will run as follows : I>AY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN DAILY. Leave Maeon 8:15 a. m. Arrive at Jesup 5:50 p. m. Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 v. m. Leavo Brunswick 4:30 a. m. Arrive at Jesup 0:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 5:20 p. m. Connects closely at Jesup with trains o; At lantic and Gulf Railroad, to and from Savannah and Florida. MIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Maeon 7. 45 i\ m Arrive at Savannah 7. 15 a. m Leave Savannah 7. 00 i*. M Arrive at Maeon 0. 45 a. m HAWKINBVJLLE TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS KX- C'BITTED. ) Leave Maeon 3:55 i*. m. Arrive at I lawk iris villc 0:30 p. m. Leave Hawkinsvllle 7:00 a. m. Arrive at Maeon 10:30 a. m. WM. MacREA. j iotf General Superintendent. INDIAN BPRINCB. ELDER HOUSE. ELDER A NON, Proprietor. rpHIH well-known hoti“<- Is now open to all 1_ who wish to visit the fur famed Indian 8], ring. The Hotel is nearer the Spring than any other, with pleasant and shady walks head ing thereto. RATE* or BOA BP. Per Day,.,., ® 2 00 One Week 10 00 One Month 85 00 Children and servants half price. Kill ELDER & SON. MERCHANTS VMt PLANTERS I WILLFINDIT TO Til KIR AD VANTAGE TO (’ALL ON ITS BEFORE MAK [NG THEIR BILLS O- . WE HAVE IN STORF, ] 00.000 LBS. BA( 'ON C LI: A R R. SIDES. 20.000 LBS. BACON SIIOUL DEBS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. i 00.000 LBS. FLOUR, all grades. 000 ROLLS 2} BAGGING. I 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. | JOHNSON X SMITH, Have, and are offering at very low figures: 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN. Together with a lull stock ul all all goods in our line of business. 116- tf Brown’s Hotel, . MACON, GA. | fii' long experience and ft thorough knowl | I edge of the business In nil tls diversified | branches are essential to the keeping that which ! the public has long heard oj' but mldorn emi, A HOOD HOTEL, the undersigned flatter themselves that they are fully competent to discharge their obliga tions to their patrons; hut they aro not only experienced In hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED am, MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, In the State, which Is loca ted exactly where everybody would have It sit uated IMMEDIATELY IB FRONT ANU ADJACENT TO THE PASSENGER DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy themost ebeji and less liable, to be left by the perplexlugly constant departure of the trains. , To all these Important advantages is added a TABLE that is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes the city und country can afford : nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For tin: truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside in every State In the Union. K. E. BROWN A HON, Proprietors. Mnenn, Ga., April 15, 1872. 78-104 | DAVIS SMITH, I • I (Successor to the late nrrn of Smith, Wentoott. tY Cos., and of Smith, MoGlafcban <fc Cos.) * MANUYAUTURLR AND DHALEK IN I SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES. ! SADDLERY AM) HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriage a, j RUBBER, OUV BANDS, ETC., Together with every article unally kept iri a , saddlery house. 109 CHERRY ST., nJCON, GA j I 130-150 FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE I. AWT( >N Ac IIATI OS, lon tilt street, (Next Door to Uuxvtoii A Utllliiffliiiiu, y RF. prepared to furnish the trmlo with GROCERIES. PROVISIONS. PI. ANT ATI O N IIPPLIEM, HAG RING, TIEN, BTC.. mi us reasonable terms as any house In Georgia. We will keep constantly on hand, BACON; I. Aim, CORN, OATS, MAY, SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and TIES, ami a general assort ment of euoh goods as are kept in a Itrst cluhh Grocery House. Glvetis aenl). We are running the BAGI.B FEOI'REVG TUBES, and direct-special attention to our “CHOICE,” “EXTRA,” “FAMILY" Flours. They will he found exactly adapted to the triulo, and we guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are ns low as those of the same grades eun be bought in tho South. CORN MEAL, Imlted and unbolted, always on hand, of our own make and of the best quality. 120 185 IT. BANDY & CO., TIN ANNSIIEFT IRON ROOFING, . GUtaiu PlwMh ail HipaMit, LWv,V TIN AND GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES C'- - 1 4*'^* i 1 \ Bjp /► I [" ij KxccutJd at hhort notice and satin Paction \ g \1 i 1 guaranteed. j \j! I No, to 'l'hir.l Hlreel, llueou, Gn. 1 i Piirtlcnlnr attention given toGiitteringput up \ V with \ WOODRUFF'S \ PATENT KAYE FASTENINGS. '.is-augii IMPROVED &II REAR. SOMETHING NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POWER IT IS NO HUMBUG!! settling of the Gin House lloor has no ofleet on the Gearing. Kin# Post of Iron and all 1 the work bolted to iron. IT IS MADE TO LAST, ANI) TO RUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. Call and see for yomuiclf. I build u Portable Horse Power Hint challenges all other MAKES, but it will not do the work with the same Draft that my PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Machinery made and repaired at CHOcuirr rH ikon* work*, 108-180 Near Brown lloufte, Maeon Georgia. BROWFS GALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street. dealers in FURNITURE, CARPETINGS, RBGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. Metalic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. 79tl U-SUOrders by Telegraph promptly attended to. ■t.'AKH If. BLOI’NT. ISAAC HABPEMAX. CiLOINT A IHROKMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Kajsttm Hall, Cherry street. 4U-980 Barber Shop For Rent. THE Basement room, formerly occupied by Mike Napier, In Brown’s Hotel building It. lor rent This is one of the best stand, for a Volume I. —Number IC2 >f. IT. BANDY & CO., INMAN LINE I SSStesfflttWg across the Atlantic. Every comfort od con vc ,t&tr Fur Tc%TK^y P &-